Beginner Crochet
Beginner Crochet
Beginner Crochet
Master amigurumi by making
Irene Stranges simple pattern
Great Advice
Noses are often worked in satin
stitch, where lots of straight
stitches are made closely together
to form a solid area. Thread your
needle with Raspberry Pink and
stitch a line at a time next to the
one just worked, being careful not
to pull too tightly
NEED Give the gift of a traditional ted by making
Walter bear
yarn kit
stuffing, 9mm safety
eyes, tapestry needle,
spare black yarn
Made in a beautiful blend of blues and greens, Walter the bear by Janine Holmes is
amazingly simple to make just two stitches are involved! It's a great project to practise
your colour changes on and would make a lovely gift for a new arrival to the family.
teddy_Layout 1 24/10/2014 11:51 Page 2
Double crochet (dc)
Double crochet two
together (dc2tog)
Height: 30cm
bear Perfect for
* Using 5.5mm hook
and Ski Slope White
make a magic ring,
work 6dc into ring.
Six sts
Rnd 1: 2dc in each st to
end. 12 sts *
Rnd 2: (3dc, 2dc in next
st) to end. 15 sts
Rnd 3: (4dc, 2dc in next
st) to end. 18 sts
Rnd 4: 1dc in each st
to end
Rnd 5: (5dc, 2dc in next
st) to end. 21 sts
Rnd 6: (6dc, 2dc in next
st) to end. 24 sts
Change to Lake Blue
Rnds 7-8: rep Rnds 2-3.
36 sts
Change to Alpine Green
Rnds 9-10: rep Rnds
4-5. 42 sts
Change to Deep Blue
Rnd 11: rep Rnd 6.
48 sts
Rnd 12: rep Rnd 4
Change to Icy Blue
Rnds 13-14: rep
Rnd 4 twice
Change to Forest Green
Rnd 15-16: rep
Rnd 4 twice
Change to Lake Blue
Rnd 17: rep Rnd 4
Insert safety eyes in
between Rnds 8 and
9, spacing them 12
sts apart
Rnd 18: (6dc, dc2tog)
The stripes on this
teddy are a little too far
apart to carry the yarn
neatly up the inside of
your work. Instead, tie
off and trim your colour
change ends as you go.
This method also has
the added bonus of
preventing all of
the different colours
from getting into a
messy tangle 13
teddy_Layout 1 24/10/2014 11:51 Page 3
to end. 42 sts
Change to Alpine Green
Rnd 19: (5dc, dc2tog)
to end. 36 sts
Rnd 20: (4dc, dc2tog)
to end. 30 sts
Change to Deep Blue
Rnd 21: (3dc, dc2tog)
to end. 24 sts
Rnd 22: (2dc, dc2tog)
to end. 18 sts
Stuff head
Change to Icy Blue
Rnd 23: (1dc, dc2tog)
to end. 12 sts
Rnd 24: (dc2tog) to end.
Six sts
Cut yarn leaving a long
tail, thread tail onto
tapestry needle and
thread through rem sts,
fasten off
** Using 5.5mm hook
and Lake Blue work as
for Head from * to *.
12 sts
Change to Alpine Green
Rnd 2: (1dc, 2dc in next
st) to end. 18 sts Ski Slope White
Rnd 10-11: rep Rnd Fasten off
Rnd 3: (2dc, 2dc in next
8 twice
Change to Forest Green
Rnd 18-19: rep Rnd throughout work as to make up
st) to end. 24 sts ** for Body from ** to **. With a length of black
Change to Alpine Green 8 twice
Change to Deep Blue
Rnds 4-5: rep Rnds 2-3
Rnd 12: (5dc, dc2tog) to Change to Lake Blue ear 24 sts yarn embroider nose
end. 36 sts Rnd 20-21: rep Rnd Make two Change to Lake Blue and mouth using
of Head. 36 sts Using 5.5mm hook and Rnds 4-5: 1dc in each running sts, working
Rnd 13: 1dc in each st 8 twice
Change to Icy Blue Ski Slope White st to end from centre to base of
to end Change to Alpine Green
Rnds 6-7: rep Rnds 5-6 throughout work as Change to Alpine Green Rnd 4 of muzzle. Sew a
Change to Deep Blue Rnd 22: (3dc, dc2tog) to
of Head. 48 sts for Body from ** to **. Rnd 6: 1dc in each st few running sts across
Rnd 14-15: rep Rnd end. 24 sts
Change to Forest Green 24 sts to end top of nose to neaten.
8 twice Rnd 23: rep Rnd 8
Rnd 8: 1dc in each st Rnd 4: 1dc in each st Rnd 7: 6dc, (dc2tog) to Sew a single running st
Change to Icy Blue Change to Deep Blue
to end to end last six sts, 6dc. 18 sts vertically on underside
Rnd 16: rep Rnd 8 Rnd 24: rep Rnd 8
Rnd 9: (6dc, dc2tog) to Fasten off Change to Deep Blue of muzzle then sew a
Rnd 17: (4dc, dc2tog) to Rnd 25: (2dc, dc2tog) to
end. 42 sts Rnd 8: rep Rnd 7. 15 sts 'W' shape directly
end. 30 sts end. 18 sts
Change to Lake Blue Rnd 9: rep Rnd 6 underneath to finish
arm Work in foll two-row mouth. Shape face by
Make two stripe sequence: Icy foll diagram and
Work as for Head from Blue, Forest Green, instructions on p57. Fold
* to *. 12 sts Lake Blue, Alpine Ear in half and sew
Rnd 2-4: 1dc in each st Green, Deep Blue, edges tog. Curve base
to end Icy Blue of ear into a semicircle
Work in foll two row- Rnds 10-21: rep Rnd 6 and sew to sides of
stripe sequence: 12 times bear's head, approx 12
* Forest Green, Lake Stuff sts apart. Stuff Body.
Blue, Alpine Green *, Change to Forest Making sure colour
Deep Blue, Icy Blue, rep Green changes are at back of
from * to * once Rnd 22: (3dc, dc2tog) to bear, sew neck edge to
Rnds 5-20: 1dc in each end. 12 sts underside of Head. Stuff
st to end Rnd 23: (dc2tog) to Arms. Oversew tops of
Fasten off end. Six sts Arms flat and sew to
Cut yarn leaving a long sides of bear, level with
tail, thread tail onto topmost Alpine Green
leg tapestry needle and stripe on Body. Sew on
Make two thread through rem Legs foll diagram and
Using 5.5mm hook and sts, fasten off instructions on p57
Granny squares_Layout 1 02/05/2014 09:21 Page 1
NEED Add to your collection with the
yarn kit
Chain (ch)
square club
We hope youre enjoying building up your crochet crocheting or would like to introduce others to this
Slip stitch (sl st) skills and adding to your crafty treasure trove of charming craft. Choose four or five from these
Double crochet (dc) tried and tested granny squares. Its our fourth set seven to make with your kit and grab yarn from
Half treble (htr) of gorgeous projects and we have seven more your stash to create more. After youve collected
Treble (tr) amazing designs for you try. There are only all of our patterns you can decide what youd like to
Double treble (dtr) two more issues to go until you have built up a make with them. We really want to see your
Popcorn stitch (ps) collection of wonderful crochet patterns that will finished items and get to know the story behind
look absolutely fantastic across a wide range of who youre crocheting for well be giving away a
SIZE projects. This issues lovely designs include two goodie bag to the most heartwarming tale, so get
Square: 10cm x 10cm that are ideal for beginners if youre new to crocheting tonight!
Perfect for
Granny squares_Layout 1 02/05/2014 09:21 Page 2
Perfect for
with a sl st to third of
first 3ch. 32 sts
Change to Caramel Gold
By Lucinda Rnd 3: 3ch (counts as
Ganderton 1tr), 1tr in same st, (1tr,
Using 3.5mm hook and 2tr in next st) to last st,
Soft Pink make 6ch, join 1tr, join with a sl st to
with sl st to first ch to third of first 3ch.
form a ring 48 sts
Rnd 1: 3ch (counts as Change to
1tr), 15tr into ring, join Whisper White
with a sl st to third of Rnd 4: 1ch, (6dc, 1htr, 1tr,
first 3ch. 16 sts 1dtr, 3ch, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr)
Change to Cherry Pink to end, join with a sl st to
Rnd 2: 3ch (counts as first st
1tr), 1tr in same st, (2tr) Fasten off, sew in ends
TEA COSY by Alexandra Mackenzie, COFFEE CUP SLEEVE, IPAD COVER by Melanie Wagner, FUNKY PONCHO, 33
MugCosy43 qx_Layout 1 13/07/2012 14:19 Page 2
mug hug
Use double crochet to make a
Lizzie says...
The final element of Carol Bateup's teatime trio, this cosy keeps Involving only three stitches,
your beverage warm whilst cheering up your cup. The pattern is this mug hug is an ideal
customisable so it's easy to make it fit your favourite mug. beginner project
Lizzie Hudson, Editor
Stitches used:
Chain (ch)
Double crochet (dc)
Slip stitch (sl st)
Mug hug: 8.5cm x
20.5cm (excl. strap)
mug cosy
Using 5mm hook and
green yarn make 15ch
Next row: 1dc in second
ch from hook, 1dc in
each ch to end, turn.
14 sts
Next row: 1ch, 1dc in
each st to end
Rep prev row until cosy
fits around mug.
Note: designer worked
35 more rows
Next row: sl st into next
four sts, 6dc, turn
Next row: 1ch, 6dc, turn
to make up
Rep prev row six times
Next row: 1dc, 4ch, 1dc
into final st, turn Wrap cosy around
Next row: 1ch, 6dc, turn mug, position button
Next row: rep prev row in correct place, sew
Fasten off, sew in ends on tightly
Adorn your mug cosy with a cute
knit clever
When asked to turn your work in crochet, keep the last loop
candy-coloured button. Sew Simple on your hook then take the completed work, which should be
Buttons, 2.99 for six, 020 8123 4929, positioned under your hook hand, and turn it towards you until the work is positioned under your yarn hand 33
Flash Babies will giggle when they hear our
rattle bear
yarn kit
stuffing, black yarn,
rattle insert
When a new baby enters the world, theres no better way to welcome them and
stitches commemorate their arrival than with a handmade gift. With hours of fun and giggles
used to be had, mums and dads will certainly appreciate the practicality of this parental staple
designed by Christine Harvey, which features a useful easy-grip handle. Once youve
Chain (ch) embroidered a cute bear nose and kind smile, littluns will love looking up at their new and very
Double crochet (dc) entertaining pal!
Double crochet two
together (dc2tog)
Rattle: 14cm x 14cm
Perfect for
To avoid an unsightly
step when changing
colours, work the
first stitch in the
new colour as folls:
draw up a loop in
the old colour and
finish the double
crochet by hooking
and pulling through
the new colour.
Replace the second
double crochet
of the new colour
section with a
slip stitch. This
should give you a
seamless transition
of Head, sewing across
bottom of Head to
close. Using black yarn
Medium Rattle Insert, 75p, 01993 embroider eyes, nose
700411, and mouth. Flatten Ears
and sew to side of Head 19
funky monkey_Layout 1 27/03/2014 16:55 Page 1
Crochet up a whole troop of
funky monkeys
yarn kit
When a row reads
(2dc in next st, 2dc) to
end, like with Row 3 of
the monkey's head
and body, this means
work two double
crochet stitches in the
next stitch, then work
one double crochet
stitch in each of the
next two stitches
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Rnd 1: 2dc in each st to
stitches funky end. Ten sts
Using 4mm hook and
Milky White (Apple
Green, Dolly Pink, Plum
Purple, Sailor Blue, Soft
Blue) make 31ch
Row 1: starting second
ch from hook work one
sl st in each ch to end
Fasten off
to make up
Sew in ends using kit's
tapestry needle.
Sew two Ears to each
head. Embroider chain
st mouth in middle of
stripe of Head. Sew
Arms, Legs and Tail to
body without stuffing 17