In Elastic Buckling of Geometrically Imperfect Tubes
In Elastic Buckling of Geometrically Imperfect Tubes
In Elastic Buckling of Geometrically Imperfect Tubes
The oceans cover some 71% of the Earth's surface, but only about 0.1% of the
oceans' bottoms have been explored. The charts will allow deep-diving
Carl T.F. Ross submarines to be designed to greater advantage for commercial exploitation and
for military purposes. The work described in this paper may ultimately improve
our ability for retrieving deep-sea methane and for the burial of greenhouse
gases, including carbon dioxide.
Daniel Short Carl T.F. Ross is a Professor of Structural Dynamics at the University of
Portsmouth in the UK. He is an expert in statics and dynamics of submarine
pressure hulls.
Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008 Ocean Sovereignty, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 75
1 Dept. of Mechanical & Design Engineering, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
2 Sonardyne International Ltd, Yateley, Hants. United Kingdom.
The paper reports on the buckling of 12 thin-walled geometrically imperfect tubes, which were tested to destruction
under uniform external hydrostatic pressure. The paper also reports on other similar tests to destruction, carried out on
quite a large number of geometrically imperfect tubes.
Theoretical studies were also carried out with well-known analytical solutions, together with a numerical solution using
the famous finite element computer package, namely ANSYS.
Whereas the theoretical analyses agreed with each other, they did not agree with the experimental data for the shorter
tubes; this was because the shorter tubes collapsed by inelastic instability due to initial geometrical imperfections of the
tubes. Exact analysis of slightly geometrically imperfect tubes, with random distribution, has so far defied reliable
theoretical solutions. However, this paper presents a design chart, which can cater to these geometrical imperfections.
The design chart may also be suitable for large vessels such as submarines, off-shore drilling rigs, silos, etc.
Geometrically imperfect tubes, initial out-of-roundness, inelastic buckling, external pressure, von Mises,
finite elements, ANSYS.
76 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
1. INTRODUCTION Another mode of failure is known as axisymmetric
Circular cylinders under external pressure often appear in deformation, where the cylinder implodes
the form of submarine pressure hulls, torpedoes, off- axisymmetrically, so that its cross-section keeps its
shore drilling rigs, silos, tunnels, immersed tubes, circular form while collapsing, as shown in Figure 4.
rockets, medical equipment, food cans, etc. Such
vessels are good for resisting internal or external
pressure, however under uniform external pressure they
can collapse at a
fraction of the pressure
that will cause failure
under internal
pressure. Failure of
these vessels under
Figure 1: Shell instability. uniform external
pressure is called non-symmetric bifurcation buckling or
shell instability [1 to 3] and is shown in Figure. 1. Figure 4: Axisymmetric collapse.
Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008 Ocean Sovereignty, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 77
Windenburg thinness ratio.
= Predicted buckling pressure = Pcr/PKD.
gn = Ppred/SF
P = Predicted buckling pressure = Pcr/PKD. The predicted pressure Pcr used in this paper is that of
a safety factor. pred
Pdesign = Ppred/SF von Mises.
SF = a safety factor.
i.e. Pdesign=Pcr/(PKD*SF) Pcr1 = von Mises calculations for the 2006 investigation
Pcr3 = von Mises calculations for the current investigation.
yp =Yield Stress
Where, d= 2a
re, Pcr = buckling pressure;
Pcr = t buckling
= wallpressure;
thickness of circular cylinder;
t = awall=thickness
mean radius of circular
of circular cylindrical shell;
cylinder; They further noted that experiments had shown that
/ = unsupported length of cylinder; when long thin-walled circular tubes are subjected to
va == mean radius
Poissons of circular cylindrical shell;
E = Youngs Modulus; external hydrostatic pressure, they can buckle elastically
nl == unsupported length of cylinder;
vNo. of
= circumferential
Poissons ratio;lobes. according to the von Mises or the DTMB formula of
E = Youngs Modulus;
n = No. of circumferential lobes. equations (1) & (2). Experiments on circular section
Windenburg and Trillings buckling pressure.
thin, ratio, namely [ 2,3], has a value of less than
tubes of intermediate and shorter lengths, when a
enburg and1.2.Trillings paper AND
WINDENBURG states the buckling
TRILLINGS equation
BUCKLING for a long,
PRESSURE thinness
ctly circular cylinder, under uniform external pressure, is given by
Windenburg and Trillings paper states the buckling equation 0.4, have shown that they fail somewhere in-between
for formula
tion (2). This a long, thin, perfectly
is also knowncircular
as thecylinder,
David under uniform
Taylor the pressures of equations (1) and (3). Windenburg and
Model Basin
MB) [3]. external pressure, is given by equation (2). This formula is Trilling [2, 3] argued that if we equated equations (2) and
also known as the David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB) [3]. (3), we can get a thinness ratio relating these two modes
of failure, which will enable us to precisely predict the
2.42 E t / 2a
5/ 2
collapse pressures for intermediate circular cylinders;
1 v >
2 0.75
l / 2a 0.447 t / 2a 1/ 2
@ they called this their thinness ratio . Now if we
examine equation (2), we can see that in the denominator
(2) on the right(2) hand side of equation (2), that l/d is much
78 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
Equating (3) and (4), we get yp*(2t) / d = 2.6E*(t/d)2.5 / (l/d),
Or yp*t/d = 2 * E*(t/d)2.5 / (l/d),
unattached to it. That is, the boundary conditions for
Or 2=(l/d) / (t/d)-1.5 * ( yp / E)
each specimen were assumed to be simply-supported
The bleed valve at the top of the tank was opened and
2. EXPERIMENTAL the trapped air expelled from the tank by gently pumping
TESTING in water.
In order to obtain the
required chart to After the trapped air was expelled, the bleed valve was
enable the theoretical sealed to make the system pressure-tight.
predictions to be
made, experimental The hydraulic pressure in the tank was increased via the
work had to be hydraulic pump in small increments.
preformed. This was
done by using a high- The pressure gauge was carefully monitored until failure
pressure test tank (see occurred. Failure occurred with a bang which could easily
Figure 5). Specimens Figure 5: Pressure Test Rig. be heard, together with a large fall in pressure.
were tested to destruction and the failure pressures
recorded. The collapse pressure was recorded and the pressure
drop noted, as well.
Test Equipment:
High-Pressure Vessel The hydraulic pressure was released and then the tank
Hydraulic Pump lid was removed to retrieve and examine the collapsed
Pressure Gauge specimen.
Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008 Ocean Sovereignty, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 79
The two mild steel end caps were machined for push fit
connections into the tube ends; these can be seen in
Figures 6 to 8. Sealing was achieved by the use of a size
As568A-233 O-ring, manufactured in Nitrile.
Using the computer program MisesNP [3] the vessels of
Nagoppan [9] were first analysed; the results are
reproduced here because this data will be used to
produce a more heavily populated design chart in the
present paper than that provided by Nagoppan. It is
necessary to produce a more heavily populated design
chart, because many such vessels collapse at lower or
Figure 7: Some of Nagoppans models, with end bungs. higher buckling pressures than expected. Such vessels
are said to give haphazard or rogue results.
The test specimens used for this experiment were MisesNP [3] is a DOS based program devised to
aluminum alloy tubes. The tubes were supplied by calculate the shell instability buckling pressures of
Sonardyne for research into the buckling effect of cylinders; the program was written by Ross [3]. MisesNP
Aluminum 6082-T6 seamless tubes. The two supplied uses the von Mises formula [1], together with the formula
tubes came in lengths, which were machined to the of Windenburg and Trillings [2]) to calculate the buckling
desired lengths for each test specimens, Figure 8; their pressures of circular cylinders under uniform external
details were as follows: pressure, together with their thinness ratios; these were
for an isotropic material (see Table 1).
1. Unsupported Length in mm = L
2. Mean Radius in mm
3. Wall Thickness in mm
4. Youngs Modulus in MPa
5. Poissons Ratio
6. Yield Stress in MPa
Figure 8: Test Specimens and End Caps.
80 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
capabilities and complex finite elements,
together with inelastic material models. This
aids the designer to simulate an accurate
prediction of how a structure behaves when a
load has been applied. For every simulation
that is performed, certain parameters have to
be set, as follows:
Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008 Ocean Sovereignty, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 81
now had to be converted into a tube. Using the element applied on the outer surface of the cylinder, the value of
type command, the Shell 93 8-node element was 1MPa was theoretical and represented a pre-stress
selected; this converted the solid cylinder into a tube and external pressure. The next stage was to apply a pre-
the material properties were then applied. stress option and to perform a static analysis.
Figure 9: The mesh and the boundary conditions that were applied to the cylinder.
82 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
Tube lengths were chosen to correspond to their predicte
Table 4).
Model Unsupported lambda Pcr1 Ansys Shell 93 populate the chart and length PKD
Length L O 1/ lobes pressure
(m) (n) (MPa) continue the study, it was
tube1 0.378 2.058 0.486 2 9.80
tube2 0.378 2.058 0.486 2 9.80 decided to select tube mm
tube3 0.378 2.058 0.486 2 9.80
tube4 0.315 1.879 0.532 2 10.36 lengths for further testing 230 1
tube5 0.315 1.879 0.532 2 10.36
tube6 0.315 1.879 0.532 2 10.36 that would enable more 160 1.5
tube7 0.252 1.681 0.595 2 11.73
tube8 0.252 1.681 0.595 2 11.73 population of the sparse 103 2
tube9 0.252 1.681 0.595 2 11.73
tube10 0.189 1.456 0.595 2 16.45 areas, thereby improving 83 3
tube11 0.189 1.456 0.687 2 16.45
tube12 0.189 1.456 0.687 2 16.45 the uniformity of the 63 4
tube13 0.126 1.188 0.842 2 24.08
tube14 0.126 1.188 0.842 2 24.08 graphic display. 50 4
30 5
tube15 0.126 1.188 0.842 2 24.08
tube16 0.063 0.840 1.190 3 48.45
tube17 0.063 0.840 1.190 3 48.45
tube18 0.063 0.840 1.190 3 48.45 3.5.2 TUBE LENGTHS Table 4.
Tube lengths were chosen
Table 3: Ansys Shell 93 Results for Aluminium 6082-T-6 seamless tubes.
Table 3: Ansys Shell 93 Results for Aluminium 6082-T-6 seamless tubes. Table 4.
to correspond to their predicted PKD values (see Table 4).
3.4 NAGOPPANS RESULTS A tolerance of 0.05mm on the length of each tube was us
Naggopans results [9] appeared to be very successful, A tolerance of 0.05mm on the length of each tube was
adequate for parting off on a standard lathe and it amoun
but they were sparse for shorter and thicker tubes and used; this was adequate for parting off on a standard
because of this they were not completely reliable; the itshortest
was tubes
lathe and it of about
amounted to a0.17%
toleranceandfor thefor the longest tub
because of this that the current work was carried out. As tubes of about 0.17% and for the longest tubes of about
The effects of these length tolerances were negligible on
many such vessels collapse at unexpectedly higher or 0.02%. The effects of these length tolerances were
lower pressures than predicted, it was necessary results
to andnegligible
the theoretical
on the effects predictions.
of the results and the theoretical
obtain a more densely populated design chart. A predictions.
photograph of one of Nagoppans buckled models,
together with an end bung, is shown in Figure 11.
3.6 Meteorology
To gain an Toaccurate representation
gain an accurate representation of theof geometry
the geometry of the of th
3.5 THE CURRENT WORK tubes, they were measured using a Computer Controlled
measured using a Computer Controlled Measuring (CMM
Measuring (CMM)
3.5.1 JUSTIFICATION FOR TUBE LENGTH SELECTION Specimen was machine.sent to Solent Mould Tools Ltd. in Waterlo
A 63mm
Nagoppans design chart was sparsely populated in the Specimen was sent
measured. They took points around the circumference of
PKD regions of 0.1 to 1.0 and from 0.8 to 3 and as many to Solent Mould
large vessels will fall into this region, it was necessary to (see
Tools Figure
Ltd. in 12 for the results of a cross-section
extend his design chart. Thus, in order to more sensibly Waterlooville,
HANTS to be
Figure 11: A closure disc with a buckled specimen. measured. They
Figure 12: Cross section of tubing.
took points around
the circumference of the tube at 4 locations (see Figure
12 for the results of a cross-section of the tubing).
Figure 14: Circumferential
14: Circumferential wavewave patterns
patterns for buckling
for buckling modes.
19 19
84 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
OUT IN 2007 When using MisesNP (Figure 17) certain parameters had
to be set for this analysis; these were described in
Section 3. A screen shot when using MisesNP is shown
in Figure 17.
Figure 15: Picture of all specimens that were tested in 2007. Figure 17: Screen shot of MisesNP when calculating Pcr3 for a
Model Tube.
Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008 Ocean Sovereignty, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 85
length lambda Pcr3 von Mises Pcr3 DTMB PKD Pexp Pexp was decided to geometrically model
Model L 1/ Lobes Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure 2007 2007
m MPa bar Psi MPa MPa Psi
the eccentric tube in Pro Engineer and
Tube 1 0.211 1.538 0.650 2 8.69 86.9 1260 9.84 0.869 10.00 1450 then import this model into ANSYS to
Tube 2 0.141 1.257 0.800 2 14.83 148.3 2150 14.88 1.144 12.96 1880
Tube 3 0.141 1.257 0.800 2 14.83 148.3 2150 14.88 1.034 14.34 2080 carry out a feasibility study to see if a
Tube 4 0.084 0.970 1.031 3 24.62 246.2 3570 25.48 1.552 15.86 2300
plastic buckling analysis of an
Tube 5 0.084 0.970 1.031 3 24.62 3570 25.48 1.464 16.82 2440
Tube 6 0.084 0.970 1,.031 3 24.62 246.2 3570 25.48 1.552 15.86 2300 eccentric tube could be carried by
Tube 7 0.064 0.847 1.181 3 32.99 329.8 4784 33.99 1.899 17.37 2520
Tube 8 0.064 0.847 1.181 3 32.99 329.9 4784 33.99 1.914 17.24 2500
ANSYS. Also to see the static stress
Tube 9 0.064 0.847 1.181 3 32.99 329.9 4784 33.99 2.010 16.41 2380 distribution for a tube that was
Tube 10 0.044 0.702 1.425 4 50.96 509.6 7389 51.02 2.532 20.13 2920
Tube 11 0.044 0.702 1.425 4 50.96 509.6 7389 51.02 2.639 19.31 2800 eccentric about its longitudinal axis.
Tube 12 0.044 0.702 1.425 4 50.96 509.6 7389 51.02 2.621 19.44 2820
From the CMM data obtained from
Tube 13 0.031 0.589 1.700 4 74.88 10858 75.66 - - -
Tube 14 0.031 0.589 1.700 4 74.88 748.8 10858 75.66 - - - Solent Mould Tools, two three-
Tube 15 0.031 0.589 1.700 4 74.88 748.8 10858 75.66 - - -
Tube 16 0.011 0.351 2.849 5 283.28 2832.8 41076 294.4 - - -
dimensional models were generated.
Tube 17 0.011 0.351 2.849 5 283.28 2832.8 41076 294.4 - - -
Tube 18 0.011 0.351 2.849 5 283.28 2832.8 41076 294.4 - - -
86 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
3.13 Using Pro Engineers Mechanica
One part of the project was to carry out a feasibility study of a plastic buckling
an eccentric tube under uniform external pressure. The
purpose of the present study, however, was to provide an
alternative but simpler method of predicting the plastic
buckling pressure of slightly geometrically imperfect
tubes. In any case, the above Pro Engineer/ANSYS
analysis would not be of much use for the design of a
large vessel, such as
a submarine
pressure hull, as
measurements would
Figure 19: Screen Shot From Mechanica showing the maximum Von
Mises stress and displacement. be required prior to
its manufacture,
references that were provided. Then using the sweep which is impossible.
command the rings were joined together (see Figure 20). This emphasises the
need for the design
Figure 21: Pressure loading
A uniform pressure was applied to the exterior of the chart approach
cylinder using Pro Engineers Mechanica. The pressure adopted in the present paper, where the maximum
value was that of Pcr3 for model 4 (see Figure 21). permissible out-of-roundness for a full-scale vessel, such
as a submarine pressure hull, can be given to the
constructors of the vessel, prior to its manufacture.
Once all the theoretical and experimental results had
been calculated, it was possible to generate a design
chart. This was done by plotting 1/ against PKD.
Figure 23 shows the design chart for Aluminum 6082-T6
seamless tubes form data obtained from experiments
carried out in 2006 and 2007, together with those of
References [2 and 7], which used other metals. Initial
Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008 Ocean Sovereignty, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 87
the wall thickness of their vessels.
Experimental Data 2007
ReynoldsReynolds Welded
Windenburg Soldered
0.600 SAFE
This design chart can now be used to 0.400
2.000 2.500 3.000
88 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008
6. CONCLUSIONS The plastic buckling method of using ANSYS via the
The experimental and theoretical investigations were Pro Engineer/Mechanica route, as described here is
performed successfully on all test samples, with the not practical for the design of large vessels, such as
exception of the 50 and 30mm lengths because their submarine pressure hulls, as their metrological data
experimental buckling pressures would have exceeded during design is required prior to manufacture,
the maximum permitted design pressure of the tank. which is impossible.
The detrimental effects of initial built-in stresses
All specimens tested failed by shell instability. due to manufacture have not been taken into
All specimens suffered from manufacturing account.
imperfections. They were not concentric and precise
diametric measurements clearly showed variations REFERENCES
in tube wall thickness.
Initial imperfections of the aluminium alloy tubes of [1] R. von Mises, Der Kritische Aussendruck fr Allseits
the present paper were between 0.104t to 0.13t, Belastete Zylindrische Rohre, Fest Zum 70.
where t was the wall thickness of the vessels, and
the corresponding values for those of Windenburg Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. A. Stodola, Zrich, pp.
and Trilling were between 0.11t and 0.16t, where t 418-30. Translated and annotated by D.F.
was the wall thickness of their vessels.
Results from experimental data acquired
Windenburg, 1936,inReport
2006 No.- 366,
2007 and ANSYS Shel
Failures occurred in the areas of thinner wall
thickness, due, it is thought plotted in Figure 25 (1/ against PKD), where in Figure 25:
higher stress Washington D.C, USA, 1929.
concentrations at these points; this was predicted
by Mechanica. [2] D.F. Windenburg and C. Trilling, Collapse by
PKD = Pcr(ANSYS)/Pexp.
The analyses carried out with the three methods Instability of Thin Cylindrical Shells Under External
resulted in small differences between the theoretical
buckling pressures. Pressure, Trans., ASME, 11, pp 819-825, 1934.
Theoretical buckling pressures were far higher than [3] C.T.F. Ross, Pressure Vessels: External Pressure
the actual buckling pressures recorded during
pressure testing, especially for shorter vessels; this Technology. Horwood Publishing Ltd., Chichester,
was due to initial values of out-of-circularity. UK, 2001. (
The paper shows that the
design charts appear to be sdalby/mbm/CTFRProg2.htm)
suitable for designing such
vessels; although there may be Design Chart (ANSYS)
some scale effect.
The design charts should 1.4
only be applied to 1.2
May, 1993,London.
90 THE JOURNAL OF OCEAN TECHNOLOGY Reviews & Papers Copyright Journal of Ocean Technology 2008