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Ann Oper Res

DOI 10.1007/s10479-016-2321-2

CLAIO 2014

An integer programming approach to curriculum-based

examination timetabling

Alejandro Cataldo1 Juan-Carlos Ferrer1

Jaime Miranda2 Pablo A. Rey3 Antoine Saur4

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract The examination timetabling problem (ETTP) consists in the assignment of spe-
cific dates to the exams of a set of courses assuming that the course enrollments are known.
This problem is also known as post-enrollment ETTP. In this paper, we describe and solve a
variant of the ETTP which has two particularities: (1) it does not assume the course enroll-
ments as known and uses the curriculum of the degree program to evaluate potential conflicts
in the exam schedules, and (2) it considers the exams and classrooms of multiple degree
programs simultaneously. We refer to this variant of the ETTP as curriculum-based exami-
nation timetabling problem (CB-ETTP), a problem faced by many universities worldwide,
being the Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) in Santiago of Chile one of them. To the best of
our knowledge, this problem has not been described as such in the ETTP literature. We pro-
pose an approach to solve the CB-ETTP consisting of four sequential stages. The first stage

B Alejandro Cataldo
[email protected]
Juan-Carlos Ferrer
[email protected]
Jaime Miranda
[email protected]
Pablo A. Rey
[email protected]
Antoine Saur
[email protected]
1 School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Av. Vicua Mackenna 4860,
Santiago, Chile
2 Department of Management Control and Information Systems, School of Economics and Business,
Universidad de Chile, Diagonal Paraguay 257, Santiago, Chile
3 Department of Management Control and Information Systems, School of Economics and Business,
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
4 Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 55 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5,

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groups courses into clusters and generates classroom configurations called room patterns.
The second stage assigns time slots and room patterns to course clusters. Then, the third stage
assigns time slots and room patterns to individual courses. Finally, the fourth stage generates
a definitive exam schedule assigning specific rooms to each course exam. We evaluate the
performance of the proposed approach by applying it to real-world instances generated based
on data provided by the Faculty of Engineering at the UDP. The results show a reduction in
the number of conflicts and rescheduling with respect to the current exam scheduling practice
used by this university.

Keywords Scheduling Examination timetabling Curriculum-based

Integer programming Optimization Problem decomposition

1 Introduction

Educational institutions routinely face a range of scheduling problems involving courses,

classrooms, examinations and other aspects of their daily activities. In the operations research
(OR) literature, this class of problems is known as timetabling. Timetabling problems typ-
ically involve a time horizon divided into a finite number of time periods or slots, a finite
set of resources (e.g., classrooms, laboratories and professors), a finite set of events to be
scheduled (e.g., examinations, classes, etc.) and a set of operational constraints (Qu et al.
2009b). These problems are usually NP-hard.
Solution approaches to timetabling problems have been designed for scheduling educa-
tional activities (Birbas et al. 2009; Jat and Yang 2011), sporting events (Duran et al. 2007;
Goossens and Spieksma 2012), personnel at hospitals and other healthcare centers (Burke
et al. 2004b, 2009; Gendreau et al. 2007; Maenhout and Vanhoucke 2010), medical patient
appointments (Gupta and Denton 2008; Patrick et al. 2008; Saur et al. 2012), air transport of
cargo and passengers (Derigs and Friederichs 2013; Medard and Sawhney 2007) and drivers
at public transit and rail transport companies (Leone et al. 2011; Schbel 2012; Lezaun et al.
2007), among other examples.
The scheduling problems faced by educational establishments are often divided into
two classes: course timetabling problems (CTTPs) and examination timetabling problems
(ETTPs). CTTPs are further classified as post-enrollment course timetabling problems (PE-
CTTPs) or curriculum-based course timetabling problems (CB-CTTPs) (Rudov et al. 2011).
The main difference between the last two types of problems lies in the data used to determine
the number of students enrolled in the various courses constituting different programs of study.
In PE-CTTPs, the final number of students registered in each course is assumed to be known
allowing scheduling conflicts to be determined directly. In CB-CTTPs, on the other hand,
only an estimation of the number of registrants in each course is available and thus scheduling
conflicts must be determined solely from the configuration of each program curriculum.
In other words, schedule conflicts are determined from the distribution of the programs
constituent courses over the number of academic terms normally required to complete it.
Among recently published articles on educational timetabling, Lach and Lbbecke (2012)
provide a detailed description of CTTPs and propose a new formulation of the problem
using integer programming. The authors obtain better solutions for some of the benchmark
instances based on real data from the University of Udine in Italy. Burke et al. (2010b)
address the solution of CTTPs for the Udine instances by minimizing a linear combination of
the violations of different sets of soft constraints using metaheuristics. Bonutti et al. (2012)
provide a detailed review of the mathematical formulations, instances, types of information

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and results found in the literature on CTTPs. Other papers on this topic are Dimopoulou and
Miliotis (2001), Daskalaki et al. (2004), Lewis et al. (2007), L and Hao (2010), Sarin et al.
(2010), MirHassani and Habibi (2013), L et al. (2011), Bellio et al. (2012), and Miranda
et al. (2012).
As regards ETTPs, many studies can be found in the OR literature. Qu et al. (2009b)
defines these problems as assigning a set of exams into a limited number of time slots (time
periods) and rooms (of certain capacity) subject to a set of constraints. In general, ETTPs
must be solved in such a way that neither students nor classrooms are scheduled for more than
one exam at the same time, producing conflict-free timetables, and ensuring that classroom
seating capacity is not exceeded. Additional desirable (i.e., not mandatory) requirements
can be modeled through terms added to an objective function that penalizes the solution if
the additional requirements are not satisfied (Lewis et al. 2007; Bonutti et al. 2012). These
requirements vary from one institution to the other and can be incorporated into optimization
models with multiple objective functions.
For ETTPs, only post-enrollment studies have been documented in the literature (Lewis
et al. 2007; McCollum 2007; Gogos et al. 2012; McCollum et al. 2012). However, many
educational institutions schedule their exams before students register for individual courses
and therefore base timetabling decisions on their curricula configurations. Typically, these
establishments do not have enough classrooms available at times other than those at which
the courses are taught and thus are forced to schedule specific examination periods each
term. Since classes must be suspended, these time periods are necessarily short (710 days),
making it harder to find an exam schedule that satisfies all the students.
Although none of the ETTP studies found in the literature address the pre-enrollment
(curriculum-based) case, this type of situation is faced term after term by many higher edu-
cation institutions around the world. One of these institutions is the Faculty of Engineering
at the Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) in Chile, where three rounds of examinations are
scheduled every term. Each round is defined by a time horizon (length of the examination
period) and the number and types of classrooms that are available.
The main characteristics of the current exam scheduling process at the Faculty of Engi-
neering at UDP (hereafter simply referred to as the Faculty) are as follows: (1) it is carried out
manually by the Facultys Academic Secretary; (2) the resulting schedules are not known by
the students when they register for courses; (3) it does not take students course registration
into account; and (4) classroom assignments for each examination are determined once the
definitive number of students registered in each course is known.
Another important aspect of the exam scheduling process is that students are allowed to
register in all the courses for which they meet prerequisites and there is no schedule conflict.
This complicates matters because it means that the number of registrants in each course is not
known in advance and the schedules initially generated will generally have to be modified
once registration is complete. This rescheduling process is a complex task since the final
exam timetable must be such that every single student can take the exams for the courses he
or she is registered in. As a result, it is common for some exams to be postponed or even
scheduled outside of the exam period, and in some cases to be given twice on two different
dates, forcing instructors to draw up two different exam papers.
With these shortcomings in the exam scheduling process, and as a starting point, we
propose to solve the examination timetabling problem also in a pre-enrollment stage. This
gives rise to a variant of the ETTP that we will call CB-ETTP, the ETTP based on study
program curriculum configurations. The solution approach is built around an integer linear
programming (ILP) model that seeks to assign a day, a time and a classroom type to the
examination of each course. Both exam schedules and course schedules are provided to the

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students, who are then responsible for choosing courses during the registration period that do
not have exam schedule conflicts. This eliminates the need for any later exam rescheduling.
Our solution approach for the CB-ETTP uses clustering and patterns generation techniques
(Respicio and Captivo 2005) to reduce the complexity of the problem and consequently the
associated computation times (Causmaecker et al. 2009). More specifically, our approach
facilitates the solution process by reducing the size of the problem instances. Classroom
patterns are constructed to decrease the size of the solution space and allow the solutions
generated by the linear relaxation of the ILP model to be less fractional.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the relevant
literature on the examination timetabling problem. Section 3 describes the mathematical
formulation of the proposed CB-ETTP. Section 4 introduces the solution approach adopted.
Section 5 discusses the instances used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Section 6 sets out the results obtained. Finally, Sect. 7 presents our main conclusions and
offers some suggestions for possible extensions and future research.

2 Literature review

Qu et al. (2009b) exhaustively review the existing literature on ETTPs. Concentrating espe-
cially on works appearing since 2004, the authors make a detailed analysis of the published
research on the problem and the key trends and topics that have been raised. They divide the
literature into two categories, the first of which focuses on the performance of different solu-
tion methods for benchmark instances. Among the most widely used benchmark instances
are those from the University of Toronto (Carter et al. 1996), the University of Nottingham
(Burke et al. 1996), the University of Melbourne (Merlot et al. 2003), the University of Udine
(Bonutti et al. 2012) and the one recently introduced by the International Timetabling Com-
petition in 2007 (ITC2007) (McCollum et al. 2008). The second category centers on finding
concrete solutions to real-world ETTP applications.
There is an abundant literature that focuses on the description of real-world problems and
ways of solving them. Some recent papers are: Ayob et al. (2007), McCollum (2007), Broek
et al. (2009), Qu et al. (2009b), Wang et al. (2009), Al-Yakoob et al. (2010), Joshua et al.
(2010), Burke et al. (2010b), Kahar and Kendall (2010), Sagir and Kamisli (2010), Thomas
et al. (2010), Lach and Lbbecke (2012) and McCollum et al. (2012).
On methods for solving benchmark instances, some studies focus on the optimality gap
while others concentrate on the time required to find a feasible solution. In the first group are
papers using meta-heuristics such as local search (Burke et al. 2006; Abdullah et al. 2007a),
tabu search (Abdullah et al. 2007b; Pais and Maral 2012), great deluge (Burke et al. 2004a),
simulated annealing (Thompson and Dowsland 1996, 1998), and evolutionary algorithms
(Cheong et al. 2009; Pillay and Banzhaf 2010). Other studies have been based on hyper-
heuristics (Qu et al. 2009a; Pillay and Banzhaf 2009; Sabar et al. 2012b; Burke et al. 2012a;
Demeester et al. 2012), multi-objective methods (Burke et al. 2001; Munford 2010; Cheong
et al. 2009), hybrid approaches (Azimi 2005; Burke et al. 2010a; Turabieh and Addullah 2011;
Burke et al. 2012b), integer programming (MirHassani 2006), constraint-based techniques
(Hud et al. 2006), and other approaches based on different mathematical methods (Asmuni
et al. 2009; Mansour et al. 2011; Sabar et al. 2012a). In the second group are works such
as Eley (2006), Petrovic et al. (2007), Pillay and Banzhaf (2010), Gogos et al. (2012) and
Abdul-Rahman et al. (2014).

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The articles by Al-Yakoob et al. (2010) and McCollum et al. (2012) formulate and solve
the examination timetabling problem using integer linear programming models that rep-
resent the specific conditions of the particular real-world problems being addressed. The
latter work also describes the implementation of examination timetabling systems in Europe,
Australia and the United States. The studies by Ayob et al. (2007), McCollum (2007)
and Thomas et al. (2010) also present the implementation of decision support systems for
Multiple ways of evaluating the quality of the various solution approaches have been
proposed in the literature. Frequently used criteria include the time required to find a feasible
solution, the optimality gap and the solution approachs performance once it is implemented
(Lewis et al. 2007; McCollum et al. 2012; Thomas et al. 2010).
In the solution approach presented in this paper we employ clustering and patterns gen-
eration techniques to reduce the complexity of the problem and thus facilitate its solution.
A good example of the use of patterns is the paper mill cutting stock problem (Aboudi and
Barcia 1998; Suliman 2006). Patterns generation have also been employed by Miranda et al.
(2012) for activity scheduling problems. The authors explicitly construct timetable patterns
to solve the problem of creating course schedules. Clustering techniques are mentioned in
Thomas and Tajudin (2006) as a way of eliminating potential symmetries between solutions
and thereby reducing the size of the instances of the problem to be solved. Despite the advan-
tages cited by the authors, we have not found any other work that resorts to these techniques
in timetabling.

3 General description of the CB-ETTP

Given the background provided above, we considered a pre-enrollment version of the ETTP
and included the allocation of rooms in the scheduling process, which is a contribution to the
state-of-the-art of ETTPs. In what follows, we present a general description and a solution
approach for the curriculum-based examination timetabling problem. The proposed approach
is based on a set of mathematical programming models and the use of classroom patterns
and clustering of courses.
Consider the problem facing a post-secondary educational institution that must schedule
the examinations for the set N of programs it offers. The institution has a curriculum config-
uration for each program n N that determines the set of courses Cn the student must take
over Sn academic terms. Since some courses may be  included in more than one program, the
set C of all courses to be scheduled satisfies |C| nN |Cn |. The institution also has an
estimate of the number of students that will register in each course c, which we denote by
ensc c C.
The examination period, T , is represented by sets of L t disjoint time slots making up each
day t T . These time slots are of equal length, reflecting our assumption that all exams have
the same
 duration. The total number of available slots over the entire examination period is
H = tT L t . The institution counts with R classrooms (hereafter called simply rooms),
each with a known seating capacity determined by the number of students it can seat for an
Any solution to the CB-ETTP must satisfy the following hard constraints: (1) each course
exam must be assigned to a unique time slot; (2) exams for courses in the same term and
program must be scheduled in different time slots; (3) each room must be assigned to
no more than one course in each time slot; (4) seating capacities must not be exceeded;

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(5) exams for courses taught by the same instructor must be scheduled in different time
In addition, there will normally be certain preferences that are particular to the educational
institution. These preferences will be modeled as soft constraints. For example: (1) exams
for courses in the same term and program should not be scheduled in consecutive time slots
on the same day; (2) exams for courses in consecutive terms of a given program should not
be scheduled in the same time slot; (3) no program should have significantly more exam
schedule conflicts than the others; (4) no term in a program should have more exam schedule
conflicts than the others; (5) the rooms assigned to the exam for a given course should be as
close together as possible; (6) exams for courses taught in the first term of a program should
not be scheduled on the same day and ideally at least one day apart; (7) instructors time
preferences should be taken into account in the exam scheduling process; and (8) exams
for courses taught by the same instructional team should be scheduled in different time
The proposed solution approach for the CB-ETTP attempts to determine which time slots
and rooms to assign to each course exam. The resulting schedules must satisfy all of the hard
constraints while trying to minimize penalties for not satisfying the soft constraints.
If we consider what has been reported in McCollum et al. (2008) about the track on ETTPs
in the ITC2007, we can conclude that the main differences with respect to the problem studied
in this paper are: (1) we consider a pre-enrollment problem, while the ITC2007 focuses on the
post-enrollment case; (2) we evaluate potential exam schedule conflicts through the specific
curriculum configurations, whereas the ITC2007 does it directly on a student-by-student
basis; (3) unlike the ITC2007, we also consider room allocation decisions, which in turn lead
us to consider multiple academic programs as multiple programs share the same rooms.

4 Solution approach

The proposed solution approach for the CB-ETTP consists of four sequential stages as
depicted in Fig. 1. The approach allows us to decrease the complexity of the problem by
grouping courses into clusters, avoiding symmetric solutions, and separating exam schedul-
ing decisions from room allocation decisions. The sequential solution of the problem
implies that the output from each stage, but the last one, is the input for the stage that
The first stage consists of the processing and transformation of the data that define the
problem. It begins with the grouping of courses into clusters through a process to be explained
in Sect. 4.1. Then, for each cluster, all combinations of rooms whose total seating capacity is
greater than or equal to the estimated number of students who will register in the courses in
that cluster are identified. These room combinations form a room pattern that is constructed
according to the process described in Sect. 4.1.
In the second stage, an optimization model is solved which assigns time slots and room
patterns to the examinations for the courses in each cluster. The model attempts to minimize
the violation of the following constraints: (1) exams for the first-year courses of a given
program should be scheduled at least one day apart; (2) if exams for courses taught in the same
term and program are scheduled on the same day, they should not be assigned to consecutive
time slots; and (3) exams for courses in consecutive terms in a given program should be
scheduled in different time slots. This optimization problem is called the curriculum-based
examination timetabling cluster allocation problem (CB-ETTP-C) and its solution determines

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Fig. 1 Proposed hierarchical solution approach for the CB-ETTP

the time slots and number of rooms of each type (e.g., small, medium and large) to assign to
each course cluster.
Because of the hard constraint forbidding an excess of students over the resulting seating
capacity and the fact that the final number of course registrants is not known until the course
registration process is completed, a safety capacity margin is required for room assignments.
To this end, we define seating capacity as the number of seats in the room pattern assigned
to a course exam and room utilization as the percentage of the seating capacity accounted
for by the estimated number of students who will register in the course (Beyrouthy et al.
2010). A maximum room saturation level known as the saturation tolerance is then defined
for room assignments. If a room assignment exceeds this preset level, the corresponding
course is classified as a saturated course assignment. For example, consider course c with
an estimated number of students ensc = 80. The exam for this course is assigned to a room
pattern consisting of two rooms of capacity 60 and 40 students, respectively. The seating
capacity of this room pattern is 100 students, the sum of the individual room capacities, and
the room utilization is then 80/100 = 0.8. If the saturation tolerance is set at 0.75, then this
would be a saturated course assignment.
In the third stage, the course exams are scheduled on the basis of the solution to the
CB-ETTP-C. The resulting schedules determine the day, time slot and number of rooms of
each type to be assigned to each course. We solve an integer linear programming model that
simultaneously minimizes (1) the total number of saturated course assignments and (2) the
number of saturated course assignments in the time slot with the greatest number of them.
This second optimization problem is called the curriculum-based examination timetabling
course allocation problem (CB-ETTP-CA).
Finally, in the fourth stage, the solution obtained for the CB-ETTP-CA is used to determine
the final assignment of rooms to courses. The aim in this case is to minimize the maximum
distance between the rooms assigned to each course. This third optimization problem is called
the curriculum-based examination timetabling room allocation problem (CB-ETTP-RA) and
it is solved independently for each time slot.
In the next four subsections, we describe in detail each of the stages introduced above.

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4.1 Stage 1: Data processing

To reduce the complexity of the problem, courses that are indistinguishable in terms of
requirements (program, term, prerequisites and estimated number of students) are first
grouped into clusters. The grouping process is as follows: (1) if course c C belongs
to more than one program, it is considered to be an individual cluster; (2) if courses
c, d C satisfy each of the following conditions, they are grouped into the same clus-
ter: (i) they are both found only in one program; (ii) they are taught in the same term and
belong to the same program; and (iii) the estimated number of students to register for each
course is similar. This is when the quotient of the estimated number of registrants by
the minimum seating capacity is the same for each course. A group of courses that meets
the second criterion above is called a course cluster. Each course can belong to only one
The clustering process not only reduces the number of decision variables in the model
but also allows for symmetries between different solutions to be eliminated. The latter can
be seen in the following example. Assume that two courses, denoted by c and d, belong to
the same program and term, and that the expected number of registrants in each course
is the same. The solution that schedules the exam for course c in time slot 1 and the
exam for course d in time slot 5 would provide the same objective value as the solution
that schedules the exam for course c in time slot 5 and the exam for course d in time
slot 1.
The clustering process results in the definition of a set I of course clusters, where |I |
|C| nN |Cn |. Each cluster i I is described by three parameters: Q i , Ensi and Ui .
Parameter Q i corresponds to the number of courses that are part of cluster i. Parameter Ensi
represents the maximum expected number of students across the courses in cluster i. Thus,
Ensi = maxcQ i {ensc } i I , where ensc is the estimate of the number of students in
course c. Finally, parameter Ui represents the program curriculum information and indicates
how cluster i relates to the other course clusters.
Once the courses have been grouped into clusters, we classify the available rooms into a set
Z of different types according to their seating capacity. This reduces the size of the problem
even more, making it easier to solve. Then, we construct room patterns. Pattern p is denoted
p p p p
by a vector (a1 , a2 , . . . , a|Z | ), where al is the number of rooms of type l = 1, . . . , |Z |
|Z | p
contained in the pattern. Pattern p is valid for a given cluster i if Ensi l=1 al ql , where
ql indicates the seating capacity of a room of type l. It is said that a valid pattern p dominates
p f p f p f
a valid pattern f if a1 a1 , a2 a2 , , a|Z | a|Z | and the inequality is strictly satisfied
at least in one case. Otherwise, patterns p and f would be the same. The patterns used in
the mathematical formulation of the problem are those that are not dominated by any other
The use of clustering and patterns generation techniques as pre-processing activities allows
us: (1) to reduce the amount of decision variables in the problem formulation, which in turn
reduces the dimensionality of the model, improving solution times; and (2) to preset valid
solutions for the allocation of rooms to exams, reducing solution times even more. This pre-
processing approach was successfully used by Miranda et al. (2012) to schedule lecture times.
Despite of their advantages, these two techniquesto the best of our knowledgehave not
been used simultaneously in the literature to solve ETTP problems.
By the end of this stage, courses clusters are created, parameters Q i , Ensi and Ui are
computed and the valid room patterns for each cluster are identified. This information is an
input for Stage 2.

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4.2 Stage 2: Integer programming model for scheduling clusters (CB-ETTP-C)

The various elements used in the formulation of the CB-ETTP-C are described below:
I Set of course clusters.
H Set of time slots.
T Set of days (in the examination period).
F Set of programs offered.
S Set of program-terms.
Z Set of room types.
P Set of room patterns.
i, k Course clusters i, k I .
h Time slot h H .
t Day t T
f Program f F.
s Program-term s S.
z Room type z Z .
p Room pattern p P.
Gi P Set of valid room patterns for cluster i I .
FSf I Set of course clusters for first term of program f F.
SCs I Set of course clusters for program-term s S.
Es I Set of course clusters for program-term s + 1 S following program-term
s S.
Lt H Set of available time slots on day t T .
Qi Number of courses in cluster i I .
Q Nzp Number of rooms of type z Z in room pattern p P.
Q Sz Number of rooms of type z Z that are available.
Bh,(h+1) Binary parameter that is equal to 1 if the time slot h H and the time slot
h + 1 H belong to the same day, and 0 otherwise.
Penalty for assigning consecutive time slots belonging to the same day to exams for
courses in the same program-term.
Penalty for scheduling exams for courses in the first term of a program on consecutive
Penalty for assigning the same time slot to exams for courses in consecutive program-
x hi p Binary variable equal to 1 if time slot h is assigned an exam for one of the courses
in cluster i with room pattern p, and 0 otherwise.

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wsh Binary variable equal to 1 if the exam for a course in term s is assigned to time slot
h and the exam for another course in the same term s is assigned to time slot h + 1,
where h and h + 1 are on the same day. Its value is 0 otherwise.
yft Binary variable equal to 1 if exams for courses in first term of program f have been
assigned to day t and day t + 1, and 0 otherwise.
vsh Binary variable equal to 1 if exams for courses in program-term s and program-term
s + 1 have been assigned to time slot h, and 0 otherwise.
Having defined the necessary notation, the integer programming model used to solve the
course cluster exam scheduling problem can be formulated as follows:
(CB-ETTP-C) min wsh + y f t
sS hH f F tT

+ vsh (1)
sS hH

subject to:
x hi p = Q i i I. (2)
hH pG i

x hi p 1 h H ; i I. (3)
pG i
x hi p 1 h H ; s S. (4)
iSCs pG i
x hi p 1
hL t iF S f pG i

f F; t T. (5)

Q Nzp x hi p Q Sz
iI pG i

z Z ; h H. (6)
x hi p + x(h+1)i p 1 + wsh
iSCs pG i iSCs pG i

s S; h, h + 1 H : Bh,(h+1) = 1. (7)
x hi p + x hi p 1 + y f t
hL t iF S f pG i hL t+1 iF S f pG i

f F; t, t + 1 T. (8)
x hi p + x hi p 1 + vsh
iSCs pG i iE s pG i

s S; h H. (9)
x hi p {0, 1} h H ; i I ; p G i . (10)
wsh , vsh {0, 1} s S; h H. (11)
y f t {0, 1} f F; t T. (12)
The CB-ETTP-C seeks to minimize the total penalty associated with the resulting exam
schedule. The first term in the objective function (1) represents the total penalty for assigning

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Table 1 Description of the constraints in the CB-ETTP-C

Constraint Description

(2) Each cluster is assigned as many time slots as the number of courses in it.
(3) Each course exam must be scheduled in a single time slot.
(4) Exams for courses in the same term and program must not be scheduled in the same
time slot.
(5) Exams for the first-term courses in each program must be scheduled on different days.
(6) No more rooms of each type than those available in each time slot must be assigned.
(7) Determines the value of variable wsh .
(8) Determines the value of variable y f t .
(9) Determines the value of variable vsh .
(10)(12) All variables are binary.

exams for two or more courses in the same program-term to consecutive time slots on the same
day. The second term corresponds to the total penalty for scheduling two or more exams for
first-term courses in the same program on consecutive days. Finally, the third term is the total
penalty for assigning the same time slot to exams for courses in consecutive program-terms.
A brief description of constraints (2)(12) is provided in Table 1.
The solution to the CB-ETTP-C indicates the time slots that should be assigned to the
courses that belong to each cluster. This information is used as an input for Stage 3.

4.3 Stage 3: Mixed integer programming model for scheduling course

examinations (CB-ETTP-CA)

The various elements used in the formulation of the CB-ETTP-CA are listed below together
with a brief explanation:
C Set of courses.
I Set of course clusters.
H Set of time slots.
c Course c C.
i Course cluster i I .
h Time slot h H .
C Ii C Set of courses in course cluster i I .
i h Binary parameter that is equal to 1 if a course in cluster i I has been assigned time
slot h H , and 0 otherwise. Its value comes from the solution to the CB-ETTP-C.
ensc Estimate of the number of students who will register in course c C.
sattol Saturation tolerance (i.e., the pre-determined percentage of the seating capacity to
be maintained as a safety margin due to the uncertainty regarding final student
enrollment levels).

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ch Binary parameter that is equal to 1 if no more than (1sattol) percent of the seating
capacity is used when course c C is assigned to time slot h H , and 0 otherwise.
This parameter is determined from the seating capacity assigned to cluster i I in
time slot h H by the CB-ETTP-C.
ch Binary variable that is equal to 1 if the exam for course c is assigned to time slot h,
and 0 otherwise.
ch Binary variable that is equal to 1 if the seating capacity assigned to a course satisfies
the saturation tolerance (sattol), and 0 otherwise.
Continuous variable that helps us to determine the number of saturated course assign-
ments in the time slot with the highest number of them.
Thus, the mixed integer programming model used to solve the course examination schedul-
ing problem can be formulated as follows:

(CB-ETTP-CA) min |C| + ch (13)
hH cC

subject to:

ch = 1 c C. (14)

ch = i h i I ; h H. (15)
cC Ii
ch = (1 ch ) ch h H ; c C. (16)

ch h H. (17)
ch , ch {0, 1} c C; h H. (18)
0 (19)
The CB-ETTP-CA model above seeks to reduce the number of saturated course assign-
ments once rooms are assigned. The first term in the objective function (13) is the penalty
associated with the most saturated time slot (i.e., with the slot with the greatest number of
saturated course assignments). The second term is the total number of saturated course assign-
ments. The weighting factor of |C| for the first term in the objective function ensures this
term is given more importance in the minimization process. A brief description of constraints
(14)(19) is provided in Table 2.
The solution to the CB-ETTP-CA indicates the time slot assigned to the exam for each
course. This information is used as an input for Stage 4.

4.4 Stage 4: Mixed integer programming model for room assignment


The various elements used to formulate the CB-ETTP-RA are described below:
C Set of courses.
R Set of rooms.
Z Set of room types.

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Table 2 Description of the constraints in the CB-ETTP-CA

Constraint Description

(14) Each course exam must be assigned to one time slot

(15) Each course exam must be assigned to a time slot allocated to the cluster to which it belongs
(16) Determines the value of variable ch
(17) Helps determine the value of variable
(18)(19) The type of the variables

c Course c C.
r, r Rooms r, r R.
z Room type z Z .
Bz R Set of rooms of type z Z .
Mcz Number of rooms of type z Z required by the exam for course c C. This
information is provided by the solution to the CB-ETTP-C and CB-ETTP-CA.
Dr r Distance from room r R to room r R.
u cr Binary variable that is equal to 1 if the exam for course c is assigned to room r , and
0 otherwise.
dc Continuous variable that allows us to determine the maximum distance between the
rooms assigned to the exam for course c C.
Continuous variable that helps us to determine the maximum distance among all
room assignments (i.e., the maximum value taken by variable dc across all courses).
Given that the decisions for different time slots are independent of each other, the CB-
ETTP-RA is solved for each time slot separately. Thus, the mixed integer programming
model used for assigning rooms to exams can be formulated as follows:

(CB-ETTP-RA) min |C| + dc (20)

subject to:

u cr = Mcz c C; z Z . (21)
r Bz

u cr 1 r R. (22)
dc (u cr + u cr 1) Dr r c C; r, r R. (23)
dc c C. (24)
u cr {0, 1} c C; r R. (25)
dc 0 c C. (26)
0 (27)

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Table 3 Description of the constraints in the CB-ETTP-RA

Constraint Description

(21) Each exam must be assigned the number of rooms of each type determined by the
solution to the CB-ETTP-C and CB-ETTP-CA
(22) Each room must be assigned to no more than one exam
(23) Helps determine the value of variable dc
(24) Helps specify the value of variable
(25)(27) The type of the variables

The CB-ETTP-RA seeks to minimize the distance between the rooms assigned to the
various exams. The first term in the objective function (20) represents the penalty associated
with the distance between the rooms assigned to the exam whose rooms are the most distant
from each other. The second term represents the total penalty associated with the maximum
distance between the rooms assigned to the different courses. The weighting factor |C| in the
first term, which is just the total number of courses being considered, ensures the first term
is given more importance when the objective function is minimized. A brief description of
constraints (21)(27) is provided in Table 3.
The solution to the CB-ETTP-RA is a room-to-exam assignment. Thus, once the four
stages of the proposed solution approach are sequentially completed, the exams for all the
courses are scheduled and appropriate groups of rooms are already assigned.

5 Benchmark instances

To evaluate the performance of the proposed solution approach, we consider seven real-world
instances of the CB-ETTP corresponding to seven different academic terms at the Faculty
of Engineering at the Universidad Diego Portales (UDP), Chile. These instances correspond
to the second term of 2005, the first and second term of 2006, the first term of 2007 and the
first term of 2013, 2014 and 2015. We will refer to them as udp-(year-term), so the instance
associated with the second term of 2005, for example, will be called udp-(2005-02). We chose
these instances because the information used by the Faculty to manually schedule exams in
each case was available to the authors. It is important to note that in Chile the academic
year has two semesters. All these instances are available at
Between 2005 and 2007, the Faculty offered four programs, 12 terms each. Three rounds
of exams were held in each term, the first two for midterms and the third for finals. Each
round consisted of 7 days, beginning on a Saturday and ending the following Saturday but
excluding Sunday. The exams were scheduled between 8 AM and 6 PM on weekdays (4 time
slots per day) and between 8 AM and 2 PM on Saturdays (2 time slots per day). Each time
slot was 3 hours long and each round consisted of 24 time slots.
From 2005 to 2007, the Faculty had 33 rooms available for course exams, classified into
three types: 12 small, 14 medium and 7 large. A small room could seat 30 students, a medium
room 55 and a large room 90. This classification was obtained by grouping rooms of similar
size. The seating capacity of each room type was then defined as the seating capacity of the
smallest room in each group.

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Table 4 Number of time slots and rooms available for each instance
Instance Available time slots Days Small rooms Medium rooms Large rooms

udp-(2005-02) 24 7 12 14 7
udp-(2006-01) 24 7 12 14 7
udp-(2006-02) 24 7 12 14 7
udp-(2007-01) 24 7 12 14 7
udp-(2013-01) 25 5 16 15 6
udp-(2014-01) 25 5 16 15 6
udp-(2015-01) 25 5 16 15 6

Table 5 Characteristics of the evaluation instances

Instance Number Estimated no. Number of Number Number of Number CD CP
of exams of students programs of terms program-terms of conflicts

udp-(2005-02) 166 1153 4 12 48 3554 0.16 0.68

udp-(2006-01) 172 1213 4 12 48 3891 0.18 0.73
udp-(2006-02) 160 1189 4 12 48 3651 0.15 0.64
udp-(2007-01) 177 1256 4 12 48 4151 0.19 0.76
udp-(2013-01) 132 1521 3 12 36 2044 0.12 0.47
udp-(2014-01) 115 1416 3 12 36 2029 0.15 0.52
udp-(2015-01) 126 1537 3 10 30 2341 0.15 0.53

Between 2013 and 2015, the Faculty offered three programs. From 2013 to 2014, the
duration of these programs was 12 terms, while in 2015 the duration of all of them was
reduced to 10 terms. Three rounds of exams were held in each term, the first two for midterms
and the third for finals. Each round consisted of 5 days, beginning on a Monday and ending
on a Friday. The exams were scheduled between 8 AM and 6 PM. Each time slot was 2 hours
long and each round consisted of 25 time slots.
From 2013 to 2015, the Faculty had 37 rooms available for course exams, classified into
three types: 16 small, 15 medium and 6 large. A small room could seat 30 students, a medium
room 55 and a large room 90.
The relevant characteristics of each instance are summarized in the first five columns of
Table 5. Information about the number of time slots and rooms available is presented in
Table 4.
To characterize the complexity of each instance we consider the conflict density (C D)
measure used by Pillay and Banzhaf (2009), Qu et al. (2009a), Wang et al. (2009), Pillay and
Banzhaf (2010) and Gogos et al. (2012). This measure is calculated as the ratio of the actual
number of schedule conflicts to the maximum possible number of conflicts that could arise.
In formal terms,
cC cC:c=c cc
CD =
where cc is a binary indicator that is equal to 1 if the exams for courses c and c have
conflicting exam times when they are scheduled in the same time slot, and 0 otherwise. P T

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Table 6 Results from data processing and execution times (Stage 1)

Instance Number of Number of Processing Number of Number of

course clusters room patterns time (s) x hi p variables constraints

udp(2005-02) 131 305 87 958,920 13,771

udp(2006-01) 122 345 92 1,010,160 13,546
udp(2006-02) 111 289 76 769,896 13,271
udp(2007-01) 119 312 88 891,072 13,471
udp(2013-01) 56 224 42 313,600 3868
udp(2014-01) 55 196 36 296,500 3992
udp(2015-01) 54 298 43 402,300 3816

is the maximum possible number of conflicts given the number of exams to be scheduled.
That is P T = |C|2 |C|.
The C D values for each instance are displayed in Table 5. For 2005 to 2007, the average
conflict density turned out to be 0.17. For 2013 to 2015, the average conflict density was
Also shown in Table 5 for each instance is the probability of having at least one con-
flict, denote by C P. This measure, suggested by Wang et al. (2009), is calculated using the
following formula:

1 C D|C|
CP 1 1
|H |

where C D is the conflict density, |C| is the number of exams to be scheduled and |H | is the
total number of time slots available.
The two complexity measures described above provide a good indication of the difficulty
of a particular instance. As the number of conflicting relationships approaches zero, the value
of C D gets smaller and solving a particular instance becomes easier. This is also reflected in
the value of C P, which gets closer to zero indicating that the probability of having a conflict
is lower. As the number of conflicting relationships increases, the value of C D approaches
the value of 1. The complexity of the problem in such a case will depend on the total num-
ber of time slots available. The greater the availability, the lower the probability of having
scheduling conflicts. In other words, when the value of C D is close to one, the value of
C P will depend on |H |. The larger the value of |H |, the lower the probability of having a

6 Results

The different integer programming models were implemented in GAMS 23.8 with CPLEX
12 as the solver. The computer used to run the algorithm was a 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7-3630QM
PC with 6GB of RAM. The same computer was used for all the instances.
Table 6 shows the number of course clusters and room patterns generated for each instance,
together with the corresponding execution times. Also in this table is the number of variables
and constraints associated with the resulting CB-ETTP-C model for each instance (the result

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from Stage 1). The number of variables and constraints provides a clear indication of the
computational complexity of the problem in each case and a justification for resorting to a
hierarchical solution approach that separates the problem into the assignment of time slots
to course clusters and the assignment of rooms to courses.
The results for each CB-ETTP-C model are shown in Table 7. The first three columns
of this table show the number of cases in which first-year course exams were scheduled on
consecutive days (number of Type 1 conflicts), the number of exams for courses in the same
program and term that were scheduled in consecutive time slots (number of Type 2 conflicts),
and the number of cases in which exams for courses in the same program and consecutive
terms were scheduled on the same day and time slot (number of Type 3 conflicts). For all
seven instances, a Type 1 conflict was penalized 10 times more than a Type 2 conflict and
20 times more than a Type 3 conflict. The penalty values, although arbitrary, were defined
directly by the person in charge of the manual scheduling process to represent the importance
given by the Faculty to each type of conflict.
The fourth column in Table 7 corresponds to the room utilization rate, which is defined
as the average over the percentage of available rooms assigned to exams in each time slot.
We can see that the room utilization rate varies between 36 and 72 % for the instances being
considered. These values suggest an excessive number of rooms available in each time slot.
However, there was at least one conflict and one time slot with full room assignment for each
of the first four instances. This suggests that increasing the room utilization rate may, in some
cases, increase the number of conflicts.
The results for the different CB-ETTP-CA instances, based on those obtained for the
CB-ETTP-C instances, are summarized in Table 8. The value for the saturation tolerance
parameter was set at 10 % for all instances, meaning that saturated course assignments
were defined as those for which exams required 90 % or more of the number of seats
assigned. The third column in Table 8 corresponds to the number of saturated course
assignments. The values range from 26 to 66, representing between 20.63 and 37.50 %
of the number of courses being considered. The number of saturated course assignments
in the time slot with the highest number of them (value of in Table 8) ranged from
3 to 7.
The main assignment criterion used to solve the CB-ETTP-RA instances was the distance
between the rooms assigned to the different courses. Room closeness was measured on a
scale defined in collaboration with the person in charge of the manual scheduling process as
follows: value of 1 for rooms on the same floor of the same building; value of 2 for rooms on
different floors of the same building; value of 3 for rooms in different buildings of the same
faculty; and value of 4 for rooms in different faculties.
The results obtained for the CB-ETTP-RA instances are summarized in Table 9. As
noted earlier, this model is solved separately for each time slot. This means that close to
25 independent problems were solved for each instance. The second column in Table 9,
M AX , shows the maximum value of (maximum distance among all room assignments)
for each instance. From the results, we can see that the proposed approach succeeded in
ensuring that all the rooms assigned to the different courses were located in the same
The total execution times, including data processing, model construction and solution
times, were of no more than 30 minutes for each instance. The time required to construct

Table 7 Results and execution times for the different CB-ETTP-C instances (Stage 2)

Instance Number of Type 1 Number of Type 2 Number of Type 3 Room utilization Number of time Solution Model construction
conflicts conflicts conflicts rate (%) slots with full time (s) time (s)
room assignment

udp(2005-02) 0 4 1 59.12 1 44 373

udp(2006-01) 1 4 2 68.11 3 98 401
udp(2006-02) 0 4 1 65.09 2 55 398
udp(2007-01) 0 4 3 71.78 4 128 499
udp(2013-01) 2 9 0 40.22 0 60 61
udp(2014-01) 2 7 0 36.00 0 53 52
udp(2015-01) 2 15 2 38.92 0 69 69
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Table 8 Results and execution times for the different CB-ETTP-CA instances with saturation tolerance
parameter sattol = 10 % (Stage 3)

Instance Number of No. of saturated % of saturated Solution Model construc-

exams course course time (s) tion time (s)
assignments assignments

udp(2005-02) 166 54 32.53 % 5 0.09 0.06

udp(2006-01) 172 61 35.47 % 6 0.09 0.06
udp(2006-02) 160 60 37.50 % 5 0.09 0.07
udp(2007-01) 177 66 37.29 % 7 0.08 0.08
udp(2013-01) 132 31 23.48 % 3 0.08 0.08
udp(2014-01) 115 31 26.96 % 3 0.13 0.11
udp(2015-01) 126 26 20.63 % 3 0.08 0.08

Table 9 Results and execution times for the different CB-ETTP-RA instances (Stage 4)

Instance M AX Average course- Solution Model

room closeness
  time (s) construction
value dc /|C| time (s)

udp(2005-02) 2 1.74 0.47 1.91

udp(2006-01) 2 1.76 0.48 1.92
udp(2006-02) 2 1.81 0.50 1.96
udp(2007-01) 3 2.11 0.75 2.18
udp(2013-01) 3 0.90 1.00 1.13
udp(2014-01) 3 0.96 0.89 0.77
udp(2015-01) 3 0.90 1.08 0.95

the different instances is displayed in Table 6, while model construction and solution times
for the three models in the proposed CB-ETTP solution approach are shown in Tables 7, 8
and 9.
Table 10 compares the exam schedules obtained through the proposed solution approach,
denoted by PA, with those generated by the Faculty using a manual scheduling method,
denoted by MM. The results show how the proposed solution approach clearly outperforms
the manual method. Three observations follow. First, under the manual method significant
rescheduling is required for each instance, while under the proposed solution approach no
rescheduling is needed. The most common reasons for rescheduling under the manual method,
once the definitive course enrollments were known, were: (1) having insufficient capacity
assigned and (2) having at least one student with two exams the same day and time slot.
Second, the number of conflicts of each type under the proposed approach is the same or
much lower for all the instances. Finally, the proposed solution approach outperforms the
manual method with regards to seating capacity utilization. It uses a lower percentage of seats,
thus leaving a greater safety margin in case course registrations turn out to be significantly
higher than estimated.

Table 10 Comparison of of the results obtained using a manual method (MM) and the proposed solution approach (PA)

Instance No. of Type 1 No. of Type 2 No. of Type 3 Room utilization Seating capacity Number of
conflicts conflicts conflicts rate (%) utilization rate (%) reschedulings

udp(2005-02) 10 0 4 4 18 1 66.12 59.11 91.42 86.10 4 0

udp(2006-01) 6 1 4 4 14 2 61.41 68.18 89.66 83.31 5 0
udp(2006-02) 5 0 4 4 9 1 68.43 65.55 87.09 83.98 2 0
udp(2007-01) 6 0 4 4 11 3 70.23 71.98 91.90 85.54 4 0
udp(2013-01) 3 2 17 9 15 0 36.72 40.22 68.00 59.33 8 0
udp(2014-01) 3 2 17 7 14 0 42.37 36.00 67.19 57.93 13 0
udp(2015-01) 3 2 25 15 16 2 39.35 38.92 70.13 56.23 13 0
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7 Conclusions

In this paper, we describe and solve a variant of the examination timetabling problem (ETTP)
that uses the curriculum configuration of different academic programs (i.e., the list of courses
students should normally take each term to complete the different programs) to evaluate pos-
sible conflicts in the resulting exam schedules. We refer to this variant of the ETTP as
curriculum-based examination timetabling problem (CB-ETTP). The ETTPs found in the
literature assume that the number of students registered in each course is known at the time
of scheduling exams. In the CB-ETTP, these numbers are uncertain and the definition and
quantity of exam schedule conflicts must be determined mainly on the basis of the curricu-
lum configurations. In addition, we consider room assignment as an essential part of the
scheduling process.
The proposed solution approach for the CB-ETTP consists of three mathematical pro-
gramming models that are solved sequentially. The first model assigns time slots and room
patterns to course clusters. The use of room patterns and course clusters seeks to eliminate
possible symmetries and reduce the size of the problem, simplifying the solution process.
The second model assigns time slots and room patterns to individual courses based on the
solution to the first model. Finally, the third model takes into account the solution to the
second model and assigns specific rooms to each course exam.
Some of the advantages of the proposed solution approach are: (1) it simultaneously
incorporates decisions on room assignment and exam scheduling for multiple programs;
(2) it avoids symmetry problems in the solution process via the use of course clusters;
(3) it significantly simplifies the solution of the course clusters assignment problem (CB-
ETTP-C) through the use of room patterns, as the assignment of specific rooms would
either require excessive execution times or simply not be solvable; and (4) it deals with the
uncertainty regarding student enrollment levels by incorporating a safety margin for seating
The proposed solution approach was applied to a series of real-world timetabling instances
provided by the Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. For every instance, the results obtained
were satisfactory in terms of both solution quality and execution times. Specifically, the
resulting schedules were better than those generated by the Universitys manual method
because they did not require rescheduling. The number of schedule conflicts obtained through
the proposed solution approach was much lower, in most cases, than that resulting from the
manual method. Type 3 conflicts, for example, were reduced in at least 75 %. In addition,
the seating capacity utilization rate decreased on average from 80.77 to 73.20 %. In terms of
execution times, all the instances were solved in less than 30 minutes. This is including data
processing, model construction and solution times.
One of the central assumptions of the proposed solution approach is that reasonably
good estimates of course enrollment levels are available. If the levels could be described in
probabilistic terms, an alternative approach would be to use stochastic programming.
At many universities, students register in specific courses based on course prerequisites
(i.e., curriculum configuration), course timetables and exam schedules. Formulating and
solving the combined course and exam timetabling problem would ensure better coordination
so students registration options are more likely to be free of conflicts.
With respect to future research, a topic of particular interest is the case of exams that
require two or more consecutive time slots and/or must be taken in two or more stages. In
such situations, minimum and maximum time periods between consecutive stages would
have to be incorporated.

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Acknowledgments This research was partially supported by the Millennium Institute Complex Engineering
Systems (ISCI), Chile [Grants ICM-FIC: P05-004-F, CONICYT: FB0816]. The authors would like to thank
Claudio Gutirrez, Camila Ramos, Catalina Parga, Jos Toms Marqunez, Daniel Herl and Daniel Ziga for
their assistance during the course of this research project.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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