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In the history of the world it is one of the most unique occurrence, that
Shivaraya established self Government fighting against the tyrannical mughal
knights. It was more than impossible for him to achieve liberty, without the
loyal cooperation of his loyal companions, who were more than ready to
sacrifice their lives to get the liberty. It was the power of the maratha swords
shown against miscreant mughal knights to get the liberty. Inaccessible forts
in the vicinity of Sanhyadri were the main objects which have helped a lot to
achieve the liberty.

In the course of time the forts of Shivaraya are in a state to collapse

down, but still they seem standing firmly and proudly tailing the sagas of
maratha heroes.

Cultural background of Maharashtra, heritage, a deep love for freedom

of their motherland, their God – Goddess, have more importance for Maratha
in their life. And the defender Shivaraya which they took him an incarnate
version. The associating forts were the only places of pilgrimages to them.
Many known-unknown faithful followers of Shivaraya had spilled their blood
while defending these forts and to achieve independence . Not only for the
maratha people,but these forts are extremely holy places to all the Indian

Out of hundreds of forts of Shivaraya, some forts namely Raigad,

Pratapgad, Shindhudurga, Torana, Rajgad, have got a significance as it is
with the holy pilgrimage centers of Hindu's viz.(Twelve) Bara Jyotirlings.
Among those Pratapgad is on the uppermost forefront.

As these forts are the inspiring centers of our vehement history, now it
is our prime responsibility to preserve them and hand over the precious
inheritance to our posterity, in-tact.

Now we have got a very nice opportunity to perform our duty by

pushing up restoration work of Pratapgad. The progress of restoration of
Pratapgad have now reached to the ears of every adult and child in
Maharashtra. Before commencing the restoration the needful documentation
and No Objection Certificate have already been obtained by the authorities of
Government, as well the registration of “ My Bhawani Social group” have
got from the Commissioner of Charitable Societies. With the help of the
villagers on Pratapgad the work is speeding up towards completion.

No doubt it is more expensive and have to face the difficulties arising

every moment, still organizers believe firmly of completing restoration with
the help of the public contribution and their physical cooperation too.

The restoration of precious Pratapgad might be a first project in

Maharashtra going up with the assistance of public contribution. Here we are
submitting a holy opportunity for you, and a humble apple to help the holy
work undertaken by public, financially with open hands.

Page 2.

Geographical and Environmental position

On the chain of mountains of Sanhyadri extending from north to south,

Pratapgad is the first fort located on north side of it in Satara district.
Pratapgad is in the vicinity of a road going from near the Ambenal mountain
pass towards Konkan from Mahabaleswar to Poladpur. Satara-Wai-
Mahabaleswar and Satara-Medha-Mahabaleswar these are the two roads.
From Poladpur which is on Gova – Mumbai highway a road goes from here
to Mahabaleswar. A distance from Mahabaleswar to Pratapgad by road is of
20 kms., however, Poladpur – Pratapgad is of 24 kms. Pratapgad is on the
latitudes 17 – 56-10 and 73 – 34 – 39 on longitudes.

From the sea level its height is of 1080 meters however, Mahabaleswar
is more high than that of Pratapgad by 347 meters and it is 1427 meters high
from sea level.

The stratum of rocks surrounding the Pratapgad is a form of igneous . It

is a type of besoult rock. This tract is known as a Deccan trap.
For the most part, of the surroundings of Pratapgad here you will find a
black stone comparatively of less hardness, than of pebbles, stones and soft

As the rocks of Pratapgad are somewhat softer than there are on the
uplands beyond Satara and Kolhapur Districts. An erosion of these soft rocks
is more due to the torrent rains.

The decomposition process of the nature acts on a characteristic erosion

on these small stones and make them rounded in shape covered with a
reddish shell on it. It is known as spheriodical weathering. These stones can
directly be used in the construction or as a filler into the construction or
otherwise the stones somewhat bigger in size are broken to pieces and then
used in the construction. These stones are used for the construction on

A rainfall all through the year measures about 6000 mm. on

Mahabaleswar, comparatively it is less on Pratapgad. For its height and deep
forestry all around Mahabaleswar it feels more cool here. And in addition it
has located away from the main chain of the mountains of Sanhyadri. The
temperature here on Pratapgad is comparatively more because it has covered
on by the main chain of the mountains of Sanhyandri all around its three
sides and the downward slope of Konkan on its fourth side. Normally the
weather condition here is as from June to September – rainy season, October
dry and hot weather from November to January winter, and February to May
it is summer season.

The valleys on the three sides of Pratapgad were mostly occupied by the
dense forest, and in between West and North the precipices are there of the
heights of 700 to 800 fts. followed by sharp slop.

The dense forestry and the valleys and crags have caused to enrich the
wild life here. It is an element of the Sanhyadri which comes under the
evergreen forestry.
The forest surrounding the Pratapgad is enriched with variety of
different species of trees, plants, medicinal plants and in accordance variety
of insects, wild animals etc. are living here safely

Present circumstances.

Chatrapati Shivajiraje first of all studded a geographical surrounding

and very thoughtfully selected ' Bhorpya ' hill for building Pratapgad.
Pratapgad is on low height than Mahabaleswar on the main chain of
Sanhyadri. 'Wada' village have been spread at the foot of the Pratapggad.
There is a bus stop of Wada in between existing Mahabaleswar and Poladpur
road. From the Wada village a hill of Pratapgad have been detached from the
main chain at an half height. Accordingly the three sides of Pratapggad are
surrounded by Sanhyadri hills, and on the forth side of it is of slopping hills
straitly going down to Konkan. In the age of Shivajiraje Pratapgad was
located at the center of Parghat, and Ambenalighat. For keeping watch and
check on these two passes Shivaraya selected Bhorpya hill which is a very
ideal spot for it. When Shivaraya conquered Jawali defeating saradar More
and while observing the area he came to know that it was an ideal spot to
keep watch and control on these passes.

The crags of Bhorpya hill on its West and South side, 700 to 800 ft. in
height, stands as a natural protection to Pratapgad. Excluding these standing
crags on the side of Konkan, all other Bhorpya hill was encircled by a thick
forest. Even today also you will find extremely deep forest here around the
hill. A thick forest in this region was one of the powers of More sardar of
Jawali.. They were taking it as a den of tigers. Taking an advantage of this
dense forest maratha soldiers wiped out all the traces of Afzalkhan`s tropes in
this forest. Not a single soldier was left alive from here. This fact proves the
the importance of this dense forest. Not a single gun was fired from
Pratapgad but the forest helped them to hew out all the troops of Afzalkhan in
the forest. In our Indian ancient literature jungle fortress is described as a fort
surrounded from all sides with thick forest, which is known as most safe. So
Pratapgad have got the both qualities of hilly-fort, and jungle-fort.

Water availability on Pratapgad have got architectural importance but

have designed by Shivaji Maharaj himself.

Pratapgad was the first newly built fort by Shivaraya. Before, it

Maharaj had done extra construction work on Torana and Rajgad. Zigzag
Machi on Rajgad and an armored bastion was a very peculiar type of
construction made by Shivaraya. These were the specific types of
construction work had been used while constructing Pratapgad.

Pratapgad was built in two stages. In the beginning from behind the Old
door a part of the fort on West was taken under construction. Then the
existing Mahadarwaja (big door), Afzal Machi and bastion of flag were
constructed to end.

Water supply to the fort which was the most important and primitive
facility should have to be done on the first priority. A water reservoir near old
door, two lakes in the region of Yashwant to Redaka fortress, Bhawani lake
and one on stronghold were constructed. Stones excavated while constructing
lakes, leveling land for building houses, making roads was used for another
construction of the fort. The stone required more was obtained by cracking
rocks and knolls on the fort.

On entering existing Mahadarwaja, on our left we will get a road going

towards Bhawani temple, here you will find an original old door of the fort. It
was main entrance of the fort before building Afzal Machi.

The fortress going from the right side of this door surrounding the
timpani house goes towards Bhawani lake. From Bhawani lake the fortress
have gone forward to stronghold. On the three sides of Bhawani lake along
the inner side of the fortress, there have built another high stony construction
like a bastion. It seems an extra protection for the lake. It is known as fortress
of the lake. On the outer fortress there is a secret way near fortress of
Bhawani lake. Now a days it is badly in devastated condition. To enter from
the outer fortress to lake an axes of a small door have been made. But today
half of the part of the door is filled with stones and clay. A partridge have
been constructed in stone on the side of the Bhawani temple. From this
partridge, descending steps to the lake have been constructed.
A lofty bastion is there on the left side of the Old door. This bastion of
having a girth of 100 ft. looks like standing a magnificent sentinel. A
bulwark going from this bastion towards stronghold now have died away
completely. A stepping way from the left side of Bhawani temple have
prepared recently for the tourist to have a walk.

Timpani house is located on the upper side of the old darwaja, and
Bhawani temple is exactly behind it. This part have been confined by a
protective wall. Two posts of lights are there in front of the temple. The
sanctum of the Bhawani temple, posts of the lamp and timpani house are still
available in an original form. But remaining parts have already gone under
repairs from time to time. Mainly it includes the pavilion of assembly.

Timpani house and temple is on eastwards. Bottom of the timpani house

is higher than that of the Mahadarwaja and the temple is even on more
height. The difference in the heights have been taken away making timpani
house of two storied. A structure of an arc is there on the eastern side of the
lower story. It is nothing but a magnificent niche having an arc structure.
Ascending steps on the left side of this niche comes gto the level of Bhawani
temple of the first flower. On entering old darwaja, a passage on right side
goes to stronghold and straight to timpani house ascending steps to enters the
Bhawani temple. Thus the question does arise, to trace pass in other divisions
of the fort for the public coming to temple. It should have managed for the
safety and protection of the fort that one should not pretend to pay visit of the
goddess Bhawani and enter the fort.

Timpani house is located on the upper side of the old darwaja, and
Bhawani temple is exactly behind it. This part have been confined by a
protective wall. Two posts of lights are there in front of the temple. The
sanctum of the Bhawani temple, posts o f the lamps and a timpani house are
still available in an original form. Remaining parts have gone under repairs
from time to time. Mainly it includes the pavilion of assembly.

Timpani house and temple are eastwards. Bottom of the timpani house
is higher than that of Mahadarwaja and the temple even on more in height.
The difference in the heights have been taken away making timpani house of
two storied. A structure of an arc is there on the eastern side of the lower
story. It is nothing but a magnificent niche having an arc structure. Ascending
steps on the left side of this niche comes to the level of Bhawani temple on
the first floor. On entering old darwja,a passage on right side goes to
stronghold and straight to timpani house`s ascending steps entering the
Bhawani temple. Thus the question does not arise, to trace pass in other parts
of the fort for the public coming to the temple. It should have managed for
the safety and protection of the fort, perpending to pay visit of goddess
Bhawani a outsider should not have a chance to get into the fort.

A left rampart of the old darwaja had gone towards stronghold. In these
days we now use to go on by newly built steps to stronghold. To go in front
of the door of the stronghold we should have to go round a lofty rampart.
Here on this rampart an imposing tree have grown. The roots of this tree have
spread all over the rampart. As you enter through the door of the stronghold
very in front you will see a spacious plinth. It was a very important and main
palace to hold an assembly and discussions on the fort. It was a favorite place
for Maharaj to hold a court. Near about this court there is a temple of
Kedareswar. A bastion of stronghold on which an imposing tree have grown,
a rampart going from here further it joins behind the court near Kedar
bastion, or otherwise rampart going on left goes straight to Yashwant rampart.
From Yaswant bastion a rampart further goes to Redaka bastion and, from
Redaka bastion, and from Redaka bastion along the suicidal point it has come
on Kedar bastion, or other rampart going on left goes straight to Yaswant
rampart. From Yaswant bastion a rampart further goes to Rekaka bastion, and
from Redaka bastion along the suicidal point it has come on Kedar bastion.
It is the bulwark of the stronghold.

It was a twin bulwark from Yashwant to Redaka rampart a parallel

bulwark to the existing outer rampart have now devastated to an end. A main
reservoir of water suppling system to the fort has laid near this rampart. One
more small reservoir (Pond) is there near the main lake; which is known as
turned sour (Nasaka) lake.

A proportion of Redaka to Kedar bastion almost half of the area had

been covered by dense wood. After assassination of Afzalkhan, in the name
of victory Shivaraya might have extended the construction of the Pratapdad.
On the outer side of the Yashwant rampart a semi circuled bastion and armor
had been built and from here a continuous rampart had been constructed. On
arrival of this rampart near Mahadarwaja it was turned to built the Afzal
Machi and bastion of flag on the trunk of the hill. From bastion of flag
straight towards the existing mighty door (Mahadarwaja) a rampart have
constructed and then mighty door constructed. This distaance fom new
mighty door and old door have been joined by rampart and completed the
new structure. Bastion of flag and Afzal bastion is one of the distinctive
constructions of Shivaraya in constructing forts.

On the truck of the hill at the center of the eastern crag a gaintic
circular bastion is there having a girth of 120 ft. This bastion is encircled by
a semicircular structure of armored wall. To climb on this bastion of 20 ft. in
height, from western side 22 steps are there of a width of 10 ft. On the both
sides of these steps a lengthened bastion of size 30 by 7 ft. have been
constructed. At the foot of the main bastion on the western side, there doors
in size 3.25 by 3.25 ft. have been fitted in the wall which is of 5 ft. in breadth.
Through this door we enter an armour. From the main bastion an armour
have been built keeping average of 7 ft. distance from it. This armour is 190
ft in length and 3 ft. in width which have a semicircular structure. On the top
of the both entering doors propped bastion of Afzal machi had been turned so
to emerge into bastion. Due to the main defensive bastion on the road of
mighty door, a lengthy bastion near steps, and a protective bastion on the
door, the entire look of it is quite distinctive than the other armoured bastions
on the fort. The construction of the mighty door is a very special style of
Shivaraya. A bulwark coming from Afzal machi, it takes `U` turn and turns
into a small bastion. Similarly a rampart coming from old darwaja have
constructed a bulging portion of bastion near mighty door to make the way
narrow coming towards mighty door. A road which has came from cart
parking turning right goes on the steps in between the two bastions straight in
front of the mighty door. The mighty door is not visible unless you come in
front of it. It also is one of the spacialities on Pratapgad Shivaraya created
while constructing the fort.
A personal hall of Maharaja on stronghold, Kedareswar temple, Ganesh
temple, the vestige of the mansion of Jijau, remnants of arsenal are still stand
in front of our eyes in an original form as they were in the time of Shivaraya.

A statue made out of a mixture of eight different metals on stronghold is

a fascinating spot for the tourists. This one is the highest spot on the fort.
There was a palace of Maharaja then where a statue have set up now. Now a
days there is no bastion around the lake on stronghold. Forest Department
have prepared a garden around the statue. In the recent days for a supply of
fresh water, a reservoir have been built up near a resort.

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