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The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Earth Pressure
Concerned with the retaining wall problem

What is a retaining wall? - Youll find lots of photos here


Look at the more general problem first Applied to ALL geotechnical analysis

What is the force the soil exerts on the wall?

What is the resistance capacity of the wall?
Structural capacity

Four basic requirements of a general solution

Equilibrium The stress distribution within the soil must be in equil.
Compatability There can be no holes or overlapping
Soil strength/failure laws T c + N tan
Boundary conditions Stresses and displacement must be equal to the
boundary values

In geotechnical engineering it is very difficult to satisfy all requirements without very

complex analysis. We do a lot of simplification.
Many different methods
Many different answers to the same problem (different assumptions and
Returning to the retaining wall problem


Active state

Passive state

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

If wall slides to left there is a state of stress similar to the Rankine active and passive
stress state developed on each side of the wall.

Remember this??

1 + sin 1 + sin
1 = 3 + 2c
1 sin 1 sin

This is the failure law and is in terms of effective c 3 1

stress. 1 = K p 3 + 2c K p

1 sin 1 + sin 1
Ka = , Kp = =
1 + sin 1 sin K a

On the retained side v = 1 and h = 3 so

h = K a v 2c K a (1)

In the SPECIAL CASE - If there is no water pressure Dry retained soil v = z

the stress distribution on the wall is

- ve
h = K a z 2c K a Tension zo

2c 1 H = height of wall
h = 0 at z = z 0 =
Ka +ve


Ka H

The Active FORCE or thrust

Pa = h dz = K a H 2 2c K a H = area of stress distribution

Tension behind the wall to depth zo. Usually tension cannot be sustained.
Crack forms. Depth of crack = z0 Crack fills with water extra load on wall.
Maximum unsupported cut, Hc, is when Pa = 0, so Hc 2.z0
Ie for undrained conditions ( = 0) the maximum unsupported cut height
should be about 4c/

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

On the resisting side h = 1 and v = 3 so

h = K p v + 2c K p (2)

D = depth below ground

Kp H 2cKp

Passive force Pp = h dy = K p D 2 + 2c K p D = area of stress distribution

The effect of cohesion is:
reduce the destabilizing action. Pa
increase the resisting action Pp

IE. It generally contributes to stability

Surcharge load on soil surface

Saturated soil

The above theory gives the force due to the soil only. If the soil is saturated there is
also a force due to the water pressure (pore pressure)

Look at other forces that a retaining wall must resist.

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

A load is often applied to the soil surface

The soil is usually saturated

Both these actions increase the force that

Dry soil
a retaining wall must resist.

Saturated soil

Use equation (1). This gives the horizontal earth pressure in terms of the vertical
effective stress. Note that now v z. We need to calculate the pore pressure
distribution and the vertical effective stress distribution. Equation (1) gives the
horizontal earth pressure. The total horizontal force on the wall is equal the earth
pressure (effective stress) plus the water pressure.

(always remember this: total stress = pore pressure + effective stress)

Similarly for the passive side of the wall use equation (2) plus water pressure

Passive side Active side

Soil Water Water Surcharge Soil

Wall friction
So far we have discussed the Rankin stress distribution. This is a very special case.

The Rankine stress distribution has zero shear stress on vertical

planes. Hence for the Rankine stress distribution to be valid there
can be no friction force on the wall. Ie the wall is SMOOTH.

Effect of wall friction Pa

Net force on wall is inclined
Reduces active force
Increases passive force


Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Rankines method will be conservative if friction is ignored

Rankines method can be extended to include inclined soil (planar) surface but the
analysis is very complex. Chart solutions are available.

Assumptions Rankins method

Soil surface - Horizontal or inclined planes
No concentrated loads on surface
Vertical wall surfaces
Sufficient movement must occur
No friction between wall and soil
Hydrostatic water pressure no seepage

Coulombs theory of earth pressure

Coulomb 1773 - 100 years before Rankine

Basic concept is to assume a failure by a block of soil sliding along a failure surface.

A particular failure surface
Block and soil are rigid

Does not consider stress distribution within block
Does not consider stress distribution in soil outside the block
The failure condition is only satisfied on the assumed surface. It may actually
be violated elsewhere. Ie within the block

The method is a limit equilibrium method

The method is an engineering approximation. We postulate a failure mechanism and

look at its equilibrium.

Can take into account:

Friction between wall and soil
Sloping and irregular soil surfaces
Sloping back of wall
Surcharges - uniform or concentrated
Simple or complex pore pressure regimes eg. unsteady seepage

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Dry soil effective stress analysis (long term)




Known and unknown quantities

Quantity Magnitude Direction Line of action
W 3 3 3
R 2 3 2
Forces on soil
Pa 2 3 2
q 3 3 3
F 3 3 3
3 - -
Soil and
3 - -
3 - -
3 - -

We want to find Pa.

This is the FORCE that the wall must exert to keep the block in equilibrium. Looking
at a free body diagram. Pa can be thought of as the force exerted on the wall.

We have 2 unknowns and 2 equations of equilibrium SOLVE

Graphical OR analytical methods Pa

F + q

This give Pa for the given assumed failure

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

plane or wedge
Considers force equilibrium only - Moment equilibrium ??

Is this the worst case?

Try others, (vary the angle ) plot graph of P vs

Determine max force

1. Chose a failure surface
2. Calculate forces
3. Draw force polygon (or solve analytically)
4. Obtain P
5. Chose another surface
6. Repeat 2 to 6 to find the maximum value of P and the location of the critical
failure surface

Coulombs method gives total force not pressure distribution.

Can derive equation for simple geometry
Pa = K a H 2 K ac c H
this implies a linear pressure distribution - similar to Rankine theory
Value of Ka is (in general) not the same as Rankine solution, because of the
inclusion of the effect of wall friction.

To calculate the pressure on the wall we need an additional assumption

The shape of the pressure distribution is assumed.

Effect of pore pressure

Work in terms of effective stress

= + u
Consider soil pressure - - and water pressure
Hydrostatic W


Pa R q

Pw Rw

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure


Resultant force on wall

Resultant force on wall = sum of water and soil pressure

Ie Pa + Pw (this is a vector equation)

Pw is the same for each trial failure surface
Pw increases the force on the wall

Steady seepage
Drains can reduce the total force on the wall

Same principals and method apply

But need to calculate the pore pressure distribution flow net
Most likely that Pw on wall = 0
Reduces pore pressure on failure surface, hence increased strength (very

Soils with apparent cohesion

Effective stress analysis (we can calculate pore pressure)
c 0

Require some modifications to wedge

Adhesion force between wall and soil cw

Cohesion force on failure surface c
Tension cracks possible top depth zc (the depth is usually estimated from a
Rankine analysis)
Tension cranks fill with water

Pwc D

Pa cw c

Pw B Rw

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Known and unknowns

Quantity Magnitude Direction Line of action
W 3 3 3
R 2 3 2
Pa 2 3 2
c ( = c.BD)
3 3
cw 3 3
(= cw.AB)
Pwc 1
(= z 2 )
3 3
W 3 3 3
Pw 3 3 3
F 3 3 3
q 3 3 3

We want to find Pa.

Pa Pa
Pw Pwc

cw Resultant

R = total force on wall


F + q

Passive pressure
Be careful with directions of forces
The forces are such that they oppose movement W
Method of analysis is the same cw
Observed failure surfaces are more curved in the c
passive zone than the active zone. Using a
straight failure surface has greater error. R

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

General formula
Coulombs method implies an equation in the following form. Other limit equilibrium
methods also imply the same.

h = K a v K ac c

This is the same form as the Rankine formula h = K a v 2c K a

Wall friction and adhesion is often less than the soil friction and cohesion. Ie.
Failure through soil, = n tan + c
Failure on wall surface, = n tan + cw

The values of Ka and Kac are dependent on the wall friction as well as the soil
strength. The effect of wall friction is usually included in the Ka and Kac.

Similarly for passive pressure

h = K p v + K pc c

K ac = 2 K a (1 + )
K pc = 2 K p (1 + w )

Charts and tables give values of Ka, Kp, Kac, Kpc using more complex techniques
and assumptions. Be careful with usage
Horizontal component or resultant ?
Horizontal soil surface is commonly assumed
Dry soil
Vertical back on wall
Total thrust or pressure distribution

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Active pressure coefficient - Caquot and Kerisel

Horizontal component of pressure

Vertical wall, Horizontal soil surface

Coefficient for horizontal component of earth pressure Kah

Wall friction, /

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 0.704 0.685 0.669 0.662 0.656 0.644 0.639
15 0.589 0.567 0.549 0.541 0.533 0.520 0.513
20 0.490 0.468 0.450 0.442 0.434 0.421 0.413
25 0.406 0.385 0.368 0.360 0.353 0.340 0.333
30 0.333 0.315 0.299 0.293 0.286 0.274 0.267
35 0.271 0.255 0.242 0.236 0.230 0.219 0.213
40 0.217 0.205 0.193 0.188 0.183 0.174 0.168
45 0.172 0.161 0.152 0.148 0.144 0.136 0.131
50 0.132 0.125 0.118 0.114 0.111 0.105 0.100

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Passive pressure coefficient - Caquot and Kerisel

Horizontal component of pressure

Vertical wall, Horizontal soil surface

Coefficient for horizontal component of earth pressure Kph

Wall friction, /

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 1.42 1.48 1.52 1.55 1.57 1.61 1.62
15 1.70 1.82 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.10 2.12
20 2.04 2.26 2.45 2.55 2.65 2.80 2.83
25 2.46 2.85 3.21 3.39 3.57 3.85 3.89
30 3.00 3.67 4.31 4.63 4.95 5.50 5.56
35 3.69 4.81 5.97 6.56 7.16 8.25 8.36
40 4.60 6.51 8.63 9.76 10.93 13.18 13.44
45 5.83 9.14 13.20 15.49 17.93 23.00 23.71
50 7.58 13.55 21.87 26.89 32.58 45.39 47.79

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Comparison of different methods for calculating the Earth pressure coefficient

Resultant pressure on wall. These coefficients give the magnitude of the

pressure/force inclined at angle to the horizontal.

Active pressure coefficient, Ka

Soil Wall Coulomb Caquot & Sokolovskii Chen
strength friction Kerisel

0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
10 0 0.704 0.704 0.70 0.704
5 0.662 0.665 0.66 0.664
10 0.635 0.649 0.65 0.642
20 0 0.490 0.490 0.49 0.490
10 0.447 0.449 0.45 0.448
20 0.427 0.440 0.44 0.434
30 0 0.333 0.333 0.33 0.333
15 0.301 0.303 0.30 0.302
30 0.297 0.308 0.31 0.303
40 0 0.217 0.217 0.22 0.217
20 0.199 0.200 0.20 0.200
40 0.210 0.219 0.22 0.214

Passive pressure coefficient, Kp

Soil Wall Coulomb Caquot & Sokolovskii Chen
strength friction Kerisel

0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
10 0 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.42
5 1.57 1.55 1.56 1.56
10 1.73 1.64 1.66 1.68
20 0 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04
10 2.63 2.59 2.55 2.58
20 3.52 3.01 3.04 3.17
30 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
15 4.98 4.78 4.62 4.71
30 10.10 6.42 6.55 7.10
40 0 4.60 4.59 4.60 4.60
20 11.77 10.36 9.69 10.10
40 17.50 18.20 20.90

Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

The University of Queensland CIVL3210 Geotechnical Engineering Earth pressure

Total stress analysis

Same principals
Used in saturated soils for short term undrained situation = 0
In this situation we dont know the pore pressure distribution and have to use total
stress analysis

For total stress analysis the same general formula applies - noting that = = 0, and
hence Ka = Kp = 1 (for a vertical wall)
the formulae can be written as:
h = v K ac c u
h = v + K pc c u

K ac = K pc = 2 1 +

Usually it is recommended that cw 0.5 cu

Critical situations
Saturated fill (compacted granular) short term usual most critical. Build in +ve pore
pressures dissipate to give higher effective stress in the long term. If you can build it -
it will be OK

Excavation in clay Long term most critical. Excavation - Suction high effective
stress dissipation lower effective stress weaker soil.

Some web sites about design and other propriety systems


Dr Robert Day, The University of Queensland, 2009

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