Salt Water Intrusion
Salt Water Intrusion
Salt Water Intrusion
Fresh water in contact with salt water adjacent to a coast line is given in Figure 1. This figure
illustrates the initial equilibrium (when there is no drawdown).
Figure 1: Fresh water in contact with salt water adjacent to a coast line (initial equilibrium)
Hf = thickness of fresh water (m)
Hs = height of salt water above the bottom of fresh water lens (m)
H = height of the groundwater table above sea level (m)
The pressure due to salt water must balance the pressure due to fresh water at the bottom
of fresh water. So, according to initial equilibrium (Figure 1):
Pressure due to fresh water (Pf) = Pressure due to salt water (Ps)
Pf = Ps
and then
If pumping is done, the thickness of the fresh water lens will be reduced and situation in
Figure 2 will occur. This figure shows the final equilibrium after drawdown of d.
Aquifer [2]:A water-bearing layer of rock, or of unconsolidated sediments, that will yield
water in a usable quantity to a well or spring.
Confining Bed [2]:A layer of rock, or of unconsolidated sediments, that retards the
movement of water in and out of an aquifer and possesses a very low hydraulic conductivity.
Unconfined aquifer [2]: An aquifer is considered unconfined if water only partially fills the
aquifer materials and water freely rises and declines along the unsaturated/saturated zone
boundary. These unconfined aquifers are often referred to as water-table aquifers and wells
that are opened to these unconfined aquifers indicates the position of the water-table.
Confined aquifer [2]: A confined aquifer is generally defined when water completely fills the
aquifer materials and is overlain by a confining bed. A common term for a confined aquifer is
an artesian aquifer. The water level from a well that permits water solely from a confined
aquifer to enter the well will stand at some point above the top of the confined aquifer but
not necessarily above the land surface. The water level in a well open to a specific confined
aquifer stands at the level of the potentiometric surface. If the potentiometric surface is
above land, the well is often considered as a free-flowing artesian well.
Drawdown [1]: It is the lowering of water table caused by pumping of wells and defined as
the difference between elevations of the current water table and water table before
pumping began.
Cone of Depression [1]&[2]: It will form in the aquifer around a pumping well as the water
level declines. As water is withdrawn from a well, the water level in the well begins to
decline as water is removed from storage in the well. The head in the well will fall below the
level of the surrounding aquifer and water begins moving from the aquifer into the well. The
water level will continue to decline and the flow rate of water into the well will increase until
the inflow rate is equal to withdrawal rate. Water from the aquifer must converge on the
well from all directions and the hydraulic gradient must get steeper near the well. For this
reason the resultant 3-D shape of water withdrawal is a called a cone of depression.
Q = yield from an unconfined aquifer (m3/sec)
k = permeability coefficient (m/sec)
H = height of the water table (m)
h = height of the water in the well (m)
R = radius of influence (m)
r = radius of the well (m)
Radius of influence can be calculated empirically as:
d = drawdown from the well (m)
k = permeability coefficient (m/sec)
Q = yield from an unconfined aquifer (m3/sec)
k = permeability coefficient (m/sec)
H = height of the piezometric surface (m)
h = height of the water in the well (m)
m = thickness of the water bearing strata (m)
R = radius of influence (m)
r = radius of the well (m)
A pumping test is used to determine the permeability of soil. Observation wells are sunk at
varying distances from the test well to measure the drawdown.
Figure 5: Observation wells for an unconfined aquifer.
Q = yield from an unconfined aquifer (m3/sec)
xi = horizontal distance from the test well i (m)
yi = height of the water in the observation well i (m)
Q = yield from a confined aquifer (m3/sec)
xi = horizontal distance from the test well i (m)
yi = height of the water in the observation well i (m)
m = thickness of the aquifer (m)
These wells are not driven in to the bottom of impervious strata. If the water bearing strata
is too thick or hard, those wells will be used because of technical and economical.
2r 2r
2r Groundwater
Q = yield of a well which is driven to the bottom of impervious layer and having the same
radius as partially immersed well (m3/sec)
q = yield of a well which is driven t meters (not up to impervious strata) (m3/sec)
In a sloping piezometric surface the flow net does not consist of radial flow lines and
concentric equipotential lines as the cone of depression does not remain symetrical.
And Vu = k.i
Numerical solution:
When Qyield = Qpermissible then Q optimum will be equal to that value. This equality is solved
by trial & error.
Graphical solution:
Plot the values of Q yield and Q permissible. X-axis will be flow and Y-axis will be H. The
intersection point will be Q optimum.
Wells can be classified as shallow and deep. Wells up to 35 m depth are classified as shallow
wells. A shallow well receives water from the subsoil overlying an impervious stratum. It may
be contaminated by the surface water percolation through the soil from nearby areas.
A deep well (more than 35 m) receives water from an aquifer below an impervious strata.
Chances of such a well becoming contaminated are remote.
Dug Wells:
Historically, dug wells were excavated by hand shovel to below the watertable until
incoming water exceeded the digger's bailing rate. The well was lined with stones, brick, tile,
or other material to prevent collapse, and was covered with a cap of wood, stone, or
concrete [3]. Depths may vary between 5 to 15m. Diameter of the well may be between 1
and 5m.
Bored Wells:
An earth auger rotated, by hand or power, bores the hole and carries the earth to the
surface. Casing is usually steel, concrete or plastic pipe. Bore hole diameter ranges from 5 to
75 cm. Bored wells can be up to 300m deep. The soil should be cohesive so that the sides of
the hole do not cave in. A concrete or metal casing is inserted in the hole and cemented in
place before the strainer is installed [3].
Driven Wells:
They are constructed by driving assembled lengths of pipe into the ground with percussion
equipment or by hand. Normally 5 cm or less in diameter and less than 15m deep. They can
only be installed in areas having relatively loose soils, such as sand or gravel. Usually a
screened well point is attached to the bottom of the casing before driving. Relatively simple
and economical to construct. Poses a moderate to high risk. Easily contaminated from
nearby surface sources[3].
Drilled Wells:
They are constructed by either percussion or rotary-drilling machines. Drilled wells that
penetrate unconsolidated material require installation of casing and a screen to prevent
inflow of sediment and collapse. They can be drilled more than 300m deep. To prevent
contamination by water draining from the surface downward around the outside of the
casing, the space around the casing must be sealed[3].
They are used to collect groundwater located not deeper than 6-7m.
They are horizontal tunnels or perforated pipes constructed through water bearing strata
They are laid in a direction nearly normal to the direction of groundwater flow.
Perforated pipes are enclosed in gravel pebbles to prevent entrance of sand or other fine
grained materials into the pipe.
They can be constructed:
a) Adjacent to a river or artificial recharge basin from which water may be obtained
by seepage.
b) Into the sides of hills and mountains.
c) At right angles to artificially built valleys between hills.
Groundwater enters into galleries from one side or two side depending on the
characteristics of groundwater.
Unconfined aquifer:
Unconfined aquifer: