Unit: 2 (Test Case Design) : 1. Define Smart Tester
Unit: 2 (Test Case Design) : 1. Define Smart Tester
Unit: 2 (Test Case Design) : 1. Define Smart Tester
3. Draw the testers view of black box and white box testing.
7. Define State.
A state is an internal configuration of a system or component. It is defined in terms of the
values assumed at a particular time for the variables that characterize the system or
13. What are the factors affecting less than 100% degree of coverage?
The nature of the unit
Some statements/branches may not be reachable.
The unit may be simple, and not mission, or safety, critical, and so complete
coverage is thought to be unnecessary.
The lack of resources
The time set aside for testing is not adequate to achieve complete coverage for all
of the units.
There is a lack of tools to support complete coverage
Other project related issues such as timing, scheduling. And marketing constraints.
14. What are the basic primes for all structured program.
Sequential ( e.g., Assignment statements)
Condition (e.g., if/then/else statements)
Iteration (e.g., while, for loops)
The graphical representation of these three primes are given:
Sequence Condition Iteration
Interface errors
Performance errors