Government of India Act 1935 in Urdu PDF
Government of India Act 1935 in Urdu PDF
Government of India Act 1935 in Urdu PDF
See Terms of Use for details. After discussions by the British politicians and consultation with Indian delegates, nominated by the government to
take part in the talks, a Bill was introduced before the British parliament in December The Reserve Bank of India was established. The Act
promised the autonomous provincial governments in the eleven provinces under the ministries who would be responsible for legislature. In August ,
the Government of India act became law. The salient features of the Act stated as under:. The Bill was discussed in the House of Commons for 43
days and in the House of Lords for 13 days and finally, after being signed by the King, was enforced as the Government of India Act, , in July The
system of Dyarchy was scrapped in the provinces and introduced in the centure. The Secretary of State was not to interrupt the affairs being dealt
with the Governor General. The legislature had no control over the legislature under this Act. The Council of State was to consist of members, out
of whom were to be elected from the British India and to be nominated by the rulers of princely states. The Act brought an end to the Indian
council and the place was filled by a few advisors to assist the Secretary of State for India. In the Center, the Federal Court was established. The
Committee consisted of 20 representatives of India and seven representatives from the Princely States of India while Lord Linlithgow headed the
Committee. The Government of India Act consisted of two parts. At the time of independence, the two dominions of India and Pakistan accepted
the Act of , with few amendments, as their provisional constitution. The Reserve Bank of India was established. Both the Muslim League and
Congress did not approve the Act as the main powers of defense, external relations, currency and exchange, and fiscal policy rested at the hands
of the British. So the provincial part of the Act was enacted while the Central part ran under the Government of India Act Share This Page Tweet.
Previous Benazirs First Regime. The Committee drafted a bill on February 5, which was signed by the King of England in July after it was
discussed for 13 days in the House of Lords and forty three days in the House of Commons. Under the Act a Federal Court was established. The
lower house of the Assembly, the Indian Legislature Assembly, was not an independent body. After a year and a half of deliberations, the
Committee finally came out with a draft Bill on February 5, Reforms were introduced in N. One-third members of the upper house had to retire
after every 3 years. The views expressed by the writer are purely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Story Of
Pakistan. Orissa and Sindh were made provinces. You must log in or sign up to post here. Two new provinces Sindh and Orissa were created. An
editor thinks that this article may not be neutral. However it came to an end in the provinces. One was federal , 2 nd was provincial and the 3 rd
was concurrent list. Dyarchy in the provinces was to end in the provinces while it stayed sustained at the Center. The provinces were given more
authority and powers and for the first time the provinces were made separate entities. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mar 5, Messages:
The governor General was to remain the head of the Central administration with the full authorities of finance, administration, and legislation. After a
year and a half of deliberations, the Committee finally came out with a draft Bill on February 5, The report of the committee was published in that
was contained in a bill of law. The salient features of the Act stated as under: The Indian Council that was created to help him was abolished under
the Government of India Act Your name or email address: One-third Muslim representation in the Central Legislature was guaranteed. A
Federation of India was promised for, comprising both provinces and states. The Federal Legislature was to comprise of the two Houses i.
Retrieved from " https: Under the Act the Secretary of State for India enjoyed the same powers that the other ministers enjoyed under the Act.
Lord Linlithgow was appointed as the president of the Committee.