en Lock Nuts
en Lock Nuts
en Lock Nuts
SKF the knowledge engineering
From one simple but
inspired solution to
a misalignment
problem in a textile
mill in Sweden, and
fifteen employees in
1907, SKF has
grown to become a
global industrial
knowledge leader.
Over the years, we have built on our exper- Meeting the toughest challenges Working for a sustainable future
tise in bearings, extending it to seals, mecha- Our network of knowledge and experience, Since 2005, SKF has worked to reduce the
tronics, services and lubrication systems. along with our understanding of how our negative environmental impact from our
Our knowledge network includes 46 000 core technologies can be combined, helps operations and those of our suppliers. Our
employees, 15 000 distributor partners, us create innovative solutions that meet the continuing technology development resulted
offices in more than 130 countries, and a toughest of challenges. We work closely with in the introduction of the SKF BeyondZero
growing number of SKF Solution Factory our customers throughout the asset life portfolio of products and services which im-
sites around the world. cycle, helping them to profitably and prove efficiency and reduce energy losses,
responsibly grow their businesses. as well as enable new technologies har-
Research and development nessing wind, solar and ocean power. This
We have hands-on experience in over forty combined approach helps reduce the envir-
industries based on our employees know- onmental impact both in our operations and
ledge of real life conditions. In addition, our our customers operations.
world-leading experts and university part-
ners pioneer advanced theoretical research
and development in areas including tribol-
ogy, condition monitoring, asset manage-
ment and bearing life theory. Our ongoing
commitment to research and development
helps us keep our customers at the forefront
of their industries.
Working with SKF IT and logistics systems and application experts, SKF
SKF Solution Factory makes SKF knowledge and manufacturing expertise Authorized Distributors deliver a valuable mix of product and application
available locally to provide unique solutions and services to our customers. knowledge to customers worldwide.
Design and develo
ion ufa
at ctu
SKF Life Cycle
Our knowledge Management
your success
SKF Life Cycle Management is how we combine our technology n
platforms and advanced services, and apply them at each stage d rep
air n
of the asset life cycle, to help our customers to be more la
successful, sustainable and profitable. Opera Ins
te and monitor
Lubrication solutions
From specialized lubricants to state-of-the-art
lubrication systems and lubrication management
services, lubrication solutions from SKF can help to
reduce lubrication related downtime and lubricant
About lock nuts
A bearing system consists of more than just In addition to locating bearings and other Designs and variants
bearings. Associated components like the components onto shafts, lock nuts can be
shaft, housings and locking devices are inte- used to mount bearings on tapered shaft SKF lock nuts provide a variety of ways to
gral parts of the overall system. The lubri- seats and adapter sleeves and dismount secure the nut onto a shaft. The lock nuts
cant and sealing elements also play a critical bearings from withdrawal sleeves. Lock nuts listed in this catalogue constitute the basic
role. are also frequently used to secure gears, SKF assortment. Lock nuts with other locking
One frequently overlooked component in belt pulleys and other machine components. methods can be supplied on request. For
a bearing system is the locking device or lock SKF lock nuts fall into two basic catego- additional information, contact the SKF
nut that is used to locate bearings and other ries: Industrial and precision. application engineering service.
components on the shaft. Figure 1 shows a
typical bearing system. In this example, the SKF manufactures a wide assortment of
lock nut serves two functions. lock nuts and locking methods. The type you
choose depends on the application and its
1 Hold the side face of the spherical roller operating conditions. When choosing or
bearing inner ring against its abutment replacing a lock nut, there are a number of
on the shaft factors that should be taken into
2 Support axial loads. consideration.
Factors include but are not limited to:
Lock nuts are used in a variety of applications ranging from machine tools and compressors to
railway and agricultural machinery
SKF lock nut range quick overview
Precision lock nuts Industrial lock nuts
KMT/KMTA KMD KMK Lock nuts with KMFE Lock nuts with
an integral locking device an integral locking screw
KMT lock nuts have a thread KMD lock nuts have a thread KMK lock nuts have a thread KMFE lock nuts have a thread
ranging from 10 to 420 mm ranging from 20 to 105 mm ranging from 10 to 100 mm ranging from 20 to 200 mm
(sizes 0 to 84) (sizes 4 to 21) (sizes 0 to 20) (sizes 4 to 40)
KMTA lock nuts have a thread
ranging from 25 to 200 mm
(sizes 5 to 40)
Maximum axial run-out (up to size Maximum axial run-out between Fastening element with integral Fastening element with integral
40) between the locating face and the locating face and thread: locking device locking screw intended for certain
thread : 0.005 mm 0,005 mm bearing types
Can be adjusted to compensate for Effective axial locking Effective locking Effective locking
slight angular deviations Simple to position
Simple to install and remove Simple to install and remove Simple to install and remove Simple to install and remove
For shaft threads without keyways For shaft threads without keyways For shaft threads without keyways For shaft threads without keyways
Locking principle
Locks to the shaft thread by friction Locks to the shaft thread by friction Locks by tightening a grub screw Locks by tightening a grub screw to
generated by tightening three radial generated by tightening four axial that clamps a metallic thread insert press the nut thread against the
locking pins with grub screws screws that press the rear part of against the shaft thread shaft thread
against its unloaded flanks the nut against the unloaded thread
KMT/KMTA product chapter starting on page 14 KMD product chapter starting on page 22 KMK product chapter starting on page 28 KMFE product chapter starting on page 32
KM/KML, HM .. T, AN, N HM/HME Lock nuts with N Lock nuts with
Lock nuts with a lock washer a locking clip a locking plate
KM(L) lock nuts have a thread HM(E) lock nuts with a locking clip N lock nuts with a locking plate
ranging from 10 to 200 mm have a thread ranging from 220 have a thread range from 9.442
(sizes 0 to 40) to 1120 mm to 37.410 inches
HM .. T lock nuts have a thread (sizes 3044 to 30/1120) (sizes N 056 to N950)
ranging from 210 to 280 mm
(sizes 42 to 56)
AN and N lock nuts with a lock
washer have a thread ranging from
0.391 to 8.628 inches
(sizes N 00 to N 14, AN 15 to
AN 40 and N 022 to N 044)
A simple, stable and reliable A simple, stable and reliable A simple, stable and reliable
fastening element fastening element fastening element
Available in a wide range of sizes Available in a wide range of sizes Available in a wide range of sizes
Simple to install and remove Simple to install and remove Simple to install and remove
Keyway in shaft thread required for Keyway in shaft thread required for Keyway in shaft thread required for
lock washer locking clip locking plate
Locks with a separate lock washer Locks with a separate locking clip Locks with a locking plate that
engaged in a keyway in the shaft which is attached to the nut and engages with a keyway in the shaft
thread and having a tab which is engages with a keyway in the shaft thread and is secured to the nut by
bent over into one of the slots in the thread and one of the slots in the nut two screws and locking wire
KM/KML, HM.. T product chapter starting on HM/HME product chapter starting on page 44 N (with a locking plate) product chapter starting
page 37 on page 60
AN, N (with lock washer) product chapter starting
on page 52
Precision lock nuts
Precision lock nuts
KMT and KMTA precision lock nuts
1 With the bearing in position, screw the
lock nut into place.
2 Tighten the nut with a hook or impact
spanner making sure to not over tighten
3 Tighten the grub screws carefully until the
locking pins engage the shaft thread.
4 Tighten the grub screws alternately with
a torque wrench until the recommended
torque value is achieved ( product
tables, page 20).
KMT and KMTA lock nuts are adjustable. The
three equally-spaced locking pins enable
these lock nuts to be accurately positioned
at right angles to the shaft. However, they
can also be adjusted to compensate for
slight angular deviations of adjacent compo-
nents. Adjustments can be made using the
following procedure ( fig. 3, page 16):
Precision lock nuts
When removing KMT and KMTA lock nuts,
the locking pins can still engage the shaft *
) *
thread even after the grub screws have
been loosened. Using a rubber hammer, tap * *
Loosen grub screws Loosen grub screw
the nut lightly in the vicinity of the pins to
Example 1 Example 2
loosen them.
Note: Please note that KMT and KMTA pre- * Greatest deviation
cision lock nuts are not intended for bearing
KMT and KMTA precision lock nuts
Designation system
Nut size
0 10 mm thread diameter
1 12 mm thread diameter
2 15 mm thread diameter
3 17 mm thread diameter
4 (x5) 20 mm thread diameter
84 (x5) 420 mm thread diameter
Table 1
Product data
KMT and KMTA series
Loosening torque KMT and KMTA lock nuts are locked on the shaft (sleeve) by friction. The friction, and therefore the
loosening torque, varies as a result of the accuracy of the tightening torque of the grub screw, the
surface finish of the shaft thread, the amount of lubricant on the thread, etc. KMT and KMTA lock nuts
should be properly mounted to threads that are dry or only have a minimum amount of lubricant on
For additional information about loosening torques, contact the SKF application engineering service.
Note Providing that they are properly mounted to a dry or minimally lubricated thread, experience has
shown that SKF KMT and KMTA lock nuts have sufficient locking for typical precision and general
rolling bearing applications.
KMT precision lock nuts with locking pins
M 10x0,75 Tr 420x5
60 h h
b b
d 5 G d4 d 1 d 3
Size 15 Size 16
mm kN kg Nm
Dimensions Axial load Mass Designations Grub screw
carrying Lock nut Appropriate Size Recommended
capacity spanner tightening torque
G d1 d3 d4 d5 B b h static
mm kN kg Nm
M 130x2 154 165 132 152 32 12 5 920 1,70 KMT 26 TMFN 23-30 M 10 35
M 140x2 164 175 142 162 32 14 5 980 1,80 KMT 28 TMFN 23-30 M 10 35
M 150x2 174 185 152 172 32 14 5 1 040 1,95 KMT 30 TMFN 23-30 M 10 35
M 160x3 184 195 162 182 32 14 5 1 100 2,10 KMT 32 TMFN 23-30 M 10 35
M 170x3 192 205 172 192 32 14 5 1 160 2,20 KMT 34 TMFN 30-40 M 10 35
M 180x3 204 215 182 202 32 16 5 1 220 2,30 KMT 36 TMFN 30-40 M 10 35
M 190x3 214 225 192 212 32 16 5 1 280 2,40 KMT 38 TMFN 30-40 M 10 35
M 200x3 224 235 202 222 32 18 5 1 340 2,50 KMT 40 TMFN 30-40 M 10 35
KMTA precision lock nuts with locking pins
M 25x1,5 M 200x3
G d4 d1 d3
mm kN kg Nm
M 100x2 120 130 103 32 118 17 6,4 8 740 1,30 KMTA 20 B 120-130 M 10 35
M 110x2 132 140 112 32 128 17 6,4 8 800 1,45 KMTA 22 B 135-145 M 10 35
M 120x2 142 155 122 32 140 17 6,4 8 860 1,85 KMTA 24 B 155-165 M 10 35
M 130x3 156 165 132 32 153 17 6,4 8 920 2,00 KMTA 26 B 155-165 M 10 35
M 140x3 166 180 142 32 165 17 6,4 10 980 2,45 KMTA 28 B 180-195 M 10 35
M 150x3 180 190 152 32 175 17 6,4 10 1 040 2,60 KMTA 30 B 180-195 M 10 35
Dimensions Axial load Mass Designations Grub screw
carrying Lock nut Appropriate Size Recommended
capacity spanner tightening torque
G d1 d3 d4 B J1 J2 N1 N2 static
mm kN kg Nm
M 160x3 190 205 162 32 185 17 8,4 10 1 100 3,15 KMTA 32 B 205-220 M 10 35
M 170x3 205 215 172 32 195 17 8,4 10 1 160 3,30 KMTA 34 B 205-220 M 10 35
M 180x3 215 230 182 32 210 17 8,4 10 1 220 3,90 KMTA 36 B 230-245 M 10 35
M 190x3 225 240 192 32 224 17 8,4 10 1 280 4,10 KMTA 38 B 230-245 M 10 35
M 200x3 237 245 202 32 229 17 8,4 10 1 340 3,85 KMTA 40 B 230-245 M 10 35
Precision lock nuts
KMD precision lock nuts
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Precision lock nuts
Designation system
KMD T w o - p a r t p r e c i s i o n l o c k n u t w it h a x i a l l o c k i n g s c r e w s
Nut size
0 10 mm thread diameter
1 12 mm thread diameter
2 15 mm thread diameter
3 17 mm thread diameter
4 (x5) 20 mm thread diameter
21 (x5) 105 mm thread diameter
P Sintered steel (For KMD 11 and KMD 12 lock nuts only )
Table 2
Product data
KMD series
Loosening torque KMD lock nuts are locked on the shaft by friction. The friction, and therefore the loosening torque, varies as
a result of the accuracy of the tightening torque of the axial locking screws, the surface finish of the shaft
(sleeve) thread, the amount of lubricant on the thread, etc. The KMD lock nuts should be properly mounted
to threads that are dry or only have a minimum amount of lubricant on them.
For additional information about loosening torques, contact the SKF application engineering service.
Note Providing that they are properly mounted to a dry or minimally lubricated thread, SKF KMD lock nuts have
sufficient locking for precision and general rolling bearing applications.
KMD precision lock nuts with axial locking screws
M 20x1 M 105x2
45 b
d5 G d 1 d3
mm kN kg Nm
Industrial lock nuts
SKF lock nuts are used to locate bearings Lock nuts with an integral locking device Lock nuts requiring a keyway
and other components onto a shaft or KMK metric lock nuts with a threaded KM, KML, HMT metric lock nuts re-
adapter sleeve. They are also used to mount steel insert ( page 28) tained with a lock washer ( page 37)
bearings on tapered shaft seats and dis- KMFE metric lock nuts with a locking HM(E) metric lock nuts retained with a
mount bearings from withdrawal sleeves. screw ( page 32) locking clip ( page 44)
Lock nuts must be secured to prevent unin- N and AN inch design lock nuts retained
tentional loosening. This is done either by a with lock washers ( page 52)
locking device that engages a keyway in the N inch lock nuts retained with a locking
shaft thread, or by a locking mechanism in- plate ( page 60)
tegrated in the nut.
Lock nuts with an integrated locking
mechanism reduce the cost of the shaft as
no keyway is required. Installation is also
quicker and easier because no separate
locking device is necessary. All SKF industrial
lock nuts have slots around their circumfer-
ence to accommodate a hook or impact
spanner. The designations of the appropri-
ate spanners are listed in the product tables.
For additional information about spanners,
see the section Tools on page 6 6 .
Industrial lock nuts
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
KMK metric lock nuts
Fig. 4
Industrial lock nuts
Nut size
0 10 mm thread diameter
1 12 mm thread diameter
2 15 mm thread diameter
3 17 mm thread diameter
4 (x5) 20 mm thread diameter
20 (x5) 100 mm thread diameter
Table 1
Product data
KMK series
Loosening torque SKF KMK series lock nuts are locked on the shaft by friction. The friction, and therefore the loosening
torque, varies as a result of the accuracy of the tightening torque of the grub (set) screw, the surface
finish of the shaft thread, the amount of lubricant on the thread, etc. Lock nuts should be properly
mounted to threads that are dry or only have a minimum amount of lubricant on them.
Note When mounted according to instructions to a thread that is dry or minimally lubricated, the locking effect
is sufficient for the intended purpose which is to locate a bearing against a fixed location. The maximum
effect of the locking device is obtained when the nut is not tightened against an adjacent bearing.
KMK lock nuts with a threaded steel insert
M 10x0,75 M 100x2
d1 G d3 h
mm kN kg Nm
Industrial lock nuts
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
KMFE metric lock nuts
Simple to remove
1 To remove the lock nut, loosen the set
2 Gently tap the area above the set screw
with a hammer.
3 Unscrew the lock nut using a hook Fig. 7
Industrial lock nuts
Nut size
0 10 mm thread diameter
1 12 mm thread diameter
2 15 mm thread diameter
3 17 mm thread diameter
4 (x5) 20 mm thread diameter
40 (x5) 200 mm thread diameter
Table 2
Product data
KMFE series
Dimension standards Metric thread: ISO 2982-2, except for the grub screw: ISO 4026, material class 45H
Loosening torque SKF KMFE series lock nuts are locked on the shaft by friction. The friction, and therefore the loosening
torque, varies as a result of the accuracy of the tightening torque of the grub (set) screw, the surface
finish of the shaft (sleeve) thread, the amount of lubricant on the thread, etc. The lock nuts should be
properly mounted to threads that are dry or only have a minimum amount of lubricant on them.
Note Sufficient locking for intended bearing applications as detailed on page 32.
KFME lock nuts with a locking screw
M 20x1 M 200x3
d1 G d3
mm kN kg Nm
KFME lock nuts with a locking screw
M 20x1 M 200x3 B
d1 G d3
mm kN kg Nm
KM, KML, HMT metric lock nuts
Industrial lock nuts
KM, KML, HMT lock nuts are easy to in-
stall. Each nut is provided with four equally
spaced slots around their circumference to
accommodate a hook or impact spanner.
Appropriate spanner sizes are listed in the
product tables ( page 40). For more
information about the appropriate spanner,
see section Tools on page 66.
KM, KML, HMT lock nuts can be reused,
provided they are not damaged. A new lock
washer should be used each time the cor-
responding lock nut is reinstalled.
KM, KML, HMT metric lock nuts
Nut size
0 10 mm thread diameter
1 12 mm thread diameter
2 15 mm thread diameter
3 17 mm thread diameter
4 (x5) 20 mm thread diameter
56 (x5) 280 mm thread diameter
T Trapezoidal thread
A Increased plate thickness for MB lock washers
Table 3
Product data
KM, KML and HM .. T series
Mating shaft threads Metric thread: Tolerance class 6g: ISO 965-3
Metric trapezoidal thread: Tolerance class 7e: ISO 2903
KM(L) and HM .. T lock nuts
M 10x0,75 M 200x3
B b
d1 G d3
mm kN kg
M 20x1 26 32 6 4 2 24 0,025 KM 4 MB 4 HN 4
M 35x1,5 44 52 8 5 2 50 0,059 KM 7 MB 7 HN 7
Dimensions Axial load Mass Designations
carrying Lock nut Appropriate
capacity lock washer spanner
G d1 d3 B b h static
mm kN kg
MB(L) lock washers
MB 0 MB 56
d 1
d2 M
d d1 d2 B f M d d1 d2 B f M
m m kg mm kg
Designation Mass
d d1 d2 B f M
mm kg
Industrial lock nuts
About HM(E) 30 and 31 series HM(E) lock nut and MS locking clip Fig. 17
metric lock nuts
HM(E) 30 and 31 series lock nuts, which
have metric trapezoidal threads, have eight
equally spaced slots located around their Ordering information
circumference ( fig. 17) to accommodate The nut and the locking device must be or-
an impact spanner. These lock nuts are dered separately. The appropriate locking
located on the shaft by MS locking clips device can be found in the product tables
( fig. 18). ( page 47). The product tables for locking
When compared to HM lock nuts, HME devices start on page 50.
lock nuts have a recessed side face to ac-
commodate axial displacement of CARB
toroidal roller bearings.
HM(E) lock nuts can be reused, provided
they are not damaged. A new locking clip Fig. 18
should be used each time the corresponding
lock nut is reinstalled.
HM(E) metric lock nuts
Fig. 19 Fig. 20
Industrial lock nuts
Nut size
0 10 mm thread diameter
1 12 mm thread diameter
2 15 mm thread diameter
3 17 mm thread diameter
4 (x5) 20 mm thread diameter
56 (x5) 280 mm thread diameter
Table 4
Product data
HM and HME series
Mating shaft threads Metric trapezoidal thread: Tolerance class 7e: ISO 2903
HM(E) lock nuts
Tr 220x4 Tr 900x7
30 b
d1 G d2 d3
mm kg
Tr 220x4 237 229 260 30 41 5 20 9 2,50 HME 3044 MS 3044 TMFN 40-52
242 229 260 30 41 20 9 2,75 HM 3044 MS 3044 TMFN 40-52
Tr 240x4 264 253 290 34 46 8 20 10 4,00 HME 3048 MS 3052-48 TMFN 40-52
270 253 290 34 46 20 10 4,50 HM 3048 MS 3052-48 TMFN 40-52
Tr 260x4 288 273 310 34 46 8 20 10 4,30 HME 3052 MS 3052-48 TMFN 40-52
290 273 310 34 46 20 10 4,80 HM 3052 MS 3052-48 TMFN 40-52
Tr 300x4 335 326 380 40 53 5 24 12 11,0 HME 3160 MS 3160 TMFN 52-64
340 326 380 40 53 24 12 11,5 HM 3160 MS 3160 TMFN 52-64
336 316 360 42 54 24 12 8,35 HM 3060 MS 3060 TMFN 52-64
Tr 360x5 394 375 420 45 58 8 28 13 11,0 HME 3072 MS 3072 TMFN 64-80
394 375 420 45 58 28 13 11,5 HM 3072 MS 3072 TMFN 64-80
406 393 460 58 75 10 28 15 24,0 HME 3172 MS 3172-68 TMFN 64-80
420 393 460 58 75 28 15 26,5 HM 3172 MS 3172-68 TMFN 64-80
Tr 380x5 422 399 450 48 62 10 28 14 14,0 HME 3076 MS 3080-76 TMFN 64-80
422 399 450 48 62 28 14 15,0 HM 3076 MS 3080-76 TMFN 64-80
438 415 490 60 77 15 32 18 28,5 HME 3176 MS 3176 TMFN 64-80
440 415 490 60 77 32 18 32,0 HM 3176 MS 3176 TMFN 64-80
Tr 400x5 442 419 470 52 66 10 28 14 16,0 HME 3080 MS 3080-76 TMFN 64-80
442 419 470 52 66 28 14 17,0 HM 3080 MS 3080-76 TMFN 64-80
456 440 520 62 82 15 32 18 33,0 HME 3180 MS 3184-80 TMFN 80-500
460 440 520 62 82 32 18 38,0 HM 3180 MS 3184-80 TMFN 80-500
Tr 420x5 462 439 490 52 66 10 32 14 17,0 HME 3084 MS 3084 TMFN 64-80
462 439 490 52 66 32 14 18,5 HM 3084 MS 3084 TMFN 64-80
490 460 540 70 90 32 18 45,0 HM 3184 MS 3184-80 TMFN 80-500
HM(E) lock nuts
Tr 950x8 Tr 1120x8
30 b
d1 G d2 d3
mm kg
Tr 440x5 488 463 520 60 77 12 32 15 24,0 HME 3088 MS 3092-88 TMFN 64-80
490 463 520 60 77 32 15 26,0 HM 3088 MS 3092-88 TMFN 64-80
508 478 560 70 90 15 36 20 42,5 HME 3188 MS 3192-88 TMFN 80-500
510 478 560 70 90 36 20 46,5 HM 3188 MS 3192-88 TMFN 80-500
Tr 480x5 530 503 560 60 77 12 36 15 26,0 HME 3096 MS 30/500-96 TMFN 80-500
530 503 560 60 77 36 15 28,0 HM 3096 MS 30/500-96 TMFN 80-500
560 528 620 75 95 20 36 20 55,0 HME 3196 MS 3196 TMFN 80-500
560 528 620 75 95 36 20 62,0 HM 3196 MS 3196 TMFN 80-500
Tr 500x5 550 523 580 68 85 12 36 15 31,5 HME 30/500 MS 30/500-96 TMFN 80-500
550 523 580 68 85 36 15 33,5 HM 30/500 MS 30/500-96 TMFN 500-600
580 540 630 80 100 12 40 23 60,0 HME 31/500 MS 31/500 TMFN 500-600
580 540 630 80 100 40 23 63,5 HM 31/500 MS 31/500 TMFN 500-600
Tr 530x6 571 558 630 68 90 15 40 20 37,0 HME 30/530 MS 30/600-530 TMFN 500-600
590 558 630 68 90 40 20 42,5 HM 30/530 MS 30/600-530 TMFN 500-600
610 575 670 80 105 40 23 71,5 HM 31/530 MS 31/530 TMFN 500-600
Tr 560x6 610 583 650 75 97 15 40 20 41,0 HME 30/560 MS 30/560 TMFN 500-600
610 583 650 75 97 40 20 44,5 HM 30/560 MS 30/560 TMFN 500-600
650 608 710 85 110 15 45 25 80,5 HME 31/560 MS 31/600-560 TMFN 500-600
650 608 710 85 110 45 25 86,5 HM 31/560 MS 31/600-560 TMFN 500-600
Tr 600x6 657 628 700 75 97 18 40 20 47,0 HME 30/600 MS 30/600-530 TMFN 500-600
660 628 700 75 97 40 20 52,5 HM 30/600 MS 30/600-530 TMFN 500-600
690 648 750 85 110 15 45 25 85,0 HME 31/600 MS 31/600-560 TMFN 600-750
690 648 750 85 110 45 25 91,5 HM 31/600 MS 31/600-560 TMFN 600-750
Tr 630x6 690 658 730 75 97 18 45 20 50,0 HME 30/630 MS 30/630 TMFN 500-600
690 658 730 75 97 45 20 55,0 HM 30/630 MS 30/630 TMFN 500-600
730 685 800 95 120 18 50 28 115 HME 31/630 MS 31/630 TMFN 600-750
730 685 800 95 120 50 28 125 HM 31/630 MS 31/630 TMFN 600-750
Tr 670x6 740 703 780 80 102 45 20 68,5 HM 30/670 MS 30/670 TMFN 600-750
775 730 850 106 131 18 50 28 144 HME 31/670 MS 31/670 TMFN 600-750
775 730 850 106 131 50 28 155 HM 31/670 MS 31/670 TMFN 600-750
Tr 710x7 766 742 830 90 112 20 50 25 81,0 HME 30/710 MS 30/710 TMFN 600-750
780 742 830 90 112 50 25 91,5 HM 30/710 MS 30/710 TMFN 600-750
825 772 900 106 133 20 55 30 149 HME 31/710 MS 31/710 TMFN 600-750
825 772 900 106 133 55 30 162 HM 31/710 MS 31/710 TMFN 600-750
Dimensions Mass Designations
Lock nut Appropriate
locking clip spanner
G d1 d2 d3 B B5 B3 b h
mm kg
Tr 750x7 820 782 870 90 112 20 55 25 85,5 HME 30/750 MS 30/800-750 TMFN 600-750
820 782 870 90 112 55 25 94,0 HM 30/750 MS 30/800-750 TMFN 600-750
875 813 950 112 139 20 60 34 177 HME 31/750 MS 31/800-750 TMFN 600-750
875 813 950 112 139 60 34 190 HM 31/750 MS 31/800-750 TMFN 600-750
Tr 800x7 870 832 920 90 112 20 55 25 90,5 HME 30/800 MS 30/800-750 TMFN 600-750
870 832 920 90 112 55 25 99,5 HM 30/800 MS 30/800-750 TMFN 600-750
925 863 1 000 112 139 20 60 34 187 HME 31/800 MS 31/800-750
925 863 1 000 112 139 60 34 202 HM 31/800 MS 31/800-750
Tr 900x7 975 937 1 030 100 125 25 60 25 117 HME 30/900 MS 30/900-850
975 937 1 030 100 125 60 25 131 HM 30/900 MS 30/900-850
1 030 969 1 120 125 154 70 38 280 HM 31/900 MS 31/900
Tr 950x8 1 025 985 1 080 100 125 25 60 25 124 HME 30/950 MS 30/950
1 025 985 1 080 100 125 60 25 139 HM 30/950 MS 30/950
1 080 1 017 1 170 125 154 70 38 293 HM 31/950 MS 31/950
Tr 1000x8 1 085 1 040 1 140 100 125 25 60 25 141 HME 30/1000 MS 30/1000
1 085 1 040 1 140 100 125 60 25 157 HM 30/1000 MS 30/1000
1 140 1 077 1 240 125 154 25 70 38 305 HME 31/1000 MS 31/1000
1 140 1 077 1 240 125 154 70 38 336 HM 31/1000 MS 31/1000
Tr 1060x8 1 145 1 100 1 200 100 125 25 60 25 149 HME 30/1060 MS 30/1000
1 145 1 100 1 200 100 125 60 25 166 HM 30/1060 MS 30/1000
1 210 1 137 1 300 125 154 70 38 354 HM 31/1060 MS 31/1000
MS locking clips
MS 3044 MS 31/1000
M2 M3
mm kg
Designation Dimensions Mass
mm kg
Industrial lock nuts
N and AN inch lock nuts
N and AN inch lock nuts secured with lock
washers are easy to install. Each nut is pro-
vided with four equally spaced slots around
its circumference to accommodate a hook or
impact spanner. Appropriate spanner sizes
are listed in the product table ( page 56).
For additional information about spanners,
see the section Tools on page 66.
N and AN lock nuts can be reused, pro-
vided they are not damaged. A new lock
washer should be used each time the cor-
responding lock nut is installed.
Industrial lock nuts
Examples: AN 22 AN 22
Nut size
Table 5
Product data
N and AN series
Mating shaft threads Inch thread: Tolerance class: ANSI/ABMA Std. 8.2
N and AN inch lock nuts retained with a lock washer
G 0.391 8.628 in.
50 b 30
d1 G d3 d1 G d3
N 44
N 00 - AN 40 N 022 - N 0441)
in. in. kg
Threads1) Dimensions Mass Designations
Threads Lock nut Appropriate
per inch locking device spanner
G d1 d3 B b h
in. in. kg
4.325 12 4.901 5.318 0.791 0.485 0.198 0,76 N 0222) W 022 HN 21-22
12 5.281 5.724 0.791 0.485 0.198 1,10 AN 22 W 22 HN 21-22
4.716 12 5.313 5.693 0.823 0.485 0.198 0,84 N 0242) W 024 TMFN 23-30
12 5.688 6.130 0.823 0.485 0.198 1,25 AN 24 W 24 TMFN 23-30
5.106 12 5.703 6.130 0.885 0.485 0.198 1,05 N 0262) W 026 TMFN 23-30
12 6.188 6.755 0.855 0.610 0.260 1,65 AN 26 W 26 TMFN 23-30
5.497 12 6.109 6.505 0.948 0.485 0.198 1,15 N 0282) W 028 TMFN 23-30
12 6.531 7.099 0.948 0.610 0.260 1,80 AN 28 W 28 TMFN 23-30
5.888 12 6.688 7.130 0.979 0.610 0.229 1,60 N 0302) W 030 TMFN 23-30
12 7.063 7.693 0.979 0.610 0.291 2,25 AN 30 W 30 TMFN 23-30
6.284 8 7.094 7.505 1.041 0.610 0.229 1,80 N 0322) W 032 TMFN 23-30
8 7.438 8.068 1.041 0.610 0.291 2,60 AN 32 W 32 TMFN 30-40
6.659 8 7.484 7.880 1.073 0.610 0.229 2,00 N 0342) W 034 TMFN 30-40
8 8.031 8.661 1.073 0.610 0.291 3,20 AN 34 W 34 TMFN 30-40
7.066 8 7.875 8.255 1.104 0.610 0.229 2,10 N 0362) W 036 TMFN 30-40
8 8.375 9.068 1.104 0.735 0.323 3,40 AN 36 W 36 TMFN 30-40
7.472 8 8.266 8.693 1.135 0.610 0.229 2,35 N 0382) W 038 TMFN 30-40
8 8.781 9.474 1.135 0.735 0.323 3,70 AN 38 W 38 TMFN 30-40
7.847 8 8.750 9.443 1.198 0.735 0.323 3,30 N 0402) W 040 TMFN 30-40
8 9.156 9.849 1.198 0.735 0.323 4,10 AN 40 W 40 TMFN 30-40
8.628 8 9.531 10.255 1.260 0.860 0.385 3,80 N 0442) W 044 TMFN 40-52
8 9.843 11.005 1.260 0.980 0.510 5,05 N 44 W 44 TMFN 40-52
W inch lock washers
W 00 - W 44
W 022 - W 044
45 25
d1 d2 M d1
d d1 d2 B f M V min.
in. kg
Designation Dimensions Protrusion Mass
d d1 d2 B f M V min.
in. kg
Industrial lock nuts
N inch lock nuts
Fig. 31 Fig. 32
Industrial lock nuts
N designation system
Nut size
Table 6
Product data
N series
Mating shaft threads Inch thread: Tolerance class: ANSI/ABMA Std. 8.2
N inch lock nuts retained with a locking plate
9.442 37.410 in.
B b
d1 G d2 d3
in. in. kg
9.442 6 10.625 10.423 11.443 1.354 1.698 0.860 0.385 5,9 N 048 PL 48 TMFN 40-52
10.192 6 11.406 11.298 12.193 1.416 1.760 0.860 0.385 6,8 N 052 PL 52 TMFN 40-52
11.004 6 12.219 12.110 13.005 1.510 1.854 0.980 0.385 7,7 N 056 PL 56 TMFN 52-64
11.785 6 13.219 13.110 14.193 1.573 1.948 0.980 0.510 10,5 N 060 PL 60 TMFN 52-64
12.562 6 14.031 13.860 15.005 1.666 2.041 0.980 0.510 12 N 064 PL 64 TMFN 52-64
13.339 5 14.813 14.735 15.755 1.791 2.166 0.980 0.510 13,5 N 068 PL 68 TMFN 52-64
14.17 5 15.500 15.485 16.505 1.791 2.166 1.230 0.510 13,5 N 072 PL 72 TMFN 64-80
14.957 5 16.625 16.485 17.755 1.916 2.353 1.230 0.604 18,5 N 076 PL 76 TMFN 64-80
15.745 5 17.438 17.235 18.505 2.073 2.500 1.230 0.604 21 N 080 PL 80 TMFN 64-80
16.532 5 18.188 18.110 19.318 2.073 2.500 1.355 0.604 22 N 084 PL 84 TMFN 64-80
17.319 5 19.250 19.110 20.505 2.385 2.906 1.355 0.604 30 N 088 PL 88 TMFN 64-80
18.107 5 20.688 19.985 21.255 2.385 2.906 1.355 0.604 31 N 092 PL 92 TMFN 80-500
18.894 5 20.750 20.673 22.068 2.385 2.937 1.480 0.604 32,5 N 096 PL 96 TMFN 80-500
19.682 5 21.688 21.610 22.818 2.703 3.250 1.480 0.604 36 N 500 PL 500 TMFN 80-500
20.867 4 23.250 23.360 24.818 2.703 3.250 1.605 0.823 48,5 N 530 PL 530 TMFN 80-500
22.048 4 24.000 24.110 25.568 2.953 3.512 1.605 0.823 48,5 N 560 PL 560 TMFN 500-600
23.623 4 26.000 25.923 27.568 2.953 3.512 1.605 0.823 59,0 N 600 PL 600 TMFN 500-600
24.804 4 27.125 27.235 28.755 2.953 3.512 1.855 0.823 61,5 N 630 PL 630 TMFN 500-600
26.379 4 29.125 28.985 30.693 3.140 3.699 1.855 0.823 77,0 N 670 PL 670 TMFN 600-750
27.961 3 30.688 30.610 32.693 3.578 4.137 1.980 1.010 102 N 710 PL 710 TMFN 600-750
29.536 3 32.313 32.235 34.255 3.578 4.169 2.230 1.010 107 N 750 PL 750 TMFN 600-750
31.504 3 34.250 34.610 36.255 3.578 4.169 2.230 1.010 115 N 800 PL 800 TMFN 600-750
33.473 3 36.375 36.485 38.568 3.578 4.249 2.480 1.010 130 N 850 PL 850
35.441 3 38.375 38.610 40.568 3.953 4.624 2.480 1.010 153 N 900 PL 900
37.410 3 40.500 40.610 43.005 3.953 4.624 2.480 1.010 176 N 950 PL 950
PL inch locking plates
PL 48 950
A 2
B 7,5
in. kg
Two hexagonal head bolts and a wire to secure the bolts are supplied with a locking plate.
Tools Fig. 33
HNA series adjustable hook
Except for KMTA lock nuts, all SKF lock nuts spanners
have slots around their circumference to ac-
commodate a hook or impact spanner. The HNA series adjustable hook spanners (
designations of the appropriate spanners fig. 36) make tightening and loosening of
are listed in the product tables. For addition- KM, KML, N, AN, KMK, KMFE and KMT lock
al information about spanners, refer to the nuts quick and easy. The HNA series of ad-
catalogue SKF Maintenance and Lubrication justable spanners includes 4 different sizes
Products or visit www.mapro.skf.com. covering 23 nut sizes. The adjustable hook
spanners are suitable for all lock nuts con-
forming to the DIN 981 standard.
HN series hook spanners
Hook spanners in the HN series ( fig. 33)
are available in 15 different sizes. The series
is based on the DIN 1810 standard that Fig. 34
combines certain spanner sizes. The HN se- HN 4-16/SET
ries is suitable for tightening or loosening
KM lock nuts conforming to DIN 981 stand-
ard up to size KM 22. Additionally, they are
suitable for use with AN, N, KMK, KMFE and
KMT lock nuts as well as nuts manufactured
according to the DIN 1804 standard.
Fig. 36
TMHN 7 spanners
It is essential, when mounting self-aligning
bearings on adapter sleeves, to obtain the
correct internal radial clearance. Failure to
do so will have a negative impact on bearing
performance, which could lead to premature
bearing failure. To avoid these problems,
SKF has designed a set of seven spanners
( fig. 39 and table 7) to fit KM lock nuts
size 5 to 11. Each spanner is clearly marked
with the correct tightening angle, to facilitate
drive-up and to maintain the recommended
radial clearance after locking the lock nut
onto the shaft. The spanner engages the nut
in four places.
Table 7
SKF spanners
The Power of Knowledge Engineering These competence areas include bearings and
Combining products, people, and application- units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics,
Bearings and Lubrication
housings systems
specific knowledge, SKF delivers innovative and awide range of services, from 3-D computer
solutions to equipment manufacturers and pro- modelling to cloud-based condition monitoring
duction facilities in every major industry world- and asset management services.
wide. Having expertise in multiple competence SKFs global footprint provides SKF customers
Mechatronics Services
areas supports SKF Life Cycle Management, a with uniform quality standards and worldwide
proven approach to improving equipment reliabil- product availability. Our local presence provides
ity, optimizing operational and energy efficiency direct access to the experience, knowledge and
and reducing total cost of ownership. ingenuity of SKF people.