Course Outline Sem 2,20172018

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Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(Date of document: 2nd May 2017)

Course Code : MESB443

Course Status : Core
Level : Degree
Semester Taught : 7
Credit : 3
Pre-requisites : MATB113 Advanced Calculus and Geometric Analysis
EEEB113 Circuits Analysis I
MEMB333 Machine Design

Assessments : Assignments + Quizzes 10%

Mini project 10%
Test(s) 30%
Final Examination 50%

Lecturers : Prof. Ir. Dr. Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari

Office: BA-3-056, ext. 7601
E-mail: [email protected]

Vignesh Vicki A/l Wanatasanappan

Office: BN-0-030, ext. 6330
E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description : This is an introductory course on electromechanical systems. The

course begins by reviewing fundamental theories and laws
pertaining to magnetic and magnetically coupled circuits and also
the principles behind electromechanical energy conversion. This
is followed by coverage on power electronics. These will lead to
studies of DC machines, AC machines; in terms of their
characteristics, operational aspects, the underlying theories and
application aspects in industry.
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Objectives : At the end of the course the students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic theory of machinery principles and
power electronics
2. Tackle simple problems of three-phase system analysis
3. Derive the equivalent circuits of different types of machines
4. Tackle simple problems of performance analysis and
prediction of different types of machine using the concept of
equivalent circuit
5. Select the right machine and drive for a given application

Transferrable Skills : Ability to analyse performance of electrical machines based on

equivalent circuit and power flow diagram, select the suitable
motor type and sizing based on application using catalogues.

Course Outcomes (CO)

- what students to achieve and to be assessed upon completing this course

No. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

CO1 Explain the basic theory of machinery principles

CO2 Explain the basics of power electronics

Construct and utilize the equivalent circuit and power flow diagram of DC machines to
analyse their operations and performance characteristics in any application

CO4 Solve problems of balanced three-phase system

Construct and utilize the equivalent circuit of transformers to analyse their operations
and performance characteristics in any application
Construct, utilize and evaluate the equivalent circuit and power flow diagram of AC
machines to analyse their operations and performance characteristics in any application

CO7 Identify and select an appropriate motor for a given application

Provide and justify solution for a complex problem related to the content of the
syllabus through group project

CO9 Present technical work related to electro-mechanical system through group project
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Outline :

Topic 1: Introduction
Course organization
Dynamics of mechanical drive system
Some example applications of electro-mechanical systems

Topic 2: Fundamental concepts of electro-mechanical energy conversion

Magnetic Fields
Electromagnetic induction
Faradays law
Torque production
Magnetic circuit

Topic 3: Introduction to Power Electronics

Power Electronic Components
Basic Rectifier Circuits
Introduction to inverters and choppers

Topic 4: DC machines
Constructional features
Principle of operation
Commutation and armature reaction
Equivalent circuit and performance characteristics (shunt and series)
Drives and applications

Topic 5: Transformers
Constructional features
Principle of operation
Ideal transformer
Real transformer
Equivalent circuit

Topic 6: Power supply and load system

Generation, transmission, distribution and three-phase/single phase load
Wye-connection, Delta-connection
Analysis of balanced three-phase circuits, phasor notation
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Topic 7: AC machines: Induction & synchronous machines

Fundamentals on AC Machines
Constructional features
Principle of operation
Equivalent circuit
Drives and applications

Topic 8: Selection and sizing of motor drive system

Mechanical design
Electromagnetic compatibility
Supply, load and environment consideration
Type and size of motor for continuous and intermittent duty

Main Reference
Stephen J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill

Additional Reference(s)
1. Theodore Wildi, Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall
2. A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, S.D. Umans, Electric Machinery, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Outcomes :

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO9 PO12
Course Outcomes PO7 PO8 PO10 PO11
a b c a b a b c a b c a b a b a b c a b
CO1: Explain the basic theory of

machinery principles

CO2: Explain the basics of

power electronics

CO3: Construct and utilize the

equivalent circuit and power
flow diagram of DC machines to

analyse their operations and
performance characteristics in
any application

CO4: Solve problems of

balanced three-phase system

CO5: Construct and utilize the

equivalent circuit of
transformers to analyse their
operations and performance
characteristics in any application

CO6: Construct, utilize and

evaluate the equivalent circuit
and power flow diagram of AC

machines to analyse their
operations and performance
characteristics in any application
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

CO7: Identify and select an

appropriate motor for a given

CO8: Provide and justify

solution for a complex problem

related to the content of the
syllabus through group project

CO9: Present technical work

related to electro-mechanical
system through group project

Assessment-Course Outcomes Matrix :

Assessments CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8 CO9
Assignments +

Quizzes (10%)
Mini Project
Test 1 (15%)
Test 2 (15%)
Final Exam


PO & MQF LOD Emphasis:

Current Coverage PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 Total
11.0 86.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Bloom's Coverage (%) :

Psychomotor Affective Total
Low Med Hi
Current Coverage (%) 11.0 69.0 17.0 3.0 0.0 100
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

What is Program Educational Objectives (PEO)?

PEO are objectives that UNITEN graduates should achieve after five (5) years of graduation.

Summary of BME Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

Program Educational Objectives

UNITEN produces Mechanical Engineering graduates who:
PEO1 Practicing engineers in mechanical engineering with the ability to venture into energy related business.
PEO2 Hold leadership responsibilities and/or establish their own enterprises.
PEO3 Have professional qualifications/certifications in mechanical engineering related areas.
PEO4 Engages in activities to enhance knowledge in their professional works

What are Programme Outcomes (PO)?

POs are the expected traits that UNITEN students should have upon graduation.

COE Programme Outcomes (PO)

Program Outcomes

PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) program will have
No. the ability to:

Statement PO Indicators

a)Comprehend the fundamental knowledge of

mathematics, science and mechanical engineering
Apply fundamental knowledge of
b) Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics,
mathematics, science and mechanical
science and mechanical engineering principles in
PO1 engineering principles in solving complex
solving engineering problems (C3, C4)
c) Solve complex engineering problems by
WA1 (WK1-WK4)[MQF1]
relating/incorporating fundamental knowledge of
mathematics, science and mechanical engineering
principles. (C5,C6)

Identify, formulate, analyze and solve a) Identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering
complex mechanical engineering problems (C3, C4)
problems b) Evaluate and synthesize the solution to complex
WA2 (WK1-WK4)[MQF1] mechanical engineering problems (C5,C6)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program Outcomes

PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) program will have
No. the ability to:

Statement PO Indicators

a) Illustrate solutions for mechanical engineering

problems with appropriate consideration for public
Design solutions for complex health and safety. (C3, C4)
mechanical engineering problems that b) Illustrate solutions for mechanical engineering
meet specific needs with appropriate problems with appropriate consideration for culture,
consideration for public health and society, and environment. (C3, C4)
safety, culture, society, and environment c) Propose solutions for complex mechanical
WA3 (WK5)[MQF6] engineering problems that meet specific needs with
appropriate consideration for public health and
safety, culture, society, and environment. (C5,C6)

a) Use research methods for collecting data (C1, C2)

Conduct investigations, interpret data
b) Analyze and interpret data using engineering
and provide conclusions in investigating
principles and appropriate techniques (C3,C4)
PO4 complex problems related to mechanical
c) Design & evaluate solutions to complex engineering
problems by employing research methods and data
WA4 (WK8)[MQF6]
interpretation skills (C5,C6)

Create appropriate techniques, select

a) Usage of modern tools to execute mechanical
resources, and apply modern
engineering activities (P1,P2)
PO5 engineering tools to execute complex
b) Manipulation of modern tool to execute complex
engineering activities
engineering activities (P3,P4)
WA5 (WK6)[MQF2]

Apply reasoning in assessing societal, a) Apply reasoning in assessing societal, legal and
health, safety, legal and cultural issues cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice (C3, C4)
relevant to professional engineering b) Apply reasoning in assessing health and safety
practice issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
WA6 (WK7)[MQF4] professional engineering practice (C3, C4)

Demonstrate knowledge of the impact

of professional engineering solutions in
PO7 environmental contexts and the need for No sub-attribute (C2,C3)
sustainable development
WA7 (WK7)[MQF3]
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Program Outcomes

PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) program will have
No. the ability to:

Statement PO Indicators

Demonstrate commitment to
PO8 professional and ethical principles No sub-attribute (A3)
WA8 (WK7)[MQF4]

a) Communicate effectively by means of oral

presentation (P3)
Communicate effectively on complex b) Communicate effectively by means of report writing
PO9 engineering activities (P3)
WA10[MQF5] c) Communicate effectively by means of oral
presentation and/or report writing on complex
engineering activities (P3)
Function effectively as an individual
and in a group with the capacity to be a
PO10 No sub-attribute (A4)
Acknowledge the need for, and be able
PO11 to engage in life-long learning No sub-attribute (C2)

Demonstrate knowledge on project a) Demonstrate knowledge on project management

management principles and principles (C2,C3)
entrepreneurship skills b) Demonstrate knowledge on entrepreneurship skills
WA11[MQF8] (C2,C3)

Malaysian Qualifications Framework Learning Outcome Domains (MQF LOD) & iCGPA

The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) or the MEB (HE) (Ministry of Higher Education, 2015) is formulated based
on the vision and aspiration of Malaysia Education Development Plan (2013 2015) and National Higher Education Strategic Plan (or Pelan
Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN)) in educating students who are knowledgeable, skilled and talented to face the challenges of the 21st

Shift 1 of the blueprint aims to foster graduates who are holistic, balanced and entrepreneurial in line with the National Education

One of the initiatives in Shift 1 is the implementation of the integrated assessment system which materialises student holistic attainment based
on the learning experiences in higher education known as integrated CGPA or iCGPA.

iCGPA illustrates attainment of eight domains of learning outcomes listed in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.

Malaysian Qualifications Framework Learning Outcome Domains (MQF LOD)

MQF1 Knowledge
MQF2 Practical Skills
MQF3 Social Skills and Responsibilities
MQF4 Values, Attitude and Professionalism
MQF5 Communication, Leadership and Teamwork Skills
MQF6 Problem Solving and Scientific Skills
MQF7 Information Management and Lifelong Learning Skills
MQF8 Managerial and Entrepreneurial Skills

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