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Brocade ICX 6610 Switches: Chassis-Like Capabilities in A Stackable Form Factor

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Brocade ICX 6610 Switches


Todays enterprise networks are expected to deliver services
thought impossible just a few years ago. High-Definition
(HD) video conferencing, real-time collaboration, Unified
Communications (UC), and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
(VDI) are only a few of the applications that organizations are
deploying to enhance employee productivity, improve customer
service, and create a competitive advantage. These same
networks must also provide anytime, anywhere mobile access
HIGHLIGHTS and scale to meet rising user expectations. At the same time,
Delivers chassis-level performance and availability, organizations face continued pressure to reduce costs and
providing an optimal user experience for streaming
video, VDI, UC, and other critical applications
do more with less. More than ever, campus networks need to
quickly and efficiently evolve with the ever-changing business
Offers unprecedented stacking performance with
320 Gbps of stacking bandwidth, eliminating inter-
switch bottlenecks
Provides up to 1 Tbps of total switching capacity SWITCH
with up to 384 1 GbE and 64 10 GbE per stack for
The Brocade ICX 6610 Switch redefines the economics of enterprise networking
campus network edge and aggregation layers
by providing unprecedented levels of performance, availability, and flexibility in a
Provides unmatched availability with four redundant stackable form factordelivering the capabilities of a chassis with the flexibility and
40 Gbps stacking ports per switch, hitless stacking cost-effectiveness of a stackable switch.
failover, hot switch replacement, and dual hot-
Class-Leading Performance for Today and Tomorrow
swappable power supplies and fans
The Brocade ICX 6610 delivers wire-speed, non-blocking performance across
Simplifies network operations and protects all ports to support latency-sensitive applications such as real-time voice/video
investments with the Ruckus HyperEdge streaming and VDI. Brocade ICX 6610 Switches can be stacked using four full-duplex
Architecture, enabling consolidated network 40 Gbps stacking ports that provide an unprecedented 320 Gbps of backplane
management and advanced services sharing across stacking bandwidth with full redundancy, eliminating inter-switch bottlenecks.
heterogeneous switches Additionally, each switch can provide up to eight 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) ports for
high-speed connectivity to the aggregation or core layers.

High Availability
When every second matters, Brocade ICX 6610 Switches help deliver continuous
availability to optimize the user experience. Ruckus stacking technology delivers high
availability, performing real-time state synchronization across the stack and enabling
instantaneous hitless failover to a standby controller in the unlikely event of a failure of
the master stack controller. Organizations also can use hot-insertion/removal of stack
members to avoid interrupting service when adding a switch to increase the capacity
of a stack or replacing a switch that needs servicing.

In addition to stack-level high availability, Brocade ICX 6610 Switches include

system-level high-availability features, such as dual hot-swappable, load-sharing,
and redundant power supplies. The modular design also has dual hot-swappable fan
trays. These features provide another level of availability for the campus wiring closet


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches

in a compact form factor. Additional design features include intake and BUILT FOR THE MOST DEMANDING ENTERPRISE
exhaust temperature sensors and fan spin detection to quickly identify NETWORK ENVIRONMENTS
abnormal or failed operating conditionshelping to minimize mean
time to repair. Ruckus stacking technology makes it possible to stack up to eight
Brocade ICX 6610 Switches into a single logical chassis switch,
Unmatched Simplicity and Investment Protection providing simple and robust expandability for future growth at the
The Brocade ICX 6610 is easy to deploy, manage, and integrate into network edge or aggregation layer. Also, this stacked virtual switch has
both new and existing networks. Organizations can buy only what only a single IP address to simplify management, and offers transparent
they need today and easily scale up as demand grows and new forwarding across a pool of up to 384 1 GbE and 64 10 GbE ports.
technologies emerge. When new switches are added to the stack, they automatically inherit
the stacks existing configuration file, enabling true plug-and-play
The flexibility of a stackable switch allows organizations to forgo network expansion.
investing in a chassis upfront and put precious capital to better use
elsewhere. Organizations can purchase an initial switch to get Ruckus stacking technology also delivers high availability, performing
started and add a new Brocade ICX 6610 Switch to the stack as their real-time state synchronization across the stack and enabling
business grows. instantaneous hitless failover to a standby controller, if the master stack
controller fails. In addition, organizations can use hot-insertion/removal
With capabilities such as bandwidth on demand, the Brocade ICX of stack members to avoid interrupting service.
6610 enables organizations to grow their networks when necessary.
Organizations can initially deploy 1 GbE uplink ports and upgrade to Brocade ICX 6610 Switches offer four dedicated full-duplex 40 Gbps
10 GbE ports when desired with an easy-to-activate software license. stacking ports that provide full redundancy and an unprecedented
320 Gbps of stacking bandwidth, essentially eliminating the need to
Organizations also have peace of mind with the Brocade Assurance work around inter-switch bottlenecks (see Figure 1).
Limited Lifetime Warranty. This warranty can help improve Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO) while freeing up both capital and resources to re- Unlike competitive offerings that use proprietary stacking ports, the use
invest into the business. For warranty details, visit www.brocade.com/ of standard 40 Gbps QSFP ports offers optimum flexibility and future-
warranty. proofing. These dedicated stacking ports free up the 10 GbE ports for
high-speed connectivity to the aggregation or core layers.
The Brocade ICX 6610 uses standard 40 GbE ports and QSFP cables
for stacking. This not only delivers class-leading stacking performance Up to Eight 10 GbE Ports on Demand per Switch
and availability, but also increases cabling options and reduces cable Brocade ICX 6610 Switches offer eight dual-mode Small Form-Factor
costsunlike competitive offerings, which rely on proprietary stacking Pluggable (SFP)/SFP+ ports, enabling high-bandwidth connectivity
ports and cables. to the aggregation or core layers. These ports can be upgraded from
1 GbE to 10 GbE by simply applying a software license, eliminating
Support for MACsec, SDN, and 40 GbE standards provides maximum the need to install a hardware module. In addition, organizations
future-proofing and investment protection. This enables organizations can aggregate these ports across the stack to provide high-speed,
to deploy these capabilities as needed when more network devices redundant links between the wiring closet and the aggregation layer,
supporting them become available. or between the aggregation and the core layer. With the ability to use
short-range and long-range optics, along with copper Twinax cables,
the Brocade ICX 6610 supports flexible and cost-effective network
architectures (see Figure 2).

Figure 1: Brocade ICX 6610 Switches can be stacked using four standard 40 Gbps Figure 2: Brocade ICX 6610 Switches support eight dual-mode 1 GbE/10 GbE SFP/
QSFP ports that provide a fully redundant virtual chassis backplane with 320 Gbps of SFP+ ports (left) and up to 48 1 GbE RJ-45 or 24 1 GbE SFP ports (right).
stacking bandwidth.


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches

The Brocade ICX 6610 delivers industry-leading 8-port 10 GbE Flexible Cooling Options
density in a 1U switch, providing up to 80 Gbps of uplink bandwidth All Brocade ICX 6610 Switches support reversible front-to-back
to the aggregation or core layers of the network. This bandwidth airflow options. This data center-friendly design improves mounting
enables a 1:1 subscription ratio throughout the network. As a result, flexibility in racks, while adhering to the cooling guidelines of the hosting
organizations can deploy highly utilized networks to avoid congestion environment. Organizations can specify airflow direction at the time of
during peak hours. order and can reverse the direction after deployment by swapping the
power supplies and fan assembly (see Figure 3).
Built to Power Next-Generation Edge Devices
The Brocade ICX 6610 can deliver both power and data across Full Layer 3 Capabilities
network connections, providing a single-cable solution for the latest Brocade ICX 6610 Switches also offer powerful IPv4 and IPv6 Layer
edge devices. Brocade ICX 6610 Switches are compatible with 3 switching capabilities. Organizations can use premium Layer 3
industry-standard VoIP equipment as well as legacy IP phones. featuressuch as IPv4/IPv6 OSPF and RIP routing, Policy-Based
In addition, they support the Power over Ethernet (PoE+) standard Routing (PBR), VRRP, and Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM)
(802.3at) to provide up to 30 watts of power to each device. This high- to reduce complexity and enhance the reliability of large enterprise
powered solution simplifies wiring for next-generation edge devices, networks by bringing Layer 3 capabilities to the network edge and/or
such as video conferencing and Voice over IP (VoIP) phones, pan/tilt aggregation layer. Advanced Layer 3 capabilities include BGP routing,
surveillance cameras, and 802.11n wireless Access Points (APs). The enabling remote offices to connect Brocade ICX 6610 Switches to
PoE capability reduces the number of power receptacles and power service provider networks. Premium and advanced routing capabilities
adapters while increasing reliability and wiring flexibility. With a 1500- can be added to any Brocade ICX 6610 Switch model through
watt power budget per switch (with two power supplies), the Brocade software key-based activation.
ICX 6610 24- and 48-port PoE models can supply up to Class 4
PoE+ (30 watts) power to every port.
Plug-and-Play Operations for Powered Devices THE NETWORK
The Brocade ICX 6610 supports the IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a powerful new network
Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and ANSI TIA 1057 Link Layer Discovery paradigm designed for the worlds most demanding networking
Protocol-Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) standards that environments and promises breakthrough levels of customization,
enable organizations to deploy interoperable multivendor solutions scale, and efficiency. The Brocade ICX 6610 enables SDN by
for UC. Configuring IP endpoints such as VoIP phones can be a supporting the OpenFlow 1.3 protocol, which allows communication
complex task, requiring manual and time-consuming configuration. between an OpenFlow controller and an OpenFlow-enabled switch.
LLDP and LLDP-MED address this challenge by providing a standard, Using this approach, organizations can control their networks
open method for configuring, discovering, and managing network programmatically, transforming the network into a platform for
infrastructure. The LLDP protocols also help reduce operational costs innovation through new network applications and services. The
by simplifying and automating network operations. For example, Brocade ICX 6610 delivers OpenFlow in true hybrid port mode.
LLDP-MED provides an open protocol for configuring Quality of With Ruckus hybrid port mode, organizations can simultaneously
Service (QoS), security policies, Virtual LAN (VLAN) assignments, PoE deploy traditional Layer 2/3 forwarding with OpenFlow on the same
power levels, and service priorities. port. This unique capability provides a pragmatic path to SDN by
enabling network administrators to progressively integrate OpenFlow
into existing networks, giving them the programmatic control offered
by SDN for specific flows while the remaining traffic is forwarded as
before. Brocade ICX 6610 hardware support for OpenFlow enables
organizations to apply these capabilities at line rate.

Figure 3: The Brocade ICX 6610 provides four 40 Gbps high-performance QSFP stacking ports (center) and dual,
hot-swappable load-sharing power supplies and fan trays (left and right).


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches


The Ruckus HyperEdge Architecture brings campus networks into the The Brocade ICX 6610 provides simplified, standards-based
modern era to better support mobility, security, and application agility.
management capabilities that help organizations reduce administrative
This evolutionary architecture integrates innovative wired and wireless
time and effort while securing their networks.
technologies to streamline application deployment, simplify network
management, and reduce operating costs. sFlow-based Always-On Network Monitoring
The HyperEdge Architecture enables organizations to build networks sFlow is a modern, standards-based network export protocol (RFC
that are: 3176) that addresses many of the challenges that network managers
Agile: By eliminating Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) between HyperEdge face today. By embedding sFlow into the Brocade ICX 6610, Ruckus
Domain switches through a flatter Layer 2 design, the HyperEdge delivers an always-on technology that operates with wire-speed
Architecture increases link utilization and reduces application performance. sFlow dramatically reduces implementation costs
deployment complexity. The Distributed AP Forwarding functionality compared to traditional network monitoring solutions that rely on
of Ruckus wireless Access Points (APs) efficiently secures and directs mirrored ports, probes, and line-tap technologies. Moreover, sFlow
mobile traffic at the network edge without tunneling data back to a gives organizations full, enterprise-wide monitoring capability for every
central controller at the network core. port in the network.
Automated: By grouping premium and entry-level switches with
Simplified Deployment with Auto-Configuration
intelligent wireless APs into a consolidated management domain,
HyperEdge Domains eliminate the need to provision and manage The Brocade ICX 6610 supports auto-configuration, simplifying
devices individuallysimplifying network deployment and management. deployment with a truly plug-and-play experience. Organizations can
use this feature to automate IP address and feature configuration of
Cost-effective: The HyperEdge Architecture enables the propagation of
the switches without requiring a highly trained network engineer onsite.
advanced features and services from premium switches to entry-level
When the switches power up, they automatically receive an IP address
switches, allowing IT organizations to purchase only what they need
and configuration from DHCP and Trivial File Transport Protocol
today and add intelligent services as the business evolves. Further cost
savings is achieved with Ruckus wireless solutions using controller-less
(TFTP) servers. At this time, the switches can also automatically
or controller-shared license deployment options. receive a software update to be at the same code revision as currently
installed switches.

40 GbE Data Center

ICX 7750

ICX 6610 40 GbE
Ruckus ICX 7750
ICX 6610
ICX 6610
ICX 6610
Ruckus Data Center
ICX 6610 Aggregation
1 GbE and ICX 6610
10 GbE

1 GbE
Data Center
10 GbE Access
40 GbE

Figure 4: The Brocade ICX 6610 provides ToR 1 GbE and 10 GbE server connectivity with the Brocade ICX 7750 providing data center aggregation.


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches

Open-Standards Management To reduce complexity and the time spent managing these
The Brocade ICX 6610 includes an industry-standard Command Line environments, the easy-to-use Brocade Network Advisor discovers,
Interface (CLI) and supports Secure Shell (SSHv2), Secure Copy (SCP), manages, and deploys configurations to groups of IP devices. By
and SNMPv3 to restrict and encrypt management communications to using Brocade Network Advisor, organizations can configure Virtual
the system. In addition, support for Terminal Access Controller Access LANs (VLANs) within the network, manage wireless access points, and
Control System (TACACS/TACACS+) and RADIUS authentication execute commands on specific IP devices or groups of IP devices.
helps ensure secure operator access. sFlow-based proactive monitoring is ideal for performing network-wide
troubleshooting, generating traffic reports, and gaining visibility into
Out-of-Band Management network activity from the edge to the core. Brocade Network Advisor
The Brocade ICX 6610 includes a 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 centralizes management of the entire family of Ruckus wired products.
Ethernet port dedicated to out-of-band management, providing
a remote path to manage the switches, regardless of the status or WARRANTY
configuration of the data ports. The Brocade ICX 6610 Switch is covered by the Brocade Assurance
Limited Lifetime Warranty. For details, visit www.brocade.com/warranty.
Data Center ToR Switch for 1 GbE and 10 GbE Server
Thanks to its class-leading 10 GbE port count, the Brocade ICX 6610
is an ideal solution as a Top-of-Rack (ToR) switch in a mixed INVESTMENT PROTECTION
1 GbE/10 GbE server connectivity environment. It is designed to To further improve operational efficiency, Brocade ICX 6610 Switches
fit in server racks, consuming only one rack unit and offering dual come with 90 days of free technical support from the Ruckus Technical
integrated power supplies and fan assemblies with reversible front-to- Assistance Center and free software updates. With these capabilities,
back/back-to-front airflow for flexible cooling options. In data center organizations gain peace of mind while freeing up IT budget and
environments where most servers have 1 GbE and some resources to grow their businesses.
10 GbE network interfaces, the Brocade ICX 6610 provides a compact
and cost-effective 1 GbE/10 GbE ToR switch (see Figure 4). This RUCKUS GLOBAL SERVICES
configuration uses 10 GbE links to connect to Brocade ICX data center
Ruckus Global Services has the expertise to help organizations
aggregation switches.
build scalable, efficient cloud infrastructures. Leveraging 15 years of
expertise in storage, networking, and virtualization, Ruckus Global
UNIFIED WIRED/WIRELESS NETWORK Services delivers world-class professional services, technical
MANAGEMENT WITH BROCADE NETWORK support, network monitoring services, and education, enabling
ADVISOR organizations to maximize their Ruckus investments, accelerate
Managing enterprise campus networks continues to become more new technology deployments, and optimize the performance of
complex due to the growth in services that rely on wired and wireless networking infrastructures.
networks. Services such as Internet, e-mail, video conferencing, real-
time collaboration, and distance learning all have specific configuration MAXIMIZING INVESTMENTS
and management requirements. At the same time, organizations To help optimize technology investments, Ruckus and its partners offer
face increasing demand to provide uninterrupted services for high- complete solutions that include professional services, technical support,
quality voice and Unified Communications (UC), wireless mobility, and and education. For more information, contact a Ruckus sales partner or
multimedia applications. visit www.brocade.com.


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches


24 or 48 RJ-45 Ports 24 SFP Ports 24 or 48 PoE+ Ports

Brocade Brocade Brocade Brocade Brocade

ICX 6610-24 ICX 6610-48 ICX 6610-24F ICX 6610-24P ICX 6610-48P

Switching capacity
528 Gbps 576 Gbps 528 Gbps 528 Gbps 576 Gbps
(data rate, full duplex)

Forwarding capacity 396 Mpps 432 Mpps 396 Mpps 396 Mpps 432 Mpps
(data rate, full duplex) (wire speed) (wire speed) (wire speed) (wire speed) (wire speed)

Aggregated stacking bandwidth 1,230 Gbps 1,230 Gbps 1,230 Gbps 1,230 Gbps 1,230 Gbps

Units per stack 8 8 8 8 8

Long-distance stacking
(maximum distance between two stacked 150 m 150 m 150 m 150 m 150 m

10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 ports 24 48 N/A 24 48

100/1000 Mbps SFP ports N/A N/A 24 N/A N/A

Dual-mode 1/10 GbE SFP/SFP+ ports

8 8 8 8 8
(10 GbE SFP+ optional upgrade license)

40 Gbps QSFP stacking ports

4 4 4 4 4

PoE power budget

N/A N/A N/A 1,500 W 1,500 W
(two AC power supplies)

PoE power budget

N/A N/A N/A 516 W 516 W
(two DC power supplies)

Maximum PoE Class 3 ports N/A N/A N/A (one power
(one power supply)

24 48
Maximum PoE+ ports N/A N/A N/A
(one power supply) (two power supplies)

Redundant/load sharing; hot-swappable

power supplies 2250 W 2250 W 2250 W 21,000 W 21,000 W
Max output (second optional)

Weight 6.42 kg 6.78 kg 6.69 kg 7.10 kg 7.46 kg

(one power supply/one fan tray) (14.15 lb) (14.95 lb) (14.75 lb) (15.65 lb) (16.45 lb)

Dimensions 429 mm (16.880 in.) W 406.4 mm (16.00 in.) D 44 mm (1.732 in.) H - 1U

Airflow Front to back (reversible)

474,527 hours 408,144 hours 400,449 hours 416,567 hours 336,984 hours
(25C, CL: 60%)


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches



Connector options 10/100/1000 ports: RJ-45

1 Gbps SFP ports: SX, LX, LHA, LHB, 1000Base-BX, CWDM
10 Gbps SFP+ ports: Direct-attached copper (Twinax), SR, LR
Stacking ports: 40 GbE QSFP for use with direct-attached 1 meter or 5 meter stacking cable
Out-of-band Ethernet management: 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45
Console management: RJ-45 serial

Maximum MAC addresses 32,000

Maximum VLANs 4,096

Maximum STP (spanning trees) 254

Maximum routes (in hardware) 16,000

Maximum ports per trunk: 8

Maximum trunk groups: 124

Maximum jumbo frame size 9,216 bytes

Layer 2 switching 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree MLD Snooping (v1/v2)

802.1x Authentication Multi-device Authentication
BPDU Guard, Root Guard Mirroring - Port-based, ACL-based, MAC Filter-based, and
Dual-Mode VLANs VLAN-based
Dynamic VLAN Assignment Port Loop Detection
Dynamic Voice VLAN Assignment Private VLAN
Fast Port Span Protected Link Groups
GARP VLAN Registration Protocol Protocol VLAN (802.1v), Subnet VLAN
IGMP Snooping (v1/v2/v3) Remote Fault Notification (RFN)
Link Fault Signaling (LFS) Single-instance Spanning Tree
MAC Address Locking; Port Security Single-link LACP
MAC-Layer Filtering Trunk Groups
MAC Learning Disable Uni-Directional Link Detection (UDLD)

Base IPv4 static routes Routed Interfaces

Layer 3 routing ECMP Route-only Support
Port-based Access Control Lists Routing Between Directly Connected Subnets
L3/L4 ACLs HyperEdge service propagation
Host routes
Virtual Interfaces

Premium IPv4 and IPv6 static and dynamic routes RIP v1/v2, RIPng (IPv6)
Layer 3 routing OSPF v2, OSPF v3 (IPv6) Virtual Route Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
IPv6 multicast routing functionality) VRRPv3 (IPv6)
Advanced BGP4, BGP4+(IPv6) IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels
Layer 3 routing GRE VRF (IPv4 and IPv6)
SDN features Support for OpenFlow v1.0 and v1.3 OpenFlow support with stacking, including mixed stacks
OpenFlow support with true hybrid port mode Operates seamlessly under OpenDaylight SDN Controllers
Metro features Metro-Ring Protocol (v1, v2) VRRP
Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) Topology Groups
VLAN Stacking (Q-in-Q)


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches


Quality of Service (QoS) ACL Mapping and Marking of ToS/DSCP DiffServ Support
ACL Mapping and Marking of 802.1p Honoring DSCP and 802.1p
ACL Mapping to Priority Queue MAC Address Mapping to Priority Queue
ACL Mapping to ToS/DSCP Priority Queue Management using Weighted Round Robin
Classifying and Limiting Flows Based on TCP (WRR), Strict Priority (SP), and a combination of WRR and SP
DHCP Relay

IEEE standards compliance 802.1AB LLDP/LLDP-MED 802.3af Power over Ethernet

802.1D-2004 MAC Bridging 802.3at Power over Ethernet Plus
802.1p Mapping to Priority Queue 802.3u 100 Base-TX
802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree 802.3x Flow Control
802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree 802.3z 1000Base-SX/LX
802.1x Port-based Network Access Control 802.3 MAU MIB (RFC 2239)
802.3 10 Base-T 802.3ba 40 Gbps Ethernet
802.3ab 1000 Base-T 802.1AE MACsec
802.3ad Link Aggregation (Dynamic and Static) 802.1Q VLAN Tagging
802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet

Traffic management ACL-based inbound rate limiting and traffic policies Inbound rate limiting per port
Broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast rate Outbound rate limiting per port and per queue

High availability Redundant hot-swappable internal power supplies Hitless failover from master to standby stack controller
Hot-swappable fan trays Protected link groups
L3 VRRP protocol redundancy Hot insertion and removal of stacked units
Real-time state synchronization across the stack


Management and control Auto Configuration RFC 1493 Bridge MIB

Ruckus HyperEdge technology RFC 1516 Repeater MIB
Configuration Logging RFC 1573 SNMP MIB II
Digital Optical Monitoring RFC 1643 Ethernet Interface MIB
Display Log Messages on Multiple Terminals RFC 1643 Ethernet MIB
Embedded Web Management RFC 1724 RIP v1/v2 MIB
Embedded DHCP Server RFC 1757 RMON MIB
Industry-standard Command Line Interface (CLI) RFC 2068 Embedded HTTP
Key-based activation of optional software features RFC 2131 DHCP Server and DHCP Relay
Integration with HP OpenView for Sun Solaris, HP- RFC 2570 SNMPv3 Intro to Framework
UX, IBM AIX, and Windows RFC 2571 Architecture for Describing SNMP Framework
Brocade Network Advisor support RFC 2572 SNMP Message Processing and Dispatching
MIB Support for MRP, Port Security, MAC RFC 2573 SNMPv3 Applications
Authentication, and MAC-based VLANs RFC 2574 SNMPv3 User-based Security Model
Out-of-band Ethernet Management RFC 2575 SNMP View-based Access Control Model SNMP
RFC 783 TFTP RFC 2818 Embedded HTTPS
RFC 854 TELNET Client and Server RFC 3176 sFlow
RFC 951 Bootp SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
RFC 1157 SNMPv1/v2c Support for Multiple Syslog Servers

Embedded security 802.1X Accounting EAP pass-through support

MAC Authentication IEEE 802.1X username export in sFlow
Bi-level Access Mode (Standard and EXEC Level) Protection against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks

Secure management Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Secure Copy (SCP)

(AAA) Secure Shell (SSHv2)
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with SSHv2 Username/Password
RADIUS/TACACS/TACACS+ Web authentication


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches



Temperature Operating temperature: 0C to 55C (32F to 131F)

Storage temperature: 25C to 70C (13F to 158F)

Humidity Relative humidity: 5% to 95%, non-condensing

Altitude Storage altitude: 10,000 ft (3,000 m) maximum

Acoustic From 39.6 dB (24 ports, 1 fan, 1 PSU) to 48.7 dB (48 ports, 2 fans, 2 PSUs)


Power supplies Up to two internal, redundant, field-replaceable, load-sharing AC or DC power supplies with dedicated system and
PoE power

Power inlet C13

Input voltage Typical 100 to 240 VAC

Input line frequency 50 to 60 Hz


Models With 1 Power Supply With 2 Power Supplies

Brocade ICX 6610-24 120 W 140 W

Brocade ICX 6610-48 165 W 185 W

Brocade ICX 6610-24F 125 W 145 W

Brocade ICX 6610-24P 120 W 140 W

Brocade ICX 6610-48P 165 W 185 W


Electromagnetic emissions FCC Class A (Part 15); EN 55022/CISPR-22 Class A; VCCI Class A; ICES-003 Electromagnetic Emission; AS/NZS
55022; EN 61000-3-2 Power Line Harmonics; EN 61000-3-3 Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker; EN 61000-6-3
Emission Standard (supersedes: EN 50081-1)

Safety CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60950-1-07; UL 60950-1 Second Edition; IEC 60950-1 Second Edition;
EN 60950-1:2006 Safety of Information Technology Equipment; EN 60825-1
Safety of Laser ProductsPart 1: Equipment Classification, Requirements and Users Guide; EN 60825-2 Safety of
Laser ProductsPart 2: Safety of Optical Fibre Communication Systems

Immunity EN 61000-6-1 Generic Immunity and Susceptibility (supersedes EN 50082-1);

EN 55024 Immunity Characteristics (supersedes EN 61000-4-2 ESD); EN 61000-4-3 Radiated, Radio Frequency,
Electromagnetic Field;
EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient;
EN 61000-4-5 Surge; EN 61000-4-6 Conducted Disturbances Induced by Radio-Frequency Fields; EN 61000-
4-8 Power Frequency Magnetic Field; EN 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips and Sags

Environmental regulatory RoHS-compliant (6 of 6); WEEE-compliant



Brocade ICX 6610 Switches



ICX6610-24-E 24-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-24-PE 24-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-24-I 24-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-24-PI 24-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-24P-E 24-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-24P-PE 24-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-24P-I 24-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-24P-PI 24-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-24F-E 24-port 1 GbE SFP, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-24F-PE 24-port 1 GbE SFP, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-24F-I 24-port 1 GbE SFP, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-24F-PI 24-port 1 GbE SFP, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-48-E 48-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-48-PE 48-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-48-I 48-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-48-PI 48-port 1 GbE RJ45, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 250 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-48P-E 48-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-48P-PE 48-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side exhaust, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Premium software.

ICX6610-48P-I 48-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Base software.

ICX6610-48P-PI 48-port 1 GbE RJ45 PoE+, plus 81 GbE SFPP uplink ports (upgradable to 10 GbE). 440 GbE QSFP stacking ports.
1 power-supply-side intake, hot-swappable fan assembly and 1,000 W power supply. Premium software.


Brocade ICX 6610 Switches



ICX6610-PREM-LIC Brocade ICX 6610 premium software license

ICX6610-ADV-LIC Brocade ICX 6610 advanced software license

ICX6610-ADV-UPG-LIC Brocade ICX 6610 premium to advanced software upgrade

ICX6610-10G-LIC-POD License to upgrade 4 ports of 1 GbE SFPP uplink to 10 GbE

RPS15-E Brocade ICX 6610/6650 non-PoE 250 W PSU, power-supply-side exhaust airflow

RPS15-I Brocade ICX 6610/6650 non-PoE 250 W PSU, power-supply-side intake airflow

RPS16-E 1,000 W power supply for Brocade ICX 6610 PoE models, power-supply-side exhaust airflow

RPS16-I 1,000 W power supply for Brocade ICX 6610 PoE models, power-supply-side intake airflow

RPS16DC-E 510 W DC power supply for Brocade ICX 6610, power-supply-side exhaust airflow

RPS16DC-I 510 W DC power supply for Brocade ICX 6610, power-supply-side intake airflow

ICX6610-FAN-E Power-supply-side exhaust airflow fan for the Brocade ICX 6610 (two fans required with two power supplies)

ICX6610-FAN-I Power-supply-side intake airflow fan for the Brocade ICX 6610 (two fans required with two power supplies)

40G-QSFP-C-0101 40 GbE QSFP direct-attached copper cable, 1 m, one-pack

40G-QSFP-C-0501 40 GbE QSFP direct-attached copper cable, 5 m, one-pack

BR-NTWADV-IP-BASE Brocade Network Advisor IP management software license for up to 50 devices; required for initial purchase of
IP-only management; minimum of one year of support is required.

Copyright 2017, Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved. Ruckus Wireless and Ruckus Wireless design are registered in the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Ofce. Ruckus Wireless, the Ruckus Wireless logo, BeamFlex, ZoneFlex, MediaFlex, FlexMaster, ZoneDirector,
SpeedFlex, SmartCast, SmartCell, ChannelFly and Dynamic PSK are trademarks of Ruckus Wireless, Inc. in the United States and
other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document or website are the property of their respective owners. 17-7-B

Ruckus Wireless, Inc. | 350 West Java Drive | Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA | T: (650) 265-4200 | F: (408) 738-2065

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