1.converter Transformer

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Converter Transformer

HVDC Systems for

Energy Transmission over long distances
Asynchronous coupling between AC Regional networks

Power Electronic circuits are used to convert AC to DC (Rectifier circuits) or

convert DC to AC (Inverter Circuits). Both of these circuits are also called
converter circuits.

A transformer that has one of its windings connected to one of these

circuits, as a dedicated transformer, is a Converter Transformer
Converter Transformer in HVDC system.

Supply of AC voltages into two separate circuits feeding the

rectifier bridges with a phase shift of 30 electrical degrees for
reduction of low order harmonics esp. 5th & 7th harmonics.

As a galvanic barrier between AC and DC systems to prevent

DC potential entering into the AC system

Reactive Impedance in the AC supply to reduce short circuit

currents and to control the rate of rise in valve current during
Converter Transformers for 12 pulse rectification.

Primary: Star 400 kV AC

Secondary: Two windings connected to converter (Thyristors)
connected in series to build up required level of DC voltage
Choice of transformer design is mainly
ruled by.

transport restrictions (dimensions and weight)

number of necessary spare transformers
technical possible solutions for core and windings
Converter Transformers for 12 pulse rectification

Type of Connections No. of design X No. Spares

of units required
3 Phase Star-Delta & Star- 2X2 2
Single phase 2 winding 2X6 2

Singe phase 3 winding 2x3 1

Extended delta- 2X2 1

3 Phase 3 winding 2X2 1
Converter Transformer....

active part
Valve Winding (Y) Tap Winding Valve Winding (D)

Line Winding


Simplified connection of
line windings and tap windings
Winding and core arrangement
Converter Xmer & Normal AC Xmer..

Polarity Reversal
Voltage Distribution in Oil Barrier System
Impedance variation influence
On load Tap Changer
Harmonic Currents
DC Magnetisation
Short Circuit Forces
DC Bushings
Under Polarity Reversal..

Beginning voltage stress distributions capacitive Oil is stressed

more than PB

Successively change over to Resistive distribution PB is

stressed more (almost all stress across solid insulation)

PD stresses under DC Sporadic pulses at random intervals

-Discharges in oil gaps under rapid changes in voltage

-Discharges in cellulose insulation due to imperfections in
-Discharges at the oil-cellulose interface

. To meet above, special oil-barrier insulation system is required

Voltage Distribution in Oil-Barrier System...
Voltage Distribution in Oil-Barrier System...

Main duct in HVDC transformers require more PB barriers than normal

AC transformers as DC voltage is taken mainly by PB. Voltage
distribution is by resistivity in steady state.

- Transient DC voltages:

Start up of converter when full DC potential from bridges

is developed almost instantaneously

- DC Voltage Polarity Reversal:

When direction of power flow is changed in HVDC system, current
direction remains the same while polarity of the voltage will be reversed.
This is done within a few number of power cycles.
A sudden change in DC voltage is capacitive.
Time constant for the transition from capacitive to resistive distribution
is about an hour.
Voltage Distribution in Oil-Barrier System...

Insulation Design

Valve windings to withstand AC voltages, superimposed DC

voltages on AC voltages, DC Voltage Polarity Reversal

Composite insulation of Pressboard or Paper (Solid) and

oil (liquid)

Voltage distribution between paper & oil under AC conditions

 depends on inverse ratio of dielectric constants of
PB/ Oil (2:1)

Voltage distribution between oil & paper under steady state

DC voltage  depends on direct ratio of resistivities (1:10 ~ 500),
depends on oil quality, moisture content and temperature
Influence of Impedance variation

Closer Tolerance in Impedance is required between three phases and

also between upper & lower bridges (star-star, star-delta circuits)
( 6% on special tolerance and 2-3% variation between units
(Normal transformers 10%)

The above is necessary :

To reduce distortion in DC voltage wave form
To reduce non-characteristic harmonics, thereby cost of AC filters
To reduce residual currents between three phases, which can act
as DC magnetization on the core.

To achieve close tolerance on impedance variation

Close dimensional tolerances in windings
Proper stabilization of windings before assembly
Better insulating material
Good winding machines
On Load Tap Changer.

Large voltage control requirements at converter & inverter ends.

Tapping range is large (25 ~ 30%) with small steps to give
necessary adjustments in supply voltage.

High frequency of operation Mechanical aspects of OLTC

should be reviewed to ensure a robust design (Contacts wear,
linkages, motor, relays, contactors, interlocks). Derating
necessary compared to normal transformer applications.

Small step voltage permit small variation in DC voltage, valve

firing angles and reactive power demand
On Load Tap Changer

There is need to compensate for the reactive voltage drop in

the conversion between AC & DC by changing taps.

In OLTC, switchover from one tap to another is carried out by

the diverter switch.

When changing over from one tap to next, the current in the leaving
tap has to be broken during the normal current zero passage.

In star-star connected windings, the current is zero for a long time

and the change over is smooth.

But in star-delta connected windings, the current change from

positive to negative is abrupt with very little time at zero current.

This puts strain on diverter switch.

Higher Harmonic Currents.

Additional losses due to harmonic currents in valve windings

Stray flux from harmonic currents can heat up structural

members like Yoke Clamps, Tank

Yoke shunts are used to contain and direct the above leakage
flux to core

Harmonic stray flux can induce larger currents than power

frequency stray flux

No-Load losses Depends on applied AC voltage, same as normal transformer

Load Losses I2R + Stray loss from circulating currents in windings & metallic parts
from leakage flux
Circulating current depend on rate of change in winding current and thus leakage
With stepwise change in load current during commutation from one valve to
another, the induced voltages will be fairly high to create circulating currents. So
stray losses are increased compared to conventional power transformers.
Stray losses in windings Increase as square of harmonic number
At 150 Hz, Stray losses (150/50)2 more than at 50 Hz current
Stray losses in metal- varies as 0.8 of harmonic number
High percentage of harmonic currents in the load current causes higher load losses
compared to normal transformers
DC Magnetization.

Due to inaccuracies in valve firing.

Results in a small residual DC current oscillating around zero.

DC components in magnetizing current lead to core saturation, which

results in -
high levels of vibration
increased sound level in transformers
marginal increase in no-load loss.
Short Circuit Forces.

A short circuit across a valve or phase to ground on a valve side terminal

can result in a completely asymmetrical current for a few cycles.
Resulting forces on the winding can be larger than for the normal power
transformers where the asymmetry decays rapidly.
Mechanical forces during a short
circuit may reach critical values

An inner winding buckles under

radial forces
Excessive axial force in
winding will cause tilting
of conductor
DC Bushing.

DC withstand voltage of contaminated insulator is 20 ~ 30% of that of AC.

To meet this, bushings creepage used are 40 mm/kV or more (Normal

bushings are with 25mm / kV of service maximum voltage)

To avoid chances of phase to ground short circuits, valve side bushings are
located inside the valve hall. This also reduces the pollution related
flashovers and consequent short circuit.

IEC & IEEE standards for the DC bushings.

Converter Transformer
Interface: DC bushings (Basslink)
Converter Transformer
Few Formula..
Rectifier mode
U d = 1 . 35 U cos L Id

Inverter mode

U d = (1.35 U cos L I d )

2 L I d
cos( + ) = cos

+ + =
Converter Transformer
required acc. to IEC 60076-1, ~-3, IEC61378-2

meas of DC wind. res. IEC 60076-1, 10.2
meas. of voltage ratio and check of phase IEC 60076-1, 10.3
meas. of s/c imp. and load loss IEC 60076-1, 10.4
meas. of no load loss and current at fr and Ur IEC 60076-1, 10.5
dielectric routine tests (for IEC 60076-3
LI (for line & neutral, principal and extr. neg. Ut IEC 60076-3, cl.13 & 14
SI IEC 60076-3, cl.15
ACLD (AC long duration), sine wave>>fr, IEC 60076-3, cl.12.4
seperate source AC (applied potential IEC 60076-3, cl.11
seperate source DC volt. withstand incl IEC 601378-2, cl.10
PD meas.
polarity reversal test IEC 601378-2, cl.10

(aux.wiring IEC60076-3, cl.10: 2kV rms)

tests on on-load tap- changer (where appropriate) IEC 60076-1, 10.8
meas. insulation resistance IEC 601378-2, cl.10
test of magn. circuit insulation and associated ins. IEC 601378-2, cl.10
Converter Transformer

temp.rise IEC 60076-2, also 5.2.3
dielectric type tests n.a., all tests are routine IEC 60076-3
sound IEC 60076-10
power level
sound power level of cooling IEC 60076-10

dielectric special tests (for Um>300kV) (to be agreed see routine tests IEC 60076-3
ACSD (AC short duration), 1ph transformer: ph- gr only, 1-ph.: IEC 60076-3, cl.12.2 &
100%Utest for 60s U2=1.5*U 12.3

det.of cap. windings-to-earth and between windings

det. of transient volt. transfer
meas. of zero-seq. imp. on 3-ph. IEC 60076-1, 10.7
s/c withstand test (test or calc.) calc.: 4.1.2...4.1.5 IEC 60076-5
det. of sound levels IEC 60551
meas. of harmonics of the no IEC 60076-1, 10.6
load current
meas of power taken by fan and
oil pump motors
meas. of ins. res. to earth of
meas of tan(delta) of the ins. sys.
losses and imp.(other taps) IEC 60076-1, 10.4+10.5,
IEC 61378-1
load current IEC 601378-2, cl.10

1) IEC 61378-1 (1.0) 1997-09 Converter Transformers

Part I Transformers for Industrial Applications

2) IEC 61378-2 (1.0) 2001-02 Converter Transformers

Part 2 Transformers for HVDC Applications.

3) IEC 61378-3 (under issue) Converter Transformers

Part 3 Application Guide for Converter Transformers

4) IEC 62199: 2004-05 Bushings for DC Application

5) IEEE Std. C57.129-1999 General Requirements and

Test code for Oil Immersed HVDC Converter Transformers.

6) IEEE Std. 1158-1991 (R 1996) Recommended Practice for

Determination of Power losses in HVDC converter stations.

7) IEEE Std. C57.19.03 - 1996 Standard Requirements,

Terminology and Test Code for Bushings for DC applications.

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