Best Practices For Infection Prevention and Control Programs

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Provincial Infectious Best Practices for

Diseases Advisory
Infection Prevention and
(PIDAC) Control Programs in
In All Health Care Settings

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Published September 2008
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Disclaimer for Best Practice Documents

This document was developed by the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC).
PIDAC is a multidisciplinary scientific advisory body who provide to the Chief Medical Officer of
Health evidence-based advice regarding multiple aspects of infectious disease identification,
prevention and control. PIDACs work is guided by the best available evidence and updated as
required. Best Practice documents and tools produced by PIDAC reflect consensus positions on
what the committee deems prudent practice and are made available as a resource to the public
health and health care providers.

All or part of this report may be reproduced for educational purposes only without permission, with the
following acknowledgement to indicate the source:

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care/Public Health Division/Provincial Infectious

Diseases Advisory Committee
Toronto, Canada
September 2008
ISBN # 978-1-4249-4832-1 [English version]
ISBN # 978-1-4249-4833-8 [French version]

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

PIDAC would like to acknowledge the contribution and expertise of the subcommittee that developed
this document:

Infection Prevention and Control Subcommittee

Dr. Mary Vearncombe, Chair

Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Microbiology
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Womens College Hospital

Mary Lou Card

Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
London Health Sciences Centre and St. Josephs Health Care

Dr. Maureen Cividino

Occupational Health Physician
St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton

Renee Freeman
Infection Control Practitioner
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

Dr. Michael Gardam

Director, Infection Control
University Health Network, Toronto

Dr. Beth Henning

Medical Officer of Health
Huron County

Dr. Allison McGeer

Director, Infection Control
Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto

Pat Piaskowski
Network Coordinator
Northwestern Ontario Infection Control Network

Dr. Virginia Roth

Director, Infection Prevention and Control Program
The Ottawa Hospital

Dr. Dick Zoutman

Professor and Chair, Divisions of Medical Microbiology and of Infectious Diseases
Medical Director of Infection Control, South Eastern Ontario Health Sciences Centre
Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
Co-Chair, Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC)

Dr. Erika Bontovics (ex-officio member)

Senior Infection Prevention and Control Consultant
Public Health Division, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Clare Barry (ex-officio member)

Senior Infection Prevention and Control Consultant
Strategic Planning & Implementation Branch, Public Health Division, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Liz Van Horne (ex-officio member)

Infection Prevention and Control Consultant
Strategic Planning & Implementation Branch, Public Health Division, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

PIDAC would also like to acknowledge the writing of this best practices guide provided by
Shirley McDonald.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................ 6

PREAMBLE............................................................................................................................................ 7
About This Document ................................................................................................................... 8
Evidence for Recommendations................................................................................................... 8
How and When to Use This Document......................................................................................... 8
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 10
Glossary of Terms....................................................................................................................... 11

I. BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................. 15
1. What are Health Care-Associated Infections? ..................................................................... 15
2. Adverse Health Care Events and Health Care-Associated Infections ................................. 15
3. The Cost of Health Care-Associated Infections ................................................................... 16

II. THE INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (IPAC) PROGRAM ....................................... 17

Patient Safety and Infection Prevention and Control.................................................................. 17
Impact of IPAC Programs ........................................................................................................... 17

1. Mandate/Goals and Functions of the IPAC Program........................................................... 18

2. Structure and Elements of the IPAC Program ..................................................................... 19

Structure of the IPAC Program ............................................................................................ 19
Elements of the IPAC Program ............................................................................................ 19

3. The Infection Prevention and Control Committee (IPACC).................................................. 20

4. IPAC Program Functions...................................................................................................... 21

Process Surveillance ..................................................................................................... 22
Outcome Surveillance.................................................................................................... 22
Indicators ....................................................................................................................... 24
Policies and Procedures....................................................................................................... 29
Compliance with Legislation and Accreditation Standards .................................................. 29
Health Care Regulations Pertaining to Infection Prevention and Control ..................... 30
Occupational Health and Safety Issues ............................................................................... 31
Education, Training and Evaluation of Infection Prevention and Control Programs ............ 34
Education and Training in Infection Prevention and Control ......................................... 34
Evaluation of Infection Prevention and Control Education Programs............................ 36
Other Key Components of the IPAC Program ..................................................................... 36
Hand Hygiene ................................................................................................................ 36
Routine Practices and Additional Precautions............................................................... 39
Immunization.................................................................................................................. 40
Cluster/Outbreak Management and Investigation ......................................................... 41
Communications ............................................................................................................ 43
Environment................................................................................................................... 43

III. RESOURCES FOR THE IPAC PROGRAM .................................................................................. 45

1. Human Resources................................................................................................................ 45
The Infection Prevention and Control Professional (ICP) .................................................... 45
Education, Training and Certification of ICPs................................................................ 46
Ongoing Professional Competency of ICPs .................................................................. 46
Roles and Responsibilities of ICPs................................................................................ 47

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

ICP Staffing Levels ........................................................................................................ 48

The Infection Prevention and Control Physician .................................................................. 49
Administrative Assistant ....................................................................................................... 50
Other Human Resources...................................................................................................... 50
2. Other Program Resources ................................................................................................... 51
Laboratory Support............................................................................................................... 51
Program Administrative Support .......................................................................................... 52

IV. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................ 53

Appendix A: Resources for Infection Prevention and Control ............................................................. 66
Appendix B: APIC/CHICA-Canada/CBIC Infection Control and Epidemiology: Professional and
Practice Standards......................................................................................................................... 74

References .......................................................................................................................................... 80

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Executive Summary

Health care-associated infections (HAIs) are defined as infections that occur as a result of health care
interventions in any health care setting where care is delivered.

Health care-associated infections remain an important patient safety issue and represent a significant
adverse outcome of the health care system. The acquisition of occupationally-acquired infections may
pose a risk to health care providers. In both acute and long-term care, outbreaks result in significant
cost to the organization.

In order to protect clients/patients/residents and staff and to reduce the costs of health care-
associated infections, it is necessary to prevent infections before they occur. Recent studies suggest
that at least 20% of HAIs could be prevented through infection prevention and control strategies.

Infection prevention and control (IPAC) programs have been shown to be both clinically effective and
cost-effective, providing important cost savings in terms of fewer health care-associated infections,
reduced length of hospital stay, less antibiotic resistance and decreased costs of treatment for

The responsibility for the infection prevention and control program in the health care setting lies
primarily with the senior administration of the organization. Implementation of the program rests not
only with the IPAC team, but also with nursing managers, Environmental Services, Occupational
Health and Safety, directors of medical services, central reprocessing and other departments and
individuals in the facility impacted by the effective delivery of the program.

The purpose of this document is to outline the structure and elements of the IPAC program which
Demonstrable leadership by Senior Administration;
Presence of an active infection prevention and control committee;
Clear and current policies and procedures to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious
Hand hygiene program;
Surveillance program;
Education for staff and clients/patients/residents and their families;
Occupational Health and Safety related to transmission of infectious agents;
Timely access to microbiology laboratory reports;
Product review and evaluation;
Review of practices for reprocessing of equipment;
Review of practices for environmental cleaning;
Infection prevention and control input into facility design;
Effective immunization programs;
Outbreak detection and management; and
Adequate resources including adequate IPAC professionals trained and certified in
infection prevention and control.

A properly resourced and effectively functioning IPAC program is essential to improving patient and
health care provider safety.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


In the wake of the 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Ontario, it was
clear that provincial infection prevention and control programs were under-resourced, practices were
not standardized across the continuum of care and basic knowledge and training in the fundamentals
of infection prevention and control were insufficient. Reports on the condition of the provinces
infection prevention and control programs highlighted the following:
In Chapter 2 of the Walker Report, For the Publics Health: A Plan of Action. Final Report of the
Ontario Expert Panel on SARS and Infectious Disease Control, April 20041[available online at:] there
is a clear mandate to articulate the core foundational elements for a formal program of
infection control in all acute and non-acute facilities, including necessary resources. This
outlined the need to develop comprehensive provincial infection control standards of practice
for all health care settings in Ontario, including acute and non-acute care hospitals, long-term
care facilities and primary care/community settings.
In 2006 Mr. Justice Archie Campbell, in the final report of the independent SARS Commission,
recommended that the Ministry of Health ensure that all Ontario hospitals have infection
control personnel, resources and program components, including surveillance, control and
education, consistent with Canadian recommendations and best practices.2[available online

In 2004 the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care responded to many of the interim
recommendations by introducing Operation Health Protection: An Action Plan to Prevent Threats to
our Health and to Promote a Healthy Ontario3, a 3-year action plan to revitalize the public health
system. This plan included clear direction regarding infection control and communicable disease
capacity in the province. Many of the planned actions have been implemented, such as the formation
of the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC) and the formation of Regional
Infection Control Networks (RICN), but there still are no standards for infection prevention and control
programs or for the practice of infection prevention and control in health care settings in Ontario.

Regional Infection Control Networks (RICN) do not replace local infection prevention and control
capacity and resources, but support and enhance the planning, coordination and integration being
undertaken at the local level. The RICN may strengthen the coordination between IPAC activities at
acute and non-acute facilities and public health communicable disease control activities and identify
gaps and trends within the region. The RICN may be called upon to assist with mentorship of new
infection control professionals or to provide education or training resources to a facility or region.
More information on the RICN may be found at:

The infection prevention and control requirements of legislative bodies, such as the Ontario
Occupational Health and Safety Act4 and the Public Hospitals Act,5 must be followed in all health care
settings where they apply. See Section II.4, Compliance with Legislation and Accreditation
Standards, for applicable references to legislation.

Health care settings must work with organizations that have infection prevention and control
expertise, such as academic health science centres, Regional Infection Control Networks, public
health units that have professional staff certified in infection prevention and control and local infection
prevention and control associations (e.g. Community and Hospital Infection Control Association
Canada chapters), to develop their infection prevention and control programs.

For a list of recommended infection prevention and control resources, refer to Appendix A,
Resources for Infection Prevention and Control.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

About This Document

The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations for:

specific activities for Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) programs across the continuum of
health care delivery in Ontario; and
adequate and appropriate resource allocation for IPAC programs across the continuum of health
care delivery.

This document is targeted to senior The responsibility for the infection prevention and
administration in health care settings, control program in the health care setting lies
medical officers of health, as well as primarily with the senior administration of the
others in a management role, and may organization. Implementation of the program rests
be of interest to administrators in local not only with the IPAC team, but also with nursing
health integration networks. Infection managers, Environmental Services, Occupational
prevention and control programs will Health and Safety, directors of medical services,
also find these best practices useful central reprocessing and other departments and
for prioritizing and developing their individuals in the facility impacted by the effective
programs and engaging in strategic delivery of the program.
planning activities for the future.

Evidence for Recommendations

The recommendations in this document reflect the best evidence and expert opinion available at the
time of writing. These recommendations will be reviewed and updated as new information becomes
available and, at a minimum, every two years.

The recommendations in this document are based on Level AII evidence unless stated
otherwise. Level AII evidence is good evidence to support a recommendation for use with evidence
from at least one well-designed clinical trial without randomization, from cohort or case-controlled
analytic studies, preferably from more than one centre, from multiple time series, or from dramatic
results in uncontrolled experiments (source: Public Health Agency of Canada).

How and When to Use This Document

For recommendations in this document:

shall indicates mandatory requirements based on legislated requirements;
must indicates best practice, i.e. the minimum standard based on current
recommendations in the medical literature;
should indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not mandatory; and
may indicates an advisory or optional statement.

It is expected that all settings in Ontario where health care is provided, across the continuum of health
care, will comply with the basic infection prevention and control practices and principles set out in this
document. This includes settings where emergency (including pre-hospital) care is provided,
hospitals,6, 7 long-term care homes, outpatient clinics, community health centres and clinics, physician
offices,8, 9 dental offices, offices of allied health professionals8 and home health care.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Access to infection prevention and control expertise is required in all health care settings, including
the community and clinics, so that the recommendations in this document may be met. For non-
institutional settings, guidance may be sought from other sources of published recommendations (e.g.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontarios Infection Control in the Physicians Office).9

Occupational Health and Safety

Health care facilities are required to comply with applicable provisions of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act (OHSA) and its Regulations. Employers, supervisors and workers have rights, duties and
obligations under the OHSA. To see what the specific requirements are under the OHSA go to:

The Occupational Health and Safety Act places duties on many different categories of individuals
associated with workplaces, such as employers, constructors, supervisors, owners, suppliers,
licensees, officers of a corporation and workers. A guide to the requirements of the Occupational
Health and Safety Act may be found at:

In addition, the OHSA section 25(2)(h) requires an employer to take every precaution reasonable in
the circumstances for the protection of a worker.

Specific requirements for certain health care and residential facilities may be found in the Regulation
for Health Care and Residential Facilities. Go to:

There is a general duty for an employer to establish written measures and procedures for the health
and safety of workers, in consultation with the joint health and safety committee or health and safety
representative, if any. Such measures and procedures may include, but are not limited to, the

Safe work practices;

Safe working conditions;
Proper hygiene practices and the use of hygiene facilities; and,
The control of infections.

At least once a year the measures and procedures for the health and safety of workers shall be
reviewed and revised in the light of current knowledge and practice. The employer, in consultation
with the joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative, if any, shall develop,
establish and provide training and educational programs in health and safety measures and
procedures for workers that are relevant to the workers work.
A worker who is required by his or her employer or by the Regulation for Health Care and Residential
Facilities to wear or use any protective clothing, equipment or device shall be instructed and trained in
its care, use and limitations before wearing or using it for the first time and at regular intervals
thereafter and the worker shall participate in such instruction and training. The employer is reminded
of the need to be able to demonstrate training, and is therefore encouraged to document the workers
trained, the dates training was conducted, and materials covered during training. Under the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, a worker must work in compliance with the Act and its
regulations, and use or wear any equipment, protective devices or clothing required by the employer.
For more information, please contact your local Ministry of Labour office. A list of local Ministry of
Labour offices in Ontario may be found at

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


ARO Antibiotic Resistant Organism

BSI Bloodstream Infection
CAD Canadian Dollars
CCHSA Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation
CHICA Community and Hospital Infection Control Association - Canada

CIC Certified in Infection Control (Certification Board in Infection Control & Epidemiology)
CCC Complex Continuing Care
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
FRI Febrile Respiratory Illness
HAI Health care-Associated Infection
HHC Home Health Care
ICP Infection Control Professional
IPACC Infection Prevention and Control Committee
IPAC Infection Prevention and Control
LTC Long-Term Care
MOHLTC Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ontario)
MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
NHSN National Healthcare Safety Network (formerly NNIS)
NNIS National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System (U.S.)
OHA Ontario Hospital Association
OMA Ontario Medical Association
PHAC Public Health Agency of Canada
PIDAC Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RICN Regional Infection Control Networks
SENIC Study on the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection Control
SSI Surgical Site Infection
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis
VAP Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
VRE Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Glossary of Terms

Additional Precautions: Additional Precautions (i.e. Contact Precautions, Droplet Precautions,

Airborne Precautions) are necessary in addition to Routine Practices for certain pathogens or clinical
presentations. These precautions are based on the method of transmission (e.g. contact, droplet,

Adverse event: An adverse event is an unexpected and undesired incident directly associated with
the care or services provided to the client/patient/resident.11

Antibiotic-Resistant Organism (ARO): A microorganism that has developed resistance to the

action of several antimicrobial agents and that is of special clinical or epidemiological significance
(e.g. MRSA, VRE).

Audit: In the context of this document, an audit is a tool used to examine a process for errors or
omissions. An audit tool usually consists of a checklist of items which must be completed or be in
place in order for a process to be considered to be correct.

Benchmark: A validated figure that may be used for comparison provided data is collected in the
same way as that of the benchmark data. Benchmarks are used to compare infection rates to a
standardized database that uses the same definitions for infection and is appropriately adjusted for
patient risk factors so that meaningful comparisons can be made. Comparing infection rates to a
validated benchmark will indicate whether the rates are below or above the recognized average.

Certified in Infection Control (CIC): A designation obtained from the Certification Board of
Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (CBIC) following a minimum of two years (within the most
current five year period) and a minimum of 800 hours of practice in infection prevention and control
prior to the date of the examination, in addition to the successful completion of a written examination.
Re-certification is required every five years to maintain certification. More information may be found
on the CBIC website: CIC is a legal designation and may only be used by those
who have attained and maintained certification.

CHICA-Canada: The Community and Hospital Infection Control Association of Canada, a

professional organization of persons engaged in infection prevention and control activities in health
care settings. CHICA-Canada members include infection prevention and control professionals from a
number of related specialties including nurses, epidemiologists, physicians, microbiology
technologists, public health and industry. The CHICA-Canada website is located at:

Client/patient/resident: Any person receiving health care within a health care setting. In this
document the term patient refers to client/patient/resident.

Complex Continuing Care (CCC): Complex continuing care provides continuing, medically complex
and specialized services to both young and old, sometimes over extended periods of time. Such care
also includes support to families who have palliative or respite care needs. It plays an integral role in
the treatment offered in Ontario hospitals.

Continuum of Care: Across all health care sectors, including settings where emergency (including
pre-hospital) care is provided, hospitals, complex continuing care, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term
care homes, outpatient clinics, community health centres and clinics, physician offices, dental offices,
offices of allied health professionals, public health and home health care.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Hand Hygiene: A process for the removal of visible soil and removal or killing of transient
microorganisms from the hands. Hand hygiene may be accomplished using a 60 to 90% alcohol-
based hand rub or soap and running water.

Health Care-associated Infection (HAI): A term relating to an infection that is acquired during the
delivery of health care (also known as nosocomial infection).

Health Care Facility: A set of physical infrastructure elements supporting the delivery of health-
related services. A health care facility does not include a patients home or physician offices where
health care may be provided.

Health Care Provider: Any person delivering care to a client/patient/resident. In some non-acute
settings, volunteers might provide care and would be included as a health care provider. See also
definition below for Staff.

Health Care Setting: Any location where health care is provided, including settings where
emergency care is provided, hospitals, complex continuing care, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term
care homes, mental health facilities, outpatient clinics, community health centres and clinics,
physician offices, dental offices, offices of allied health professionals and home health care.

Hospital-grade Disinfectant: A disinfectant that has a drug identification number (DIN) from Health
Canada indicating its approval for use in Canadian hospitals.

Infection: The entry and multiplication of an infectious agent in the tissues of the host. Asymptomatic
or subclinical infection is an infectious process running a course similar to that of clinical disease but
below the threshold of clinical symptoms. Symptomatic or clinical infection is one resulting in clinical
signs and symptoms (i.e., disease).

Infection Prevention and Control: Evidence-based practices and procedures that, when applied
consistently in health care settings, can prevent or reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms
to health care providers, other clients/patients/residents and visitors.

Infection Prevention and Control Committee (IPACC): The Infection Prevention and Control
Committee is a multidisciplinary committee that serves the health care facility and is responsible for
verifying that the infection prevention and control recommendations and standards are being followed
in the health care facility.

Infection Prevention and Control Physician: Physician with specific training and expertise in the
principles of epidemiology and infection prevention and control, and who incorporates infection
prevention and control into his/her continuing professional development.

Infection Prevention and Control Program (IPAC): A health care facility or organization (e.g.
hospital, long-term care, continuing complex care, home care) program responsible for meeting the
recommended mandate to decrease infections in the patient, health care providers and visitors. The
program is coordinated by health care providers with expertise in infection prevention and control and

Infection Prevention and Control Professional(s) (ICPs): Trained individual(s) responsible for a
health care settings infection prevention and control activities. In Ontario an ICP must receive a
minimum of 80 hours of instruction in a CHICA-Canada endorsed infection control program within six
months of entering the role and must acquire and maintain Certification in Infection Control (CIC)
when eligible. The ICP should maintain a current knowledge base of infection prevention and control

Long-Term Care (LTC): Long-term care refers to a broad range of personal care, support and
health services provided to people who have limitations that prevent them from full participation in the

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

activities of daily living. The people who use long-term care services are usually the elderly, people
with disabilities and people who have a chronic or prolonged illness.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): MRSA is a strain of S. aureus that has a

minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) to oxacillin of 4 mcg/ml and contains the mecA gene coding
for penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP 2a). MRSA is resistant to all of the beta-lactam classes of
antibiotics, such as penicillins, penicillinase-resistant penicillins (e.g. cloxacillin) and cephalosporins.
MRSA has been associated with health care-associated infections and outbreaks.

National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN): See National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance

National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance (NNIS): The original NNIS System12, a project of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides aggregate data compiled since 1992 from 300
USA acute care settings. NNIS infection rates may be used for benchmarking acute care nosocomial
infection rates provided that the same standardized definitions for infection are used. NNIS results are
stratified by patient risk index. NNIS is currently known as NHSN (National Healthcare Safety
Network). More information is available at:

Nosocomial Infection: Infection acquired during the delivery of health care (also known as health
care-associated infection).

Occupational Health and Safety: Health and safety services in the workplace regulated by federal
and provincial legislation and following the occupational hygiene hierarchy of controls of engineering
controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment.

Outbreak: For the purposes of this document, an outbreak is an increase in the number of cases
(colonizations or infections) above the number normally occurring in a particular health care setting
over a defined period of time.

Outcome surveillance: Surveillance used to measure client/patient/resident outcomes (changes in

the client/patient/residents health status that can be attributed to preceding care and service).11 An
example of outcome surveillance related to infection prevention and control is surveillance of infection
rates. Outcome surveillance reflects the efficacy of the infection prevention and control program in
protecting clients/patients/residents, health care providers and visitors from health care-associated
infections while decreasing costs from infections.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Clothing or equipment worn for protection against hazards.

Point-of-Care: The place where three elements occur together: the client/patient/resident, the health
care provider and care or treatment involving client/patient/resident contact. The concept refers to a
hand hygiene product which is easily accessible to staff by being as close as possible, i.e. within
arms reach, to where client/patient/resident contact is taking place. Point-of-care products should be
accessible to the care provider without the provider leaving the zone of care, so they can be used at
the required moment.

Precautions: Interventions to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms (e.g. patient-to-

patient, patient-to-staff, staff-to-patient, contact with the environment, contact with contaminated

Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC): A multidisciplinary scientific

advisory body who provide to the Chief Medical Officer of Health evidence-based advice regarding
multiple aspects of infectious disease identification, prevention and control. More information is
available at:

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Process surveillance: Surveillance used to assess or measure client/patient/resident processes

(things done to or for a client/patient/resident during their encounter with the health care system).11
An example of process surveillance related to infection prevention and control is planned audits to
verify that procedures and/or standards of practice are being followed.

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): A national agency which promotes improvement in the
health status of Canadians through public health action and the development of national guidelines.
The PHAC website is located at:

Regional Infection Control Networks (RICN): The RICN of Ontario coordinate and integrate
resources related to the prevention, surveillance and control of infectious diseases across all health
care sectors and for all health care providers, promoting a common approach to infection prevention
and control and utilization of best-practices within the region. There are 14 regional networks in
Ontario. More information is available at:

Routine Practices: The system of infection prevention and control practices recommended by the
Public Health Agency of Canada to be used with all clients/patients/residents during all care to
prevent and control transmission of microorganisms in health care settings.10 The full description of
Routine Practices to prevent and control transmission of nosocomial pathogens can be found on the
Public Health Agency of Canada website:
rmtc/99vol25/25s4/index.html. PIDACs Routine Practices fact sheet is available at:

Staff: Anyone conducting activities in settings where health care is provided, including health care
providers (see Health Care Providers, above).

Surveillance: The systematic ongoing collection, collation and analysis of data with timely
dissemination of information to those who require it in order to take action.

SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning process to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats involved in a project or situation of an organization or individual requiring a
decision in pursuit of an objective.

Syndromic Surveillance: Syndromic surveillance is the detection of individual and population health
indicators of illness (i.e., signs and symptoms of infectious disease) that are discernible before
confirmed laboratory diagnoses are made.13

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE): VRE are strains of Enterococcus faecium or

Enterococcus faecalis that have a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) to vancomycin of 32
mcg/ml. They usually contain the resistance genes vanA or vanB. VRE has been associated with
health care-associated infections and outbreaks.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008



TERMS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT (see glossary for details and examples)

Health Care Provider: Any person delivering care to a client/patient/resident

Staff: Anyone conducting activities within a health care setting (includes health care

I. Background

1. What are Health Care-Associated Infections?

Health care-associated infections (HAIs) are defined as infections that occur as a result of
health care interventions in any health care setting where care is delivered. Some examples of
health care-associated infections include bloodstream, post surgical, urinary, respiratory,
gastrointestinal, skin and soft tissue infections.12 Factors that increase the risk to
clients/patients/residents for development of HAIs include advanced age; underlying illness;
complex treatment modalities; the emergence of novel infectious agents; emergence of
community-associated communicable diseases14; prevalence of antibiotic-resistant
microorganisms15; and international travel. All of these factors have heightened the need to
identify, prevent, control and treat infections in a systematic fashion in order to improve patient
and community safety and to decrease health care costs.

Health care-associated infections remain a patient safety issue and represent a significant
adverse outcome of the health care system.16, 17 With the changing trends in health care that
have resulted in the provision of complex treatments outside of the acute care setting (e.g.
ambulatory care, physician office and home settings), the need for infection prevention and
control programs spans the continuum of health care settings.

The acquisition of occupationally-acquired infections may pose a risk to health care providers;
however, following Routine Practices, including an appropriate risk assessment, will minimize
this risk.

2. Adverse Health Care Events and Health Care-Associated

It is estimated that 5% to 10% of hospitalized patients
acquire an infection after admission to hospital.18 It has Patients with one or more
also been shown that patients with HAI remain in HAIs during in-patient stay
hospital longer on average than patients without remain in hospital and
infection,19 with the longest hospital stay and highest incur costs on average
costs associated with multiple infections. three times greater than
uninfected patients.
Infections and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms
result in significant morbidity, mortality and economic costs to the health care system.15, 17, 18, 20-
Based on U.S. estimates of infection7 and using the observed incidence of HAIs and the

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

average number of hospital discharges, it has been estimated that 220,000 incidents of HAI
occur each year in Canada, resulting in more than 8,000 deaths.24

The fear of acquiring a health care-associated infection may also impact the
client/patient/residents and communitys confidence in the delivery of health care.

3. The Cost of Health Care-Associated Infections

Health care-associated infections have a significant impact on health care spending as a result
of prolonged hospital stay,19, 25, 26 readmissions,19 increasing consumption of costly resources18,
19, 26
and, occasionally, legal and litigation costs.

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms (AROs) has also resulted in increased

cost to the health care system. It is estimated that AROs increase the annual direct and indirect
costs to patients by an additional $40 to $52 million in Canada.15, 27 Expenses associated with
HAIs include readmission due to infection; prolonged length of stay; prolonged wait times;
longer staff hours; requirement for additional treatments, laboratory testing and antibiotic use;
and increased surveillance activities, single room accommodation for infection prevention and
control purposes, PPE, cleaning supplies and outbreaks, all of which increase the cost of
providing health care.15, 18, 19, 28-30

Some cost estimates recently reported in Canada and the U.S. include:
the median cost associated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
can be almost two times greater than the cost of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus
aureus in a long-term care facility31 and more than twice the cost in acute care
in acute care, the cost for precautions and management of patients colonized and/or
infected with MRSA continues to increase:
o colonization with MRSA cost CAD $1,363 per patient in 199728 and now costs
CAD $8,841 per patient32;
o infection with MRSA cost CAD $14,360 per patient in 199728 and now costs
CAD $27,66132;
o in a 2007Canadian study, the cost per day for contact precautions was CAD
$172.81 and the cost of MRSA control per patient was CAD $2,937.33
the incremental cost to prevent a case of nosocomial MRSA, from the hospital
perspective, is under $20 (2005 CAD). This figure takes into account the cost of
hospital control programs versus the cost of MRSA colonization and infection. It does
not take into account societal costs of MRSA, which are significant32;
the mean cost of interventions to reduce the rate of extended-spectrum beta
lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL) is CAD $3,191 per case34;

In long-term care, outbreaks result in significant cost to the organization. Some examples:
scabies outbreak cost CAD $200,000 to control35;
outbreak of adenoviral conjunctivitis cost US $29,52736;
VRE outbreak cost CAD $12,061 to control37;
The mean cost of a case of Influenza-like illness is US $968 +/- $1806.38

In summary, the impact of HAIs on health care delivery efficiencies and client/patient/resident
outcomes is significant. An effective infection prevention and control program can reduce this
impact and the costs associated with HAIs.39

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

II. The Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Program

Patient Safety and Infection Prevention and Control

Infection prevention and control is a key priority of the patient safety agenda. The strongest
evidence for current patient safety initiatives is built upon past infection prevention and control
experiences and many patient safety indicators have long been infection prevention and control
indicators. Recently, national and international groups have focused their attention on infections
as an issue in patient safety with campaigns such as:
Safer Healthcare Now! (Canadian Patient Safety Institute):
5 Million Lives (U.S. Institute for Healthcare Improvement):
Clean Care is Safer Care (World Health Organization):

In order to protect clients/patients/residents and staff and to reduce the costs of health care-
associated infections, it is necessary to prevent infections before they occur. Not all health care-
associated infections can be prevented, but a recent systematic review suggests that at least
20% could be prevented through infection prevention and control strategies.40

Impact of IPAC Programs

Infection prevention and control (IPAC) programs have been shown to be both clinically effective
and cost-effective,6, 17, 30, 41 providing important cost savings in terms of fewer health care-
associated infections, reduced length of hospital stay, less antibiotic resistance and decreased
costs of treatment for infections.7, 42-44 The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has
outlined the human and economic perspectives of HAI, demonstrating the rationale and need for
appropriate and adequate resources for IPAC programs.27

Prevention and control of HAIs is a legal obligation in many countries, including the
Netherlands,45 Germany46 and Belgium.47 Several reliable authorities have published
comprehensive guidelines for the practice of infection prevention and control in a variety of
health care settings including acute care, long-term care and out-of-hospital settings.48-50
Evidence of the efficacy of infection surveillance and control programs was first established by
the Study on the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection Control (SENIC) project, which was conducted
between 1974 and 1983.7 This project demonstrated that 32% of nosocomial infections in acute
care involving four major sites (bloodstream, surgical wound, urinary tract and respiratory tract)
could be prevented with infection surveillance and control programs. Several subsequent
studies have supported the efficacy of infection prevention and control activities in reducing the
number of infections, improving survival, reducing morbidity and shortening the length of
hospital stay.44, 51-57 There is also evidence that concerted interventions can substantially reduce
MRSA transmission, even in MRSA-endemic settings.58

A recent Canadian survey of hospitals identified deficits in several components of effective IPAC
programs, including appropriate staffing levels, surveillance activities and access to
laboratories.24 To improve health care safety and cost-efficiencies in Ontario, appropriately
resourced infection prevention and control programs must be a standard of practice. While the
final accountability rests with the administration of the organization, infection prevention and
control programs that have the required expertise and resources will assist and support the
organization to improve patient safety by protecting clients/patients/residents, health care

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

providers, visitors and others from health care-associated infections, with the added benefit of
reducing costs to the health care system.17, 18, 48

1. Mandate/Goals and Functions of the IPAC Program

The goals of an infection prevention and control program are:
to protect clients/patients/residents from health care-associated infections, resulting in
improved survival rates, reduced morbidity associated with infections, shorter length of
hospital stay and a quicker return to good health; and
to prevent the spread of infections from patient-to-patient, from patients to health care
providers, from health care providers to patients, from health care providers to health
care providers and to visitors and others in the health care environment.

These goals are relevant to care activities across the spectrum of health care settings including
acute care, complex continuing care, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term care homes, ambulatory
settings, outpatient surgery facilities and home health care programs.48-50

In order to achieve these goals in a cost-effective manner, an active, effective, organization-

wide infection prevention and control program must be developed and continuously supported
by senior administration.

The core functions of infection prevention and control in both hospital and non-hospital settings
focus on strategies to protect clients/patients/residents, staff and others from exposures to
infections. These include:
a) management of critical data and information, including surveillance for nosocomial and
other infections;
b) implementation of evidence-based practice, standards and guidelines through setting-
specific policy and procedure;
c) direct interventions to prevent the transmission of infection, including outbreak
prevention and control;
d) effective occupational health programs (including healthy workplace policies and
immunization services);
e) education and training of health care providers, clients/patients/residents and their
f) communication of infection-related issues and relevant practices to leaders and staff to
facilitate improvement; and
g) ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement of the IPAC program.

The success of an IPAC program is defined by the organizations effectiveness in preventing the
occurrence, or limiting the spread, of health care-associated infections. The selection of
appropriate process and outcome surveillance indicators will reflect the specific goals of the
organization (see Section II.4, Surveillance). In particular, outcome indicators should reflect the
efficacy of the organization in protecting clients/patients/residents, health care providers, visitors
and others from HAIs as well as determine the cost-effectiveness of the program activities.


1.1 All health care settings in Ontario must assess needs for, develop, provide and evaluate
an active, effective infection prevention and control program that meets the mandate and
goal to decrease the risk of health care-associated infections and improve health care

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

1.2 Continuing support for the infection prevention and control program must be an
organizational priority.

2. Structure and Elements of the IPAC Program

Infection prevention and control activities should be based on a continuous quality improvement
approach where the processes and outcomes are continuously reviewed and improved. Prior to
implementing an IPAC program, and periodically thereafter, there should be an initial review of
the entire facility or organization for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related
to infection prevention and control practices (i.e. SWOT analysis). The results from this analysis
may be used to assist in prioritizing the needs of the program.

Structure of the IPAC Program

Individuals with appropriate academic and practice credentials, training and experience related
to health care infection prevention and control programs are responsible for directing infection
prevention and control activities including implementing, monitoring and evaluating the IPAC
program with the support of senior administration and the infection prevention and control
committee. The ICP(s) should have direct access to the Senior Management individual who is
accountable for the organizations program and who can facilitate the actions that are required.

Elements of the IPAC Program

The elements of the infection prevention and control program must be based on the type of
health care setting. Elements of this program will have resource implications for other areas
and departments of the facility as well as Infection Prevention and Control (e.g. Occupational
Health and Safety, Laboratory Services, Environmental Services).

Infection prevention and control programs should include the following:

a) a hand hygiene program;
b) surveillance based on systematic data collection to identify infections, subsequent analysis
of data and timely dissemination of results;
c) a system of precautions to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious agents (i.e. Routine
Practices, Additional Precautions);
d) continuing education for health care providers in infection prevention and control;
e) a system for detection, investigation and control of health care-associated outbreaks;
f) infection prevention and control policies and procedures;
g) process audits;
h) a resident health program that addresses the prevention and control of infectious disease
(e.g. long-term care homes);
i) elements of an occupational health program for health care providers related to
transmission of microorganisms;
j) a system for antibiotic review and control;
k) reportable disease reporting to public health authorities;
l) timely access to microbiology laboratory reports and expertise;
m) active participation in all phases of facility design and construction/renovation;
n) product review and evaluation;
o) review of care policies and procedures for practices impacting on infection prevention and
p) continuous quality improvement activities;
q) review of practices for reprocessing of equipment;
r) review of practices for environmental cleaning; and

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

s) participation in research activities for programs affiliated with academic health science
centres, teaching hospitals and other settings that have the capability of doing these


2.1 Health care settings must evaluate their infection prevention and control needs and then
implement an infection prevention and control program suited to those needs.

2.2 Periodic review of the infection prevention and control program must be carried out to
reassess the organizations needs and to determine which elements are required to
continue to meet the goals of the program for that health care setting.

2.3 Senior administration and the infection prevention and control committee must support
the implementation and execution of the infection prevention and control program by the
infection prevention and control staff.

3. The Infection Prevention and Control Committee (IPACC)

All health care facilities must have a formal committee
The IPACC and its members structure to oversee the activities of the IPAC program.
should act as advocates and In hospitals this should take the form of an Infection
role models for the program and Prevention and Control Committee (IPACC).
for practicing infection
prevention and control best Smaller organizations or other health care settings
practices. should consider implementing an IPACC or include
IPAC issues as a standing agenda item for other
committees. All facilities and agencies accredited by the Canadian Council on Health Services
Accreditation (CCHSA) will require an IPACC.

This multidisciplinary committee should report to the Board of Directors through the Medical
Advisory Committee (for hospitals) and/or Senior Management for smaller health care settings.

This committee is responsible for:

a) Review and approve the annual goals of the IPAC program;
b) evaluating the results of the activities developed to meet those goals;
c) bringing to the attention of senior administration issues with compliance with relevant
d) ensuring that the infection prevention and control recommendations and standards of the
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Canadian Standards Association, Public Health
Agency of Canada and specific accrediting bodies and other recognized organizations are
being followed in the health care setting;
e) advocating for resources necessary to accomplish the goals of the program; and
f) patient safety/risk management/quality assurance.

Members of this committee should include50:

a) the Infection Prevention and Control Professional(s) (ICPs);
b) the Infection Prevention and Control Physician (or the medical director in non-acute
c) Occupational Health representative;
d) public health representative;
e) Environmental Services representative;
f) senior nursing representative(s) from key clinical programs;
g) senior medical representative(s) from key clinical programs;

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

h) senior management representative.

Other members may be added depending on the organizations programs and needs. For
instance, in acute care settings these might include:
a) specialist in microbiology;
b) pharmacy representative;
c) central equipment reprocessing area(s) representative;
d) operating room representative;
e) epidemiologist;
f) infectious diseases representative;
g) quality assurance/risk management representative.

The IPACC in hospitals reports to the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC)5 and other
designated committees as appropriate. Minutes of meetings must be kept and be circulated to
Senior Administration and to the Board of Directors via the MAC in acute care; to Senior
Administration in non-acute care; and to designated subcommittees. In long-term care settings,
consideration should be given to providing the Residents Council with meeting minutes.
For very large organizations there may be variations in committee membership, roles and
responsibilities. Focused clinical committees might carry out the mandates of the program in
specialized areas, in addition to the formal IPAC Committee (e.g. transplant units, dialysis units
and burn units).

The IPACC must meet often enough to meet the objectives of the IPACC and the CCHSA; and
to properly discharge its responsibilities to review infection prevention and control surveillance
data and related analyses, approve policies and monitor program goals and activities.46, 47


3.1 Each health care facility shall have a multidisciplinary infection prevention and control
committee whose responsibilities include annual goal-setting, program evaluation and
ensuring that the infection prevention and control program meets current legislated
standards and requirements as well as the requirements of the facility.

4. IPAC Program Functions

Infection prevention and control program functions are a collaboration of a multidisciplinary team
that includes infection prevention and control. They require accountability from all areas and
organization-wide support.


NOTE: Details regarding surveillance methodology may be found in PIDACs Best

Practices for Surveillance of Health Care-Acquired Infections in Patients and Residents
[available online at:].

A well-designed surveillance program is essential for performing all of the other necessary
activities of the infection prevention and control program.48, 50 The collection, analysis and
dissemination of surveillance data has been shown to be an important factor in the prevention of
health care-associated infections.7 The IPAC program and the IPACC must clearly define what
surveillance indicators will be collected, analyzed, benchmarked and reported, then verify that
the necessary actions are taken. The type and method of surveillance should be based on the

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

types of infection most important to the health care setting and to the care or services provided
and the population served.59

Some surveillance systems (e.g. ventilator-associated pneumonia) are specific to a particular

facility or agency. Others (e.g. central line-associated bacteraemia in oncology patients) are
specific to a client/patient/resident population, whose members may be cared for by staff from
multiple facilities or agencies. Infection prevention and control programs must consider which
infections are important sources of morbidity and mortality for their clients/patients/residents,
and collaborate with other agencies to support needed surveillance programs.

The outcome of surveillance There are two types of surveillance used in infection
should be an action plan for prevention and control: process surveillance and
improvement. analysis; and outcome surveillance and analysis. Both
measures will reflect the efficacy of the program in
protecting the clients/patient/resident, health care provider and visitor from HAIs while
decreasing costs from infections.

Process Surveillance

Process surveillance (i.e. ongoing audit of practice) is done to verify that procedures and/or
standards of practice are being followed and an action plan is in place to improve practice. One
of the advantages of process audits is that the feedback given to providers is immediate.
Process audits are based on validated evidence that has been demonstrated to improve

Ongoing audits of practices must be done to monitor

infection prevention and control processes in health care Practice audits are the joint
facilities. Audit results should be analyzed and reported responsibility of the IPAC
back to the audited area in a timely fashion. A plan for program and the area
improvement, including organizational accountability, delivering the process being
should be developed by the audited area in conjunction audited.
with infection prevention and control, based on the
results of the audit.

Outcome Surveillance

Outcome surveillance monitors definable events or outcomes, such as surgical site infections, in
a specific population. Surveillance must be targeted to the specific needs of the organization.
Results should be accompanied by an action plan that will lead to quality improvement.

The goal of outcome The outcome surveillance process consists of collecting

surveillance is to be able to data on individual cases to determine whether or not a
identify clusters and health care-associated infection is present by comparing
outbreaks (i.e. increases collected data to standard written criteria (definitions) of
above baseline levels) and to infections. The surveillance process should incorporate
compare infection rates to the following elements48:
external benchmarks.

a) the identification and description of the problem or event to be studied;

b) the definition of the population at risk;
c) the selection of the appropriate methods of measurement, including statistical tools and
adjustment for client/patient/resident risk factors;
d) the identification and description of data sources and methods;
e) the definition of numerators and denominators;

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

f) benchmarks used for comparison;

g) analysis of results and recommendations for targeted improvements; and
h) preparation and distribution of reports to appropriate groups for action.

Data Collection and Definitions for Outcome Surveillance Indicators

Individuals performing infection surveillance must have access to all data and information
systems required to perform these activities (e.g. laboratory results, admission records,
client/patient/resident medical records, imaging results). This should include access to
computerized databases that are required for accurate and complete identification and
analysis of the infectious complications of health care.

Outcome surveillance data should be used for:

a) planning infection prevention and control strategies;
b) detecting outbreaks;
c) directing continuing education;
d) identifying client/patient/resident risks for intervention; and
e) measuring results of targeted improvement strategies.

Outcome surveillance requires objective, valid definitions of infections. The definitions used for
surveillance must be relevant to settings inside and outside of the acute care environment.60-63
Most acute care surveillance definitions are based on the National Nosocomial Infection
Surveillance (NNIS) system12 (currently known as the National Healthcare Safety Network) but
there are no standards for outcome surveillance in long-term care, home care, or ambulatory
care settings. NNIS definitions64 rely heavily on laboratory data and recorded clinical

Outcome surveillance is important in all health care facilities to enable appropriate

management and precautions.65 In non-hospital facilities, radiology and microbiology data are
not readily available and clinical notes may be brief. Detection of health care-associated
infections in non-hospital facilities often depends on recognition of signs and symptoms of
infection by staff.50 Modified long-term care-specific surveillance criteria have been developed
by a Canadian consensus panel.63

Facilities must adapt surveillance systems to balance the availability of resources with priorities
for data collection, population needs and institutional objectives. Wherever possible, ICPs
should use established database systems available in their health care system to obtain
denominator data. This can facilitate functional collaboration between and among programs to
work together to improve care.

Analysis, Benchmarking and Reporting Outcome Indicators

Infections should always be expressed as a rate, not as a count (i.e. numbers of infections).
Baseline infection rates should be established to track progress, determine trends and detect
outbreaks and for comparison to other facilities and external benchmarks. Analysis and
reporting of infection case data should be done on a regular basis (e.g. monthly, quarterly,
annually) to detect trends.

Selection of specific events to be monitored should be guided by validated, nationally and/or

internationally, available benchmarks appropriately adjusted for client/patient/resident risks, so
that meaningful comparisons can be made. Recognized benchmark data for infection rates
outside acute care are not readily available, thus each organization should monitor its own
data for trends. Comparison of infection rates among organizations requires:
a) the same definitions;
b) careful evaluation of variations in client/patient/resident characteristics in different
c) access to, and use of, diagnostic tests; and

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

d) resources available in each setting to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the

For those facilities that have been doing standardized surveillance for a number of years,
current rates may be compared with their own past experience to gauge progress. In acute
care settings, the NNIS database12 for infections with aggregate data collected from 300 USA
acute care facilities may be used for benchmarking until such time as there is a Canadian
national database for comparison.

Aggregate non-nominal surveillance analyses and information should be reported to the

appropriate designated individuals/committees in a timely fashion.66 Development of a plan of
action to address any issues arising from the surveillance information is vital. The ICP may use
reports from nursing staff, chart review, laboratory or radiology reports, treatment review and
clinical observations as sources of information to identify trends or issues. Whenever possible,
reporting infection rates with the associated cost impact in terms of length of stay and/or
additional costs of the infections is recommended.

The development of external comparators should be focused on infections that may be most
readily identifiable and preventable and must take into account issues such as confidentiality,
uniform definitions, data elements, infrastructure of data management and data quality. Clinical
performance and assessment indicators used to support external comparative measurements
should meet the criteria developed by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
(SHEA)67, 68 and the Association for Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). These In addition to the collection
indicators and their analyses must address the following of baseline infection rates,
parameters: the ICP should investigate
a) relation to outcome or process; sentinel events and
b) ability to measure variation in quality; unusual pathogens (e.g.
c) definition of numerators and denominators; Group A streptococcal
d) reliability, completeness and feasibility of data surgical site infections,
collection; nosocomial Legionellosis).
e) appropriate risk adjustment;
f) comparability of populations, severity and case-mix adjustments for external
g) training required for indicator implementation; and
h) applicable benchmarks as standards of care.


Process Surveillance Indicators

Targeted audits should be performed in all health care settings. Recommended specific audits
are summarized in Table 1 and include:

a) Client/patient/resident process surveillance indicators:

i) adherence to screening protocols for antibiotic-resistant organisms (AROs)
according to the MOHLTC document, Best Practices for Infection Prevention and
Control of Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci In All Health care
ii) adherence to screening protocols for febrile respiratory illness (FRI) according to
the MOHLTC document, Preventing Febrile Respiratory Illnesses. Best Practices
in Surveillance and Infection Prevention and Control for Febrile Respiratory Illness
(FRI), excluding Tuberculosis, in All Ontario Health Care Settings70;
iii) adherence to screening protocols for acute gastrointestinal (GI) illness in

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

iv) adherence to screening protocols for tuberculosis in clients and residents in long-
term care facilities/homes and home health care71;
v) immunization rates of residents who receive influenza and pneumococcal
vi) adherence to screening protocols for hepatitis in hemodialysis patients.

b) Staff process surveillance indicators in collaboration with Occupational Health:

i) adherence to screening protocols for employees at risk of occupational exposure to
ii) immunization rates in staff, including annual influenza rates ;
74, 75
iii) surveillance for sharps injury ;

c) Practice audits:
i) adherence to practices relating to interventions that reduce the risk of infection
associated with central lines76-78;
ii) adherence to practices relating to interventions that reduce the risk of infection
associated with ventilator use79, 80;
iii) adherence to practices relating to interventions that reduce the risk of infection
associated with surgical procedures81, 82;
iv) adherence to hand hygiene protocols ;
v) adherence to Routine Practices protocols, including wearing of personal protective
equipment appropriately and correctly10;
vi) adherence to sterilization and disinfection protocols (including the management of
single-use devices) throughout the health care setting to verify that current
standards from the MOHLTC,86 Canadian Standards Association [website:] and the Public Health Agency of Canada83 are being followed
with regard to reprocessing of medical equipment;
vii) adherence to infection prevention and control protocols related to
construction/renovation sites for compliance with the standards and guidelines from
the Canadian Standards Association [website:] and the Public
Health Agency of Canada87;
viii) adherence to environmental cleaning protocols ; and
ix) adherence to practices to limit urinary catheter use.

d) Antibiotic utilization in acute and other settings is reviewed by an appropriate

committee, group or delegate and recommendations are made based on current
scientific guidelines/recommendations for selection of antibiotics and prudent
prescribing of antimicrobial agents. It is recommended that utilization be reported to the
IPACC annually.50, 89

Outcome Surveillance Indicators

The infection prevention and control committee should verify that surveillance is done in all
health care settings in collaboration with the IPAC program. Recommended surveillance
indicators are summarized in Table 2 and include:

a) Outcome surveillance indicators to detect clusters:

i) surveillance for facility-acquired respiratory illness according to the MOHLTC
document, Best Practices in Surveillance and Infection Prevention and Control for
Febrile Respiratory Illness (FRI), excluding Tuberculosis, for All Ontario Health
Care Settings70; [available online at:
ii) facility-acquired acute gastrointestinal (GI) illness in clients/patients/residents;
iii) facility-acquired Group A streptococcal infection acquisition in

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

iv) skin and soft tissue infections in long-term care and complex continuing care; and
v) staff tuberculin skin test (TST) conversions .

b) Outcome surveillance indicators to obtain facility-acquired infection rates:

i) surveillance for facility-acquired antibiotic-resistant organisms (AROs), such as
MRSA and VRE, according to the MOHLTC document, Best Practices for Infection
Prevention and Control of Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci In All
Health care Settings69 [available online at:
ii) surveillance for facility-acquired Clostridium difficile-associated disease according
to the MOHLTC document, Best Practices for the Management of Clostridium
difficile in All Health Care Settings.90 [available online at:
iii) additional outcome surveillance indicators are required for facilities that perform
invasive procedures or other specialized services:
Surgical Site Infection (SSI) surveillance81, 82 in collaboration with the
department or agency that performed the surgery (e.g. acute care, ambulatory
care centres that perform in-and-out surgery):
- outcome surveillance is performed with analysis and benchmarking
against recognized databases that use the same definitions for
infection and are appropriately adjusted for patient risk factors have
been shown to reduce the rate of surgical site infection82;
- selected procedure-specific rates are to be calculated and analyzed; the
surgical procedure(s) to target for surveillance will vary. The decision
on which procedure(s) to choose for surveillance is based on:
the type of procedure(s) done; and
whether high-risk procedure or high-volume procedure (e.g.
total hip and knee replacements and cardiac surgical
procedures have serious outcomes if infected, so they would
be a priority to survey);
- the surgical site surveillance program should also be able to capture
post-discharge information, as the majority of infections develop after
discharge from the surgical facility;
- there should be a system to capture surgical site infections across the
continuum of care using consistent definitions;
- accurate infection rates with an analysis of the data are to be reported
to the surgical program; reporting of SSI rates should be procedure-
specific, not overall general surgical infection rates;
- confidential surgeon-specific rates should be reported to the individual
specialized programs such as dialysis, burn, intensive care, transplant,
neonatal, oncology and cardiac, as well as free-standing facilities that perform
invasive procedures, should do both process audits and outcome surveillance
that are pertinent to their area, such as:
- central line-associated bloodstream infection in collaboration with the
department or agency that inserted the central line (e.g. oncology,
intensive care, hemodialysis)76-78;
- facility-acquired hepatitis in hemodialysis patients73;

Additional outcome surveillance should be done on any other

procedures that are high risk or high volume for the health care

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Table 1: Summary of Recommended Process Surveillance Indicators

Reference Acute
Surveillance Component CCC LTC HHC
# Care
Legend: CCC = Complex Continuing Care LTC = Long-term Care HHC = Home Health Care

Adherence to ARO screening protocols for

69 X X X

Adherence to FRI screening protocols for

70 X X X X

Adherence to screening protocols for tuberculosis in

71 X X

Adherence to screening protocols for acute GI illness in


Influenza immunization rates (clients/residents) 72 X X

Pneumococcal vaccine immunization rates


Adherence to screening protocols for hepatitis in

73 X X X
hemodialysis patients

Staff Tuberculosis screening 71 X X X X

Staff immunization rates including annual influenza

72 X X X X

Sharps injury surveillance 74, 75 X X X X

Adherence to central line protocols 76-78 X X X X

Adherence to ventilator use protocols 79, 80 X X

Adherence to protocols related to surgical procedures

81, 82 X
(e.g. pre-operative antibiotic use)

Adherence to hand hygiene protocols 83-85 X X X X

Adherence to Routine Practices protocols, including the

10 X X X X
correct use of PPE

Adherence to reprocessing practices protocols 83, 86, 91 X X X X

Adherence to environmental cleaning protocols 83 X X X

Adherence to construction/renovation protocols for

87 X X X
infection prevention and control

Regular review of antibiotic utilization 50, 89 X X X

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Table 2: Summary of Recommended Outcome Surveillance Indicators

Surveillance Component CCC LTC HHC

Legend: CCC = Complex Continuing Care LTC = Long-term Care HHC = Home Health Care

Facility-acquired respiratory infection in

70 X X X

Facility-acquired ARO in clients/patients/residents 69 X X X

Facility-acquired Clostridium difficile-associated

90 X X X
disease in clients/patients/residents

Facility-acquired acute GI illness in


Facility-acquired Group A streptococcal infections in


TST conversion rates in health care providers 71 X X X X

Procedure-specific surgical site infections (SSI) 81, 82 X X*

Central line-associated bloodstream infections in

76-78 X X*
high risk areas

New acquisition of hepatitis in hemodialysis patients 73 X X X

Skin and soft tissue infections in clients/residents X X

* in collaboration with the agency that inserted the central line/performed the surgery


4.1 Health care settings must monitor targeted infection prevention and control processes
with regular audits of practices.

4.2 Health care settings must monitor targeted infection prevention and control outcomes
using surveillance for health care-associated infections in specific populations.

4.3 Infection surveillance must include standardized collection of data using written
definitions of infections, identification of risk population, methods of measurement,
description of data sources and benchmarks used for comparison.

4.4 Results of process and outcome surveillance must be analyzed and reported back in a
timely fashion; a plan for improvements, including organizational accountability, must
be developed by the targeted area in conjunction with Infection Prevention and Control
based on the results of surveillance.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Policies and Procedures

An important aspect of infection prevention and control programs is the development and
ongoing review of infection prevention and control policies and procedures that must be based
on the current scientific literature and authoritative guidelines that have a positive impact on
processes and prevention of HAIs. The Regional Infection Control Networks may be used as a

Policies and procedures must be relevant to the setting and be accessible to all staff. In
establishing policies and procedures, how these will be implemented must be clearly stated,
including responsible individuals.

Policies and procedures must:

a) be practical to implement;
b) be reviewed and audited regularly to maintain accuracy, validity and
c) follow a standardized template;
d) be linked to an educational program so that the users understand and follow the policy;
e) be written to serve as a resource for providers responsible for their implementation; and
f) be written in collaboration with the targeted group.

Information sources to be consulted during policy development should include:

a) surveillance data;
b) scientific literature;
c) professional practice guidelines and standards; and
d) legal requirements and regulatory standards.

Health care providers should be made aware of infection prevention and control policies and
procedures. A system for monitoring staff compliance with infection prevention and control
policies and procedures should be developed and implemented.

All best practices guidelines developed by the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory
Committee (PIDAC) should to be followed where they are applicable in all health care settings.


4.5 Infection prevention and control policies and procedures must be consistent with
relevant legislation and standards and based on sound scientific knowledge.

4.6 Policies and procedures must be reviewed and updated as required on a regular basis.

4.7 Policies and procedures must be linked to educational programs and action plans for
implementation must be developed.

4.8 A system for monitoring and improving staff compliance with infection prevention and
control policies and procedures must be developed and implemented.

Compliance with Legislation and Accreditation Standards

All health care organizations are subject to regulation and oversight by various agencies,
authorities and government bodies. Some regulations may be specific to extended care, home
health care, or ambulatory care, whereas others are generally relevant to all health care

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Infection prevention and control program staff should have appropriate access to medical or
other relevant records and to staff who can provide information on the adequacy of the
institutions compliance with regard to regulations, standards and guidelines.48 The infection
prevention and control program should collaborate with, and provide liaison to, appropriate local
and provincial public health departments for reporting of communicable diseases and related
conditions and to assist with the control of infectious diseases.48

Health Care Regulations Pertaining to Infection Prevention and Control

Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA)92

Health care providers in Ontario shall comply with the Health Protection and Promotion Act
which states that:
a) A physician or registered nurse in the extended class who, while providing professional
services to a person, forms the opinion that the person is or may be infected with an agent
of a communicable disease shall, as soon as possible after forming the opinion, report
thereon to the medical officer of health of the health unit in which the professional services
are provided. [R.S.O.1990, c.H.7,s.26; 2007, c.10, Sched. F, s.4]]
b) The administrator of a hospital shall report to the medical officer of health of the health
unit in which the hospital is located if an entry in the records of the hospital in respect of a
patient in or an out-patient of the hospital states that the patient or out-patient has or may
have a reportable disease or is or may be infected with an agent of a communicable
disease. [R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7, s.27(1)]
c) The superintendent of an institution shall report to the medical officer of health of the
health unit in which the institution is located if an entry in the records of the institution in
respect of a person lodged in the institution states that the person has or may have a
reportable disease or is or may be infected with an agent of a communicable disease.
[R.S.O. 1990, c. H7, s.27(2)]
d) The administrator or superintendent shall report to the medical officer of health as soon as
possible after the entry is made in the records of the hospital or institution, as the case
may be.[R.S.O. 1990, c.H.7, s.27(3)]

Public Hospitals Act5

a) The Hospital Management Regulation 965, section 4 of the Public Hospital Act states:
Every board shall pass by-laws that,(b) provide for the organization of the medical staff,
set out duties of the medical staff and set out at least,. (vi) the establishment of one or
more committees of the medical staff, including the duties and powers of such
committees, to assess infection controland all other aspects of medical care and
treatment in the hospital,...
[available online at:
b) The Hospital Management Regulation 965/90 of the Public Hospitals Act requires hospital
boards to establish and provide for the operation of a health surveillance program
including a communicable disease surveillance program in respect of all persons carrying
on activities in the hospital (as) set out in any applicable communicable disease
surveillance protocol published jointly by the Ontario Hospital Association and the Ontario
Medical Association for that disease and approved by the Minister.[R.R.O. 1990, Reg.
965, s.4(1-2)]
c) It is recommended that all health care settings follow the Communicable Disease
Surveillance Protocols (Public Hospitals Act Reg. 965) and other legislated requirements
[available online at:

These protocols include: Adenovirus conjunctivitis,93 Antibiotic-resistant organisms,94

Blood-borne diseases,74 Cytomegalovirus,95 Enteric diseases,96 Group A streptococcal

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

disease,97 Herpes simplex,98 Influenza,99 Measles,100 Meningococcal disease,101

Pertussis,102, Rubella,103 Scabies,104 Tuberculosis105 and Varicella/Zoster.106

Long-Term Care Homes Act107

The Long-Term Care Homes Act requires that the licensee must ensure that there is an
infection prevention and control program in the long-term care home to detect the presence of
infection and prevent the transmission of infections. The program must comply with any
standards or requirements, including required outcomes, provided for in the regulations.
[Section 84]

Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation (CCHSA)108

New standards for infection prevention and control introduced by the CCHSAs accreditation
program include a number of surveillance requirements; process audit requirements; education
of staff/patients/visitors in infection prevention and control; and plans for the control of
outbreaks and pandemics.

Occupational Health & Safety Act and Ontario Regulations

Staff safety is addressed in these documents, such as the use of personal protective
equipment; regulations pertaining to the proximity of food and drink to infectious materials;
needle safety; and ceiling exposure values for biological and chemical agents.
a) Ontario Regulation 67/93 under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act109 states
that every employer in consultation with the joint health and safety committee or health
and safety representative, if any, shall develop, establish and put into effect measures
and procedures for the health and safety of workers [O. Reg. 67/93, S. 8], and such
measures and procedures may deal withthe control of infections [O. Reg. 67/93, S.
9(1)]. In health care settings, effective infection prevention and control is important both
for the safety of those who carry on activities in the health care setting and for the
clients/patients/residents receiving care in those settings. [Available online at:]
b) Ontario Regulation 474/07110: Needle safety is addressed in this Regulation. [Available
online at:]


4.9 Health care settings shall be in compliance with all legal and accreditation standards that
pertain to the practice of infection prevention and control.

4.10 The IPAC program should collaborate with, and provide liaison to, appropriate local and
provincial public health departments for reporting of communicable diseases and
respiratory and gastrointestinal outbreaks to assist with the control of infectious

Occupational Health and Safety Issues

Infection Prevention and Control and Occupational Health and Safety programs must work
collaboratively and closely to decrease the risk of infections in health care providers. Health care
providers are exposed to infectious diseases and may also pose a risk to
clients/patients/residents and other health care providers if they work while ill with a
communicable disease. Non-acute health care providers, such as those working in home health
care, nursing homes, clinics and emergency medical services, should also be considered as
being at risk. Health care organizations have the dual responsibility of preventing transmission
of infections from clients/patients/residents to health care providers and of interrupting the

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

spread of infections from health care providers to both clients/patients/residents and other
health care providers.

While reviewing the need for infection prevention and control resources it is also important to
consider the impact on Occupational Health and Safety services. There must be sufficient
resources to implement recommended best practices successfully. Key elements of an
occupational health service include preplacement assessment; immunization review and
update; staff influenza immunization program; TB status screening and surveillance based on
facility and activity risk assessment; exposure prevention and management and post-exposure
prophylaxis; as well as health and safety education. Ideally, information on health care provider
immunization status should be easily accessible and kept in a confidential, electronic database.
Pregnant and immunocompromised health care providers may require additional considerations.
Staff who provide care to clients/patients/residents requiring airborne precautions need to
participate in a respiratory protection program with respirator fit testing at least biannually. Close
liaison between the ICP and the occupational health service is essential to ensure proper
exposure and outbreak management, including contact tracing. Education regarding prevention
of blood borne pathogen exposures and access to timely post-exposure prophylaxis and follow-
up is essential. There needs to be adequate resources to implement an annual influenza
vaccine program. In an acute care setting, an occupational health service should have access to
occupational physician expertise and ideally will have a certified occupational health nurse on
site (CCOHN). Other health care settings should review their human resource requirements to
ensure that key program elements can be accomplished.

Joint Health and Safety Committee

Infection Prevention and Control should be represented on the facilitys Joint Health and Safety

Policies and Procedures

The infection prevention and control component of the Occupational Health and Safety
program should be developed jointly with Infection Prevention and Control, including policies
and procedures that address the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infections in health
care providers.

Examples of occupational health policies that may require IPAC involvement include48, 111:
a) pre-placement evaluations;
b) immunization programs;
c) evaluation of potentially harmful infectious
exposures and implementation of appropriate Although the Communicable
preventive measures; Diseases Surveillance Protocols
d) coordination of plans for managing outbreaks were written for acute care
involving health care providers; settings, and are mandated for
e) provision of care to health care providers for hospitals under the Public
work-related infections or exposures; Hospitals Act, they should be
f) education regarding infection risks related to followed in all health care
employment or special conditions; and settings.
g) development of guidelines for work restrictions
when a health care provider has an infectious

Occupational health and safety policies relating to infection prevention and control in all health
care settings should comply with the OHA/OMA Communicable Diseases Surveillance
Protocols74, 93-106 as well as the Public Health Agency of Canadas occupational health
guidelines112, 113. The Communicable Diseases Surveillance Protocols define the tests,
examinations and immunizations that must be done when an individual begins work in health
care facilities.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Communicable Disease Status

At the time of employment, all health care providers should be evaluated by an occupational
health and safety clinician for conditions relating to communicable diseases. The evaluation
should include the following48, 50, 100, 105, 106:
a) medical history, including immunization status and assessment for conditions that may
predispose staff to acquiring or transmitting communicable diseases;
b) tuberculin skin testing (TST); and
c) serologic screening for select vaccine-preventable diseases, if indicated.

Post-exposure Prophylaxis
Occupational health policies and procedures should address post-exposure follow-up and
prophylaxis when indicated.74

Work Restrictions
All health care settings should establish a clear expectation that staff do not come into work
when ill, and support this expectation with appropriate attendance management policies.50
Staff carrying on activities in a health care setting who develop a communicable disease may
be subject to some work restrictions. The Communicable Diseases Surveillance Protocols
state: Health care workers have a responsibility to their patients and colleagues regarding not
working when ill with symptoms that are likely attributable to an infectious disease. This
includes staff with influenza-like illness, febrile respiratory illness, gastroenteritis and

The Occupational Health and Safety program in both acute care and long-term care must
develop policies and procedures for the evaluation of health care providers which include:
a) assessment of disease communicability;
b) management of health care providers who have been exposed to infectious diseases,
including post-exposure prophylaxis and work restrictions;
c) indications for work restrictions:
i) health care providers with infected skin lesions should not have direct contact with
clients/patients/residents or with food consumed by others50;
ii) health care providers with symptoms of gastroenteritis should not work while
iii) health care providers with respiratory symptoms of influenza-like illness or other
febrile respiratory illness should not work while symptomatic70, 99;
iv) health care providers with acute conjunctivitis should not have direct contact with
clients/patients/residents or other staff93;
staff susceptible to the vaccine-preventable diseases measles, mumps, rubella and
varicella should not care for clients/patients/residents who have those diseases.100, 103,

d) a program to deal with staff exposures which includes:

i) collection and analysis of exposures, including assessment of the exposure,
determination of exposure risk, follow-up of exposed health care providers and other
staff, and preventive actions that may be put into place;
ii) policies to deal with spills and staff exposure to blood or body fluids; and
iii) a sharps injury prevention program (e.g. CDC Workbook for Designing, Implementing,
and Evaluating a Sharps Injury Prevention Program, available at:, 75

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Health care settings should have a process for evaluating PPE to ensure it meets quality
standards where applicable, including a respiratory protection program compliant with the
Ministry of Labour requirements.115 PPE should be appropriate and accessible.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Staff Education
A program should be in place to offer ongoing education in the MOHLTC Infection Prevention
and Control Core Competency Education Program (e.g. hand hygiene, use of personal
protective equipment, Routine Practices and Additional Precautions, healthy workplace
policies, equipment cleaning and others as deemed appropriate). Occupational Health and
Infection Prevention and Control should collaborate on educational programs.

See below, Education and Training, for more information regarding education.


4.11 Infection Prevention and Control must be represented on the facilitys Joint Health and
Safety Committee.

4.12 The infection prevention and control component of the Occupational Health and Safety
program must be developed jointly by Occupational Health and Infection Prevention and

4.13 All health care providers must be evaluated by Occupational Health for conditions
relating to communicable diseases that can be spread in the health care setting.

4.14 Attendance management policies shall discourage health care providers from working
while ill with a communicable disease that can be spread in the health care setting.

4.15 If any worker acquires an occupational illness, or a claim in respect of an occupational

illness has been filed with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, a notice in writing
shall be made to the Ministry of Labour.

Education, Training and Evaluation of Infection Prevention and Control Programs

One of the most important roles of the ICP is educating staff in infection prevention and control
principles. The goal of a quality education and training program in infection prevention and
control is to develop a culture wherein all health care providers follow the recommended policies
and best practices at all times and take pride in practicing good infection prevention and
control as part of their daily routine. Health care settings must provide regular education and
support to help staff consistently implement appropriate infection prevention and control

In order for changes in practice to occur, the organization must review enablers and barriers that
support or impede putting guidelines into practice and provide the necessary tools to effect the
change. Uptake and retention of education will only occur when the tools required to carry out
the practice are readily available and there is a plan for implementation (e.g. hand hygiene
compliance may improve if point-of-care product is in place).

Education and Training in Infection Prevention and Control

The prevention of HAIs requires an organized education and training program regarding proper
infection prevention and control procedures in the health care setting, aimed at health care
providers, clients/patients/residents and their caregivers.116, 117 A coordinated, effective
educational program will result in improved infection prevention and control activities.118

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Education programs should be flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of the range of health
care providers and other staff who work in the health care setting. The local public health unit
and Regional Infection Control Networks may be a resource and can provide assistance in
developing and providing education programs for all health care settings.

Infection prevention and control education should Regulated health care

be provided to all staff, especially those providing professionals should be aware of
direct client/patient/resident care,66 at the the infection prevention and
initiation of employment as part of their control standards of their
orientation and as ongoing continuing education. regulatory college.

As a minimum, the MOHLTC Infection Prevention and Control Core Competency Education
Program should be delivered to all health care providers, with adherence to infection prevention
and control practices being part of staff performance review.

Effective infection prevention and control education programs should emphasize119:

a) disease transmission, the risks associated with infectious diseases and basic
epidemiology of health care-associated infections specific to the setting;
b) the benefits of case finding/surveillance and the extent and nature of existing and potential
problems related to infection in the organization (e.g. MRSA, VRE);
c) hand hygiene and basic personal hygiene, including the use of alcohol-based hand rubs
and hand washing;
d) principles and components of Routine Practices as well as additional transmission-based
e) assessment of the risk of infection transmission and the appropriate use of personal
protective equipment (PPE), including safe application, removal and disposal;
f) appropriate cleaning and/or disinfection of health care equipment, supplies and surfaces
or items in the health care environment (e.g. beds, bed tables, call bells, toilets, privacy
g) aseptic practices;
h) the importance of proper and prudent use of antibiotics;
i) individual staff responsibility for keeping clients/patients/residents, themselves and co-
workers safe;
j) prevention of blood and body fluid exposure; and
k) education in early problem or symptom recognition.

Infection prevention and control professionals with knowledge of epidemiology and infectious
diseases should be active participants in the planning and implementation of these educational

Infection prevention and control education must be given:

a) at orientation of new staff;
b) on an ongoing scheduled basis (e.g. annually, biannually);
c) if a situation demonstrates a specific need (e.g. during outbreaks; to provide information
on a new emerging infections; when required based on results of audits); and
d) for all trainees prior to the start of their clinical placements.

Infection Prevention and Control may assist staff in education of clients/patients/residents and
visitors through developing and/or reviewing educational materials such as information sheets
pertaining to IPAC.

Education techniques must be applicable to adult learning styles. The teaching methods used
must be sensitive to language, cultural background and educational level. Teaching formats
should be varied through the use of individualized programmed educational units using video
and computer technology, face-to-face discussions with infection prevention and control

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

professionals and practical demonstrations. Infection prevention and control education should
be simple, clear and relevant to the policies of the health care facility.

Evaluation of Infection Prevention and Control Education Programs

Educational programs should be evaluated periodically for effectiveness and attendance should
be monitored and reported back to the employees manager for incorporation into the
performance review.48 Process audits of practices and monitoring of client/patient/resident care
practices may be used to identify areas of continued concern and to assess the effectiveness of
educational interventions. Surveillance information should be available to inform the facility
about problems occurring in their setting. Feedback serves as an educational tool to stimulate
change in client/patient/resident care practices and to refine programs.


4.16 Education in infection prevention and control must span the entire health care setting
and be directed to all who work in that setting.

4.17 Orientation programs for staff new to the health care setting must include an infection
prevention and control component.

4.18 Health care facilities should have appropriate policies and procedures that ensure:
a) mandatory attendance at infection prevention and control training/education
b) attendance recorded and reported back to the manager to become a part of the
employees performance review.

4.19 Continuing education must address the infection prevention and control needs of the
organization with regard to content, target audience and timing of the education (e.g.
scheduled continuing education, special education based on specific needs such as

4.20 There must be evaluation of the infection prevention and control education program to
ensure that it is current, relevant and effective.

4.21 The resources required to carry out the IPAC education program must be allocated to
achieve the educational goals of the program.

Other Key Components of the IPAC Program

Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is considered the most important and effective infection prevention and control
measure to prevent the spread of health care-associated infections.83, 120 Despite this,
compliance with hand hygiene protocols by health care providers has been, and continues to
be, unacceptably low at 20% to 50%.121-125 It has been shown that a facility-wide hand hygiene
program, which includes administrative leadership, sanction, support and rewards, can be
effective at reducing the incidence of health care-associated infections.84, 125

To make it possible for health care providers to clean their hands at the right time, alcohol-
based hand rub must be provided at the point-of-care, where busy health care providers can
clean their hands without leaving the client/patient/resident. Clients/patients/residents who see

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

the health care provider performing hand hygiene are reassured that everything is being done to
protect them from unnecessary infections.

All health care settings must implement a hand hygiene program which incorporates the
following elements:
a) a written policy and procedure regarding hand hygiene;
b) easy access to hand hygiene agents at point-of-care;
c) 60-90% alcohol-based hand rubs are preferred and must be provided by the health care
d) education that includes indications for hand hygiene, techniques, indications for hand
hygiene agents and hand care;
e) a hand care program; and
f) a program to monitor hand hygiene compliance with audits of hand hygiene practices and
feedback to individual employees, managers, chiefs of service and the Medical Advisory
Committee via the Infection Prevention and Control Committee.

Hand Hygiene Policies and Procedures

A hand hygiene policy and procedure should be developed by each health care setting that
includes the following:
a) indications for hand hygiene;
b) selection of hand hygiene agent;
c) management of soap containers;
d) hand lotion use;
e) use of alcohol-based hand rubs; and
f) hand hygiene monitoring and compliance audits.

Refer to PIDACs Hand Hygiene Fact Sheet for Health Care Settings for a description of
items that must be included in a hand hygiene policy [available online at:

Hand Hygiene Agents

At the present time only 60-90% alcohol-based hand rubs are recommended as waterless
agents for hand hygiene.

Alcohol-based hand rubs:

c) are recommended to routinely decontaminate hands in clinical situations when hands are
not visibly soiled;
d) provide for a rapid kill of most transient microorganisms84;
e) contain a variety of alcohols in concentrations from 60 90%;
f) are not used with water;
g) reduce skin irritation,126-129 often with the use of emollients; and
h) are less time-consuming than cleaning with soap and water.129, 130

Alcohol-based hand rub is the preferred method for decontaminating hands.

Using alcohol-based hand rub is more effective than washing hands (even
with an antibacterial soap) when hands are not visibly soiled.

Where hand washing facilities are not immediately available, alcohol-based

hand rub should be used.

Hand washing with soap and running water must be performed when hands are visibly soiled.
If running water is not available, use moistened towelettes to remove the visible soil, followed
by an alcohol-based hand rub.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Liquid or Foam Soap:

a) Soap must be dispensed in a disposable pump dispenser.
b) Soap containers are not to be topped up, as there is a risk of contamination.
c) Bar soaps are not acceptable in health care settings except for individual
client/patient/resident personal use.
d) Antibacterial soaps may be used in critical care areas such as ICU, or in other areas
where invasive procedures are performed.

Hand Care Program

The health care setting should have a hand care program to assess and maintain the skin
integrity of health care providers who perform frequent hand hygiene. If the skin integrity of a
health care provider cannot be maintained, the health care provider should be offered modified
work that does not require frequent hand hygiene.

Products chosen for hand hygiene should be of proven benefit to skin. Hand care lotion should
be readily available to staff free of charge and products chosen should not interfere with glove
integrity or with other hand hygiene products.

Education should include:
a) indications for hand hygiene;
b) factors that reduce compliance with hand hygiene;
c) hand hygiene agents;
d) hand hygiene techniques; and
e) hand care to promote skin integrity.

Strategies for hand hygiene promotion include education, performance feedback on hand
hygiene adherence and encouragement and provision of role models from key members in the
work unit.84

At the institutional level, strategies for improvement include written guidelines, selection of
hand hygiene agents, hand care promotion and agents, hand hygiene facilities and efforts to
prevent high workload, downsizing and understaffing.

Facilities where results of monitoring and feedback identify issues relating to compliance
should provide ongoing educational and motivational activities to encourage long-lasting
improvement in hand hygiene practices.131

A plan of action should be evident for persistent failure with compliance of hand hygiene. Non-
compliance should not be tolerated, as this is a patient and health and safety issue.
Compliance results should be part of the performance appraisal.

For more information regarding hand hygiene, refer to the MOHLTC website on hand hygiene


4.22 All health care settings must develop and implement a hand hygiene program, including
hand hygiene agents available at the point-of-care in acute care settings and easily
accessible in all other health care settings. In health care facilities this program must
also include:
a) demonstrable senior administration commitment;
b) written policies and procedures;
c) education in hand hygiene indications and techniques;

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

d) a hand care program; and

e) a program to measure hand hygiene compliance.

4.23 Hand hygiene policies must reflect the information described in PIDACs Hand Hygiene
Fact Sheet for Health Care Settings [available online at:

4.24 Infection Prevention and Control and Occupational Health must be consulted and
involved in all hand hygiene product selection and trials in the health care setting.

Routine Practices and Additional Precautions

Routine Practices refer to infection prevention and control practices to be used for the routine
care of all clients/patients/residents to prevent transmission of microorganisms from person-to-
person in the health care setting. The full description of Routine Practices10 to prevent and
control transmission of nosocomial pathogens can be found on the Public Health Agency of
Canada website:

Routine Practices include:

a) risk assessment of the Consistent use of Routine Practices with all
client/patient/resident and the clients/patients/residents is critical to
subsequent interaction; preventing transmission of microorganisms
b) hand hygiene before and after from patient-to-patient, from staff-to-patient
physical contact with any and from patient-to-staff.
client/patient/resident or with a
contaminated environment (refer to PIDACs Hand Hygiene Fact Sheet for Health Care
Settings, available online at:
wash_010107.pdf )83, 84;
c) additional barrier precautions to prevent health care provider contact with blood, body
fluids, secretions, excretions, non-intact skin or mucous membranes (e.g. gloves, gown,
mask, eye protection). Refer to PIDACS Routine Practices Fact Sheet for Health Care
Settings for more information [available online at:
d) single room and private toileting facilities for clients/patients/residents who soil the
e) safe handling of sharps to prevent injury including the use of safety-engineered devices
and the provision of sharps containers at point-of-care where required10, 75, 113;
f) safe handling of soiled linen and waste to prevent exposure and transmission to others83;
cleaning and disinfection of equipment that is being used by more than one
client/patient/resident between uses.83, 86

Additional Precautions (i.e. Contact Precautions, Droplet Precautions, Airborne Precautions)

refer to infection prevention and control interventions to be used in addition to Routine
Practices for certain pathogens or clinical presentations. These precautions are based on the
method of transmission (e.g. contact, airborne or large droplet).10 The full description of
Additional Precautions to prevent and control transmission of nosocomial pathogens can be
found on the Public Health Agency of Canada website:

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Additional Precautions include:

a) appropriate accommodation based on the mode of transmission (e.g. single room for
Droplet Precautions, single room with inward directional air flow (i.e. negative pressure)
for Airborne Precautions, single room with individual toileting facilities for Contact
Precautions)10, 69;
b) modified or enhanced environmental cleaning procedures for Contact Precautions69;
c) limiting transport of client/patient/resident and using appropriate barriers during transport10,
; and
d) equipment dedicated to the client/patient/resident on Contact Precautions wherever


4.25 Staff in all health care settings must follow Routine Practices and Additional Precautions
and facilities must implement a program that includes:
a) written policies and procedures;
b) staff education and training in indications and techniques for Routine Practices and
Additional Precautions; and
c) a program to measure compliance with Routine Practices and Additional

4.26 Health care facilities should ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place
to ensure mandatory attendance at training/education in Routine Practices and
Additional Precautions (including hand hygiene) and that attendance is recorded and
reported back to the manager to become a part of the employees performance review.


Client/Patient/Resident Immunization
One of the most effective preventive measures to protect clients/patients/residents and staff
from acquiring communicable diseases is immunization. All health care settings should have
an age-appropriate immunization program.

One of the major functions of a resident health program is the immunization of the elderly
resident.50 In long-term care homes, resident health programs are believed to be important in
the prevention of nosocomial infections.63 Residents of long-term care facilities should be
immunized against tetanus, diphtheria, pneumoccocus and influenza. The influenza vaccine
should be given annually in the fall.

Staff Immunization

Immunization programs are highly effective and are a critical component of the Occupational
Health and Safety program.111, 112, 132, 133 Health care providers must be offered appropriate
immunizations for communicable diseases. Immunizations should be based on requirements
such as OHA/OMA/MOHLTC surveillance protocols74, 99-103, 106 and consistent with
recommendations from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization for health care
providers.72 Appropriate vaccine use protects the health care provider, colleagues and the

It has been demonstrated that annual influenza immunization of staff protects

clients/patients/residents from acquiring influenza infection, thus reducing morbidity and
mortality in residents of long-term care homes.72, 134, 135

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Health care provider vaccinations should include48, 50, 72:

a) tetanus;
b) diphtheria;
c) influenza (annually)99;
d) hepatitis B (HBV) (if occupational exposure is a possibility)74;
e) varicella vaccine is indicated if a health care provider is not immune106;
f) measles/mumps/rubella (MMR)100, 103;
g) acellular pertussis102; and
h) other vaccines that might be required in specific situations (e.g. meningococcal).


4.27 All health care settings must have an immunization program in place appropriate to their

4.28 Residents of non-acute care facilities must have immunization programs that also
include pneumococcal and annual influenza immunization.

4.29 Health care providers must be offered appropriate immunizations to protect them from
occupationally-relevant communicable diseases.

Cluster/Outbreak Management and Investigation

All facilities should have appropriate facilities to manage an outbreak. The facility should assess
its capabilities for the management of different types of infections and the institution of different
types of precautions systems.

All health care facilities must have a program with the capacity to identify the occurrence of
clusters or outbreaks of infectious diseases.48, 50 This may be accomplished by:
a) using baseline surveillance data on the incidence of health care-associated infections in
order to identify increases (see section II.4, Surveillance);
b) having health care providers report any clusters or potential outbreaks to the IPAC
program immediately;
c) having ICPs review microbiology reports in a timely manner to identify unusual clusters or
a greater than usual incidence of certain species or strains of microorganisms.48, 50

Epidemic health care-associated infections are defined as HAIs that represent an increase in
incidence over expected rates (cluster or outbreak). Early intervention to prevent outbreaks
or limit the spread of infections once an outbreak has been identified will interrupt transmission
of disease, decreasing the impact on clients/patients/residents health, patient care and cost.50,

Additional facility expertise and resources may be required for outbreaks. In these cases,
expertise may be obtained from:
a) public health units;
b) formal consultation arrangement with experts in infection prevention and control and
health care epidemiology (i.e. contracted services);
c) regional infection control networks;
d) academic health sciences centres; and/or
e) linkages with other facilities.

Outbreak Management Team

In the event of an outbreak, the IPAC Committee shall convene an Outbreak Management
Team, consisting of members which might include as appropriate to the facility:
a) Infection Prevention and Control Physician

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b) Infection Prevention and Control Professional(s)

c) Microbiologist
d) Epidemiologist
e) Occupational Health manager or delegate
f) Medical Officer of Health or delegate (mandatory member for outbreaks of reportable
diseases and for respiratory and enteric outbreaks)
g) Nursing manager(s) and staff from the affected area
h) Environmental Services representative
i) Physician representative from the affected area
j) Senior administrator(s) or delegate
k) Public Relations representative
l) Other ad hoc members as dictated by the circumstances

The outbreak management team must have the authority to institute changes in practice or
take other actions that are required to control the outbreak.48, 50 All health care facilities should
have an administrative protocol for dealing with infectious disease outbreaks, including the
authority to relocate clients/patients/residents, cohort clients/patients/residents and staff,
confine clients/patients/residents to their rooms, restrict admissions and transfers, restrict
visitors, obtain cultures and administer relevant prophylaxis or treatment.50

Role of the Microbiology Laboratory in an Outbreak

Appropriate microbiology laboratory capacity is essential to the detection and investigation of
outbreaks. In an outbreak, the microbiology laboratory must be capable of providing timely
results to the outbreak management team and, for some outbreaks, should have timely access
to typing results for the microorganism causing the outbreak.

Clinical microbiology staff must be able to perform or obtain appropriate testing to make a
determination of microorganism species. Appropriate clinical specimens must be obtained and
sent for culture. Microbiology laboratory records must be kept in a manner that permits
retrieval of information, preferably from a
computerized database, by type of microorganism, All registered staff must have the
antibiotic susceptibility pattern, type of clinical authority to initiate Additional
specimen, ward service, attending physician or Precautions without a physicians
surgeon and date the culture was obtained. Where order upon consultation with their
laboratory services are contracted out, these supervisor, Infection Prevention and
provisions must be included in the contract. Control and/or Public Health.
Role of the ICP in an Outbreak The ICP should have the authority
to implement outbreak management
Policies must define what authority the ICP has measures up to, and including,
during an outbreak. To investigate an outbreak fully closure of the affected unit.
and identify all possible cases as well as attempt to
identify the source of the outbreak, infection
prevention and control staff must have unrestricted access to all necessary information,
including medical, nursing, laboratory and administrative records within the health care setting.


4.30 All health care facilities must have the ability and the capacity to identify and manage
clusters or outbreaks of infectious diseases.

4.31 Outbreaks in health care facilities should be managed by a multidisciplinary team which
includes the Infection Prevention and Control Professional(s).r, Infection Prevention and
Control and/or Public Health.

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4.32 All registered staff must have the authority to initiate Additional Precautions without a
physicians order upon consultation with their supervisor, Infection Prevention and
Control and/or Public Health.

4.33 The ICP should have the authority to implement outbreak management measures up to,
and including, closure of the affected unit.


All heath care settings should develop a communications policy addressing both internal and
external communication on infection prevention and control issues. Health professionals play a
key role in communicating relevant health information within their institution, to public health and
to other health care providers. Timely communication assists health care settings in determining
priorities, preventing further cases of infection, effective control of clusters/outbreaks and
minimizing the impact of the event. Health information communicated must comply with the
requirements of the Personal Health Information Privacy Act (PHIPA).

All health care settings should have established procedures for receiving and responding
appropriately to all international, national, provincial, regional and local health notices. They
should communicate health notices promptly to all staff responsible for case finding/surveillance
and provide regular updates. Current health notices are available from local public health units;
the MOHLTC; Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada websites [] and Important Health Notices (IHN) issued by the Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care in response to abnormal events that require ministry direction or
instruction. In the absence of these events, Important Health Notices are issued on a bi-annual
basis to provide health care providers with appropriate updates on emergency-related activities
and information and are posted at:


4.34 All health care settings must ensure the development and implementation of
communication and reporting policies.

4.35 All health care settings must ensure reception, appropriate response and prompt
communication of Important Health Notices.


Maintaining a clean and safe health care environment is an essential component of infection
prevention and control. Health care settings must devote adequate resources to Environmental
Services/Housekeeping that include human resources; written procedures for cleaning and
disinfection of client/patient/resident rooms and equipment; education and continuing education
of cleaning staff; procedures and increased capacity for outbreak management; and ongoing
review of procedures.

Policies and procedures should address the environmental aspects of areas when the role of
the environment may be a significant factor in the prevention of HAIs, particularly in the following

a) Environmental Cleaning
i) Housekeeping in the health care facility should be performed on a routine and
consistent basis to provide for a safe and sanitary environment. Environmental
cleanliness should be monitored.50

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Cleaning and disinfecting products used in the health care setting must be approved
by the ICP or the Infection Prevention and Control Committee and Occupational
Health. Manufacturers recommendations for use and dilution must be followed.141, 142
iii) Cleaning practices in the health care setting must be monitored and results reported
back appropriately to become a part of the employees performance review.

b) Laundry
i) Policies and procedures should address the collection, transport and handling of
soiled linen, including protection of staff and hand hygiene.83
ii) Laundry regulations should be addressed if the facility does its own laundry.

c) Waste Management
Policies and procedures for management of waste from health care settings should be
developed based on provincial regulations and local bylaws and should address issues
such as the collection, storage, transport, handling and disposal of contaminated waste,
including sharps and biomedical waste.4, 83, 143-145

d) Medical and Surgical Equipment Reprocessing

Policies and procedures for disinfection and sterilization should be developed and should
address issues such as sterile supplies, reuse of disposable items, reprocessing of
equipment and cleaning of non-critical items.83, 86, 146-148

For more information see PIDACs Best Practices for Cleaning, Disinfection and
Sterilization in All Health Care Settings, available at:

e) Food Preparation
Policies and procedures for food preparation and delivery must be in compliance with food
premise regulations and should address the handling, cooking and storage of food;
cleaning of food preparation areas; and staff health and hygiene issues.92, 149

f) Facility Design
All construction and renovation work must be assessed for potential impact at the
planning stage by infection prevention and control professionals. Where required, work
must be performed under appropriately controlled conditions. The ICP should be
knowledgeable regarding evidence-based issues relating to facility design and the
prevention of HAIs.87, 150, 151

Refer to the following guideline regarding infection prevention and control related to facility
design in health care facilities:
American Institute of Architects: 2006 Guidelines for Design and Construction of
Health Care Facilities (information online at:

g) Construction and Containment Issues

Infection prevention and control must assess construction and maintenance projects
during planning, work, and after completion to verify that infection prevention and control
recommendations are followed throughout the process.87, 152

IPAC involvement may also be required in the event of facility damage due to flooding,
loss of steam pressure, shutdown of ventilation systems etc.

Refer to the following guidelines regarding infection prevention and control related to
construction in health care facilities:

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Public Health Agency of Canada: Construction-related Nosocomial Infections in

Patients in Health Care Facilities (available online at:
Canadian Standards Association: CAN/CSA-Z317.13-03 Infection Control During
Construction or Renovation of Health Care Facilities (information online at:


4.36 Health care settings should have policies and procedures addressing infection
prevention and control in environmental settings, specifically: cleaning; handling of
laundry and waste; reprocessing of medical equipment; food handling and storage; and
facility design and construction.

4.37 There must be adequate numbers of staff with appropriate training to provide a clean and
safe environment, including extra environmental cleaning capacity during outbreaks.

4.38 Cleaning practices in the health care setting must be monitored and results reported
back appropriately to become a part of the employees performance review.

4.39 Infection Prevention and Control must have input at all stages of construction and
renovation, from design to commissioning, and have the authority to halt projects if there
is a risk to client/patient/resident or staff safety.

III. Resources for the IPAC Program

1. Human Resources
Several documents have outlined the human resources required for effective infection
prevention and control programs in a variety of settings.48-50, 153 There is evidence that indicates
that all health care facilities must have Infection Prevention and Control Professionals (ICPs)
and should have access to a trained infection prevention and control physician as well as
administrative support staff appropriate to the IPAC program. In addition to a trained ICP, there
is evidence that establishing a relationship with IPAC champions in clinical programs and
departments aids the infection prevention and control team in carrying out their mandate.154

The Infection Prevention and Control Professional (ICP)

All health care settings should have access to Regardless of the size of the facility,
a certified ICP or trained individuals to the expected number of hours per
implement the infection prevention and control week that are devoted to infection
program and resources that are proportional to prevention and control must be
the size, sophistication, case mix and
clearly stated and protected.
estimated risk of the populations served by the
health care setting. The infection prevention
and control program must clearly be the responsibility of at least one designated person. In
some organizations, such as long-term care homes or ambulatory care settings, this person
may also have other responsibilities.

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Education, Training and Certification of ICPs

It is recommended that certain qualifications be met by professionals in infection prevention and

a) ICPs must obtain Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC) from the
Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology (CBIC) when eligible (see below
for more information about certification);
b) ICPs must pass a CHICA-Canada endorsed education program which comprises a
minimum of 80 hours of instruction. Eligible programs may be accessed from the CHICA-
Canada website at:;
c) ICPs should have knowledge and experience in156, 157:
i) areas of patient care practices;
ii) microbiology;
iii) asepsis;
iv) disinfection/sterilization;
v) adult education;
vi) infectious diseases;
vii) communication;
viii) program administration; and
ix) epidemiology;
d) ICPs must have a health sciences background with teaching, problem-solving,
communication and analytical skills that will allow them to plan, implement and evaluate
their programs. Refer to Appendix B, APIC/CHICA-Canada/CBIC Infection Control and
Epidemiology: Professional and Practice Standards for qualifications for ICPs.

Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC)

All health care facilities and organizations providing IPAC consultation (e.g. public health units)
should have an Infection Prevention and Control Professional(s) (ICP) who has, or who will
obtain, Certification in Infection Prevention and Control (CIC) from the Certification Board of
Infection Control and Epidemiology (CBIC), when eligible. Other health care settings should
have access to a certified ICP.

To be eligible for certification a candidate must:

ICPs must become CBIC a) have a current license or registration certification
certified in infection as a medical technologist or clinical laboratory
prevention and control and scientist, physician or registered nurse; OR have
must maintain certification. a minimum of a baccalaureate degree;
b) have worked in infection prevention and control
for a minimum of two years (within the most current five year period); and
c) have completed a minimum of 800 hours of practice in infection prevention and control
prior to the date of the examination.

A written examination must be taken to acquire certification. More information about

Certification in Infection Control may be found on the CBIC website at:

Ongoing Professional Competency of ICPs

Infection control has a rapidly developing and expanding knowledge base. The certified ICP
must acquire and maintain current knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control and
epidemiology through continuing education relevant to their professional practice and re-
certification every five years. While the infection control professionals themselves have a
responsibility to achieve this, they must be provided support from the administration and have a
job description which requires continuing education.48

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The ICP maintains a knowledge base of current infection prevention and control information
a) peer networking;
b) internet access to published literature;
c) attendance at professional meetings including, as a minimum, annual attendance at an
infection prevention and control-related conference;
d) membership and time to participate in the Community and Hospital Infection Control
Association Canada (CHICA-Canada), including local chapter activities; information
about joining CHICA-Canada may be found on the national website at:

ICPs are encouraged to participate in research and quality improvement projects that will result
in improved client/patient/resident care in their health care setting and prevention of infections
in their patient population, leading to advancements in the field of infection prevention and

Roles and Responsibilities of ICPs

The Infection Prevention and Control Professional serves as a leader, mentor and role model for
the profession, based on accepted professional and practice standards.155 The ICP in a health
care setting:
a) acquires and maintains current knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control
and epidemiology;
b) makes decisions and performs activities in an ethical manner; and
c) is responsible for the development, evaluation and improvement of his/her own practice in
relation to the practice standards for infection prevention and control.

Some practices that are common to most ICPs include:

a) effective prevention and control activities that are specific to the health care setting, the
population served and the continuum of care;
b) application of epidemiological principles and statistical methods, including risk
stratification, to identify target populations, analyze trends and risk factors, and design and
evaluate prevention and control strategies;
c) using a systematic surveillance approach to monitor the effectiveness of prevention and
control strategies that are consistent with the organizations goals and objectives;
d) acting as an educational resource for infection prevention and control and health care
e) providing expert knowledge and guidance in epidemiology and infection prevention and
control-related issues;
f) incorporating fiscal responsibility into the IPAC program; and
g) applying relevant research findings to infection prevention and control practice.

The responsibilities of the ICP will vary with the health care setting, but may include any or all of
the following:
a) education of staff and clients/patients/residents;
b) review of equipment design and reprocessing practices;
c) involvement with facility design, maintenance and construction projects;
d) management and surveillance for febrile respiratory illnesses, AROs, device-related
infections, surgical infections and other targeted infections;
e) development of policies and procedures related to infection prevention and control;
f) involvement in product selection related to agents for hand hygiene and disinfection;
g) management of clusters and outbreaks;
h) review of environmental cleaning practices;
i) involvement in patient safety issues relating to infection prevention and control;

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j) internal and external communications regarding infection prevention and control and
communicable disease issues; and
k) participation in planning activities for emerging pathogens, bioterrorism and pandemics.

The role of the Infection Prevention and Control Professional in an emergency or disaster is to
reduce the risk of transmission or incidence of infection. Crucial elements of the ICP role are
associated with participation in planning for a potential event, advising on prevention of
infectious consequences of the event and management of infectious consequences if they

ICP Staffing Levels

There have been a number of reports and studies published in recent years dealing with the
complex issue of ICP staffing levels in health care settings. A review of different processes in
North America used to develop the recommendations for ICP staffing ratios include7, 153, 159-163:

a) Quebec Health and Social Services [2005]159, 163:

Following an outbreak of Clostridium difficile in the province of Quebec, Quebec Health
and Social Services (Sant et Services sociaux Qubec) issued recommendations for the
prevention and control of nosocomial infections in health care facilities. The
recommendations called for one ICP per 100 beds in areas of higher acuity and one ICP
per 133 beds in areas of lesser acuity in hospitals. In long-term care the recommended
ratio was one ICP per 250 beds.

b) Canadian Consensus Panels [2001]161:

The Canadian Consensus panels have suggested appropriate staffing levels for infection
prevention and control programs as follows:
i) The acute care group projected that, in the absence of hemodialysis, endemic
antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms and major surgical sub-specialty programs,
three full-time equivalent ICPs are required per 500 beds.
ii) The long-term care group estimated that one full-time equivalent position is required
per 150 to 250 beds.
iii) In LTC facilities with resident groups who are ventilator-dependent, have spinal cord
injuries, are colonized or infected with antimicrobial-resistant organisms, or who
require dialysis, one dedicated full-time equivalent ICP per 150 beds is required.
iv) The home care group identified essential supports for the community or home care
ICP including access to external infection prevention and control experts,
secretarial/database staff and laboratory support. The increasing numbers and acuity
of clients/patients/residents in this setting stresses the need for qualified ICPs.

c) The Delphi Project [2002]160:

The Delphi project surveyed both USA and some Canadian ICPs and found that infection
prevention and control responsibilities have expanded beyond the traditional acute care
setting. Respondents represented acute care, long-term care and community settings
and recommendations for staffing were based not only on the number of occupied beds,
but also on the scope of the IPAC program, the complexity of the health care setting, the
characteristics of the client/patient/resident population and the unique needs of the facility
and community. Recommended staffing ratios were one ICP for every 100 occupied care
beds regardless of the type of setting.

d) National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) system [1999]12:

The NNIS system was developed in the early 1970s in the U.S. to monitor the incidence of
health care-associated (nosocomial) infections and their associated risk factors and
pathogens in participating acute care facilities. Participation in the program required
meeting the minimum requirement of one full-time equivalent ICP for the first 100

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occupied beds and 1 full-time equivalent ICP for each additional 240 beds. A survey of
hospitals involved in the NNIS system found that the median number of occupied beds per
ICP was 115 and most ICP infection prevention and control activities took place on acute
inpatient wards (60%).162 Most hospitals reported that ICPs were also involved in non-
infection prevention and control activities such as occupational health, quality
management and clinical or administrative activities. The range of non-infection
prevention and control activities accounted for approximately 40% of the ICPs time.162

e) SENIC Study [1985]6:

In 1985 the landmark SENIC study suggested that a minimum of one ICP per 250
occupied beds was required in order to have effective infection prevention and control
programs. This ratio was established prior to the expansion of the ICPs role into such
diverse areas as preparedness for bioterrorism and pandemics; surge capacity; increased
management and surveillance of antibiotic resistant organisms; emerging pathogens;
patient safety issues; surveillance for Febrile Respiratory Illness (FRI); involvement with
facility design and construction containment; and review of equipment design and
reprocessing. The volume and complexity of the modern ICPs work has also increased in
direct proportion to increases in the intensity and complexity of client/patient/resident care;
increased severity of illness of the patient population at risk; and increased activity in
health care delivery beyond the hospital.

Most of the ratios from the Canadian Consensus recommendations and others do not take into
account the expanded role of the IPAC program to include issues regarding bioterrorism, surge
capacity, increases in AROs, FRI surveillance, patient safety issues, facility design and
construction input, core competency education, reprocessing of equipment, etc.

Staffing will be further impacted by factors such as:

Minimum recommendations for
a) the number and type of ambulatory clinics; staffing should not be based
b) presence of oncology, dialysis, intensive care
exclusively on bed numbers. The
and burn units;
ratio of ICPs will vary according to
c) provision of day surgery or emergency medical the acuity and activity of the health
care setting and the volume and
d) construction and facility design projects;
complexity of the ICPs work.
e) health care settings located in rural areas
where ICPs must travel to many sites for the
provision of services; and
f) other activities that require infection prevention and control resources.

The Infection Prevention and Control Physician

The SENIC study6 showed that IPAC programs that did not have trained physicians with
infection prevention and control expertise were less effective than those that did. All facilities
should have access to an infection prevention and control physician. Acute care facilities must
have a dedicated in-house or contract physician with knowledge and expertise in infection
prevention and control.48 Long-term care facilities should consider an infection prevention and
control-trained physician on at least a consultative basis.50 This person should have an MD as
well as formal postgraduate training in infection prevention and control.

The ICP and the infection prevention and control physician oversee the infection prevention and
control program and ensure that the minimum infection prevention and control core
competencies and surveillance programs are implemented. The infection prevention and control
physician will:
a) attend IPACC meetings;
b) review policies and procedures and provide input and support for implementation;

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c) provide expertise and advise on complex medical issues related to IPAC;

d) champion and support the IPAC program to senior administration and medical staff;
attend or present IPAC education;
e) liaise with public health on complex IPAC issues and related medical issues;
f) review antimicrobial utilization in the facility as well as resistance monitoring and reporting;
g) support ICP(s) and provide leadership with the ICP(s) during outbreaks;
h) speak to IPACC minutes and IPAC issues at MAC meetings.

Professional development in infection prevention and control should be part of the physicians
continuing medical education.

Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistance is essential for the infection prevention and control program, to allow
the ICP to carry out their duties outside the office. The number of administrative assistants must
be commensurate with the complexity of the program and the numbers of ICPs supported.
Support staff should have skills in, and may assist with, the following:
a) document development and control;
b) surveillance data entry;
c) arranging meetings and recording meeting minutes;
d) copying, faxing, mailing;
e) billing and ordering supplies;
f) responding to telephone calls; and
g) filing.

Other Human Resources

In addition to infection prevention and control staff and physician support, an effective IPAC
program requires:
a) laboratory staff sufficient to carry out program activities (e.g. surveillance);
b) environmental services/housekeeping staff sufficient to carry out program activities (e.g.
effective implementation of Additional Precautions and outbreak management); and
c) occupational health staff sufficient to carry out program activities (e.g. immunization).

Increases to staffing levels may be required in some cases for effective program management.


1.1 All health care facilities must have trained Infection Prevention and Control
Professional(s) (ICP) and resources to implement the infection prevention and control
program that are proportional to the size, complexity, case mix and estimated risk of the
populations served by the health care facility. Other health care settings should have
access to infection control expertise.

1.2 The expected number of hours per week that are devoted to infection prevention and
control must be clearly stated and protected.

1.3 All health care facilities must have an ICP(s) who has, or who will obtain and maintain,
Certification in Infection Control (CIC) when eligible.

1.4 Health care facilities must ensure that Infection prevention and control professionals
maintain their knowledge and skills through continuing education relevant to their
professional practice.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

1.5 Financial resources must be provided for the continuing professional education of

1.6 ICP staffing levels must be appropriate to the size and complexity of care of the health
care facility. Recommendations for staffing should not be based exclusively on bed
numbers. The ratio of ICPs will vary according to the acuity and activity of the health
care facility and the volume and complexity of the ICPs work. This includes high risk
ambulatory care centres such as oncology and dialysis.

1.7 Recommendations for staffing and resources in Ontario health care facilities include the
a) a minimum ratio of 1.0 FTE ICP per 115 acute care beds
b) a minimum ratio of 1.0 FTE ICP per 100 occupied acute care beds if there are high
risk activities (e.g. dialysis)
c) it is recommended that an additional ratio of 1.0 FTE ICP per 30 intensive care beds
be considered where ventilation and hemodynamic monitoring are routinely
d) 1.0 FTE ICP per 150 occupied long-term care beds where there are ventilated
patients, patients with spinal cord injuries and dialysis or other high acuity activities
e) 1.0 FTE ICP per 150-200 beds in other settings depending on acuity levels

1.8 Each facilitys infection prevention and control program should have a physician with an
interest and training in infection prevention and control to support and play a leadership
role in the IPAC program.

1.9 Health care settings must provide the appropriate human and material resources to
support the infection prevention and control program.

1.10 Health care settings must provide administrative assistance to the infection prevention
and control program.

2. Other Program Resources

Laboratory Support

All health care settings should have access to an accredited microbiology laboratory that can
provide analysis of single or multiple strains of infectious organisms. As a minimum, the
laboratory should have a system to alert the infection prevention and control program when
targeted microorganisms are isolated or detected and provide assistance with surveillance
information including microorganism identification and typing capabilities. The ICP must be
provided with laboratory reports in a timely fashion and have the ability to obtain customized
reports when required.

Ideally there should be an established relationship between Infection Prevention and Control
and the Microbiology Laboratory, to support the IPAC program. This includes appropriate
utilization of laboratory facilities, the ability to process screening specimens in a timely fashion
and laboratory support during outbreaks. A microbiology budget sufficient for investigation of
outbreaks should be available to the infection prevention and control team.

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Program Administrative Support

Material Resources
Health care settings should provide material resources to support the infection prevention and
control program. This should include48:
a) Sufficient-sized, suitably located office space and equipment, including furniture and
lockable filing cabinets for confidential records in order to protect the privacy of individual
b) communication tools sufficient to support the program (at minimum this should include
telephone, pager, fax and copying services, and basic office supplies);
c) access to library services; and
d) access to a laptop and data projector for educational presentations.

Information Technology Resources

The IPAC program requires:
a) a computer system that includes a password-protected desktop or laptop computer and a
b) word processing, presentation and spreadsheet software and training including the ability
to generate statistical reports;
c) access to the electronic record, preferably through direct linkages to health information
d) access to electronic laboratory records, preferably through direct linkages to laboratory
information systems;
e) resources that enable access or linkages to other health information systems and
programs; and
f) internet access, including electronic mail.

Education Resources and Activities

Maintaining current educational resources is essential for the IPAC program in order to
develop policies and guidelines, participate in professional organizations and serve as an
educational resource for infection prevention and control and health care epidemiology. The
IPAC program must have an annual budget allocated to the provision and maintenance of
current educational resources such as:
a) current textbooks;
b) national and provincial guidelines and standards (e.g. Canadian Standards Association,
Public Health Agency of Canada, PIDAC);
c) communicable disease surveillance protocols (OHA/OMA/MOHLTC);
d) infection prevention and control journals (e.g. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,
Canadian Journal of Infection Control, American Journal of Infection Control);
e) APIC curriculum; and
f) funding for participation in annual conferences and other appropriate education.

Refer to Appendix A for a list of basic educational resources that IPAC programs should have
available to ICPs.


2.1 All health care settings must have access to an accredited microbiology laboratory that
can alert the infection prevention and control program to microorganisms of importance
and provide assistance to the program with surveillance information in a timely fashion.

2.2 Health care settings must support the infection prevention and control program with an
annual budget for the maintenance of current educational resources.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

IV. Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations in this document have been summarized in this section as a tool for easily
assessing compliance with program elements, documenting action and assigning institutional
accountability for the action.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

The Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Program Elements


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
1. Mandate/Goals and Functions of the IPAC Program
1.1 All health care settings in Ontario must assess needs for, X
develop, provide and evaluate an active, effective
infection prevention and control program that meets the
mandate and goal to decrease the risk of health care-
associated infections and improve health care safety.
1.2 Continuing support for the infection prevention and X
control program must be an organizational priority.
2. Structure and Elements of the IPAC Program
2.1 Health care settings must evaluate their infection X
prevention and control needs and then implement an
infection prevention and control program suited to those
2.2 Periodic review of the infection prevention and control X
program must be carried out to reassess the
organizations needs and to determine which elements
are required to continue to meet the goals of the program
for that health care setting.

Page 54 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
2.3 Senior administration and the infection prevention and X
control committee must support the implementation and
execution of the infection prevention and control program
by the infection prevention and control staff.
3. The Infection Prevention and Control Committee (IPACC)
3.1 Each health care facility shall have a multidisciplinary A, L,
infection prevention and control committee whose
responsibilities include annual goal-setting, program
evaluation and ensuring that the infection prevention and
control program meets current legislated standards and
requirements as well as the requirements of the facility.
4. IPAC Program Functions
4.1 Health care settings must monitor targeted infection X
prevention and control processes with regular audits of
4.2 Health care settings must monitor targeted infection A, L,
prevention and control outcomes using surveillance for C, H
health care-associated infections in specific populations.
4.3 Infection surveillance must include standardized A, L,
collection of data using written definitions of infections, C, H
identification of risk population, methods of
measurement, description of data sources and
benchmarks used for comparison.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.4 Results of process and outcome surveillance must be A. L,
analyzed and reported back in a timely fashion; a plan for C, H
improvements, including organizational accountability,
must be developed by the targeted area in conjunction
with Infection Prevention and Control based on the
results of surveillance.
4.5 Infection prevention and control policies and procedures X
must be consistent with relevant legislation and
standards and be based on sound scientific knowledge.
4.6 Policies and procedures must be reviewed and updated X
as required on a regular basis.
4.7 Policies and procedures must be linked to educational X
programs and action plans for implementation must be
4.8 A system for monitoring staff compliance with infection X
prevention and control policies and procedures must be
developed and implemented.
4.9 Health care settings shall be in compliance with all legal X
and accreditation standards that pertain to the practice of
infection prevention and control.

Page 56 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.10 The IPAC program should collaborate with, and provide X
liaison to, appropriate local and provincial public health
departments for reporting of communicable diseases and
respiratory and gastrointestinal outbreaks to assist with
the control of infectious diseases.
4.11 Infection Prevention and Control must be represented on A, L,
the facilitys Joint Health and Safety Committee. C, H
4.12 The infection prevention and control component of the A, L,
Occupational Health and Safety program must be C, H
developed jointly by Occupational Health and Infection
Prevention and Control.
4.13 All health care providers must be evaluated by X
Occupational Health for conditions relating to
communicable diseases that can be spread in the health
care setting.
4.14 Attendance management policies shall discourage health X
care providers from working while ill with a
communicable disease that can be spread in the health
care setting.
4.15 If any worker acquires an occupational illness, or a claim X
in respect of an occupational illness has been filed with
the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, a notice in
writing shall be made to the Ministry of Labour.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.16 Education in infection prevention and control must span X
the entire health care setting and be directed to all who
work in that setting.
4.17 Orientation programs for staff new to the health care X
setting must include an infection prevention and control
4.18 Health care facilities should have appropriate policies A, L,
and procedures that ensure: C, H
a) mandatory attendance at infection prevention
and control training/education
b) attendance recorded and reported back to the
manager to become a part of the employees
performance review.

4.19 Continuing education must address the infection X

prevention and control needs of the organization with
regard to content, target audience and timing of the
education (e.g. scheduled continuing education, special
education based on specific needs such as outbreaks).
4.20 There must be evaluation of the infection prevention and X
control education program to ensure that it is current,
relevant and effective.

Page 58 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.21 The resources required to carry out the IPAC education X
program must be allocated to achieve the educational
goals of the program.
4.22 All health care settings must develop and implement a X
hand hygiene program, including hand hygiene agents
available at the point-of-care in acute care settings and
easily accessible in all other health care settings. In
health care facilities, this program must also include:
a) demonstrable senior administration
b) written policies and procedures;
c) education in hand hygiene indications and
d) a hand care program; and
e) a program to measure hand hygiene
4.23 Hand hygiene policies must reflect the information X
described in PIDACs Hand Hygiene Fact Sheet for
Health Care Settings [available online at:

Page 59 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.24 Infection Prevention and Control and Occupational Health X
must be consulted and involved in all hand hygiene
product selection and trials in the health care setting.
4.25 Staff in all health care settings must follow Routine X
Practices and Additional Precautions and facilities must
implement a program that includes:
a) written policies and procedures;
b) staff education and training in indications and
techniques for Routine Practices and
Additional Precautions; and
c) a program to measure compliance with Routine
Practices and Additional Precautions.
4.26 Health care facilities should ensure that appropriate A, L,
policies and procedures are in place to ensure mandatory C, H
attendance at training/education in Routine Practices and
Additional Precautions (including hand hygiene) and that
attendance is recorded and reported back to the manager
to become a part of the employees performance review.
4.27 All health care settings must have an immunization X
program in place appropriate to their

Page 60 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.28 Residents of non-acute care facilities must have L, C
immunization programs that also include pneumococcal
and annual influenza immunization.
4.29 Health care providers must be offered appropriate X
immunizations to protect them from occupationally-
relevant communicable diseases.
4.30 All health care facilities must have the ability and the A, L,
capacity to identify and manage clusters or outbreaks of C
infectious diseases.
4.31 Outbreaks in health care facilities should be managed by A, L,
a multidisciplinary team which includes the Infection C
Prevention and Control Professional(s).
4.32 All registered staff must have the authority to initiate X
Additional Precautions without a physicians order upon
consultation with their supervisor, Infection Prevention
and Control and/or Public Health.
4.33 The ICP should have the authority to implement outbreak A, L,
management measures up to, and including, closure of C
the affected unit.
4.34 All health care settings must ensure the development and X
implementation of communication and reporting policies.

Page 61 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
4.35 All health care settings must ensure reception, X
appropriate response and prompt communication of
Important Health Notices.
4.36 Health care settings should have policies and procedures X
addressing infection prevention and control in
environmental settings, specifically: cleaning; handling of
laundry and waste; reprocessing of medical equipment;
food handling and storage; and facility design and
4.37 There must be adequate numbers of staff with A, L,
appropriate training to provide a safe environment, C
including extra environmental cleaning capacity during
4.38 Cleaning practices in the health care setting must be A, L,
monitored and results reported back appropriately to C, AM
become a part of the employees performance review.
4.39 Infection Prevention and Control must have input at all A, L,
stages of construction and renovation, from design to C
commissioning, and have the authority to halt projects if
there is a risk to client/patient/resident or staff safety.

Page 62 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
1. Human Resources
1.1 All health care facilities must have trained Infection X
Prevention and Control Professional(s) (ICP) and
resources to implement the infection prevention and
control program that are proportional to the size,
complexity, case mix and estimated risk of the
populations served by the health care facility. Other
health care settings should have access to infection
control expertise.
1.2 The expected number of hours per week that are devoted X
to infection prevention and control must be clearly stated
and protected.
1.3 All health care facilities must have an ICP(s) who has, or A, L,
who will obtain and maintain, Certification in Infection C
Control (CIC) when eligible.
1.4 Health care facilities must ensure that infection A, L,
prevention and control professionals maintain their C
knowledge and skills through continuing education
relevant to their professional practice.
1.5 Financial resources must be provided for the continuing A, L,
professional education of ICP(s). C

Page 63 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
1.6 ICP staffing levels must be appropriate to the size and A, L,
complexity of care of the health care facility. C
Recommendations for staffing should not be based
exclusively on bed numbers. The ratio of ICPs will vary
according to the acuity and activity of the health care
facility and the volume and complexity of the ICPs work.
This includes high risk ambulatory care centres such as
oncology and dialysis.
1.7 Recommendations for staffing and resources in Ontario A, L,
health care facilities include the following: C
a) a minimum ratio of 1.0 FTE ICP per 115 acute
care beds
b) a minimum ratio of 1.0 FTE ICP per 100
occupied acute care beds if there are high risk
activities (e.g. dialysis)
c) it is recommended that an additional ratio of
1.0 FTE ICP per 30 intensive care beds be
considered where ventilation and hemodynamic
monitoring are routinely performed
d) 1.0 FTE ICP per 150 occupied long-term care
beds where there are ventilated patients,
patients with spinal cord injuries and dialysis or
other high acuity activities
e) 1.0 FTE ICP per 150-200 beds in other settings
depending on acuity levels

Page 64 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008


Applies to:

Recommendation Action Plan

A = acute care L = long-term care C = complex continuing care H = home health care AM = ambulatory care
X = all health care settings
1.8 Each facilitys infection prevention and control program A, L,
should have a physician with an interest and training in C
infection prevention and control to support and play a
leadership role in the IPAC program.
1.9 Health care settings must provide the appropriate human X
and material resources to support the infection
prevention and control program.
1.10 Health care settings must provide administrative X
assistance to the infection prevention and control
2. Other Program Resources
2.1 All health care settings must have access to an X
accredited microbiology laboratory that can alert the
infection prevention and control program to
microorganisms of importance and provide assistance to
the program with surveillance information in a timely
2.2 Health care settings must support the infection A, L,
prevention and control program with an annual budget for C, H
the maintenance of current educational resources.

Page 65 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Appendix A: Resources for Infection Prevention and Control


The following basic educational materials are recommended for ICPs in their health care setting
in order to maintain current knowledge and to act as a resource for infection prevention and
control in their health care setting. Depending on patient care programs in a health care setting,
additional resources may be required.


1. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). APIC text of
infection control and epidemiology. 2005 ed. Washington (DC): Association for
Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC); 2005. Available for purchase
from APIC online store at:
2. National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Canadian immunization guide. 7th ed.
Ottawa (ON): Canadian Medical Association; 2006. Available online at:
3. Canadian Tuberculosis Standards. 5th ed. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Lung Association; 2000.
Available online at:
4. Heymann D, editor. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 18th ed. Washington
(DC): American Public Health Association; 2004. Available for purchase from the APHA
online store at:
5. American Academy of Paediatrics. Guidelines for perinatal care. 6th ed. Elk Grove Village
(IL): American Academy of Paediatrics; 2008. Available for purchase from the AAP Bookstore
6. Chinnes LF, Dillon AM, Fauterbach LL, editors. Home care handbook of infection control.
Washington (DC): Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
(APIC); 2002. Available for purchase from APIC online store at:
7. Mayhall G. Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control. 3nd edition. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins; 2004. Available at:
8. Bennett JV, Brachman PS. Hospital Infections. 5th edition. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins;2007. Available at:
9. Friedman C, Peterson K. Infection control in ambulatory care. Washington (DC):
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC); 2004. Available
for purchase from APIC online store at:
10. Rhinehart E, McGoldrick-Friedman M. Infection control in home care and Hospice. 2nd
edition. Washington (DC): Association for Professionals in Infection Control and
Epidemiology (APIC); 2005. Available for purchase from APIC online store at:
11. Lynch P, Jackson M, Preston GA, Soule BM. Infection Prevention with Limited
Resources. A Handbook for Infection Committees. Chicago; ETNA
Communications;1997. Available at:

Page 66 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

12. Arias KM. Outbreak investigation and control in health care facilities. Washington
(DC): Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC); 2000.
Available for purchase from APIC online store at:
13. Wenzel RP. Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infections. 4th edition. Baltimore, MD:
Williams and Wilkins; 2003.
14. Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 6th
edition. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone; 2004. Available at:
15. Committee on Infectious Diseases. The red book 2006: report of the Committee on
Infectious Diseases. 27th ed. Elk Grove Village (IL): American Academy of Paediatrics;
2006. Available for purchase online at:


1. Canadian Journal of Infection Control (CJIC). Available from CHICA-Canada:
2. American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC). Available online at:
3. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (ICHE). Available online at:
4. Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR). Available online at:
5. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology (CJIC). Available
online at:
6. Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID). Available online at
7. Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID). Available online at:
8. Hospital Infection Control (HIC). Available online at:
9. Journal of Hospital Infection (JHI). Available online at: www.harcourt-
10. Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID). Available online at:
11. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). Available online at:
12. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. Available online at:

Standards & Guidelines

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) []

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Ontario Health Pandemic Influenza Plan.
Available online at:

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory
Committee (PIDAC) - best practices and fact sheets for infection prevention and control are
published by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care on the PIDAC website at:
1. Preventing Febrile Respiratory Illnesses: Protecting Patients and Staff. Available
online at:

Page 67 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

2. Best Practices Document for the Management of Clostridium difficile in all health
care settings. Available online at:
3. Best Practices for Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization in All Health Care
Settings. Available online at:
4. Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control of Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus and Enterococci in All Health Care Settings. Available online at:
5. Fact Sheet: PIDACS Hand Hygiene Fact Sheet for Health Care Settings. Available
online at:
6. Fact Sheet: Routine Practices Fact Sheet for Health Care Settings. Available
online at:

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) []

The Public Health Agency of Canada publications are available at no charge from their website.
An alphabetical list of all publications may be found at: The listing includes the following:

1. Public Health Agency of Canada. Health Alerts Travel Medicine Program. Available
online at:
2. Infection control guidelines may be found at:
Hand washing, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization in health care. Can
Commun Dis Rep. 1998;24 Suppl 8:i-xi, 1-55, i-xi, 1-57. Available online at: [NOTE: This
guideline is currently under revision]
Routine practices and additional precautions for preventing the transmission
of infection in health care. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1999;25 Suppl 4:1-142.
Available online at:
Controlling antimicrobial resistance. An integrated action plan for Canadians.
Can Commun Dis Rep. 1997;23 Suppl 7: 1-32. Available online at:
Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines. 3rd ed. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of
Canada; 2004. Available online at:
Construction-related Nosocomial Infections in Patients in Health Care
Facilities: Decreasing the Risk of Aspergillus, Legionella and Other Infections.
Available online at:
Prevention and control of occupational infections in health care. Can Commun
Dis Rep. 2002;28 Suppl 1:1-264. Available online at:
Classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Canada. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2002;28
Suppl 5:1-84. Available online at:
Foot care by health care providers. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1997;23 Suppl 8:i-iv, 1-
8. Available online at:

Page 68 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Preventing infections associated with indwelling intravascular access devices.

Can Commun Dis Rep. 1997;23 Suppl 8:i-iv, 1-32. Available online at:
Infection prevention and control practices for personal services: tattooing,
ear/body piercing, and electrolysis. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1999;25 Suppl 3:1-73.
Available online at:
Preventing the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) in Canada.
Can Commun Dis Rep. 1997;23 Suppl 8:i-iv, 1-16, i-iv, 1-19. Available online at:
Guidelines for the prevention and control of meningococcal disease. Can
Commun Dis Rep. 2005;31 Suppl 1:i-ii, 1-21. Available online at:
Canadian contingency plan for viral hemorrhagic fevers and other related
diseases. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1997;23 Suppl 1:i-iii, 1-13; i-iii, 1-13. Available
online at:
Guidelines for preventing the transmission of tuberculosis in Canadian Health
Care Facilities and other institutional settings. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1996;22
Suppl 1:i-iv, 1-50, i-iv, 1-5. Available online at:

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) []

Canadian Standards are available for purchase on the CSA website at] or from:

Canadian Standards Association

5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5N6
Phone: (416) 747-4044

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) []

The CDC publishes infection prevention and control guidelines in Infection Control and Hospital
Epidemiology (ICHE), the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) and Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). A listing of infection prevention and control guidelines may be
downloaded from the CDC website at: The
listing includes the following:

1. CDC Definitions of Nosocomial Infections [excluding Pneumonia]. Available online at:
2. Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings 2002. MMWR Recomm Rep.
2002;51(RR-16):1-56. Available online at:
3. Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-care Facilities. MMWR
Recomm Rep. 2003; 52(RR-10): 1-42. Available online at:
4. Guideline for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1996;
17(1):53-80. Available online at: NOTE:
Currently under revision
5. Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections, 2002.
MMWR Recomm Rep. 2002;51(RR-10):1-36. Available online at:
6. Guidelines for Preventing Health-care-associated Pneumonia, 2003. MMWR Recomm
Rep. 2004 Mar 26;53(RR-3):1-36. Available online at:

Page 69 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

7. Guideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 1999. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol. 1999;20(4):1-32. Available online at:
8. Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections, 1981.
Available online at:
9. Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings, 2006. Available
online at:
10. Guideline for Infection Control in Healthcare Personnel, 1998. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol. 1998 Jun;19(6):407-63. Available online at:
11. Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposures to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C,
and HIV and Recommendations for Postexposure Prophylaxis. MMWR Recomm Rep.
2001;50(RR-11):1-67. Available online at:
12. Guidelines for Preventing Opportunistic Infections Among Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Transplant Recipients. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2000;49(RR-10):1-147. Available online at:
13. Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-
Care Settings, 2005. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2005;54(RR-17):1-141. Available online at:
14. Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Facilities Providing Long-Term Care to the
Elderly. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee for Elimination of Tuberculosis.
MMWR Recomm Rep. 1990;39(RR-10):7-20. Available online at:
15. Guidelines for the Investigation of Contacts of Persons with Infectious Tuberculosis.
MMWR Recomm Rep. 2005;54(RR-15):1-37. Available online at:
16. Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings, 2003. MMWR Recomm
Rep. 2003;52(RR-17):1-61. Available online at:
17. Workbook for Designing, Implementing and Evaluating a Sharps Injury Prevention
Program, 2004. Available online at:

Other Sources of Published Guidelines

1. Position Papers from the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
Position Statements are developed by the Guidelines Committee of SHEA to assist infection
control and epidemiology professionals in policy development and decision making in areas
that are unclear or controversial. Position papers may be accessed from the SHEA website
2. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)
A number of Position Statements, Guidelines and State-of-the-Art reports have been
published by APIC and may be accessed on their website at:
3. Ontario Hospital Association (OHA)
Ontario Hospital Association. Communicable Diseases Surveillance Protocols. Available
online at:
4. Other Guidelines
WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (Advanced Draft): A Summary.
World Alliance for Patient Safety, Clean Hands are Safer Hands, 2005. Available online
Treatment of Tuberculosis: Guidelines for National Programmes. WHO Global
Programme on Tuberculosis, Third Edition (WHO/CDS/TB/2003.313). Available online

Page 70 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Diagnostic Standards and Classification of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children. Am J

Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161:1376-1395. Available online at:
American Institute of Architects (AIA); Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI). Guidelines for
design and construction of hospital and health care facilities. 2006 ed. Washington
(DC): American Institute of Architects; 2006. Available for purchase from AIA online store
AAMI Standards
The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) publishes
standards, recommended practices, technical information reports and other resources
covering sterilization, dialysis, biological evaluation of medical devices, quality systems
and medical equipment. The standards must be purchased. NOTE: These standards
might not be applicable to all Canadian settings, but may be used as an extra resource.
Standards are available at:
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Infection Control in the Physicians
Office. 2004 Edition. Available online at:


Health Protection and Promotion Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.7.

Available online at:

Long-Term Care Homes Act. S.O. 2007, Chapter 8.

Available online at:

Nursing Homes Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter N.7. Available online at:

Occupational Health and Safety Act. R.S.O.1990, Chapter 0.1. Available online at:

Occupational Health and Safety Act. Ontario Regulation 67/93. Health Care and Residential
Facilities. Available online at:

Occupational Health and Safety Act. R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 860 Amended to O. Reg. 36/93.
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Available online at:

Public Hospitals Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.40. Available online at:


Page 71 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

The following professional associations are also a source for guidelines, standards, best practices
and position statements that the ICP may use when preparing policies. Membership in these
organizations will often include a subscription to the organizations journal as well as discounted
registration at annual conferences.

Community and Hospital Infection Control Association Canada (CHICA-Canada)


Canadian Journal of Infection Control. The publication of CHICA-Canada is available to members

online at:

APIC/CHICA-Canada Infection Control and Epidemiology: Professional and Practice Standards.

Available online at:

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)

American Journal of Infection Control. The official journal of the Association for Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC). Available online at:

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). APIC Text of
Infection Control and Epidemiology, 2005 Edition. Available for purchase from APIC online store

Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)


Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. The Official Journal of the Society for Healthcare
Epidemiology of America. Available online at:


Canadian Committee on Antibiotic Resistance


Conly J. Antimicrobial resistance in Canada: An update on activities of the Canadian

Committee on Antibiotic Resistance. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical
Microbiology 2001; 12(4). Available online at:

Barton M HM, Moore D, Conly J, Nicole OL, Allen U et al. Guidelines for the prevention and
management of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-
MRSA): A perspective for Canadian Health care practitioners. Can J Infect Dis Med
Microbiol 2006;17 Suppl C:4-19.

Canadian Patient Safety Institute

The Safer Healthcare Now! Intervention kits are designed to engage your teams and clinicians in
a dynamic approach to quality improvement. Three of the kits relate to infection prevention and

1. Prevention of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection. Available online at:

Page 72 of 88 pages
Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

2. Prevention of Surgical Site Infection. Available online at:
3. Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. Available online at:

Important Health Notices

Updates on emergency-related activities and information and will be posted at:

Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (CBIC)

Become certified in infection control (CIC) when eligible by taking the examination available from
this Board. The CBIC examination is recognized in both the U.S. and Canada.

Sign up for regular emails on emerging infectious diseases from around the globe

A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from
MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles. PubMed includes links to full text
articles and other related resources.


Infection Prevention and Control courses sanctioned by the Community and Hospital Infection
Control Association-Canada:

Epidemiology and skills enhancement online training from the Public Health Agency of Canada:

Epidemiology courses offered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Appendix B: APIC/CHICA-Canada/CBIC Infection Control and Epidemiology: Professional

and Practice Standards

Can J Infect Control 2008;23(2):104-8.

Reprinted with permission from the Canadian Journal of Infection Control

APIC/CHICA-Canada/CBIC infection prevention, control and epidemiology: Professional

and practice standards

Candace Friedman, BS, MT (ASCP), MPH, CIC (APIC)

Ruth Curchoe, RN, MSN, CIC (CBIC)
Margie Foster, RN, CIC (CHICA-Canada)
Zahir Hirji, RN, BSc, BScN, MHSC, CIC (CHICA-Canada)
Sharon Krystofiak, MS, MS, MT (ASCP), CIC (APIC)
Rebecca L Lark, MD (APIC)
Linda Laxson, RN, BSN, CIC (CBIC)
Mary Jane Ruppert, RN (APIC)
Linda Spaulding, RNC, CIC (APIC)

The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc (APIC) and the
Community and Hospital Infection Control Association-Canada (CHICA-Canada) collaborated to
craft this document, Infection prevention, control and epidemiology: Professional and practice
standards. Both professional organizations affirm their responsibility to their memberships and the
public they serve to provide professional and practice standards. This document replaces the
1999 edition.

Standards are authoritative statements that reflect the expectations, values, and priorities of the
profession. While voluntary, these standards provide direction and a dynamic framework for the
evaluation of practice to address the needs of the customers served. Standards also define the
professions accountability in terms of desired outcomes for which infection prevention and
control professionals (ICPs) are responsible. These standards are designed to be used in
identifying areas for professional growth, developing job descriptions, and providing criteria for
performance evaluations.

These standards encompass a broad spectrum of practice settings and professional backgrounds
and include key indicators that are designed to be used in evaluating both the competency of the
individual and their practice. The key indicators represent multiple skills considered necessary to
meet the demands of the evolving health care environment. It is expected that the ICP will meet
or exceed the indicators associated with both the Professional and Practice Standards.

In general, the standards will remain stable over time as they reflect each organizations
philosophy and values; however the indicators will be reviewed periodically to ensure that they
incorporate and address current scientific knowledge, clinical practice, global issues, and

Professional Standards describe a level of individual competence in the professional role. ICPs
strive to maintain integrity and a high degree of competency through education, training, and
certification. Professionals are expected to incorporate these standards appropriate to their role
and practice setting. Key indicators for each standard are designed for use in professional
performance evaluation.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

1. Qualifications
Meets recommended qualifications to practice in the profession.

Experienced healthcare professional with a health sciences background
Becomes certified in infection prevention and control when eligible through the
Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology
Maintains certification

2. Professional development
Acquires and maintains current knowledge and skills in the area of infection prevention,
control and epidemiology.

Completes a basic infection prevention and control training course within the first 6 months
of entering the profession
Demonstrates basic knowledge and advances his/her education, knowledge and skills as it
relates to infection prevention and control in the following areas:
o Epidemiology, including outbreak management
o Infectious diseases
o Microbiology
o Patient care practices
o Asepsis
o Disinfection/sterilization
o Occupational health
o Facility planning/construction
o Emergency preparedness
o Learning/education principles
o Communication
o Product evaluation
o Information technology
o Program administration
o Legislative issues/Policy making
o Research
Incorporates and disseminates research findings into practice, education, and/or
Collaborates with other professional organizations and academic entities to further the
prevention of infection
Participates in professional organizations and networking opportunities
Maintains current knowledge and functions well with electronic media, e.g., computers
and hand held devices, with which to communicate in the IPC environment

3. Ethics
Makes decisions and performs activities in an ethical manner.

Complies with laws and regulations
Holds paramount the confidentiality, safety, health and welfare of all persons in the
performance of professional duties
Practices in a nonjudgmental, nondiscriminatory manner with sensitivity to diversity
Acts in such a manner as to uphold and enhance personal and professional honor,
integrity, and dignity.
Engages in infection prevention and control research in a professional manner
Collaborates with and supports others to improve competency in the science of infection
prevention, control, and epidemiology

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Ensures transparency and disclosure in performing research or applying for grants

Builds professional reputation on personal merit
Refrains from competing unfairly with others
Refuses gratuities, gifts, or favors that might impair or appear to impair professional
judgment, or offer any favor, service, or thing of value to obtain special advantage

4. Professional accountability
Responsible for the development, evaluation, and improvement of his/her own practice in
relation to the Practice Standards.

Establishes and works toward professional goals and objectives
Performs regular self-evaluations to identify strengths and areas for improvement
Seeks constructive feedback regarding professional practice
Keeps current on best practices through evidence-based research, consensus and
Participates in professional organizations
Acknowledges the commitment to protect clients through the support of safe practices
and policies

5. Leadership
Serves as a leader, mentor, and role model.

Provides direction and works collaboratively with others
Shares knowledge and expertise
Mentors less experienced health care providers/ancillary personnel
Recognizes and supports the importance of research in shaping the practice of infection
prevention, control, and epidemiology
Brings creativity and innovation to practice
Seeks opportunities to influence and educate policymaking bodies and the public
Collaborates and/or educates self with regard to the global infection prevention and
control community


ICPs strive to incorporate relevant components of these standards in their own practice. Key
indicators for each standard are designed to be used in personal and program development,
evaluation, and enhancement.

1. Infection prevention and control practice

Incorporates into practice effective activities that are specific to the practice setting, the
population served, and the continuum of care.

Integrates surveillance findings into formal plans for improvement of practice and patient
outcomes in various health care settings
Reviews, analyzes, and implements regulations, standards and/or guidelines of applicable
governmental agencies and professional organizations
Integrates relevant local, national and global public health issues into practice
Analyzes and applies pertinent information from current scientific literature and
Develops and implements policies and procedures based on currently accepted infection
prevention and control best practices
Ensures that findings, recommendations, and policies of the program are disseminated to
appropriate groups or individuals

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Provides knowledge on the function, role, and value of the program to customers

2. Surveillance
Uses a systematic approach to monitor the effectiveness of prevention and control
strategies that are consistent with the organizations goals and objectives.

Develops a surveillance plan based on the population(s) served, services provided, and
previous surveillance data
Selects indicators and designs surveillance based on the projected use of the data
Integrates pertinent regulatory requirements
Uses standardized definitions for the identification and classification of events, indicators,
or outcomes
Utilizes information technology and systems applications
Reports epidemiologically significant findings to appropriate customers
Ensures requirements for communicable disease reporting are met
Periodically evaluates the effectiveness of the surveillance plan and modifies as necessary

3. Epidemiology
Applies epidemiologic principles and statistical methods, including risk stratification and
benchmarking, to identify target populations, determine risk factors, design prevention and
control strategies, analyze trends, and evaluate processes.

Uses epidemiologic principles to conduct surveillance and investigations
Employs statistical techniques to describe the data, calculate risk-adjusted rates, and
Incorporates information technology and systems applications in the analysis and
dissemination of data
Critically evaluates significance of findings and makes recommendations for improvement
based on those findings

4. Education
Serves as an educator and educational resource for health care providers, ancillary staff,
patients, families and the general public.

Assesses the needs of customers and develops educational objectives and strategies to
meet those needs
Utilizes learning principles appropriate to the target audience
Utilizes appropriate information technology in educational design and delivery
Collaborates in the development and delivery of educational programs and/or tools that
relate to infection prevention, control, and epidemiology
Evaluates the effectiveness of educational programs and learner outcomes

5. Consultation
Provides expert knowledge and guidance in infection prevention, control, and

Stays current with developments in infection prevention, control, and epidemiology
Integrates into practice, policies, and procedures:
o Pertinent regulatory requirements
o Accreditation standards
o Guidelines

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Supports patients/families, administration, committees, health care providers, and ancillary

staff in infection prevention, control, and epidemiology issues
Provides input into patient safety and healthcare quality initiatives
Collaborates with community health organizations

6. Occupational Health
Collaborates with occupational health in the development of strategies that address the
risk of disease transmission to health care providers and ancillary staff.

Participates in development/review of occupational health policies and procedures related
to infection prevention and control.
Assists in the development of an immunization program.
Consults on post-exposure protocols and activities related to communicable diseases.

7. Program administration and evaluation

Systematically evaluates the effectiveness of the program appropriate to the practice

Develops and reviews the effectiveness of the program goals and objectives
Assures that customer needs/expectations are considered in the development and
continuous improvement of processes, products and services
Determines resource needs to accomplish the proposed goals and objectives
Communicates resource needs to administration based on goals and objectives

8. Fiscal responsibility
Practices in a fiscally responsible and accountable manner

Considers financial implications, safety and clinical outcomes when:
o Making recommendations
o Evaluating technology and products
o Developing policies and procedures
Incorporates fiscal assessments into program evaluation and/or reports, as applicable
Develops and maintains a departmental budget, as appropriate

9. Performance improvement
Functions as an integral part of performance improvement initiatives to promote positive
patient and employee outcomes.

Identifies opportunities for improvement based on observations, process and outcome
indicators, and other findings
Acts as an agent of change and participates in the change process
Directs the organizations infection prevention and control improvement activities
Participates in the organizations multidisciplinary improvement strategies
Utilizes established measurement tools and techniques, e.g., outbreak investigation, root
cause analysis, brainstorming, etc.
Contributes epidemiologic skills to improvement processes

10. Research
Conducts, participates, evaluates and/or applies relevant research findings to infection
prevention, control, and epidemiology practice. Research includes informal epidemiologic
studies, e.g., outbreak/cluster investigations, surveillance findings, etc.

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Best Practices for Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario September 2008

Critically evaluates published research and incorporates appropriate findings
Disseminates relevant research findings through practice, education, and/or consultation
Participates in infection prevention and control related research independently or
Organizes and shares findings from surveillance activities and/or outbreak investigations
Publishes or presents research findings to assist in advancing the field of infection
prevention, control and epidemiology
Incorporates cost analysis into infection prevention and control research when possible

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for infrastructure and essential activities of infection control and epidemiology in hospitals: a
Consensus Panel Report. Am J Infect Control 1998; 26:47-60.
2. Friedman C, Barnette M, Buck AS, Ham R, Harris JA, Hoffman P, et al. Requirements for
infrastructure and essential activities of infection control and epidemiology in out-of-hospital
settings: a Consensus Panel report. Am J Infect Control 1999; 27(5):418-30.
3. The role of the infection control practitionerCHICA-Canada. Can J Infect Control 1996;
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5. Applied Management Professionals for Certification Board of Infection Control. A national job
analysis of the infection control professional. Final report. Washington (DC): Applied
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6. APIC Code of Ethics. Am J Infect Control 1999; 27(1):51.
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8. National Association for Healthcare Quality Standards of Practice for Healthcare Quality
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9. Standards of Practice in Oncology Social Work, 2001.
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10. Lee TB, Montgomery, OG, Marx, J, Olmsted, RN, Scheckler, WE. Recommended practices
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