Center-Stabilized Yang-Mills Theory: Confinement and Large N Volume Independence
Center-Stabilized Yang-Mills Theory: Confinement and Large N Volume Independence
Center-Stabilized Yang-Mills Theory: Confinement and Large N Volume Independence
[email protected]
[email protected]
A. Monopole measure 25
Center symmetry transformations are gauge transformations which are periodic only up to an element of
the center of the gauge group. Volume independence applies to the leading large N behavior of expectation
values and connected correlators of topologically trivial Wilson loops.
Several schemes for preserving volume independence in arbitrarily small volumes have
been proposed. In so-called quenched reduced models, one constrains the eigenvalues of link
variables (or Wilson lines) in a manner which prevents Wilson lines from acquiring expectation
values [3].2 In the N limit, quenched reduced models correctly reproduce properties of
infinite volume Yang-Mills theory. However, corrections to the N = limit scale as 1/N , not
1/N 2 , in quenched reduced models. This makes extracting large N properties from numerical
simulations of quenched reduced models quite challenging. An alternative proposal, known
as twisted reduced models, involves modifying the Wilson action of a single-site model so
that the action explicitly disfavors configurations in which Wilson lines in different directions
mutually commute [10, 11]. Unfortunately, this clever scheme fails to work sufficiently close
to the continuum limit [12, 13]. In essence, the penalty imposed by the twisting of the action
is insufficient to overcome entropic effects which favor breaking of the center symmetry.
If light adjoint representation fermions are added to an SU (N ) Yang-Mills theory, and
periodic (not anti-periodic) boundary conditions imposed on the fermions, then the fermion
contribution to the Wilson line effective potential stabilizes the unbroken center symmetry
phase. Hence these QCD-like theories satisfy large-N volume independence for arbitrarily
small volumes [14]. (In addition, in the large-N limit C-even observables coincide between
these theories and corresponding theories, in sufficiently large volume, with fermions in the
rank-two symmetric or antisymmetric tensor representations [15, 16, 17].)
Motivated by this fermion-induced stabilization of center symmetry, in this paper we
introduce a simple scheme for preserving volume independence in pure Yang-Mills theory.
We add double trace terms to the action which prevent spontaneous breaking of center sym-
metry, while simultaneously perturbing the dynamics of the unbroken symmetry phase only
by O(1/N 2 ) corrections. This leads to a stabilized reduced model which reproduces the
dynamics of infinite volume Yang-Mills theory up to corrections which scale as 1/N 2 . The
construction may be easily generalized to other QCD-like theories with matter fields in rank-
one or rank-two representations.
In addition to providing a simple large N reduced model, the deformed Yang-Mills theory
is interesting in its own right when N is not large.3 When formulated on R3 S 1 , we show
that the large distance dynamics of the theory is analytically tractable provided N L 1.
In this regime, a semiclassical analysis (closely related to Polyakovs classic treatment of 3d
SU (2) adjoint Higgs theory [22]) reveals the existence of a mass gap and area law behavior of
spatial Wilson loops. It is noteworthy that our compactified, deformed Yang-Mills theory is
an analytically tractable confining theory with no fundamental scalar fields or supersymmetry,
in contrast to other instructive models of confinement [22, 25, 26, 27]. The confinement mech-
anism involves the formation of a dilute plasma of magnetic monopoles (and antimonopoles)
carrying topological charge 1/N .4
See Ref. [9] for an extended discussion of quenched and twisted reduced models.
See also related recent work in Refs. [18, 19, 20, 21].
Confinement due to such topological objects has been previously discussed in, for example, Refs. [23, 24]
and references therein. What is novel about our deformed theory at small N L is that this confinement
mechanism operates in a regime in which one has analytic control over the long distance dynamics.
2. Deformed Yang-Mills theory
We consider pure Yang-Mills (YM) theory with gauge group SU (N ) defined on the four
manifold R3 S 1 , with the S 1 having circumference L. The extension to multiple compactified
dimensions will be discussed below, but we begin with a single compactified dimension to
simplify the exposition. We start with the usual continuum action,
YM 1 2
S = 2
tr F (x) , (2.1)
R S 1 2g
or a lattice formulation with the Wilson action,
S YM = tr U [p] + U [p] ,
where the sum is over all oriented plaquettes, 4 is the four dimensional spacetime lattice, and
U [p] denotes the usual product of link matrices around the boundary of plaquette p. The
lattice coupling 2/g 2 . In our discussion, we will use both continuum and lattice formu-
lations, and benefit from both perspectives. As usual, a key virtue of the lattice formulation
is that it provides an Rexplicit non-perturbative definition of the theory.
Let (x) P (ei dx4 A4 (x,x4 ) ) denote the Wilson line (or Polyakov loop) operator the
holonomy of the gauge field around a circle wrapping the S 1 and sitting at the point x R3 .
We will construct a deformation of the Yang-Mills action on our compactified geometry by
adding terms, respecting all symmetries of the unmodified theory, built from the Wilson line
operator. The deformed action is given by
S deformed = S YM + S , (2.3)
S P [(x)] (2.4a)
R3 L3
in the continuum, or
1 X
S P [(x)] (2.4b)
on the lattice. In the lattice form, Nt L/a denotes the size of the lattice in the compact-
ified direction and 3 4 is a three dimensional sublattice of the four dimensional lattice
corresponding to a fixed Euclidean time-slice. We want the deformation potential P [] to
guarantee the stability of the phase with unbroken center symmetry (at small volume). It
will be chosen to have the form
P [] an |tr (n )|2 , (2.5)
with positive coefficients {an } (and bN/2c denoting the integer part of N/2). In other words,
P [] is a sum of the double trace operators tr(n ) tr(n ) . When considering the large N
limit, the coefficients {an } will be held fixed as N .
Under a center symmetry transformation by some element z ZN , the Wilson loop
tr(p ) is multiplied by z p . The value of p mod N , which determines the ZN representation,
is referred to as the N -ality. It will be important that the deformation potential (2.5) only
contains, by construction, absolute squares of Wilson loops with non-zero N -ality.
If P [] were simply proportional to |tr |2 , with a sufficiently large positive coefficient,
then this would prevent breaking of the center symmetry with htr()i as an order parameter.
But if N > 3 then this single term is not sufficient to prevent any spontaneous breaking
of center symmetry, as this term alone does nothing to prevent tr(2 ) from developing an
expectation value. In other words, a stabilizing term proportional to |tr()|2 cannot prevent
ZN breaking to Z2 (assuming N is even) with tr(2 ) as an order parameter. Adding an
additional stabilizing term proportional to |tr(2 )|2 could prevent such a breaking to Z2 , but
does not prevent breaking to Z3 (if N mod 3 = 0), or to any larger discrete subgroup of ZN .
This is why we have allowed P [] to include terms up to |tr bN/2c |2 .
We will argue that the deformed theory satisfies the following:
i) For suitable choices of the deformation parameters an (i.e., each coefficient sufficiently
large and positive) the stabilizing potential (2.5) will prevent the ZN center symmetry
from breaking to any subgroup.
ii) In the N limit, pure Yang-Mills theory on R4 is equivalent to the deformed theory
formulated on any R3 S 1 (for choices of the {an } satisfying point i). This equivalence
applies to expectation values of Wilson loops (on R4 ), or the leading large N behavior
of their connected correlators. In the lattice formulation, the number of sites in the
compactified direction may be reduced to one.
iii) When N L 1 limit, the deformed Yang-Mills theory is solvable in the same sense
as the Polyakov model. The existence of a mass gap and linear confinement can be
shown analytically. One can regard this regime as having spontaneous breaking of the
SU (N ) gauge symmetry down to U (1)N 1 , but this is a perturbative gauge dependent
description with no well-defined invariant content.
iv) There exist no order parameters which can distinguish the N L 1 Higgs regime
from the N L 1 regime in which gauge symmetry is restored.
ordinary YangMills deformed YangMills
deformation equivalence
0 0
and correlators of Wilson loops, or alternatively by comparing the large N classical dynamics
that may be derived by using appropriate large N coherent states [2, 30, 31, 29]. Figure 1
summarizes the relation between the large N limits of ordinary and deformed Yang-Mills
theories. As long as the ZN center symmetry is not spontaneously broken, the dynamics of
the theories defined by S YM and S deformed are indistinguishable at leading order in the 1/N
expansion. In particular, glueball spectra of the two theories can differ only by order 1/N 2
effects. Agreement up to O(1/N 2 ) terms also applies to the string tension which characterizes
the area law behavior of large Wilson loops.
The large N equivalence between ordinary Yang-Mills theory and the deformed theory
in large volume, combined with the large N volume independence of the deformed theory,
circumvents the problems with previous formulations of reduced models for pure Yang-Mills
theory. Unlike the original Eguchi-Kawai model [1], its twisted variant [10, 11], and the partial
reduction of Refs. [4, 5], the equivalence to deformed YM theory remains valid in the limit
of zero compactification radius, irrespective of the value of the (bare) gauge coupling. And
for finite N , corrections to the large N limit scale as 1/N 2 , not 1/N as in quenched reduced
models [3]. Consequently, it should be possible to study the deformed theory, for relatively
modest values of N and vanishingly small volume, and obtain accurate results for properties
of ordinary Yang-Mills theory, in the large N limit, on R4 . As we discuss below, it is also
instructive to study the deformed theory for small values of N . In this regime, it will be seen
to provide a novel example of a confining theory, only involving an SU (N ) gauge field, which
is analytically soluble.
V [] = L1 ln det+ (Dadj
). (2.7)
For constant (or slowly varying) configurations, the evaluation of the functional determinant
is straightforward and yields [32]
V [] = 4
V[(x)] , (2.8)
R3 L
2 X 1
V[] 2 |tr n |2 . (2.9)
For sufficiently small L, corrections to this one-loop result are negligible. The effective po-
tential (2.9) is minimized when the Wilson line is an element of the center, = e2ik/N ,
k = 0, , N 1, demonstrating the spontaneous breaking of ZN symmetry, in ordinary
Yang-Mills theory, for sufficiently small compactifications.
To force unbroken center symmetry in the deformed theory, the deformation potential
P [] must overcome the effect of the one-loop potential (2.9). A simple specific choice for
the deformation coefficients which, in the continuum limit and for sufficiently R large N , ac-
2 4 4
complishes this is an = 4/( n ). For this choice, the deformation potential R3 L P [] is
minus twice the one-loop Wilson line effective potential (2.9) of the undeformed theory, so the
net effect of the deformation is to flip the sign of the effective potential for the Wilson line.
The resulting combined potential is minimized when tr n = 0 for all n which are non-zero
modulo N , indicating unbroken center symmetry.
Instead of compactifying just one dimension, one may consider the gauge theory on R4d T d ,
where T d is a d > 1 dimensional torus. For simplicity, we will discuss the case of a symmetric
torus having size L in each dimension. Two particularly interesting cases are d = 3, where
the L 0 limit will reduce to SU (N ) matrix quantum mechanics, and d = 4, where the zero
size limit will reduce to a matrix model.
With multiple compactified dimensions, the center symmetry is (ZN )d . The preceding
discussion generalizes in a straightforward fashion, but there is one significant change: with
multiple compactified dimensions there is a richer set of possible symmetry realizations in
which the center symmetry is partially broken. One needs to craft the deformation potential
in such a fashion that all unwanted symmetry realizations are suppressed.
With multiple compactified directions, one may define distinct Wilson line operators
1 , 2 , ..., d each of which wraps one elementary cycle of the torus. The classical Yang-
Mills action suppresses configurations in which Wilson lines in different directions are non-
commuting. (In other words, configurations with vanishing field strength must have Wilson
lines which commute and are covariantly constant.) A deformation potential with the form
(2.5), involving just one Wilson line i , can prevent symmetry realizations in which the
ZN center symmetry associated with direction i spontaneously breaks in a manner which
is independent of the ZN symmetries associated with other directions. However, it is also
possible for the center symmetry to break in a manner which leaves a unbroken subgroup
involving correlated symmetry transformations in different directions. With, for example,
d = 2, suppose that the (ZN )2 symmetry breaks to the diagonal ZN subgroup. Such a
symmetry realization does not allow expectations of tr k1 or tr k2 to be non-vanishing (for
any k which is non-zero modulo N ). But this realization does allow tr 1 2 to have a non-
zero expectation value. To prevent such a symmetry realization, it may be necessary to add
a |tr 1 2 |2 term to the deformation potential.
To see that this concern is not moot, it is instructive to examine the one-loop effective
potential for Wilson lines when there are multiple compactified directions. Once again, if the
physical size of the d-torus is much smaller than the inverse strong scale 1 , then Kaluza-
Klein modes with momenta at and above the compactification scale can be integrated out
perturbatively. This produces a one loop effective potential for mutually commuting Wilson
lines given by [33, 34]
tr n1 nd 2
1 X 1 d
V[1 , , d ] 2 2 . (2.10)
n21 + + n2d
(n1 , ,nd )(Zd 0)
This effective potential has N d degenerate global minima at which each Wilson line is an
independent element of the center. This demonstrates the spontaneous breaking of (ZN )d
symmetry (down to the identity) in ordinary Yang-Mills theory on R4d (S 1 )d for sufficiently
small compactifications.5 Adding a deformation to the Yang-Mills action which is the direct
generalization of the previously discussed deformation (2.4), namely
XZ 1
S = P [i ] , (2.11)
R4d L4d
with P [] having the form (2.5), will deform the effective potential and can prevent this
symmetry realization in which the (ZN )d symmetry breaks down to nothing.
However, the fact that all terms in the effective potential (2.10) have negative coefficients
demonstrates that the center symmetry will partially break spontaneously even in the pres-
ence of stabilizing terms of the form (2.11). In particular, even when all traces wrapping a
single compactified direction vanish, the potential (2.10) favors configurations in which traces
wrapping multiple cycles (such as tr 1 2 ) are non-zero relative to the center-symmetry pre-
serving configuration we are trying to stabilize (for which tr n1 1 nd d = 0 for all ni that
are non-zero modulo N ).
Therefore, to prevent any spontaneous breaking of the center symmetry when there are
multiple compactified directions one must allow the deformation of the action to include
absolute squares of order parameters which wrap multiple cycles of the torus. In other words
we need to have Z
S = 4d
P [1 , , d ] , (2.12)
R4d L
More precisely, this demonstrates the spontaneous breaking of (ZN )d symmetry down to the identity
when d = 1 or 2. If d > 2 then there are fewer than two non-compactified directions. In this case, the center
symmetry cannot break spontaneously for any finite value of N , due to the non-zero probability of fluctuations
(or tunneling events) which effectively average over all degenerate minima of the Wilson line effective potential.
However, the probability of such fluctuations vanish exponentially with increasing N . Consequently, in the
N limit one can have spontaneous breaking of the (ZN )d center symmetry even when all directions are
compactified. In order to have a large N equivalence between the compactified theory and Yang-Mills theory
on R4 , one must prevent spontaneous breaking of the center symmetry in the large N limit. Therefore, the
more complicated form of the stabilizing potential discussed below is necessary for all d > 1.
where the deformation potential has the form
X 2
an1 nd tr n1 1 nd d ,
P [1 , , d ] = (2.13)
n1 , ,nd =bN/2c
Wilson loop around some closed contour C. Summing over the Lie algebra index a and the
link ` yields Z
d0 eS S W [C] + 2 W [C] = 0 ,
In the case of R T 3 , the undeformed theory was studied in detail by Luscher, van Baal and others in
the mid 80s. (See the reviews [35, 36] and references therein.) The goal of this QCD in a box program
was to use asymptotic freedom combined with the absence of the phase transitions in finite volumes to extract
lessons about QCD on R4 . This approach confines the theory to its short distance perturbative regime where
it is perturbatively solvable. However, features of this small universe are very different from QCD on R4 . In
particular, when the physical box size becomes comparable to the inverse strong scale 1 there is a cross-over
from a world of hadrons to a world of quarks and gluons. As noted in footnote 5, this cross-over becomes a
sharp phase transition in the large N limit.
In our deformed Yang-Mills theory, as will be discussed below, there are no phase transitions as a function
of box size even in the N = limit. For the deformed theory we will find that it is not 1/L which acts
as an infrared cutoff, but rather 1/LN . If LN 1 then the deformed theory reproduces the dynamics of
Yang-Mills theory on R4 .
where the dotR product is shorthand for the sum over a and `. Dividing by the partition
function Z d0 eS yields relations among expectation values,
S W [C] + 2 W [C] = 0 .
X X h
2 |C| W [C] =
W [(p)C] W [(p)C]
`C p| `p
W [C 0 ]W [C 00 ] .
+ (2.17)
Here |C| is the length of the loop C (i.e., the number of links in the loop), W [(p)C] denotes a
Wilson loop which goes around the boundary of plaquette p (which contains a link contained
in the contour C) and then around the contour C, and p denotes the oppositely oriented
plaquette boundary. The sum over self-intersections runs over all ways of decomposing a
loop C which multiply traverses some link ` into two separate loops, C = C 0 C 00 , with the
associated sign determined by whether C 0 and C 00 traverse the link ` in the same or opposite
directions. See Ref. [28] for more detailed discussion.
In the large N limit, with e N = 2 held fixed (where g 2 N is the t Hooft coupling),
all N dependence disappears. Fluctuations in the values of Wilson loops vanish in this limit
(their distributions become arbitrarily sharply peaked). This is a reflection of the classical
nature of the large N limit [2], and implies that the expectation value of a product of loops
factorizes, up to 1/N 2 corrections,
W [C 0 ]W [C 00 ] = W [C 0 ] W [C 00 ] + O(1/N 2 ) .
(The O(1/N 2 ) remainder is the connected correlator.) Consequently, in the large N limit
Wilson loop expectation values satisfy a closed set of nonlinear algebraic equations,
X X e h
2 |C| W [C] =
W [(p)C] W [(p)C]
`C p|lp
W [C 0 ] W [C 00 ] .
+ (2.19)
The loop equations in the concise form (2.16) are equally valid for the deformed theory.
The only difference is that S now includes the double trace deformation S, and this generates
new terms in the loop equations given by h(S) W [C]i. Just as the usual Wilson action
leads to terms in which a plaquette is inserted into the loop C, the piece of S proportional
to |tr k |2 generates terms in the loop equation in which the topologically non-trivial loop
k (or its inverse) is sewn into the loop C (if C contains links pointing in the compactified
direction). But because S contains absolute squares of traces, each such term is multiplied
by the complex conjugate of the trace of the inserted loop. Hence,
bk [C] W [k C] W [k ] ,
(S) W [C] = (2.20)
W [k C]W [k ] = W [k C] W [k ] + O(1/N 2 ) .
2.4 Large N volume independence of deformed YM theory
Unbroken center symmetry is necessary and sufficient for the validity of the large N volume
independence of Yang-Mills theory (or more general gauge theories containing adjoint repre-
sentation matter fields). This may be demonstrated by comparing large N loop equations,
or the N = classical dynamics generated by suitable coherent states [14]. Corrections to
this equivalence for finite N scale as 1/N 2 . The loop equation analysis is very similar to that
sketched above. In the large N loop equations for topologically trivial Wilson loops, one finds
that the only volume-dependent terms (arising from self-intersections) automatically vanish
as long as the center symmetry is not spontaneously broken.
The analysis of large N volume independence in Ref. [14] applies equally well to the
deformed theory which, by construction, has unbroken center symmetry for any compactifi-
cation radius. Because the double trace operators in P [] are squares of loops with non-zero
N -ality, the presence of the deformation potential P [] has no effect on the large N classical
dynamics of center-symmetry symmetric states. Consequently, deformed Yang-Mills theory,
in the large N limit, is completely volume independent.
In the lattice formulation, if one compactifies all directions then one may reduce the
lattice size all the way down to a single site, in which case the theory becomes a simple
matrix model of Wilson lines {i } running in each lattice direction with action,
tr i j i j + j i j i + P [1 , , d ] .
Ssinglesite = (2.23)
The large N limit of this matrix model will reproduce the leading large N behavior of expec-
tation values and connected correlators of Wilson loops in uncompactified Yang-Mills theory.
As discussed in the Introduction, the single-site deformed Yang-Mills theory (2.23) provides
a simple generalization of Eguchi-Kawai reduction which is valid for any value of the lattice
coupling .
If adjoint representation matter fields are added to the theory (ordinary or deformed),
then the large N equivalences discussed above also remain valid. Adding adjoint representa-
tion fields enlarges the natural set of gauge invariant observables from simple Wilson loops to
Wilson loops decorated by arbitrary numbers of insertions of adjoint matter fields. But the
presence of adjoint matter fields preserves the center symmetry of the underlying Yang-Mills
theory. As a result, the above-described comparison of large N loop equations (or large N
classical dynamics) between the ordinary and deformed theories immediately generalizes to
the case of Yang-Mills theories with adjoint matter, with exactly the same conclusions.9
Finally, one may also consider the addition of matter fields in rank-two antisymmetric or
symmetric tensor representations (yielding theories we will refer to as QCD(AS) or QCD(S),
respectively). The presence of fields in these representations reduces the U (1) center sym-
metry of U (N ) Yang-Mills theory down to Z2 . Given the central role the center symmetry
played in the above large N equivalences, one might think this reduction in center symmetry
would destroy these large N equivalences. This is not the case. One way to see this is to
note, as discussed in Ref. [14], that volume-dependent terms in the N = loop equations
only appear if loops with non-zero winding number around the compactified direction acquire
non-zero expectation values. The addition of the deformation potential P [] prevents topo-
logically non-trivial Wilson loops from acquiring non-zero large N expectation values, even in
small volumes. Consequently, the situation is analogous to the pure gauge case: the leading
large N behavior of expectation values or connected correlators of single trace observables in
QCD(AS/S) in sufficiently large volume coincide with the corresponding observables in the
theory modified by the addition of the deformation potential in arbitrary volume, as depicted
in Fig.1.10
When compactified on a small circle, L 1 , the gauge coupling of the deformed theory is
small at the compactification scale, g 2 (1/L) 1. As discussed earlier, the combined potential
For a detailed discussion of loop equations in theories with adjoint matter, see Ref. [28].
Another way to understand this is to note the existence of a large N equivalence (so-called orientifold
equivalence) between theories with rank-two symmetric or antisymmetric representation matter and corre-
sponding theories with adjoint representation matter [QCD(adj)] [15, 16, 17]. This large N equivalence
applies to the charge-conjugation even sectors of the two theories, and only holds if charge conjugation sym-
metry is not spontaneously broken. When, for example, the matter fields are fermions with periodic boundary
conditions, examination of the Wilson line effective potential shows that QCD(AS/S) does spontaneously
break both charge conjugation and center symmetry when compactified with sufficiently small size [15]. But
the addition of a deformation potential of the form (2.5) (with sufficiently positive coefficients) will prevent this
spontaneous symmetry breaking, just as it does in the pure Yang-Mills case. Since QCD(adj) satisfies large N
volume independence (as long as its center symmetry is not spontaneously broken), the same large N volume
independence must also apply to QCD(AS/S) (as long as charge conjugation is not broken). In sufficiently large
volumes, there is no reason to believe that charge conjugation symmetry breaks spontaneously in QCD-like
theories with rank-two tensor representation matter. Therefore, large N orientifold equivalence combines with
large N volume independence of QCD(adj) to imply volume independence in QCD(AS/S) as long as center
and charge conjugation symmetries are not spontaneously broken which is what the deformation potential
V[] + P [] is minimized when
= Diag 1, e2i/N , e4i/N , , e2i(N 1)/N , (3.1)
SU (N ) U (1)(N 1) . (3.2)
Modes of the diagonal components of the SU (N ) gauge field with no momentum along the
compactified x4 direction describe photons associated with the Cartan subgroup of SU (N ).
Modes of the diagonal components of the gauge field with non-zero momentum in the com-
pactified direction form a Kaluza-Klein tower and receive masses which are integer multiples
of 2/L. The off-diagonal components of the SU (N ) gauge field describe Kaluza-Klein tow-
ers of W -bosons which are charged under the unbroken U (1)N 1 gauge group. The non-zero
value of A4 (i/L) ln shifts the masses of these off-diagonal components by multiples of
2/(N L). The net effect is that there are charged W -bosons with masses
2 k
mWk = , k = 1, 2, , . (3.3)
For later convenience, we define mW to be the mass of the lightest W bosons,
mW . (3.4)
This is the mass scale below which the dynamics is effectively Abelian.11 Note that, at fixed
L, the lightest W bosons have masses which become small when N . This will be
important in the discussion of the large N behavior of the deformed YM theory. But first, in
this section, we consider the dynamics of the deformed theory when N is fixed and small.
The N 1 photons of the Cartan subgroup do not couple (directly) to the Wilson line and
remain massless to all orders in perturbation theory. Thus, a strictly perturbative analysis
would lead one to expect that the deformed theory, for sufficiently small L, would have a
non-confining Coulomb phase. We will see that this is incorrect nonperturbative effects
lead to the generation of a mass gap and produce confining long distance physics.
The analysis of non-perturbative properties in our compactified deformed Yang-Mills
theory is very similar to Polyakovs treatment of the 3d Georgi-Glashow model [22]. But
instead of a three-dimensional theory with a non-compact Higgs field, we have a compactified
four-dimensional theory with the group-valued Wilson line serving as a compact Higgs
field. For theories involving massless complex fermions, the difference between compact and
Fluctuations in the eigenvalues of away from the minimum (3.1) correspond to neutral Higgs bosons.
The masses ofthese fluctuations
depend on the coefficients {an } of the deformation potential but parametrically
are of order /L N mW . This scale will be large compared to the mass scale of the non-perturbative
3d dynamics, and these fluctuations will play no role in the following discussion.
noncompact Higgs systems can be major [38]. However, in our case, the differences relative
to Polyakovs classic discussion are rather minimal.
Due to the SU (N ) U (1)N 1 gauge symmetry breaking, there exist topologically
stable, semiclassical field configurations, namely monopoles [32]. At the center of a monopole,
one pair of eigenvalues of the Wilson line become degenerate. For fundamental (i.e., minimal
action) monopoles, this will be a pair of eigenvalues which are nearest-neighbors at infinity.
If the adjoint Higgs field was noncompact, then there would be N 1 species of fundamental
monopoles. This follows from the topological considerations: the second homotopy group
2 [SU (N )/U (1)N 1 ] = 1 [U (1)N 1 ] = ZN 1 , implying that fundamental monopoles come in
N 1 varieties. However, with a compact Higgs field there is an extra fundamental (Kaluza-
Klein) monopole which arises due to the fact that the underlying theory is formulated on a
cylinder, R3 S 1 , or equivalently that the configuration space of is compact.
The monopoles may be characterized by their magnetic charges, topological charge, and
their action. The magnetic charges of the N different types of fundamental monopoles are
proportional to the simple roots and affine root of the Lie algebra of the unbroken U (1)N
gauge group.12 The simple roots are given by13
1 = (1, 1, 0, . . . , 0) = e1 e2 , (3.5a)
2 = (0, 1, 1, , . . . , 0) = e2 e3 , (3.5b)
N 1 = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 1) = eN 1 eN , (3.5c)
For later convenience, let 0aff denote the affine (extended) root system of the the associated
Lie algebra,
0aff {1 , 2 , . . . , N 1 , N } . (3.7)
It is the affine root system which is relevant for compact Yang-Mills Higgs systems. The roots
i 0aff obey
i j = 2i,j i,j+1 i,j1 , i, j = 1, . . . N . (3.8)
The form (3.8) of these inner products will translate into self and nearest neighbor interactions
between monopoles in the Dynkin space. The above choice of basis is natural due its visual
Even though the gauge symmetry breaking is SU (N ) U (1)N 1 , for ease of presentation it is convenient
to add an extra photon to the original theory and discuss U (N ) U (1)N . This simplifies the discussion of
charge assignments of monopoles, and the affine roots of the associated Lie algebra. In the continuum limit
of the theory this extra photon completely decouples from the other degrees of freedom and may simply be
ignored. It should not be confused with the N 1 photons which have non-trivial nonperturbative dynamics.
This set of simple roots corresponds to choosing Lie algebra generators normalized to satisfy tr ta tb = ab ,
instead of 12 ab as in the previous section.
simplicity, but the inner products (3.8) of the roots of the associated Lie algebra are basis
1 4
Let F 2g F denote the U (1)N valued 3d magnetic field, with conventional
perturbative normalization. (In a gauge where is diagonal, F is just the list of diagonal
elements of the original non-Abelian field strength, multiplied by 1/g.) The magnetic charges
of a monopole of type i = 1, , N are given by the root i (up to a factor of 2/g),
d F = i [type (i) monopole] . (3.9)
S2 g
QWi = g i . (3.11)
W -bosons in the next heavier multiplet are labeled by a pair of neighboring roots, and have
QWi +i+1 = g (i + i+1 ) , (3.12)
etc. Dot products of the W -boson charges and monopole charges obey the Dirac quantization
2 4 , for i = j ;
QWi QMj = g i j = 2(2ij i,j+1 i,j1 ) = 2 , for i = j 1 ; (3.13)
0, otherwise.
Conjugation by a ZN shift matrix, which is part of the global gauge symmetry, cyclically
permutes the Wilson line eigenvalues and hence cyclically permutes the N different species of
fundamental monopoles. The presence of this symmetry (which is one of the features which
distinguishes compact and non-compact Higgs systems) guarantees that the N different types
of fundamental monopoles have identical values of the action. Monopole solutions are self-
F = Fe , (3.14)
and hence the Yang-Mills action of a fundamental monopole (or antimonopole) is
8 2 8 2
1 2
SYM = 2
tr F = 2
tr F Fe = 2 || = 2 . (3.15)
R3 S 1 2g R3 S 1 2g g g N
After adding the contributions of the deformation potential P [] and the induced one-loop
effective potential V[], the complete monopole action will differ from this value. But the
deviation is perturbative in g 2 , so the monopole action
8 2
S0 SYM + S + S1loop = + O(1) . (3.16)
(The overall sign is plus for monopole-monopole, and minus for monopole-antimonopole.)
Hence, we are dealing with a multi-component classical plasma, with nearest-neighbor inter-
actions in the Dynkin space. As with any classical plasma, this system will exhibit Debye
screening. The field due to a static external magnetic charge will fall exponentially with
distance, |F| emD r /r, with m1 D the characteristic Debye screening length. This implies
that external fields cannot propagate coherently over distances large compared to the Debye
length, which will be the longest correlation length in the system. The Debye mass mD will
appear as a dynamically generated photon mass. This will be shown explicitly.
For momentum scales small compared to the lightest W mass, the equilibrium dynamics
is correctly represented by a grand canonical ensemble of all types of monopoles and anti-
monopoles. Consider a configuration in which there are n(i) monopoles and n(i) antimonopoles
(i) (i)
of types i = 1, , N , located at positions rk , k = 1, , n(i) and rl , l = 1, , n(i) , re-
spectively. The magnetic field generated by this ensemble of magnetic charges is
N n(i) (i) n(i) (i)
X 2 X x rk X x rl
B(x) = i (i) 3
(i) 3
. (3.18)
g 4|x r | 4|x r |
i=1 k=1 k l=1 l
The action of such a monopole configuration is the sum of the monopole self-energies plus
their potential energy due to Coulomb interactions,
Smonopolegas = S0 n(i) + n(i) + Sint , (3.19)
N n(i) X
n(j) n(i) X
n(j) n(i) X
2 2 L X X (i) (j)
X (i) (j)
X (i) (j)
Sint = i j G(rk rl ) + G(rk rl ) 2 G(rk rl ) ,
i,j=1 k=1 l=1 k=1 l=1 k=1 l=1
G(r) . (3.21)
The grand canonical partition function of this multi-component Coulomb gas is
N X n(i) (i)
Y n
X n
(i) Z
Y (i) Z nY (i)
Z= drk drl eSint , (3.22)
(i) n(i) ! (i) n(i) ! R3 3
R l=1
i=1 n =0 nk=1=0
2 /N g 2 (m
C eS0 = A m3W (g 2 N )2 eS e8 W)
is the monopole fugacity. The prefactor C represents the one-loop functional determinant in
the monopole background. Extracting the zero-modes of the small fluctuation operator via
the usual collective coordinate procedure leads to factors of (g 2 N )2 m3W . (See the appendix
for details.) If the coupling is evaluated at the scale mW , which is natural for this problem,
then the non-zero mode part of the one-loop determinant merely gives rise to an overall
dimensionless (and N independent) coefficient A. In the final form of (3.23), S denotes the
deformation term in the action (2.4) evaluated in the background of a fundamental monopole.
This is an O(1) number, independent of the coupling g 2 , whose explicit value depends, of
course, on the deformation parameters {an }. [For large N , S scales as O(1/N ).]
Using the fact that G(r) is the Greens function for the 3d Laplacian, this partition
function can be exactly transformed into a 3d scalar field theory with an N -component real
scalar field,
Z= Di eSdual [] , (3.24)
Z h 1 g 2 N
X i
dual 2
S = () cos(i ) . (3.25)
R3 2L 2
To verify this, it is easiest to start with the functional integral (3.24), rewrite the cosines in
terms of exponentials of , expand the exponential of each of the resulting interaction terms
in a power-series in eS0 eii , and then perform the functional integral over . The scalar
fields i appearing in this representation are dual fields for the 3d Abelian gauge fields Ai .14
The fields {i } should be regarded as compact scalar fields defined modulo 2. In addi-
tion to invariance under 2 shifts in any component of , note that the monopole induced
In three dimensions, Abelian duality relates a photon to a compact scalar. With j (x) the compact scalar
dual to the photon A (x) of the jth U (1) subgroup, the Abelian duality relations are
4i g2
d j = 21 L Im( ) F (j) , (L1 ) = + , (j)
F = j .
g2 2 2L
(j) (j)
The 3d Maxwell action becomes 4gL2 (F )2 = LIm( 16
(F )2 = 2LIm(
( j )2 . The path integral of the
Abelian gauge theory in the presence of a monopole with charge j located at position x is equivalent to
the insertion of eij (x) into the path integral over the dual scalar fields [22, 27]. The complete partition
function of the long distance effective theory is a sum over all topological sectors, each of which may contain
an arbitrary number of monopoles and antimonopoles (whose charges sum to give the appropriate topolog-
ical class). Summing over all numbers and locations of monopoles (and antimonopoles), weighted with the
appropriate fugacity, directly yields the result (3.25).
interaction vertex has the additional shift symmetry
+ 2i , i = 1, . . . , N 1 (3.26)
where {i } are the N 1 fundamental weights of the SU (N ) algebra. These are defined by
the reciprocity relation with the simple roots,
i j = 21 ij j2 = ij (3.27)
for i = 1, , N 1, which implies that the fundamental weights {i } form a basis which is
dual to the fundamental roots {j }. The presence of the symmetry (3.26) is related to the
fact that the vacuum of the original theory can be probed by N 1 different types of external
charges, distinguished by their (non-zero) values of N -ality. This will be discussed below.
Including a non-zero theta parameter in the original Yang-Mills action,
S S + i 2
tr F Fe , (3.28)
R S 1 16
has the effect, in the grand canonical partition function (3.22), of multiplying the monopole
fugacity by ei/N and antimonopole fugacity by ei/N . In the dual representation (3.25),
this amounts to shifting the argument of the cosine by /N , so that the interaction becomes
cos(i + i/N ) . (3.29)
In this form, 2 periodicity of the theory with respect to is not manifest. However, a shift of
the dual scalar fields, + (/N ) with (0, 1, 2, , N 1), converts the interaction
term to the manifestly 2 periodic form
"N 1 #
cos(i ) + cos(N + ) , (3.30)
in which theta dependence only appears in the term involving the affine root. For simplicity,
in the following subsections we will focus on the case of = 0.
with N +1 1 and
2 2 /(N g 2 (m ))
m2 L = A m2W eS e8 W
. (3.32)
g2 g2N
A ZN Fourier transform,
1 X 2ipj/N
p e j , p = 0, , N 1 , (3.33)
N j=1
mp m sin. (3.35)
Expressing m in terms of the renormalization group invariant scale , defined by
b1 /b0 2 /( N g 2 ())
b0 = b0 N g 2 () e8 (3.36)
w /r = ZN . (3.38)
This implies that the dual theory potential, V () i cos(i ), has N isolated minima
lying within the unit cell of r . These minima are located at = 0 and
= 2j , j = 1, , N 1 . (3.39)
Let R be some chosen irreducible representation of SU (N ). The expectation value of
the Wilson loop WR (C) characterizes the response of the system to external test charges in
the representation R. In a confining phase with a non-zero mass gap, if external charges in
representation R cannot be screened by gluons, then expectation values of large Wilson loops
in this representation are expected to decrease exponentially with the area of the minimal
spanning surface,
WR (C) eT (R) Area() .
Here denotes the minimal surface with boundary C, and T (R) is the string tension for
representation R. Such area law behavior implies the presence of an asymptotically linear
confining potential between static charges in representation R and anti-charges in represen-
tation R, VR (x) T (R) |x| as |x| .
The irreducible representation R may be associated with its highest weight vector w
w . Identifying weight vectors which differ by elements of the root lattice produces a ZN
grading of representations which corresponds to their N -ality (the charge of the representation
under the ZN center). In particular, if this equivalence associates the highest weight vector
w with k times the fundamental weight 1 ,
where C 0 is any closed curve whose linking number with C is one. In other words, in the
presence of the Wilson loop WR (C) the dual scalar fields must have a discontinuity of 2k
across some surface which spans the loop C. One way to see this is to go back to the
duality relation. For simplicity, consider the case of a large planar loop lying in the xy-
plane. As the size of the loop grows, the spanning surface approaches an infinite flat plane.
In the presence of the Wilson loop, the Abelian duality relation F d is replaced by
F d + k (z) dx dy. Therefore the dual scalars must be discontinuous across in
order for the field strength F to be continuous.
The fact that dual low energy theory depends on the representation R of the Wilson loop
only through its N -ality k shows that there are only N 1 distinct string tensions, referred
to as k-string tensions, {Tk }. (Charge conjugation symmetry implies that Tk = TN k .) The
dual theory representation of Wilson loops also shows that external charges in representations
with zero N -ality will not be confined. These are precisely the representations which can be
screened by adjoint representation gluons.
Representations contained in the product of m powers of the fundamental representation with n powers
of the antifundamental have N -ality mn.
To evaluate a Wilson loop expectation value, one must minimize the dual action in the
space of field configurations satisfying the monodromy condition (3.42). To extract the string
ln hWR (C)i
Tk lim , (3.43)
area() area()
it is sufficient to consider the limit where fills the xy-plane. In this case, the field (x)
will only depend on z. It must approach some minimum of the dual potential at infinity,
limz (z) = 2l , and must be discontinuous across z = 0 with a jump given by the
prescribed fundamental weight, limz0+ (z) limz0 (z) = 2k (mod 2). Because
shifts by 2k are an invariance of the dual potential V (), one may equally well minimize
the action for field configurations (z) which are continuous but whose asymptotic values
Tk = min , (3.44)
(z) area(R2 ) =2 (mod 2)
where ()(), and S() is the dual action minus its vacuum value. Explicitly,
Z n 1 g 2 2 X o
Tk = min dz + [1 cos(i i+1 )] . (3.45)
(z) 2L 2 z
i =2k (mod 2)
In other words, the k-string tension Tk equals the action of a kink solution with topological
charge k in this one dimensional theory.
The width of the kink solution must be of order of the inverse photon mass m1 . Con-
sequently, the k-string tension will have the form Tk = fk T , where
and fk is an O(1) coefficient. Even without finding the minimizing kink solutions explicitly,
it is apparent that the resulting k-string tension Tk will be non-zero (for k = 1, , N 1),
and must satisfy the convexity relation Tk+l Tk + Tl .
We were unable to solve the kink equations of motions analytically for general N , but
when N = 2 the equations of motion reduce to Sine-Gordon model. In this case, one finds
T T1 = 4 2 /m . (3.47)
and hence there is a large separation of mass scales provided LN 1. In this regime, the
monopole gas is highly dilute and a semiclassical analysis is justified. Increasing LN , by
increasing N , L, or both, decreases the separation of scales; the heaviest photon mass, m ,
grows while the lightest W mass, mW , drops. When LN 1, the scale separation is entirely
lost, the effective t Hooft coupling g 2 N at the scale of mW ceases to be small, and the
long distance dynamics can no longer be described by a weakly coupled U (1)N 1 effective
One can consider sending N to infinity while staying within the analytically tractable
regime. This is a double scaling limit in which g 2 N and LN are both are held fixed (and
both are much less than unity) as N . Taking a large N limit in this fashion allows
monopole effects to survive and to continue dictating the nonperturbative physics of the
deformed Yang-Mills theory. However, this region shrinks to a vanishingly small window in
the large N limit, since the double scaling implies that 0 < L Lmax with Lmax 1/N .
For any fixed compactification size L, if one sends N the deformed YM theory ceases
to possess a monopole dominated, Abelian long distance regime.17
system is no longer exactly integrable according to Hirotas criteria.18 Consequently, we do
not expect k-string tensions in the deformed Yang-Mills theory to have the sine-law form
Recently, there have been attempts [43], to model the strongly coupled confined regime
of Yang-Mills theory assuming the Wilson line has the center-symmetric form (3.1). (See also
earlier related work in Refs. [44, 45, 46, 39].) A few remarks concerning the connection with
Ref. [43] may be in order. First, our results for the k-string tensions do not support the claim
of Ref. [43], which asserts that k-string tensions will have the sine law form (3.50). As just
noted, sine-law string tensions are a property of the affine Toda subsystem, whereas the center-
stabilized Yang-Mills in a weak coupling regime is dual to a real deformation of the affine
Toda theory. We see no reason to believe that the k-dependence of the string tensions will be
unaffected by the deformation. Secondly, it should be emphasized that the deformation (2.5)
stabilizes the center symmetric vacuum in the weakly coupled regime, and thereby provides
a window in which a semiclassical analysis is reliable. Many earlier discussions of center
symmetric backgrounds do not clearly distinguish the weakly coupled Higgs regime, in
which fluctuations of the Wilson line eigenvalues are small, from the strong coupling regime
in which the eigenvalues have large fluctuations and are essentially randomized over the unit
circle. In our deformed Yang-Mills theory, both regimes exist. As the compactification size L
increases, the theory moves from the weakly coupled regime to the strongly coupled regime.
These two regimes are expected to be smoothly connected no physical order parameter
sharply distinguishes the two regimes. Nevertheless, the long distance physics of the weak
coupling Higgs regime is effectively Abelian, while in the strong coupling regime there is no
length scale beyond which the dynamics can be described accurately in terms of Abelian
degrees of freedom.
We thank Barak Bringoltz and Steve Sharpe for calling our attention to the issue of sponta-
neous breaking to diagonal subgroups when there are multiple compactified directions. This
work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant Nos. DE-AC02-
76SF00515 and DE-FG02-96ER40956, and by the U.S. National Science Foundation under
Grant No. PHY05-51164. L.Y. thanks the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics for its
hospitality during the completion of this paper.
In the absence of the complex conjugate term in the potential, there is a change of variables which converts
the soliton equation of motion into Hirota bilinear type, which is synonymous with solvability [40]. The
presence of the complex conjugate term spoils the bi-linearity.
A. Monopole measure
The appropriate one-loop measure for integrating over configurations of a single monopole
(of any type) may be expressed as19
d3 a d 1
dmonopole = 4 e(SYM +S) J det0 (Dadj
Ja 1/2
) , (A.1)
(2) (2)
where a R3 is the monopole position, [, ] is the internal U (1) angle of the monopole,
and is the (Pauli-Villars) renormalization scale. Global U (1) gauge transformations (in the
U (1) subgroup associated with the given type of monopole) shift the angle . Fluctuations in
the position and U (1) angle of the monopole represent the four zero modes in the monopole
small fluctuation operator;20 the factor of 4 can be viewed as the contributions of the Pauli-
Villars regulator fields associated with these bosonic zero modes. The exponential factor
is, of course, the exponential of minus the classical action of the monopole. The collective
coordinate Jacobians are given by [39]
3/2 2 SYM 1/2
Ja = SYM , J = = N L SYM , (A.2)
where = {0, 2, 4, , 2(N 1)}/(N L) are the eigenvalues of i ln . The primed deter-
minant represents the result of Gaussian integrals over all fluctuations other than zero modes;
the prime on the determinant denotes omission of the zero modes. The contributions from
gauge bosons and ghosts,
0 1/2
det (D2 2F )adj det(D2 )adj , (A.3)
| {z } | {z }
gauge bosons ghosts
in any self-dual background. These functional determinants may be regularized using the
Pauli-Villars scheme.
The fields of fundamental monopoles reside entirely within an SU (2) subgroup of SU (N ),
and the characteristic size of these monopoles is given by the inverse of the lightest W -
boson mass, m1 W N L. (This is the only scale which appears in the classical equations
The following summary is an adaptation of the appendix of Ref. [39], which treats the monopole measure
in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.
For comparison, recall that an instanton in SU (N ) Yang-Mills theory has 4N zero-modes. (See, for
example, Ref. [47].) For SU (2) gauge theory, these are the four zero modes corresponding to changes in the
instanton position, one for its size, and three global gauge rotations. For SU (N ) with N > 2, there are
in addition 4N 8 zero modes associated with changes in the embedding of SU (2) within SU (N ). When
compactified in one dimension, with non-trivial holonomy , one may regard an instanton as being composed
of N independent monopole constituents [45, 44], each of which carries four zero-modes.
for the monopole.) The regularized scalar determinant depends on the cube root of the
renormalization scale, det(D2 ) 1/3 . Since the determinant is dimensionless, it must
have the form
[det(D2 )]1 = 2C (N L)1/3 , (A.5)
where C is a pure number (N -independent). Consequently, the one-loop monopole measure
dmonopole = C11/3 (N L) 3 (SYM )2 eSYM +S d3 a d . (A.6)
Performing the trivial integral over the angle , the result is the d3 a, with the monopole
fugacity. Choosing to use mW as the value of the renormalization point yields the expression
(3.23) for the fugacity.
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