KWL Scoring Rubric

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Rubric for K-W-L Chart

4 3 2 1 Score
Students comments Students ideas Students ideas are Students ideas do
are in depth and show evidence of short and shallow. not show evidence
Critical Thinking show evidence of critical thinking. of critical
critical thinking. thinking.
Student accurately Student accurately Student accurately Student
infers answers to 5 infers answers to 4 infers answers to 3 accurately infers
Inference of his/her questions. of his/her questions. of his/her questions. answers to 2 of
his/her questions.

Student coherently Student coherently Student coherently Student

stated 5 or more stated 4 or more stated 3 or more coherently stated
answers to learning answers to learning answers to learning 2 or more answers
Comprehension questions in the L questions in the L questions in the L to learning
part of the KWL part of the KWL part of the KWL questions in the
chart. chart. chart. L part of the
KWL chart.
Student correctly Student applies the Student somewhat Student does not
applies content content from the applies the content apply content from
from the speech in speech in their from the speech in the speech in their
their answers for answers for the L their answers for answers for the
the L part of the part of the KWL the L part of the L part of the
KWL chart. chart. KWL chart. KWL chart.

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