Please carefully read these operating instructions before use. Do not discard.
The operator shall be liable for any damage caused by installation or operating errors.
The latest version of the operating instructions are available on our homepage.
Supplementary information
These installation instructions are only aimed at
people who are familiar with the Siemens Simatic S7
PLC Programmable Logic Controller.
These instructions describe an example of the
Fig. 1: Please read! implementation of a functional module for an
S7-300. You may need to adapt this for your PLC
Programmable Logic Controller.
Like every software manufacturer, ProMinent cannot
accept liability for the complete functionality of the
software on your PLC Programmable Logic Con
Table of contents
Table of contents
1 Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager................................. 4
1.1 Creating a project.................................................................... 4
1.2 Install GSD file........................................................................ 7
2 Integrating the device and the function block into your own
project............................................................................................ 11
2.1 Add PROFIBUS Master System.......................................... 11
2.2 Connecting the device to the PROFIBUS Master System.. 14
2.3 Copying and linking GammaXBasic function block............... 17
3 Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal.................................. 29
3.1 Installing the GSD file............................................................ 29
3.2 Creating a project.................................................................. 31
3.3 Configure PROFIBUS........................................................... 34
3.4 Incorporating a function block into your own project............. 37
3.5 Enter metering pump function addresses............................. 42
4 Function blocks gamma/ X............................................................ 43
4.1 Introductory information........................................................ 43
4.2 Function block FB100 for basic functionality......................... 44
4.3 Function block FB101 for complete functionality................... 49
4.3.1 Explanations of the operating modes................................. 49
4.3.2 Tables for the addresses.................................................... 52
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
The installation package (such as Delta_S7_function_block or Gamma
Sigma_S7_function_block), with the GSD file (such as prom0B02.gsd)
must have been downloaded from the website. (The
installation package for the respective product is there.)
The installation package must be open on the PC and the GSD must be
copied from the installation package into a folder.
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
1. Follow the path File New Project Wizard... and click with the
The Introduction window will be displayed:
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
7. After a project name has been entered (in this case Pro
fibus_Delta), click the [Finish] button.
The Simatic Manager window will open - see the following
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
4. Use the [Browse] button to select the folder into which you have
copied the GSD file. (In this screenshot the folder "Profibus Delta" is
on drive "E:").
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
5. If the path was correct, the GSD file will be displayed in the window.
In this screenshot, this is the file PROM0B02.gsd for the delta (for
gamma/ L or Sigma it would be the file PROM0596.gsd).
6. Select the file and press the [Install] button.
A warning will be displayed stating that the action cannot be
7. Click [Yes].
If this GSD file is already present, the following message will be
Installation of the GSD file in Step 7 Manager
The next chapter shows how you can integrate the ProMinent device
(pump, measuring transducer, etc.) into your own project.
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
2 Integrating the device and the function block into your own
Please note: This description cannot go into all the
details of PROFIBUS communication.
If necessary attend an appropriate training course.
Fig. 4
2. Double click the Hardware symbol to open the Hardware Configu
Fig. 5
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
3. Add a Master System for the CPU: For example, for CPU
314C-2DP, right click slot X2 DP.
The context menu will open:
Fig. 6
4. Here select Add Master System .
The window PROFIBUS Interface DP will be displayed:
Fig. 7
5. In the Parameters tab under Address enter the PROFIBUS
address of the CPU used.
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
6. Click [New].
The New Subnet PROFIBUS will be displayed:
Fig. 8
7. Under Name enter a name for the subnet of the PROFIBUS and
click [OK].
The window PROFIBUS Interface DP will be displayed again:
Fig. 9
8. (If necessary via Properties special PROFIBUS parameters can
be adjusted.)
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
Fig. 10: Graphic presentation: Connection CPU (Master System) with the subnet of the PROFIBUS in the Hardware
Configurator (excerpt)
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
3. Drag the GMXa file with the mouse to the Master System (A.) -
see the orange arrow in the screenshot below.
A small + will appear as soon as the cursor is on Your name
PROFIBUS DP Master System.
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
Fig. 11: Connection Master System to the gamma/ X via the subnet
(graphic presentation in the Hardware Configurator)
In the lower window area (red box) the individual slots and their
I-addresses and O-addresses (input addresses and output
addresses) are displayed.
6. If necessary, adjust the I-address ranges and O-address ranges. To
do this double-click on the appropriate row.
A window will open.
7. Here, enter the desired, changed address range and click [OK].
8. Save the addresses via the special diskette symbol with 0110 in
the toolbar.
9. Close the Hardware Configurator.
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
2. Follow the path Insert S7 Block 3 Function and click with the
The window Properties - Function will open
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
1. Follow the path File Retrieve ... and click with the mouse.
The window Retrieving - Select an archive will be displayed:
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
2. Here select your folder with the packed ProMinent sample project
GammaXdp, and click [Open].
The window Select destination directory will be displayed.
3. Here select the directory into which the ProMinent sample project
will be unzipped, and click [OK].
First a DOS Window (with black background) will be displayed,
in which the ProMinent sample project will be unzipped. Then
the Retrieve window will be displayed:
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
Fig. 12
5. Select the desired function block and copy it via Edit Copy, for
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
7. Copy the desired function block into your own project via the Edit
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
8. To link the function block into your own function, open the function
by clicking it (here, FC1).
The following window will be displayed:
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
9. Now drag the function block (here FB100) out of the function block
catalogue, left, with the mouse into the network shown above - see
the orange arrow in the screen shot above.
In the window with the networks, a depiction of the function
block is displayed:
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
10. Double-click the red ??? and assign a name for the data block of
this function block (e.g. DB100).
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
Now function block FB100 has the data block DB100 - see 1st
red box.
11. Now the complete addresses must still be entered on the input of
the function block - see 2nd red box. Then go back to the Hardware
Configurator (e.g. via the task bar on the lower edge):
Integrating the device and the function block into your own project.
14. To specify the remaining parameters, use your own operating con
cept for this pump and refer to the tables in chapter "Function block
gamma/ X".
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
The installation package (such as with
the GSD file (such as "gmxa0f4e.gsd") must have been downloaded from
the website. (The installation package for the respec
tive product is there.)
The installation package must be open on the PC and the GSD must be
copied from the installation package into a folder.
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
3. Use the [...] button to select the folder into which you have copied
the GSD file.
4. If the path was correct, the GSD file will be displayed in the window.
The one for the file gmxa0f4e.gsd for the gamma/ X is in this
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
1. Follow the path Project New ... and click with the mouse.
The Create a new project window will be displayed:
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Click [OK].
The next chapter shows how to configure the PROFIBUS in the TIA-Portal.
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
n The project must be open.
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
7. Enter a name and potentially also a number for the function block in
the Call options window and save with [OK].
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
Now the definitive addresses must still be entered on the input of the func
tion block:
Installation of the GSD file in the TIA-Portal
In the depiction shown here, there is a
screenshot on the left side as both windows
are not visible at the same time. Then work on
the right side.
Function blocks gamma/ X
Explanation of the names in the standard In the hardware address I_ADR_Name" and "O_ADR_Name:
function blocks
I_ Input
O_ Output
ADR_ Address
Name Name
In the interface names abName:
a (variants)
i Input
o Output
stat Statistical range of the function
b (variants)
Function blocks gamma/ X
Fig. 17
Function blocks gamma/ X
Fig. 18
The address ranges of the input addresses or output addresses (from the
gamma/ X to the CPU) can be read in the Hardware Configurator under
"gamma" for the corresponding slots:
Function blocks gamma/ X
Function blocks gamma/ X
Fig. 19
Function blocks gamma/ X
Function blocks gamma/ X
The pump does not start up, if:
ixStartStop = 0
Function blocks gamma/ X
Function blocks gamma/ X
n ixBatchContactMemory
n irSetpoint0_100
n irSetpoint_Volume
n ixModeSetpoint
n ixFault_Lock
n oxError
n oxWarningProfibus
Without memory function: ixBatchContactMemory = 0
With the input ixStart_Stop the pump can be switched off at any time.
Recommendation for operation: Set ixStart_Stop on 1 and only on 0 if
The input irSetpoint0_100 or irSetpoint_Volume indicates the metering
speed, depending on the input ixModeSetpoint .
Locking mechanism = manual mode
ixStartStop = 1 & ( ixFault_Lock = 0 or ( ixFault_Lock = 1 &
oxError = 0 & oxWarningProfibus = 0)
If ixModeSetpoint = 0
Capacity =
Maximum capacity * irSetpoint0_100 / 100
The pump does not start up, if the value is "0".
If ixModeSetpoint = 1
Capacity =
The pump does not start up, if the value is "0".
The pumps starts, if:
Positive flank on input ixStartBatch_Or_Contact : Contact quantity =
irContactVolume .
With memory function: ixBatchContactMemory = 1
As "Without memory function: ixBatchContactMemory = 0, but ...
A renewed flank on ixStartBatch_Or_Contact : e
Contact quantity = remaining quantity + irContactVolume .
Function blocks gamma/ X
Fig. 20
Function blocks gamma/ X
Fig. 21
The address ranges of the input addresses or output addresses (from the
gamma/ X to the CPU) can be read in the Hardware Configurator under
delta for the corresponding slots.
Function blocks gamma/ X
Function blocks gamma/ X
Function blocks gamma/ X
Fig. 22
Function blocks gamma/ X
Function blocks gamma/ X
ProMinent GmbH
Im Schuhmachergewann 5-11
69123 Heidelberg, Germany
Telephone: +49 6221 842-0
Fax: +49 6221 842-419
Email: [email protected]
Heidelberg, 2, en_GB