Year 9 A Mile in My Shoes Task 2017
Year 9 A Mile in My Shoes Task 2017
Year 9 A Mile in My Shoes Task 2017
Teacher Assistance: Teacher assistance available. Progress checks must be adhered to.
Recognising letters, words and other symbols; Interpreting the meaning of words or other symbols ;
Interpreting the meaning of pictures/illustrations; Using correct spelling, punctuation, grammar;
TEACHER: Ms Sciacca
Using vocabulary appropriate to a context; Recording / noting data; Setting out / presenting /
arranging / displaying; Comparing, contrasting; Reaching a conclusion which is consistent with a YEAR: 9
given set of assumptions; Analysing; Judging/evaluating; Creating/composing/devising;
Justifying; Searching and locating items/information
DUE DATE:_________________
Changemakers are people who see and empathise with the needs of others and in
doing so recognise the need for change. To bring about this change, changemakers
work towards designing, building and producing viable solutions that address those
needs and contribute to the community. All changes, no matter how big or small, have
the ability to affect the lives of others.
Using a process journal, plan a product suitable for the task. The journal should
evidence thorough planning, management and reflection throughout the design
process. At the end of the process, you need to evaluate and reflect on the
end product, outcomes and processes.
Design and produce a product. The product is to be something that promotes awareness
or serves as a solution. There are many products and initiatives that could be created, you
are not limited to a food item or textiles item.
Use the steps below to assist you complete the task. Ensure you keep on track and do not leave things
to the last minute. This task involves documenting the evolution of your thinking, it is not solely
focused on the end product.
Dimension A B C D E
The student work has The student work has The student work The student work The student work
the following the following has the following has the following has the following
characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics:
thorough detailed explanation explanation simple identification
K&U explanation and and application of and application explanation of of aspects of
application of relevant key of key key concepts. key concepts.
relevant key concepts. concepts.
The student work has The student work has The student work The student work The student work
the following the following has the following has the following has the following
characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: