Effect of Extract of Garlic and Ginger On Bacteria Isolated From Ogi
Effect of Extract of Garlic and Ginger On Bacteria Isolated From Ogi
Effect of Extract of Garlic and Ginger On Bacteria Isolated From Ogi
O et al ISSN 2349-7750
Please cite this article in press as Reza Havasian et al , Effect of Extract of Garlic and Ginger on Bacteria Isolated
From OGI, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(11).
Ogi is made from cereals and are more widely Microbiological and nutritional studies by Odunfa
utilized as foods in African countries than in the and Teniola, (2001)[3] showed that the lactic acid
development world. In fact cereals account for as bacterium Lactobacillus plantarium the aerobic
much as 77% of total caloric consumption in the bacteria Corynebacterium and Aerobacter, the
African countries [1]. yeast Candida mycoderma, Saccharomyces
Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic is a cerevisiae and Rhodotorula and molds
species in the onion family Alliaceace. Its close Cephalosporium, Fusarium, Aspergillus, and
relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, Penicillium are the major organism responsible for
chiverakkyo. Garlic has been used throughout the fermentation and nutritional improvement of ogi.
history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. [3], determine that Bactobacillus plantarium was the
The garlic plants bulb is the most commonly used predominant organism in the fermentation
part of the plant, with the exception of the single responsible for lactic acid production.
cloves type, the bulb is divided into numerous fleshy Corynebacterium hydrolyzed corn starch to organic
sections called cloves [2]. The cloves are used for acids while Saccharomyces cereviseae and Candida
cloning, consumption (raw or cooked) or for mycoderma contributed to flavor development.
medicinal purposes and have a characteristic pungent, This present study focuses on the isolation of bacteria
spicy flavor that mellows and sweets also edible and present in ogi and the determination of the effect of
being milder in flavor than the bulbs, they are most extracts of ginger and garlic to extend the shelf life of
often consumed while immature and still tender. ogi.
Additionally, the immature flower stalks (scapes) of
the hard neck and elephant types are sometimes METHODOLOGY
marketed for uses similar to asparagus in stir-fries Collection of Samples
[3]. Samples of Ogi were obtained from Udu market in
Papery, protective layers of skin over various parts Warri and were taken to the microbiology laboratory
of the plant are generally discarded during in a sterile container for microbial analysis.
preparation for most culinary uses, though in Korea, Fresh ginger and garlic cloves were also bought from
immature whole heads are sometimes prepared with Udu market in Warri, Delta State.
the tender skins intact. The root cluster attached to
the basal plate of the bulb is the only part not Microbiological Analysis of Samples
typically considered palatable in any form. The Isolation of Organisms
sticky juice within the bulb cloves is used as an Serial Dilution
adhesive in mending glass and china [7]. 500g of Ogi was mixed with 200ml of distilled water.
Ginger and her cousin Tumeric is proud member of Four test tubes containing 9.0ml of sterile distilled
the Zingiberaceae family and grow in sub-tropical, water to obtain 10-1 dilution of the ogi sample making
volcanic soils in the southern hemisphere. The plant 10-2, 10-3, 10-4. The tubes were then covered with
is thought to have originated in tropical Asia and aluminum foil.
widely cultivated in the Caribbean and Africa. All 1.0ml of the supernatant solution of the Ogi samples
cultures report similar uses of this plant. It has been was added to 9.0ml of sterile distilled water in a test
used as a favorite diffusive circulatory stimulant tube to obtain 10-1 dilution of the samples, 1.0ml of
and healthy agent, calming nausea removing phlegm 10-1dilution was added to another 9.0ml of sterile
or catarrh in a wet cough. It has also been used to water to get 10mls of 10-2 dilution of the same
support a healthy inflammatory response. Ginger is sample.
also widely used for motion sickness. Ginger is one These processes were reported to get 10-2 and 10-4.
of the most widely consumed aromatic spices on the All the four samples were serially diluted for
plant. Ginger is a tuber that is consumed whole as a inoculation of total viable microbial count and
delicacy, medicine, or spice. It is the rhizome of the isolation of different types of micro-organism present
plant Zingiber officinale. It leads its name to its genus in them.
and family (Zingiberaceae). Other notable members Total Viable Count
of this plant family are turmeric, cardamom, and This was done by pouring a little of the prepared
galangal. Ginger cultivation began in south Asia and nutrient agar at about 45oC into a petri-dish and
has since spread to East Africa and the Carribean. It swirled gently and allowed to set. Then using a sterile
is sometimes called root ginger to distinguish it from wire loop inserted into the Ogi sample dilution.
other things that share the name ginger[1].
Several number of streaking was made on the plate Dilution for Garlic
containing the agar and after which it was incubated 1ml of garlic - - - - -
for 24hours at 37oC. -- 100% conc. (1sttest tube)
The plate was examined after incubation and the 1ml of garlic + 1ml of sterile distilled water -- 50%
number of colonies present in the plate was counted conc. (2ndtest tube)
and recorded. 1ml of garlic + 2ml of sterile distilled water -
33.3% conc. (3rd test tube)
Isolation of Types of Microorganism Present in 1ml of garlic + 3ml of sterile distilled water -- 25%
Ogi Samples conc. (4thtest tube)
1.0ml from 10-2 and 10-3 dilution of each sample were 1ml of garlic and ginger from different
aseptically transferred into different sterile Petri concentration was pipette and introduced into the
dishes. About 10.0ml of appropriate media were plates. The medium was then incubated for 24hours
poured into the plates. Good spread inoculum was at 37oC. Zones of growth inhibition indicate
achieved by combination of swirling and radical sensitivity of the organism to the extracts of garlic
motion of the plates on the bench. The plates were and ginger while those without zone indicates
allowed to set and incubated at 37oC for 24hours. resistances.
Table 1: Cultural, Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Bacteria Isolates from Ogi
Sample A: Ogi with 2.0ml of Garlic and Ginger.
Sample B: Ogi with 4.0ml of Garlic and Ginger.
Sample C: Ogi with 6.0ml of Garlic and Ginger.
Sample D: Ogi without Garlic and Ginger.
Table 6: The Zone of Inhibition (Millimeter) of Garlic Extract at Different Concentration on Nutrient Agar.
Nutrient agar
Isolates 100% 50% 33.3% 25%
Bacillus 15 12 7.6 2.5
Staphylococcus aureus 13 10 6.5 3.0
TABLE 7: The Zone of Inhibition (Millimeter) of Ginger Extract at Different Concentration on Nutrient
Nutrient agar
Isolates 100% 50% 33.3% 25%
Bacillus 12 8 5.5 2.0
Staphylococcus aureus 14 10 6.6 1.8
Streptocuccus spp 10 7.9 6.9 1.5
Escherichia coli 8 6.5 6.0 1.2
Table 8: Comparism of the Zones of Inhibition of Garlic and Ginger on Nutrient Agar at 100%
Nutrient Agar
Isolates Garlic Ginger
Bacillus cereus 15 12
Staphylococcus aureus 13 14
Streptocuccus spp 11 10
Escherichia coli 10 8
Result obtained in this study demonstrate the cultural, In conclusion, the result of this study revealed that
morphological and biochemical characteristics of the undesirable bacteria such as Bacillus sp.,
bacteria isolated from OGI, identified by their color, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp. and
shape, size, motility and other test as shown in (Table Escherichia coli were present in OGI which could
I). Through the gram staining, motility and coagulase not be totally inhibited by the presence of garlic and
test bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, ginger but reduced them and application of high
Staphylococcus epididimis, Streptococcus feacalis, amount could prevent spoilage and inhibit other
Bacillus spp present in Ogi. bacteria. However, it was obvious that garlic and
Result displayed in table 2 and 3 indicate the total ginger alone could not prolong the shelf life of OGI
viable bacterial count of ogi and bacteria isolated in and that garlic and ginger can be used to enhance the
Ogi in each serial dilution. This was obtained by a flavor of Ogi.
careful examination if the Petri dishes which were
inoculated for 24hours. RECOMMENDATIONS
The total count was recorded and it was noted that, 1. Ginger and Garlic should be cultivated in high
the count sample A (10-1) was the highest and as the quantity to improve the shelf life of ogi.
dilution concentrated decreases the total bacterial 2. Ginger and Garlic should also be used widely on
count decreases (Table2). The bacterial isolated were Ogi because it enhances the flavor.
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