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Philpott 1953 Determination Volatile Fatty

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A common method of assessing deterioration in
natural rubber latex is to determine the total con-
centration of acidic substances by KOH titration.
The method suffers from several disadvantages
both as a test for decomposition and as an index
of processing behaviour. It is now shown that a
substantial proportion of the acids formed in latex
as a result of natural degradation processess can
be distilled in steam and that these volatile acids
consist mainly of acetic with some formic and pro-
pionic acid. It is suggested that a test of spoilage
based on the estimation of these acids would be
free from, the disadvantages that are inherent in
the KOH titration, and a method of determining
quantitatively the volatile acids in latex has been
worked out accordingly.
The want of a chemical method to determine incipient de-
composition in preserved latex has been long felt by pro-
ducers and consumers of latex. A method often used is to
neutralise the ammonia in latex with boric acid or sulphu-
ric acid and to judge the extent of decomposition from
the intensity of putrefactive odours. This method, besides
having limitations common to all subjective tests, is in-
sufficiently sensitive to detect the early stages of putre-
Another way of assessing deterioration in latex is to
determine the 1total concentration of acidic substances by
KOH titration. Though it is widely used in industry, the
method suffers from several disadvantages both as a test
for decomposition and as an index of processing behaviour.
First, acids are estimated which titrate up to pH 11.2, thus
failing to discriminate between stabilising (i.e. soap form-
ing) and destabilising (e.g. formic, acetic) acids. Second,
conjugate acids of bases, basic groups of zwitterions from
amino acids etc are included. Third, it fails with latices to
which soaps or fixed alkalis have been added.
Following up observations made in 1941 by the late
W.S. Davey Esq at the Rubber Research Institute of Ma-
laya we have now shown that a substantial proportion of
the acids formed in latex as a result of natural degradation
processes can be distilled in steam and that these volatile
acids consist mainly of acetic with some formic and pro-
pionic acids. It is considered that a test of spoilage based
on the estimation of these acids would be free from the
disadvantages that are inherent in the KOH titration, and
methods of determining quantitatively the volatile fatty
acids in latex have accordingly been worked out.

The essential steps in the determination are to isolate the
latex serum and to estimate by acidimetric titration the
acids which can be distilled therefrom. Two methods of
preparing the serum are described below together with two
methods of distillation. To isolate the serum a neutral coa-
gulant such as ammonium sulphate is preferred to an acid
because it induces a slow, even coagulation; whereas acid
coagulants may form local clots that hinder the uniform
distribution of coagulant thx'oughout the liquid phase. With
salt coagulation, the yield of serum obtainable from a given
sample of latex is small. It is convenient, therefore, to con-
sider acid coagulation as the appropriate means of isolating
the serum when carrying out the macro scale (constant
volume) distillation procedure (A), and ammonium sul-
phate coagulation as the preferred method for the semi-
micro distillation (B).
Of the two variants of the distillation technique the
first to be described (A) provides a semi-quantitative esti-
mate of the amounts of individual volatile fatty acids pre-
sent in latex, while the second (J9) serves as a rapid method
for the determination of total volatile acids.
This procedure is based on the Duclaux principle 2-8 that
when a dilute solution of volatile substance is distilled at
constant volume the amount of volatile solute passing over
into the distillate is related to the volume of the distillate by
k - 1 In - . . . . . . . . . [1]
v a-x
where a is the amount of solute originally present in the
distillation flask, x is the amount that passes over into
volume v of distillate, and k is a constant characteristic of
the volatile substance. Transposed into exponential form
this equation may be written,
x = qa . . . . . . . . . . [ 2 ]
where g = l~exp ( k v ) .
Experiment has shown that the distillation constant k (and
hence the coefficient q) is not wholly independent of the
dimensions of the apparatus and the conditions of the dis-
tillation; nevertheless consistent and reproducible results
can be obtained if the apparatus is not varied and the pro-
cedure is adequately controlled.
If the volatile acids of latex consisted exclusively of


one individual, say acetic acid, it would be possible to esti-
mate a from equation [2] by simply titrating a given vo-
lume of distillate, having first determined q from a preli-
minary experiment with a known solution of acetic acid.
Distillation and chromatographic evidence show, however,
that in latex we have a mixture of formic, acetic and pro-
pionic acids each of which will distil independently in ac-
cordance with an equation of the form of [2]. Thus if F,
A & P are respectively the amounts of formic, acetic and
propionic acid initially present in the distillation flask the
total amount of mixed acids that will pass over into a dis-
tillate of volume v will have a titre value,
t, = p,F + q,A + r,P . . . . . . [3]
where pt gt rf are the coefficients corresponding to formic,
acetic and propionic acids respectively, and to a distillate
of volume v,.
In equation [3] coefficients pt ?/ r, can be predeter-
mined by separately distilling at constant volume known
solutions of formic, acetic and propionic acids, while p/F,
the amount of formic acid in the distillate, can be found by
any of the specific methods available for the determination
of formic acid. To evaluate the remaining unknowns A & P
we require one more equation and this may be obtained by
collecting and titrating a further volume t)2 of distillate
immediately after the first volume t'/. If p2 92 ^are the co-
efficients, previously determined, corresponding to the com-
bined volume { v j 4- v2) of the two distillates and t2 is the
titre value of the second distillate,
// + *2 ~ P2^ + ?2-4 + t?-P . . . . . [4]
Subtracting [3],
h = (P2 - PiW + (92 - 9/M -f (r2 - r,)P. . . [5]
From equations [3] and [5] it follows that if the solu-
tion being distilled contained only one volatile acid the ratio
of the amounts passing into two successive distillates would
be a function only of the volumes of distillate and of the
distillation characteristics of the acid. Thus the ratio of the
titres of two successive distillates serves to characterise the
substance being distilled from a single component solution
and often provides a useful indication of the main consti-
tuents of a mixture of which the precise composition is not

, 1
Volume of distillate Formic Acetic Propionic

50 ml tin 0.091 0.166 0.292

200 ml t-MO 0.261 0.409 0.495
flOO /tsa 2.87 2.46 i 1.69
To illustrate these relationships TABLE i shows results
that were actually obtained by separately distilling 0.01 N
formic, acetic and propionic acids at constant volume and
determining the quantity of acid that passed over into (&)
the first 50 ml and (6) the next 200 ml of distillate. Clearly
if an unknown mixture of all three acids were distilled in
the same apparatus the titre values of the successive dis-
tillates could be written
tn = 0.091 F -+- 0.166 A + 0.292 P
tm - 0.261 F -J- 0.409 A + 0.495 P
from which A and P could be calculated if formic acid in
the combined distillates, i.e. (0.091 H- 0.261) F, were se-
parately determined.
In passing it should be noted that acetic acid is the pre-
dominating volatile acid constituent of latex (vide infra),
formic and propionic acids being present in only small
amounts. Consequently the error introduced by assuming
volatile acids other than acetic to be wholly absent (F =
P= 0 in equation 3) is always small and often negligible.
For practical purposes a sufficiently close estimate of the
total volatile acids may usually be obtained by multiplying
the acid found in a single volume of distillate by a prede-
termined constant factor.
In the special circumstance where a single volatile acid
is present and two successive distillates each of volume v
are collected and titrated, a simple expression for a the
amount of acid initially in the distillation flask, can be de-
rived from the fundamental equation [1] in terms of the
amounts of acid found in the distillates. Denoting these
amounts by the corresponding titre values t\ and i?it can
be shown that
a = tfft, - t2
an expression which is independent of tho distillation con-
stant of the acid being distilled and of the volume of the
two distillates, provided these are equal.
Although useful for indicating the individual volatile acids
present, as well as for estimating the total amount, the
Duclaux distillation (A) is slow (about iy% hours to distil
250 ml) and the identification of acids from distillation
constants is subject to considerable uncertainty. In the rou-
tine assessment of latex spoilage, for which a knowledge
of the total volatile acid content is usually sufficient, it is
preferable to employ a distillation technique that effects
the total recovery of acids accurately and rapidly. Because
of the moderate volatility of the lower members of the fatty
acids series their complete recovery by distillation is not
easy to accomplish. Experiments with model sera show,
however, that recovery becomes more complete as the scale
of the distillation apparatus is reduced. Excellent results
have in practice been obtained by steam distilling in the
highly efficient Markham still,4 but no doubt other stills
designed for the micro or semimicro determination of am-
monia could also be used successfully.


For the constant volume distillation the apparatus5 consists
of a 400 ml distillation flask connected to a source of steam
and an inclined Liebig condenser which leads to a graduat-
ed receiver. The distillation flask is marked to show the
150 ml level. The rate of steam supply is controlled by heat-
ing water in a 2 1 Pyrex steam generating flask with im-
mersion coils (nickel chrome ca 80 ohm) connected to the
mains supply (230 v) through an adjustable resistance
(0-40 ohm).
Add 150 ml 0.01N formic acid to the distillation flask
and steam distil, keeping the volume constant at 150 ml
and the rate of distillation about 200 ml per hour. Collect
a 50 ml portion of distillate, followed immediately by a
200 ml portion, and titrate each under C02 free conditions
with 0.01 N NaOH (phenolphthalein indicator). From the
respective titres, calculate the fractions of formic acid ori-
ginally in the flask that were carried over into the 50 ml
and 200 ml distillates. Repeat the standardisation with ace-
tic and propionic acids. Tabulate the results of the standar-
disation trial as in TABLE i.
Weigh latex (50 0.5 gm) of known dry rubber and
total solids content in a beaker, dilute with water (10Q ml),
add a mixture of 5 N HaSO4 (20 ml) and 20% phospho-
tungstic acid (5 ml) to precipitate rubber and proteins.
Calculate the total volume V of the aqueous phase from the
d.r.c. of the latex, the specific gravity (1.02) of serum, and
the volume (125 ml) of added water and coagulant. Stand
*or half an hour and transfer the coagulum together with
its serum to a Buchner funnel fitted with filter paper. Col-
lect as much serum as possible by pressing out the coagu-
lum on the filter. Transfer 100 ml of the filtered serum
with 50 ml of water to the distillation flask.
Distil with steam, keeping the volume of liquid in the
flask constant at 150 ml and the rate of distillation about
200 ml per hour. Collect the first 50 ml and the next 200 ml
of distillate separately and titrate with 0.01 N NaOH (phe-
nolphthalein indicator). Reserve the combined neutralised
distillates for the determination of formic aeid. Determine
the blank on 50 ml and 200 ml distillates from 150 ml of
water (acidified with HaSOa) and correct the titre values
for the respective blanks. Call the corrected titre values of
the 50 ml and 200 nil distillates t t and t s respectively (ex-
press titre values as milliequivalents of acid).
Any standard analytical method for formic acid may
be used but the following procediu*e is preferred. To the
combined neutralised distillates (reduced in volume to
about 100 ml by evaporation) add sodium acetatesodium
chloride (10 ml solution containing 50 gm CH 3 COONa.
3H 2 0 and 24 gm NaCl per litre) followed by mercuric
chloride (10 ml 5% solution). If a precipitate of mercurous
chloride forms (indicating the presence of formid acid)
filter with suction through a sintered glass crucible (poro-
sity No. 3). Wash the precipitate first with water and
finally with alcohol. Dry for half an hour at 100 C, cool
and weigh.
1 gm Hg8Cl8 = 0.0975 gm or 2.12 meq formic acid
Using the constants given in TABLE I for purposes of
illustration (the analyst should use the constants obtained
in the standardisation of his own apparatus) we first de-
termine F, the quantity in milliequivalents of formic acid
initially present in the distillation flask, from F = (meq
formic acid found in combined distillates)/0.352. We then
write down equations corresponding to the following, and
solve for A & P:
15o- 0.091 F + 0.166 A + 0.292 P
tm^ 0.261 F -f 0.409 A 4- 0,495 P
Out of the V ml of total water phase associated with
50 gm of latex, 100 ml was placed in the distillation flask.
Hence the quantity of volatile acids in the latex expressed
as milliequivalents of total volatile acids per 100 gm of latex
2yjF^_AJljP) meq/ioo gm latex.

The volatile fatty acids are usually reported as gm

ICOH per 100 gm total solids (VFA No.), in conformity
with the conventional practice of reporting KOH No. in
these terms.
In practice it frequently happens that the ratio of the
two titres (tMO/ISO) is found to approximate to the ratio
that is characteristic of acetic acid (i.e. 2.46 for the parti-
cular distillation conditions of the illustrative experiment
recorded in TABLE i ) ; it may then be sufficiently accurate
to assume that the volatile acid consists exclusively of ace-
tic acid. The determination of formic acid is then omitted
and the total volatile acid, as acetic acid, is calculated from
the combined titres and the predetermined constant (p 250)
for acetic acid (0.575 in the illustration), thus
+ 9250^
This modification in the procedure can be further sim-
plified, if desired, by making the two successive distillates
equal in volume (say 50 ml). A knowledge of the distilla-
tion constant can then be dispensed with, the titre value
of the acid initially present in the flask being given by
*f / 1, t2 where t, and h are respectively the titre values
of the first and second equal distillates.
By sacrificing a certain degree of accuracy the deter-
mination can be speeded by simply titrating the first 50 ml
of distillate and multiplying the titre by a constant factor
(l/Qso) to obtain the titre of the volatile acids originally
present in the flask, assuming them to consist exclusively
of acetic acid. The appropriate factor is found for a parti
cular apparatus and set of conditions by distilling: a known
solution of acetic acid or, better, by deriving it from the
constant volume distillation data of a number of typical la-
tices. Using data from 118 latex concentrates we have found
a value of 6.2 for this factor. This approximate method has
been found useful when a rapid estimate of VFA No. is re-
quired and a 10% uncertainty in the result can be accepted.
The apparatus for the semimicro scale distillation consists
of a Markham still* connected to a source of steam (Figure
1). The still is prepared for a determination by passing
steam through it for at least 0.5 hour.

Manufactured by Messrs W.G. Flaig & Sons Ltd, 39 Waterloo Road,

Cricklewood, London. NW 2

To latex (50 0.5 gm of known d.r.c. and total solids
content add 70% saturated ammonium sulphate solution
(50 ml) in a beaker and swirl while warming over a water
bath until it thickens and coagulates (generally 0.5 to 5
minutes) . Press out serum by kneading the coagulum with a
glass pestle and filter through a dry filter. Pipette 25 ml of
the filtered serum into a dry 50 ml conical flask, acidify with
10 N HsS(M5 ml) and take one-third aliquot (10 ml) of
the acidified serum for the distillation.
With steam passing through the outer jacket of the
distillation apparatus (steam outlet cock A open) introduce
by pipette the acidified serum together with one drop of
silicone anti-foam agent into the inner tube. Place a 100 ml
conical flask under the tip of the condenser to receive the
distillate. Partially close cock A to divert steam into the in-
ner tube. Pass steam gently at first ; then fully close cock A
and adjust the rate of steam entry to give a distillation rate
of 5 to 6 ml per minute. Distil for 10 minutes (i.e. until
about 50 ml of distillate has been collected) and, after
changing the receiver, for a further 5 minutes (as a check
on the completeness of the distillation). Aerate the distil-
lates with CO* free air and titrate with 0.01 N baryta using
brom-thymol blue as indicator.
From the predetermined d.r.c. of the latex and the spe-
cific gravity (1.02) of the native serum the weight of latex
corresponding to the 10 ml of acidified serum taken for the
distillation can be calculated (ca 6 gm for 60% latex con-
centrate) .
If this weight is W, then the volatile fatty acid content
of the latex expressed as gm KOH per 100 gm latex solids
(VFA No.) is given by
ml B
a(OH) X N X 561

where N normality of the baryta solution,

and TS percentage total solids content of the latex,
Two operational details are important. The serum must
be acidified externally (as in the procedure outlined above),
not in the apparatus itself; for if serum containing free
ammonia is added to acid in the distillation vessel the distil-
late is liable to become contaminated with ammonia during
the few seconds required for the serum to mix with the
acid. Secondly the liquid being distilled must be at least
1.5 N in sulphuric acid since ammonium sulphate solutions
of lower acidity have been found to liberate traces of ammo-
nia on being steam distilled in the Markham apparatus. Any
accidental carry over of liquid into the distillate as a result
of foaming or excessive rate of steam input at the start 01
the distillation is revealed by the appearance of a precipi-
tate on titrating with baryta. If such an accident should
occur the condenser tube must be cleaned by steaming to
eliminate residual .traces of mineral acid before the distil
lation is repeated or the next determination begun.
The precision of the method may be judged from the
following estimates of VFA No. which were obtained by
carrying out duplicate distillations on fourteen sera obtain-
ed by coagulating duplicate samples of seven latices:
Coagulation I Coagulation II
Latex Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 1 Dist. 2
A 0.232 0.230 0.190 0.191
B 0.338 0.340 0.348 0.345
C 0.215 0.208 0.188 0.212
D 0.120 0.119 0.124 0.124
E 0.157 0.157 0.157 0.15
F 0.078 0.076 0.078 0.078
G 0.017 0.017 0.020 0.022
A numerical estimate of the error of the determination
is not quoted because it has been found to be markedly de-
pendent on the level of the mean. For VFA Nos. below 0.20,
however, the total standard error of sampling, coagulation
and distillation, expressed as a percentage of the mean, is
of the order of 10%. Since the error variance of the coagu-
lation step exceeds that of the distillation by a factor of
about 10, precision is gained chiefly by replicating at the
coagulation stage. An appropriate procedure for routine
work is to carry out single distillations on sera prepared
from duplicate or triplicate samples of the given latex.


Using the constant volume distillation technique with acid
serum from badly degraded latex the observed titre ratio
(two /t50) after correcting for the presence of formic acid
(determined directly by reduction of mercuric chloride)
was 2.36. This ratio could not be obtained unless an acid
with ratio greater than 2.36 was present and acetic acid
(ratio 2.46) is the only such acid. The data provided no
evidence as to the identity of acids with lower ratio which
might be present but it seemed reasonable to expect acetic
acid to be accompanied by the next acid in the series i.e.
propionic acid (ratio 1.69) and possibly butyric acid (ratio
1.05). As the observed ratio for the unknown mixture did
not differ greatly from that of acetic acid any acids higher
in the series than acetic acid must be present in small
Additional evidence concerning the identity of the acids
was obtained chromatographically. Several litres of degrad-
ed latex serum were steam distilled and the distillate, neut-
ralised with sodium hydroxide, was evaporated to dryness.
The sodium salts of the mixed volatile acids were converted
to the free acids and dissolved in chloroform. The solution
was added to the top of a -column composed of silica gel im-
pregnated with brom-cresol green as cdescribed by ELSDON6.
The column was developed with a l /r solution of butanol
in chloroform. Separation into three bands occurred: the
first band was eluted by \% butanol/chloroform and was
taken to be either propionic or butyric acid. The second
band (believed to be acetic acid) remained at the top of the
column with \% butanol/chloroform but was eluted with
5<# butanol/chloroform. A third band remained at the top
of the column and was taken to be formic acid. A synthetic
mixture of formic, acetic and n-butyric acids which was
run at the same time behaved in the same way as the un-
known except that the first band of the synthetic mixture
(butyric acid) moved more rapidly than the first band of
the latex acids. It was therefore concluded that the latex
volatile acids consisted of a mixture of formic, acetic and
propionic acids and this was subsequently confirmed by
comparison with a prepared mixture of these acids.

Total VFA
Ammonia Age of (gm KOH/ Relative proportion (%)
Latex content latex 100 am
% (days) \ total Formic Acetic Propionic
solids) afid acid acid

H 0.7 7 0.15 11 89 0
I 0.7 ] 26 0.16 , 8 92 0
J 0.2 7 0.83 6 58 36
K | 0.2 7 1.17 6 84 10
L 0.2 26 1.37 11 76 ! 13

Typical values for the relative amounts of individual

volatile acids in latex, estimated from constant volume dis-
tillation data, are shown in TABLE n. Although no great ac-
curacy can be claimed for the percentage figures in the last
three columns it is clear that acetic acid is the main acid
constituent and that formic and propionic acids are usually
present in relatively small amount.


Field observations have shown that volatile acids are not
present in freshly tapped latex; it is therefore of interest
to consider what chemical or biological processes lead to
their formation.
When hevea latex flows from the tree it is invaded by
micro-organisms which find ample nutrients for rapid pro-
liferation in the proteins, lipins, carbohydrates and mineral
salts of the latex serum. Under normal conditions of tap-
ping and collection the pH of the latex falls within a few
hours from about 6.8 to about 5.5 indicating a rapid accu-
mulation of acids. If however latex is withdrawn from the
tree aseptically and stored under rigorously sterile condi-
tions the pH retains its initial value for many weeks7.
Similarly if the freshly drawn latex is treated with a sui-
table bactericide the rate of auto-acidification is much re-
It is clear that whatever may be the precise nature of
the changes that occur in latex after it leaves the tree there
is a rapid formation of acids due largely to the action of
micro-organisms. Bacteriological studies8 have in fact shown
that one organism (for which CORBET proposed the name
Bacillus pandora) predominates in latex, and that this or-
ganism is capable of decomposing latex substances to pro-
duce acids.
The principle substrates whose decomposition leads to
the formation of volatile acids (as distinct from acids of
other classes also found in latex) are believed to be the
carbohydrates present in the serum. The basis of this view
is the experimental observation that the rate of production
of volatile acids is (1) negligible in deammoniated latex
from which serum substances have been removed by multi-
ple creaming, (2) normal in the same latex reinforced with
serum protein, and (3) much enhanced in the same latex
reinforced with whole serum, glucose or quebrachitol.
The volatile acids, once formed, remain wholly associ-
ated with the serum chiefly in the form of ammonium salts;
consequently they can be eliminated by repeated dilution
and re-concentration of the latex. In a typical instance three
creamings eliminated over 95^ of the volatile acids where-
as the total acids (as estimated by KOH No.) were dimi-
nished by only 60%, indicating that the non-volatile acids
include some that are adsorbed at the rubber particle sur-
The sensitivity of the test for indicating latex decomposi-
tion may be illustrated briefly by a typical example; an
inadequately preserved field latex (NH 3 .0.2%) changed
during eight days storage by a factor of 2 for electrical
conductivity, 3 for KOH No. and 30 for VFA No., while

Inadequately preserved Fully preserved with

As/e of with NH, 0.2% NH, 0.7%
latex ]
'VFA N0. KOf{No.Conditcti-VFA No. KOH No. Conduc-
(days) tivity
, gmKGHJlQOgm ffm.KOH/lOOgm
\ solids mho solids mho

I ! 0.02 0.93 0.0056

0.02 0.89 0.0060
5 I 0.39 I 2.10 0.0094 0.02 0.94 0.0067
8 ! 0.58 t 2.93 0.0116 '. 0.02 i 0.96 0.0067

the same latex adequately preserved (NH 3 , 0.7%) showed
little change in these properties (TABLE in).
Four clonal latices (Pil B84, Pil A44, Avros 152, BD 5)
collected on the same day from adjacent plots were found
to accumulate volatile acids at substantially the same rate,
the mean VFA Nos. 2,5,8 and 11 hours after tapping being
respectively 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.11. In each of the four
latices spontaneous coagulation occurred when the VFA No.
had attained the value 0.08 0.01 and the pH was about
5.7. This rapid development of volatile acidity was however
effectively arrested when preservatives were added to the
latex at an early stage. In a typical experiment field pre-
servatives were added either 1 hour or 5 hours after tap-
ping, followed by ammonia (1.0%) at the ninth hour after
tapping. TABLE IV records the VFA Nos. observed 10 and 50
days after the preparation of the latices. The practical im-
plication of these results seems to be that early preserva-:
tion is essential for the production of commercial latex oi
low VFA No.
Average results of four sets of experiments

Preservative added, hours after \ VFA No. of latex after


1 5 9 10 50
4,1.0% ' 0.02 0.03
A, 0.05% A,0.95% 0.03 0.07
.4,0.05% 4,0.95% 0.06 0.09
.4,1.0% 0.06 0.13
F,O.Q5% .4,1.0% 0.04 0.06
F,0.05% .4,1.0% 0.04 0.07
S,0.05% .4,1.0% 0.04 0.05
F,Q.Q5% .4,1.0% 0.05 0.05

A = ammonia F = formaldehyde S = sodium pentachlorphenate


In TABLE v the volatile fatty acid contents of 143 commer-
cial latices of Malayan origin are set out in a group fre-
quency table. Though the sample is not representative of
Malayan production (being biased by the inclusion of an
excessive number of low grade latices) it serves to show
that the range of VFA Nos. that may be encountered m
industrial practice is very wide. Experience so far suggests
TABLE V : that a well preserved commer-
cial concentrate, when received
by the user, should have a VFA
No. not greater than 0.10; values
VFA No, | No. in group much in excess of this figure ge-
0.00 to 0.10 49 nerally indicate an inferior pro-
0.11 to 0.20 55 duct, while VFA Nos. as low as
0.21 to 0.30 33
0,31 to 0.40 6 0.03, which are sometimes en-
countered, are a sign of excep-
Total 143
_______________ tional care in preparation.
It is instructive to observe that the 143 Malayan lati-
ces of TABLE V varied less in KOH No. (that is in total acid
content) than in VFA No. It seems from TABLE vi that this
is because the non-volatile acids (estimated by the diffe-
rence between KOH No. and VFA No.) are relatively in-
variable. This infers that the variability of KOH No. found
among commercial latices is determined more by differences
in volatile acid content than by differences in non-volatiles.
Total Solids 62 2.5%
Standard Coeff of
Property Range Mean deviation variation.

KOH No. %
VFA No. 0.33 1.08 O.ftf 0.15 22.5
0.01 0.40 0.16 0.09 57.7
KOH No. , 0.30 0.69 0.49 0.07 15.1
VFA No.. |
If so it would seem logical to assess the condition of pre-
served latex on the amount of volatile acids present rather
than the estimate of total acids afforded by the KOH No.
The behaviour of ammonia preserved latex in many manu-
facturing processes is well known to be influenced by the
nature and amount of acidic substances present as ammo-
nium salts or soaps. The work of WREN9 showed that the
viscosity changes of zinc oxide compounded latex (i.e. the
stability of latex towards zinc oxide) are largely due to
the presence in the latex of acids in the form of ammo-
nium salts. These salts enable zinc to pass into solution,
and to be adsorbed to the latex particles, thus giving rise
to the thickening commonly experienced. Wren concluded
from his studies that the variability of commercial latex
is due, in part at least, to the presence of acidic subsances,
and may therefore be controlled by preventing the forma-
tion of acids or by their removal. About the same time
BAKER10 drew a distinction between the ether soluble acids
which are fairly constant for a given type of commercial
latex, and the water soluble acids which vary considerably
in amount. He quoted figures which indicated positive cor-
relations between zinc oxide stability and water soluble
acid content of a group of latices. Recently CASSAGNE11
compared the heat coagulating power of a series of zinc
ammonium complexes and showed that zinc ammonium for-
mate and acetate (assumed to be formed in zinc oxide com-
pounded latex containing ammonium formate and acetate)
are particularly strong latex coagulants.
Since Baker's water soluble acids include acetic acid,
the question naturally arises whether the observed large
differences in volatile fatty acid (mainly acetic acid) con-
tent are reflected in the processing behaviour of commer-
cial latex. To this question there is at present no answer
because the determination of volatile acids is not yet com-
mon practice among latex users and the correlation of VFA
No. with technological quality has not been studied. Tests
made on a high grade concentrate ten days after the addi-
tion of ammonium acetate in varying amounts suggest that
ammonium acetate, in concentrations in which it normally
occurs in commercial latex, markedly depresses mechanical
stability (TABLE Vii). Parallel effects are observed in the
stability of latex towards zinc oxide (TABLE vm). There is
thus good reason to expect that volatile fatty acids in latex
will be found to have a technological importance per se in
addition to their importance as a diagnostic index of de-

Ammon. acetate added Mechanical stability time

(equiv. VA No) (sec)

nil I 1650
0.047 1475
O.OP8 1300
0.186 , 1144
0.280 i 906



00% Concentrate
Ammon, acetate aded C0% Concentrate \ -j-
(equiv VFA No.) (sec) i Amman, laurate 0.03%
\ (sec)
nil 118 173
0.047 107 142
0.093 100 133
0.186 83 127
0.280 77 108

Std error ~ 2.0 sec

Stability was measured by a, test in which latex of 55% total solids
and. 0.5 0,05% ammonia content was allowed to stand for 1 hour
in the presence of zinc oxide (1 % by weight calculated on the total
solids content) and then stirred at 14,000 r.p.m. until coagulation,

We are indebted to Mr G.W. Drake for the chromato-
Qraphic identification of the volatile acids isolated from
latex serum; and to Messrs G. Martin and W.G. Wren for
their helpful discussion and criticism.
Chemical Division
Rubber Research Institute of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
January 1953

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