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MMLG 01, 02, 03, 04


Technical Data
Test Blocks and Test Plugs
Publication Reference: MMLG_MMLB/EN/TD/B

- ALSTOM 2015. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it
is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is
subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Types MMLG 01, 02, 03, 04 Test Blocks
Type MMLB 01 Multi-Finger Test Plug

Features Application Removal of the cover also reveals an orange

Test block can be mounted adjacent coloured strip on the block front plate, which
Although designed within the Midos range gives a clear visual indication that the
to Midos modular relays and
these test blocks offer facilities for monitoring scheme is out of service.
and secondary injection testing any power Insertion of the test plug type MMLB 01, as
Test block obviates need to disturb system protection scheme, when used with shown in Figures 2 and 3, open circuits the
protective system wiring for testing the multi- fingered test plug type MMLB 01. contacts, which connect terminal pairs.
Monitoring, isolation and secondary
injection testing are simplified and The test plug carries 28 4mm sockets. Each
Before use, the insulation of the socket is identified by a number, which
quickly performed flying leads must be visually checked corresponds to the numbered case terminal
for damage. to which the socket is connected when the
Types Available The continuity of the shorting plug/wire plug is inserted.
MMLG 01 links, and the state of their insulation, should Connections to other equipment, eg., CTs,
Standard test block be checked before insertion into the MMLG VTs and dc supplies, should be made to odd
MMLG 02 01 test block. numbered terminals on the test block. This
Special test block designed for use in Description, Installation and ensures that when the test plug MMLB is
busbar protection schemes used, the sockets in the white half of the plug
Use are the isolated relay circuits, and the sockets
MMLG 03 The Safety Guide Publication Pxxx-SG-4LM in the orange half are connected to the
Horizontal version of MMLG 01 should be read before installing or using the potentially live supplies as shown in Figure 6.
MMLG 04 test block (MMLG) or test plug (MMLB).
Horizontal version of MMLG 02
MMLB 01 Note. Terminals 13 and 14 have
Multi-finger test plug short contact fingers, which must not
be used for CT connections.
Refer to the Mechanical Details section for a
MMLG 01 and MMLB 01 terminals description of the test block (MMLG) and test
13 and 14 must not be used for CT plug (MMLB). The MMLG cover, when in
connections since they may present place, provides protection from electric shock
a safety hazard. hazard.
Care should be taken to ensure that MMLG
01 covers are correctly orientated when
The test block carries 14 circuits, each of
which is brought out to separate pairs of
terminals at the rear of the case.
Each circuit comprises a pair of internal
contacts which are normally sprung together
to complete the circuit link through the block
when the associated protective equipment is
in normal service.
Access to these internal circuits for testing Figure 2. MMLG 01 test block and multi-finger test
purposes, can be gained by removing the plug MMLB 01 (not inserted) with a CT
front cover. A metallic probe secured to the shorting link
inside face of the MMLG 01 cover is
automatically withdrawn when the cover is
removed, so interrupting the circuit between Note: It is important that the sockets
terminals 13 and 14. By routing the main dc in the MMLB 01 test plug which
auxiliary supply to the protection scheme or correspond to current transformer
relay through this circuit, removal of the test secondary windings are shorted
block cover will thereby prevent inadvertent using external links before the test
tripping of the protection during the ensuing plug is inserted into the MMLG test
tests. block. For a typical example, refer to
This link is not provided on the MMLG 02 Figure 2.
Figure 1. Type MMLG 02 Test Block because the contacts between terminals 13 This ensures that current transformer
and 14 are normally closed. secondary windings are short-circuited
before they are disconnected from the
protection relay or scheme, thereby avoiding
Note. These two terminals on MMLG
dangerously high voltages. This is illustrated
01/02 must not be used for CT
in Figures 2 and 6.
connections since this will present a
safety hazard. The reason for this is If it is desired to use the dc auxiliary supply
that the associated MMLB 01 test during testing, then it can be linked across
plug contact finger is shorter than using the sockets in the test plug.
the others. This would result in an
open circuit path on MMLG 02.
Types MMLG 01, 02, 03, 04 Test Blocks
Type MMLB 01 Multi-Finger Test Plug

Test equipment can be connected to the Current withstand

relay or scheme using the sockets in the MMLG 01/02, MMLB 01
white area of the test plug, and operation of Thermal withstands: 20A
contacts can be monitored. Where more
continuous, 250A for 1s, 400A for
than one MMLG 01 test block is used in the
connections to a relay, it may be advisable to
route the dc supply through each of them as Test cables FJ0865-1 Thermal
a safeguard against inadvertent operation. withstands: 20A continuous 250A
for 1s, 400A for 0.5s.

Maximum Working Voltage

MMLG, MMLB 01 Figure 5. Test cable with retractable shrouded plugs
300 volts ac or dc continuous rating
Mechanical Details
Atmospheric Environment Mechanical environment
Temperature Vibration
IEC 60255-1: 2009 IEC 60255-21-1: 1988: Response
Storage and transit Class 2
25C to +70C
Operating 25C to +55C EMC compliance
IEC 60068-2-1: 2007 Cold 2004/108/EC
IEC 60068-2-2: 2007 Dry Heat These products have been classified
Humidity as electromagnetically benign and
IEC 60068-2-78: 2001 are therefore excluded from the
56 days at 93% RH and +40C European Community EMC Directive
Enclosure Protection (2004/108/EC).
IEC 60529: 1992+A2:2013 Product safety
MMLG with cover fitted
Figure 3. MMLG 01 test block with multi-finger test
IP50 (dust protected) (2006/95/EC)
plug MMLB 01 inserted. MMLG (without cover) and MMLB 01 Compliance with the European
IP20 Commission Low Voltage Directive.
Technical Data
High Voltage Withstand EN60255-27: 2014
Insulation Compliance is demonstrated by
IEC 60255-27: 2014 reference to generic safety
MMLG 01/02:
5kV rms for 1 minute between all
case terminals connected together
and the case earth terminal.

2kV rms for 1 minute between any

contact pair and either adjacent
contact pair.

5kV rms for 1 minute between any

alternate contact pair, provided that
the intermediate contact pair is not
MMLG 01 only
1kV rms for 1 minute between
terminals 13 and 14 when the cover
is removed (eg., opening the
auxiliary supply or trip circuit).
As MMLG 01 plus

2kV rms for 1 minute between

incoming and outgoing contacts
when inserted.

Figure 4. Case outline size 2

Types MMLG 01, 02, 03, 04 Test Blocks
Type MMLB 01 Multi-Finger Test Plug

Test block type MMLG Multi-fingered test plug type

The MMLG test block is a size 2 unit in the MMLB 01
Midos system. The test plug locates securely into test sockets
Relevant sizes and panel mounting details of the MMLG test block and can be retained
are given in Figure 4. by two knurled screws. Each of the 28 test
sockets of the test plug accepts a test cable
Each terminal has: with 4mm retractable shrouded plugs.
1) A 4mm screw outlet for L shaped pre-
Accessories provided with each MMLB
insulated crimp terminations.
01 test plug:
2) Two blades (4.8mm x 0.8mm cross-
section) to accept snap-on connectors 6 shorting plug links, each comprising two
as defined in BS 5057. 4mm stackable plugs with retractable
shrouds jointed by 150mm length cable.
Any combination of two of the above types of
connections may be used on each terminal 2m length cables of the same design are
position. available on request.
An earth connection should be made to the
protective earth terminal on the rear of the
MMLG using 2.5mm2 minimum wire.
If ring tabs are used for connection to the
rear terminal block, these should be of the
insulated crimp type to maintain design
insulation levels.

Figure 6. Typical use of MMLG 01 test block and MMLB 01 test plug
Alstom Grid

- ALSTOM 2015. All rights reserved.

Information contained in this document is
indicative only. No representation or warranty
is given or should be relied on that it is
complete or correct or will apply to any
particular project. This will depend on the
technical and commercial circumstances. It is
provided without liability and is subject to
change without notice. Reproduction, use or
disclosure to third parties, without express
written authority, is strictly prohibited.
Alstom Grid Worldwide Contact Centre
Tel: +44 (0) 1785 250 070

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