High Yield Coffee Extraction Technology

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Group V :

1. Yosevina Tiurma ( 02211440000060 )

2. Aga Batry Heksaprilla ( 02211440000088 )
3. Claudia Primaswari ( 02211540000114 )
4. Nur Syazaarina ( 02211748007004 )

Chemical Engineering Department

Faculty of Industrial Engineering
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
COVER.............................................. 1
TABLE OF CONTENT................................. 2
B.1 Nutrition Composition of Luwak Coffee...... 4
B.2 Nutrition Composition of Robusta Green Bean....... 5
C.1. Block Diagram of Process Production..... 7
C.2. Process Description. 7
C.3. High Yield Coffee Extraction.. 8

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Coffee tree is a shrub with a straight trunk which can survive for about 70 years. Of
around sixty different species of coffee tree, there two main sorts of coffee: Arabica and
Robusta. Arabica is autogamous, which is capable of pollinating itself whereas coffee
canephora also known as Robusta is allogamous. In this context, Robusta is being compare to
luwak coffee.

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Table A.1.1 Nutrition Composition of Luwak Coffee, based on Chang, S.2011
Parameter Chan, S. 2011
-tocopherol 0.328
Caffeine 41.772
C 64.02 %
O 31.59 %
Na -
Mg -
K 0.75 %
Ca 0.18 %
Fe -
Zn -
Br 3.37 %
Cu 0.09 %

Table A.1.2 Nutrition Composition of Luwak Coffee, based on Marcone, 2004

Parameter Marcone, 2004
Moisture % 9.2a
Protein % 13.5d
Fat % 13.0c
Ash % 3.6c
Carbohydrate % 60.7
Potassium (K) (ppm) 15,000a
Phosphorus (P) (ppm) 20,00a
Calcium (Ca) (ppm) 14,50a
Magnesium (Mg) (ppm) 14,00a
Iron (Fe) (ppm) 12,00a

Table A.1.3 Nutrition Composition of Luwak Coffee, based on Hoang, ManhCuong. 2012

Parameter Hoang, ManhCuong.

AflatoxineBl < 0.1(^g/kg
Caffeine, mg/g 9.872
Moisture, % 7.91
Total protein, % dry mass 16.09

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Lipid, % dry mass 5.02
Total carbohydrate, % dry mass 63.59
Cellulose, % dry mass 13.45
Others, % dry mass 1.85


Table A.2.1 Nutrition Composition of Robusta Green Bean, based on Chan, S.2011

Parameter %
- tocopherol 0.419
Caffein 39.978
C 43.24
O 44.77
Na -
Mg 1.02
K 5.76
Ca 0.85
Fe -
Zn 1.24
Cu 1.39
Br 1.73

Table A.2.2 Nutrition Composition of Robusta Green Bean, based on Berlitz et al, 2009)

Parameter %
Soluble carbohydrates 6.0-11.5
Monosaccharides 0.2-0.5
Oligosaccharides 3.0-7.0
Polysaccharides 3-4
Insoluble carbohydrates 34-44
Hemicellulosa 3.0-4.0
Cellulosa 32-40
Chlorogenic acid 7.1-12.1
Lignin 1-3
Lipids 8.0-12
Protein 8.5-12
Caffeine 1.7-4.0
Minerals 3.0-5.4

Table A.2.3 Nutrition Composition of Robusta Green Bean, based on Chu, Yi-Fang. 2012)

Parameter %
Sucrose 0.9-4.0
Reducing sugars 0.4
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Polysaccharides 48-55
Lignin 3.0
Chlorogenic acids 6.1-11.3
Aliphatic acids 1.0
Trigonelline 0.6-0.7
Lipids 7.0-10
Protein 11-15
Free amino acids 0.8-1.0
Pectin 0.2
Caffeine 1.5-2.5
Minerals 4.4-4.5

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Harvested Floatation
coffee berries cleaning

Cleaning Hulling
(size grading)

Bagging off Quality Coffee

Figure B.1.1 Block diagram of Drying Method


Coffee production is the industrial process of converting the raw fruit of coffee
plant into finishing coffee. Once the cherries are harvested, the beans have to be extracted by
using either the dry or wet method. Wet method produces better quality properties compare to
dry method. Wet method also more expensive than dry method. Almost all Robusta is
processed by dry method.

Dry method (also known as natural method) is the oldest, simplest and requires
little machinery. The whole cherries is being dry in this method. The harvested cherries are
sorted to separate the unripe, overripe and damaged cherries and cleaned to remove dirt, soil,
twigs and leaves. This can be done by hand using large sieve also known as winnow. Then,
the cherries will be spread out in the sun. The cherries may take up to 4 weeks before dry up.
It should be dried to optimum amount of moisture content, depending on weather. The drying
operation is the most important stage of the process, since it affects the final quality of the
green coffee overdried coffee will become brittle and many broken beans will be produced

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during hulling. The broken beans are considered defective beans. Coffee that has not been
dried sufficiently will be too moist and prone to rapid deterioration.

The dried cherries are stored in bulk in bags until they are sent to the mill where
hulling, sorting, grading and bagging take place. All the outer layers of the dried cherry are
removed in one step by hulling machine.

C.3. High Yield Coffe Extraction Technology

Flowsheet Process of High Yield Extraction with Coffee bean

Figure 1 Instant Coffee Processing Line for Premium Quality Coffee

When the green coffee beans are delivered to the coffee plant, the beans are cleaned
and stored. When required, the blended coffee beans are roasted and ground to the correct
particle size range needed for extraction. A fully automated filling system is then used to
charge the extractor / percolator under a slight vacuum.
Finely ground coffee results in a more efficient extraction process. If, however, the
grounds are too fine, the resulting pressure drop over the percolators becomes too high and
there is a significant risk of filter blockage. The SPX high yield extraction system provides a
total of twelve percolators configured in two rows of six (Figure 1) These speciallydesigned

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percolators have cylinders which are wider and shorter than a conventional percolator design,
which enables more finely ground coffee to be used while limiting the pressure drop created,
resulting in better extraction capability and premium aroma quality. Specially designed top
and bottom filters on the percolator further enable extended running times and minimize the
risk of filter blockage.
Prior to commencement of the actual extraction process with water, the coffee within
each percolator is steam stripped to recover the desirable and most volatile aroma compounds.
The resulting steam is condensed and
stored under chilled conditions. For premium coffee extract quality, an initial low
temperature, lenient extraction phase is then initiated to obtain an aroma-rich extract. A
second stage then uses high temperature to produce high yield, hydrolysed extract. Undesired
tastes, or off-flavors, formed in the secondary extract by hydrolyzation are effectively
removed by a flash separation process in a vacuum vessel to further improve coffee extract
The aroma from the low temperature aroma-rich extract is recovered, condensed and
stored under chilled conditions along with the aroma recovered by steam stripping. The
secondary hydrolyzed extract is cleaned in a high-efficiency centrifuge to remove non-soluble
solids / sediments and then concentrated in either a multi-effect falling-film or plate heat
evaporator. The recovered aromas are then mixed with the concentrated coffee extract from
the evaporator to the desired aroma quality and solid content. Due to the high viscosity of the
concentrated coffee extract, inline mixing with the aroma extract is recommended to ensure
good mixing with uniform concentration.
To produce the final instant coffee the extract is either spray dried or freeze dried.
Spray dryers are used to produce an end-product in powder form with good soluble properties,
whereas freeze dryers produce an end-product in granular form with a low fine particulate
content. Both dryer designs enable the instant coffee manufacturer to control essential end-
product properties i. e. bulk density, residual moisture content, powder morphology and color.
When using a freeze dryer an initial prefreezing and foaming stage is utilized to cool
the coffee extract down to the point where ice crystals start to form. A dosing system then
adds CO2 or nitrogen gas for gasification for bulk density and color control (the release of the
inert gas when hot water is added to the instant coffee results in a slight foaming on the
surface). The gasified extract is sprayed onto a moving freezing belt and, once completely
solid, passes through milling and classification stages. Granules within the desired size range

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are loaded into the freeze dryer where sublimation occurs. Once dried, they are then
discharged for packing.

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Based on the table of nutritions in chapter II, Luwak Coffee has higher essential nutrient
composition , such as protein, than ordinary coffee. This leads to conclusion that Luwak
Coffee is better than ordinary Coffee. However, the cost to produce Luwak Coffe is more
expensive .

There is a lot methods to produce high quality coffee powder. One of the best method is
using High Technology Extraction. High Technology Extraction for coffee bean has a lot of
benefits. Those benefits are :

1. Increased aroma recovery and better sensory end-product

2. Increased production and end-product quality flexibility
3. High yield performance
4. A premium aroma-rich instant coffee end-product
5. Reduced off-flavors within the instant coffee extract

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Chan S. & Garcia, E. 2011.Comparative Physicochemical Analyes of Regular and Civet

Coffee. The Manila Journal of Science.

Hoang, ManhCuong. 2012. Method for processing coffee and coffee processed by this

Marcone, Massimo F. 2004. Composition and properties of Indonesian palm civet coffee
(Kopi Luwak) and Ethiopian civet coffee. Department of Food Science, Ontario
Agricultural College:Canada.

Ebba Bondensson, 2015, A nutritional analysis on the by-product coffee husk and its potential
utilization in food production.

Yi-Fung Chu, 2012, Coffee: Emerging health effects and disease prevention.

JoackimMutua, Dec 2000, Post-harvest handling and processing of coffee in African


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