Publaw 66
Publaw 66
Publaw 66
made in time of war, shall continue until six months after its
termination, and an officer appointed in time of war shall be entitled
to be relieved from active Federal service within six months after
its termination if he makes application therefor ."
Approved, June 15, 1933 .
June 15, 1933 .
[H .R. 5793.] To revive and reenact the Act entitled "An Act authorizing Jed P . Ladd, his heirs,
[Public, No . 65 .] legal representatives, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge
across Lake Champlain from East Alburg, Vermont, to West Swanton, Ver-
mont", approved March 2, 1929 .
June 16, 1933.
[H .R. 5661 .] To provide for the safer and more effective use of the assets of banks, to regulate
[Public, No . 66 .] interbank control, to prevent the undue diversion of funds into speculative
operations, and for other purposes .
us .c,, p .278.
Act, as amended (U .S .C ., title 12, sec . 289), is amended, effective Effective date of
July 1, 1932, to read as Follows : amendment .
"After all necessary expenses of a Federal reserve bank shall have reserveDividend on stock of
been paid or provided for, the stockholders shall be entitled to receive
164 73d CONGRESS. SESS . I . CH . 89 . JUNE 16, 1933 .
Net earnings paid
into surplus fund .
an annual dividend of 6 per centum ' on the paid-in capital stock,
Franchise tax pay-
ments, eliminated .
which dividend shall be cumulative . After the aforesaid dividend
claims have been fully met, the net earnings shall be paid into the
surplus fund of the Federal reserve bank ."
Vol . 38, p . 259 ; Vol . SEC. 5. (a) The first paragraph of section 9 of the Federal Reserve
40, p . 232; Vol . 44, p .
1229 . Act, as amended (U .S.C., title 12, sec . 321 ; Supp. VI, title 12, sec .
U.S.C ., p.279 ; Supp.
VI, p . 135 . 321), is amended by inserting immediately after the words " United
Application of Mor-
ris Plan banks to be-
States " a comma and the following : " including Morris Plan banks
come member banks . and other incorporated banking institutions engaged in similar
Vol . 40, p . 233; Vol .
44, p . 1229. (b) The second paragraph of section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act,
U .S .C ., p . 279 ; Supp . as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following
VI, p . 135 .
State member banks . " Provided, however, That nothing herein contained' shall prevent
Power to establish
branches .
any State member bank from establishing and operating branches in
the United States or any dependency or insular possession thereof or
in any foreign country, on the same terms and conditions and subject
to the same limitations and restrictions as are applicable to the
establishment of branches by national banks ."
Vol . 40, p. 233.
U .S .C ., pp . 279, 280;
(c) Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended (U.S.C.,
Supp . VI, p. 135 . title 12, sees . 321-331 ; Supp. VI, title 12, sees . 321-332), is further
Mutual savings
amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs :
banks . "Any mutual savings bank having no capital stock (including any
other banking institution the capital of which consists of weekly or
other time deposits which are segregated from all other deposits and
are regarded as capital stock for the purposes of taxation and the
declaration of dividends), but having surplus and undivided profits
Application of, to
become member banks .
not less than the amount of capital required for the organization of a
national bank in the same place, may apply for and be admitted to
membership in the Federal Reserve System in the same manner and
Subscription to cap-
ital stock of reserve
subject to the same provisions of law as State banks and trust com-
bank required . panies, except that any such savings bank shall subscribe for capital
stock of the Federal reserve bank in an amount equal to six-tenths of
Amount of . 1 per centum of its total deposit liabilities as shown by the most recent
report of examination of such savings bank preceding its admission
nually under rules of to membership . Thereafter such subscription shall be adjusted
Adjustment semian-
Reserve Board . semiannually on the same percentage basis in accordance with rules
Deposit required, if
subscription unlawful. and regulations prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board . If any such
mutual savings bank applying for membership is not permitted by
the laws under which it was organized to purchase stock in a Federal
reserve bank, it shall, upon admission to the system, deposit with
the Federal reserve bank an amount equal to the amount which it
would have been required to pay in on account of a subscription to
Adjustment of de-
posit . capital stock. Thereafter such deposit shall be adjusted semi-
Conditions subject to, annually in the same manner as subscriptions for stock . Such
Post, p. 971. deposits shall be subject to the same conditions with respect to repay-
ment as amounts paid upon subscriptions to capital stock by other
Interest payments . member banks and the Federal reserve bank shall pay interest
Application of de-
thereon at the same rate as dividends are actually paid on outstand-
posit to subscription, ing shares of stock of such Federal reserve bank . If the laws under
if subscription here-
after legalised .
which any such savings bank was organized be amended so as to
authorize mutual savings banks to subscribe for Federal reserve bank
stock, such savings bank shall thereupon subscribe for the appropriate
amount of stock in the Federal reserve bank, and the deposit here-
Termination of sav- inbefore provided for in lieu of payment upon capital stock shall be
ings bank to rights of
membership . applied upon such subscription. If the laws under which any such
savings bank was organized be not amended at the next session of
the legislature following the admission of such savings bank to
When right to sub-
scribe not granted .
membership so as to authorize mutual savings banks to purchase
Federal reserve bank stock, or if such laws be so amended and such failure hn gg anted~and
bank fail within six months thereafter to purchase such stock, all stock.
of its rights and privileges as a member bank shall be forfeited and
its membership in the Federal Reserve System shall be terminated
in the manner prescribed elsewhere in this section with respect to
State member banks and trust companies. Each such mutual savings banks tocoml savings
banbank shall comply with all the provisions of law applicable to State State laws and Reserve
member banks and trust companies, with the regulations of the Fed- Board regulations.
eral Reserve Board and with the conditions of membership prescribed
for such savings bank at the time of admission to membership, except
as otherwise herein'before provided with respect to capital stock .
" Each bank admitted to membership under this section shall ban epa s by admitted
obtain from each of its affiliates other than member banks and
furnish to the Federal reserve bank of its district and to the Federal
Reserve Board not less than three reports during each year . Such Form of reports.
reports shall be in such form as the Federal Reserve Board may
prescribe, shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of the president verification .
or such other officer as may be designated by the board of directors edrmationtobedis
of such affiliate to verify such reports, and shall disclose the infor- clo.
mation hereinafter provided for as of dates identical with those
fixed by the Federal Reserve Board for reports of the condition of Report of affiliates .
the affiliated member bank . Each such report of an affiliate shall
be transmitted as herein provided at the same time as the corre-
sponding report of the affiliated member bank, except that the
Federal Reserve Board may, in its discretion, extend such time for
good cause shown . Each such report shall contain such information q Information ye-
as in the judgment of the Federal Reserve Board shall be necessary
to disclose fully the relations between such affiliate and such bank
and to enable the Board to inform itself as to the effect of such
relations upon the affairs of such bank . The reports of such affiliates Publication of.
shall be published by the bank under the same conditions as govern
its own condition reports .
"Any such affiliated member bank may be required to obtain from affil Additional
any such affiliate such additional reports as in the opinion of its gnired .
Federal reserve bank or the Federal Reserve Board may be necessary
in order to obtain a full and complete knowledge of the condition
of the affiliated member bank. Such additional reports shall be era] ReservetTransmitted to Fed-
to the Federal reserve bank and the Federal Reserve
Board and shall be in such form as the Federal Reserve Board may Form.
"Any such affiliated member bank which fails to obtain from any Penalty to re
of its affiliates and furnish any report provided for by the two ports.
preceding paragraphs of this section shall be subject to a penalty of
$100 for each day during which such failure continues, which, by
direction of the Federal Reserve Board, may be collected, by suit or
otherwise, by the Federal reserve bank of the district in which such
member bank is located . For the purposes of this paragraph and struea ]sate", con-
the two preceding paragraphs of this section, the term ` affiliate'
shall include holding company affiliates as well as other affiliates .
" State member banks shall be sub j ect to the same limitations and m- Li ationsm on State
ember banks respect
conditions with respect to the purchasing, selling, underwriting, and mg purchasing invest-
holding of investment securities and stock as are applicable in the mR .SSe e' c'S 36, p. ssa.
7s7; v]
case of national banks under paragraph `Seventh ' of section 513644 '0" p.1226. p
of the Revised Statutes, as amended . U.S .C., p . 260 ; Supp .
"After one year from the date of the enactment of the Banking State member er bank
Act of 1933, no certificate representing the stock of any State member "Not' to'represent
bank shall represent the stock of any other corporation, except a stock of other corpora-
member bank or a corporation existing on the date this paragraph Exception .
takes effect engaged solely in holding the bank premises of such State
166 73d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 89 . JUNE 16, 1933 .
Transfer of certificate
conditioned upon sale,
member bank, nor shall the ownership, sale, or transfer of any
etc ., prohibited . certificate representing the stock of any such bank be conditioned in
any manner whatsoever upon the ownership, sale, or transfer of a
certificate representing the stock of any other corporation, except a
member bank.
State member banks
and holding company
"Each State member bank affiliated with a holding company
affiliates. affiliate shall obtain from such holding company affiliate, within
Agreements required .
such time as the Federal Reserve Board shall prescribe, an agree-
R.S., sec. 5144, p. 994.
ment that such holding company affiliate shall be subject to the same
U.S.C ., p. 262. conditions and limitations as are applicable under section 5144 of
the Revised Statutes, as amended, in the case of holding company
Copy of agreement;
filing .
affiliates of national banks . A copy of each such agreement shall be
Penalty on failure to filed with the Federal Reserve Board . Upon the failure of a State
comply . member bank affiliated with a holding company affiliate to obtain
such an agreement within the time so prescribed, the Federal Reserve
Board shall require such bank to surrender its stock in the Federal
Reserve Board may
reserve bank and to forfeit all rights and privileges of membership
require State member in the Federal Reserve System as provided in this section . When-
affiliates to surrender
stock and rights.
ever the Federal Reserve Board shall have revoked the voting permit
of any such holding company affiliate, the Federal Reserve Board
may, in its discretion, require any or all State member banks
affiliated with such holding company affiliate to surrender their
stock in the Federal reserve bank and to forfeit all rights and
privileges of membership in the Federal Reserve System as provided
in this section .
Examinations of
State member banks . " In connection with examinations of State member banks, exam-
iners selected or approved by the Federal Reserve Board shall make
Of affiliates.
such examinations of the affairs of all affiliates of such banks as
Relationships to be
disclosed . shall be necessary to disclose fully the relations between such banks
and their affiliates and the effect of such relations upon the affairs
Assessments for ex- of such banks . The expense of examination of affiliates of any State
penses .
member bank may, in the discretion of the Federal Reserve Board,
be assessed against such bank and, when so assessed, shall be paid
Penalty upon failure
to permit examination,
by such bank . In the event of the refusal to give any information
etc . requested in the course of the examination of any such affiliate, or in
the event of the refusal to permit such examination, or in the event
of the refusal to pay any expense so assessed, the Federal Reserve
Board may, in its discretion, require any or all State member banks
affiliated with such affiliate to surrender their stock in the Federal
reserve bank and to forfeit all rights and privileges of membership
Vol. 38, p. 260 ; Vol.
in the Federal Reserve System, as provided in this section ."
40, p . 1315 ; Vol . 42, p. SEC . 6. (a) The second paragraph of section 10 of the Federal
U .S .C ., p . 275.
Reserve Act, as amended (U.S .C ., title 12, sec . 242), is amended to
read as follows
Ineligibility to hold
office in member banks .
" The Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Cur-
rency shall be ineligible during the time they are in office and for two
years thereafter to hold any office, position, or employment in any
member bank . The appointive members of the Federal Reserve
Board shall be ineligible during the time they are in office and for
two years thereafter to hold any office, position, or employment in
any member bank, except that this restriction shall not apply to a
member who has served the full term for which he was appointed .
Terms of office of
members of Federal
Upon the expiration of the term of any appointive member of the
Reserve Board . Federal Reserve Board in office when this paragraph as amended
takes effect, the President shall fix the term of the successor to such
member at not to exceed twelve years, as designated by the President
at the time of nomination, but in such manner as to provide for the
expiration of the term of not more than one appointive member in
any two-year period, and thereafter each appointive member shall
73d CONGRESS . SESS . I . CH . 89 . JUNE 16, 1933 . 1 67
hold office for a term of twelve years from the expiration of the term
of his predecessor . Of the six persons thus appointed, one shall be norDesignation
of gover-
States. Payments upon such subscription shall be subject to call in cali ayments subject to
whole or in part by the board of directors of the Corporation . Such Tobeadditional .
stock shall be in addition to the amount of capital stock required to
be subscribed for by Federal reserve banks and member and nonmem-
ber banks as hereinafter provided, and the United States shall be toDividend payments
united states .
entitled to the payment of dividends on such stock to the same extent
as member and nonmember banks are entitled to such payment on the
class A stock of the Corporation held by them . Receipts for pay- metceipts for pay-
ments by the United States for or on account of such stock shall be
issued by the Corporation to the Secretary of the Treasury and shall
be evidence of the stock ownership of the United States .
"(d) The capital stock of the Corporation shall be divided into vided Capital stock, di-
into shares of
shares of $100 each . Certificates of stock of the Corporation shall $100 each .
be of two classes-class A and class B . Class A stock shall be held clStock c ertificates.
by member and nonmember banks as hereinafter provided and they banks to be held which
shall be entitled to payment of dividends out of net earnings at the
rate of 6 per centum per annum on the capital stock paid in by them,
which dividends shall be cumulative, or to the extent of 30 per centum amount
Dividend payments,
of such net earnings in any one year, whichever amount shall be the
greater, but such stock shall have no vote at meetings of stockholders .
Class B stock shall be held by Federal reserve banks only and shall Reserve
not be entitled to the payment of dividends . Every Federal reserve
bank shall subscribe to shares of class B stock in the Corporation to Subscription for .
a n amount equal to due half of the surplus of such bank on January
1, 1933, and its subscriptions shall be accompanied by a certified check Payments.
payable to the Corporation in an amount equal to one half of such
subscription . The remainder of such subscription shall be subject to
call from time to time by the board of directors upon ninety days'
notice .
" (e) Every bank which is or which becomes a member of the Fed- class Subscriptions for
eral Reserve System on or before July 1, 1934, shall take all steps July
necessary to enable it to become a class A stockholder of the Corpora- r, 1969 .
tion on or before July 1, 1934 ; and thereafter no State bank or bership thereafter
Admission to mem-
trust company or mutual savings bank shall be admitted to mem . scription required.; sub-
bership in the Federal Reserve System until it becomes a class A
stockholder of the Corporation, no national bank in the continental National banks.
Cart fiesta to tom .
United States shall be granted a certificate by the Comptroller of manta or resume bank-
the Currency authorizing it to commence the business of banking ing business denied
unless member and
until it becomes a member of the Federal Reserve System and a class A stockholder .
class A stockholder of the Corporation, and no national bank in
the continental United States for which a receiver or conservator
has been appointed shall be permitted to resume the transaction
of its banking business until it becomes a class A stockholder of the
Corporation . Every member bank shall apply to the Corporation A Application for Class
for class A stock of the Corporation in an amount equal to one half Amount.
of 1 per centum of its total deposit liabilities as computed in accord-
ance with regulations prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board ;
except that in the case of a member bank organized after the date this ibzea
Exception ; member
hereafter organ-
section takes effect, the amount of such class A stock applied for by
such member bank during the first twelve months after its organiza-
tion shall equal 5 per centum of its paid-up capital and surplus, and Amount.
beginning after the expiration of such twelve months' period the
amount of such class A stock of such member bank shall be adjusted
annually in the same manner as in the case of other member banks .
Upon receipt of such application the Corporation shall request the ingCertification respect-
'ban eieney of apply .
Federal Reserve Board, in the case of a State member bank, or the fag banks assets .
Comptroller of the Currency, in the case of a national bank, to cer-
tify upon the basis of a thorough examination of such bank whether
or not the assets of the applying bank are adequate to enable it to
the capital stock of the Corporation owned by member banks shall Additional subscrip-
not be transferred or hypothecated . When a member bank increases tion, upon increase of
deposits .
its time and demand deposits it shall, at the beginning of each
calendar year, subscribe for an additional amount of capital stock of
the Corporation equal to one half of 1 per centum of such increase Payments .
in deposits . One half of the amount of such additional stock shall
be paid for at the time of the subscription therefor, and the bal-
ance shall be subject to call by the board of directors of the Corpora- Amount of subscrip-
tion. A bank organized on or before the date this section takes tion for class A ; mem-
ber banks .
effect and admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System
at any time after the organization of the Corporation shall be
required to subscribe for an amount of class A capital stock equal
to one half of 1 per centum of the time and demand deposits of the Payment .
applicant bank as of the date of such admission, paying therefor
its par value plus one half of 1 per centum a month from the period
of the last dividend on the class A stock of the Corporation . When Proportionate sur-
a member bank reduces its time and demand deposits it shall sur- render of amount of
shares, when deposits
render, not later than the 1st day of January thereafter, a propor- decrease.
tionate amount of its holdings in the capital stock of the Corpora- Total surrender upon
tion, and when a member bank voluntarily liquidates it shall liquidation .
surrender all its holdings of the capital stock of the Corporation
and be released from its stock subscription not previously called . Cancellation
shares .
The shares so surrendered shall be canceled and the member bank
shall receive in payment therefor, under regulations to be pre- Repayments; amount
scribed by the Corporation, a sum equal to its cash-paid subscriptions of.
bank, shall cease to be entitled to the benefits of insurance under this Nonmember bank .
section), the stock held by it in the Corporation shall be canceled , Liability not im-
without impairment of the liability of such bank, and all cash-paid paired .
subscriptions on such stock, with its proportionate share of dividends
172 fi3d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 89. JUNE 16, 1933.
Distribution of assets .not to exceed one half of 1 per centum per month from the period of
last dividend on such stock shall be first applied to all debts of the
insolvent bank or the receiver thereof to the Corporation, and the
balance, if any, shall be paid to the receiver of the insolvent bank .
Federal Deposit In-
surance Corporation .
"(j) Upon the date of enactment of the Banking Act of 1933, the
Corporate powers . Corporation shall become a body corporate and as such shall have
" First . To adopt and use a corporate seal .
" Second . To have succession until dissolved by an Act of
" Third . To make contracts .
" Fourth. To sue and be sued, complain and defend, in any court
of law or equity, State or Federal .
" Fifth . To appoint by its board of directors such officers and
employees as are not otherwise provided for in this section, to define
their duties, fix their compensation, require bonds of them and fix
the penalty thereof, and to dismiss at pleasure such officers or em-
ployees . Nothing in this or any other Act shall be construed to
prevent the appointment and compensation as an officer or employee
of the Corporation of any officer or employee of the United States
in any board, commission, independent establishment, or executive
department thereof.
" Sixth . To prescribe by its board of directors, bylaws not in-
consistent with law, regulating the manner in which its general
business may be conducted, and the privileges granted to it by law
may be exercised and enjoyed .
` Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly authorized
officers or agents, all powers specifically granted by the provisions
of this section and such incidental powers as shall be necessary to
carry out the powers so granted .
Board of directors;
administration of cor-
"(k) The board of directors shall administer the affairs of the
porate affairs. Corporation fairly and impartially and without discrimination . The
Determination of board of directors of the Corporation shall determine and prescribe
manner disbursements
made ; obligations in- the manner in which its obligations shall be incurred and its ex-
curred .
Franking privilege. penses allowed and paid . The Corporation shall be entitled to the
free use of the United States mails in the same manner as the
Cooperation of ex- executive departments of the Government . The Corporation with
ecutive departments.
the consent of any Federal reserve bank or of any board, commis-
sion, independent establishment, or executive department of the Gov-
ernment, including any field service thereof, may avail itself of the
use of information, services, and facilities thereof in carrying out
the provisions of this section .
Insurance of deposits, "(1) Effective on and after July 1, 1934 (thus affording ample
member banks; effec- time for examination and preparation), unless the President shall by
tive July 1 .1934.
Post, pp. 969, 970. proclamation fix an earlier date, the Corporation shall insure as
President may fix
earlier date. hereinafter provided the deposits of all member banks, and on and
Nonmember banks . after such date and until July 1, 1936, of all nonmember banks,
which are class A stockholders of the Corporation . Notwith-
Corporation as re- standing any other provision of law, whenever any national bank
ceiver of closed na-
tional bank. which is a class A stockholder of the Corporation shall have been
closed by action of its board of directors or by the Comptroller of
the Currency, as the case may be, on account of inability to meet the
demands of its depositors, the Comptroller of the Currency shall
Organization of new appoint the Corporation receiver for such bank
national bank .
. As soon as possi-
ble thereafter the Corporation shall organize a new national bank
to assume the insured deposit liabilities of such closed bank, to
receive new deposits and otherwise to perform temporarily the func-
tions provided for it in this paragraph . For the purposes of this abihty' "Insured deposit I!-
. construed.
subsection, the term 'insured deposit liability' shall mean with
respect to the owner of any claim arising out of a deposit liability
of such closed bank the following percentages of the net amount
due to such owner by such closed bank on account of deposit lia- Percentages .
bilities : 100 per centum of such net amount not exceeding $10,000 ;
and 75 per centum of the amount, if any, by which such net amount
exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $50,000 ; and 50 per centum of
the amount, if any, by which such net amount exceeds $50,000 :
Provided, That, in determining the amount due to such owner for n oviso . nation of
the purpose of fixing such percentage, there shall be added together amounts for fixing per-
all net amounts due to such owner in the same capacity or the same
right, on account of deposits, regardless of whether such deposits
be maintained in his name or in the names of others for his benefit . abilities,"
"Insured deposit li-
construed .
For the purposes of this subsection, the term `insured deposit lia-
bilities' shall mean the aggregate amount of all such insured deposit nsets d
liabilities of such closed bank . The Corp oration shall determine as amount due depo of-
expeditiously as possible the net amounts due to depositors of the tors.
closed hank and shall make available to the new bank an amount able' Amounts made avail-
equal to the insured deposit liabilities of such closed bank, where-
upon such new bank shall assume the insured deposit liability of such Corporation subro-
closed bank to each of its depositors, and the Corporation shall be gated to rig hts against
subrogated to all rights against the closed bank of the owners of closedd bament to divi-
such deposits and shall be entitled to receive the same dividends from dends .
the proceeds of the assets of such closed bank as would have been
payable to each such depositor until such dividends shall equal the
insured deposit liability to such depositor assumed by the new bank,
whereupon all further dividends shall be payable to such depositor. in1,:yrents to be made
Of the amount thus made available by the Corporation to the new
bank, such portion shall be paid to it in cash as may be necessary to
enable it to meet immediate cash demands and the remainder shall Credits.
be credited to it on the books of the Corporation subject to with- Interest rate.
drawal on demand and shall bear interest at the rate of 3 per centum posiitpptance
Acce of new
per annum until withdrawn . The new bank may, with the d
approval of the Corporation, accept new deposits, which, together
with all amounts made available to the new bank by the Corporation, zed . Investments author-
shall be kept on hand in cash, invested in direct obligations of the
United States, or deposited with the Corporation or with a Federal Maintenance of re-
reserve bank. Such new bank shall maintain on deposit with the serve with reserve
Federal reserve bank of its district the reserves required by law of bank .
member banks but shall not be required to subscribe for stock of the stock subscription for
not required .
Federal reserve bank until its own capital stock has been subscribed
Articles of associa-
and paid for in the manner hereinafter provided . The articles of tion and organization .
association and organization certificate of such new bank may be
executed by such representatives of the Corporation as it may desig- Management of new
nate ; the new bank shall not be required to have any directors at bank .
the time of its organization, but shall be managed by an executive
officer to be designated by the Corporation ; and no capital stock need meappsby corporation.
be paid in by the Corporation ; but in other respects such bank shall
be organized in accordance with the existing provisions of law relat-
ing to the organization of national banks ; and, until the requisite n ~ransaction of busi-
amount of capital stock for such bank has been subscribed and paid
for in the manner hereinafter provided, such bank shall transact
no business except that authorized by this subsection and such busi- ierstock
ness as may be incidental to its organization . When in the ]udg- of new bank.
anent of the Corporation it is desirable to do so, the Corporation shall
offer capital stock of the new bank for sale on such terms and condi- Amount .
tions as the Corporation shall deem advisable, in an amount suf6-
cient in the opinion of the Corporation to make possible the conduct
174 73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 89. JUNE 16, 1933 .
of the business of the new bank on a sound basis, but in no event less
R. S ., sec. 5138, p . 993 .
U.S .C ., p. 261 .
than that required by section 5138 of the Revised Statutes, as amended
(U .S.C ., title 12, sec . 51), for the organization of a national bank in
Preemption right of
the place where such new bank is located, giving the stockholders of
the closed bank the first opportunity to purchase such stock . Upon
Certificate to com- proof that an adequate amount of capital stock of the new bank has
mence business; when
to issue. been subscribed and paid for in cash by subscribers satisfactory to the
Comptroller of the Currency, he shall issue to such bank a certificate
Management there- of authority to commence business and thereafter it shall be managed
after .
by directors elected by its own shareholders and may exercise all of the
Transfer of business,
when stock subscrip-
powers granted by law to national banking associations . If an ade-
tion inadequate . quate amount of capital for such new bank is not subscribed and paid
in, the Corporation may offer to transfer its business to any other
banking institution in the same place which will take over its assets,
assume its liabilities, and pay to the Corporation for such business
Voluntary liquida.
tion of new bank when
such amount as the Corporation may deem adequate . Unless the
not transferred . capital stock of the new bank is sold or its assets acquired and its
liabilities assumed by another banking institution, in the manner
herein prescribed, within two years from the date of its organization,
the Corporation shall place the new bank in voluntary liquidation
Deposit insurance ac- and wind up its affairs . The Corporation shall open on its books a
count .
deposit insurance account and, as soon as possible after taking pos-
Duty of corporation session of any closed national bank, the Corporation shall make an
to open .
estimate of the amount which will be available from all sources for
application in satisfaction of the portion of the claims of depositors
Debits to . to which it has been subrogated and shall debit to such deposit insur-
ance account the excess, if any, of the amount made available by the
Corporation to the new bank for depositors over and above the
Additional duties of amount of such estimate . It shall be the duty of the Corporation
corporation ; liquida-
tion of closed bank. to realize upon the assets of such closed bank, having due regard
to the condition of credit in the district in which such closed bank
is located ; to enforce the individual liability of the stockholders
and directors thereof ; and to wind up the affairs of such closed
bank in conformity with the provisions of law relating to the
liquidation of closed national banks, except as herein otherwise
provided, retaining for its own account such portion of the amount
realized from such liquidation as it shall be entitled to receive on
account of its subrogation to the claims of depositors and paying
to depositors and other creditors the amount available for distribu-
tion to them, after deducting therefrom their share of the costs of the
liquidation of the closed bank . If the total amount realized by the
Corporation on account of its subrogation to the claims of depositors
be less than the amount of the estimate hereinabove provided for, the
deposit insurance account shall be charged with the deficiency and,
if the total amount so realized shall exceed the amount of such esti-
Powers and rights of mate, such account shall be credited with such excess . With respect
corporation as receiver.
to such closed national banks, the Corporation shall have all the
rights, powers, and privileges now possessed by or hereafter given
receivers of insolvent national banks and shall be subject to the
obligations and penalties not inconsistent with the provisions of this
paragraph to which such receivers are now or may hereafter become
Closed State member
" Whenever any State member bank which is a class A stockholder
of the Corporation shall have been closed by action of its board of
directors or by the appropriate State authority, as the case may be,
on account of inability to meet the demands of its depositors, the
Corporation as re- Corporation shall accept appointment as receiver thereof, if such
ceiver of.
appointment be tendered by the appropriate State authority and be
73d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH . 89 . JUNE 16, 1933 . 175
organization of new
authorized or permitted by State law . Thereupon the Corporation bank.
shall organize a new national bank, in accordance with the provisions
of this subsection, to assume the insured deposit liabilities of such Purpose .
closed State member bank, to receive new deposits and otherwise to
perform temporarily the functions provided for in this subsection .
Upon satisfactory recognition of the right of the Corporation to Funds to cover in-
sured deposit liabilities
receive dividends on the same basis as in the case of a closed national made available by Cor-
bank under this subsection, such recognition being accorded by State poration when right to
dividends recognized.
law, by allowance of claims by the appropriate State authority, b y
assignment of claims by depositors, or by any other effective method,
the Corporation shall make available to such new national bank, in
the manner prescribed by this subsection, an amount equal to the
bank anagement of new
insured deposit liabilities of such closed State member bank ; and the
Corporation and such new national bank shall perform all of the
functions and duties and shall have all the rights and privileges with
respect to such State member bank and the depositors thereof which
are prescribed by this subsection with respect to closed national banks
holding class A stock in the Corporation : Provided, That the rights Determmation o f
of depositors and other creditors of such State member bank shall be rights of depositors, etc .
determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of State
law : And provided further, That, with respect to such State member Powers,etc .,ofCorpo-
ration `order state law.
bank, the Corporation shall possess the powers and privileges pro-
vided by State law with respect to a receiver of such State member
bank, except in so far as the same are in conflict with the provisions
of this subsection.
" Whenever any State member bank which is a class A stockholder Organization of new
bank, when appoint-
of the Corporation shall have been closed by action of its board of ment of Corporation as
directors or by the appropriate State authority, as the case may be, receiver unlawful .
on account of inability to meet the demands of its depositors, and
the applicable State law does not permit the appointment of the
Corporation as receiver of such bank, the Corporation shall organize
a new national bank, in accordance with the provisions of this sub- Functions .
section, to assume the insured deposit liabilities of such closed State
member bank, to receive new deposits, and otherwise to perform tem-
porarily the functions provided for in this subsection . Upon satis- Funds to be made
available when right of
factory recognition of the right of the Corporation to receive divi- Corporation to receive
dends on the same basis as in the case of a closed national bank under dividends recognized .
this subsection, such recognition being accorded by State law, by
allowance of claims by the appropriate State authority, by assign-
ment of claims by depositors, or by any other effective method, the
Corporation shall make available to such new bank, in accordance
with the provisions of this subsection, the amount of insured deposit
liabilities as to which such recognition has been accorded ; and such Assumption of , in-
sureddeposit liabilities .
new bank shall assume such insured deposit liabilities and shall in
other respects comply with the provisions of this subsection respect-
ing new banks organized to assume insured deposit liabilities of
closed national banks . In so far as possible in view of the applicable
provisions of State law, the Corporation shall proceed with respect
to the receiver of such closed bank and with respect to the new bank
organized to assume its insured deposit liabilities in the manner
prescribed by this subsection with respect to closed national banks
and new banks organized to assume their insured deposit liabilities ;
except that the Corporation shall have none of the powers, duties,
or responsibilities of a receiver with respect to the winding up of
the affairs of such closed State member bank . The Corporation, in
its discretion, however, may purchase and liquidate any or all of the
assets of such bank .
shall include all national banking associations and all banks, banking
associations, trust companies, savings banks, and other banking insti-
tutions located in the District of Columbia which are members of
." member
the, Federal Reserve System ; and the term `State member bank'
shall include all State banks, banking associations, trust companies,
savings banks, and other banking institutions organized under the
laws of any State, which are members of the Federal Reserve System .
Amounts of deposits,
payable in foreign
In any determination of the insured deposit liabilities of any
country in closed bank or of the total deposit liabilities of any bank which is
determining total de-
post liabilities . a holder of class A stock of the Corporation, or a member of the
Fund provided for in subsection (y), for the purposes of this
section, there shall be excluded the amounts of all deposits of such
bank which are payable only at an office thereof located in a foreign
Rules, etc ., by Cor- " The Corporation may make such rules, regulations, and contracts
poration .
as it may deem necessary in order to carry out the provisions of this
section .
Depositor investment
ney by Corpora-
"Money of the Corporation not otherwise employed shall be
tion . invested in securities of the Government of the United States,
except that for temporary periods, in the discretion of the board
of directors, funds of the Corporation may be deposited in any
Federal reserve bank or with the Treasurer of the United States .
Designation of Cor- When designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury,
poration as public
moneys depositary . the Corporation shall be a depositary of public moneys, except
receipts from customs, under such regulations as may be prescribed
by the said Secretary, and may also be employed as a financial agent
of the Government . It shall perform all such reasonable duties as
depositary of public moneys and financial agent of the Government
as may be required of it .
Authority of Corpo- "(m) Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the
ration to make loans to p
national banks, etc . Corporation from making loans to national banks closed by action
of the Comptroller of the Currency, or by vote of their directors,
or to State member banks closed by action of the appropriate State
authorities, or by vote of their directors, or from entering into nego-
tiations to secure the reopening of such banks .
Sale of assets of in . "(n) Receivers or liquidators of member banks which are now
solvent banks to Cor-
poration . or may hereafter become insolvent or suspended shall be entitled
Permission required.
to offer the assets of such banks for sale to the Corporation or as
security for loans from the Corporation, upon receiving permission
visions of State law in the case of State member banks, or from the
Comptroller of the Currency in the case of national banks . The
proceeds of every such sale or loan shall be utilized for the same seeds Utilization of pro-
purposes and in the same manner as other funds realized from the Payment of aiivi-
liquidation of the assets of such banks . The Comptroller of the dends o n proved
Currency may, in his discretion, pay dividends on proved claims at claiis . sec . 5235, p.
any time after the expiration of the period of advertisement made 1012.
pursuant to section 5235 of the Revised Statutes (U.S.C., title 12, us.C., p
The notes, debentures, bonds, and other such obligations of the Cor-
poration may be secured by assets of the Corporation in such manner
as shall be prescribed by its board of directors . Such obligations
may be offered for sale at such price or prices as the Corporation
may determine . Corpo rate obiiga
" (p) All notes, debentures, bonds, or other such obligations issued tic's, ora exemption.
by the Corporation shall be exempt, both as to principal and interest, inheritance
Exception, State and
taxes .
from all taxation (except estate and inheritance taxes) now or here-
after imposed by the United States, by any Territory, dependency,
or possession thereof, or by any State, county, municipality, or local
x empt-
taxi'gauthority. The Corporation, including its franchise its capi- ingCorporation,
franchise, exempt.
tal, reserves, and surplus, and its income, shall be exempt from a1I
taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States, by any
Territory, dependency, or possession thereof, or by any State, county,
municipality, or local taxing authority, except that any real prop-
erty of the Corporation shall be subject to State, Territorial, county,
municipal or local taxation to the same extent according to its value
as other real property is taxed . Preparation of note,
(q) In order that the Corporation may be supplied with such debenture, etc , forms.
forms of notes, debentures, bonds, or other such obligations as it may
need for issuance under this Act, the Secretary of the Treasury is
authorized to prepare such forms as shall be suitable and approved by
the Corporation, to be held in the Treasury subject to delivery, upon diCusday of plates,
order of the Corporation . The engraved plates, dies, bed pieces, and
other material executed in connection therewith shall remain in the e ~Reimbursement for
custody of the Secretary of the Treasury . The Corporation shall
reimburse the Secretary of the Treasury for any expenses incurred
in the preparation, custody, and delivery of such notes, debentures,
bonds, or other such obligations.
" r The Corporation shall annually ymake a report of its opera- cCorporation
ation .
report of
"(y) The Corporation shall open on its books a Temporary Federal Dep Temporar
osit Ins rance
Deposit Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the `Fund'), Fund. To oCCoorporrpora on
which shall become operative on January 1, 1934, unless the Presi- books of ation,
dent shall by proclamation fix an earlier date, and it shall be the i 3e4rative January 1 .
duty of the Corporation to insure deposits as hereinafter provided Past, p. 969.
until July 1, 1934 .
" Each member bank licensed before January 1, 1934, by the Secre- Fund Membership of
tary of the Treasury pursuant to the authority vested in him by the
Executive order of the President issued March 10, 1933, shall, on or number Executive
6078 .
bank shall be ineligible as a borrower at the reserve bank of the erIneligible as borrow-
at reserve bank
district under the provisions of this paragraph for such period as thereafter .
the Federal Reserve Board shall determine : Provided, That no Proviso .
Temporary carrying
temporary carrying or clearance loans made solely for the purpose or clearance loans.
of facilitating the purchase or delivery of securities offered for
public subscription shall be included in the loans referred to in
this paragraph ."
SEC. 10. Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended (U . S. C ., Vol. 38, p . 265 .
U .S .C ., p . 282.
title 12, sees. 353-358), is amended by adding at the end thereof the
following new paragraph
"(g) The Federal Reserve Board shall exercise special supervision Board, Supervision by
foreign trans-
over all relationships and transactions of any kind entered into by actions of reserve bank .
any Federal reserve bank with any foreign bank or banker, or with
any group of foreign banks or bankers, and all such relationships
and transactions shall be subject to such regulations, conditions, and Regulations .
limitations as the Board may prescribe . No officer or other represen- Permission to con-
tative of any Federal reserve bank shall conduct negotiations of duct tions.
foreign negotia-
fined not more than $10,000, and may be fined a further sum equal
to the amount so loaned or credit so extended ."
SEC. 13 . The Federal Reserve Act, as amended, is amended by us.c, pp .7263, ss3;
inserting between sections 23 and 24 thereof (U.S .C ., title 12, sees . Supp. VI, p . 137 .
64 and 371 ; Supp . VI, title 12, sec. 371) the following new section :
"SEC. 23A. No member bank shall (1) make any loan or any et Loans, investments,
extension of credit to, or purchase securities under repurchase agree- member too afiili.
ment from, any of its affiliates, or (2) invest any of its funds in the ates .
capital stock, bonds, debentures, or other such obligations of any
such affiliate, or (3) accept the capital stock, bonds, debentures, or
other such obligations of any such affiliate as collateral security for
advances made to any person, partnership, association, or corpora-
tion, if, in the case of any such affiliate, the aggregate amount of Percentage permit-
such loans, extensions of credit, repurchase agreements, investments, ted
and advances against such collateral security will exceed 10 per
centum of the capital stock and surplus of such member bank, or
if, in the case of all such affiliates, the aggregate amount of such
loans, extensions of credits, repurchase agreements, investments, and
advances against such collateral security will exceed 20 per centum
of the capital stock and surplus of such member bank .
" Within the foregoing limitations, each loan or extension of credit sty
of any kind or character to an affiliate shall be secured by collateral
in the form of stocks, bonds, debentures, or other such obligations
having a market value at the time of making the loan or extension
of credit of at least 20 per centum more than the amount of the
loan or extension of credit, or of at least 10 per centum more than
the amount of the loan or extension of credit if it is secured by
obligations of any State, or of any political subdivision or agency
thereof : Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not IM-e"i8od .states obuga
apply to loans or extensions of credit secured by obligations of the bones, etc
United States Government, the Federal intermediate credit banks,
the Federal land banks, the Federal Home Loan Banks, or the Home
Owners' Loan Corporation, or by such notes, drafts, bills of exchange,
or bankers' acceptances as are eligible for rediscount or for purchase
by Federal reserve banks. A loan or extension of credit to a ablates to officers of
director officer, clerk, or other employee or any representative of
any such affiliate shall be deemed a loan to the affiliate to the extent
that the proceeds of such loan are used for the benefit of, or trans-
ferred to, the affiliate .
"For the purposes of this section the term `affiliate' shall include "Affiliate", con-
holding company affiliates as well as other affiliates, and the pro- stored.
visions of this section shall not apply to any affiliate (1) engaged clAffiliates net in-
solely in holding the bank premises of the member bank with which
it is affiliated, (2) engaged solely in conducting a safe-deposit busi-
ness or the business of an agricultural credit corporation or livestock
loan company, (3) in the capital stock of which a national banking
association is authorized to invest pursuant to section 25 of the Vol . 38, p . 273.
Federal Reserve Act, as amended, (4) organized under section U.S.C ., p . 292 . .
25 (a) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, or (5) engaged
solely in holding obligations of the United States Government, the
Federal intermediate credit banks, the Federal land banks, the Fed-
eral Home Loan Banks, or the Home Owners' Loan Corporation ;
but as to any such affiliate, member banks shall continue to be subject
to other provisions of law applicable to loans by such banks and
investments by such banks in stocks, bonds, debentures, or other such
obligations ."
S EC . 14 . The Federal Reserve Act, as amended, is amended by
uk 8 , pp . 2sz;
inserting between section 24 and section 25 thereof (U .S .C ., title 12, Supp . vI . P ..
shall not underwrite any issue of securities : Provided That the asso- rreniso .
Purchase of invest-
ciation may purchase for its own account investment securities under ment securities.
$100,000, except that such associations with a capital of not less than
$50,000 may be organized in any place the population of which does
not exceed six thousand inhabitants . No such association shall be
organized in a city the population of which exceeds fifty thousand
persons with a capital of less than $200,000, except that in the out-
lying districts of such a city where the State laws permit the organi-
zation of State banks with a capital of $100,000 or less, national
banking associations now organized or hereafter organized may, with
the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, have a capital of
not less than $100,000 ."
(b) The tenth paragraph of section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, u.s.c'p29o.
as amended (U.S .C ., title 12, sec. 329), is amended to read as follows : Admission to mom-
No applying bank shall be admitted to membership in a Federal bership .
Paid-up capital re
reserve bank unless it possesses a paid-up unimpaired capital suffi- qu
Bank Act may be forfeited in the manner prescribed in section 2 of Vol. 38,J) . 251 .
U.S .C ., pp . 268, 275,
the Federal Reserve Act, as amended (U.S.C., title 12, sets . 141, 222- 277,288 .
225, 281-286 and 502), or, (b) in the case of a State member bank, State member banks .
Forfeiture of mem .
all of its rig~its and privileges of membership in the Federal Reserve' bership rights.
with respect to shares in any such association issued after the date
of enactment of this Act .
SEC . 23 . Paragraph (c) of section 5155 of the Revised Statutes, as R.S ., see. 5155, p . 996.
U.S .C ., p . 261 .
amended (U.S.C., title 12, sec . 36), is amended to read as follows :
"(c) A national banking association may, with the approval of the Branches.
Establishment by
Comptroller of the Currency, establish and operate new branches association, upon ap
proval .
(1) Within the limits of the city, town or village in which said
association is situated, if such establishment and operation are at the
time expressly authorized to State banks by the law of the State in
question ; and (2) at any point within the State in which said associa-
tion is situated, if such establishment and operation are at the time
authorized to State banks by the statute law of the State in question
by language specifically granting such authority affirmatively and
not merely by implication or recognition, and subject to the restric-
tions as to location imposed by the law of the State on State banks .
Forfeiture of rights bank ; and in the event of the refusal to give any information
on refusal.
required in the course of the examination of any such affiliate, or in
the event of the refusal to permit such examination, all the rights,
privileges, and franchises of the bank shall be subject to forfeiture
Vol . 38, p . 251 .
U .S .C ., pp . 208, 275,
in accordance with section 2 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended
277,288. (U.S .C ., title 12, sets. 141, 222-225, 281-286, and 502) . The Comp-
troller of the Currency shall have power, and he is hereby author-
Publication, report ized, to publish the report of his examination of any national banking
of examinations .
association or affiliate which shall not within one hundred and twenty
days after notification of the recommendations or suggestions of the
Comptroller, based on said examination, have complied with the same
Notice of. to his satisfaction . Ninety days' notice prior to such publicity shall
be given to the bank or affiliate ."
R .S ., sec . 5240, p.
(b) Section 5240 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (U .S .C ., title
U .S .C ., p . 288 . 12, sec . 481), is further amended by adding after the first paragraph
thereof the following new paragraph
Powers of examiner. " The examiner making the examination of any affiliate of a
national bank shall have power to make a thorough examination of
all the affairs of the affiliate, and in doing so he shall have power
to administer oaths and to examine any of the officers, directors,
employees, and agents thereof under oath and to make a report of
Expense of examina- his findings to the Comptroller of the Currency. The expense of
tions .
examinations of such affiliates may be assessed by the Comptroller
of the Currency upon the affiliates examined in proportion to assets
or resources held by the affiliates upon the dates of examination of
Assessment on re- the various affiliates . If any such affiliate shall refuse to pay such
fusal to pay.
expenses or shall fail to do so within sixty days after the date of
such assessment, then such expenses may be assessed against the
Proviso .
Assessment when af-
affiliated national bank and, when so assessed, shall be paid by such
filiation of two or national bank : Provided, however, That, if the affiliation is with two
more national banks .
or more national banks, such expenses may be assessed against, and
collected from, any or all of such national banks in such proportions
Employment of ex-
ammers, etc .
as the Comptroller of the Currency may prescribe . The examiners
and assistant examiners making the examinations of national bank-
ing associations and affiliates thereof herein provided for and the
chief examiners, reviewing examiners and other persons whose serv-
ices may be required in connection with such examinations or the
reports thereof, shall be employed by the Comptroller of the Cur-
rency with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury ; the
Compensation . employment and compensation of examiners, chief examiners, review-
ing examiners, assistant examiners, and of the other employees of the
office of the Comptroller of the Currency whose compensation is paid
from assessments on banks or affiliates thereof shall be without regard
Proviso .
Confidential nature
shall cease to be a director or officer of such bank : Provided, That
of order . such order and the findings of fact upon which it is based shall not
be made public or disclosed to anyone except the director or officer
involved and the directors of the bank involved, otherwise than in
Ren~oved officer, pen- connection with proceedings for a violation of this section . Any
yl for further n director or officer removed from office as herein provided who
manage-. Such
p2t~on in bank manage
AN ACT June 16, 1933 .
To encourage national industrial recovery, to foster fair competition, and to [H.R .5755 .1
provide for the construction of certain useful public works, and for other [Public, No. 57.]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the 11
Recovery Ae
United States o f America in Congress assembled,
under this title to such officers, agents, and employees as he may Industrial plannin g
and research agency .
designate or appoint, and may establish an industrial planning and Establishment au-
thorized .
research agency to aid in carrying out his functions under this title .