Calculating Bonus Toll

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Introduction to Bonus Tolerance

Bonus tolerance is an important concept in dimensioning parts. Bonus tolerances can reduce
manufacturing costs significantly. This section is an introduction to the bonus tolerance concept.


Bonus tolerance is an additional tolerance for a geometric control. Whenever a geometric tolerance is
applied to a feature of size, and it contains an MMC (or LMC) modifier in the tolerance portion of the
feature control frame, a bonus tolerance is permissible.

This section introduces bonus tolerance based on the MMC modifier. When the MMC modifier is used in
the tolerance portion of the feature control frame, it means that the stated tolerance applies when the
feature of size is at its maximum material condition. When the actual mating size of the feature of size
departs from MMC (towards LMC), an increase in the stated tolerance equal to the amount of the
departure is permitted. This increase, or extra tolerance, is called the bonus tolerance.

Figure 3-16 shows how bonus tolerance is calculated in a straightness application. When the MMC
modifier is used, it means that the geometric characteristic can be verified with a fixed gage.

A functional gage is a gage that is built to a fixed dimension (the virtual condition) of a part feature; a
part must fit into (or onto) the gage. A functional gage does not provide a dimensional measurement; it
only indicates if the part is or is not to the print specification.

Figure 1

In Figure 1, the functional gage is designed to the virtual condition (2.7) of the feature of size. Since the
gage opening is constant, the thinner the washer becomes, the more straightness tolerance it could
have and still pass through the gage.
Although a straightness control is used for the example in Figure 1, the bonus tolerance concept applies
to any geometric control that uses the MMC (or LMC) modifier in the tolerance portion of the feature
control frame.

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows how to determine the amount of bonus tolerance permissible in an application. The
MMC modifier in the tolerance portion of the feature control frame denotes that a bonus tolerance is
permissible. The maximum amount of bonus tolerance permissible is equal to the difference between
the MMC and the LMC of the tolerance feature of size.
What is Bonus Tolerance?

Bonus tolerance is the additional tolerance available for a geometric control attached to a feature of size with MMC
(maximum material condition) and LMC (least material condition) modifier.

What is MMC?

When a component consists of maximum amount of materials it could possibly carry then the component is said to be
in MMC condition. For a shaft and hole base system, a shaft will be in MMC when it has the maximum diameter and a
hole will be in MMC when it has minimum diameter.

In the above figure the size of the hole can vary from 10.2 to 10.5. And at 10.2 it will be in MMC.

Example of Bonus Tolerance

Say, you have a drawing of a block with a hole like below:

Observe the GD&T control frame. The meaning of the GD&T symbol is: a positional tolerance of 0.2 is applicable to
the hole when it is at the maximum material condition (MMC).

You already know that MMC for the hole will have the diameter of 10.2 and at this condition there should have a
positional tolerance of 0.2 means for inspecting the hole you should use a gauge of diameter 10. All the holes that
allow the 10 diameter gauge to enter should pass the quality checks.

At MMC the maximum clearance available between the gauge and the hole is 0.2, so available tolerance at MMC is

Now as per the given dimension the hole diameter can vary from 10.2 to 10.5, and as the hole size increase the
tolerance available between the gauge and the hole also increases. At MMC the maximum available tolerance will be
equal to

10.5 gauge diameter = 10.5 10 = 0.5. Out of which specified positional tolerance is 0.2 so the bonus tolerance will
be (0.5 0.2) = 0.3.

Bonus tolerance is a important concept in GD&T. Bonus tolerance will be available for the geometric dimensioning
and tolerancing feature of size with MMC or LMC modifiers. The bonus tolerance reduces the number of rejected
parts by increasing the tolerance zone.

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