Oracle Golden Gate Deployment Architecture
Oracle Golden Gate Deployment Architecture
Oracle Golden Gate Deployment Architecture
The default location of the application Oracle Wallet is under the installation home directory. Collector can be run manually, if needed. Online
processes maintain recovery checkpoints in the trail so that processing can resume after interruptions. This metrics collection and repository is
separate from the administration layer information collection. It must be configured to archive the redo or archived log files received from the
source database. The Admin Client was designed with GGSCI as the basis the following table describes the new, deleted, and deprecated
commands in the Admin Client:. This design ensures both speed and data integrity. This process runs at the end point of the data delivery chain on
the target database. Use the Administration Server to create and manage: For the two common uses cases of Oracle GoldenGate , the function of
the Replicat process is as follows: What is a Service Manager? Distribution Server replaces the classic multiple source-side data pumps with a
single instance service. UDTUDP-based protocol for wide area networks. Use Receiver Server to:. This is used to select several additional
options such as initial load of all targets, and starting of all or selected Oracle GoldenGate processes. Source, Hub Remote Target There are two
Oracle GoldenGate instances, one is on the source data server and one is on a staging hub. Negotiating security configurations can further specify
identity validation, renegotiation, and revocation requirements as allowed by Oracle security standards. The Pump process which is also an extract
process is optional in the Goldengate setup. Components of the Deployment Profile The different components of the deployment profile are: You
can use the Performance Metrics Server in both Microservices Architecture and Classic Architecture. All Oracle GoldenGate processes send
metrics to the Performance Metrics Server. Purges Trail files based on retention rules. This process copies the Trail files containing the data to the
target system. Collector is a process that runs in the background on the target system when continuous, online change synchronization is active.
The location in which each deployment logging and reporting processing artifacts are stored. The Replicat process is the apply process in the
Goldengate configuration. Using the Service Manager, you can start and stop instances, and query deployments and the other services. The real-
time integrated capture is enabled using the standby online redo log file. The following table describes the two Oracle GoldenGate architectures
and when you should each of the architectures. If there is a failure, these processes can be started again from the original start point. WebSockets
is the default HTTPS initiated full-duplex streaming protocol used by the Receiver Server. Oracle GoldenGate client applications store the User
Certificate in a user Oracle Wallet. Who is Natik Ameen? The Integrated Capture is highly integrated with the Recovery Manager RMAN ; hence,
it's capable of switching among mirrors of the archive log files when operating on a deferred configuration. This method provides a communication
layer that passes data and metadata from an external API to the Extract API. Processes that read from the trail file: Target Select the Data Server
and Oracle GoldenGate Instance to use as the target of each replication path. If you find an error or have a suggestion for improving our content,
we would appreciate your feedback. If a data pump is not used, the Extract process must streams all the captured operations to a trail file on the
remote target database.