Industrial Ethernet Handbook PDF
Industrial Ethernet Handbook PDF
Industrial Ethernet Handbook PDF
... from the Ofce to the Machine
- world wide -
Band I
Ronald Dietrich
... from the Ofce to the machine
- world wide -
The best connections worldwide because quality
HARTING was founded in 1945 by the family that still retains sole ownership of
the company. HARTING presently employs more than 2 000 people including
150 highly qualied engineers and over 100 sales engineers who take care of the
daily needs of our customers.
Today, HARTING is the leading manufacturer of connectors with 34 subsidiary
companies in Europe, America and Asia.
As the market leader, HARTING offers the advantage of just in time services. It
is therefore no wonder that the company maintains close business relationships
with all of its important customers active in the world market. HARTING is the
market leader in several of its product sectors.
HARTING can draw on many years of extensive experience gained in achieving
high degrees of protection in industrial environments (IP 65 and higher), all of
which has owed into expanding its product portfolio as well as the development
of its family of devices for industrial communication.
HARTING products are manufactured utilizing cutting edge and efcient
productions methods. CAD systems support research and development as well
as tool making activities. We abide by our philosophy of quality, which states that
only fully automatic manufacturing processes can achieve a zero error rate. In
accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001, the organisation and procedures constituting
our quality assurance measures are documented in a quality assurance manual.
HARTING employs approximately 60 members of staff in quality assurance. The
majority of them are highly qualied engineers and technicians who have gained
their qualications through the German Society for Quality (DGQ) or the Swiss
Association for Quality (SAQ).
Ronald Dietrich
... from the Ofce to the Machine
- world wide -
This book was compiled with the technical support of HARTING Electric GmbH &
Co. KG, Dezember 2004.
All rights reserved by HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG, D-32339 Espelkamp.
Author: Ronald Dietrich
Design and Layout: Ronald Dietrich
Translation: Scriptor GmbH, Bielefeld
Print and bookbinding: Printshop Meyer, Osnabrck
Pictures: Company photos
All other illustrations: HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG
All rights are reserved, especially relating to the translation, reprint and the
extraction of illustration, broadcasting, the photo-mechanical or similar repro-
duction and storage in data processing systems. This also applies to partial
utilization. The reproduction of utility names, trade names, product designations
etc. in this documentation does not, even if without special reference, manifest an
assumed right to consider names in the sense of legal status for trademarks and
trademark protection as being freely available to the public.
Important note
As a result of research and standardization technical ndings are subject to
continuous change. The author has exercised meticulous care to ensure that the
information and statements in this documentation correspond with the current
state-of-the-art. However, the user is not exempt from the obligation to check
whether the information in this documentation deviates from the information
contained in the original documentation (especially for standards) and to determine
the utilization of this information under own responsibility.
Dear Reader, this book is intended to introduce you to the subject of Industrial
Ethernet. At the same time, it seeks to demonstrate the possibilities open to you
to full your requirements for the industrial use of Ethernet by utilizing HARTING
components. Following a short summary on the subject of eldbus technology,
we will describe the particular demands placed on Industrial Ethernet and how
HARTING provides the appropriate solutions.
It is not the intention, nor can this book cover all questions relating to the subjects
eldbus technology and Industrial Ethernet. For more detailed information on
these subjects, please refer to the corresponding recommen-dations contained in
the Further reading list at the end of this book.
The standards and guidelines contained in this book were valid in 2004. Dear
Reader, if by reading this book you should feel encouraged to take a more in-
depth look at the subject of Industrial Ethernet or even put the knowledge
gained into practise, you are duty-bound to ensure that you are aware of the
latest information concerning prevailing law as well as the latest standards and
guidelines. This book is intended to be an introduction to the subject of Industrial
Ethernet. It was not written with the intention of providing a detailed description
of standards and guidelines. Descriptions of individual devices and components
contain no detailed reference to proprietary or patent rights.
Further information about HARTING devices and components described in this
book are contained in the relevant catalogues and technical manuals. The sources
where they can be drawn are contained at the end of this book.
Preface .....................................................................................................7
2 Industrial Ethernet............................................................................25
2.1 What is Ethernet? ............................................................................... 25
2.2 Classic Shared Ethernet ................................................................... 26
Ethernet and the ISO/OSI Reference Model ................................ 26
The Ethernet address ................................................................... 28
Standard Ethernet Frame ............................................................. 29
Communication via Shared Ethernet ........................................... 30
Broadcast telegrams .................................................................... 31
Network Access Method CSMA/CD ............................................. 33
Different approaches to improving performance .......................... 35
Fast Ethernet ................................................................................ 35
Gigabit Ethernet ........................................................................... 36
10 Gigabit Ethernet ...................................................................... 38
Ethernet with switching (Switched Ethernet) ................................ 39
2.3 Industrial Ethernet Network ................................................................ 40
Why Ethernet for industry? ........................................................... 40
Fields of applications for Industrial Ethernet ................................ 43
General requirements placed on Industrial Ethernet networks .... 45
User organisations and protocol variants ..................................... 49
Glossary ..........................................................................................123
Index ..........................................................................................161
1 General Information about Fieldbus Technology 13
In the past, an alternative was sought to purely being able to enter and read data
and signals directly at the machine or system; instead engineers also wanted to
be able to provide data inputs and outputs as well as signal and status indicators
to a remote control room. The rst step in this direction was to connect the control
room with each point at which measurements were taken at the machine.
As the possibilities for displaying and operating grew, so did the demands
and requirements. Simply displaying status information became insufcient; it
should also be possible to perform process control tasks from the control room.
However, control of machines and systems as well as the detection of various
statuses and measurement values requires the transmission of an enormous
amount of data and signals. Each sensor and every measurement point was
still being conventionally wired with various amounts of individual wires to a
switching cabinet or central evaluating unit via marshalling cabinets. That meant
that as well as the huge amount of cables and wires that sometimes needed to
be routed across large distances, high standards were required with regard to the
creation and adherence to wiring plans as well as the installation of the cables
and wires. Nevertheless, the danger of wiring mistakes remained extremely high.
Troubleshooting often proved to be quite difcult, because the errors on the
individual wires could occur anywhere along the fairly long distances between
the point of detection and the central switchgear cabinet. A further big handicap
became apparent when alterations to the wiring were made necessary, for
instance, when functions became superuous or additional signals were required.
10 Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet
Ethernet Fast Ethernet
CAN / CANopen
Figure 1-3 Overview of transmission rates for various classic eldbus systems and
Industrial Ethernet
Based on the amount and number of the required components, the information
to be transmitted within the different levels of a system can be portrayed in the
form of a pyramid:
Management level
Plant or factory Computer;
CAD / CAM Factory bus /
Office Network
Process Master Computer,
Amount of Number of
control PCS
data Components
Bus systems provide the means for communication both within and between the
different individual levels. That said, the following applies: the higher the level is,
the slower the rate of transmission, but the greater the amount of data that can
be transmitted.
Standard Ethernet is used mainly for communication between the higher levels
(from the management level to the system or cell level).
Bus systems used within and between the sensor/actuator level, the control
level and the system/cell level are the classic eldbus systems (PROFIBUS,
AS-Interface, CAN, DeviceNet ...) and increasingly in the recent past, Industrial
This is the lowest level, where sensors and actuators are used to control production
and manufacturing processes. Process-related data is for example:
Analogue signals:
Liquid level, pressure, temperature, ow rate, rotational speeds,
Digital signals:
End positions, control states,
This data is read-in at the eld level and then processed. In addition to the normal
process data, safety- and quality-relevant data is also read-in, processed and
transmitted. This includes alarm values, run times, analysis values and so forth.
Data exchange takes place predominantly between different levels, and only
seldom between the devices within the same level. For example, setpoint values
are transmitted from, and actual measured values are transmitted to a higher-
level controller. However, although this controller can be located in the eld level,
it is generally assigned to the next level higher up the control or process level.
This level is responsible for the monitoring, control and regulation of several
processes. The tasks covered by this level include:
Collecting, conditioning and processing the data received from the assigned
controllers and regulators in the control level.
Administering several control and regulating modules
Carrying out higher-level automation and control tasks
Routing certain data to the process control level
Central point for visualisation of selected data.
Typical devices for this level are, for example, programmable logic controllers
(PLC) and PCs.
Data exchange takes place both between and within the levels. For example,
setpoint values can be transmitted from a higher-level management system to the
lower-level PLCs and the evaluation results transmitted back to the management
level. This data can equally be transmitted between the individual stations within
this level.
1 General Information about Fieldbus Technology 19
These two levels serve predominantly to control larger systems or factory operating
areas as well as higher-level planning and control of the entire production.
Standard Ethernet is generally the bus system used.
These two levels are of less relevance as far as classic eldbus systems are
concerned. Gateways operating as converters between the classic eldbus
systems and Standard Ethernet are normally utilized to enable communication
between the lower levels and these two higher levels.
When contemplating Industrial Ethernet, these two levels are of interest to the
extent that data exchange can take place through to the eld level using Standard
Ethernet / Industrial Ethernet..
The Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (abbrev. OSI Model, also
often referred to as the ISO/OSI Reference Model) came into being in 1983
based on the experienced gained from using and developing Ethernet TCP/IP as
a standard for ofce communication.
This reference model provides an extremely abstract description of the OSI
environment. At least two open systems make up the OSI environment, these
being connected to one another by means of a physical medium for the exchange
of data. Having said that, each of these systems is an autonomous entity that can
independently process and transmit data.
According to OSI specications, data exchange takes place in an open system
in accordance with formal rules of communication, which were developed in
accordance with the ISO/OSI Reference Model.
In order to be able to use the ISO/OSI Reference Model on a system, the system
needs to be divided up into two categories.
For using the ISO/OSI-Reference model on a system this system has to be
splitted into two parts:
In data processing to perform a certain task
In the communication system solely responsible for the transfer of data.
The rules applied to the system of communication are called protocols. These
rules require the exchange of data between the individual stations participating
in this communication by means of messages that can be subdivided into four
different types:
The ISO/OSI Reference Model is divided up into 7 layers. Each layer contains
at least one instance specifying particular network functions. This instance can
be compared with an independently functioning software module that carries out
special tasks with the assistance of neighbouring instances.
Application Program
7. Application Layer
6. Presentation Layer
4. Transport Layer
3. Network Layer
application-oriented layers
transport-oriented layers
The tasks and functions are assigned to the individual layers as follows:
Layer 1 (bit transmission layer) manages the physical medium for transmitting the
individual bits of the telegram messages. This includes dening the transmitting
medium (electrical cable, bre-optics), connector assignment, type of modulation,
transmission rate, and signal level as well as further physical parameters such as
the length of cable and similar.
Layer 2 is responsible for the bus access procedure as well as the fail-safe
transmission of blocks of data from the transmitter to a receiver (unicast) or
several receivers within a group (multicast) or to all receivers (broadcast).
1 General Information about Fieldbus Technology 21
Layer 3 supports the search and use of suitable transmission routes between the
transmitter and receiver through the network, possibly via a communication PC.
Layer 6 is responsible for character coding and conversion of data, monitor and
le formats into a suitably readable format for the corresponding computer.
Layer 7 provides interactive services (for example writing and reading) for other
network Stations. In doing so, it provides an interface to the user programmes in
PLC, PC and control systems.
Layers 1 to 4 are responsible for the transmission of data between the stations
within the network. Layers 5 to 7 coordinate the interaction between the bus
system and the user program of the computer in the respective station.
The structure of the layers applies only to the internal sequence of communication.
It has nothing to do with the control levels of automation engineering.
Generally speaking, only the layers 1, 2 and 7 need be considered for the purpose
of industrial communication by means of eldbus systems. In order to increase
the efciency of the respective protocols and achieve faster transmission speeds,
these layers are reduced even further in some individual eldbus systems (for
example, PROFIBUS-DP or AS-Interface).
The following image depicts a typical route taken by a message from the
transmitter to the receiver utilising a eldbus:
Transmitter Receiver
supported layers
non-supported layers
Figure 1-6 Example of message transmission utilising a eldbus in accordance with the
ISO/OSI Reference Model
Time Division
Certain stations, known as the masters, are each permitted to transmit (token
holders) for a dened period. Once this dened time has elapsed the token
providing the necessary authority to transmit is passed on to the next master,
which in turn becomes the active master. A logical ring is built up between the
masters so that this process can be applied independently of the network topology.
This process is known as Token Passing.
Typical eldbus systems that function according to this principle include, amongst
others, PROFIBUS and its variants.
Bus access is not granted according to a rigid predened plan. That means that all
stations have the same rights and are always ready to receive messages. Where
necessary, they can begin to transmit messages when the bus is not occupied.
The access procedure used is called CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access).
The advantage of this access procedure is the possibility of event-controlled
Typical eldbus systems that function according to this principle are:
CANopen / DeviceNet (CSMA/CA)
Industrial Ethernet (CSMA/CD)
Line topology
Several stations are connected to a bus trunk cable by means of a stub line. Tree
topology is an extended form of the line topology. The maximum length of such a
cable is restricted by its electrical characteristics.
AS-interface is one of the typical eldbus systems that make use of a line
Ring topology
Both ends of the trunk cable forming the bus system are connected to each other.
That is the reason why no line termination is required. The individual stations form
a ring conguration. For data exchange purposes, separate data telegrams from
each station as well as accumulated frame telegrams are used in the transmission
of master information. The accumulated frame telegrams contain data for all of
the stations. Each station receives the data addressed to him, and attaches its
own data to this telegram at a time determined by the master.
INTERBUS is a typical eldbus system that makes use of a ring topology.
It has of course not been possible with these descriptions to cover the entire subject
of Fieldbus Technology in great depth. That would go far beyond the scope of
this chapter. After all, numerous books have already been published about the
individual types of eldbus, describing the corresponding basic information and
technical possibilities. Further information is not only available in specialized
literature but also in the appropriate guidelines and standards, which have been
and will be published on this subject, as well as over the Internet. In that respect,
it is particularly worth mentioning the individual user organisations, for example,
PROFIBUS, CAN, DeviceNet, INTERBUS, and IAONA. Some addresses are
listed in the Appendix.
2 Industrial Ethernet 25
2 Industrial Ethernet
Ethernet is a relatively old standard originally developed by Xerox in 1975 for the
serial transmission of data.
Ethernet is based on a concept by Dr Robert Metcalfe dating from 1973 describing
the transfer of data between several networked stations connect by a coaxial
The rst attempts at transferring data between network stations able to act
independently of one another were co-ordinated at an early stage by the IEEE
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). The Ethernet was standardised
in the IEEE 802 in the 1980s, since when it has been extended many times. The
classic Ethernet was specied for a data transmission rate of 10 Mbit/s over
a maximum distance of 2500 m (divided up into 5 segments of 500 m) and a
maximum of 1024 network stations.
Since the 1990s, Ethernet has undergone a series of further developments in the
following areas:
Transmission media
Fibre optics
Wireless technology
Data transmission rates
Fast Ethernet 100 Mbit/s (1995)
Gigabit Ethernet 1 Gbit/s (1999)
10 Gigabit Ethernet (at the planning stage)
Network topologies
Switched Ethernet
Industrial Ethernet
Increasingly gaining in importance in the eld of industrial automation, Ethernet
today is the most prevalent base technology used in commercial EDP systems
around the globe. The Ethernet protocol is embedded almost in full onboard
inexpensive controller chips, so, together with wide distribution (or probably
because of it) and the associated availability, Ethernet represents an economic
solution for the construction of network connections.
Today, there is hardly an alternative to Ethernet, especially when fast transmissions
of large amounts of data are required.
Utilising Ethernet in both ofce and industrial environments achieves a
homogeneous and standardised infrastructure for communication extending
smoothly from the ofce to the machine.
New milestones in the utilisation of Ethernet are being set with the arrival of
new technologies for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet as well as the
introduction of bre-optics and wireless technology. It is precisely these new
features that are providing the springboard for the growing use of Ethernet in
10 Gigabit Ethernet
10 000 Mbit/s
Gigabit Ethernet
1 000 Mbit/s
Fast Ethernet
100 Mbit/s
10 Mbit/s
Specied in the standard IEEE 802.1 to 802.3, Ethernet performs services provided
by layers 1 and 2 of the ISO/OSI Reference Model. All incoming telegrams are
ltered in layer 2, which basically means only the right telegrams are passed
onto the higher layers.
The transmission protocol is implemented in layer 3. The best-known protocol in
conjunction with Ethernet is the Internet Protocol IP.
The transmission protocols are contained in layer 4. Ethernet is often used in
conjunction with TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram
2 Industrial Ethernet 27
Higher-level tasks are achieved through various application protocols (FTP
or SNMP) as well as by utilising special purpose protocols (for example, for
automation). However, automation protocols can also be used to either extend
the layers 3 or 4 or both, or even replace them entirely.
7. Application Layer
3. Network Layer IP
application-oriented layers
transport-oriented layers
Layer 1
Layer 2
As well as allocating access rights to the physical medium, this layer is concerned
with the fail-safe transfer of blocks of data bits between two directly linked network
stations. Access to the physical medium itself is regulated by CSMA/CD (Carrier
Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection) specications in accordance with
IEEE 802.3; please refer to the section Network Access Method CSMA/CD in
this chapter.
Layer 3
Layer 3 implements the protocol responsible for managing the network layer of
the ISO/OSI Reference Models. In the main, this Internet protocol is tasked with
providing solutions for the following:
Regulating problems of routing throughout the network
Generating associated with virtual connections via a physical medium
Introducing measures for network coupling
The Internet Protocol IP is the most widely known protocol throughout the Ethernet
Layer 4
This level controls the error-free ow of data in the correct sequence between the
communicating network stations. Ethernet is often utilized with TCP (Transmission
Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
TCP is a connection-based protocol responsible for the error-free transmission of
data; it is mostly utilized for transferring large amounts of data.
UDP is a connectionless protocol particularly suitable for fast, cyclic data trafc.
Transmissions using UDP protocols are generally faster, however errors are not
Layers 5 to 7
The higher-level layers 5 to 7 specify the application protocols that allow the data
being transmitted to be interpreted. There is already a wide spectrum of specied
application protocols available for ofce applications (for example, FTP, http and
For industrial communications, there are presently various protocols in use that
are incompatible with one another (please refer to the section The Industrial
Ethernet Network in this chapter).
As is the case with all mechanisms for transmissions between stations on a (local)
network, each station on an Ethernet network requires a unique, assignable
address. In the case of Ethernet, this station address is often called the MAC
address (Medium Access Control address). Generally stored in a non-volatile
memory, the MAC address is assigned to the physical network interface of the
station by the manufacturer.
The Ethernet address always comprises six bytes, which are split up into two
groups of three bytes respectively.
The rst group contains the address type (bits D47 and D46) as well as the
vendor ID. The IEEE manages these IDs centrally, to guarantee that each
Ethernet address remains unique all over the world.
2 Industrial Ethernet 29
The second group contains a sequential serial number for the network
D47 D46 D45 ... D24 D23 ... D00
Group 1 Group 2
The signicance of the bits D46 and D47 depends upon the address type
(destination or source address):
If the bit D46 is set to 1, private networks without public access can be
implemented using random address assignment. The IEEE does not co-ordinate
the addresses of these networks. That means it is the vendors responsibility to
ensure unambiguous address administration.
The preamble block comprises 7 bytes for the actual preamble and 1 byte as
starting frame delimiter. The start byte indicates to the receiver that the actual
information part of the frame is about to begin.
The subsequent bytes contain the destination and source addresses. Additionally,
the destination address is evaluated in the address lter of the Ethernet controller.
Only frames containing the correct destination address are forwarded to the actual
communication software.
Thus, each frame consists of 26 protocol bytes and between 46 and 1500 bytes
of user data. A minimum of 46 bytes of user data achieves a frame length that
can guarantee a faultless resolution of collision conditions. If less than 46 bytes
of user data are available, the Ethernet controller automatically compensates for
missing bytes by adding so-called padding bytes to bring the frame up to this
minimum size.
Whereas the protocol bytes correspond to dened patterns, the user bytes are
not subjected to any restrictions. The only condition user bytes are subjected to is
that they must be complete bytes (multiples of 8 bits).
Ethernet Hub
Transmitting to station C
Broadcast telegrams
Broadcast telegrams are Ethernet telegrams that are received by all stations on
an Ethernet network.
Ethernet stations recognise a broadcast telegram by the fact that all bits of the
destination address are set to 1.
Ethernet Hub
Broadcast telegram
In gure 2-7, station B transmits a broadcast telegram that is heard and accepted
by all stations.
The so-called jam signal is one example of a broadcast telegram transmitted
by a station when it recognises a collision (please refer to the section Network
Access Method CSMA/CD in this chapter).
Multicast telegrams
In gure 2-8, the station B transmits a multicast telegram to all other stations
belonging to group 1. Stations A and D belong to this group.
All other stations ignore this telegram.
In a classic Ethernet network, often called Shared Ethernet, all stations on the
network share a so-called collision domain. All networked stations have the same
rights. Thus, each station can attempt to transmit data at any time.
The control of Ethernet network access is regulated by the CSMA/CD method
(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection).
Using Carrier Sense logic, network components wishing to transmit data rst
check if the network is free. If it is, transmissions can begin. Collision Detection
checks are made at the same time to ascertain if other components have also
began to transmit. If that is the case, a collision will occur. If a transmitting station
recognises a collision, it curtails transmissions and transmits a so-called jam
signal. Consisting of 4 to 6 bytes with the address FF (all bits belonging to this
signal are set to 1) this signal is transmitted as a broadcast telegram, which
means it will be heard by all other network stations. As a result, all participating
network stations stop transmitting and wait a randomly determined time before
resuming transmissions.
The ow chart below offers a schematic outline of the data transmission
wants to transmit
Listening Waiting in
to the network accordance with
back-off strategy
free ?
Yes Transmit
Collision ? Jam signal
Data transmitted
station n
station 1
time in s
0 25,6 s * 51,2 s **
Fast Ethernet
Fast Ethernet to IEEE 802.3 is not a new standard, but a further development of
the classic Shared Ethernet with the following new features:
Data transmission rate: 100 Mbit/s
Operating mode: Full or Half duplex
Flow Control
These features form the basis for industry-standard Ethernet networks.
Compatibility with classic Ethernet is guaranteed by Auto-negotiation as dened
in IEEE 802.3.
Under the Auto-negotiation protocol, the two respective stations making contact
exchange data packets to check their respective technical characteristics and
determine an optimum operating mode.
The parameters include:
Data transmission rate (10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit/s)
Full / Half duplex
Support of ow control
Flow Control
Flow control provides the possibility of slowing down the ow of data by temporarily
stopping it. This option is always required when a station is threatened with
storage overow. The ow control mechanism for 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbit/s is dened
in IEEE 802.3z.
For the connection, Full duplex (FDX) means the possibility of transmitting and
receiving simultaneously. Both transmission lines are physically and logically
separate from one another. That not only requires special media for transmissions
(for example, a copper wire respectively for each direction), but also suitable
transceivers and software drivers at both ends.
Thus, theoretically, Full duplex operation doubles the bandwidth to 200 Mbit/s.
Full duplex is particularly advantageous when used between switches and stations
or between several switches. Because no collisions can occur, CSMA/CD is not
Gigabit Ethernet
Operating modes
Gigabit Ethernet can operate in both Half duplex and Full duplex modes. Whereas
Full duplex operation is largely identical with that of Ethernet / Fast Ethernet, Half
duplex operation is problematical:
If the 51.2-s collision window (please refer to section Network Access Method
CSMA/CD) for Ethernet is shorted by a factor of 100 or 5.12 s in the case of
Fast Ethernet is shortened by a factor of 10, then this collision window will amount
to just 0.512 s. As this is double the maximum signal propagation time between
two nodes on the common transmission medium, this collision window would
allow the use of only very short lengths of cables (approx. 10 to 20 m), which
would be completely unacceptable for practical use.
That is why the collision window for Gigabit Ethernet was xed at 4096 bits
(euqivalent to 512 bytes or 4.1 s). A trick was employed to guarantee this x
without making changes to the data frame format: the Carrier Extension.
Carrier Extension
With a minimum of 512 bytes (19 protocol bytes and at least 493 data bytes,
Gigabit Ethernet frames full the 4.1-s time condition for the collision window
stated above; the 7 bytes for the preamble are ignored). Gigabit Ethernet frames
with less than 493 bytes of data (46 to 492) are padded out with a Carrier Extension
(see graphic below). The Ethernet frame itself remains unaltered, so that there is
no difference as far as the communications software is concerned.
Figure 2-12 Carrier Extension for a short Gigabit Ethernet frame (data eld < 493 bytes)
Frame Bursting
10 Gigabit Ethernet
Network size
In theory, there is no limit to the possible size of a Switched Ethernet network. The
maximum cable length of a point-to-point connection is determined only by the
physical transmission properties, which according to specications is 100 m.
In practice, the actual possible length of the cable is determined by the types of
connectors and lines used.
Response times
Switched Ethernet eliminates all uncertainties with regard to time arising from
the collision resolution algorithm (CSMA/CD) used by Ethernet. Correctly
dimensioned, Switched Ethernet can be operated as a deterministic system,
meaning, its response times can be predicted. In this case, it must be guaranteed
that the switches operate within their deterministic range under all operating
conditions through correct selection of switches and appropriate dimensioning
of the network.
Making use of Ethernet, right down to the lower levels of the automation pyramid,
will (to a large extent) sweep away these weaknesses in communication. The aim is
to use just one common bus protocol with uniform data formats. Using components
based on Ethernet reduces the complexity of installation, maintenance and repair
tasks, which in turn lowers the costs for connecting machines and systems to the
eldbus communication. And we should not forget that there is a great deal of
potential for savings to be gained by using proven, standardized components, for
example, RJ45 connectors as well as passive and active devices.
Neither should we forget to mention the fact that in the age of industrial Ethernet
there are also various Ethernet standards and variants of protocols being used for
fast communication on the lower levels that demonstrate little or no compatibility
with one another. That on the one hand can be attributed in part to diverging
demands (required of real-time capability for example) and on the other hand
to the fact that none of these variants has (yet) managed to assert itself as the
standard. The section User Organisations and Protocol Variants contains more
on this subject later in this chapter.
It goes without saying that the Ethernet only having been used in ofce
environments will initially have to be adapted to suit industrial requirements, which
are imperative for communication purposes in the lower levels. As well as the
restriction or elimination of collision domains, these include real-time capability
and Full duplex operation.
The unbeatable advantage gained from utilizing Industrial Ethernet as an
integrated communication system is to be found in the use of a millionfold tried-
and-trusted uniform protocol in the form of Ethernet with TCP/IP from the
ofce environment through to the machine / sensor. The use of this Ethernet
standard means that today it is already possible to achieve economic applications
for use in industry based on standard solutions. Work continues on unresolved
questions and demands with regard to real-time capability, speed and reliability
(as in freedom from collisions) and other characteristics necessary in industrial
environments. Solutions will be found for these in the near future.
A further big advantage of Industrial Ethernet is its transmission speed: data
transmission rates between 10 and 1000 Mbit/s are available with Industrial
Ethernet compared to just a few Kbit/s through to a maximum of 12 Mbit/s offered
by conventional eldbus systems.
2 Industrial Ethernet 43
In summary, it can be said that in comparison with conventional eldbus systems
Industrial Ethernet offers the following advantages:
Ethernet is an open standard in use across the globe, which means, simple
interaction between the devices and components from various vendors is
Ethernet is open and transparent. Different protocols can be utilized simultane-
ously in the same network.
Data transmission rates from 10 Mbit/s through to 1000 Mbit/s are possible.
Conventional eldbus systems have already been in use over a long period of
time. New installations are planned encompassing progressive and universal
However, despite the euphoria surrounding Industrial Ethernet, it should not be
forgotten that the big conventional eldbus systems (for example, PROFIBUS,
CANopen, INTERBUS, ARCOS) represent more than 80 % of all the presently
installed bus systems. Consequently, Industrial Ethernet will have to demonstrate
over the next few years that it can supplement and replace the conventional
eldbus systems.
Figure 2-17 Wind turbines high demands on EMC and mechanical stability
Nowadays, the question is no longer asked if Ethernet suitable for use in industry.
Owing to the technological advancements in Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet,
in switching and Full duplex transmissions, the classic Ethernet has become
suitable for use in industry and is becoming increasingly interesting for vendors.
It would be more accurate to say that the question about the proper protocol has
become more a question of what you believe.
There are presently many different approaches towards application protocols, all
of which are founded in various basic principles and are not compatible with each
other. In order to at least co-ordinate the activities of these individual companies
and organisations, the umbrella organisation IAONA (Industrial Automation Open
Network Alliance) was founded. In co-operation with the various interested parties,
this umbrella organisation for industrial communication via Ethernet is dedicated
to working towards minimising the differences between the individual approaches
to solutions. The rst result was the publication of a guideline for industrial cabling
of Ethernet: the Industrial Ethernet Planning and Installation Guide, which is now
available in its fourth version.
The IANOA works in close co-operation with the following partner organisations:
EPSG (ETHERNET PowerLink Standardization Group) for ETHERNET
ETG (EtherCAT Technology Group) for EtherCAT
IGS (Interest Group Sercos Interface) for Sercos III
Modbus-IDA (Modbus Interface for Distributed Automation) for Modbus/TCP
ODVA (Open DeviceNets Vendor Association) for EtherNet/IP
The user is spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting different protocol variants
for use in industrial applications. As Ethernet has only recently been deployed in
industrial automation, none of these various protocols has been able to become
established as the standard. Which of the protocols the users will put their faith in
will become apparent in the near future.
The following overview does not offer an evaluation and does not purport to be
complete or comprehensive.
Further details about the individual protocol variants are available from the
corresponding websites. The Appendix contains an overview of the protocol
variants and the corresponding websites.
EtherNet/IP combines and supplements TCP/IP and UDP/IP /IP to allow industrial
applications to communicate; it was presented by the ODVA (Open DeviceNet
Vendor Association) at the end of 2000. The abbreviation IP in EtherNet/IP stands
for Industrial Protocol.
Built on Ethernet TCP (UDP)/IP, EtherNet/IP is essentially a ported version of
CIP (Control and Information Protocol) already in use in both ControlNet and
DeviceNet. Secured data transmission for acyclic messages (programme upload/
programme download, conguration) is implemented via TCP. Time-optimised
transmission of cyclic control data is performed with UDP.
Switches can be used to improve performance.
2 Industrial Ethernet 51
ETHERNET Powerlink
Figure 3-1 Structured cabling in the ofce area in accordance with EN 50 173-1
Structured network
machine area
Production area
BD = Building Distributor
TO = Telecommunication Outlet (coupling IP 20 and IP 65 / IP 67 in the industrial area)
MD = Machine Distributor
TE = Terminal Equipment
SW = Switch
TE = Terminal Equipment
SW = Switch
TE = Terminal Equipment
Line topologies can be implemented with a standalone switch close to the terminal
device to be connected or by a switch integrated in the terminal device itself.
Line topologies are preferred in extensive systems incorporating longer distances,
for example in conveyor systems, and for connecting manufacturing cells.
SW = Switch
TE = Terminal Equipment
Ring (redundancy)
In order to build a structured Ethernet network, active and passive network com-
ponents are required as well as the classic components (cable and connectors).
In addition to providing the link between various levels within a structure or bet-
ween different degrees of protection (IP 20 IP 67), these components are
responsible for routing and distributing data telegrams.
Often equipped with an intelligent chip, active components include those that can
process, amplify and appropriately relay incoming data telegrams. For example,
gateways, routers, switches and hubs (repeaters) belong to this group. These
active components operate on different layers of the ISO/OSI Reference Model:
Switch /
Data Link Layer Data Link Layer
Physical Layer Physical Layer
(Repeater )
7. Application Layer
protocols *
3. Network Layer IP
application-oriented layers
transport-oriented layers
Layer 7 Layer 7
Layer 6 Conversion Layer 6
Layer 5 Layer 5
Layer 4 Layer 4
Layer 3 Layer 3
Layer 2 Layer 2
Layer 1 Layer 1
Telegram Telegram
Industrial Ethernet
Remote- Remote-
I/Os I/Os
Operating Monitoring
unit unit
Act. Sensor Sensor Act. Sensor Sensor Act. Act. Sensor
Act. = actuator
Figure 3-9 Gateways as a link between Industrial Ethernet and PROFIBUS (Example)
Routers operate only in a network environment in which all stations use the same
network protocol, and determine optimum routes between two stations across
different transmission lines. Should the transmitter and the receiver be in different
networks, the data telegram is initially addressed to a suitable router, which then
determines the optimum path for the data telegram before forwarding it to another
network or different router. In doing so, it makes use of previously determined
tables or to be more exact applies an IP routing algorithm.
From the point of view of reliability and performance, routers are decisive
components; they are frequently used in extensive structures often consisting of
several networks.
Network 3
Router Communikation
between stations
Router in different networks
performed via routers
Network 1 Router
Network 2 Station
Station 24
Direct communikation 13 Station
between stations 21
in the same network
Station Station
22 23
Assignment table
Address Port
1234 1
4A7F 3
2267 4
AAB1 2
Switch Matrix
Ethernet Data Ethernet Data
Ethernet Data Ethernet Data
Ethernet Data Ethernet Data
Ethernet Data Ethernet Data
Incomming Ports Ports Outgoing
telegrams telegrams
A single switch can learn several thousand addresses. This becomes necessary
when more than one terminal device is connected to one or more ports. This
auto-sensing capability allows several independent subnets to be connected to a
single switch (cascading).
Together with the connected components, each port on a switch forms its own
collision domain. Consequently, it is impossible for collisions to take place with data
transmitted by other stations connected to different ports. Each port in a Switched
Ethernet system is assigned just one component. This rules out collisions from
the outset. Thus, this guaranteed freedom from collisions considerably increases
effective data throughput; it is also an absolute pre-condition for the real-time
capability of Ethernet.
Switch technology makes it is possible to build up Industrial Ethernet networks
that meet the high reliability standards required of industrial area applications,
and be real-time capable.
Operating modes
A switch has a certain amount of ports available, which are connected to one
another via the switch matrix. A switch matrix capable of handling all connections
operating at full transmission rates without delay is known as a non-blocking switch.
The switch is said to be blocking, if the number of simultaneous connections
operating at full transmission rates is restricted.
Half duplex actually means one direction at a time. Only one transmission
direction is in operation at any one time: either receiving or transmitting.
In order to recognise collisions, the CSMA/CD mechanism must be employed for
Half duplex operations.
Ethernet switches support both Half duplex and Full duplex operations.
Full duplex operations under Fast Ethernet (100 Base TX) for example, allow
100 Mbit/s to be transmitted simultaneously in both directions. That is theoretically
an effective doubling of the rate of data transmissions. One line is used to transmit
and the other to receive. As there is no fear of collisions, the regulations regarding
the CSMA/CD access procedure are not required.
In the Store and Forward mode, the switch temporarily stores the complete data
packet, checks it for errors and, if it is error free, forwards it to its destination port
(please refer to the graphic below).
Ethernet Frame
Adress Port trash
1234 1
4A7F 3
2267 4
AA81 2
Cut Through
In contrast to the operating mode Store and Forward the Cut Through mode of
operation waits only until the Ethernet switch has sufcient bytes to determine
the destination address of the data packet. The data packet is forwarded as
soon as the Ethernet switch is able to recognise the port to which the receiver is
The operating mode Modied Cut Through is a special variation, which waits
for the arrival of exactly 64 bytes. Otherwise, this procedure corresponds to the
Cut Through operating mode. The purpose of this special form is to recognise
fragments of data packets that can arise, for example, due to collisions.
cabling Patch
cable Ethernet
IP 20
IP 67
Ethernet cable IP 20 to IP 67
to the individual
terminal devices
IP 20
IP 67
R1 10Base-T
100Base-Tx Assignment
T1 Transceiver table
R2 10Base-T
T2 Transceiver
R3 10Base-T
T3 3,5 V DC
R5 10Base-T
T5 Transceiver
U1+ U1- U2+ U2-
cabling Patch
IP 20
IP 67
Ethernet cable to the
individual termination
Technical features
Essentially, the same characteristics apply for direct mounting as those for
Ethernet switches:
In-between Ethernet switches enable terminal devices to be connected
using shielded or unshielded twisted-pair cables in accordance with
IEEE 802.3.
In-between Ethernet switches support all network topologies (line, star, tree)
in IP 20 as well as IP 65 / IP 67 areas.
Various ports are available to structure networks to IP 65 / IP 67 (outside
switchgear cabinet)
Ethernet stations in IP 20 areas can be connected using standard RJ45
connectors (switchgear cabinet interior).
Pluggable connectors guarantee quick and reliable installation of all connec-
All Ethernet interfaces are protected against overvoltage.
In-between Ethernet switches are designed to be non-blocking.
The address/port assignment table is generated automatically by the Ethernet
switch in a self-learning process and stored in the volatile memory (RAM) of
the Ethernet switch. Voltage resumption initiates an internal reset procedure to
delete the table.
Diagnostic message indication via LEDs on the front plate of the In-between
Ethernet switches possible.
Utilisation of In-between Ethernet switches offers the following additional
Reduced cabling work and costs when constructing industrial networks
Suitable as panel feed-through from switchgear cabinets or terminal boxes
Robust housings with higher shock and vibration resistance as well as EMC
Compatible with the various Ethernet specications (for example, PROFINET
Mount directly onto exterior panels of switchgear cabinets, terminal boxes
Practical experience shows that network structures often consist of both types
of IP 65 / IP 67 switches: sealed to IP 20, Ethernet stations are connected in
a structured manner to the ports of the In-between Ethernet switches. The
structure is then routed outside of the switchgear cabinets via ports offering
IP 65 / IP 67 protection levels. Additional structures can be created with the help
of Ethernet switches suitable for direct mounting.
Figure 3-18 Example of a structure based on In-between Ethernet switch and
Ethernet switch for direct mounting
Data ports
IP 67
(example: RJ45)
Block diagram
R1 10Base-T
100Base-Tx Assignment
T1 Transceiver table
R2 10Base-T
T2 Transceiver
R3 10Base-T
T3 3,5 V DC
R5 10Base-T
T5 Transceiver
U1+ U1- U2+ U2-
Figure 3-20 Block diagram of In-between Ethernet switch ESC 67-30 TP05U
Operating on layer 1 of the ISO/OSI Reference Model, hubs are often referred to
as repeaters. They can also partly extend their function to layer 2.
An Ethernet hub is used to implement cabling in an Ethernet / Fast Ethernet
network between more than two Ethernet stations using shielded (STP) or
unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cables in accordance with IEEE 802.3. Ethernet
hubs operate at speeds of 10 Mbit/s, Fast Ethernet-Hubs at 100 Mbit/s. Hubs
capable of operating at both speeds are known as dual speed hubs. Cabling
implemented with Ethernet hubs is less susceptible to faults and when utilised in
a star arrangement has the advantage that the failure of a network node does not
mean the failure of the entire network.
As well as serving to structure the network, Ethernet hubs also regenerate
incoming signals and perform other tasks.
In contrast to Ethernet switches, which only forward the incoming data packets to
the port to which the station with the corresponding address is connected, hubs
relay all incoming data packets to all ports and their stations.
Contrary to Ethernet switches, Ethernet hubs cannot create their own collision
domains to prevent collisions. Thus, Full duplex operations are not possible.
Ethernet hubs operate only in Half duplex mode.
Hub Switch
Operating modes
Ethernet hubs support Half duplex operations. A single data line is used to transmit
and receive signals. The other data line is used to recognise possible collisions.
cabling Patch
cable Ethernet
IP 20
IP 67
Ethernet cable to the
individual terminal Transision
IP 20 and IP 67
IP 20
IP 67
Technical features
Data ports DP 1...5 Device
M12-L D-coding) label
h Zinc die-cast
e housing
T Degree of
Status indication
ern IP 65
ESC et Hub
Operating voltage Pow
Power supply
Status indication t2
t3 input
Operating status Por
Data ports 1...5
Connector for
power supply
Connector for M12-L
Data ports A-coding)
M12-L D-coding)
Block diagram
R1 10Base-T
100Base-Tx 10Base-T
T1 Transceiver Repeater
R2 10Base-T
Port Switching Logic
T2 Transceiver
R3 10Base-T Repeater
T3 3,3 V DC
R4 10Base-T Auto-sensing 24 V DC
T4 Transceiver
R5 10Base-T
T5 Transceiver
U1+ U1- U2+ U2-
Industrial Outlets are passive network components not equipped with intelligence
and lacking their own power supply. In principle, they are the socket outlets
for Industrial Ethernet within the system; they are essentially tasked with
continuing the structured building cabling through to the machine or system
in an industrial environment in accordance with ISO/IEC 11 801:2002 and
EN 50 173:2002. This allows Ethernet cables to be permanently installed in
factory buildings. As pluggable modules / units, the machine and other components
are connected via the Industrial Outlet as required. IP 65 / IP 67 protection levels
are maintained.
If it becomes necessary to separate the machine from the Ethernet network (for
example, for maintenance or replacement purposes), then all that is required
is to simply disconnect the connector from the Industrial Outlet. Extending the
facility is just as easy; simply plug the new component to an existing or additional
Industrial Outlet.
Industrial Outlets are generally mounted directly onto walls, girders, pillars or
similar. As a rule, permanent cabling is implemented using Ethernet cables routed
through cable ducts or via cable bridges to the point of assembly and wired to the
Industrial Outlet. The actual connection to the machine / system is implemented
via a (disconnectable) plug-in connection, which can take the form of either
RJ45 or M12 D-coding variants. Thus, Industrial Outlets can also be deployed in
accordance with the respective Ethernet specication.
Technical features
Figure 3-28 Industrial Outlet in a production facility at Daimler Chrysler AG, Rastatt
(source: HARTING)
Data ports IP 67
Protection cover
Han 3 A
3.9 Cabling
For use in industrial applications, it is necessary for more than the individual
components to be protected. The cables and connectors for Ethernet also have
to resist what can be unfavourable effects of use in direct industrial environments.
These unfavourable effects include:
Acids, alkalines and other aggressive substances in the air and immediate
High humidity
Mechanical stresses
High temperature uctuations
Electromagnetic disturbance elds
and others
In addition, the ease with which a cable can be integrated into the machine and
system (for example, via cable ducting or trailing cable) and ease of handling play
a large part in the decision for or against a specic cable.
The rst step towards a uniform world-wide valid standard has already been
taken. For example, agreements have been made that highlight the differences
between the cabling in ofce and industrial environments. These include, amongst
Line and ring structures are widespread in industrial environments, with star
and tree structures more prevalent in ofce environments.
Transmission media in industrial environments are:
3 Transmission Technology and Cabling for Industrial Ethernet 85
Copper cable, Category 5, UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) or STP (Shielded
Twisted Pair)
Fibre optics cable with HCS or POF bres (HCS - Hard Clad Silica;
POF Polymer Optical Fibre)
Structures complying with ISO/IEC 11 801 are being revised:
Campus Backbone and Building Backbone are being retained
The Horizontal Cabling Subsystem will be divided into a Floor Backbone
Subsystem and an Apparatus Cabling Subsystem.
The Consolidation Point will be superseded by an Intermediate/Industrial
User-independent cabling ends at the interface to the application (machine or
plant component)
Environmental conditions
EM elds
Motor vehicle
X - - - X X X -
Chemical X X X - X X X X
Electronics X - - - X X - -
Power stations X X X X X X X X
X - - - X X X X
Steel X X X - X X X X
Table 3-5 Environmental inuences in various elds of industry
The channel is the point-to-point part of the transmission process; the electrical
transmission and high-frequency properties are classed follows:
The requirements placed on the transmission channel and therefore on the cable
become increasingly discriminating the higher letter in the alphabet. For example,
if just category 5 cable is used in a system, then its performance must correspond
to channel D. The same applies to category 6 and class E as well as to category
7 and class F.
60 dB
50 dB
40 dB
30 dB
20 dB
10 dB Attenuation
Frequency [MHz]
Figure 3-31 Twisted-pair cable with two cable pairs (example: for permanent installation)
max. 100 m
Using the specied cables in conjunction with the specied connectors results in
a maximum cabling length of 100 m for up to 6 mated connector pairs.
2 100 m
2 100 m
4 100 m
4 100 m
6 100 m
6 100 m
Table 3-9 Maximum cabling lengths for Ethernet / Fast Ethernet according to
PROFINET specications
Hybrid cable
Hybrid cables (data line and power supply combined in one cable) are used where
decentralised eld devices are connected with both data and power supply via a
combined connector. As well as 4 copper wires for the power supply, this cable
consists of 2 or 4 sets of shielded data lines for communi-cation.
Figure 3-33 Hybrid cable with 2 sets of shielded data lines and 4 copper wires for the
power supply
In comparison with Ethernet / Fast Ethernet, the most important difference when
using Gigabit Ethernet is to be found in the adaptation of the components physically
involved with transmissions, or, in other words, the cables and connectors.
Although these components have to be designed for a higher band-width, they
are downward compatible for Ethernet / Fast Ethernet. For this reason, cables
suitable for the higher performance of Gigabit Ethernet are often laid in new
Cable for Gigabit Ethernet must full Category 6 / Class E requirements in
accordance with the cabling standard ISO/IEC 11 801:2002.
Fibre optics
Single-mode or multimode bre optics are utilised in the Gigabit Ethernet variants
1000Base-SX and 1000Base-LX. Longer transmission paths can be achieved
with single-mode bre optics than with the equivalent multimode bre optics. As a
rule, dispersion is less with single-mode bre optics.
3 Transmission Technology and Cabling for Industrial Ethernet 91
Copper cable
The copper cables used for Gigabit Ethernet are generally individually shielded
twisted-pairs with a stranded core diameter of AWG 22 to AWG 26.
Pair-wise stranding with additional individual shielding is designed to guarantee
an improved and cleaner differential signal transmission in comparison with
normal twisted-pair cables without individual shielding. In addition, this enables
common mode interferences to be eliminated.
The twisted-pair cables to be utilised can be differentiated as follows:
The latest developments in the cabling eld have the aim of guaranteeing
the power supply to the connected device via the Ethernet cable. In contrast
to hybrid cables, which feed the power via a separate wire, PoE (Power
on Ethernet) utilises the standard Ethernet cable. The supply of energy via
the standard Ethernet cable is dened in the supplement IEEE 802.3af.
This also includes a denition of an optional data-free supply of power, which
allows power to be drawn from the data cabling system. In this case, the energy is
routed via the RJ45 interface to the corresponding terminal device together with
10Base-T, 100Base-TX or 1000Base-T.
PoE itself is divided into 5 performance classes:
The power supply is fed via an active source to a passive IEEE 802.3af-compliant
terminal device.
The IEEE 802.3af denes 3 operating modes for the power supply via different
wire pairs:
Endpoint PSE, operating mode A
Endpoint PSE, operating mode B
Midspan PSE, operating mode B
Operating mode A
In operating mode A, the power is fed via the pairs 1/2 and 3/6 using the Phantom
Feed method. Thus, with Ethernet and Fast Ethernet the pairs 4/5 and 7/8 remain
This operating mode is particularly suitable for Gigabit Ethernet, because all
4 pairs are required for the transfer of data.
Operating mode B
In this operating mode, the power is fed separately from the data via the pairs 4/5
and 7/8; the data is fed via the pairs 1/2 and 3/6. Because no pairs remain free,
this operating mode is not suitable for Gigabit Ethernet.
The difference between Endpoint PSE, operating mode B and Midspan PSE,
operating mode B is a question of the voltage source. Whereas the switch or
another Ethernet component is the source of power for the Endpoint PSE,
operating mode B, an external device supplies the power for Midspan PSE,
operating mode B.
3 Transmission Technology and Cabling for Industrial Ethernet 93
For all operating modes, standardised terminal devices must be equipped with a
passive, resistive circuit. This circuit serves various purposes:
The active source identies the passive terminal device
The operating mode is recognised
The necessary performance class is recognised.
A PoE solution will only supply power, if a corresponding terminal device is
recognised. That avoids damage should a non-standard terminal device be
At present, there are few elds of applications for this technique. However,
developments in this eld will result in an increased use of this technique in
industry. For example, conceivable applications include control of sensors,
monitoring of processes or systems by means of cameras or handling of alarms.
3.10 Connectors
Connectors for IP 20
When housed in switchgear cabinets, connectors are used that are fully compat-
ible with connectors used in ofce communications. Theoretically, it would be
possible to use normal ofce cables with RJ45 connectors.
However, greater demands are generally placed on IP 20 connectors used in
industrial applications. For example, the PROFINET guidelines dene also the
requirements for connections utilising RJ45 connectors as protection class
IP 20.
Connector for IP 65 / IP 67
A third variant is the use of special connectors for bre-optic cables. In accord-
ance with PROFINET Installation Guidelines, for example, the ISO/IEC11801-
compliant connection of bre-optics with an Ethernet component is preferably
performed using a special connector system as specied in the IEC 60 874-14.
However, utilisation of bre-optics is not widespread under Industrial Ethernet
so that in the following descriptions a more detailed look will be taken at the
conventional connectors RJ45 and M12 with D-coding.
The following provides an overview of the individual connectors with their different
types of connections, in which standards they are specied and which user
organisations support these types of connectors.
RJ Industrial
IP 67 Push Pull
RJ Industrial
IP 67 Hybrid
RJ45 Han-Max
Which variant in the nal analysis will come out on top, RJ45 or M12 connectors,
is now more than ever a question of faith. Some experts are of the opinion that
the M12 connector will run up against the buffers when 8-wire based Gigabit
Ethernet is introduced, because, according to the norm, M12 D-coding is based
on a 4-wire cable. On the other hand, other experts point to the fact that the
connection technique utilising M12 is already established across the globe in
the eld of sensors/actuators, and will for that reason come out on top. And yet
others are of the opinion that as it all depends on the respective application, that
neither of the two variants will be able to gain the upper hand in the near future:
M12 will be relied upon when the focus is placed on connecting sensors and
actuators, whereas RJ45 connectors will be preferred for vertical communication
applications with an eye to the connection with building networks.
When the dust settles, the same will happen as with the introduction of the classic
eldbus system: the user will decide for himself which variant he prefers.
Hybrid connectors
The hybrid connector (data line and power supply combined in one cable) is used
where decentralised eld devices are connected with both data and power supply
via a combined connector. A fully shock-hazard protected connector enables the
use of identical connectors at both ends of the cable; the necessity for a male
female conguration eliminated by the integrated protection against accidental
touch. The connector in question is the RJ45 to IP 67 for connecting 2- or 4-pair
sets of shielded data communication lines for communication, and 4 copper wires
for the power supply.
Contact assignment
Contact assignment for RJ45 and M12 connectors are determined in accordance
with the corresponding standards:
RJ45: IEEE 802.3
M12 D-coding: IEC 61 076-2-101
In accordance with the cabling standard (ISO/IEC 11 801:2002), the connectors
should be wired to Category 5 compliant, shielded twisted-pair cables with 2x2 or
4x2 cable pairs.
When assembling Ethernet cables, two variants are possible for contact
1:1 cable
With this cable, the contacts are wired 1:1. That means, for example, that the
contact for TD+ on the one connector is connected with the same contact TD+ on
the other connector. The contact assignment for such a cable is as follows:
Figure 3-39 Contact assignment for 1:1 cable (example: RJ45, 2-pair)
Cross-over cable
With this cable, the contacts for transmitting and receiving are wired crossed
over. That means, for example, that the contact for TD+ on the one connector is
3 Transmission Technology and Cabling for Industrial Ethernet 99
connected with the contact RD+ on the other connector. The contact assignment
for such a cable is as follows:
Figure 3-40 Contact assignment for cross-over cable (example: RJ45, 2-pair)
The connectors RJ45 should be wired to twisted-pair cables with 2x2 cable
Twisted-pair cables with 2x 2 cores only are used to wire M12 D-coding circular
connectors, as these are tted with 4 pins as standard.
Figure 3-41 Contact assignment for circular connector M12 D-coding (female / male)
When wiring 8-wire twisted-pair cables to RJ45 connectors, all 8 wires are
wired. However, with Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, only the pairs 2 and 3 have
the corresponding functions. The other two pairs (1 and 4) are not recognised or
processed by the connected Ethernet device.
Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4
Pair 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Contact assignment
In comparison with Ethernet / Fast Ethernet, the principle difference when using
Gigabit Ethernet is to be found in the adaptation of the components physically
involved with transmissions, or in other words the cable and connectors. Although
these components have to be designed for a higher bandwidth, they are downward
compatible for Ethernet / Fast Ethernet. For this reason, cables suitable for the
higher performance of Gigabit Ethernet are mostly laid in new installations.
In the case of copper cables, 4-pair cables only are utilised, because Gigabit
Ethernet requires all 8 wires.
Preferably, twisted-pair cables with 4x2 cable pairs should be used.
Pair 3 Pair 2 Pair 4
Pair 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 3-43 Contact assignment (pairs) RJ45, 4-pair for Gigabit Ethernet
Contact assignment
Figure 3-44 Contact assignment for 1:1 cable and Gigabit Ethernet
Figure 3-45 Contact assignment for cross-over cable and Gigabit Ethernet
4 Future Prospects 103
4 Future Prospects
Even as we speak today, Ethernet has already become established in industry.
Collision domains are divided up through the utilisation of switches. The special
case Switched Ethernet fully excludes collisions.
The use of devices and connectors with IP 65 / IP 67 protection levels makes
it possible to operate Ethernet in tough industrial conditions, right down to
the machine, sensor or actuator. Here the proper cable has a role to play. For
longer distances, bre-optic cables or even wireless connections are available.
Wireless LAN can also be utilised should connections with mobile devices be
Intelligent terminal devices create increasingly complex data packets that
conventional eldbus systems are only able to transmit very slowly. In the future,
only Ethernet will be able to guarantee fast and super fast transfers of data.
The continued developments in the hardware sector will also result in falling
prices in the manufacture of Ethernet components. The more widespread the
use of Ethernet becomes in industry, the more affordable switches, hubs and
connectors will be. Observed for years in the ofce world, this trend can also be
perceived in industry.
When all is said and done, there can now be no stopping the triumphant progress
of Ethernet in industry, side-by-side with the ofce world. In saying that, it is not
a case of driving out the established eldbus systems overnight. These bus
systems will also retain their right to exist in certain elds. The future world of
automation will see Ethernet responsible for the bulk of communication between
the individual levels of the automation pyramid (please refer to chapter 1). At the
eld level in particular, conventional eldbus systems will undoubtedly continue
to exist in future.
5 Overview of Modules and Accessories for Ethernet Components from HARTING 105
HARTING has a variety of Ethernet components in its programme. The user can
select between the following products to full application requirements.
Type Connection
Management functions
RJ45 to IP 65 / IP 67
Half duplex
Full duplex
M12 D-coding
RJ45 to IP 20
ESC 67-10 TP05U HARTING no - - X -
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
ESC 67-10 TP05U no - - - X
M12 D-coding
ESC 67-10 TP05U Push Pull no - - X -
Table 5-3 Overview of types of Ethernet switches for mounting on to exterior cabinet
panels from HARTING
5 Overview of Modules and Accessories for Ethernet Components from HARTING 107
Ethernet hubs
Industrial Outlets
Direct mounting
Direct mounting
Wall mounting -
Wall mounting -
Mounting onto
mounting rail
onto housing
onto panel or
ESC 67-10 TP05U HARTING Yes Yes Yes - -
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
ESC 67-10 TP05U M12 D-coding Yes Yes Yes - -
ESC 67-10 TP05U Push Pull Yes Yes Yes - -
ESC 67-10 TP05U Han-Max Yes Yes Yes - -
ESC 67-30 TP05U HARTING - - - Yes Yes
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
ESC 67-30 TP05U M12 D-coding - - - Yes Yes
EHB 67-10 TP05 HARTING Yes Yes Yes - -
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
EHB 67-10 TP05 M12 D-coding Yes Yes Yes - -
HARTING RJ Industrial Metal Outlet - - - Yes Yes
INO M12 D-coding - - - Yes Yes
HARTING RJ Industrial Outlet Push Pull - - - Yes Yes
Table 5-6 Mounting options
Further cable types with a variety of cross-sections can be utilised when they
comply with Ethernet specications.
5.4 Connectors
data connector
M12 D-coding
IP 67 Data 3A
RJ45 - IP 20
Han Max
Push Pull
ESC 67-10 TP05U HARTING - Yes - - -
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
ESC 67-10 TP05U - - - - Yes
M12 D-coding
ESC 67-10 TP05U Push Pull - - Yes - -
ESC 67-10 TP05U - - - Yes -
ESC 67-30 TP05U HARTING Yes Yes - - -
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
ESC 67-30 TP05U Yes - - - Yes
M12 D-coding
EHB 67-10 TP05 HARTING - Yes - - -
RJ Industrial IP 67 Data 3A
EHB 67-10 TP05 - - - - Yes
M12 D-coding
HARTING RJ Industrial - Yes - - -
Metal Outlet
INO M12 D-coding - - - - Yes
HARTING RJ Industrial - - Yes - -
Outlet Push Pull
Table 5-10 Connector variants
List of Standards and Guidelines 113
EN standards
IEEE standards
IEC standards
EN standards
IEC standards
UL standards
EN Standards
IEC standards
EN standards
IEC standards
HD / VDE standards
Annex B Bibliography
No claim is made that the following list is complete or exhaustive. Many of
the following specialist books and documents contain further sources and
For more detailed information about the individual bus systems, please refer
to the corresponding websites. The respective addresses are contained in the
following chapter.
AS Interface
DIN Messbus
Foundation Fieldbus
OPC Foundation
ETHERNET Powerlink Ltd. (The Industrial Ethernet Book)
Gigabit-Ethernet Alliance
Industrial Ethernet Association
Modbus-IDA Group
Virtual Private Networking Technologies
1:1 cable Twisted-pair cable by which the cable ends are wired
1:1. That means that each pin on the one end of the cable
is connected to the same pin on the other end of the cable
(example: TD+ TD+)
10Base-2 Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 10 Mbit/s
using thin coaxial cables (Thin Wire, Cheapernet). The
maximum length of the segments is 185 m.
10Base-5 Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 10 Mbit/s
using coaxial cables (Thick Wire, Yellow Cable). The
maximum length of the segments is 500 m.
10Base-FL Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 10 Mbit/s
using bre-optic cables. Each connection is created
using two bres. One bre is used for transmitting, the
other for receiving.
10Base-T Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 10 Mbit/s
using twisted-pair cables (categories 3, 4 or 5). Each
connection is created with two wire pairs. One wire pair is
used for transmitting, the other pair for receiving.
100Base-FX Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 100 Mbit/s
using bre-optic cables. Each connection is created
using two bres. One bre is used for transmitting, the
other for receiving.
100Base-TX Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 100 Mbit/s
using twisted-pair cables (Category 5). Each
connection is created with two wire pairs. One wire pair is
used for transmitting, the other pair for receiving.
1000Base-LX Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 1 000 Mbit/s
using bre-optic cables operating at a wavelength of
1 300 nm. Each connection is created using two bres.
One bre is used for transmitting, the other for receiving.
1000Base-SX Ethernet standard for transmitting data at 1 000 Mbit/s
using bre-optic cables operating at a wavelength of
850 nm. Each connection is created using two bres. One
bre is used for transmitting, the other for receiving.
Address Resolution Please refer to ARP
Address/port assignment Table containing the assignment of destination addres-
table ses to the respective ports on a switch. This table is
created and maintained automatically by the switch.
Aging Process used to update data, in particular those of the
address/port assignment tables. In this process, an
address is marked as old once a certain amount of
time has elapsed and is then deleted if it is again not
recognised at any port during the next cycle.
American Wire Gauge Please refer to AWG
Approved use Applicable conditions that fall within the specications for
that type of construction or rated values, environmental
conditions and characteristics determined by the
IP Internet Protocol
Transmission protocol on layers 3 and 2 of the ISO/OSI
Reference Model. The following versions are presently
IPv4: Version 4 4 address bytes
IPv6: Version 6 6 address bytes
IP address Logical address allocated by the network operator
to a station on layer 3 of the ISO/OSI Reference
Model. Under IPv4 (4 bytes) the address is written
in decimal notation separated by a full stop (example: This labels the addresses for the
network (network ID) and the address area of the terminal
device (host ID). Because IP addresses must be
unique, public network addresses are administered by
a central organisation. Local (private) IP addresses
are issued by the administrator of the respective local
Caution! Do not confuse with the MAC address!
IP address, dynamic Contrary to a static IP address, the dynamic IP
address is temporarily assigned through the DHCP
IP address, static In contrast to a dynamic IP address, this is a
permanently set IP address.
IPv4 Internet Protocol Version 4
IPv4 has an address volume of 4 bytes.
Please refer to IP
IPv6 Internet Protocol Version 6
IPv6 has an address volume of 6 bytes. In addition, it
differs as far as the structure of the header is concerned
and how it categorises networks in address types instead
of classes.
Please refer to IP
ISO International Standardization Organization
World-wide standardisation committee
ISO/OSI Reference Model Model for describing communication within a network.
The functionality is specied in 7 levels. The lower
(physical level) provides the interface to the physical
transmission medium.
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
Standardisation committee for telecommunications
Jabber Relates to abnormal Ethernet frame transmissions. The
data packets triggering the situation are generally too long
(more than 1518 bytes). A malfunctioning Ethernet card
also be the cause of the problem. Jabber can lead to loss
of data for all network users.
Jam signal Short code sequence that a network node transmits in
a CSMA/CD network when a collision is detected and
the data transmission has been discontinued. This signal
informs the other network nodes about the collision,
so that they desist from attempting transmissions.
Glossary 135
Jitter Term for the uctuation in the timing of the signal edge
LAN Local Area Network
Local network, for example, Ethernet
Last Signicant Bit Please refer to LSB
Latency Term used for the time difference between receiving and
forwarding of data. Latency is generally measured as the
time between receiving the last bit and transmission of the
rst bit.
Link aggregation Term used for a function that combines up to 4 ports
operating the same transmission rate to a virtual port.
Thus, redundancy is created should a connection fail.
This function is also known as trunking.
Link Logical connection between a single or several user(s)
using network services.
Local Area Network Please refer to LAN
LSA+ Ltfrei Schraubfrei Abisolierfrei
Universal usuable termination technology of wires by a
special IDC connection
LSB Last Signicant Bit
Least signicant bit within a sequence of bits on
M12 D-Coding Circular connector from HARTING for twisted-pair cable
with IDC technology.
MAC Media Access Control
Term for a sub-layer of layer 2 of the ISO/OSI Refer-
ence Model. This sub-layer polices access to the shared
transmission medium. To do so, it can utilise processes by
which either several stations with equal rights compete for
access (for example, CSMA/CD) or in which no collisions
occur at all, for example, token ring.
MAC address Media Access Control-Address
Unalterable, world-wide unique hardware address
allocated by the manufacturers of devices operating on an
Ethernet network; assigned to a port of a switch in
the address/port assignment table as the destination
MAC Media Access Parts of a network protocol that manage access to the
Control transmission medium; this eases data exchange between
network nodes.
Male Contact element by which the outside surface is designed
to make suitable contact with a female connector.
Male insert Insert used for accommodating and positioning of
(contact) male inserts in the connector.
Managed Please refer to switch, managed
Mass All interconnected inactive components that do not take
on a dangerous touch potential in the case of a fault.
Routing, static With static routing, the paths used for transmitting data
between the transmitting and receiving stations are set,
and a certain bandwidth reserved for each connection.
Thus, data packets transferred between two terminal
devices always take the same route. That means there is
no possibility of automatically reacting to changes in the
topology or connection overloads. With this process,
the routers need not support any routing protocols,
because all changes to the network structure have to be
entered manually in the routers.
Routing Information Please refer to RIP
Routing protocol Term for protocols utilised by routers for dynamic
routing in order to exchange information with one another
via connected networks. This information is stored in
routing tables in the routers.
RS 232 C Recommended Standard 232 C
A widely used serial interface for transferring data with
speeds of up to 20 Kbit/s over distances up to 15 m. This
interface was standardised by the EIA as Standard No.
232 in Version C in 1969. Often also known as RS 232.
RS 422 Recommended Standard 422
A serial interface for transmitting data in Full duplex mode.
This serial interface was standardised in the 70s by the
EIA as Standard No. 422.
RS 485 Recommended Standard 485
A serial interface for transmitting data that allows a bus
structure with several stations. This serial interface was
standardised in the 70s by the EIA as Standard No.
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
This protocol prevent that data packets circle between
switches for an endless time.
RSTP is dened in IEEE 802.1 D (issue 2004).
Please refer also to Spanning-Tree
RTP Realtime Protocol
A protocol that supports real-time applications. It supports
transmission of additional information such as the type
of user data transmitted or the time the user data was
Rx Abbreviation for receiver. Designation for the connection
on a port at which data is received.
SA Source Address
Source address within an Ethernet packet
Safety extra-low voltage Abbreviation: SELV
Low voltage ranging up to 42 V DC. Devices specied
as SELV system, are protected against direct or indirect
touch; thus ensuring that no dangerous currents ow
through the body even when simultaneous contact is
made with both poles.
Glossary 143
Degrees of Protection
HARTING can draw on many years of extensive experience gained in achieving
high degrees of protection in industrial environments (IP 65 and greater); all of
which has owed into the development of its family of devices.
These devices achieve their degree of protection as a result of the corresponding
housings and covers or by the interlocking of their connections. Depending on
the degree of protection, the devices are protected from external mechanical
inuences (impacts, foreign objects, dust, and accidental touch contact) as well
as against ingress of moisture (water, cleaning agents, oils and other uids).
The degree of protection provided by a device is dened in the standards
EN 60 529 and IEC 60 529, which also contain a classication of the different
degrees of protection.
In accordance with the above-mentioned standards, the degrees of protection are
indicated as follows:
The following pages contain an overview of the individual codes and their
List of gures
Figure 3-44 Contact assignment for 1:1 cable and Gigabit Ethernet
Figure 3-45 Contact assignment for cross-over cable and Gigabit
Ethernet ....................................................................102
List of tables 159
List of tables
0 ... 9
1000Base-LX ................................................................................................. 86
1000Base-SX ................................................................................................ 86
1000Base-T ................................................................................................... 86
100Base-FX .................................................................................................. 86
100Base-TX .................................................................................................. 86
10Base-FL ..................................................................................................... 86
10Base-T ....................................................................................................... 86
10 Gigabit Ethernet ....................................................................................... 38
cable ....................................................................................................... 91
accumulated frame telegram ......................................................................... 24
address/port assignment table ...................................................................... 60
address types ................................................................................................ 29
application layer ............................................................................................ 21
Auto-crossing ................................................................................................ 61
Auto-negotiation ...................................................................................... 35, 61
Auto-polarity .................................................................................................. 62
Auto-sensing ................................................................................................. 75
automation pyramid ....................................................................................... 17
availability ...................................................................................................... 47
bit transmission layer ..................................................................................... 20
block diagram
Ethernet hub ........................................................................................... 80
Ethernet switch ....................................................................................... 70
In-between Ethernet switch ..................................................................... 73
bridge ............................................................................................................ 60
broadcast ................................................................................................. 20, 31
bus access, deterministic .............................................................................. 23
bus access, random ...................................................................................... 23
cable, category .............................................................................................. 87
cable, class .................................................................................................... 87
cable, hybrid .................................................................................................. 90
cable, properties ............................................................................................ 87
cable, twisted-pair ......................................................................................... 88
cabling, structured ................................................................................... 53, 81
carrier extension ............................................................................................ 37
Carrier Sense ................................................................................................ 33
Carrier Sense Multiple Access ...................................................................... 23
category ......................................................................................................... 86
cell level ......................................................................................................... 18
CIP................................................................................................................. 50
class .............................................................................................................. 87
collision .......................................................................................................... 33
collision, freedom from ............................................................................ 47, 61
Collision Detection ......................................................................................... 33
collision domain ....................................................................................... 33, 61
collision window ............................................................................................. 34
colour code .................................................................................... 99, 100, 101
communication layer ..................................................................................... 21
conditions, environmental .............................................................................. 85
connector ....................................................................................................... 93
IP 20 ........................................................................................................ 94
IP 65 / IP 67 ............................................................................................ 94
overview in IP 65 / IP 67 ......................................................................... 95
connector, hybrid ........................................................................................... 97
contact assignment ....................................................................................... 98
1:1 cable ................................................................................................. 98
cross-over cable ...................................................................................... 98
Gigabit Ethernet .................................................................................... 101
M12 D-coding .......................................................................................... 99
RJ45, 2-pair ............................................................................................ 99
RJ45, 4-pair .......................................................................................... 100
Control and Information Protocol ................................................................... 50
control level ................................................................................................... 18
copper cable .................................................................................................. 88
cross-over function ........................................................................................ 79
CSMA ............................................................................................................ 23
CSMA/CD ................................................................................................ 27, 33
Cut Through................................................................................................... 63
data link layer ................................................................................................ 20
data port ............................................................................................ 69, 73, 80
destination address ....................................................................................... 30
dual speed hub .............................................................................................. 74
Endpoint PSE, operating mode B .................................................................. 92
EtherCat ........................................................................................................ 52
Index 163
Ethernet, address .......................................................................................... 28
Ethernet, classic ...................................................................................... 25, 26
Ethernet, development .................................................................................. 26
Ethernet, frame .............................................................................................. 30
Ethernet, protocol variants ............................................................................ 50
EtherNet/IP .................................................................................................... 50
Ethernet cabling
solutions .................................................................................................. 84
standardisation ........................................................................................ 84
ETHERNET PowerLink ................................................................................. 51
Fast Ethernet ................................................................................................. 35
FDX ............................................................................................................... 36
eldbus systems, classication ..................................................................... 22
eld level ....................................................................................................... 17
ow control .................................................................................................... 36
frame bursting ............................................................................................... 38
Full duplex ............................................................................................... 36, 62
gateway ......................................................................................................... 58
Gigabit Ethernet ...................................................................................... 36, 90
copper cables .......................................................................................... 91
bre optics ............................................................................................... 90
Half duplex .................................................................................................... 62
HSE ............................................................................................................... 52
hub ................................................................................................................ 74
hub, function principle ................................................................................... 75
hybrid cable ................................................................................................... 90
IAONA ........................................................................................................... 49
IEEE .............................................................................................................. 25
impedance ..................................................................................................... 88
In-between Ethernet switch ........................................................................... 70
Industrial Outlet ............................................................................................. 81
instance ......................................................................................................... 20
ISO/OSI Reference Model ................................................................. 19, 21, 26
jam signal ................................................................................................ 31, 33
JetSync .......................................................................................................... 52
layer model .................................................................................................... 19
lifetime, operational ....................................................................................... 47
locking lever .................................................................................................. 69
MAC address ................................................................................................. 28
management function .................................................................................... 62
management level ......................................................................................... 19
master............................................................................................................ 23
mating face .................................................................................................... 93
Medium Access Control ................................................................................. 28
Midspan PSE, operating mode B .................................................................. 92
Modbus/TCP.................................................................................................. 52
Modied Cut Through .................................................................................... 63
multicast .................................................................................................. 20, 32
network, structured ........................................................................................ 54
network component, active ............................................................................ 57
network component, passive ......................................................................... 57
network layer ................................................................................................. 21
network topology ........................................................................................... 55
operating mode
Cut Through ............................................................................................ 63
Modied Cut Through.............................................................................. 63
Store and Forward .................................................................................. 63
OSI Model ..................................................................................................... 19
patch cable .................................................................................................... 88
physical layer ................................................................................................. 20
PoE ................................................................................................................ 91
Index 165
Power on Ethernet ......................................................................................... 91
Endpoint PSE, operating mode B ........................................................... 92
Midspan PSE, operating mode B ............................................................ 92
operating mode A .................................................................................... 92
operating mode B .................................................................................... 92
performance classes ............................................................................... 92
preamble ....................................................................................................... 30
presentation layer .......................................................................................... 21
process control level ...................................................................................... 19
process level ................................................................................................. 18
PROFINET .................................................................................................... 51
protection cover ............................................................................................. 69
protocol .......................................................................................................... 19
real-time................................................................................................... 48, 61
real-time communication capability ............................................................... 48
repeater ......................................................................................................... 74
requirements, environmental ......................................................................... 46
requirements, general ................................................................................... 45
requirements, installation .............................................................................. 46
response time ................................................................................................ 47
router ............................................................................................................. 59
safeethernet .................................................................................................. 52
SERCOS-III ................................................................................................... 52
session layer ................................................................................................. 21
signal propagation time, maximum ................................................................ 34
slave .............................................................................................................. 24
SNMP Management ...................................................................................... 62
standards ..................................................................................................... 113
starting frame delimiter .................................................................................. 30
status indication ................................................................................. 69, 73, 80
Store and Forward ......................................................................................... 63
switch............................................................................................................. 60
switch, blocking ............................................................................................. 62
switch, function principle ............................................................................... 61
switch, managed ........................................................................................... 62
switch, non-blocking ...................................................................................... 62
switch, unmanaged ....................................................................................... 62
Switched Ethernet ................................................................................... 39, 61
switch matrix .................................................................................................. 62
system, deterministic ..................................................................................... 39
system extension, based on Ethernet ........................................................... 42
system extension, conventional .................................................................... 41
system level ................................................................................................... 18
TCP ............................................................................................................... 28
broadcast .......................................................................................... 20, 31
multicast ............................................................................................ 20, 32
unicast ..................................................................................................... 20
tests, EMC ..................................................................................................... 47
tests, safety ................................................................................................... 47
Time Division Multiplex .................................................................................. 22
token .............................................................................................................. 23
Token Passing ............................................................................................... 23
line .......................................................................................................... 56
ring .......................................................................................................... 56
star .......................................................................................................... 55
tree .......................................................................................................... 55
Transmission Control Protocol ...................................................................... 28
transmission length, max. .............................................................................. 89
transmission media ....................................................................................... 86
1000Base-LX .......................................................................................... 86
1000Base-SX .......................................................................................... 86
1000Base-T............................................................................................. 86
100Base-FX ............................................................................................ 86
100Base-TX ............................................................................................ 86
10Base-FL............................................................................................... 86
10Base-T................................................................................................. 86
transmission performance ............................................................................. 46
transport layer ............................................................................................... 21
trunking .......................................................................................................... 36
UDP ............................................................................................................... 28
unicast ........................................................................................................... 20
user data ....................................................................................................... 30
User Datagram Protocol ................................................................................ 28
Index 167