Code of Ethics (Tourism)

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15.0 Objectives
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Code of Ethics: Why?
15.3 Perceptions on Ethics
15.4 The NGOs Views on Code of Ethics
15.5 The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
15.6 Observations on the Code
15.7 Some Impacts
15.8 Let Us Sum Up
15.9 Clues to Answers

After reading this Unit you will be able to:
know that why the need for a code of ethics was felt for tourism,
understand the different perceptions about this issue of ethics in tourism,
have an idea about the way NGOs view this code,
learn the different clauses of the code, and
in brief, know the way the code is creating an impact world over.

This is the last Unit of the course. After reading the earlier Units you would have realised that if the
negative impacts of tourism are not mitigated the ultimate sufferer, besides the environment and local
people, will be tourism itself. Hence, it is essential that all players in tourism, i.e., governments,
tourists, hosts, industry and businesses must agree on certain practices, rules, etc. that everyone must
follow. This must be done at all levels, global, national, regional, local government, industry, etc. But
this is only possible if they have an understanding in relation to their acts, attitudes, plans, business
operations, etc.
In this Unit we discuss the need for a global code of ethics for tourism along with the varied
perceptions on ethics. The Unit also, as an example, cites the NGOs position paper on the Global
Code. It further reproduces the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and mentions some of its impacts.


The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism negotiated by the WTO on behalf of industry and NGOs
seeks an ethical framework for tourism services delivery. While the WTO and industry were
motivated by the desire for standardisation and assurance to the consumers that they are getting a fair
deal, the NGOs were concerned with the nature of mass tourism and its impact on destinations and
host societies. They were also concerned with labour issues in the tourism industry and the impacts on
marginalized sections like women and children. The issues of ethics in tourism became an issue after
several anthropologists and sociologists published their case studies on the negative impacts of
tourism, particularly in the third world. Whereas European researchers had researched the consumers
point of view, which had led to strict consumer protection laws in several countries, particularly
Germany and France, it was American research that brought out the host side of the problem. This
was probably due to the resistance to back packers who had made a trail across the third world.
The issue of the Code of Ethics is closely linked to how different people and communities look at the
ethical issues related to tourism.
What is ethics? Very simply, ethics can be described as a limitation on freedom in the interest of
social conduct. An ethics originates in the propensity of interdependent social groups to evolve modes
of cooperation. Therefore, issues have to be looked at in a little more detail:
i) Ecological: perceptions of local residents on actual and potential impacts of tourism are negative.
These have to be recognised by the industry. Whilst the scientific approach redresses the
ecological balance the human issue is mostly ignored.
ii) Marketing: Since tourism is a community based service industry, marketing efforts should be
more collaborative.
iii) Sustainable development: The needs of the future as well as the present have to be considered
from the local level to the global level. The need to preserve the unique qualities of a destination
are, therefore, not only in terms of the marketing needs of the business but the life world of the
resident. The pressure of mass tourism to universalise culture is also seen as an unsustainable
iv) Humanistic and social issues: The primary issues to regenerate the pride of local communities in
their historical past. This will be the basis of authenticity, not the staged cultural forms that have
emerged through tourism demand. The heritage and culture movement have also to be negotiated
from the local and not the hegemonic point of view. Tourism decision-making should, therefore,
be more socially responsible and sensitive to local control and ideology.
v) Tourism education: Guest satisfaction, public responsibility etc. are ethical issues that reflect
consumer concerns. Particularly, at undergraduate level the introduction of ethics has been
Tourism is a big business and it is getting bigger. Over a decade ago, it was predicted that tourism is
the fastest growing industry. As it grows there is a risk of tourism being taken too seriously. The spirit
of amateurism and spontaneity have been replaced by financial and prestige values. As the economic
benefits of tourism are promoted in a one sided way its spirit of uplifting, uncontrolled, pre-reflective
and intrinsically rewarding experience is in danger of being lost at the expense of extrinsic values, like
income to be earned from tourism. The issues of ethics is closely linked with quality. The NGOs see
quality as being based on the intrinsic value of tourism while the industry and Governments look at
quality as a factor of extrinsic value. This is apparent in the manner in which the Code of Ethics has
been negotiated.


In this Section we reproduce the position paper for further discussion on the issue of a global code of
Ethics for Tourism submitted by Ten ECTWT Equations. Though discussions in this regard took
place at many forums, we have intentionally picked up this document as it gives an NGOs
perspective over the issue.
The Tourism Phenomenon
Tourism is a worldwide phenomenon affecting human society and the environment. While tourists
and people working in the tourism industry may benefit, people in tourist receiving areas experience a
threat to their self -determination and dignity. Against the dynamics of globalisation the vital rights of
local communities have been threatened.
The Need for Change Towards Sustainable Development
Recognising the urgency to raise awareness about the complex nature of tourism, and its impacts both
positive and negative, it should be apparent that tourism has played an ambivalent role in the growth
and development of sustainable practices and products in global consumption. Tourism has been
observed to have many inherent dangers, which have been reported from all over the world.
Representatives of groups, initiatives and organisations from around the world met in Stuttgart, July
6th to 9th, 1998, to discuss ways for constructively shaping tourism development. This has been done
in the conviction that change in tourism is necessary and possible, however, requiring a positive self-
commitment of all stakeholders involved.
NGO Input in WTO Process
Guided by the WTO decision makers in the public and private sector are in the process of elaborating
a Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Any ethical norms to be evolved, should represent the
autonomy and sovereignty of people and nations, and respect the cultural pluralism that exists in the
world. Therefore, we suggest that the following be considered a useful foundation from which ethical
standards for tourism can be developed by every stakeholder in the global business of tourism.
A Challenge for All Actors Involved
The development of tourism and its related impacts present a challenge to all actors involved
tourists, receiving communities, employees, employers, managers, investors, journalists and
politicians, etc. to assume responsibility to act accordingly.
Global Ethics
All cultures and societies are committed to specific ethical values with which common areas of
concern have been accepted. These values draw back upon secular traditions and regulations which
guide the interaction of individuals, communities and societies as well as to the different beliefs of the
religions of the world. Representations of these ethics can be found, for example, in various UN
conventions and declar ations, e.g., the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN
General Assembly, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Rio Declaration on
the Environment and Development and the recommendations of Agenda 21. They have also been
expressed as fundamental principles of the Parliament of the Worlds Religions.
These principles embody the untouchable inviolable dignity of every human being as the very first
fundamental ethical principle, which means that every person has a responsibility to treat all people
everywhere and at all times in the humane way. These principles imply broad guidelines for human
behaviour, such as the commitment to a culture of:
non-violence and respect for all life;
solidarity and a just economic and political order;
sustainability of consumption with respect for fragile environments and scarce resources;
tolerance and a life of truthfulness;
equal rights and partnership between men and women; and
protection of the rights of children.
Ethics in Tourism
In the same way as ethical principals apply to all individuals, communities and societies, they also
apply to all actors in tourism in their respective specific roles. This entails both rights and
responsibilities. Concrete and specific ethical standards for behaviour and practice in tourism must
follow these principles as outlined above.
This means for example:
democracy and peace in the management and resolving of conflicts connected with tourism,
which includes the openness and preparedness for a reciprocal understanding and the observance
of the general principle of justice;
solidarity with those who are directly and strongly affected by tourism and who suffer from
unjust structures connected with tourism, and solidarity with those who need material or political
and philosophical support in defending their interests and rights which are threatened by tourism
development or which are ignored in decision making processes;
justice in a world tourism order, an aim which intends to change all structures of injustice that
exists in the fields of economics, politics, social and cultural life.
respect of diversity in the various areas of life societies, environment, cultures, religions and
politics which calls for sensitive to difference and the practice of toler ance.
authentic information for all people involved or interested in tourism. Such authentic
information is a basic need for a just world tourism order. This places a particular responsibility
on the media to be objective, fair and truthful when reporting on tourism. Professionals engaged
in tourism education should also promote need for authentic research and information to develop
sensitised and aware personnel in tourism.
equal rights for all, women and men, children and old people, at home and abroad.

In order to improve the present situation in tourism and to minimize its negative impacts, we urge all
actors involved to contribute the best of their knowledge, abilities, and skills towards a tourism that is
in the line with these ethical princip les.
We appeal to the international community and all actors involved in tourism, such as governments,
other public authorities, decision makers and professionals in the field of tourism, public and private
associations and institutions whose activities are related to tourism, tourists and local communities to
adopt the following principles and work towards the following objectives:

the recognition and protection of political diversity;
the control of tourism development in line with sustainability criteria for the sake of the world
of today, its present inhabitants and future generations;
to adopt the principle of subsidiarity presupposing decentralisation, so that preference is given
to local participants in decision-making rather than global, supranational and centralised
institutions. They should be brought in only when problems cannot be resolved by local actors
the participation of all persons involved, an aim which presupposes the freedom to participate
and the duty to use this freedom responsibly;
the empowerment of local communities who are affected by, involved in, engaged in and
concerned with tourism development;
protection of decision-making structures of minorities and marginalized people/groups and the
rights to fight for their rights;
the principle of good governance, which is to be determined by the concerned local, regional
and national governments, through democratic institutions.

the recognition and protection of economic diversity;
the observance of labour rights;
the fair sharing of profits and redistribution of income;
the restriction of non-resident ownership;
the responsibility connected with ownership;
the protection of local economies against displacement and disruption;
the training for local entrepr eneurship and support of local investment;
the protection of the informal sector and its values;
the protection of attractions against free consumption.
the recognition and protection of ecological diversity;
protection of natural resources;
the provisions just access to natural resources;
the implementation of special programmes to save endangered species;
the protection of the rights of communities who are being displaced by wildlife tourism or
losing their access to forest resources.

the recognition and protection of social diversity;
the principle of self-reliance;
gender equality;
the right of children to childhood;
the stabilisation of communities;
the protection from exploitation or dependence ;
education and information skills;
the participation in the setting up of master plans;
the principle of accountability;
the local/public definition of infrastructure standards;
the integration of the local entrepreneur or co-operatives, investors and tourism;
the abolition of child prostitution;
local access to and sharing of all facilities between tourists and hosts.

the recognition and protection of cultural diversity/multi-culturalism;
tradition vs. modernisation so that the pluralism and historical basis of social practice is not
homogenised by tourism, in its drive towards modernisation;
the protection of local culture as opposed to tourist culture;
the protection of basic values;
the avoidance of zoo syndromes.

Check Your Progress - 1

1) Why should there be a code of Ethics in tourism?


2) What do the NGOs feel on the question of ethics in tourism?


In this Section, we reproduce the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) as adopted by the
representatives of the States, bodies, enterprises and institutions, Members of the World Tourism
Organisation (WTO), who had gathered for the General Assembly at Santiago, Chile on the 1st of
October 1999:
The Global Code of Ethic for Tourism sets a frame of reference for the responsible and
sustainable development of world tourism at the dawn of the new millennium. It drawn
inspiration from many similar declarations and industry codes that have come before and it adds new
thinking that reflects our changing society at the end of the 20th century. With international tourism
forecast to nearly triple in volume over the next 20 years, members of the World Tourism
Organisation believe that the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is needed to help minimise the
negative impacts of tourism on the environment and on cultural heritage while maximising the
benefits for residents of tourism destinations.
The code was called for in a resolution of the WTO General Assembly meeting in Istanbul in 1997.
Over the following two years, a special committee for the preparation of the Global Code of Ethics
was formed and a draft document was prepared by the Secretary-General and the legal adviser to
WTO in consultation with WTO Business Council, WTOs Regional Commissions, and the WTO
Executive Council.
The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development meeting in New York in April, 1999
endorsed the concept of the code and requested WTO to seek further input from the private sector,
non-governmental organisations and labour organisations. Written comments on the code were
received from more than 70 WTO Member States and other entities. The resulting 10 point Global
Code of approved unanimously by the WTO General Assembly meeting in Santiago in October 1999.
The code includes nine articles outlining the rules of the game for destinations, governments, tour
operators, developers, travel agents, workers and travellers themselves. The tenth article involves the
redress of grievances and marks the first time that a code of this type will have a mechanism for
enforcement. It will be based on conciliation through the creation of a World Committee on Tourism
Ethics made up of representatives of each region of the world and representatives of each group of
stakeholders in the tourism sector-governments, the private sector, labour and non-governmental
The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, reproduced on the following pages, is intended to be a living
documents. Read it. Circulate it widely. Participate in its implementation. Only with your cooperation
can we safeguard the future of the tourism industry and expand the sectors contribution to economic
prosperity, peace and understanding among all the nations of the world.
The General Assembly,
that it had provided at its Istanbul session in 1997 for the formation of a Special Committee for
the preparation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and that this Committee met at Cracow,
Poland on 7 October 1998, in conjunction with the Quality Support Committee meeting, in order
to consider an outline of the said Code,
that based on these initial considerations, the draft Global Code of Ethics for Tourism was
prepared by the Secretary-General, with the assistance of the Legal Advisor to WTO and was
studied by the WTO Business Council, the Regional Commissions and finally by the Executive
Council at its sixtieth session, all of which were invited to formulate their observations,
that the WTO Members were invited to communicate in writing the remarks or suggestions that
they could not make at those meetings;
that the principle of a Global Code of Ethics for Tourism aroused great interest among the
delegations that participated in the seventh session of the Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD) in New York in April 1999,
that after the CSD session, additional consultations were undertaken by the Secretary-General
with institutions representative of the tourism industry and the workers, as well as with various
non-governmental organisations interested in this process,
that, as a result of these discussions and consultations, many written contributions were received
by the Secretary-General, which have so far as possible been reflected in the draft submitted to the
Assembly for consideration;
Reaffirming that the aim of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is to establish a synthesis of the
various documents, codes and declarations of the same kind or with comparable aspirations published
over the years, to complement them with new considerations reflecting the development of our
societies and thus to serve as a frame of reference for the stakeholders in world tourism at the dawn of
the next century and millennium,
Reasserting the aims set out in Article 3 of the Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation, and
aware of the decisive and central role of this Organisation, as recognised by the General Assembly
of the United Nations, in promoting and developing tourism with a view to contributing to economic
development, international understanding, peace, prosperity and universal respect for, and observance
of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or
Firmly believing that, through the direct, spontaneous and non-mediatised contacts it engenders
between men and women of different cultures and lifestyles, tourism represents a vital force for peace
and a factor of friendship and understanding among the peoples of the world,
In keeping with the rationale to reconciling environmental protection, economic development and the
fight against poverty in a sustainable manner, as formulated by the United Nations in 1992 at the
Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro, and expressed in Agenda 21, adopted on this occasion,
Taking into account the swift and continued growth, both past and foreseeable, of the tourism
activity, whether for leisure, business, culture, religious or health purposes, and its powerful effects,
both positive and negative, on the environment, the economy and the society of both generating and
receiving countries, on local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as on international relations
and trade,
Aiming to promote responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism in the framework of
the right of all persons to use their free time for leisure pursuits or travel with respect of the choices of
society of all peoples,
But convinced that the world tourism industry as a whole has much to gain by operating in an
environment that favours the market economy, private enterprise and free trade and that serves to
optimise its beneficial effects on the creation of wealth and employment,
Also firmly convinced that, provided a number of principles and a certain number of rules are
observed, responsible and sustainable tourism is by no means incompatible with the growing
liberalisation of the conditions governing trade in services and under whose aegis the enterprises of
this sector operate and that it is possible to reconcile in this sector economy and ecology, environment
and development, openness to international trade and protection of social and cultural identities,
Considering that, with such an approach, all the stakeholders in tourism development national,
regional and local administrations, enterprises, business associations, workers in the sector, non-
governmental organisations and bodies of all kinds belonging to the tourism industry, as well as host
communities, the media and the tourists themselves, have different albeit inter-dependent
responsibilities in the individual and societal development of tourism and that the formulation of the ir
individual rights and dutires will contribute to meeting this aim,
Committed, in keeping with the aims pursued by the World Tourism Organisation itself since
adopting resolution 364 (XII) at its General Assembly of 1997 (Istanbul), to promote a genuine
partnership between the public and private stakeholders in tourism development, and wishing to see a
partnership and cooperation of the same kind extent, in an open and balanced way, to the relations
between generating and receiving countries and their res pective tourism industries,

Following up on the Manila Declarations of 1980 on World Tourism and of 1997 on the Social
Impact of Tourism, as well as on the Tourism Bill of Rights and the Tourist Code adopted at Sofia in
1985 under the aegis of WTO,
But believing that these instruments should be complemented by a set of interdependent principles
for their interpretation and application on which the stakeholders in tourism development should
model their conduct at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
Using, for the purposes of this instrument, the definitions and classifications applicable to travel, and
especially the concepts of visitor, tourist and tourism, as adopted by the Ottawa International
Conference, held from 24 to 28 June 1991 and approved, in 1993, by the United Nations Statistical
Commission at its twenty-seventh session,
Referring in particular to the following instruments:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948;
International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 16 December 1966;
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 16 December 1966;
Warsaw Convention on Air Transport of 12 October 1929;
Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944, and the Tokyo, The
Hague and Montreal Conventions in relation thereto;
Convention on Customs Facilities for Tourism of 4 July 1954 and related protocol;
Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 23
November 1972;
Manila Declaration on World Tourism of 10 October 1980;
Resolution of the Sixth General Assembly of WTO (sofia) adopting the tourism Bill of Rights and
Tourist Code of 26 September 1985;
Convention on the Rights of the Child of 26 January 1990;
Resolution of the Ninth General Assembly of WTO (Buenos Aires) concerning in particular travel
facilitation and the safety and security of tourists of 4 October 1991;
Rio Declaration on the Environment and Devlopment of 13 June 1992;
General Agreement on trade in Services of 15 April 1994;
Convention on Bio-diversity of 5 January 1995;
Stockholm Declaration of 28 August 1996 against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of
Manila Declaration on the Social Impact of Tourism of 22 May 1997;
Conventions and recommendations adopted by the International Labour Organisation in the area
of collective conventions, prohibition of forced labour and child labour, defence of the rights of
indigenous peoples, and equal treatment and non-discrimination in the work place,
Affirm the rights to tourism and the freedom of tourist movements,
State our wish to promote an equitable, responsible and sustainable world tourism order, whose
benefits will be shared by all sectors of society in the context of an open and liberalised
international economy, and solemnly adopt to these ends the principles of the Global Code of
Ethics for Tourism.

Article 1 Tourisms Contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and
1) The understanding and promotion of the ethical values common to humanity, with an
attitude of tolerance and respect for the diversity of religious, philosophical and moral

beliefs, are both the foundation and the consequence of responsible tourism; stakeholders
in tourism development and tourists themselves should observe the social and cultural
traditions and practices of all peoples, including those of minorities and indigenous
peoples and to recognise their worth;
2) Tourism activities should be conducted in harmony with the attributes and traditions of
the host regions and countries and in respect for their laws, practices and customs;
3) The host communities, on the one hand, and local professionals, on the other, should
acquaint themselves with and respect the tourists who visit them and find out about their
lifestyles, tastes and exp ectations; the education and training imparted to professionals
contribute to a hospitable welcome;
4) It is the task of the public authorities to provide protection for tourists and visitors and
their belongings; they must pay particular attention to the safety of foreign tourists owing
to the particular vulnerability they may have; they should facilitate the introduction of
specific means of information, prevention, security, insurance and assistance consistent
with their needs; any attacks, assaults, kidnappings or threats against tourists or workers
in the tourism industry, as well as the wilful destruction of tourism facilities or of
elements of cultural or natural heritage should be severely condemned and punished in
accordance with their respective national laws;
5) When travelling, tourists and visitors should not commit any criminal act or any act
considered criminal by the laws of the country visited and abstain from any conduct felt
to be offensive or injurious by the local populations, or likely to damage the local
environment; they should refrain from all trafficking in illicit drugs, arms, antiques,
protected species and products and substances that are dangerous or prohibited by
national regulations;
6) Tourists and visitors have the responsibility to acquaint themselves, even before their
departure, with the characteristics of the countries they are preparing to visit; they must be
aware of the health and security risks inherent in any travel outside their usual
environment and behave in such a way as to minimise those risks.

Article 2 Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment

1) Tourism, the activity most frequently associated with rest and relaxation, sport and access
to culture and nature, should be planned and practiced as a privileged means of individual
and collective fulfilment; when practiced with a sufficiently open mind, it is an
irreplaceable factor of self-education, mutual tolerance and for learning about the
legitimate differences between peoples and cultures and their diversity;
2) Tourism activities should respect the equality of men and women; they should promote
human rights and, more particularly, the individual rights of the more vulnerable groups,
notably children, the elderly, the handicapped, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples;
3) The exploitation of human beings in any form, particularly sexual, especially when
applied to children, conflicts with the fundamental aims of tourism and is the negation of
tourism; such as, in accordance with international law, it should be energetically
combated with the cooperation of all the States concerned and penalised without
concession by the national legislation of both the countries visited and the countries of the
perpetrators of these acts, even when they are carried out abroad;
4) Travel for purposes of religion, health, education and cultural or linguistic exchanges are
particularly beneficial forms of tourism, which deserve encouragement;
5) The introduction into curricula of education about the value of tourist exchanges, their
economic, social and cultural benefits, and also their risks, should be encouraged.

Article 3 Tourism, a factor of sustainable development

1) All the stakeholders in tourism development should safeguard the natural environment
with a view to achieving sound, continuous and sustainable economic growth geared to
satisfying equitably the needs and aspirations of present and future generations;
2) All forms of tourism development that are conducive to saving rare and precious
resources, in particular water and energy, as well as avoiding so far as possible waste
production, should be given priority and encouraged by national, regional and local public
3) The staggering in time and space of tourist flows, particularly those resulting from paid
leave and school holidays, and a more even distribution of holidays should be sought so
as to reduce the pressure of tourism activity on the environment and enhance its beneficial
impact on the tourism industry and the local economy;
4) Tourism infrastructures should be designed and tourism activities programmed in such a
way as to protect the natural heritage composed of ecosystems and biodiversity and to
preserve endangered species of wildlife; the stakeholders in tourism development, and
especially professionals, should agree to the imposition of imitations or constraints on
their activities when these are exercised in particularly sensitive areas: desert, polar or
high mountain regions, coastal areas, tropical forests or wetlands, ropitious to the creation
of nature reserves or protected areas;
5) Nature tourism and eco-tourism are recognised as being particularly conducive to
enriching and enhancing the standing of tourism, provided they respect the natural
heritage and local populations and are in keeping with the carrying capacity of the sites;

Article 4 Tourism, a user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its
1) Tourism resources belong to the common heritage of mankind; the communities in whose
territories they are situated have particular rights and obligations to them;
2) Tourism policies and activities should be conducted with respect for the artistic,
archaeological and cultural heritage, which they should protect and pass on to future
generations; particular care should be devoted to preserving and upgrading monuments,
shrines and museums as well as archaeological and historic sites which must be widely
open to tourist visits; encouragement should be given to public access to privately -owned
cultural property and monuments, with respect for the rights of their owners, as well as
the religious buildings, without prejudice to normal needs of worship;
3) Financial resources derived from visits to cultural sites and monuments should, at least in
part, be used for the upkeep, safeguard, development and embellishment of this heritage;
4) Tourism activity should be planned in such a way as to allow traditional cultural products,
crafts and folklore to survive and flourish, rather than causing them to degenerate and
become standardised.

Article 5 Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities

1) Local populations should be associated with tourism activities and share equitably in the
economic, social and cultural benefits they generate, and particularly in the creation of
direct and indirect jobs resulting from them;
2) Tourism policies shall be applied in such a way as to help raise the standard of living of
the populations of the regions visited and meet their needs; the planning and architectural
approach to and operation of tourism resorts and accommodation should aim to integrate
them, to the extent possible, in the local economic and social fabric; where skills are
equal, priority should be given to local manpower;
3) Special attention should be paid to the specific problems of coastal areas and island
territories and to vulnerable rural or mountain regions, for which tourism often represents
a rare opportunity for development in the face of the decline of traditional economic
4) Tourism professionals, particularly investors, governed by the regulations laid down by
the public authorities, should carry out studies of the impact of their development projects
on the environment and natural surroundings; they should also deliver, with the greatest
transparency and objectivity, information on their populations concerned.
Article 6 Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development
1) Tourism professionals have an obligation to provide tourists with objective and honest
information on their places of destination and on the conditions of travel, hospitality and
stays; they should ensure that the contractual clauses proposed to their customers are
readily understandable as to the nature, price and quality of the services they commit
themselves to providing and the financial compensation payable by them in the event of a
unilateral breach of contract on their part;
2) Tourism professionals, insofar as it depends on them, should show concern, in co-
operation with the public authorities, for the security and safety, accident prevention,
health protection and food safety of those who seek their services; likewise, they should
ensure the existence of suitable systems of insurance and assistance; they should accept
the reporting obligations prescribed by national regulations and pay fair compensation in
the event of failure to observe their contractual obligations;
3) Tourism professional, so far as this depends on them, should contribute to the cultural and
spiritual fulfilment of tourists and allow them, during their travels, to practice their
4) The public authorities of the generating States and the host countries, in cooperation with
the professionals concerned and their association, should ensure that the necessary
mechanisms are in place for the repatriation of tourists in the even of the bankruptcy of
the enterprise that organised their travel;
5) Governments have the rights and the duty especially in a crisis, to inform their
nationals of the difficult circumstances, or even the dangers they may encounter during
their travels abroad; it is their responsibility however to issue such information without
prejudicing in an unjustified or exaggerated manner to tourism industry of the host
countries and the interests of their own operators; the contents of travel advisories should
therefore to discussed beforehand with the authorities of the host countries and the
professionals concerned; recommendations formulated should be strictly proportionate to
the gravity of the situations encountered and confined to the geographical areas where the
insecurity has arisen; such advisories should be qualified or cancelled as soon as a return
to normality permits;
6) The press, and particularly the specialised travel press and the other media, including
modern means of electronic communication, should issue honest and balanced
information on events and situations that could influence the flow of tourists; they should
also provide accurate and reliable information to the consumers of tourism services; the
new communication and electronic commerce technologies should also be developed and
used for this purpose; as is the case for the media, they should not in any way promote sex

Article 7 Right to tourism

1) The prospect of direct and personal access to the discovery and enjoyment of the planets
resources constitutes a right equally open to all the worlds inhabitants; the increasingly
extensive participation in national and international tourism should be regarded as one of
the best possible expressions of the sustained growth of free time, and obstacles should
not be placed in its way;
2) The universal rights to tourism must be regarded as the corollary of the rights to rest and
leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay,
guaranteed by Article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 7.d of
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;
3) Social tourism, and in particular associative tourism, which facilitates widespread access
to leisure, travel and holidays, should be developed with the support of the public

4) Family, youth, student and senior tourism and tourism for people with disabilities, should
be encouraged and facilitated.

Article 8 Liberty of tourist movements

1) Tourists and visitors should benefit, in compliance with international law and national
legislation, from the liberty to move within their countries and from one State to another,
in accordance with Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; they should
have access to places of transit and stay and to tourism and cultural sites without being
subject to excessive formalities or discrimination;
2) Tourists and visitors should have access to all available forms of communication, internal
or external; they should benefit from prompt and easy access to local administrative, legal
and health services, they should be free to contact the consular representatives of their
countries of origin in compliance with the diplomatic conventions in force;
3) Tourists and visitors should benefit from the same rights as the cit izens of the country
visited concerning the confidentiality of the personal data and information concerning
them, especially when these are stored electronically;
4) Administrative procedures relating to border crossings whether they fall within the
competence of States or result from international agreements, such as visas or health and
customs formalities, should be adapted, so far as possible, so as to facilitate to the
maximum freedom of travel and widespread access to international tourism; agreements
between groups of countries to harmonise and simplify these procedures should be
encouraged; specific taxes and levies penalising the tourism industry and undermining its
competitiveness should be gradually phased out or corrected;
5) So far as the economic situation of the countries from which they come permits, travellers
should have access to allowances of convertible currencies needed for their travels.

Article 9 Rights of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry

1) The fundamental rights of salaried and self-employed workers in the tourism industry and
related activities, should be guaranteed under the supervision of the national and local
administrations, both of their States of origin and of the host countries with particular
care, given the specific constraints linked in particular to the seasonality of their activity,
the global dimension of their industry and the flexibility often required of them by the
nature of their work;
2) Salaried and self -employed workers in the tourism industry and related activities have the
right and the duty to acquire appropriate initial and continuous training; they should be
given adequate social protection; job insecurity should be limited so far as possible; and a
specific status, with particular regard to their social welfare, should be offered to seasonal
workers in the sector;
3) Any natural or legal person, provided he, she or it has the necessary abilities and skills,
should be entitled to develop a professional activity in the field of tourism under existing
national laws; entrepreneurs and investors especially in the area of small and medium-
sized enterprises should be entitled to free access to the tourism sector with a minimum
of legal or administrative restrictions;
4) Exchanges of experience offered to executives and workers, whether salaried or not, from
different countries, contributes to foster the development of the world tourism industry;
these movements should be facilitated so far as possible in compliance with the applicable
national laws and international conventions;
5) As an irreplaceable factor of solidarity in the development and dynamic growth of
international exchanges, multinational enterprises of the tourism industry should not
exploit the dominant positions they sometimes occupy; they should avoid becoming the
vehicles of cultural and social models artificially imposed on the host communities; in
exchange for their freedom to invest and trade which should be fully recognised, they
should involve themselves in local development, avoiding, by the excessive repatriation
of their profits or their induced imports, a reduction of their contribution to the economies
in which they are established;
6) Partnership and the establishment of balanced relations between enterprises of generating
and receiving countries contribute to the sustainable development of tourism and an
equitable distribution of the benefits of its growth.

Article 10 Implementation of the principles of the global code of ethics for tourism
1) The public and private stakeholders in tourism development should cooperate in the
implementation of these principles and monitor their effective application;
2) The stakeholders in tourism development should recognise the role of international
institutions, among which the World Tourism Organisation ranks first, and non-
governmental organisations with competence in the fields of tourism promotion and
development, the protection of human rights, the environment or health, with due respect
for the general and principles of international law;
3) T he same stakeholders should demonstrate their intention to refer any disputes concerning
the application or interpretation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism for conciliation
to an impartial third body known as the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.

Protocol of Implementation
I. Body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating
the provisions of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
a) A World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall be created comprising twelve eminent persons
independent of governments and twelve alternates, selected on the basis of their competence in
the field of tourism and related fields; they shall not receive any orders or instructions from those
who proposed their nomination or who designated them and shall not report to them.
b) The members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall be appointed as follows:
six members and six alternate members designated by the WTO Regional Commissions, on
the proposal of the States members of WTO;
a member and an alternate designated by the autonomous territories that are Associate
Members of WTO from among their members;
four members and fur alternate members elected by the WTO General Assembly from among
the Affiliate Members of WTO representing professionals or employees of the tourism
industry, universities and non-governmental organisations, after conferring with the
Committee of Affiliate Members;
a Chairman, who may be an eminent person not belonging to WTO, elected by the other
members of the Committee, on the proposal of the Secretary-General of WTO.
The Legal Adviser of the World Tourism Organisation shall participate, when necessary, and in
an advisory capacity, in the Committee meeting; the Secretary-General shall attend ex-officio or
may arrange to be represented at its meetings.
On appointing the members of the Committee, account shall be taken of the need for a balanced
geographical composition of this body and for a diversification of the qualifications and personal
status of its members, from both the economic and social as well as the legal viewpoint; the
members shall be appointed for four years and their term of office may be renewed only once, in
the event of a vacancy, the member shall be replaced by his alternate, it being understood that if
the vacancy concerns bot h the member and his alternate, the Committee itself shall fill the vacant
seat; if the Chairmans seat is vacant he or she shall be replaced in the conditions set out above.
c) The WTO Regional Commissions shall act in the cases provided for in paragraphs I(d), (g) and
(h), as well as II(a), (b), (f) and (g) below of this Protocol, as regional committees on tourism
d) The World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall establish its own Rules of Procedure, which shall
apply equally, mutates mutandis, to the Regional Commissions when these are acting as regional
committees on tourism ethics; the presence of two-thirds of the Committee members shall be
necessary to constitute a quorum at its meetings; in the event that a member is absent, he may be
replaced by his alternate; in the event of a tie in the voting, the chairman shall have the casting
e) When proposing the candidature of a an eminent person to serve on the Committee, each Member
of WTO shall undertake to cover the travel expenses and daily subsistence allowances occasioned
by the participation in the meetings of the person whose nomination it has proposed, it being
understood that the members of the Committee shall not receive any remuneration; the expenses
incurred by the participation of the Chairman of the Committee, also unremunerated, may be
borne by the WTO budget; the secretariat of the Committee shall be provided by the services of
WTO; the operating costs remaining payable by the Organisation may, wholly or in part, be
charged to a trust fund financed by voluntary contributions.
f) The World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall meet in principle once a year; whenever a dispute
is referred to it for settlement, the chairman shall consult the other members and the Secretary-
General of WTO about the expediency of convening an extraordinary meeting.
g) The functions of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics and the WTO Regional Commissions
shall be the evaluation of the implementation of this Code and conciliation; it may invite experts
or external institutions to contribute to its proceedings.
h) On the basis of periodic reports submitted to them by Full Members, Associate Members and
Affiliate Members of WTO, the WTO Regional ethics, examine the application of the Code in
their respective regions; they shall record their findings in a report to the World Committee on
Tourism Ethics; the reports of the Regional Commissions may contain suggestions to amend or
supplement the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
i) The World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall exercise a global function as a watching for the
problems encountered in implementing the Code and for the proposed solutions; it shall
summarise the reports drawn up by the Regional Commissions and supplement them with the
information it has collected with the assistance of the Secretary-General and the support of the
Committee of Affiliate members, which shall include, should the need arise, proposals to amend
or supplement the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.
j) The Secretary-General shall refer the report of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics to the
Executive Council, together with his own observations, for consideration and transmission to the
General Assembly with the Councils recommendations; the General Assembly shall decide what
follow-up action to take on the report and the recommendations thus submitted to it, which the
national tourism administrations and other stakeholders in tourism development shall
subsequently have the task of implementing.

II. Conciliation mechanism for the settlement of disputes

a) In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Global Code of Ethics
for Tourism, two or more stakeholders in tourism development may jointly refer it to the World
Committee on Tourism Ethics; if the dispute is between two or more stakeholders belonging to
the same region, the Parties should refer the matter to the competent WTO Regional Commission
in its capacity as a regional committee on tourism ethics.
b) The States, as well as tourism enterprises and bodies, may declare that they accept in advance the
competence of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics or of a WTO Regional Commission for
any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Code, or for certain categories of
dispute; in this case, the Committee or the competent Regional Commission shall be considered
as validly referred to unilaterally by the other Party to the dispute.
c) When a dispute is submitted in the first instance to the World Committee on Tourism Ethics for
consideration, its chairman shall appoint a sub-committee of three members who shall be
responsible for examining the dispute.

d) The World Committee on Tourism Ethics to which a dispute has been referred shall reach a
decision on the basis of the record draw n up by the Parties to the dispute; the Committee may ask
these Parties for additional information and, if deemed useful, may hear them at their request; the
expenses incurred by this hearing shall be borne by the Parties unless the circumstances are
considered exceptional by the Committee; the failure of one of the Parties to appear even though
he or she has been given a reasonable opportunity to participate, shall not prevent the Committee
from making a ruling.
e) Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall announce
its decision within three months of the date on which it has referred to; it shall present
recommendations to the Parties suitable to form the basis of a settlement; the Parties shall
immediately inform the chairman of the Committee that has examined the dispute of the action
they have taken on these recommendations.
f) If the dispute is referred to a WTO Regional Commission, it shall announce its decision following
the same procedure, mutates mutandis, as that applied by the World Committee on Tourism
Ethics when it intervenes in the first instance.
g) If within a period of two months after notification of the proposals of the Committee or of a
Regional Commission the Parties have failed to agree on the terms of a final settlement, the
Parties or one of them may refer the dispute to a plenary session of the World Committee on
Tourism Ethics; when the Committee has made a ruling in the first instance, the members that
served on the sub-committee that examined the dispute may not take part in this plenary session
and shall be replaced by their alternates; if these intervened in the first instance, the lmembers
shall not be prevented from participating.
h) The plenary session of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics shall make its ruling following
the procedure laid out in paragraphs II(d) and (e) above; if no solution has been found at a
previous stage, it shall formulate final conclusions for the settlement of the dispute, which the
Parties, if they agree with their contents, will be recommended to apply at the earliest possible
opportunity; these conclusions shall be made public, even if the process of conciliation has not
been successfully completed and one of the parties refuses to accept the final conclusio ns
i) Full Members, Associate Members and Affiliate Members of WTO, as well as States that are not
members of WTO, may declare that they accept in advance as binding and, where applicable,
subject to the sole reservation of reciprocity, the final conclusions of the World Committee on
Tourism Ethics in the disputes, or in a private dispute to which they are party.
j) Likewise, the States may accept as binding or subject to exequatur the final conclusions of the
World Committee on Tourism Ethics in disputes to which their nationals are party or which
should be applied in their territory.
k) Tourism enterprises and bodies may include in their contractual documents a provision making
the final conclusions of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics binding in their relations with
their contracting parties.


Five general categories of literature deal with ethical issues in tourism that are reflected in the Code of
Ethics adopted by the General Assembly of the WTO in 2000. At a seminar at Tel Aviv, it was
claimed that tourism was a harbinger of peace in two ways, because it creates direct contact between
visitor and host, and the tourism operators in a region are bound by a common interest in promoting
tourism. On their success and on the friendly relations between peoples will depend the profitability
of tourism. Ethical issues are related to ecological impacts, marketing sustainable development,
humanistic and social concerns and education. Tourism educational materials do not reflect the
negative side of tourism or deal with ethical issues in tourism, therefore, it was felt that educational
materials needed an infusion of the ethical point of view. To ensure that tourism goods and services
are marketed to meet accepted standards and practices in the industry, such as truthful advertising,

honest classification of services and the various distribution channels that deliver the services, a best
practice kind of approach was taken.
The Code of Ethics has been viewed as a voluntary code, and not to be implemented by zealous moral
reformers. It is for this reason that a draft Protocol for implementation was to be decided by the WTO
General Assembly in 2001. The WTO condemned ill conceived, ill executive and opportunistic
tourism development and decided to work to remove health and safety hazards that selfish tourism
development had brought about. They identified drug abuse, sex tourism, child exploitation and
environmental degradation amongst the visible problems created by the tidal wave of tourism all over
the world. 64 governments met in manila in May 1997 and decided to work towards a code of ethics.
In 1998 NGOs joined issue with governments on the labour practices and remuneration for workers in
the tourism sector, the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples and the rights of women
and children. They also suggested a mechanism whereby the offenders could be punished. They felt
that the growth in global tourist had brought about problems and complications, some of which were
serious enough to threaten social consensus and the ecological equilibrium of communities.
The difference in the approaches of industry and NGOs and the WTO is reflected in the promotion of
the International Year of Eco Tourism, 2002, Whilst NGOs feel this is a form of tourism, which
penetrates, into regions that are most endangered and peoples are most threatened, the UN
organisations and industry believe this form of tourism should be promoted, with certification
safeguards, as it is the most sustainable. The campaign to rethink the year of Eco Tourism has brought
about some revision of the manner in which the WTO had planned a series of events to highlight the
event. There is also a decision to ensure the participation of the concerned people from the South, who
will be the most affected. There is a difference between NGOs of the North and South too.
Big business oriented NGOs like Conservation International and International Eco Tourism
Society are for promoting Eco Tourism since it is their field of operation. Much international aid and
consultancy will flow from such promotions for such NGOs. The Southern NGOs, like Third World
Network, Tim-Team and Equations, along with ECTWT, have opposed the concept of Eco
Tourism being imposed from above. They want a clarification of the objectives and the definition
before any promotion is allowed.

Check Your Progress - 2

1) What do you understand by right to tourism?


2) Mention your observations on the code?



Tremendous debate has taken place on the Code of Ethics for tourism. The industry, NGOs and
governments, all have given their own view points and perceptions in this regard. There is no
denying that a code is needed. Tourism is both beneficial as well as harmful. In order to mitigate its
negative impacts certain measures have to be taken and for this a code of ethics is necessary. Recently
this code has gone to United Nations for deliberations and approval.


Check Your Progress - 1

1) Read Sec.15.2.
2) Read Sec.15.4.

Check Your Progress - 2

1) See Sec.15.5.
2) See Sec.15.6 and then give your views.


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