Trafficking Body Parts in Mozambique and South Africa Research Report 2010
Trafficking Body Parts in Mozambique and South Africa Research Report 2010
Trafficking Body Parts in Mozambique and South Africa Research Report 2010
Please Note
This report contains accounts that some people may find disturbing
Reproduction of any part of the text is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the
author is acknowledged.
When they were digging her out of the toilet, [latrine, ed.] [...] the woman came out, with no
arms, no eyes, no ears, smelling, and then insects coming out of her body [...] Her eyes were
gouged out of her face. (Relative of mutilated women, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa2)
He grabs me on the neck, I tried to loose myself but I couldnt. So then he took his knife and
started cutting me. Then I fainted (young man attacked for his genital organs, Niassa province,
It is true that people become rich after a traditional treatment with human organs (Traditional
Healer, Manica Province, Mozambique4)
I saw the child lying next to her [] His private parts had been removed. [] He was making
sounds, he was still alive. his right hand had been cut off. (Community member, North West
Province, South Africa5)
They say the treatments with genital organs only work if they are taken from a person alive and
not dead (Customs Official, Sofala province, Mozambique6)
The genital organ was removed with a razor. [...] We even found it drying as if it was smoked
meat or fish inside his hut [...]. He said it was to make a treatment so that her spirit wouldnt
follow him. (Traditional Chief, Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique7)
The Police searched and found that she was carrying genital organs of adult men [...] I dont
know how many exactly, it was several. But they were from adult men, I saw them myself
(Female Stall holder at Ressano Garcia, Mozambique/South African border8)
Interview code MZ2_CD_I_6
Interview code SA2_KZN_I_12
Interview code MZ_Ni_I_3
Interview code MZ_MC_I_1
Interview code SA2_NW_I_2
Interview code MZ_B_GI_1
Interview code MZ2_CD_I_22
Interview code MZ_MPR_FG_1
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Project team:
Project Coordination - Susana Ferreira
Data management, translations and interview analysis - Ana do Rosrio
Office Logistics and Assistance - Ktia Carlos and Leila Abdula
Thanks needs to be extended to all those informants who participated in the interviews on which
this research is based.
This research project would not have been possible without the following researchers:
Ilundi Cabral; Ana Rita Veloso, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal; Irms Scalabrini,
Ressano Garcia; Cremildo Nhabinde, Exrcito de Salvao; Manuela Aires do Nascimento,
LDH Niassa; Manuel Catequeta, LDH Tete; Virgnia Maria de Jesus, LDH Cabo Delgado;
Tarcsio Abibo, LDH Nampula; Rafael Mbaluco, LDH Nampula; Roberto Cristo, LDH Zambzia;
Elder Momed Jafar, LDH Sofala; Manuel Mapendera, LDH Sofala; Izidro Ractone, LDH Manica;
Alberto Jos Cumbe, LDH Inhambane; Naldo Costa, LDH Inhambane; Carlos Mula, LDH Gaza;
Octvia Tivane, Linha Fala Criana.
Finally, sincere thanks go to all the victims of mutilations who participated in interviews and
relived their traumatic experiences for the benefit of this research.
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
MZ Mozambique
SA South Africa
This research into issues relating to trafficking body parts in Mozambique and South Africa,
revised and updated in 2010 from the first publication in 2008, continues to be the only research
into issues relating to trafficking body parts, not only in this region, but globally. All the research
data and quotations contained in the report concerning specific mutilations or specific cases of
trafficking body parts, comes from either Investigating Police Officers or firsthand eyewitness
accounts from informants who have:
Prior to the first phase of the research undertaken in 2008, information on trafficking body parts
had been based almost entirely on hearsay and was therefore easy for both Governments and
Civil Society to claim it either did not occur or was so infrequent it did not merit any response or
attention. The findings in this report however, show that regular mutilations occur both in
Mozambique and South Africa and body parts, blood and tissue are forcibly removed from
children and adults causing death or severe disability. Throughout the research period,
informants shared personal experiences, which confirm that body parts are regularly trafficked
across the borders from Mozambique to South Africa and Malawi.
During the 14-month fieldwork period from 2008 to 2010, 1,949 individuals attended workshops
and focus groups and openly discussed issues relating to trafficking body parts. These
workshops and focus groups, which took place in all provinces in Mozambique and South Africa
resulted in 327 interviews. Of these 327 interviews, 213 contained firsthand incidents.
Therefore, more than 65% of all interviews contained a personal, eyewitness account.
The report contains confessions from individuals who have been involved in mutilating bodies
and removing body parts. These confessions include accounts, which confirm that specific body
parts are actively sought from live victims in exchange for money and goods for the purpose of
witchcraft and other harmful traditional practices. A number of interviews with victims who have
survived mutilations help to shed light on the manner in which these body parts are removed.
During the 14-month research period there has been an average of two mutilations each month
in Mozambique and South Africa where the research team have acquired firsthand interviews.
These mutilations, which have been confirmed with firsthand eyewitness accounts, make it
possible to establish a baseline for incidents relating to trafficking body parts.
This report documents a sharp increase in incidents concerning issues relating to trafficking
body parts, from the first phase in 2008 to the second phase in 2009/2010. During the first four-
month research phase in 2008, the research team acquired three firsthand accounts of
mutilations. During the second 10-month research phase 2009/2010, the research team
received firsthand eyewitness accounts documenting 26 separate mutilations.
This report documents that body parts are frequently trafficked in Mozambique and South Africa
and so-called witchdoctors, usually through a third party, actively seek human body parts from
live victims to be used in their medicine. The research found that it is a commonly held belief in
Mozambique and South Africa that traditional medicine, when made with body parts, is stronger
and more powerful.
The report highlights that the policies and programmes in place to counter trafficking body parts
are practically nonexistent. The limited policies that could be used to counter this activity are out
of date and not generally enforced. In Mozambique, the Police often do not report, document or
conduct any follow-up on mutilations. On the occasion that authorities complete reports, no
distinction is made when the death has been caused by a mutilation, which partly explains why
the authorities are unable to provide accurate data on issues relating to trafficking body parts.
There is a general feeling within communities that the response from the authorities to issues
relating to trafficking body parts is insufficient. This has, on occasion, led to communities taking
matters into their own hands, murdering or badly beating suspects.
Interviews contained in this report illustrate the physical and psychological impact on victims of
mutilations, those who discover a mutilated body and family members of a victim.
The report draws attention to the lack of an internationally recognised definition of trafficking
body parts and highlights that without such a definition, any attempt to counter this activity will
be impaired and these Human Rights violations will continue unabated.
In 2007, Save the Children Norway, Mozambique Programme9, were informed by an eyewitness
that a number of childrens heads, appearing to be frozen and wrapped in plastic, were being
taken by car across the Mozambican/South African border. This account alleged that Police and
Customs intercepted the vehicle on South African soil. However, there were no reports in the
press or Police reports10 of any investigation into these allegations.
Over the course of the following months, more accounts of body parts, including childrens
heads, feet and hands being taken across the border as well as being transported within
Mozambique, were presented to Save the Children Norway, Mozambique Programme. However
due to the sensitivity of this issue and the fear which appeared to surround this subject, it was
difficult to substantiate any of these claims, despite a number of firsthand accounts.
It became apparent that investigation or research was necessary to respond to these allegations
of trafficking body parts as no research on this issue had previously been carried out in
Mozambique and South Africa. However, taking into account the fear which was evoked when
asking for more detailed information from witnesses, it was clear that an alternative approach to
research was needed.
The Human Rights League in Mozambique (Liga Moambicana dos Direitos Humanos), funded
by the Norwegian Embassy in Mozambique, conducted four months of fieldwork from mid May
to mid September 2008 (first phase), followed by a 10 month field work period from mid October
2009 to mid August 2010 (second phase), researching issues relating to trafficking body parts in
Mozambique and South Africa.
1. What is the incidence and prevalence of trafficking body parts in Mozambique and
South Africa?
2. What are the macro (socio-economic, cultural, political, historical), interpersonal and
individual factors that lead to trafficking body parts?
3. What policies and programmes are in place to counter trafficking body parts?
4. How can Civil Society and Governments use this information to improve their
On answering these questions, this report aims to raise awareness and provoke action in
addressing the Human Rights violations connected to trafficking body parts.
Now called Save the Children in Mozambique
Police in Mozambique and South Africa were contacted to confirm if any reports had been made of this incident.
Police in South Africa investigated but found no recorded reports of this incident.
Human Rights League in Mozambique (LDH)
Liga Moambicana dos Direitos Humanos (Human Rights League in Mozambique) is a non-
governmental organisation established in 1995, dedicated to defending, protecting and
promoting Human Rights.
LDHs main objective is to promote Human Rights in Mozambique through targeted advocacy,
civic education, supervision, political pressure and judicial assistance. LDH investigates and
exposes abuses, educates and mobilizes the public and helps to transform societies to create a
safer and just environment by focusing attention where Human Rights are violated, ensuring
that the oppressed are heard and that those responsible for Human Rights abuses are held
accountable for their crimes.
Has the person been trafficked for the purpose of removing a body part
Has the body part, blood or tissue been trafficked alone, separate from the body
Firstly, a definition of trafficking in persons for the purpose of removing a body part will be
Trafficking in persons
The UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women
and Children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
(Palermo Protocol, 2000) provides the first internationally agreed upon definition of trafficking in
(a) Trafficking in persons shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring
or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion,
of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability
or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person
having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. (Article 3)
The subsequent paragraph of Article 3 of the Palermo Protocol provides that:
(b) The consent of a victim of trafficking in persons to the intended exploitation set forth in
subparagraph (a) of this article shall be irrelevant where any of the means set forth in
subparagraph (a) have been used.
(c) The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of a child for the purpose
of exploitation shall be considered trafficking in persons even if this does not involve
any of the means set forth in subparagraph (a) of this article.
One important finding in this research project is the discovery that there is no internationally
recognized definition of trafficking body parts. This is supported by the Commission on Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice12: A global comparison of trafficking in human organs and
tissues is constrained by the lack of a uniform definition and the absence of consistent statistics
and criminal reports.
UN.GIFT The Vienna Forum to fight Human Trafficking 13-15 February 2008, Austria Center, Vienna Background
Paper, page 5
Fifteenth session Vienna, 24-28 April 2006 Item 6 (c) of the provisional agenda
When the person is alive and the purpose of movement is to remove body parts, the Palermo
Protocol provides a comprehensive definition. However, as there is no such definition when the
body parts have been removed, a challenge for this research project has been to establish what
constitutes trafficking body parts.
During dialogue with a number of international organisations and institutions including Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch, UNICEF and the US Department of State, requests were
made for their definition of trafficking body parts. However, none of these organisations were
able to provide a definition of trafficking body parts. Most quoted the Palermo Protocol,
assuming that this was an issue involving transplants where the person would need to be
Through this research, the literature review and from communications with leading Human
Rights organisations, it became clear that there has been a long standing assumption that
trafficking body parts relates only to transplants and therefore, generally speaking, the person
would need to be trafficked for the purpose of removing the body part. It appears that the
concept of using body parts for purposes other than transplants has not been considered when
assessing the need for a definition.
Trafficking is the act of moving and trading something illegal13. As being in possession of body
parts for trade is considered illegal14, this report argues that the movement of a body part, blood
or tissue for the purpose of sale or commercial transaction is trafficking body parts.
Transportation or movement of a body part, blood or tissue, either across a border or within a
country for the purpose of sale, commercial transaction or harmful traditional practice shall be
deemed trafficking body parts.
Unlike smuggling which is the act of moving goods illegally.
The trade in human organs and tissues is forbidden in almost all countries (Commission on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice Fifteenth session Vienna, 24-28 April 2006)
Research Methodology
This report is based on a total of 14 months of fieldwork in Mozambique and South Africa.
Initially, four months of fieldwork between May and September 2008 and a further 10 months
between October 2009 and August 2010.
Qualitative and participatory regional research has been carried out in all provinces in
Mozambique and South Africa.
Research Team
When carrying out research into an issue as sensitive as trafficking body parts, much
consideration was required when selecting the researchers. As a consequence, it was deemed
necessary that the researchers were familiar with the cultural background of those attending the
workshops and those agreeing to be interviewed. This would enable the researcher to create an
open environment for communicating issues relating to trafficking body parts. Furthermore, it
was important that the researchers could communicate directly with those attending, using the
local language of the community. As a consequence, it was decided to arrange a partnership
with Childline in South Africa and for Mozambique, employ the services of researchers with
knowledge and a strong connection with the local community.
Childline South Africa is well known and respected throughout South Africa for their commitment
to upholding the rights of the child. They provide a 24-hour toll free call centre for children in
each province in South Africa as well as therapeutic services for abused children and their
families and caretakers. They also offer court preparation for children who are witnesses to their
abuse in criminal court. Childline South Africa advocates on child rights issues and provides
safe house care for children.
The research team consisted of four researchers from Mozambique working both full and part
time and five from South Africa working part time. The difference in the number of researchers
in Mozambique and South Africa was simply due to capacity and availability at the time of the
research project. All researchers, or the organisations they represented, were known and
trusted in the communities they researched. As the majority of the researchers had limited
experience with research and interview techniques, it was important to provide adequate
the informant and themselves a priority. Training on how to use a dictaphone and how to
introduce its use was also covered. Halfway through the research, the researchers met again for
interim training to discuss how they were progressing and to address any concerns or
difficulties, as well as to share successes with the rest of the team.
Field work
429 individuals, who expressed a desire or a willingness to share either a particular account or a
specific experience of issues relating to trafficking body parts, participated in interviews. The
following groups were interviewed: Human Rights Organisations, Religious Organisations,
Womens Organisations, Local Authorities, Media, Police (PRM and PIC from Mozambique and
SAPS from South Africa), Police Commanders, Border Officials, District Administrators, District
Agricultural Directors, District Attorneys, Municipality Councillors, Doctors, Health Technicians,
South African Education Department, Neighbourhood Secretaries, Nurses, Teachers,
Traditional Healers Association (AMETRAMO), Traditional Healers, Community Members,
Nuns, Pastors, Peasants, Stall Holders, Social Workers, Radio Station Employees, Fishermen,
Customs Officials, Perpetrators, Perpetrators Family members, Victims, Victims Family
members and individuals accused of committing mutilations15.
Research into issues relating to trafficking body parts is extremely sensitive and consideration of
the consequences for those speaking out needed to be taken into account, whether in terms of
immediate security or their standing in the community. Taking these concerns into
consideration, the names of those interviewed have not been used in this report, unless
permission was received and this information could not jeopardise the individuals safety. In
addition, some of the names of locations have also been changed.
In order to create a suitable environment and platform for discussion for such a potentially
sensitive subject, it was important to create a relaxed, comfortable and safe environment.
This environment was achieved by arranging workshops and focus groups within the various
communities, run by facilitators and/or organisations familiar to those attending. Where possible,
given the geographical scope of this research, the workshops were conducted in the local
language. It was important that, as far as possible, the workshop was an enjoyable interactive
experience for all those participating. The workshop concept is popular in Mozambique and
South Africa and ensuring a high level of attendance was rarely an issue, to the extent that
numerous requests have been made for follow up workshops.
In addition, the following groups attended workshops but did not participate in interviews: Representatives from the
Education Department in South Africa, Hospital Employees, INAS (National Institute of Social Action) in Mozambique,
Associations including Child Protection Associations and Religious Associations, Churches and Communication
The workshops and focus groups were conducted in the community and were entitled Human
Rights and Trafficking Workshop. Groups from many sectors of society were invited. As there
was no precedent and little information on which sectors might have information and relevant
experiences, multiple sectors were invited. Each workshop followed the same format, with the
researchers adapting the presentation to their own style, ensuring the environment was suitable
for those attending.
The workshops covered basic Human Rights definitions with a presentation followed by
participatory exercises. These included small group discussions on possible Human Rights
violations, debates and case scenarios. The same method was used for the second part of the
workshop, entitled Trafficking. This created an open and honest platform for lively discussion.
One of the case scenarios discussed in the Trafficking section of the workshop contained an
account of a mutilation where body parts had been removed. The term trafficking body parts
was purposely never introduced by the presenter. This phrase or term was only used once the
group themselves mentioned this as their conclusion to the case scenario. The presenter then
followed up on this introduction, by inviting other participants of the workshop to comment. This,
on all but one occasion led to an open discussion on the subject and proved to be an excellent
method to encourage people to discuss.
During this discussion, the presenter would note who was comfortable talking about the issue of
trafficking body parts. Once the workshop had concluded, the presenter followed up with the
individual and requested an interview, explaining in more detail the purpose of the project and
the reason the individual had been selected.
The focus groups were arranged in a similar way, but were less structured as, on occasion, the
presenter needed to be spontaneous and set up at short notice often without the benefit of
electricity or a presentation room. The approach of allowing the group to introduce the issue of
body parts was maintained throughout.
During the second phase of this research, the researchers were able to respond more
consistently to media reports of issues relating to trafficking body parts.
Reliability and validity of the interviews
When conducting qualitative research the purpose of interviewing is to gain deeper insight into a
specific phenomenon, in this case trafficking body parts. What is essential is the social context
making certain actions meaningful. The idea is to place parts of social life into a larger whole.
Qualitative interviewing is not concerned with truth in terms of a quantifiable generalisation, but
is concerned with achieving understanding of complex phenomena or dynamics in society.
Therefore, the research team had no intention of disproving or putting the information provided
on trial. Rather, the intention was to document and analyse the subjective reality presented by
the informants.
There have, however, been numerous opportunities to test firsthand accounts by interviewing
other individuals who also had firsthand eyewitness information for the same incident. Out of the
208 firsthand incidents contained in this report concerning issues relating to trafficking body
parts, 41 of these incidents have been confirmed by 2 or more firsthand eyewitness interviews,
verifying the details of the initial interview. In some cases where the details were particularly
unusual or where the accounts were influential to the findings of this report, further firsthand
interviews were sought.
For example, the individual mentioned in the confession section of this report, who admitted to
murdering and eating body parts of his relative, gave a very detailed account of this attack and
the reasons he felt consuming his relatives blood and body parts would benefit him. The details
of this interview, particularly the consuming of the relative, have been verified by eight further
firsthand eyewitness accounts, including Police and community members who witnessed the
confessor in the process of preparing, cooking and consuming these body parts. These
additional interviews have assisted in gaining a better understanding of the confessors belief
that consuming body parts increases, renews and generates power.
A further example concerned an incident discussed during a focus group in Mozambique, where
a Community Leader mentioned a stepfather mutilating his 5-year-old daughter to sell the body
parts. The researcher verified this with an eyewitness interview, the Neighbourhood Secretary,
who confirmed that he saw the childs body with teeth, eyes and genitalia removed. This then
led to a further interview with the accused at the District Jail of Chiure in Mozambique, where he
confessed and confirmed he sold the body parts for 50.000,00MZN (approximately US$1.394)
The research team therefore used a triangulation of methods, when they had the opportunity.
The team thus tested the reliability of certain information, in the way that they saw the same
incident described from several angles, which ensures a high level of reliability and validity of
the results.
The research process gave no reason to doubt the information provided by the participants, as
they had nothing to gain and on occasion, much to lose from participating in this research.
Findings and interview samples
During the 14 months of fieldwork, there have been 29 mutilations in Mozambique and South
Africa where we have been able to acquire at least one firsthand account. This number, more
than two mutilations per month, gives an indication of the scale of the activity relating to
trafficking body parts.
The following is a sample of some of the 29 incidents involving mutilations, which occurred
during this 14-month research period from 2008-2010.
As mentioned previously, the names and some places have been changed to protect those
people sharing their experiences.
At the beginning of each interview is a short summary. A sample of each interview is included.
When a portion of an answer has been removed [...] will appear.
LDH: Tell us what you remember happening before you were attacked
Informant: One of the men who was a guard at the kindergarten offered to help me look for a
goat that was lost, I am a shepherd. We went to the woods and then the man tied my hands
using a shirt and then started beating me and that is when the other two arrived. They took the
shirt off and put me on the floor and two of them took one arm each. I started to scream for help
but no one came, they put mud in my nose and mouth and I felt some mud going into my throat.
Then when they started to cut me, I fainted and when I woke up I saw one of the men wrapping
my genitals in a piece of cloth and putting it inside a bag, then that man ran off, but I don't
remember the other two leaving. [...] I think they thought I was dead. I must have fainted, then
later I woke up. [...] A lot of blood was coming out of my head [...]. I was wet from the rain and I
could not move and no one came to help me. [...] So I stayed there for two days without eating
anything and then I crawled to the road [...] next to the Governors house and slept on the
pavement. In the morning one of the Governors guards saw me sleeping and came to check.
The governor came to see me and ordered the guards to take me to the hospital. [...] My mother
and father were looking for me in the bush but could not find me. My mother was crying a lot
she thought that I was dead.
LDH: At the time of the attack, did they tell you what they were going to do?
Informant: They didnt say anything, they were just beating me and at the end they told me I was
going to die.
LDH: Do you remember arriving at the hospital?
Informant: Yes, I do.
LDH: Who told you what those men had done to you?
Informant: I discovered alone what they had done to me.
LDH: How did you feel when you knew what they had done to you?
Informant: I am just sorry for knowing that I am no longer a man, I dont have organs.
LDH: What do you think they are going to do with those organs? Why did they want the
Informant: They sell it to have money and cars, and they get rich.
LDH: Why do you think they attacked you?
Informant: They attacked me because they saw that I was a child and I couldnt do anything.
LDH: How old were the men who attacked you? How many were they? Do you know
Informant: They are already adults. There were three men. Yes, I know them.
LDH: Is it true that the men left some money with you in your pocket? How much? Why?
Did they say anything about that? Did they explain to you why they were leaving that
Informant: Yes, They left 200 Meticais [US$6, ed.]. I dont know why. They didnt say anything.
LDH: How do you feel about that, about them leaving the money besides almost killing
Informant: I can only feel sorry. These men disgraced me.
LDH: Now, after this hospital where are you going to? [...]
Informant: The doctor said Im going to Maputo later. They are going to put a tube in me. They
are going to treat me until I get well.
LDH: Did you see the knife?
Informant: The knife was this big
LDH: How many men were there?
Informant: There were two men plus one who ran away. He wrapped it, put it in the bag and ran
away and I was crying.
LDH: How old was she when she was attacked?
Informant: She was 12 years old.
LDH: When did this case happen?
R: 5 April 2010. [...] in Administrative Post of Licuari, Nicoadala District.
LDH: Were the body parts at the place or not?
Informant: They were not at the place. [...] They were not found.
LDH: Who saw that something was missing?
Informant: I saw. I was the first one to see. The doctor and the Police also saw when they
arrived. The Secretary saw once again during the wash of the body. [...] The nurse observed the
victim and went back.
LDH: What did they [Police, ed.] do at the place?
Informant: They only followed the movements of the doctor. [...] Then, they told us to search for
the fugitive in the whole area. Also they wanted to know where the house where my stepson
used to sleep was. [...] A relative took them and from there they went to the police station.
LDH: Do you suspect anyone?
Informant: Yes. We suspect of my stepson along with his 3 friends. [...] We dont have proof.
LDH: Were the attackers found?
Informant: Yes, except my stepson. [...] The Police went to their house to capture them.
LDH: Why do you think the attackers did that to the victim?
Informant: They had the facility to murder the victim with the tactics they had prepared. It would
have been difficult to take a child from another house to watch the video.
LDH: What do other people feel regarding what happened?
Informant: Hatred for my stepson and fear of the criminals because a lot of times we leave the
children home alone and we go to the plantations and we fear that someone will take advantage
of that.
Interview Code: MZ2_Z_I_15
Location: Quelimane Municipality, Zambzia Province, Mozambique
Interview Date: 02 April 2010
Informant: Victim, 28
This interview was conducted at Quelimane hospital with a 28-year-old victim of mutilation.
According to the victim he went to a stall on the night of 26 March 2010 to drink and he
eventually fell asleep. He woke up being grabbed by two men who dragged him outside and
started to prepare his genital area. Later, he woke up in a ditch, bleeding and without his entire
genitalia. His screaming attracted attention and his sister eventually came to help. The
informant explained how the body parts are sold and how Traditional Healers make medicines
and treatments out of the body parts, as people believe this will make them rich.
LDH: Does it worry you to talk about these issues? And why?
Informant: Yes. Because I cant imagine how my life will be. How I will work and go to the
LDH: Can you tell me what happened?
Informant: On Friday afternoon, after concluding my work, I received some money and went to
Mr. Johns stall to buy some pasta for my meal and went back home. Later, it was 8pm already I
went back to the Stall to have fun. I dont know how but I got so drunk to the point that I didnt
leave to go home, but at midnight, I heard the owner of the Stall calling two men to grab me and
throw me out of the yard. They said We are going to finish you today. They started preparing
the genital area as it is done to a goat, soon I began feeling pain and I screamed. They left me
and ran I dont know where to. When it was 4am, I woke up and I saw that I was in the ditch. I
screamed, I screamed for my sisters name Maria that lives near the Stall and soon a man
showed up and saw me and said that he was going to call my family. After that he came with my
LDH: What type of object were the criminals using?
Informant: I didnt see, I was crying from a lot of pain [...] There was a lot of blood [...] I
screamed and the two men ran from that place.
LDH: Did you only recover after everything had happened?
Informant: They cut me in Mr. Johns yard, then I dont remember anything else, when I woke up
again feeling cold and with a lot of pain, I was already in the ditch.
LDH: Wasnt there a lot of movement in the area?
Informant: There was no one passing by, so I screamed and called for my sister.
LDH: And did she hear?
Informant: No, but the person who passed by and verified me went to call her [...] He pulled my
pants and saw how I was.
LDH: What parts did they remove?
Informant: The entire penis and the testicles [...] I was screaming saying that I had been cut but
only one man and my sister saw it.
LDH: And did the Police show up? How many were they?
Informant: Yes, they showed up [...] More than half an hour [after, ed.], [...] they were two police
officers [...] the police came without a car, I waited for a ride that they were looking for [...] They
[police, ed.] looked at me I told them that the culprit was Mr. John [...] He [John, ed.] said that I
was lying, he turned his back and left the place.
LDH: How do you feel now?
Informant: Without a lot of pain, but I still cant lie down in other position, only on my back.
LDH: How do you do your physiological needs?
Informant: Through a tube that the doctor put in the area, but I can now manage to remove it,
wash myself, and put it again. The problem is that the bag fills in quickly and the urine does not
LDH: What do you think people do with those organs?
Informant: Business. They sell them. They go to the Traditional Healers and they ask for organs
there [...], they make medicines and treatments [...] to get rich.
LDH: Do you know if he [stall owner, ed.] was arrested?
Informant: Yes, my family told me here in the hospital.
LDH: Do you think that people believe this makes the medicine stronger?
Informant: I think so, it must be because of that that they cut people. [...]
LDH: When do you expect to leave the hospital?
Informant: I dont know, I heard the doctors saying that I will spend a long time.
LDH: Would you like to ask any question?
Informant: My problem is, how will my life be.
Interview Code: MZ2_Z_I_26
Location: District Command of PRM (Police of the Republic of Mozambique) of the Morrumbala
District, Zambzia Province, Mozambique
Interview Date: 1 June 2010
Informant: Accused who confessed to attacking a victim and removing his genital organs, 23
years old.
This interview was conducted at the District Command of PRM of Morrumbala District, with Luis,
23, who confessed having attacked his 12-year-old male neighbour. Prior to the attack, the
informants accomplice had specified the age of the child, which body parts they needed and
that the body parts should be extracted while the victim was still alive. On 5 May 2010, Luis took
the child to the place of the attack, where his accomplice was waiting. The accomplice attacked
the child and removed the eyes and Luis removed the genital organs. The informant was then
told to carry the body parts across the border to Malawi and return to Mozambique where he
would receive 40.000,00 Kwachas [approximately US$262, 9.395MZN, ed.] upon delivery of the
body parts. The victim survived and is currently receiving treatment in Mozambique.
LDH: Why were you arrested? What are you being accused of?
Informant: I was arrested for removing the genital organ and the eyes of Joo. [...] I committed
that crime. [...] Because Francisco told me to.
LDH: Who planned everything?
Informant: I did the plan myself, but Francisco was the one who requested the product. [...] at
the crime scene he was threatening me saying that if I did not collaborate he would kill me.
LDH: Who was the victim?
Informant: The victim was a 12-year-old male child. [...] He is my neighbour.
LDH: Can you describe what you did?
Informant: At 12 noon of 5 May 2010, Francisco showed up near my house. [...] I went to meet
him and he told me he wanted to work with me on cutting some parts from a child, indicating the
size of one [child, ed.] that was passing by and he promised that after I took the package and
come back from Malawi he would pay me 40.000,00 Kwachas [US$262; 9.395, ed.]. I knew
about the existence of a child with those characteristics and I also wanted the money, I did not
hesitate. He had biscuits with him to give to the victim that I would find. We arranged the time
and place and that he would be the first to arrive. Moments after, I went to invite Joo [victim,
ed.] for a walk and I offered him biscuits and he went eating them until we arrived at the place.
When we arrived at the scene, Francisco immediately threw a big stone to the childs chest to
make him faint and so that we could work freely. Next, Francisco hands me the knife and tells
me to cut and remove the eyes threatening me not to give up or fear, for me not to think as a
human being and not to see the child as a person on that moment. [...] First he [Francisco, ed.]
removed the eyes of the child, I removed the entire package of the genital organ of the child
with the same knife. It was one knife.
Then he placed the body parts in a plastic bag and he handed it to me sending me to go to the
other side, to Malawi, to take the package to the stall of Mr. Bill. He told me that I should return
on the same day, he was then going to negotiate and pay me the amount that was promised. I
crossed at 2:30PM to Malawi by canoe and Francisco stayed on the side of Mozambique. I
arrived there, Mr. Bill was not there, only his wife. I told her that I was delivering a package that I
was bringing from Mozambique and that I was sent by Francisco to hand it to Bill. Thats where I
created the problems, because she didnt know about the issue, when she received she saw the
package, she was scared and told one of her employees to call the Police. A uniformed Police
Officer showed up at the place and took me to the police station in the Mfumo Nhanga area.
LDH: What was the product composed of?
Informant: Two eyes, one penis and two testicles.
LDH: Why did you choose that victim?
Informant: Francisco said that it could only be a child that age, and the nearest child was my
neighbour Joo.
LDH: After the action where did you leave the body?
Informant: We left it in the same place.
LDH: Who found the victim after what you did? How?
Informant: [...] after I was arrested in Malawi, the Police asked me who the victim was and
where he was, I told them that he was among the banana trees, near his house. The Malawian
Police came to Mozambique and together with the Police from the Border Guard, they went to
the place and found him there where we had left him. [...] The victim was found alive.
LDH: And Mr. Bill was he called to the police station?
Informant: The Police called Mr. Bill, but he said that he wasnt near, he was in the capital and
he only presented himself on the following day Thursday, 06 May 2010, at 8am. [...] They asked
if Bill knew me and if he knew about the business, he answered that he was absent from his
house and that he didnt knew about the issue. Then, Bill was released and went back to his
home and I remained detained for five days. On the fifth day two agents from the Mozambican
Border Guard came [...] to take me to Mozambique.
LDH: Why didnt you kill him first? Wouldnt the operation be easier?
Informant: Francisco said that we should avoid killing, the body parts have to be extracted from
a living person.
LDH: Are you the one who is going to use those body parts? Or is it another person that
is going to use them?
Informant: The body parts were requested by Bill, he is the one who is going to use them.
LDH: Was it the first time you did this? What were the other times?
Informant: It was the first time.
LDH: And that person that told you to do this, was it the first time or does he usually tell
people to do those things?
Informant: I have heard that Francisco does those things of cutting and ordering to cut body
parts. [...] On that day he assured me that he hasnt been having problems because it wasnt the
first time that he removed body parts. [...] I knew that Francisco was a supplier, but this time he
had problems for telling me to take the package, I failed in the tactics because it was the first
LDH: To where do these body parts go?
Informant: I only know that they go to Malawi.
LDH: I understand that it is not easy to remember this particular difficult moment in your
life. But how did it happen?
Informant: It was on a Saturday that had rained a lot and I also told her not to go to the river to
buy fish for her business because generally, when it rains a lot, too little fish are caught, but she
told me that she already didnt have anything in her stall for the customers and that she had to
go there at all costs. It seemed that I was guessing the bad luck that was coming.
LDH: And how did you come to know about the news?
Informant: A woman, also from the market, came to tell us that she heard on her way that a
body of a woman that was murdered had been found without clothes on the way to the river.
When she told me that, I immediately shivered and told my husband about the news.
LDH: When you arrived there, did you see the body immediately?
Informant: I didnt have the courage to see the body right away because there were already too
many people and some Police Officers from the villages police station. My husband and other
men approached the body. I remained at a distance like from here to that orange tree [around
10m, ed.]. When he came to me, about five minutes later, I saw in his face that the things had
happened. He only said: Do you have enough courage to see?. I answered yes and told him
that if the worst had happened and if in fact it was her, my sister, I had to see regardless of what
had happened or how she was. [...] my feet started trembling and my voice was not coming out.
Tears began to fall as the tap of the fountain [silence, ed.]. [...] I recognized the capulana
[traditional cloth, ed.] that she had used that morning and I immediately fell over her already
cold body. I had no more strength for anything else and began to cry without my voice coming
LDH: Besides the capulana didnt you notice anything else at the scene or in her body?
Informant: Blood. A lot of blood and it could be noticed that her murder had been recent. [...] At
that moment I didnt see anything. In my head she had died and it was my fault because I failed
to convince her not to go although I tried. Only two days later, when I was preparing the burial I
saw the monstrosity that they had done to her. [...] I never thought that in my life I would see
something like that. There are people who are not people in this world. Did the person that did
that come out of a belly of a woman like me? I dont believe that.
LDH: But what was that thing which you are referring to with great sorrow?
Informant: How is it possible that ordinary people kill someone in cold blood and as if it wasnt
enough they remove things from the body as if they were removing giblets from a chicken?
LDH: Did they also remove a part or organ from her body?
Informant: Thats right my son. [...] The entire lower part of a woman that I cant even speak.
LDH: Are you referring to her intimate part, I mean, her genital organs?
Informant: Yes, thats right.
LDH: They didnt do anything else besides that?
Informant: Besides the throat that was cut, they hadnt removed anything else.
LDH: Were you able to guess what kind of instrument they used for the murder as well as
for the extraction of her genital organs?
Informant: It couldnt have been blades. I think it was with a razor, since everyone here carries
razors. [...] It is our culture among the Makondes to carry a razor. Also because a machete is
big and it cannot make a cut as well done as the one they did to my sister.
LDH: Do the Police share that point of view?
Informant: Everyone who saw it concluded that it was a razor.
LDH: But why did they do that? Is there a motive behind this?
Informant: What is said is that there is a big business for the treatment of people that want to
have a good life. [...] it is said that it is a business that gives a lot of money there in Tanzania.
LDH: So, you believe that there is a business of sale of human organs and body parts?
Informant: Before, I didnt believe, but people talk about that. Now I believe because it
happened in my own family.
LDH: But, who promotes this kind of business that we call trafficking of body parts?
Informant: It is hard to say that it was this guy, but I can guarantee that its the Traditional
Healers and no one else.
LDH: How can you guarantee such information?
Informant: When people want to be treated they go to the Traditional Healer, right? And we
have heard stories of people who are dead and their organs and other body parts were removed
in Mueda and Mocimboa da Praia. If someone wants to kill only to kill, so they wont remove
anything. Now, when they remove something it is because they have a concrete objective that is
none other than to do those things of spells ordered by Traditional Healers.
LDH: And in what year did that happen?
Informant: It was in 2008, in September.
LDH: Do the Police already have clues about the killers?
Informant: No. They only say that they are working on the issue and they are not saying
anything else good. What can we do? We are poor and the government is not interested in us.
LDH: I've heard that you've had an experience with someone trying to cut you to remove
body parts. Can you tell me about it?
Informant: I was going to the shop at night. I saw a car passing by. There were some men [...]
four men [...] inside the car [...] They dragged me inside the car, while the car was still moving.
Then some community members were passing by, and saw. They ran to try and rescue me. The
people in the car had already cut my mouth. That is how I survived.
LDH: When was this?
Informant: 2008 [...] June [...] It was quiet, it was about half past 7.
LDH: When they pulled you into the car, did someone hold you down?
Informant: They held me with their arms, they cut my mouth. One held me and one cut me [...] It
was a sharp knife [...] It was a sharp big knife.
LDH: How much did they cut? Around the sides, on the top?
Informant: On the sides
LDH: Was it bleeding?
Informant: Yes [...] It was a lot, when I was at the hospital, it was better [...] I used a sponge to
soak up the blood [...] I couldn't eat well, I would drink something, or use a teaspoon.
LDH: Did you go to hospital after?
Informant: Yes I went to hospital
LDH: Did they use stitches, did they sew it up?
Informant: Yes, 34 stitches
LDH: When the community members came to help you, how many were there?
Informant: There were five [...] the people that helped me were passing on the road. I kicked the
man that was holding me out of the car. Then I got out. Then the car went, because they saw
that the people were coming to help me. So they ran
LDH: Why do you think they tried to cut you?
Informant: I thought that they were using my lips...there were people that were catching people
for body parts of people. And take them to that Inyanga so he can use it for Muti
LDH: How did you feel after they tried to cut you?
Informant: I felt very bad because everyone would tease me about my cuts that happened on
my mouth [...] I was scared and afraid of what might happened later
LDH: Do many people in this area believe that Muti made with human body parts works
well, or better, or is more powerful?
Informant: Some say it is stronger than the ordinary Muti [...]
LDH: Do you know if those men were ever caught?
Informant: The Police were looking but they haven't found them [...]
Interview Code: MZ2_S_I_4 and MZ2_S_I_5
Location: Hoode, Chibabava District, Sofala Province, Mozambique
Interview Date: March 2009, 16 February 2010
Informant: Investigating Police, victims father
The following two interview extracts refer to a 10-year-old girl who was murdered and found
without her genital organs, tongue and teeth. The body was discovered in a well, near her
house. The relatives had continued drinking the water for some days, without knowing the girls
mutilated body was there. The victims father believed that the body parts were for the purpose
of ensuring good business for the mill and that a Traditional Healer would prepare a treatment
for this purpose. According to the Police Officer, it is a commonly held belief that body parts can
be used to improve businesses.
Two men were arrested for the crime, one of which explained that his boss, the mill owner, had
requested him to kill a child and remove the body parts.
Interview with the Investigating Police Officer in Chibabava District, Sofala Province
LDH: Where was the victim murdered?
Informant: The victim was murdered in her home, then taken to a bush in the area, where they
cut the organs. [...] After they murdered they threw her in the well that had water, the relatives
started looking but they didnt know that she was right there in the well of their house, they even
kept drinking the water from that well even after the child was inside it, only after that is that one
of the children that was going to get water saw the body floating and went to call the parents.
LDH: What are the organs that were cut?
Informant: They cut the genital organ, the tongue and the teeth [...] . The minor was [...] 10
years old [...] They killed first [...] by means of strangulation.
LDH: How did they remove the organs?
Informant: They used knives. [...] The knives were found and are in the command of Chibabava,
they are part of the process, they are part of the evidence.
LDH: Did you come to see the body?
Informant: No, when they came to inform me they were already performing the funeral, here
there are no conditions to keep the bodies for a long time.
LDH: Who authorized to perform the burial?
Informant: The chief of the village.
LDH: Is it normal for the chief of the village to authorize a funeral without the Police
seeing the body?
Informant: It is, because with no conditions to keep the body, to go to the station without means
of transportation it is far, and for this case, the body was found after the third day after the death
they could not wait.
LDH: Who are those people [suspects, ed.]?
Informant: They are accused of having committed this crime [...] They are already with the
Police and are incarcerated at the district jail of Chibabava. At this moment, I have my men in
the field investigating the trail of their instigator [Joel, ed.]; so far we already know that he is in
South Africa. I also have the information that he would come to Matchaze to bring the pieces for
the grind/mill that is not working. We have already set up a scheme so that we can reach him as
soon as he contacts with the person that is going to assemble the parts.
LDH: What is the name of the instigator?
Informant: The name of the instigator is Joel, he [...] has a grind/mill that according to these
detainees, the organs they cut from the minor was to make that grind/mill work.
LDH: How were those organs going to work in a grind/mill?
Informant: Well, that I dont know, but according to the detainees and also what is said by a lot
of people is that traditionally, these organs of people are used to treat so that the businesses
can go well and have a lot of money.
LDH: How did you discover that these are the ones who killed the victim?
Informant: My men worked in the field until they found Carlos that had also been seen in that
house, on that day by the brother [...] of the deceased and this [Carlos, ed.] indicated Agostinho
[...] When we captured Agostinho, he said that his boss [grinding owner, ed.] was the one who
had told him to do it.
Incidence and prevalence of trafficking body parts in
Mozambique and South Africa
As there were no studies or research on trafficking body parts in Mozambique and South Africa
prior to the first phase of this research, there was no baseline with which to compare and
establish an increase or decrease in trafficking body parts in this region. Furthermore, it is
difficult to establish or conclude if there is indeed a large or small amount of this activity, as
these conclusions would be based on comparisons with previous studies. Throughout the 14-
month field work period, a baseline for trafficking body parts has been established which is
presented below.
During the 14 months of fieldwork, 59 workshops and 48 focus groups were held in
Mozambique and South Africa, covering all provinces. 1,949 individuals attended these
workshops and focus groups. 429 people were interviewed as a result of the workshops, focus
groups and referrals. These 429 individuals participated in 327 interviews (as some interviews
involved more than one person). Out of these 327 interviews, 213 contained at least one
firsthand account.
No hearsay accounts have been used in this report when referring to specific incidents where
body parts, blood or tissue have been removed or trafficked.
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 shows that more than 65% of those willing to be interviewed have had a firsthand
experience of seeing a mutilated body with body parts missing or a body part separate from a
body. This percentage is far greater than expected and is supported by the general feeling
amongst those attending the workshops and focus groups that issues relating to trafficking body
parts have adversely affected many individuals and communities.
Throughout numerous firsthand interviews, informants have expressed how common mutilations
are in their community. An Investigating Police Officer working in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
said we regularly find bodies with parts missing (SA2_KZN_I_5).
An Investigating Officer, who was also the victims sister in law, witnessed her relative tied to a
tree next to a river with eyes, nipples, clitoris and tongue removed. She said this thing has
happened to the neighbouring locality. The females were targeted and the bodies were cut the
same way with this one of my sister. I think about five people, about five people were done the
very same thing, the very same thing and these are a problem for even the Local Police [...] now
its happening so often [...] you don't even know who is next because this thing is just all over
A Neighbourhood Secretary who was called to witness the mutilated body of a 20-year-old
woman who was discovered by her children in her home with her eyes removed, said That is
very frequent here (MZ2_CD_I_13). Another Neighbourhood Secretary witnessed a woman
without her head, discovered in her garden It is the third time happening, this type of case
A Traditional Healer from AMETRAMO said It is a fact that occurs in several localities of
Milange, including the village as it was the case of the woman that was murdered last month [...]
we often follow some cases of deaths that have been occurring in the neighbourhoods and
communities, where people kill the victims and then remove their genital organs, tongue, eyes
and ears (MZ2_Z_I_8).
A woman aged 23 was attacked in June 2008 by four men who attempted to remove her lips
with a knife. Commenting on the general situation of mutilations in her area she said it is
something that happens around [...] they used to cut body parts of people for the Inyanga for
muti. (SA2_KZN_I_8). Another victim who survived an attack to remove her ears in February
2007 said It has just started to be a normal thing within the community, because there was a
number of people who had been cut before me (SA2_KZN_I_9).
An informant in South Africa stated: Ritual killings are common here. Its like a daily bread. We
do not even get shocked when a person is missing and found dead with body parts removed [...]
body parts sale is common here. (SA_P_FG_2). The family of a victim in Nampula Province,
Mozambique said Ehh, it happens a lot of times. We followed it, outside our family. Those are
things that happen a lot of times (MZ_NA_GI_1). Local organisations are aware of the
frequency of mutilations such as a Human Rights Organisation in Niassa Province in
Mozambique which stated There are lots of cases around here (MZ_Ni_I_2). Another
informant in Mozambique said That kind of things here in Mueda are happening more and
more, but the Government says nothing about it (MZ_CD_I_9).
Out of the 213 firsthand interviews mentioned above, a small number could be considered
trafficking in persons, according to the United Nations Palermo Protocol definition of trafficking
in Persons explained above. For example, an informant in South Africa spoke of a schoolgirl
taken by four men driving in a red car [...] when she was coming from school (SA_N_I_4). She
was still in her uniform when she was discovered a week later. Her lips, fingers and private
parts had been removed. It appears that this girl had been abducted for the purpose of
removing body parts and would therefore be considered trafficked under the Palermo Protocol
The vast majority of the incidents mentioned in the firsthand interviews, however, would be
considered trafficking body parts alone, separate from the victim.
According to some authorities, this is a deep-rooted problem with no obvious solution. A South
Africa Border Police Official in Mpumalanga District said I can tell you that the problems of
trafficking along this border of Mozambique and South Africa will never end and they do not only
involve body parts of children, but even adults (SA_N_I_8).
Through numerous firsthand interviews, it has been established that many different body parts
were discovered missing from mutilated bodies. A Police Officer in Mozambique stated We [...]
went to the crime scene [...] they had cut her head and taken it to another place
(MZ_MPM_FG_1). A woman in Bloemfontein whose neighbour had been attacked said there
was lots of blood, the body was facing up, the heart, lungs were missing. Her mouth was wide
open as if she was screaming (SA_T_I_5). A Police Commander in Tete, Mozambique who
witnessed a mutilated body said they removed the ear, skinned the skin of the face and
removed the tongue through the neck of the victim. [...] In the place of the extracted ear there
was a wound that led us to conclude that the ear was removed with a knife. The skin of the face
was also removed with a knife leaving a wound on the entire face and the eyes farther out.
(MZ2_T_I_5). The father of a 5-year-old boy who was mutilated said I went there and saw him
in a ditch filled with water. My boy was lying there facing up, I could see that both his eyes had
been removed. There was a tight wire around his neck (SA2_EC_I_5).
In numerous interviews, the informant stated that they personally witnessed which body parts
had been taken, I did see the body with the hands tight and her breast were removed
(SA_P_I_10). A Police Officer who in 2007 witnessed a dead body of a man in a dam in
Bloemfontein City with his tongue and private parts removed stated Yes I had direct contact. I
was on duty when we were called by the community members that there was a dead body of a
man in the dam (SA_T_I_4). The mother of a 4-year-old victim in Gauteng Province, South
Africa explained It took my husband a while to see if it was her because of the way they cutted
her and everything [crying], it was only by the clothes she was wearing, there was no nose, no
eyelids, the lips, the upper lips and the lower lips, and some ears, (SA2_G_I_10). A Block
Secretary in Zambzia Province in Mozambique who assisted a victim of an attack where his
entire genitalia were removed said I was the one who pulled his pants down to see if it was true
what he was saying. And I saw that his genital organs had been removed. [...] He was bleeding
a lot (MZ2_Z_I_16).
There has been a total of 303 body parts mentioned as missing from bodies in Mozambique and
South Africa from firsthand eyewitness interviews contained in this research. Male genitalia is
the body part mentioned most during the interviews. In addition to male genitalia, a further 38
different body parts were mentioned as missing. The two graphs below show which body parts
have been mentioned as missing from bodies in firsthand interviews, the first in Mozambique
and the second in South Africa.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
There have also been a number of reports of body parts being seen firsthand, separate from the
body. An individual who attended a focus group in Gaza, Mozambique said the shepherd was
found with magonas [containers used by Traditional Healers containing medicines, ed.]
containing body parts [...] some bones and childrens hands (MZ2_G_I_7). Another informant
attending a focus group in Zambzia Province, Mozambique said Here in the market we found
a head without eyes. (MZ2_Z_I_10). An elder of the Traditional Healers in South Africa stated I
was inside the house [of another Traditional Healer ed.] next to the refrigerator when I saw the
tongue inside a plastic bag (SA_N_I_2). An informant who was working at the Administrators
Office of the Health Inspector in Maleboho, South Africa said I went to see what was happening
together with the Police. [...] the male parts inside the pot where a woman cooked food she sold
to people at the taxi rank [...] the parts were inside the pot (SA_P_I_3). A woman working as a
stall holder on the South African side of the border said I saw a human head on top of some
vegetables that were inside those big bags they use to carry goods [...] It was the head of a
child [...] someone was trying to take the head from Mozambique to South Africa. When we
come from Mozambique, they dont search us (MZ_MPR_I_3).
The two graphs below show which body parts were witnessed firsthand, separate from a body.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Number of female genitalia include cases in which only the clitoris was removed
Any mention of number of penis and testicles were included in male genitalia.
Each case was only counted once, regardless of how many interviews for this incident.
For cases in which the informant did not mention the specific amount of body parts that were
seen separate from the body, that body part counted as one.
Eyes, breasts, nipples, buttocks, ears, bones, lungs, kidneys, blood, flesh, skin, teeth and
fingers have been counted as one even if more than one has been extracted.
However, an important finding which was evident throughout the research was that people
believe that mutilations and trafficking body parts have increased dramatically over the past
years. Through interviews, workshops and focus groups, communities have voiced their feelings
that the number of mutilations has risen. A Police Officer investigating a mutilation in 2009 in
Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa said I think it is happening more lately [...] now its
happening so often (SA2_KZN_I_6). A community member from Mueda, Mozambique
commented, that kind of things here in Mueda are happening more and more (MZ_CD_I_9). A
teacher from Capricorn District in South Africa stated All of a sudden the Muti thing [...] which
was there in the past but it was moving in a very slight way but now it has gone out of hand
Informants expressed concern that there is an increase during certain holiday periods, It does
get a lot worse on the end of November and in December. People want more money on those
months. The situation gets a lot worse at the end of the year when a lot more people cross and
the [border, ed.] control is not as efficient (MZ_MPR_FG_1). A retired SAPS Official said now
almost every week there is a report in the newspaper about this (SA_S_I_1).
The following graph shows the total number of incidents per year over the past 15 years. Only
firsthand eyewitness accounts have been included in this data.
The graph Fig. 6 confirms the general feeling that the number of mutilations and the movement
of body parts in Mozambique and South Africa is on the increase. It should be noted that the
research concluded in August 2010. Therefore on this graph, 2010 has been averaged out for
the remainder of the year and this section is shaded differently to highlight this estimation.
Fig 6
During the first phase of research a number of informants expressed concern for the upcoming
football World Cup in South Africa, With the World Cup coming more people will be killed to
ensure that their business grows (SA_P_FG_2). Since the World Cup has concluded, it has
been a challenge to establish if there had been an increase or decrease in activity relating to
trafficking body parts during or leading up to this event. One informant who works as a
stallholder at the Mozambique/South Africa border said now during the World Cup, I believe it
got worse because we started hearing more about these cases. People tell what they saw and
what they heard. That people are passing the border with body parts. That happens more and
more (MZ2_MPR_I_1). However, other than this informant, this research has no data to
suggest that more body parts were trafficked because of the World Cup in South Africa.
Based on the interviews conducted for this research project, there are clear indications that both
mutilations and the movement of body parts are widespread within Mozambique and South
Africa. A Police Officer from Nampula, Mozambique stated It has been happening almost a little
everywhere [...] Sometimes bodies are found in the public road, sometimes in the cemetery, in
several places. (MZ_Na_I_4). A community member from the Mopani District in South Africa
commented These killings happen anywhere when we least expect (SA_P_I_7) and a School
Teacher in South Africa said because it is happening all over (SA_P_I_9).
The following graphs show the number of interviews acquired in each province in Mozambique
and South Africa during the 14-month research period. All provinces, except one, produced a
firsthand interview where an individual was prepared to share a firsthand account of issues
relating to trafficking body parts.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Northern Cape is the only province that did not produce a firsthand or hearsay interview. It
appears that issues relating to trafficking body parts have not affected this province as a number
of workshops and focus groups did not generate any information. This finding is also supported
by Gerard Labuschagne, Commander of SAPS Investigative Psychology Unit in South Africa
and one of the leading experts in so-called Muti Murder, who confirmed he was not aware of
any cases of so-called Muti Murder in this province.
The following graph shows the total number of firsthand, hearsay and Investigating Officer
Fig 9
Macro, interpersonal and individual factors leading to
trafficking body parts
When it comes to trafficking human body parts there are two main types: 1) Trafficking organs
for organ transplants 2) Trafficking organs and body parts in connection to harmful traditional
practices, and more specifically witchcraft.
It is clear from this research that body parts are not trafficked for transplant purposes. There are
numerous interviews within this research where informants have witnessed body parts being
transported in bags, wrapped in leaves, hidden in boxes of meat, in the boot of a car, inside a
pot at a taxi rank, to name a few. None of these transportation methods are conducive to
transplants. One informant, who works with trafficking issues at the border between
Mozambique and South Africa, summed this up There is no way we can know what they were
going to do with those organs, or what happened to the victims bodies. One thing we know for
sure, it is not for transplants (MZ_Na_I_2).
This chapter will be concerned only with trafficking organs and body parts in connection to
harmful traditional practices, as this research project found a bulk of evidence pointing to the
use of body parts in connection with witchcraft practices. In the following, the term body parts
will be used, as this term also incorporates organs.
The objective of using body parts in the so-called medicine murder or Muti murder is to create
powerful traditional medicine based partly on human body parts. Traditional medicine has a
wide range of purposes, for instance, to heal illnesses, aid economic advancement or hurt
Historical, socio-economic, political, financial and psychological factors are closely interlinked in
a complex social system, contributing to issues relating to trafficking body parts. This chapter
will envisage shedding light on root causes of trafficking body parts.
Historical, political and socio-economic situation in Mozambique and South
Mozambique and South Africa are two very different countries in many ways. However, there
are also many similarities in terms of populations and life conditions.
Since the beginning of the 2000s Mozambique has experienced significant financial growth, yet
the Government faces severe challenges in terms of providing education and employment to the
population. 70% of Mozambicans live below the poverty line (CIA World Factbook) and the vast
majority of the population have minimum access to quality education and paid work. Less than
500,000 Mozambicans have formal employment, out of a labour force of nearly 10 million
people (Royal Norwegian Embassy, Corporate Social Responsibility Country Profile-
Mozambique, November 2009). The majority of the total labour force works in subsistence
agriculture and other informal employment. The adult literacy rate is 38.7% (UNDP Human
development report 2007/08, fact sheet for Mozambique).
South Africa
Advanced development is significantly localised around four economic centres: Cape Town,
Port Elizabeth, Durban, and Pretoria/Johannesburg. Beyond these, development is marginal
and poverty is still prevalent despite Government efforts. Consequently the vast majority of
South Africans are poor. A decade of continual economic growth has helped to lower
unemployment, but major economic and social problems remain. Even though South Africa has
the seventh highest per capita income in Africa, South Africa has one of the highest rates of
income inequality in the world. As for racial inequality and the lingering effects of apartheid,
whites still have a significantly higher income compared to blacks and other races. However, the
affirmative action policies have seen a rise in black economic wealth and an emerging black
middle class. Other problems include crime, corruption, and HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS pandemic
caused South Africa to drop 35 places on the UNDP Human development ranking in 2008,
which underlines the socio-economic and health issues faced by a large proportion of the
population (UNDP Human development Report 2008, fact sheet for South Africa). South Africa
is ranked 129 out of 182 countries on the UN human development index for 2009.
In Mozambique and South Africa, poverty and poor life opportunities are a reality for the vast
majority of the population. The interviews conducted for this research project confirmed that
poverty is a strong driver when it comes to people consulting witchdoctors. Individuals are
desperately trying to evade poverty and the frustrations and poor life conditions associated with
it. They are therefore susceptible to the witchdoctors offers of improved health and/or financial
situation. As one informant stated [people go to witchdoctors, ed.] [] to get rich and to be
healed (SA_T_I_5).
Based on the interviews conducted for this research project, there are clear indications of a so-
called Muti-trade taking place. It is clear that many people will seek out a witchdoctor to
alleviate various problems. It appears, based on the interviews that an actual trade of body parts
occurs to meet the demand I sold them to Sangomas [...] They would tell me which part they
needed and I would get it for them [...] They would say they need a head or eyes or blood from
a young boy and I would get it for them (SA2_L_I_1). One informant described a woman who
sold food at a taxi rank in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Inside the pot were male genital
organs She wanted customers to buy from her all the time (SA_P_I_3).
Several reported that body parts are being trafficked inside the country and across the border
between Mozambique and South Africa, or to other countries such as this informant from
Mozambique Organs are taken to be exported to Malawi, RSA and Zimbabwe (MZ_B_FG_1).
Several informants confirm this trend, They take it to Malawi, others to South Africa.
(MZ2_M_I_15), I wanted to take the organs to Zambia (MZ2_T_I_1).
Labuschagne states the witchdoctor will not himself engage in ritual murders or killings, but will
send a third party to do it (Labuschagne 2004). This is partially supported by the evidence in this
research project, where a number of persons described this phenomenon. As one informant
expressed I do not think the healer himself will go out to kill. Instead some will send people who
are very poor and promise them a lot of money on completion of the work. At times the healer
will tell the person who needs Muti to bring a certain body part for the Muti to work. Some will kill
their relatives while a person send by the healer will kill anyone because for him it is about
money (SA_P_I_9).
Others explained that the witchdoctor will indeed do the killing, but will not do the actual
hunting of victims. As one informant explains the person who needs the parts normally does
not do the killings, but will lure the person to be killed to the direction of the Traditional Healer,
who will kill the person and cut the parts they need (SA_P_I_6).
The Police stated that there are several cases of bodies being found missing body parts,
however according to these informants, the parts are never found But there are lots of cases in
which the human organs are extracted but never found [...] We find many times bodies without
organs or body parts (MZ_Na_GI_2). A number of interviews confirmed that the witchdoctor or
his/her assistant often acquires the body parts far from their community to reduce the risk of
being recognized and reported.
Culture is harboured differently by each specific unit each individual harbours the cultural
values to different degrees, and there is also a difference in the way the individual adheres to
his/her culture. Culture is relatively stable over generations, but has the potential to change.
Individuals are constructed by culture, but can also shape culture. When defining who we are,
we also define ourselves as what we are not. This is a natural process for humans to survive,
belong and develop a healthy identity. At the same time, it is important to be aware of the
prejudices that come along with it (Matsumoto 2004).
Historically, the peoples of southern Africa have used Traditional Healers to aid them in terms of
health and to help them improve their life situation in various ways, which is confirmed in this
research project. Access to Government health services and Western medicine remains low in
many areas, and the use of Traditional Healers is widespread and for many it remains a first
choice. It has been documented that Traditional Healers have developed many remedies using
herbs and plants which alleviate their patients problems, although it is often dismissed by
Western medicine. The WHO challenges this, and calls for an integration of traditional medicine
into the national health care system by assisting Member States to develop their own national
policies on traditional medicine. The WHO also wants to promote the proper use of traditional
medicine by developing and providing international standards, technical guidelines and
methodologies (WHO, 2002).
The WHO defines traditional medicine as follows Traditional medicine as including diverse
health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal, and/or mineral
based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises applied singularly or in
combination to maintain well-being, as well as to treat, diagnose or prevent illness (WHO,
As seen in the WHO definition of traditional medicine, the use of human body parts is not
considered part of traditional medicine. Rather, the use of body parts can be considered
witchcraft and a harmful traditional practice. Yet, in practice, the terms witchdoctor and
Traditional Healer are sometimes used interchangeably. 'Witchcraft' typically refers to
malevolent or harmful magic, and is often considered to be a cultural ideology (Klaniczay,
2006). Some informants in this research project made a clear distinction between Traditional
Healers and witchdoctors practicing Muti murder. It seems, based on a number of interviews,
that Muti killings are associated with witchcraft and harmful magic, whereas Traditional Healers
are not. As one informant in Nampula, Mozambique, a member of AMETRAMO, the Association
of Traditional Healers in Mozambique claimed, The witchdoctor is the one that does the evil.
When asked the difference between a Traditional Healer and a witchdoctor they replied That is
like the difference between Doctors and diseases (MZ_B_FG_1). Another stated A Traditional
Healer, who intends to do harm, is called a witchdoctor (MZ_CD_FG_1).
Muti (also spelt Muthi) is a term for traditional medicine in southern Africa. The word Muti is
derived from the Zulu word for tree, of which the root is -thi. African traditional medicine makes
use of various natural products, many of which are derived from trees. For this reason, medicine
generally is known as Muti, but it is also applied to formulations used in traditional medical
dispensing. In southern Africa, the word Muti is widespread in most indigenous African
languages, as well as in South African English and Afrikaans, where it is sometimes used as
slang word for medicine in general (Ashforth, 2005).
As part of Muti practices, some witchdoctors make use of the so-called medicine murder or
Muti murder, where body parts are removed from the bodies of living persons. The intention is
not to kill the victims as such, but it is expected that they will die due to the damage inflicted
(Ashforth, 2005). Muti-murder is difficult to describe concisely, as it has changed over time,
involving an ever-greater variety of perpetrator, victim, method and motive. In the interviews
conducted as part of this research project, it is also clear that the informants impressions and
experiences varied somewhat, documenting that Muti using body parts is used widely and for
many purposes.
Ashforth defines Muti as a substance fabricated with parts from plants, animals or minerals by
an expert person possessing secret knowledge to achieve healing or witchcraft substances. He
mentions that both Healers and witches use supernatural forces, but they use it for different
ends. He says that witchcraft is considered the act of malicious persons who use harmful
substances (poison) and that Traditional Healers administer aid to patients, and almost always
dispense substances (medicine), but both substances are known generically as Muti. He further
states that witches using Muti are said to be able to cause every disease and misfortune and a
number of Healers claim to be able to cure every disease (including AIDS) and to remedy every
misfortune (Ashforth, 2005). This is supported by an interview with a Traditional Healer in
Nampula, Mozambique, a member of AMETRAMO, AIDS does have a cure [...] It is probable
that, mentally a Traditional Healer can cure AIDS according to his or her information
(MZ_Na_I_1). However, another informant, also a member of the same organisation, but from
Sofala, a different province in Mozambique, stated Who can heal someone with AIDS in this
world? Nobody. Until today there is no medicine (MZ_B_FG_1).
Ashforths report mentions that Muti substances can enter the body through the mouth, lungs,
skin, sexual intercourse and anus, thus anyone who eats, drinks, breathes or puts the body in
contact with other persons or substances needs to be careful. Also Muti is said to work over
long distances, without needing any direct contact between witch and victim and can even work
through the medium of a dream (Ashforth 2005). Muti has a strong hold on many, as one
informant in South Africa stated It is the belief that you must have Muti for the business to work.
The sad part is that they no longer use Muti as we knew it but body parts (SA_P_I_3). This
belief is further confirmed by a number of other informants It is working because some people
who are associated with the use of the parts are untouchable (SA_P_I_7), People believe
body parts can be utilized as Muti to call customers or to attract customers to buy more in their
businesses (SA_P_I_8).
As part of this research project, approximately half of the workshop participants were asked
whether they themselves believed that body parts can make traditional medicine more effective.
One in five people in Mozambique who attended a workshop or focus group claimed to believe
this and more than one in four people in South Africa. The other half of the group were asked
whether people in general believed that traditional medicine using body parts would make it
more effective. Above 60% of the participants in both Mozambique and South Africa answered
that people believe that body parts will enhance traditional medicine. Although this is a much
generalized question, it does indicate that the belief holds strong in the general population.
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
It is possible that the witchdoctors, their clients and those who acquire the body parts may justify
their actions with similar terms. However, none of those interviewed in this research project
confirmed the sacrifice of life as being legitimate. Rather, it was clear that the informants
believed the witchdoctors and the body part hunters ruthless and uncaring. According to one
informant from Mozambique The witchdoctors are not worried about the others; they are only
concerned in gaining money (MZ_CD_FG_1). Another informant in South Africa stated The
man arrested is very cold. One woman went to court crying asking him to just tell her where to
find her child even if she is dead so that she can have closure. He just looked at her and
laughed (SA_P_I_2). Several interviews claimed that the witchdoctors are greedy Traditional
Healers nowadays do not do a good job as in the past. Now they are after money, and they do
not care who gets hurt in the process (SA_P_I_5).
According to some reports, such as Griffin et al. and Labuschagne, the witchdoctors use body
parts in the preparation of Muti medicines which many local people use to bring success in
business and love. An informant stated, when asked who uses Muti medicine, People who
want to get rich and people who are sick and desperately want to get healed (SA_T_I_5). It is a
deep founded belief of the witchdoctors that the body parts are necessary for the Muti to work
and it is required that the victims are dismembered while they are still alive. The screams of the
victims are believed to make the medicine more powerful by waking the spirits and empowering
them, thus resulting in victims being mutilated alive (Griffin et al 2004, Labuschagne 2004). This
research found many incidents where the victim was alive when the body parts were extracted,
however a number of victims mentioned in this research were murdered and the body parts
were removed post-mortem. A Doctor in Mozambique who visited the crime scene and
witnessed a woman who was mutilated for her genitalia said The genital was removed with a
very precise cut, or probably two cuts, one from each side removing the genitals. And the cuts
were made after the person was dead [...] no sign of bleeding. It means she was dead when the
injuries were done (MZ_MC_I_2)
Griffins report adds that most Muti victims are children, probably because they are weaker and
defenceless and also, it is believed that due to their young age, they have used up very little of
their good luck and health. However, Labuschagne (2004) in contrast says that victims can
range in age from a newborn infant to an adult and that it is not completely clear what makes
one person become a victim in preference of another. In this research it is clear that children are
often specifically targeted When the treatments are done with the organs of a child, the
treatment has long lasting effects [...] that is why people prefer to be treated with minors
organs (MZ_MC_I_1). It is also a belief that some childrens body parts are more effective for
certain situations. An Investigating Police Officer in South Africa said Especially when they
killed a young boy, when hes still young, it means to them they are going to perform that like
young boy (SA2_G_I_4). The belief that childrens body parts are more powerful than those
from adults is also evident from some informants These people target children who have never
had sex before because they believe their parts are powerful as compared to those who are
sexually active (SA_P_I_3).
Often, the person seeking the witchdoctors assistance will have to make important sacrifices.
The interviews showed that the person would sometimes have to sacrifice not only money, but
family members, including ones own wife or children. As one informant described [the
husband, ed.] is the one who killed the wife and took the body parts so that his business will
bring more money (SA_N_I_1).
Labuschagnes paper states that the term Muti murder has been substituted incorrectly with the
terms ritual or sacrificial murder, as there are differences between the terms. He states that
although muti murder may be ritualised in that it is done in a certain way it is not a sacrificial
act as the aim is only to obtain body parts for medicines and not to appease a god or deity. He
then explains that a ritual murder or sacrificial murder, both terms used to refer to the same
thing by lay-people, occur in a variety of belief systems such as Satanism, voodoo, or other
African beliefs and are intended to offer the life of an individual to appease or win favour with a
deity (Labuschagne 2004).
As many people deeply believe in the practice, they will resort to a witchdoctor practising Muti
murder for a variety of reasons. As mentioned above, Muti can allegedly alleviate or assist a
person with a variety of problems, ranging from health problems to financial issues. One
informant from Mozambique expressed how the poor life opportunities in the country is a strong
driver in terms of people resorting to Muti People with bad life conditions start to hate each
other and cast spells (MZ_B_FG_1). Poverty is evidently an underlying push factor, when it
comes to Muti murder. As another informant explains, the Traditional Healer may make
treatments so that you recover your job or post, and another mentions people want to get rich
(SA_P_I_12). A significant number of informants mentioned greed as being an important driver
I think this tradition comes from greed (SA_P_I_9).
In the communities there is often a code of silence, as many community members are afraid of
speaking out about these issues. Several of the people interviewed were very worried about
becoming targets themselves or worried about their families, in particular their children. As
explained by an informant we never talk about such in this community, if you talk about it, you
might put your life in danger (SA_N_I_1). Another expressed If people know that I talked about
it, I might be killed. We all know it happens [...] but no one wants to talk about it (SA_N_I_2). A
grandmother expressed I am always thinking that my grandchildren can also be abducted one
day and be killed for ritual healing (SA_P_I_4). Several informants expressed similar
statements. It was clear that many would cover up for the witchdoctors out of fear someone
knows them [the witchdoctors, ed.], but is not saying anything (SA_P_I_2). Another stated
what makes me sad is that we never openly talk about it, though it happens right under our
nose (SA_N_I_3). One informant stated how fear and the code of silence play a central role in
sustaining the Muti murders It is all silenced. People are afraid to talk (MZ_MPR_I_3). This
code of silence extends to protecting those that order the mutilations, as one informant stated If
a Traditional Healer does a treatment and orders someone to kill because of that, if he tells to
another person he did it he will also die. So they always deny it, they never say that they did it
During the second phase of fieldwork, the research team conducted a number of interviews
containing confessions of mutilations. At the onset of the research in 2008, it proved difficult to
obtain confessions. However, as the amount of firsthand interviews contained in this research
clearly indicates, once the interview environment was appropriate and the researcher prepared,
people were willing to share their accounts of mutilations in great detail. Locating the people
who attacked victims and removed body parts however was more challenging and getting them
to talk even more so. Despite this challenge, nine confessions were obtained during this
These confessions provide a valuable insight into how and why body parts are taken and they
give a clearer indication of the process of removing and using body parts. Through interviewing
people who had been convicted of murdering and the removal of body parts, it became evident
that there was a clear link between the offender and the Traditional Healers and/or the
Extracts from the interviews have been included below to highlight the manner in which the
informants described their reasoning behind these acts.
Confession 1 and 2
In the following two confessions, the informants explain how they were given specific
instructions to remove the body parts while their victims were alive. In the first interview the
informant was approached by the Traditional Healer or so-called witchdoctor who ordered the
body parts in exchange for money. Both informants knew the exact amounts they were to
receive for the body parts. For both confessions, the offender attacked the victim and removed
the body parts while the victim was alive, thereafter transporting the body parts to a different
location. This confirms the findings of this research that in the majority of cases, the body parts,
rather than the body is transported.
LDH: How did it work? Did they ask you for a specific body part?
Informant: They would tell me which part they needed and I would get it for them.
LDH: Did they tell you how to get it and the age and gender of the person you needed to
get it from?
Informant: Yes. They would say they need a head or eyes or blood from a young boy and I
would get it for them.
LDH: Were your victims always alive when you took the parts?
Informant: Yes, always.
LDH: Were you told specifically by the Sangomas and witchdoctors to take the parts
from a person who is alive?
Informant: Yes.
LDH: Why?
Informant: The parts are more powerful when the victim is alive.
LDH: Were you told what to do with the body after you took the parts?
Informant: No, that was up to me.
LDH: So, what did you do with the body?
Informant: I usually took other parts to different Sangomas and sold them. I buried the body.
LDH: How do you find your victims?
Informant: I usually went to a shebeen [bar, ed.] and kidnap somebody and took them to a
place, like the bush, where my associate was waiting, he held them while I did the cutting.
LDH: How much were you paid for a body part can you give some examples?
Informant: Head 25.000 [US$3.677; 130.750MZN, ed.], tongue 8.000 [US$1.177; 41,840MZN,
ed.], hand 5.000 [US$735; 26.150MZN, ed.].
LDH: Who paid more, Sangomas or witchdoctors?
Informant: [smirking] Witchdoctors.
LDH: Whats the difference between a Sangoma and a witchdoctor?
Informant: Some Sangomas take the body parts to witchdoctors to mix, but some Sangomas
mix themselves.
LDH: Were you ever asked to remove blood?
Informant: Yes.
LDH: How did you do that?
Informant: I cut him here [signing a cut to the side of the neck, ed.] and held him over a bucket. I
had one, a five litre one and could fill it.
LDH: How big would the cut need to be?
Informant: [gestures about 10 centimetres, ed.].
LDH: Have you ever used Muti?
Informant: I used to have Muti here [gesturing a necklace] but the Police took all the Muti I had
with body parts. I drank blood also.
LDH: Out of the 51 people you killed, how many were children?
Informant: [paused while counting, ed.] About 16.
LDH: How old was the youngest you killed?
Informant: 6 or 7.
LDH: And the oldest?
Informant: mid 30.
LDH: Whats the most unusual request you have had from a Sangoma or witchdoctor?
Informant: I was asked to remove flesh from a man, to cook it and take them the fat.
told him that it was to sell ice, [...] Then we said that child has to take a bath. If we want the
money this is the child, we can only do the job. Then I asked where are we going to do this
job? [...] Then he [name removed, ed.] said that we could do it on the way to Khau.
LDH: Didnt the child suspect of anything?
Informant 1: That child started suspecting, so he [name removed, ed.] hit the child with the
elbow, the child fell and said aiii, then he [name removed, ed.] started doing the work with the
LDH: Then, when the child fell what did you do?
Informant 1: When the child fell, he cut the genital organs expecting the child would die.
LDH: Where did you leave the organs?
Informant 2: When he made the cut he left the organs on the side in a plastic bag. [...] He [name
removed, ed.] took the plastic bag that he was carrying. The boss was afraid we were going to
take the organs from people that had died a long time ago.
Confession 3
Throughout the research informants have shared accounts showing that body parts have been
forcibly removed and used for Muti containing body parts or other harmful traditional practices.
Through the following confession from a Traditional Healer, further insight was gained into how
the body parts are prepared and used. Furthermore, the belief that body parts make Muti
stronger and more powerful is explained.
Interview conducted at the informants house in Inhambane, Mozambique on 9 April 2010. The
informant highlights the belief that traditional medicine is stronger when mixed with body parts
and provides a clear example of how the body parts are prepared.
LDH: From where did you cut off the foot?
Informant: From the ankle down.
LDH: Did you cut it that way because it had to be like that or just happened that way?
Informant: It had to be that way according to what [name removed, ed.] told me, that I had to cut
the foot and put it together with the tongue [...] [name removed, ed.] told me that it was for me to
use it together with my traditional healing. [name removed, ed.] told me to put the things
together with my gourds [traditional pots], and then it will make my traditional healing treatments
stronger [...] To make it strong, is to burn it to ashes, next mix it with the medicines, then put it in
the new gourds [traditional pots] to put them together with the others.
Confession 4 and 5
The deep-rooted belief that body parts give power or make Muti stronger and more powerful is
documented throughout the report. The following confessions demonstrate this belief explicitly.
The first confession illustrates the belief that body parts from a corpse when prepared by a
Traditional Healer can increase and revitalise powers. The second confession exemplifies this
belief to its extreme; the belief that body parts and blood alone, without the need for preparation
or a Traditional Healer or so-called witchdoctor, can give power and courage when consumed.
A self-proclaimed prophet confessed to exhuming the body of 1 or 2 week old infant and
removing body parts (MZ2_T_I_1)
Interview conducted in the Preventive Prison Unit of the Samora Machel's Neighborhood, Tete
City, Mozambique on 7 April 2010. In this confession the informant states that it is his belief that
body parts will increase his powers and that a Traditional Healer instructed him to acquire
specific body parts from an infant corpse.
LDH: When had the body been buried?
Informant: The body had just been buried, on the same day that I went to dig up, 28 March
LDH: Why did you commit that crime?
Informant: I committed that crime to strengthen my powers of prophecy.
LDH: Did anyone tell you to do this or you decided to do it?
Informant: I wanted to take the organs to Zambia, where there is a Traditional Healer that would
revitalize my powers as a prophet, he was the one who advised me to bring the limbs of a
corpse [...] with these powers I would be able to see the spirits or evils in my clients houses.
Community member who confessed to killing, mutilating and eating body parts of his
cousin (SA2_NW_I_14)
Interview conducted on 19 July 2010 at Atamelang Prison, South Africa. This confession
illustrates the informants belief that drinking the victims blood would give him courage to follow
through with this mutilation. This confession is somewhat unique as the informant prepared and
ate the body parts himself, without having them prepared by a third party, as has been found in
the vast majority of cases in this research. The informant stated his intention to sell the victims
foreskin to a Traditional Healer.
To support this confession, several firsthand accounts have been acquired from community
members who witnessed the accused in the process of eating his relative. Two extracts from
two separate firsthand eyewitness accounts follow:
I saw community members going into his house and I followed them. A lady was screaming. I
saw a pot and a man in the house eating even when the Police arrived he was eating. [...] It was
[name removed, ed.]. [...] I only saw him eating the liver [...] I saw him live, eating the liver in the
house. The intestines were in a bowl and I saw him taking the arms out of the bag.
I only saw the head. [...] It was attached to the neck, the right side was open. He was holding it
up taking it out of the no problem bag. There was no brain, it was empty. (SA2_NW_I_5)
Confession 6
The following confession illustrates how a community member is willing to accept that others will
kill and mutilate in order that she receives the treatment she believes will solve her problem.
Community member who admits to using human body parts in an attempt to solve a pregnancy
issue (SA_T_I_5)
Interview conducted on 2nd August 2008 in Bloemspruit, South Africa. The female informant
confirmed she was instructed by a Sangoma (Traditional Healer) to use childrens fingers and
penises, which she wore as a belt under her clothes, to solve a pregnancy-related issue. The
interview illustrates that this community member was willing to accept the advice of a Traditional
Healer and use human body parts as part of her treatment, even though she was aware that the
children may have been murdered to acquire these body parts. When asked where she thought
these childrens body parts came from, she replied, they kill babies.
LDH: And were you drinking it from a cup or out from the bottle?
Informant: From a cup. Then the Traditional Healer, he gave me a belt with fingers and penises
of children. It looked like a necklace with penises and fingers hanging
LDH: So, it was a finger and a penis and they were all sewed to the belt?
Informant: Yes
LDH: Were they dry or wet?
Informant: Dry.
LDH: Are you able to tell me how many fingers and how many penises were hanging
from the belt?
Informant: Two fingers and three penises.
LDH: How could you say these fingers and penises were from children?
Informant: They were very small, very small.
LDH: Couldnt it be from animals?
Informant: No, they were human. I know human penises.
LDH: So according to the Traditional Healer you had three bottles to drink, the belt and
something to burn at night and you had to finish the three bottles and you think it was
blood because you always wanted to vomit after you drank it.
Informant: And it stank
LDH: And how much did each bottle have?
Informant: 750ml
LDH: And this thing you suspect it was a human heart, when did you have to burn it?
Informant: At night.
LDH: So you burned each piece, or you burned the whole thing?
Informant: Each piece.
LDH: You had to cut from it every night and burn it?
Informant: Yes.
LDH: Do you feel that everything that the Traditional Healer gave you has helped?
Informant: No.
LDH: Can you tell me if the Traditional Healer charged you any price?
Informant: R4000 in cash [approximately US$588; 20.920MZN, ed.].
LDH: Going back to the belt, can you describe it a bit more?
Informant: It was a brown belt. On the front it had the penises and fingers hanged and on the
back it had a pillow with needles.
LDH: Did you ever take it out or were you wearing all the time?
Informant: All the time. Always.
LDH: How long were you using the belt and using this Muti?
Informant: I used it only for one month.
LDH: That time that the Traditional Healer gave you that Muti did you ask what was it?
What was inside?
Informant: No, I was so desperate.
LDH: Can that be because you didnt want to know?
Informant: I was so sick, so sick...that if someone told me to go to the toilet and eat I would do it.
LDH: Where do you think those fingers and penises came from?
Informant: They kill the babies.
While each confession provides a varying insight into issues relating to trafficking body parts,
demonstrates the different methods used to extract body parts and the exact purpose of the
body part, there is one notable thread which links each confession: the belief that body parts,
either worn or consumed directly or after preparation by a Traditional Healers or so-called
witchdoctors in the form of Muti, will increase powers or strength or can help with medical
issues. This deep-rooted belief is confirmed throughout the research.
The role of the Traditional Healer and so-called witchdoctor in issues relating to
trafficking body parts
As previously shown, body parts are actively sought by Traditional Healers and so-called
witchdoctors to use in Muti and for so-called witchcraft and other harmful traditional practices.
Through numerous firsthand eyewitness accounts, it has been demonstrated that detailed
instructions are given to those who acquire the body parts. These instructions include the
specific body parts needed, the age and gender of the person and also precise instructions on
whether the part should be taken while the victim is alive.
Specific body parts are often requested for specific purposes as explained by an informant who
witnessed her uncle mutilated he [offender, ed.] said that a Traditional Healer told him to find
eyes to produce more in the plantation and fishing (MZ2_I_I_15).
Fig. 12
The age of the person to be mutilated is also specified. An informant who confessed to a
mutilation explained I went to meet him and he told me he wanted to work with me on cutting
some parts from a child, indicating the size of one [child, ed.] that was passing by. [...] [name
removed, ed.] said that it could only be a child that age (MZ2_Z_I_26).
Also specific requests have been documented as to whether the victim of the mutilation should
be alive [name removed, ed.] said that we should avoid killing, the body parts have to be
extracted from a living person (MZ2_Z_I_26). The boss was afraid we were going to take the
organs from people that had died a long time ago (MZ2_M_I_33).
Details of how Traditional Healers and so-called witchdoctors use body parts in their treatments
to overcome specific problems have also been obtained. A Traditional Healer in Mozambique
spoke about one such incident Besides asking the Traditional Healer about the causes of
losing his wife to another man, he also asked for a medicine that would bring his wife back. []
As a solution to the problem, [...] he would have to accept to make a great sacrifice, which was
to take care of his mother and remove her genital organ as a coin of exchange for the spirits of
the dead (MZ2_CD_I_8).
An Investigating Officer in South Africa investigating a recent mutilation case confirms she was
advised by other Inyangas [Traditional Healers ed.] to kill her own daughter. If she took the
heart and the blood, she mix with some herbs, the clients will come to her [...] They believe that
the ancestors they need your own blood (SA2_G_I_4).
An informant who confessed to exhuming the body of a newborn baby, extracting the upper and
lower limbs, explained: I wanted to take the organs to Zambia, where there is a Traditional
Healer that would revitalize my powers as a prophet, he was the one who advised me to bring
the limbs of a corpse (MZ2_T_I_1).
Numerous communities have been adversely affected by issues relating to trafficking body
parts. Through interviews it has been established that discovering a mutilated body within a
community has long lasting adverse effects, both on the individual who discovers the body and
the community as a whole.
A female community member who assisted in washing the body of a victim after an attack said
You cant imagine how her body was, my son, it was horrible what I saw with these eyes of
mine that God one day will take [...] it was so bad the women that should wash and prepare the
body for the burial didnt have enough courage to face that reality [...] Look, my son. It is very
hard to describe, but I must confess that her entire genital organ was removed. It was a
holelets stop here, please [...] The head was attached to the body, but her throat had been
slit, like a chicken. Ish. I wont forget that. You know, I wasnt able to sleep for months and
months (MZ2_CD_I_5).
A community member who witnessed the body of a 7-year-old boy, whose tongue and genitalia
had been removed said we went there and saw a thing that horrified us from the toes to the
hair. For almost two weeks I couldnt sleep well because of that situation. (MZ2_CD_I_16)
A Traditional Chief, locally known as a Regulus, witnessed a woman of 30 years who was found
dead with her left breast and genitalia removed, said It was a situation that shocked us all here
in the village [...] It was horrible, because they had removed the left breast and opened a big
hole between the legs removing everything (MZ2_CD_I_15).
In October 2009, a community member witnessed a womans body with her genitalia removed.
He said when we removed the branches and the leaves from the body, we saw that horrible
thing that even today when the images come to me it only makes me want to vomit
A woman who witnessed a 16-year-old boy with his genitals removed said it worries me
because all of us are at risk, we no longer live safely, especially at night. We live in terror in this
village (MZ2_Z_I_5).
The mother of a 13-year-old girl described her daughter when she was found mutilated and the
effect this has had on her Her hands were tied from behind and her internal organs were
removed [...] This has really crushed my spirit [...] I am trying to throw this entire trauma behind
me. Im the shadow of my former self (SA2_EC_I_4).
Some community members who discovered mutilated bodies have suffered traumas, which they
believe, have had a long lasting impact. A female community member describes her experience,
As I was walking I saw a trail of blood and I just thought that they had stolen a lamb from the
nearby farm and slaughtered it. She followed the trail and discovered a mother and 13-month-
old son mutilated. She explained, One breast was missing and the child was lying on the other
breast next to the mother. The mothers ear and nose were removed. [...] Her head was tilted to
the left so it was the right ear. I could not see if the left ear was there or not. Her mouth was cut
off [...] I saw the child lying next to her. He did not have pants on and they were not even on the
scene. His private parts had been removed. [...] he was still alive. His right hand had been cut
off. [...] People usually say that it is the right hand that calls customers to buy. [...] I screamed for
help and fainted [...] I only woke up in the hospital after two days. When my child was born with
short breath and asthma and he spent the first three months of his life in hospital. The doctors
said it was because of the shock I experienced during this incident (SA2_NW_I_2).
The majority of those attacked for their body parts do not survive and die as a result of blood
loss. However, occasionally victims survive these mutilations. The surgeon of one such victim,
who survived a mutilation resulting in the loss of his entire genitalia, said He survived because
he is still young. I would expect that 1 or 2 out of 10 people would survive this type of attack
(MZ2_Ni_I_14, Hospital Central de Maputo).
Interviews contained in this report show that many of those who survive an attack face a lifelong
struggle to deal with their ordeal. Many surviving victims face both physical and psychological
challenges. One victim, aged 14 who suffered an attack which resulted in the complete removal
of his genitalia, said I am just sorry for knowing that I am no longer a man, I dont have organs
[...] I can only feel sorry. These men disgraced me (MZ2_Ni_I_1). In addition to this boys
psychological needs, the boys doctor at the Hospital Central de Maputo explains [name
removed, ed.] will need to get injections of masculine hormones for the rest of his life so he can
develop the male characteristics. Also in order to urinate, a tube needs to be inserted. This
however, is not always a suitable long-term solution as another surgeon at the Hospital
Provincial de Lichinga, treating the same boy explained, Once the wound was clean, it closed
and I operated to put a tube [catheter, ed.] so he could urinate [...] They sent him to Maputo to
treat him, he needs artificial sexual organs so he can urinate, as he is so young he cant just
have a tube, I am not sure if they can do that operation in Mozambique (MZ2_Ni_I_2).
Another victim, a woman aged 53 from South Africa who was brutally attacked by three men
attempting to remove her ears said sometimes I feel a painful headache, most of the time, and I
easily forget. My mind is not stable (SA2_KZN_I_9). The physical after affects of an attack
were also described by a 48-year-old woman who was dragged into a river where her attackers
tried to remove her ears. At this moment, I am feeling great pain for losing a body part [...] Now,
I dont hear well when someone calls or talks to me, they have to be close. Before, I used to
hear people there on the road, but now I dont hear (MZ2_M_I_34).
The psychological effect on victims has been highlighted in a number of interviews. A 39-year
old-woman who is a counsellor by profession was attacked while waiting for a bus. The
perpetrators attempted to remove her breasts, the left breast was severely mutilated, however
the attackers fled as they were interrupted during the attack, she said I was so traumatized by
the incident that I only left my yard on the first of April [5 months after the attack, ed.]
(SA2_EC_I_16). A woman in South Africa who was attacked and her lips partially removed said
I felt very bad because everyone would tease me about my cuts that happened on my mouth
(SA2_KZN_I_9). A 28-year-old man in Mozambique who survived an attack where his complete
genitalia were removed said I cant imagine how my life will be. How I will work and go to the
bathroom [...] My problem is, how will my life be (MZ2_Z_I_15).
Some victims found it challenging to describe their attack and the researcher did not press them
on how this attack might affect them in the future.
The following interview extract with the 9-year-old boy mentioned previously in this report is an
example of where it was decided to only ask details about the attack, rather than the long term
effect of this attack. The victim was only nine years old and was being interviewed only days
after the attack, in hospital
The researcher then spoke to the boys nurse at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre,
Malawi to ask about the longer-term effects. She explained This is going to affect in case of
lack of psychological support or follow up, as well as the education because he does not have
the chance of seeing again. Also, he wont be able to enjoy the satisfaction of intimate needs. It
is not known yet if he will use a catheter forever or not (MZ2_Z_I_29).
Existing policies and programmes to counter trafficking body
If someone is found in possession of a body part in South Africa or Mozambique and there is no
way to trace the body part to a victim, it is difficult, under current legislation, for authorities to
prosecute. There are numerous accounts contained in this research where individuals are
caught in possession of body parts; however the research has not been able to find any
example or account of sentencing relating to possession of body parts when the mutilated body
has not been located. Informants stated on a number of occasions that arrests appear to be
made when people have been found in possession of body parts. The Sangoma [Traditional
Healer, ed.] that lives in our neighbourhood was arrested because the Police found the body
parts in his house (SA_T_I_1). The interviewer was informed that the Sangoma was later
released from jail and is still practicing in the community. It is apparent from a number of
interviews that arrests may have been made and those arrested have been removed from the
scene by Police, often for their own protection. As one informant stated The Community
Members were very angry, they wanted to burn him but the Police came and rescued him
(SA_N_I_2). However, this research has not found any information about charges made against
anyone in possession of a body part when the mutilated body has not been located.
Due to lack of sophisticated investigative methods in this region, such as DNA testing, it is
difficult for Police to establish where a body part has come from. As mentioned, without being
able to trace the body part to a victim, prosecution is difficult. It is apparent from this research
that when body parts are trafficked, they are often transported some distance away from the
mutilated body. This research has found that people caught in possession of body parts are
often not local to the area where they are caught, particularly at the borders. When asked where
the body parts and those who trafficking them came from, a Nun working at the border between
South Africa and Mozambique responded theyre coming from outside [...] not from around
here (MZ_Na_I_2), making it even more difficult to trace a body part back to a body.
This research has been unable to find any existing policies or programmes specifically targeted
towards countering trafficking body parts in Mozambique and South Africa. This is not surprising
as there is no internationally recognised definition of trafficking body parts. However, the
following examines legislation which might be used to assist in countering trafficking body parts.
This research has not found any legislation, programmes or Tissue Act in place to specifically
counter trafficking body parts in Mozambique, with the exception of the programme to reduce
the supply and demand for body parts, recently undertaken by LDH, mentioned below.
If during an investigation an individual, in possession of a body part, is found not to have any
connection to the mutilation or to the extraction of the body part, it appears the individual cannot
be punished by law.
The Penal Code therefore gives the prosecutor some tools that can be used in the absence of
specific legislation, only when a link can be made between the extracted body part and the
mutilated body. Depending on each particular case the following Articles may be used:
247 - Violation of a tomb and lack of respect for the dead;
328 - Captivity;
329 - Physical coercion;
330 - Unlawful imprisonment;
342 to 344 - Violent or fraudulent Abduction of a Minor under seven years old;
347 - Unlawful surrender of children under seven year old;
351 - Qualified homicide;
359 , 360 , 361 , 365 - Physical offences;
366 - Castration;
389 - Concealment of a corpse;
395 - Violent or fraudulent kidnapping.
In the majority of the incidents mentioned in this research, a link has not been made between
the extracted body part and the mutilated body. Therefore, in these cases the Penal Code could
not be used to prosecute those who extracted or used the body parts.
South Africa
According to a retired Senior Police Official, working with SAPS for a number of years on issues
relating to trafficking body parts, there are no specific policies and programmes in place to
counter the trafficking of body parts in South Africa. This is consistent with the findings of this
research. Except for the South African Human Tissue Act 65 of 1983, there appears to be no
legislation in place to control the procurement and use of body parts. The Human Tissue Act
controls the use and forbids the sale of any human tissue, including organs. The Act states that
No tissue, blood or gamete shall be removed from the body of a living person except in
accordance with the prescribed conditions and unless written consent has been granted and
that No person other than a person to whom the Director-General has issued a permit may
import or export any tissue, blood, blood product or gamete, thus condemning any person who
harvests body parts from a person and is in possession of them without permission.
The Act adds that Any tissue, blood, or gamete removed from the body of a living person shall
only be used for medical or dental purposes including; the use of transplanting in the body of
another living person, or the production of a therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylactic substance,
and in the case of blood, the administering to another living person or the production of a blood
product. Therefore, any use of body parts for the purpose of harmful traditional practices may
be forbidden by law. However, there appears to be a loophole as the Act allows the use for
production of therapeutic substance, which could include Muti.
The Act appears to have another loophole when it states that The magistrate of the district [...]
may grant written authority that an institution or a person may remove specific tissue or conduct
a post-mortem examination [...] If a body has not within 24 hours after the death been buried or
claimed for burial the person in charge of the institution concerned, shall direct a notice stating
the prescribed particulars to the inspector of anatomy concerned who then may [...] direct that
the body concerned be handed over to a specific institution, thus hospital authorities may be
granted the right to remove body parts, without consent, from unclaimed bodies for medical use.
Finally, the Act adds that only an authorized institution or importer may receive any payment in
respect of the import, acquisition or supply of any tissue, blood, blood product or gamete for or
to another person [...] These provisions shall not prevent a medical practitioner or dentist from
receiving remuneration for professional services rendered. It appears that this statement allows
some people to receive a payment for body parts.
Although the Human Tissue Act may help in some aspects of controlling trafficking body parts,
the penalties are dated. The Act states that any person who has contravened or failed to comply
with any provision of the Act shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not
exceeding R2.000 [approximately US$294; 10.460MZN, ed.] or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding one year or to both the fine and imprisonment. As this Act is 25 years old and the
maximum fine has not been amended to reflect the effects of inflation, it offers little to deter a
potential trafficker on financial grounds.
A South African Commander commented, afterbirths and [...] the placentas and those kinds of
things that are used in the Muti industry, those are discarded human tissue, and there is no life
to it, the Act [Human Tissues Act, ed.] is very clear in this respect of that, where [...] the charges
that can be brought against him is in possession of human tissue, and not body parts, and
because these are not live body parts that are harvested, these are expelled body parts, like the
placenta, and that kind of thing, so the person gets away with a fine [...] because its not living
tissue. He added that the thing is that legislation is far from reality at the moment [...] I am not
satisfied with the existing legislation, it does not cover the issue of expelled tissue (SA_L_I_2).
This research has not received any reports about discarded tissue such as the placentas being
used for Muti, although a number of reports mention its use.
According to another Senior South African Police Officer, if a person is arrested with body parts
the perpetrator is arrested for unlawful possession of body parts and tempering or interfering
with a dead body not trafficking because it is not an offence (SA_N_I_11).
The overall legal framework in both Mozambique and South Africa is currently not adequate to
counter trafficking body parts. While in South Africa a Tissue Act exists, it was written
specifically for medical and transplant purposes. It does not consider the potential exploitation
and Human Rights abuses connected with trafficking body parts.
LDH has recently undertaken a programme to reduce the supply and demand for body parts in
Mozambique and South Africa. The project aims to work with communities and the Government
to support them in bringing about behaviour change.
Each province in Mozambique and South Africa, which participated in the first phase of research
into the incidence and prevalence of trafficking body parts is currently being revisited by LDH
and their partners, with the intention of reducing the demand for body parts.
Workshops, in which the community has the opportunity to voice any concerns about issues
relating to trafficking body parts are being held. During these workshops community members
are initially given an opportunity to share if issues relating to trafficking body parts are affecting
them. Thus far, every community visited has confirmed that this is an issue which concerns
them. During the workshops they are then asked what action they would take, if they had the
opportunity, to reduce the demand for body parts. So far, every community visited has delivered
a detailed list of suggestions. At the conclusion of the workshop, the facilitator challenges the
community to put these suggestions into practice and offers to work alongside them to offer
support, both financial and organisational. The ideas are designed and implemented by the
community, LDH and their partners simply assist wherever they are able.
Although this programme is in the early stages, the response so far has been outstanding.
Every community visited has shown a desire to bring about change and chosen to work towards
a solution to reduce the demand for body parts.
An important component of the programme to reduce the supply and demand for body parts is
the partnership with AMETRAMO, Mozambiques Traditional Healers Association, who have
been instrumental in their work with their members to stop the use of human body parts in
traditional medicine. Their new code of conduct from 2010 states AMETRAMO forbids the use
of human organs, body parts, tissues and blood for the practice of traditional healing and
treatments for patients or entities. AMETRAMO is committed to exposing so-called
witchdoctors who are using the AMETRAMO name in order to supply clients with treatments
containing body parts.
LDHs programme to reduce the supply and demand for body parts, mentioned above, appears
therefore to be the only programme in place specifically targeted at issues relating to trafficking
body parts.
The community, on occasion, have been instructed to investigate and report back to the Police
themselves. A Community Leader and Regulus (traditional chief) who witnessed a community
member mutilated with her lips and tongue removed said we sent information to communicate
the occurrence to the Police District Command. We stayed there waiting for the Police to arrive
[...] The Command told us to look for clues and after obtaining information or locating the body
we should go and inform them again (MZ2_Z_I_7).
Community members have also found resistance from the authorities when reporting crimes
relating to trafficking body parts. A stall holder working on the South Africa side of the Ressano
Garcia border who witnessed a food container containing male genitalia, said I took that
container and went with it to the Police and he said: close that, close that, let that lady go. And
he let her go and did not want to see what she was taking. I didnt do anything. I gave the
container back to the lady and she said thank you (MZ2_MPR_I_1).
On a number of occasions the authorities have not visited the scene or the family of victims,
many of whom have witnessed the mutilated body of a relative. The father of a 9-year-old boy
who was attacked and had his genitalia removed said no Police showed up, only Liga [LDH,
ed.] came (MZ2_M_I_32). Another informant who witnessed a man with his genital organs,
eyes and tongue removed, when commenting on their request for the Police to visit the scene
said they were instructed to bury the body themselves they didnt come [...] the Police
responded that they were tired (MZ2_Na_I_7).
When the Police have visited the scene, there is on occasion an expectation for the community
to respond, rather than the authorities. An informant who discovered the body of a 12-year-old
girl with her eyes and genitalia removed said the worst was the lack of support from the Police,
they didnt even provide transportation, they only went away with the words go bury
Interview MZ2_Na_I_7 contains three separate firsthand eyewitness incidents.
Police recording and reporting on issues relating to trafficking body parts
The lack of reporting and documenting mutilations in Mozambique has become evident during
this research.
An informant in Mozambique who witnessed the mutilated body of his neighbour, a six-year-old
girl, with her genitalia and liver removed, was asked whether the Police or authorities had visited
the scene, she said No, the Police nor the health people, because the nearest police station
and hospital are more or less 12km away. So we buried the body and only after we told the
Police (MZ2_MPR_I_6). There are numerous examples of instances when the Police have
ordered a body to be buried without any inspection taking place. A Community Leader who
witnessed the body of a 23-year-old male found without his eyes and genitalia, when
commenting on the Police reporting said They didnt do anything. They only asked who did that
and said that we could bury it and we buried it there. (MZ2_I_I_8).
There are a number of interviews throughout this report where it is evident that no report or
autopsy has been completed, this is particularly evident when those discovering a body are
instructed by the Police to bury the body. As mentioned previously, the informant who witnessed
the young girl with eyes and genitalia removed, said They didnt do anything, they were only
there and then told the deceaseds mother to take off her capulana [traditional cloth, ed.] to
cover the body and take it (MZ2_Na_I_7). The sister of a victim who was mutilated also
explains we notified the Police and so far the health department and the Police have not come
here to see the bodies or even to do any investigation ( MZ2_T_I_11).
A family member who discovered his relative, a 14-year-old schoolgirl explained, we found the
body. [...] sorry for saying this, but she was completely rotten. They took her genital organs and
everything [...] Eyes, heart and everything, breasts also [...] They also took her tongue.[...] The
Police station and the local structures gave orders to bury the body. Because there was no way
of moving the body, a grave was dug there and the body was buried there (MZ_Na_GI_1).
The Police in Mozambique acknowledge this lack of reporting. An Investigating Police Officer in
Tete said The body was not examined because there is no medical centre in that area [...] [the
victims widow, ed.] has not yet been questioned [...] due to our lack of means nothing has been
done yet. The Police concede Neither the person that I replaced, nor me or my colleagues of
the station that filed the police report went to the scene, because it was on an island 30km away
from Doa, in the village of Samica and we did not have any means of transport to get there. No
investigation has been carried out yet and the complaint has not been heard (MZ2_T_I_14).
An interview with the Chief of Police, referring to the case of a 10-year-old girl who was
mutilated for her genitalia was asked if he had gone to see the body, No, when they came to
inform me they were already performing the funeral, here there are no conditions to keep the
bodies for a long time. When commenting on whether this is normal practice, he said It is,
because with no conditions to keep the body, to go to the station without means of
transportation it is far, and for this case, the body was found after the third day after the death
they could not wait (MZ2_S_I_4).
Without adequate reporting of mutilations, the authorities are not able to monitor the situation.
As the authorities in Mozambique are regularly not witnessing mutilated bodies and therefore
are not accurately recording which body parts have been removed, it is a challenge for them to
have a clear indication of the scale of this problem. A family member of a victim said the Police
said that we should search for whoever did this, and they left. When asked if the Police
documented or recorded anything, they explained, Nothing, they didnt write (MZ2_Na_I_5).
However, there have been a number of instances where the Police have made reports.
Nevertheless, it is has become evident during this research that in Mozambique the authorities
do not have any form of register for a murder specifically connected to a mutilation, thus, the
authorities have no figures on mutilated bodies or which body parts have been removed. The
Commandant from the first PRM police station in Chimoio, said There is no difference in the
way we register those cases. The same forms of notice are used for normal homicide and for
the mutilation cases.
A senior PRM Police Officer in Quelimane, Zambzia Province confirmed this, we use the
same form because those last cases are not very frequent. The officer was referring to
mutilations and this opinion that these last cases are infrequent is contrary to the findings of
this research. However, as mentioned above, if these mutilations are not specifically recorded, it
would be a challenge for an official to know the frequency of the mutilations.
During a number of interviews, the capacity of the authorities to respond to mutilations has also
been brought into question. A neighbour who witnessed the body of a 27-year-old woman with
her eyes removed, when commenting on the authorities said When they arrived, they asked
some questions about who lived in that house and then they ordered us to take the body to the
district hospital in the car of the neighbour because they said they didnt have transportation
(MZ2_CD_I_25). Another informant, the sister of a male victim who was found in a ditch after a
mutilation where his entire genitalia were removed said the Police has its car broken down, we
just waited for a neighbour that was asked by the Secretary (MZ2_Z_I_14).
In South Africa, the feelings of a number of community members are similar to those in
Mozambique. The father of a 5-year-old boy who witnessed his sons body with both eyes
removed said The Police came but I never heard from them ever since, despite telling them
that there was a guy who had been seen with my son on the day he went missing [...] It hurts
me that they never came back [...] The Police never bothered to keep us up to date regarding
the murder case [...] never heard anything from the Police since then (SA2_EC_I_5).
A mother whose daughter was a victim of mutilation having her nose, eyelids, lips, part of her
ears, two fingers and breasts removed said I tried to call the Police again, seeing as the Police
were not arriving yet. They promised to come, they promised to send the flying squad, and all
those things. I kept on waiting, but to no avail (SA2_G_I_10).
This research contains numerous instances where the community have taken the law into their
own hands and have both judged and punished a suspect. A Traditional Healer, speaking about
a suspect who allegedly killed his mother and removed her genitalia said a group of men from
the village here, grabbed him and started beating him with sticks and kicks (MZ2_CD_I_8).
Another incident was highlighted by a Traditional Healer who was called to an incident as a
representative of AMETRAMO. A suspected witchdoctor was found to have bones and
childrens hands inside pots used by Traditional Healers. After the suspicion that he was an evil
witchdoctor Traditional Healer and also a shepherd, the population did a forced search to
confirm what was previously suspected and then beat him to death (MZ2_G_I_7). The cousin
of a victim who had his genitalia removed, when describing the communitys response to the
suspect said we gathered with him near a tree and because the population was angry they
started beating him. [...] they beat him up on the way back to the Police where he remained
while dying. [...] He died after one week. [...] The Police did not manage to stop the population.
There were a lot of people (MZ2_I_I_16).
A Community Leader in Mozambique appeared to sum up the general feeling when he said, a
person that does that deserves to go straight to hell [...] The Government must punish these
people. I think he who kills should die as well and in front of everyone to call the attention of
those that might also want to follow the same path. (MZ2_CD_I_23).
The mother of a 13-year-old girl in South Africa, who died as a result of her internal organs
being removed, when referring to the perpetrator, said People were shouting that they have
nailed him down. Some came to knock at our door saying we should come and see. I stepped
outside and I saw that [name removed, ed.] was on fire [...] I thank God for all the people who
murdered [name removed, ed.] because this translates to the fact that they shared in my pain
[...] My wish is that if only I had killed him myself (SA2_EC_I_4).
Mozambican newspapers reported on four different occasions. As can be seen in Fig.9,
Mozambique produced a wealth of informants who were prepared to discuss issues relating to
trafficking body parts, almost twice as many as in South Africa. It is therefore worth noting that
in the four newspapers selected, the Mozambican media was responsible for only four out of a
total of 20 reports on issues relating to trafficking body parts. It is hoped that this report will help
to raise awareness on issues relating to trafficking body parts in communities, with
Governments and within the media. The press in both Mozambique and South Africa has an
important role to play in disseminating information on these issues.
Fig. 13
Recommendations for Civil Society and Governments
For programmes to be developed, there firstly needs to be an acknowledgement from both Civil
Society and Governments that regular mutilations occur and that body parts are removed from
victims and trafficked on an ongoing basis in Mozambique and South Africa. It is hoped that this
research report will assist in this transition.
Without an internationally recognised definition for trafficking body parts it will be difficult to
develop programmes. Therefore, it is recommended that State and non-State actors initiate
discussions on a definition. Once a definition has been agreed upon, there will be an opportunity
to lobby for legislation to counter trafficking body parts.
There are no reliable figures of mutilations or trafficking body parts in Mozambique and South
Africa. Deaths and the cause of death appear not to be consistently registered in parts of this
region. As mentioned above, there are numerous examples of mutilated bodies being buried
without any form of inspection or documentation. It is recommended that a system be put in
place to consistently register deaths and cause of death. It is also recommended that the focal
point for information on trafficking body parts, established for this project to monitor and record
reports of trafficking body parts, continues when this research project concludes.
In Mozambique, Police reporting on issues relating to trafficking body parts is sporadic. On the
occasion that authorities complete reports, no distinction is made when the death has been
caused by a mutilation. The authorities in Mozambique have no records relating specifically to
mutilations and are therefore unable to provide accurate data on issues relating to trafficking
body parts. It is recommended that programmes to work with the Police on reporting and
recording information on trafficking body parts are developed and implemented.
Local communities affected by this phenomenon are often reluctant to speak out. The fear and
mystery surrounding trafficking body parts needs to be removed by the community themselves.
As highlighted during this research, once a safe environment is created, open and honest
dialogue follows. There are numerous State and non-State actors who have been willing, under
the right circumstances, to share openly and acknowledge this issue as a problem which needs
immediate attention. It is recommended that this research be used as a springboard for further
discussion leading to action to combat trafficking body parts. Awareness raising programmes
need to be developed and implemented throughout all of Mozambique and South Africa,
especially in rural areas, where this research has found issues relating to trafficking body parts.
The programme to reduce the supply and demand for body parts in Mozambique and South
Africa currently covers approximately half of the provinces in each country. The positive
response by communities to develop and implement activities clearly indicates the need to
expand this programme to all provinces in Mozambique and South Africa where this research
shows trafficking body parts affects the community.
The objective of this research was to create a suitable environment and platform for discussion
with the aim of achieving a better understanding of the incidence and prevalence of trafficking
body parts in Mozambique and South Africa. This has been achieved through 107 workshops
and focus groups, attended by 1,949 individuals from many different sectors of society; both
State and non-State, where the issue of trafficking body parts has been openly discussed.
This research shows that body parts are trafficked on a regular basis in Mozambique and South
Africa. It documents that body parts are taken from victims, often while they are still alive or
directly after they have been murdered. Almost two thirds of the 327 interviews conducted
during this research contain a firsthand eyewitness account of an incident relating directly to
trafficking body parts. This figure exemplifies how widespread and prevalent this situation is.
This project has offered communities the first opportunity to openly discuss issues relating to
trafficking body parts. The findings clearly show how numerous communities in Mozambique
and South Africa have been adversely affected by issues relating to trafficking body parts.
There are 199 firsthand eyewitness incidents contained in this report of bodies being seen
without body parts. Only two of these 199 mutilations involved a body that died of natural
causes. Therefore, 197 cases in the report involve an attack on a live victim with the sole
purpose of removing a body part, blood or tissue. The research therefore draws the conclusion
that on the vast majority of occasions, when body parts have been trafficked, children and
adults have been murdered. It is clear that the body parts mentioned in this report were not
trafficked for transplant purposes. None of the 208 incidents relating to trafficking body parts,
mentioned in this research, could have resulted in a transplant.
Both children and adults are victims of mutilations for the removal of body parts. There is no
evidence that adults are specifically targeted for their body parts, however there are a number
accounts in this research where children have been specifically targeted.
The findings of this research show that it is a commonly held belief in Mozambique and South
Africa that when traditional medicine contains body parts, it is stronger and more powerful.
Trafficking and selling body parts in some areas of Mozambique and South Africa is considered
a common occurrence. Of the 187 informants who expressed an opinion as to why body parts
are removed, 96% believed they were either to be sold or used for activities relating to
witchcraft, Muti or harmful traditional practices.
Muti practices are prevalent in Mozambique and South Africa. It is a deep founded cultural belief
that body parts will make the medicine more effective and that it can solve any problem, ranging
from poverty to health issues. The interviews show that so-called witchdoctors have a firm belief
themselves that human body parts are needed for strong Muti. Witchdoctors, usually through a
third party, actively seek human body parts from live victims. Trafficking body parts is part of a
complex supply and demand business and the business it supplies is Muti.
During the 14-month fieldwork period there has been an average of one mutilation every two
weeks in Mozambique and South Africa where this research has acquired at least one firsthand
account. The vast majority of these mutilations, 89%, were witnessed in Mozambique. However,
75% of body parts seen separate from a body have been seen in South Africa. More than two
thirds were seen on the South African side of the Mozambican/South African border. This gives
a clear indication that body parts are being extracted from victims in Mozambique and trafficked
across the border to South Africa.
The policies and programmes in place to counter trafficking body parts are practically
nonexistent. The limited policies that could be used to counter this activity are out of date and
not generally enforced.
In Mozambique, Police often do not report, document or conduct any follow-up on mutilations.
On the occasion that authorities complete reports, no distinction is made when the death has
been caused by a mutilation, which partly explains why the authorities are unable to provide
accurate data on issues relating to trafficking body parts.
Communities generally feel that the response from the authorities to issues relating to trafficking
body parts is insufficient and not effective. They have, on a number of occasions, taken matters
into their own hands and delivered both the judgement and the punishment to suspects, often
resulting in the death of the suspect.
Victims of mutilations, who have survived an attack, have shared the devastating impact these
attacks have had on their daily lives. Parents who discovered their childrens mutilated bodies,
have shared their outrage at what has become a common occurrence in many communities in
Mozambique and South Africa.
Until there is an internationally recognised definition of trafficking body parts, any attempt to
counter this activity will be impaired and these Human Rights violations will continue unabated.
LDH has recently undertaken a programme to reduce the supply and demand for body parts in
Mozambique and South Africa. The project aims to work with communities and the Government
to support them in bringing about behaviour change. Each province in Mozambique and South
Africa, which participated in the first phase of research into the incidence and prevalence of
trafficking body parts is currently being revisited by LDH and their partners, with the intention of
reducing the demand for body parts. Although this programme is in the early stages, the
response so far has been outstanding. Every community visited has shown a desire to bring
about change and chosen to work towards a solution to reduce the demand for body parts. It is
recommended that this project to reduce the supply and demand for body part in Mozambique
and South Africa be rolled out to all provinces where this research has shown that trafficking
body parts occurs.
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