Digest Habeas Corpus
Digest Habeas Corpus
Digest Habeas Corpus
139789 July 19, 2001 and frail father to sign away Potenciano and Erlinda's property to
IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR HABEAS CORPUS OF companies controlled by Lin and Sylvia. She also argued that since
POTENCIANO ILUSORIO, ERLINDA K. ILUSORIO, petitioner, Potenciano retired as director and officer of Baguio Country Club and
vs.ERLINDA K. ILUSORIO-BILDNER, SYLVIA K. ILUSORIO-YAP, Philippine Oversees Telecommunications, she would logically assume
JOHN DOES and JANE DOES, respondents. his position and control. Yet, Lin and Sylvia were the ones controlling
PARDO, J.: the corporations.15
Once again we see the sad tale of a prominent family shattered by The fact of illegal restraint has not been proved during the hearing at
conflicts on expectancy in fabled fortune. the Court of Appeals on March 23, 1999.16Potenciano himself declared
that he was not prevented by his children from seeing anybody and
that he had no objection to seeing his wife and other children whom he
On March 11, 1999, Erlinda K. Ilusorio, the matriarch who was so
lovingly inseparable from her husband some years ago, filed a petition
with the Court of Appeals1 for habeas corpus to have custody of her
husband in consortium. Erlinda highlighted that her husband suffered from various ailments.
Thus, Potenciano Ilusorio did not have the mental capacity to decide
for himself. Hence, Erlinda argued that Potenciano be brought before
On April 5, 1999, the Court of Appeals promulgated its decision
the Supreme Court so that we could determine his mental state.
dismissing the petition for lack of unlawful restraint or detention of the
subject, Potenciano Ilusorio.
We were not convinced that Potenciano Ilusorio was mentally
incapacitated to choose whether to see his wife or not. Again, this is a
Thus, on October 11, 1999, Erlinda K. Ilusorio filed with the Supreme
question of fact that has been decided in the Court of Appeals.
Court an appeal via certiorari pursuing her desire to have custody of
her husband Potenciano Ilusorio.2 This case was consolidated with
another case3 filed by Potenciano Ilusorio and his children, Erlinda I. As to whether the children were in fact taking control of the
Bildner and Sylvia K. Ilusorio appealing from the order giving visitation corporation, these are matters that may be threshed out in a separate
rights to his wife, asserting that he never refused to see her. proceeding, irrelevant in habeas corpus.
On May 12, 2000, we dismissed the petition for habeas corpus 4 for Third. Petitioner failed to sufficiently convince the Court why we should
lack of merit, and granted the petition5 to nullify the Court of Appeals' not rely on the facts found by the Court of Appeals. Erlinda claimed
ruling6 giving visitation rights to Erlinda K. Ilusorio.7 that the facts mentioned in the decision were erroneous and
incomplete. We see no reason why the High Court of the land need go
to such length. The hornbook doctrine states that findings of fact of the
What is now before the Court is Erlinda's motion to reconsider the
lower courts are conclusive on the Supreme Court.17 We emphasize, it
is not for the Court to weigh evidence all over again.18 Although there
are exceptions to the rule,19 Erlinda failed to show that this is an
On September 20, 2000, we set the case for preliminary conference on exceptional instance.
October 11, 2000, at 10:00 a. m., without requiring the mandatory
presence of the parties.
Fourth. Erlinda states that Article XII of the 1987 Constitution and
Articles 68 and 69 of the Family Code support her position that as
In that conference, the Court laid down the issues to be resolved, to spouses, they (Potenciano and Erlinda) are duty bound to live together
wit: and care for each other. We agree.
(a) To determine the propriety of a physical and medical
examination of petitioner Potenciano Ilusorio;
The law provides that the husband and the wife are obliged to live
(b) Whether the same is relevant; and
together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity.20 The sanction
(c) If relevant, how the Court will conduct the same.9
therefor is the "spontaneous, mutual affection between husband and
The parties extensively discussed the issues. The Court, in its
wife and not any legal mandate or court order" to enforce consortium. 21
resolution, enjoined the parties and their lawyers to initiate steps
towards an amicable settlement of the case through mediation and
other means. Obviously, there was absence of empathy between spouses Erlinda
and Potenciano, having separated from bed and board since 1972. We
defined empathy as a shared feeling between husband and wife
On November 29, 2000, the Court noted the manifestation and
experienced not only by having spontaneous sexual intimacy but a
compliance of the parties with the resolution of October 11, 2000. 10
deep sense of spiritual communion. Marital union is a two-way
On January 31, 2001, the Court denied Erlinda Ilusorio's manifestation
and motion praying that Potenciano Ilusorio be produced before the
Marriage is definitely for two loving adults who view the relationship
Court and be medically examined by a team of medical experts
with "amor gignit amorem" respect, sacrifice and a continuing
appointed by the Court.11
commitment to togetherness, conscious of its value as a sublime social
On March 27, 2001, we denied with finality Erlinda's motion to
reconsider the Court's order of January 31 , 2001.12
On June 28, 2001, Potenciano Ilusorio gave his soul to the Almighty,
his Creator and Supreme Judge. Let his soul rest in peace and his
The issues raised by Erlinda K. Ilusorio in her motion for survivors continue the much prolonged fracas ex aequo et bono.
reconsideration are mere reiterations of her arguments that have been
resolved in the decision.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, we DENY Erlinda's motion for reconsideration.
At any rate, the case has been rendered moot by the death of
Nevertheless, for emphasis, we shall discuss the issues thus: subject.SO ORDERED.
As a general rule, the writ of habeas corpus will not issue where
Petitioner cited also Moncupa vs. Enrile, which in such case the Court the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty in custody of an officer
held that habeas corpus extends to instances where detention, while under a process issued by the court which jurisdiction to do so.[111] In
valid from its inception, has later become arbitrary. exceptional circumstances, habeas corpus may be granted by the
courts even when the person concerned is detained pursuant to a valid
arrest or his voluntary surrender, for this writ of liberty is recognized as
Issue: Whether the petition habeas corpus should be granted? the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom
Decision: No. SC finds no basis for the issuance of the writ of habeas against arbitrary and lawless state action due to its ability to cut
corpus. General rule applies. through barriers of form and procedural mazes.[112] Thus, in previous
Petition for habeas corpus is not the appropriate remedy for asserting cases, we issued the writ where the deprivation of liberty, while initially
ones right to bail. It cannot be availed of where accused is entitled to valid under the law, had later become invalid,[113] and even though the
bail not as a matter of right but on the discretion of the court and the persons praying for its issuance were not completely deprived of their
latter has not abused such discretion in refusing to grant bail, or has liberty.[114]
not even exercised said discretion. The proper recourse is to file an
application for bail with the court where the criminal case is pending The Court finds no basis for the issuance of a writ of habeas
and to allow hearings thereon to proceed. corpus in favor of petitioner. The general rule that habeas corpus does
Moncupa vs Enrile does not apply in this case because petitioners not lie where the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty is in the
restraint of liberty did not become arbitrary. His application for bail has custody of an officer under process issued by a court which had
yet to commence (to be heard). jurisdiction to issue the same[115]applies, because petitioner is under
detention pursuant to the order of arrest issued by the Sandiganbayan
on April 25, 2001 after the filing by the Ombudsman of the amended
The delay in the hearing of his petition for bail cannot be pinned solely information for plunder against petitioner and his co-accused.
to the Sandiganbayan or on the prosecution because he himself is Petitioner had in fact voluntarily surrendered himself to the authorities
partly to be blamed (his actions caused delay too. on April 25, 2001 upon learning that a warrant for his arrest had been
As a general rule, the writ of habeas corpus will not issue where the The ruling in Moncupa vs. Enrile[116] that habeas corpus will lie
person alleged to be restrained of his liberty in custody of an officer where the deprivation of liberty which was initially valid has become
under a process issued by the court which jurisdiction to do so. arbitrary in view of subsequent developments finds no application in
the present case because the hearing on petitioners application for bail
has yet to commence. As stated earlier, the delay in the hearing of
In exceptional circumstances, habeas corpus may be granted by the petitioners petition for bail cannot be pinned solely on the
courts even when the person concerned is detained pursuant to a valid Sandiganbayan or on the prosecution for that matter. Petitioner himself
arrest or his voluntary surrender, for this writ of liberty is recognized as is partly to be blamed. Moreover, a petition for habeas corpus is not
the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom the appropriate remedy for asserting ones right to bail.[117] It cannot be
against arbitrary and lawless state action due to its ability to cut availed of where accused is entitled to bail not as a matter of right but
through barriers of form and procedural mazes.------------------------- on the discretion of the court and the latter has not abused such
discretion in refusing to grant bail,[118] or has not even exercised said
discretion. The proper recourse is to file an application for bail with the
Accordingly, petitioner cannot be released from detention until court where the criminal case is pending and to allow hearings thereon
the Sandiganbayan conducts a hearing of his application for bail and to proceed.
resolve the same in his favor. Even then, there must first be a finding
that the evidence against petitioner is not strong before he may be The issuance of a writ of habeas corpus would not only be
granted bail. unjustified but would also preempt the Sandiganbayans resolution of
the pending application for bail of petitioner. The recourse of petitioner
Anent the issue of the propriety of the issuance of a writ is to forthwith proceed with the hearing on his application for bail.
of habeas corpus for petitioner, he contends that he is entitled to the
issuance of said writ because the State, through the prosecutions LACSON V. PEREZ
refusal to present evidence and by the Sandiganbayans refusal to
grant a bail hearing, has failed to discharge its burden of proving that
On May 1, 2001, President Macapagal-Arroyo, faced by an "angry and
as against him, evidence of guilt for the capital offense of plunder is
violent mob armed with explosives, firearms, bladed weapons, clubs,
strong. Petitioner contends that the prosecution launched a seemingly
stones and other deadly weapons" assaulting and attempting to break
endless barrage of obstructive and dilatory moves to prevent the
into Malacaang, issued Proclamation No. 38 declaring that there was
conduct of bail hearings. Specifically, the prosecution moved for
a state of rebellion in the National Capital Region. She likewise issued
petitioners arraignment before the commencement of bail hearings and
General Order No. 1 directing the Armed Forces of the Philippines and
insisted on joint bail hearings for petitioner, Joseph Estrada and
the Philippine National Police to suppress the rebellion in the National
Jinggoy Estrada despite the fact that it was only petitioner who asked
Capital Region. Warrantless arrests of several alleged leaders and
for a bail hearing; manifested that it would present its evidence as if it
promoters of the "rebellion" were thereafter effected.
is the presentation of the evidence in chief, meaning that the bail
hearings would be concluded only after the prosecution presented its
Aggrieved by the warrantless arrests, and the declaration of a "state of case, until the instant petition is finally resolved." This relief is clearly
rebellion," which allegedly gave a semblance of legality to the arrests, premature considering that as of this date, no complaints or charges
the following four related petitions were filed before the Court have been filed against any of the petitioners for any crime. And in the
event that the same are later filed, this Court cannot enjoin criminal
prosecution conducted in accordance with the Rules of Court, for by
(1) G. R. No. 147780 for prohibition, injunction, mandamus,
that time any arrest would have been in pursuant of a duly issued
and habeas corpus (with an urgent application for the issuance of
temporary restraining order and/or writ of preliminary injunction) filed
by Panfilio M. Lacson, Michael Ray B. Aquino, and Cezar O. Mancao;
(2) G. R. No. 147781 for mandamus and/or review of the factual basis As regards petitioners' prayer that the hold departure orders issued
for the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, with against them be declared null and void ab initio, it is to be noted that
prayer for the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, petitioners are not directly assailing the validity of the subject hold
with prayer for a temporary restraining order filed by Miriam Defensor- departure orders in their petition. They are not even expressing
Santiago; (3) G. R. No. 147799 for prohibition and injunction with intention to leave the country in the near future. The prayer to set aside
prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction and/or restraining order filed the same must be made in proper proceedings initiated for that
by Ronaldo A. Lumbao; and (4) G. R. No. 147810 for certiorari and purpose.
prohibition filed by the political party Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino.
Anent petitioners' allegations ex abundante ad cautelam in support
All the foregoing petitions assail the declaration of a state of rebellion of their application for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus, it is
by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and the warrantless arrests manifest that the writ is not called for since its purpose is to relieve
allegedly effected by virtue thereof, as having no basis both in fact and petitioners from unlawful restraint (Ngaya-an v. Balweg, 200 SCRA
in law. Significantly, on May 6, 2001, President Macapagal-Arroyo 149 [1991]), a matter which remains speculative up to this very day.
ordered the lifting of the declaration of a "state of rebellion" in Metro
Manila. Accordingly, the instant petitions have been rendered moot
G.R. No. 147781
and academic. As to petitioners' claim that the proclamation of a "state
of rebellion" is being used by the authorities to justify warrantless
arrests, the Secretary of Justice denies that it has issued a particular The petition herein is denominated by petitioner Defensor-Santiago as
order to arrest specific persons in connection with the "rebellion." He one for mandamus. It is basic in matters relating to petitions
states that what is extant are general instructions to law enforcement for mandamus that the legal right of the petitioner to the performance
officers and military agencies to implement Proclamation No. 38. of a particular act which is sought to be compelled must be clear and
Indeed, as stated in respondents' Joint Comments: complete. Mandamus will not issue unless the right to relief is clear at
[I]t is already the declared intention of the Justice the time of the award (Palileo v. Ruiz Castro, 85 Phil. 272). Up to the
Department and police authorities to obtain regular present time, petitioner Defensor Santiago has not shown that she is in
warrants of arrests from the courts for all acts imminent danger of being arrested without a warrant. In point of fact,
committed prior to and until May 1, 2001 which means the authorities have categorically stated that petitioner will not be
that preliminary investigations will henceforth be arrested without a warrant.
(Comment, G.R. No. 147780, p. 28; G.R. No.
147781, p. 18; G.R. No. 147799, p. 16; G.R. No. G.R. No. 147799
147810, p. 24)
With this declaration, petitioners' apprehensions as to warrantless Petitioner Lumbao, leader of the People's Movement against Poverty
arrests should be laid to rest. (PMAP), for his part, argues that the declaration of a "state of rebellion"
is violative of the doctrine of separation of powers, being an
encroachment on the domain of the judiciary which has the
In quelling or suppressing the rebellion, the authorities may only resort
to warrantless arrests of persons suspected of rebellion, as provided constitutional prerogative to "determine or interpret" what took place on
under Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules of Court, if the circumstances May 1, 2001, and that the declaration of a state of rebellion cannot be
an exception to the general rule on the allocation of the governmental
so warrant. The warrantless arrest feared by petitioners is, thus, not
based on the declaration of a "state of rebellion." powers.
The CA denied the petition for habeas corpus for its lack of merit
Issue: Did the CA err in ruling that habeas corpus was not the proper CRISELDA M. CADA, Petitioner,
remedy to obtain the release of Mangila from detention? vs.RAQUEL M. CADA-DEAPERA, Respondent.
Held: The Supreme Court affirmed the CAs finding. Nature of the Case
Section 20. Petition for writ of habeas corpus.- A verified petition for a
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Very Urgent Motion (Motion
to Quash Alias Writ; Motion to Dismiss)filed by respondent Ma. writ of habeas corpus involving custody of minors shall be filed with the
Hazelina Tujan-Militante dated August 11, 2011 is hereby DENIED for Family Court. The writ shall beenforceable within its judicial region to
which the Family Court belongs.
lack of merit.
In the meantime, respondent Ma. Hazelina Tujan-Militante is hereby However, the petition may be filed with the regular court in the absence
of the presiding judge of the Family Court, provided, however, that the
directed to appear and bring Criselda Martinez Cada before this Court
on February 10, 2012 at 8:30 oclock in the morning.SO ORDERED.12 regular court shall refer the case tothe Family Court as soon as its
presiding judge returns to duty.