Course Outline Sem 2,20172018
Course Outline Sem 2,20172018
Course Outline Sem 2,20172018
(Date of document: 2nd May 2017)
Course Objectives : At the end of the course the students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic theory of machinery principles and
power electronics
2. Tackle simple problems of three-phase system analysis
3. Derive the equivalent circuits of different types of machines
4. Tackle simple problems of performance analysis and
prediction of different types of machine using the concept of
equivalent circuit
5. Select the right machine and drive for a given application
No. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Construct and utilize the equivalent circuit and power flow diagram of DC machines to
analyse their operations and performance characteristics in any application
Construct and utilize the equivalent circuit of transformers to analyse their operations
and performance characteristics in any application
Construct, utilize and evaluate the equivalent circuit and power flow diagram of AC
machines to analyse their operations and performance characteristics in any application
Provide and justify solution for a complex problem related to the content of the
syllabus through group project
CO9 Present technical work related to electro-mechanical system through group project
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Outline :
Topic 1: Introduction
Course organization
Dynamics of mechanical drive system
Some example applications of electro-mechanical systems
Topic 4: DC machines
Constructional features
Principle of operation
Commutation and armature reaction
Equivalent circuit and performance characteristics (shunt and series)
Drives and applications
Topic 5: Transformers
Constructional features
Principle of operation
Ideal transformer
Real transformer
Equivalent circuit
Main Reference
Stephen J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill
Additional Reference(s)
1. Theodore Wildi, Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, Sixth Edition, Prentice Hall
2. A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, S.D. Umans, Electric Machinery, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Outcomes :
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO9 PO12
Course Outcomes PO7 PO8 PO10 PO11
a b c a b a b c a b c a b a b a b c a b
CO1: Explain the basic theory of
machinery principles
Program Outcomes
PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) program will have
No. the ability to:
Statement PO Indicators
Identify, formulate, analyze and solve a) Identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering
complex mechanical engineering problems (C3, C4)
problems b) Evaluate and synthesize the solution to complex
WA2 (WK1-WK4)[MQF1] mechanical engineering problems (C5,C6)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Program Outcomes
PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) program will have
No. the ability to:
Statement PO Indicators
Apply reasoning in assessing societal, a) Apply reasoning in assessing societal, legal and
health, safety, legal and cultural issues cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice (C3, C4)
relevant to professional engineering b) Apply reasoning in assessing health and safety
practice issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
WA6 (WK7)[MQF4] professional engineering practice (C3, C4)
Program Outcomes
PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME) program will have
No. the ability to:
Statement PO Indicators
Demonstrate commitment to
PO8 professional and ethical principles No sub-attribute (A3)
WA8 (WK7)[MQF4]
Malaysian Qualifications Framework Learning Outcome Domains (MQF LOD) & iCGPA
The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) or the MEB (HE) (Ministry of Higher Education, 2015) is formulated based
on the vision and aspiration of Malaysia Education Development Plan (2013 2015) and National Higher Education Strategic Plan (or Pelan
Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN)) in educating students who are knowledgeable, skilled and talented to face the challenges of the 21st
Shift 1 of the blueprint aims to foster graduates who are holistic, balanced and entrepreneurial in line with the National Education
One of the initiatives in Shift 1 is the implementation of the integrated assessment system which materialises student holistic attainment based
on the learning experiences in higher education known as integrated CGPA or iCGPA.
iCGPA illustrates attainment of eight domains of learning outcomes listed in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.
MQF1 Knowledge
MQF2 Practical Skills
MQF3 Social Skills and Responsibilities
MQF4 Values, Attitude and Professionalism
MQF5 Communication, Leadership and Teamwork Skills
MQF6 Problem Solving and Scientific Skills
MQF7 Information Management and Lifelong Learning Skills
MQF8 Managerial and Entrepreneurial Skills