Unit: 2 (Test Case Design) : 1. Define Smart Tester

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1. Define Smart Tester.

Software must be tested before it is delivered to users. It is responsibility of the testers to
Design tests that (i) reveal defects
(ii) can be used to evaluate software performance, usability and reliability.
To achieve these goals, tester must select a finite no. of test cases (i/p, o/p, & conditions).

2. Compare black box and white box testing.

Black box testing White box Testing

Black box testing , the tester is no The White box approach focuses on the
Knowledge of its inner structure(i.e. how inner structure of the software to be
it woks)The tester only has knowledge of tested.
what it does(Focus only input & output)
Black box approach is usually applied White box approach is usually applied
large size piece of software. small size piece of software.
Black box testing sometimes called White box sometimes called clear or glass
functional or specification testing. box testing.

3. Draw the testers view of black box and white box testing.

Test Strategy Testers View


Black box (No Knowledge about inner structure, Focus

only input and output)


White box (focuses on the inner structure of the software)

4. Write short notes on Random testing and Equivalence class portioning.

Each software module or system has an input domain from which test input data is
selected. If a tester randomly selects inputs from the domain, this is called random testing.
In equivalence class partitioning the input and output is divided in to equal classes or
5. List the Knowledge Sources & Methods of black box and white box testing.

Test Strategy Knowledge Sources Methods

1. Requirements 1. Equivalence class partitioning (ECP)

document 2. Boundary value analysis (BVA)
Black box 2. Specifications 3. State Transition testing.(STT)
3. Domain Knowledge 4. Cause and Effect Graphing.
4. Defect analysis data 5. Error guessing

1. High level design 1. Statement testing

2. Detailed design 2. Branch testing
3. Control flow graphs 3. Path testing
White box
4. Cyclomatic complexity 4. Data flow testing
5. Mutation testing
6. Loop testing

7. Define State.
A state is an internal configuration of a system or component. It is defined in terms of the
values assumed at a particular time for the variables that characterize the system or

8. Define Finite-State machine.

A finite-state machine is an abstract machine that can be represented by a state graph
having a finite number of states and a finite number of transitions between states.

9. Define Error Guessing.

The tester/developer is sometimes able to make an educated guess as to which type of
defects may be present and design test cases to reveal them. Error Guessing is an ad-hoc
approach to test design in most cases.

10. Define COTS Components.

The reusable component may come from a code reuse library within their org or, as is
most likely, from an outside vendor who specializes in the development of specific types of
software components. Components produced by vendor org are known as commercial off-the
shelf, or COTS, components.
11. Define usage profiles and Certification.
Usage profiles are characterizations of the population of intended uses of the software in
its intended environment. Certification refers to third party assurance that a product,process,
or service meets a specific set of requirements.

12. Write the application scope of adequacy criteria?

Helping testers to select properties of a program to focus on during test.
Helping testers to select a test data set for a program based on the selected properties.
Supporting testers with the development of quantitative objectives for testing
Indicating to testers whether or not testing can be stopped for that program.

13. What are the factors affecting less than 100% degree of coverage?
The nature of the unit
Some statements/branches may not be reachable.
The unit may be simple, and not mission, or safety, critical, and so complete
coverage is thought to be unnecessary.
The lack of resources
The time set aside for testing is not adequate to achieve complete coverage for all
of the units.
There is a lack of tools to support complete coverage
Other project related issues such as timing, scheduling. And marketing constraints.

14. What are the basic primes for all structured program.
Sequential ( e.g., Assignment statements)
Condition (e.g., if/then/else statements)
Iteration (e.g., while, for loops)
The graphical representation of these three primes are given:
Sequence Condition Iteration

True False True

15. Define path.

A path is a sequence of control flow nodes usually beginning from the entry node of a
graph through to the exit node.

16. Write the formula for cyclomatic complexity?

The complexity value is usually calculated from control flow graph(G) by the formula.
V(G) = E-N+2
Where The value E is the number of edges in the control flow graph
The value N is the number of nodes.

17. List the various iterations of Loop testing.

iteration of the loop
iteration of the loop
iterations of the loop
K iterations
of the loop where k<n
iterations of the loop
iterations of the loop

18. Define test set.

A test set T is said to be mutation adequate for program p provided that for every in
equivalent mutant pi of p there is an element t in T such that pi[t] is not equal to p[t].

19. What are the errors uncovered by black box testing?

Incorrect or missing functions

Interface errors

Errors in data structures

Performance errors

Initialization or termination error

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