stylistically similar works differ from common practice in that they unre-
mittingly frustrate such tonal expectations during their entire span.
And this continual frustration, both of tonal expectations and perhaps
also of the listener who brings them alone, is arguably part of the musics
aesthetic: the neo-Romantic facade ostensibly promises tonal successions
that are never delivered. Yet tonal expectations are not the only pitch-
class expectations one may bring to this music. This study proposes the
hypothesis that the highly constrained melodic style of Pendereckis neo-
Romantic music avails another set of pitch-class expectations that, while
not derived directly from tonal practice, are analogous to a rudimentary
set of tonal expectations, and thus may be understood as a substitution
for common-practice pitch-class expectations. Part I defines this melodic
style from a pitch-class perspective, focusing on the two characteristics of
pitch-class diversity and interval-class concentration. Part II then outlines
the new expectancy model, and establishes an analogy between this
model and certain models of tonal expectation. Part III applies the model
to analyses of passages of Pendereckis music in this neo-Romantic style,
and Part IV introduces graphical and tabular means of surveying
Pendereckis melodic style and the complexity and richness of the expect-
ancy model that this style engenders.
two endpoints. (Note that some of these successions begin with a pc that
ends an earlier succession; to save space in these cases, lines representing
such successions share endpoints.) These thirteen successions constitute
the set of non-duplicative pc successions where no member of the set is
completely embedded within any other: their average length is just under
nine.7 Example 3 provides a similar analysis for a solo line from later in
the concerto: the average length of the five successions is just over nine.
Ideally, a thorough statistical analysis of this repertoire would confirm or
correct this hypothesis; for now, a general familiarity with this music will
need to suffice. This kind of pc diversity that characterizes Pendereckis
overall melodic practice will be called 9-pc diversity: non-duplicative suc-
cessions of either six or twelve notes are more rare than those of nine.
However, it must be emphasized that the number of nine is merely a sug-
gested average, not a necessary minimum nor a limiting maximum, for
the lengths of Pendereckis non-duplicative pitch successions exhibit a
substantial degree of variance around this mean.
Furthermore, this average may vary when one focuses on a particular
piece or other smaller cross-sections of this repertoire. For example, some
of Pendereckis works, particularly from his early music, adopt twelve-
tone serial techniques; therefore, one expects pc diversity to be higher
when limiting ones scope to such pieces. However, in much of his music,
many lines begin as if they might exhaust the aggregate, but then a non-
trivial pc duplication occurs before all twelve pcs have been presented:
examples abound in the Capriccio for Oboe and Strings (1964), Sonata
for Cello and Orchestra (1964), Capriccio for Siegfried Palm (1968),
Second String Quartet (1968), and others. Example 4 reprints a sam-
pling of melodic runs from De natura sonoris No. 1 (1966) that are
highly representative of this time period. Although there are some non-
duplicative successions of twelve notes among these runs, there are many
more non-duplicative successions that fall short of twelve. This type of
writing takes Penderecki farther away from the modernism of Vienna and
Darmstadt and closer to the modernism of New England: Ruggless pc
diversity that falls short of consistent aggregate completion has been dis-
cussed,8 and the same has been noted in Ivess music.9 The image of
broad-brush10 strokes that Adrian Thomas uses to describe
Pendereckis sonorism of the 1960s thus also serves as an appropriate
metaphor for Pendereckis pc diversity: the composers priority to cover
all ofor enough ofthe pitch-class aggregate with one coat of paint
after another comes across clearly, even if some strokes overlap or he
misses a couple of spots.
Along with 9-pc diversity, the other feature that characterizes
Pendereckis melodies from his neo-Romantic period as well as from the
MURPHY.FRA Page 190 Thursday, February 8, 2007 2:40 PM
earlier music of the 1960s and early 1970s is interval-class (ic) concentra-
tion. One does not need combinatorial analysis to understand that a rela-
tively large sample of randomly generated melodies, with or without
interior repetitions, will have a relatively flat distribution of the six non-
zero unordered pc intervals (i.e., interval classes) between adjacent notes.
The only bias would be a reduction of the number of tritones (ic6) by
one-half, since this interval class only contains one ordered pc interval.
Compared with this flat distribution, a great majority of Pendereckis
melodies noticeably concentrate on two or three interval classes,
although the degree of this concentration and the interval classes that are
concentrated upon vary among pieces and stylistic periods. The semitone
unquestionably serves as the fundamental building block of all of
Pendereckis melodic motions, but the melodic interval classes that
relieve the semitonal motion change from the sonoristic period to the
neo-Romantic period. Before the mid-seventies, most of his melodies
weight the minor third and (somewhat less so) the major second consid-
erably more than the major third, perfect fourth, and (somewhat less so)
the tritone. The melodic runs in Example 4 from De natura sonoris no. 1
display intervallic preferences very typical of the melodies from the 60s
and early 70s. This bias is also reflected in most of Pendereckis serial
music: the twelve-tone rows from Psalms of David (1958), Dimensions of
MURPHY.FRA Page 191 Thursday, February 8, 2007 2:40 PM
Time and Silence (1960), and the St. Luke Passion (1966) focus almost
entirely on the small interval classes of 1, 2, and 3.11
With the arrival of Pendereckis neo-Romantic period, however, ic
concentration becomes even more distinctive: his melodies now strongly
gravitate toward the semitone and the tritone interval classes, or what
will be called ic1/6 concentration. Adrian Thomas hears ic1/6 concentra-
tion as a hallmark of this period, beginning with the Violin Concerto:
While retaining some earlier methods, the concerto marks out future
territory in its discursive, narrative structure and in its focus on two inter-
vals, the semitone and tritone. The semitone has been the unmistakable
cornerstone of Pendereckis vocabulary throughout his career, and unre-
solved chains of semitones, commonly separated by a tritone, have been
the most conspicuous aspect of his melodic style since the mid-1970s.12
The excerpts from the Violin Concerto discussed thus far exemplify this
practice: the melodies in Examples 1 and 2 use semitones and tritones
exclusively, and the melody of Example 3 intersperses a single minor sev-
enth. Wolfram Schwinger notes that, by the Te Deum of 1980,
Penderecki was by now expert in the construction of melodies based on
small intervals, particularly the minor second and the augmented fourth
(the tritone).13 Of course, the melodies of Examples 1 and 2, and even
that of Example 3, are textbook examples; Penderecki does not exclu-
sively use ic1/6 concentration in constructing all of his neo-Romantic
melodiesthe minor third and major second still make a fair number of
appearancesjust as all of Pendereckis melodies do not exclusively
present nine pcs before repeating one of them.
isolated passages from earlier or later works, not only signifies a particular
melodic style, but it also affords someone familiar with the style the abil-
ity to make reasonable predictions about how some of these melodies
might continue. For example, given a six-note melodic incipit CBFE
D A in the context of Pendereckis neo-Romantic style, the claim of
ic1/6 concentration predicts that D , G , or A will probably follow,
since these are the three pcs that ensue when adding the intervals of a tri-
tone, a descending semitone, and an ascending semitone respectively to
the final note A. These kinds of predictions give rise to what will be called
ic1/6 expectations. Alternatively, the claim of 9-pc diversity predicts that
one of the six other pcs that has not yet been stated {C , D, F , G, G ,
A } will probably follow. Admittedly, there is also a fair but presumably
smaller chance that a C will follow, since C occurred first in the melody,
whereas the odds of D coming next are much more slim (unless it is
commencing an interior repetition). As mentioned earlier, the nine-note
average is far from a precise limit of pc diversity, and to use it as such
would be misconstruing Pendereckis melodic style. However, without
more precise statistical information, the predictions based on 9-pc diver-
sity are reluctantly but necessarily simplified by 1) restricting their appli-
cation to pc successions no more than eight pcs long, and 2) only
predicting pcs that have not been stated within such successions. These
kinds of predictions give rise to what will be called 9-pc expectations. The
stylistically informed person bringing these two sets of expectations to a
melody in medias res could be the composer himself deciding what note
to write next, or it could be a performer or an expert listener anticipating
the next pitch. The monophonic and unhurried melodic presentations
that occasionally turn up in Pendereckis neo-Romantic music make this
last scenario far more feasible.
As discussed at the outset, although Penderecki revisits many aspects of
the nineteenth-century style in his neo-Romantic music, he slights
common-practice tonality by not meeting a great majority of the expecta-
tions brought by a tonal ear. Therefore, what remains untapped in
Pendereckis music are familiar experiences like the relative tension inher-
ent in a dominant triad or the stability of a tonic triad, the surprise
wrought by an unexpected harmonic progression, or the satisfactory con-
clusion offered by a familiar cadence. One could interpret their absence
as the composers deliberate restraint from stylistically regressing any fur-
ther. However, a consistent employment of 9-pc diversity and ic1/6 con-
centration, while not creating expectations that imitate those of tonality,
nonetheless may create expectations specifically within the domain of
pitch class that are analogous to, and potentially standing in for, those of Page 194 Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:57 AM
3 2 2 2 1 1 2
F# G Ab D Db C B F
C Db A Eb Bb
3 2 2 2 1 1
G G# A Eb D Db C
C# D Bb E
3 2 2 2 2 2 1
B Bb A Ab G C# D( D#)
C E Eb D F# C
3 2 2 2 2 2 0
Bb A Eb D Db G Ab
E Ab E Ab C F#
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0
G F# C B Bb E Eb D Ab A
C# F C# F A F A Db
ject need not be the entire ten-note melody, but merely the last six
notes, since all the probable ic1/6 continuationsE , A , and B
occur within this final span.
than nine notes are of primary analytical concern. These 111 melody
classes are tabulated in the Appendix. Following Allen Fortes nomencla-
ture for unordered set classes, each melody class is assigned a two-
number label (abbreviated LB in the Appendix) and a prime form (PF) in
the two leftmost columns.21 For example, B AE DC GA is a
member of class 7-15 with a prime form of [0178932]. This two-number
label can be identified on the tree with little trouble: the final vertex of
this melody is in the seventh column from the left, and the fifteenth ver-
tex from the top in this column. (Since the tree is divided into two parts,
one must remember to start on the first page when counting from the
top down.) In the next column of the table, each prime form is also char-
acterized by its series of intervals between adjacent pcs, what Robert
Morris calls INT1, simplified to INT.22 The next column provides the
number of most probable pc continuations for every melody class. The
remaining columns will be discussed shortly.
Although the Penderecki tree maintains some structural redundancies
beyond the two aforementioned that were pruned,23 these are overshad-
owed by the trees asymmetric complexity, an overall testament to the
synergistic union of the two relatively simple melodic features of pc diver-
sity and ic1/6 concentration. The table also facilitates an analysis of these
tandem expectations according to the four conditions outlined earlier.
The Appendix column entitled # PC CONT displays the number of
most probable pc continuations of a melody in a melody class. Setting
the three continuations of the root aside, this column reveals a three-
tiered communal gradation that cuts across the cardinality classes: six
melody classes are terminal with zero continuations (most tonic), forty
melody classes have one continuation (most dominant), and the
remaining sixty-five melody classes with two continuations fall in
between the most tonic and most dominant poles on the
communal-gradation continuum. It is curious that, among these 111
melody classes, the six terminal melody classes6-16, 7-15, 8-10, 8-25,
8-34, and 8-41are by far the most rare. In other words that continue
the paintbrush analogy, there are very few ways the composer can paint
himself into a corner so quickly that the wet surface truly pins one in.
Three of these six terminal melody classes7-15, 8-10, and 8-41end
with melody class 6-16; this can be seen by finding 6-16s interval series
of <6116e> at the end of each of their interval series. This promotes 6-16
to an extremely special and nearly singular status among these 111 mel-
ody classes, not completely unlike the singular status tonic harmony has
among the seven diatonic Stufen. The melodies from Examples 5 and 11,
which terminated with textual punctuation and a caesura respectively,
both end with 6-16. Page 207 Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:57 AM
two branches, yet the branch with six vertices is considerably heavier
than the branch with one vertex.
The three rightmost columns in the table located in the Appendix deal
with this kind of bias for melodies. The column labeled # MEL CONT
shows for a given melody the number of longer melodies, up to a length
of nine, that the given melody begins. For CBFED A, which is in
melody class 6-9, there are seven such longer melodies. The left column
under the BIAS heading partitions a non-zero number of longer
melodic continuations into one or two subsets, parenthetically identified
by the melody class one note longer that begins each of the longer
melodic continuations in the subset. For example, for a melody in class 6-
9, these seven options for continuation are partitioned into the six that
begin with melodies in class 7-14 and the one that begins with a melody
inor, in this case, that belongs toclass 7-15. The final column
expresses the discrepancy between the size of the subsets as 1 (the size of
the smaller subset / the size of the larger subset). Thus, all values will be
between 0 and 1, where 0 represents a melody that is completely unbi-
ased, 1 represents a melody that has a single most probable continuation,
and the numbers in between flesh out the continuum between no bias and
complete bias between two possible pc continuations. In the case of a
melody in class 6-9, the size of the smaller subset is 1, and the size of the
larger subset is 6; therefore, the value is 1 (1/6) or .83. This relatively
high number represents the relatively strong expectation that one pc will
follow compared to the next most likely. The continuum from 0 to 1 now
correlates exactly with the continuum from most tonic to most domi-
nant, since terminal melodies are also assigned a value of zero.
These biases provide a higher-resolution picture of the moment-to-
moment expectations in the previously analyzed melodies. Example 14
revisits the cantabile theme from the opening of the Violin Concerto,
where the label above a certain point in the melody indicates the melody
class to which the succession up to that point belongs, and the value
between 0 and 1 below this point indicates the bias of this melody class.
The graph below charts the change of bias from most tonic (0) to
most dominant (1). The melody starts on tonic with negligible bias,
then the bias increases significantly with the leap to the D, forming mel-
ody class 4-2. Consulting the table in the Appendix, melody class 4-2s
fairly strong expectation (.53) is to be extended with an ascending semi-
tone to melody class 5-3, since it begins just over twice as many longer
melodies between five and nine notes as melody class 5-4 does. However,
the cantabile theme descends a semitone, taking the path less expected.
This demonstrates how this expectancy model accounts for the earlier
observation of the tendency in Pendereckis melodies for a tritone leap to Page 209 Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:57 AM
F# G Ab D Db C B
.02 .07 .53 1 1 .33
be followed by the ordered pc interval that preceded it. The bias num-
bers basically predict this phenomenon: no melody class with 2 pc con-
tinuations whose INT ends with <x, 6> has a biased preference for a
melody class whose INT ends with <x, 6, x>. After its channeled contin-
uations to C and B that fully invoke the determinism of dominant, the
melody rests on B, which is not completely tonic (.33), but offers the
closest value to tonic since the beginning of the melody.
Example 15 revisits the caesura-interrupted opening of the final
cadenza. This seven-note succession stays relatively close to tonic; the
small bias at the E (.38) is for the following D, which is also predicted
by the fact that the tritone leap was preceded by a descending semitone.
In fact, each point in this melody continues with the predicted pc
through the penultimate G, where the bias becomes much higher
between the expected continuation to the open-ended F and the unex-
pected continuation to the terminal A . This bias provides a strong
dominant-like expectation that leads to tonic when the melody becomes
stuck on the A , a dramatic change in bias analogous to an authentic
cadence that was not apparent in the analysis of Example 10. Of course,
this is one of multiple places where the analogy falls short: although two
successive moments in a melody can be analogous to dominant and tonic
because of their degree of determinism, the pc highly expected at the
dominant moment is not necessarily the one that creates the succeeding
tonic moment. In this model, dominant and tonic are not entities per se,
but states of expectation. Page 210 Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:57 AM
Bb A Eb D Db G Ab
.02 .38 .35 .27 .83 0
One final observation: of all the possible interval classes that can be
paired with Pendereckis ubiquitous interval class 1, this one-dimensional
continuum between tonic and dominant is only possible by combining
the half step with the neo-Romantic interval class 6. Since the tritone
inverts into itself, ic1/6 concentration avails only three ordered pc inter-
vals, and, after the first melodic interval, pc diversity limits the number of
possible pc continuations to two, since an interval followed by its inverse
would result in premature pc duplication. Therefore, with the exception
of the ternary branching from the root, the Penderecki tree is (at most)
binary, which affords the single dimension: how strongly is the melody
expected to go this way as opposed to that way?
variable such as the musics formal division, the model does not support a
general theory of closure in Pendereckis neo-Romantic music.
However, this failure does not discount entirely, or even significantly,
the utility of the model presented herein. While the model may not be
able to predict whether a point in a melody in this particular repertoire is
the melodys conclusion, it generally succeeds at predicting what pc will
come next (if indeed the melody continues) at those moments when the
bias is high. So, whereas tonal pc expectations are largely left unrealized
in this music, expectations generated by 9-pc diversity and ic1/6 concen-
tration are much more profitable in their return of realizations. Further-
more, this set of expectations achieves an intricate balance between
complete chance and complete determinism that has been shown to be a
significant component of tonal expectations. Since Pendereckis neo-
Romantic music co-opts conventional tonal syntax to much less of a
degree than other aspects of common-practice music such as tertian har-
monic language and traditional orchestration, this study encourages the
hypothesis that the support of pc expectations generated by the proposed
model stands in for a support of tonal pc expectations.
On the one hand, to argue that this music engages pc expectations that
are analogous to tonal pc expectations might be understood as reinforce-
ment of the view that Pendereckis move toward neo-Romanticism was
truly a step backwards, a view shared by the composer himself. In his
book, Labyrinth of Time: Five Addresses for the End of the Millennium,
Penderecki uses the metaphor of a labyrinth to describe and defend his
return to more traditional idioms.25 Speaking on behalf of artists at the
end of the century, he states, We find ourselves in a labyrinth. We start
down many paths, we back up and return with a highly unclear sense of
our objective.26 He then notes that the current condition of art does
indeed suggest a dead-end. In all domains of art, we can see how ideas
and materials are being used up. . . . We have reached a point where
opening the door behind us is the summit of creativity.27 In another
address, Pendereckis tone is more somber: I cannot think of another
period in the history of music as marked by decline as our own. No new
paths of development can be seen. Artists are exploiting old ideas and
turning back to the past.28
On the other hand, unlike the literal return to common-practice fea-
tures such as tertian harmonies and traditional orchestration, it has been
proposed here that Pendereckis return to tonal pc expectations is ana-
logical. Therefore, the neo in Pendereckis neo-Romanticism may
signify more than Heraclitian anachronism and recontextualization. It
may also signify a means of creating expectations that, while analogous to
tonal expectations in their balance of chance and determinism, stem from Page 212 Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:57 AM
21. Within each cardinality class, the equivalence classes are ordered by a
base-3 interpretation of the interval series of its prime form, where
10, 61, and e2.
22. Morris (1987), 107.
23. Two melodies X and Y in different melody classes will have the same
tree structure for their continuation if the unordered content of X
can be transposed or inverted into the unordered content of Y, and
the same transformation maps the last pc of X to the last pc of Y. For
example, if one traces the incipits 0176 and 0671 on the Penderecki
tree, one will see that the two branches that continue from these
points have the same structure, even though the pc content is differ-
ent. Here, I7{0167} = {0167} and I7(6) = 1. Two such melodies, and
the two melody classes to which they each belong, may be called Z-
related, if one is interested in transferring the spirit (but not the let-
ter) of Fortes original relation to the Penderecki tree. These Z rela-
tions are shown in the Appendix: any two melody classes with the
same zn are in a Z relation.
24. For example, in The Awakening of Jacob, the section between
rehearsal numbers 5a and 6 features the first and almost exclusive use
of ic1/6 concentration in the work, in spite of the glissandi that fill
in many of the intervals. Rehearsal 6 undoubtedly begins a new sec-
tion, as the strings suddenly drop out and the sustaining winds begin
to fan out into a cluster. The flute line, which begins six measures
before rehearsal 6 as the highest and the slowest moving in the dense
nine-voice texture and ends as the highest, is a terminal melody that
ends with 6-16. The double bass line, which is the lowest sounding
line throughout this section, is also a terminal melody that ends with
6-16. However, the contrapuntal density of this section makes it
much more difficult to attend to these individual lines.
25. Incidentally, a maze or labyrinth without closed loops is isomorphic
to a tree graph.
26. Penderecki (1998), 21.
27. Ibid., 24.
28. Ibid., 39.
29. According to Schoenberg (1984), The construction of a basic set of
twelve tones derives from the intention to postpone the repetition of
every tone as long as possible. I have stated in my Harmonielehre
that emphasis given to a tone by a premature repetition is capable of Page 220 Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:57 AM
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