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Entergy Estimate - New 230 KV Substation

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Rev Description of Revision Prepared By
A 10/17/16 Preliminary Scope and Estimate Branch Davis


This Order of Magnitude estimate has been prepared without the benefit of
detailed engineering or study data. The solution set reflects the current
understanding of the proposed project. The estimate should not be
considered to be more than - 50%+100% accurate and is intended to
be used as a screening tool by the Customer. There are many variables
which are unknown at this time and which will be addressed during detailed
scoping. These variables could significantly change the scope of work and
this cost estimate. In order to proceed with the project, a Project Execution
Plan should be developed which will result in a definitive scope of work and
cost estimate. Please note the major assumptions used in preparation of
this preliminary scope and estimate which are listed in section 2.

Class 5 Estimate 1
1.1. Background on Customer Need and Location
The Customer New Orleans Sewage and Water Board S&WB, has requested
ENOI provide a Class 5 estimate for a new 230 KV Substation at a site on their
property to address reliability and power quality concerns. In order for ENOI to
provide the requested 230 KV Substation, ENOI will install a new 4-Breaker
ring, with 2-230 KV Transformers 20 MVA. See Attachment #1, site location
map and Plan.
1.2. Planning Studies
Load Flow Analysis
A load flow analysis was not requested.

Motor Start Analysis

A motor start analysis was not required for this project.

1.3. Proposed Solution

New 230kV Substation, with a 2pole 230KV Transmission Line, loop in and

In order to provide a dedicated 230 KV loop in and out Substation located on New
Orleans Sewage and Water Board property, ENOI will install a new 230kV
Substation on the Joliet to Southport 230 KV transmission line. The new
substation will be configured as a four breaker ring bus, with future expansion to a
six breaker ring bus, to accommodate a possible future transfer of load as
suggested by the Customer. Two nodes of the ring bus will be Entergy
transmission lines and two nodes will serve the Customer at the 230kV service
level. Also ENOI will provide 2-230/24 KV Transformers i.e. the 2- 20 MVA LTC
Transformers main Breakers and Bays.

See Attachment #2 & #3 for a Substation preliminary oneline diagram and

electrical arrangement respectively.

The 230 KV transmission line cut-in will consist of a loop design, i.e. In and Out,
on 2-single pole, separate structures.

1.4. Cost Estimate

1.4.1. New 230kV Substation and Transmission Line Cut-in

This is a Class 5 Order of Magnitude estimate with an accuracy range of -50% to

Class 5 Estimate 2
Item Cost
Substation Total (Including Overheads) $9,455,734
Transmission Line (Including Overheads) $1,339,566
Project Total (Including Overheads) $10,795,300
TAX GROSS UP (16.33%) $1,762,872
Total Customer Contribution $12,558,172
(Class 5 Estimate Range) ($6,279,086- $25,116,345)

1.5. Duration Schedule

A detailed schedule will be prepared subsequent to customer approval to proceed
with the project. Based on the Task duration schedules listed below, the overall
project duration is approximately 24 months assuming all prior upgrades are in
place and the required transmission outages are available at the appropriate
times. This duration begins when all necessary contracts are fully executed and a
suitable funding mechanism has been established.
All construction work requiring outages will be performed during acceptable
periods of system load flow, which most often is the off-peak load season. Line
outages will be discussed with the SOC and TOC and the assumption is made that
line outages will be executed as planned. However, last minute denial of outages
by the SOC/TOC along with resulting schedule delay is possible.
Substation construction will be coordinated with the transmission line outages
when possible and necessary.
This duration schedule assumes that construction resources are available when
Transmission Line and Substation projects will begin subsequent to Definition
phase Project Execution Plan.
This schedule does not account for adverse weather conditions.
Schedule durations are high level estimates at this time. A detailed schedule will
be prepared upon project approval.


This order of magnitude estimate is valid for 90 days from issue to Customer.
The cost estimates provided in this document assume full Customer funding of the
listed improvements. This includes a tax liability (TAX GROSS UP) that will be the
responsibility of the Customer. The estimate does not include AFUDC (Allowance
for Funds Used during Construction) financing costs. If an alternate funding

Class 5 Estimate 3
mechanism is developed it is possible that the TAX GROSS UP costs will not be
applicable and AFUDC costs will be included.
Schedule milestones will be determined after design and constructability reviews
have been performed and environmental and regulatory compliance has been
determined. Best guesses have been made on SWPPP creation. Timing of
implementation and monitoring of SWPPP can vary greatly dependant on outcome
of environmental studies.
No detailed facility studies have been performed.
Detailed interconnection studies (such as relay impact, ground resistivity, motor
start analysis, soil borings & other geo-technical) will be performed during the
facility study phase of the project and may have impacts on the project schedule
and cost.
ENOI will not perform work on customer owned facilities.
It is assumed there is no value in retired equipment and all equipment will be
disposed of without benefit of salvage credit.
Project delays or overhead changes will affect final removed cost.
Unknown underground factors will add mitigation costs and may impact the project
schedule and estimate.
Large transformers (and other large equipment) may require special transport to
substation site.
Rising steel, copper, fuel and other market conditions could greatly affect
estimated cost.

Substation Assumptions and Risk

This estimate assumes that the Customer will provide a cleared plot of land that is
roughly graded to the 100 year flood plain for the proposed substation installation.
The plot will be approximately 461 x 228. Please note; as stated the
dimensions for the Substations is approximate, and additional Real Estate
will be required to accommodate slope/drainage issues as well as the
Substation ground protection grid. This will be determined by the Substation
Design group upon the Project moving into that phase. See Attachment #3.
This estimate also assumes that the substation right of way (ROW) will be donated
to ENOI by the Customer via a perpetual servitude. All wetland mitigation, federal,
state, and local permitting, appropriate environmental assessments, agency
approvals, and displaced soil relocation will be handled by the Customer.
The proposed location of the substation as shown in Attachment #1 is preliminary
at this time. The final size and location of the substation will be determined during
detailed design and will include significant coordination with the Customer.
This estimate assumes that the Customer will supply ENOI unencumbered
access/egress to the proposed substation via an access road off of a public
highway. The new access road will be built as per ENOIs most current access
road standard and will incorporate the maximum LA-DOTD width and turn radius.
This estimate assumes that the Customer will provide ENOI an appropriate sized
lay down yard for the duration of the construction activities. The size and
disposition of the laydown yard will be determined during detailed project scoping.

Class 5 Estimate 4
Transmission Line Assumptions and Risk
The proposed transmission line cut-in location as shown in Attachment #1 is
preliminary at this time. The final Cut-in and configuration of the proposed
transmission line will be determined during detailed design.
This estimate assumes that the ROW for the proposed transmission line extension
will be provided to ENOI by the Customer.
Transmission line surveys were not performed in the development of this estimate.
As a result, changes in transmission structure heights and costs may be required
during detailed design.
An Environmental Assessment for the proposed transmission line structures was
not performed for this estimate. An assumption was made that all spoils created by
the transmission line modifications are clean and no remediation will be required.
No contingent dollars were included in this estimate to address remediation cost. A
modified phase two assessment will be initiated upon project approval to validate
this assumption.


Attachment #1: Site Location map and Plan

Attachment #2: Preliminary Oneline Diagram
Attachment #3: Preliminary Electrical Arrangement

Class 5 Estimate 5
Attachment 1

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