Electronics For You June 2017
Electronics For You June 2017
Electronics For You June 2017
Issu and
5G Telec
d s e t and ring
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Mob vice Ma ards
De er Bo tions
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Dev ial Applic
June 2017
Vol. 06 | No. 02
Ques. What kinds of sensors utilise piezoresistive silicon tions technology with the first release
pressure sensors are MEMS technology. of Long Term Evolution (LTE) stan-
there in the market? 5. Aviation. In airplanes, pressure dard, is comparatively a new technol-
sensors maintain a balance be- ogy that is different from WCDMA.
pamarthi kanakaraja
tween the atmospheric pressure Therefore, theoretically, 4G SIM card
ans. Pressure sensor is also termed and control systems of the airplane. will not work in a 3G handset.
as pressure transducer or pressure These not only protect the various In order to use 4G SIM in a 3G
switch. Depending on the type of internal components of the airplane smartphone, you need to enable LTE
output interface, pressure sensors are but also give exact data about the option. You can find many tips and
classified as analogue and digital. A external environment. tricks on the Internet claiming that 4G
pressure sensor may also be called a SIMs can be used in 3G smartphones.
different name (such as load cell for It is also claimed that a 4G SIM card
a weighing machine) depending on in a 3G phone will give 3G speed
the application. only. However, some websites caution
Different kinds of pressure sensors users that the trick may cause serious
used in some popular applications are: Fig. 1: Absolute gas Fig. 2: Barometric damage to their device and also may
pressure sensor pressure sensor
1. Industrial. Gases and pressures not work for all the devices.
in industrial units, for example, 6. Marine. Pressure sensors are used You can use 4G network on your
in the chemical industry, are pre- in ships and submarines to estimate 3G phone by connecting it to a portable
cisely monitored and controlled the depth at which these are operat- Wi-Fi device running on 2.4GHz or
using pressure sensors. There are ing and for detailing the marine con- 5GHz frequency because the phone
also board-level pressure sensors, ditions so that the electronic systems is not directly accessing the service
normally mounted on PCBs, that stay safe. Oxygen requirements are provider network, rather its the router
are used to measure the pressure also regulated by pressure sensors.
of gases or liquids. 7. Meteorology. Absolute pressure
2. Computing. Many computers and sensors measure pressure rela-
smartphones have touchscreen tive to a vacuum. Designed with a
displays with pressure sensors. reference vacuum enclosed within
Whenever pressure is applied on the sensor itself, these can also
the touchscreen, the sensor deter- measure atmospheric pressure.
mines the point of application and An absolute gas pressure sensor
accordingly generates an electric is shown in Fig. 1 and barometric
signal that informs the processor pressure sensor in Fig. 2.
to take further actions.
3. Automotive. In automotive Q2. Why do 3G smartphones Fig. 3: 4G Wi-Fi router with 3G device
industry, pressure sensors moni- support 4G netWork
tor the oil and coolant pressure throuGh a Wi-fi router using the 4G network. The 3G of
and regulate the power. Pressure but not With a 4G sim card? the phone is irrelevant, so it doesnt
sensors constitute part of the even need a SIM card to access Wi-Fi
anti-lock braking system. Air bag network. However, the 4G portable Wi-
through e-mail
systems also use pressure sen- Fi device needs to use a 4G SIM card.
sors to activate the bags during a2. There are two different combina- The 3G phone, in turn, connects to the
crash, ensuring safety of the tions here: 3G phone with 4G SIM, 4G portable Wi-Fi device through Wi-Fi
vehicle occupants. and 3G phone with Wi-Fi router. 3G tethering or mobile hotspot (Fig. 3).
4. Medical. Pressure sensors are smartphones dont support 4G network
used in digital blood pressure Answers compiled by Sani Theo, senior assistant
because these work on wide-band editor (technical). Letters and questions for publication
monitors and ventilators to opti- code-division multiple access (WCDMA) may be addressed to Editor, Electronics For You,
mise these according to patients D-87/1, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi
technology. Whereas, 4G, the fourth 110020 (e-mail: [email protected]) and should include
health and requirements. These generation of mobile telecommunica- name and address of the sender
of tasks simply by providing some information about how multifunctional printer has four nozzles to print the various
objects are typically manipulated and then showing the robot specialised inks that make up the layers of the devicea
a single demo of the task. Importantly, this enables users to base layer of silicone, top and bottom electrodes made
teach robots skills that can be automatically transferred to of a conducting ink, a coil-shaped pressure sensor, and a
other robots that have different ways of movinga key time- sacrificial layer that holds the top layer in place while it sets.
and cost-saving measure for companies that want a range of The supporting sacrificial layer is later washed away in the
robots to perform similar actions. final manufacturing process. Conventional 3D printing using
The team tested the system on Optimus, a new liquid plastic is too hot and too rigid to use on the skin,
two-armed robot designed for bomb disposal that they while these flexible 3D printed sensors can stretch up to
programmed to perform tasks such as opening doors, three times their original size.
transporting objects, and extracting objects from containers.
In simulations they showed that Optimus learned skills that
could be seamlessly transferred to Atlas, a humanoid robot.
IoT sensors that connect
via ambient radio waves
Researchers at Disney Researchs Wireless Systems group
3D printed skin to let robots feel have devised an ultra-low-power system of sensors that
Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed transmit data to a central receiver by reflecting the ambient
a revolutionary process for 3D printing stretchable electronic radio waves from commercial broadcasting systems.
sensory devices that could give robots the ability to feel Our idea is to reuse all the radio signals that are around
their environment. us as a medium for transmitting data, much like sending
ripples across a pond, said Alanson Sample, associate lab
director and team leader.
This approach radically reduces the power requirements
of the sensor nodes because it is the generation of radio
waves that consumes most of their battery power. In a
demonstration in a Disney Research lab, the researchers were
able to meet the tiny bit of power demand that remained by
using solar cells optimised for low-light conditions.
Sample said the ultra-wide-band (UWB) approachwhich
backscatters all ambient sourcesoffers key advantages. Using
multiple backscatter channels boosts the signal-to-noise ratio,
3D printing stretchable electronic sensory devices that could give robots the substantially improving the sensitivity of the backscatter reader
ability to feel their environment (Image courtesy: http://odishatv.in) and decreasing dead zones. That, in turn, enables the system
to operate on real-world ambient sources and substantially
This stretchable electronic fabric we developed has extends the range to 22 metres when using ambient signals
many practical uses, said Michael McAlpine, a University from broadcast towers and 50 metres when using ambient
of Minnesota mechanical engineering associate professor signals generated by mobile phone up-link traffic.
and lead researcher on the study. Putting this type of The promise of the Internet of Things (IoT) is that
bionic skin on surgical robots would give surgeons the wireless sensors will be ubiquitous, allowing devices to sense
ability to actually feel during minimally invasive surgeries, their environments and talk to each other, said Markus
which would make surgery easier instead of just using Gross, vice president at Disney Research. As we move
cameras like they do now. These sensors could also make towards connecting the next billion wireless devices to the
it easier for other robots to walk and interact with their Internet, however, the use of batteries to power these devices
environment. This technology could eventually be used will become unworkable. UWB ambient backscatter systems,
for health monitoring or by soldiers in the field to detect which potentially could be deployed in any metropolitan area,
dangerous chemicals or explosives. hold great potential for solving this dilemma.
While we havent printed on human skin yet, we were
able to print on the curved surface of a model hand using
our technique, McAlpine said. We also interfaced a printed
Tiny chip extends battery life
device with the skin and were surprised that the device was of electronics
so sensitive that it could detect your pulse in real time. Engineers at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
McAlpine and his team made the sensing fabric with have developed a chip that can extend the battery life of low-
a one-of-a kind 3D printer they built in the lab. The power electronic gadgets like cellphones. The chip is about
the size of a pins head, but has great potential in applications Search engine for 3D printable models
ranging from everyday electronics to medical devices. What Google does for searching information on the Internet,
The chip can keep a phone working at top functionality new search engine IFind3D will do for printable 3D models.
with much less power. Moreover, it facilitates the use of smaller Launched by 3D Ninja, the largest reseller of 3D printers in
batteries, since the object itself is so small. The chip also tackles The Netherlands, www.ifind3d.com contains over 700,000
another common annoyance for electronics users: how hot designs. It combines online libraries for 3D printable models
devices get when theyre being used for several minutes. in one fast and responsive engine, making it easy for end us-
The heat is a result of a lot of power being used, said ers to find 3D printable models.
Ruyan Guo, team leader and professor of Electrical and Computer At the moment, almost 70 per cent of all online libraries
Engineering. With our device there is less power consumption, and repositories are connected. It is expected that before the
which means the heat will be much less of an issue. year-end around 90 per cent of all worldwide 3D printable
designs will be indexed in the search engine.
IFind3D uses state-of-the-art algorithms to make sure
Heat-resistant capacitors the best results are served at all time using almost 100
Fraunhofer researchers have developed a capacitor that different variables by integrating an AI service using IBMs
can withstand temperatures of up to 300 degrees Celsius. supercomputer Watson.
By comparison, conventional electronics can cope with
temperatures only up to 125 degrees.
Researchers did so by using an innovative mix of
Pivotal technologies for IoT applications
materialsand a special 3D trick. When manufacturing the ON Semiconductor has developed a variety of flexible,
conducting metal layers of the capacitor, the team etched energy-efficient, high-performance solutions for emerging
tiny holes in the surface to increase its area. This 3D trick Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
increases its capacity and simultaneously makes it possible The new AR0237 RGB-IR and AR0238 RGB-IR CMOS
to use a thicker dielectric. A thicker layer withstands higher image sensors can capture daytime colour and nighttime near-
temperatures better and can decrease uncontrolled leakage infra-red (nIR) image data on the same sensor without the
current in the capacitor. cost and complexities (like refocusing and maintenance) of a
The experts adopted a new mix of materials in the mechanical IR-cut filter mounted onto the imaging assembly.
production of the insulating dielectric too by using tantalum Their unique colour filter array (CFA) arrangement employs
a 4x4 kernel, which replaces some red and blue pixels with
nIR-sensitive pixels and rearranges the spatial density of
the remaining pixels. Thus, the devices can deal with the
most challenging of lighting conditions. These devices are
highly suited to home security and automated monitoring
applications where ambient light levels vary greatly over time.
From a connectivity perspective, the company has
developed the RSL10 multi-protocol Bluetooth 5 certified
radio system-on-chip. Claimed to offer the industrys lowest
power consumption in peak receiving and deep sleep mode,
Heat-resistant capacitor developed by Fraunhofer researchers can withstand the RSL10 is optimised for use in IoT edge-node devices, as
temperatures of up to 300 degrees Celsius (Image courtesy: www.fraunhofer.de) well as for health and wellness applications.
NeuroN-Like Electronics
lectronics based human body and Memristors
brain activities are miraculous
and a great feat by the creator. Memristors are the fourth class of
It provides a lesson for the pioneers of electronic circuitry, alongside resis-
science and technology to learn and tors, capacitors and inductors. Only
mimic these activities by artificially cre- confirmed to exist in 2008, memristors
ating electronically-controlled devices. behave in a way similar to the synapses
The human brain is possibly the of neurons within the human brain. The
most complex entity in the Universe. It resistance to current within a memristor
Dr S.S. Verma
is a professor is absolutely remarkable and beautiful is a product of currents that have previ-
at Department to contemplate, and the things you are ously flowed through it, meaning that
of Physics, Sant
Longowal Institute capable of doing because of your brain the current flows easier as more current
of Engineering are outstanding. The human brain is lit- flows through.
and Technology,
Sangrur, Punjab tered with some 100 billion nerve cells, Due to these properties, memristors
together forming connections in tandem hold potential for non-volatile memo-
as each neuron is simultaneously en- ries, and can make computers better at
gaged with another 1000 or so. understanding speech, images and the
In total, some 20 million billion world around these.
calculations per second are performed In the past, it was very difficult to
by the brain. Inspired by the operation reproduce synapses because there are
and structure of the brain, engineers billions of neurons and thousands of
and scientists are now developing bio- synapses in the human brain, and the
inspired integrated circuit technology only way to get even remotely close to
that mimics the neuron structure and the power of a human brain using ordi-
operation of the human brain. nary electronics is to utilise a gigantic
Although processors have gotten amount of circuitry that would con-
smaller and faster over time, only a sume huge amounts of power. But then
few computers can compete with the researchers managed to bring to life the
speed and computing power of the hu- concept of a memristor (using titanium
man brain and none comes close to the oxide with two platinum electrodes),
organs energy efficiency. So some en- which means that conductivity in the
gineers want to develop electronics that memristor device changes depend-
mimic how the brain computes to build ing on the charge passing through it,
more powerful and efficient devices. and connectivity can be changed from
Scientists have developed a new high to low.
prototype for electronic synapses to This is similar to the way brain syn-
replicate the human brain, which apses work, and could make it possible
could one day make neural networks for much more energy-efficient com-
incredibly clever. At present, neural puter systems to be developed that have
networks built by research groups memories that retain information even
around the world consist of computers when the power is off. So in the future,
that are being trained using complex computers would not need to boot up
computer algorithms to solve complex and could be switched off and on like
problems and gain a deeper recogni- an electric light.
tion and understanding of art and the So now, researchers all over the
world around us. world are trying to use memristors
ince the governments move to de- your PIN or save it on your mobile phone.
monetise old ` 500 and ` 1000 notes And, while entering your PIN at an ATM or
last year, usage of digital money has while paying for stuff at a shop/restaurant,
drastically increased in the country. As cover it using your hand or body so that
India takes the cashless route and emerges no one else can view it. Also, change your
as the biggest digital economy in the PIN regularly.
world, it also opens up many opportunities Use credit cards instead. For purchas-
for cyber criminals. es, use credit cards instead of debit cards,
According to Norton Cyber Security because the former offer greater protection.
Manu Prasad is M.Tech
in VLSI and embedded insight report 2016, those who were not You can also block credit cards at any time.
systems, and is careful have experienced negative conse- Stick to own bank ATM. It is prefer-
currently working as
assistant professor quences including identity theft, money able to use your own banks ATMs instead
at AWH Engineering stolen from bank accounts, credit cards of a different banks. This also saves you
College, Kerala. His
interests include VLSI, issued in their names and unauthorised from paying transactions fees that you
EDA tools, MATLAB apps installed on their devices. might have to pay after a certain number
and Latex
Data from Ministry of Finance in of transactions.
India shows that about 50 leading banks Avoid saving card data. Most online
in India have lost around ` 4.85 billion vendors offer card saving options for easier
between April 2013 and November 2016 and faster transactions in the future. Avoid
because of cyber frauds. Fifty six per cent doing so wherever you can.
of this money was lost due to net bank- Do not let anyone else use you card.
ing thefts and credit/debit card cloning. At shops or restaurants, always swipe your
Discussed in this article are some possible card yourself or have it swiped in front of
security threats and what you can do to your eyes. This is a good way for criminals
avoid these. to otherwise get access to all your details.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2: (a) Original State bank website for Internet banking, and (b) mimic website example
5. Make sure the wallet provider of virus that gets embedded in an http:// in your browser address
has a customer support wing that email and when you open the email, while using Internet banking.
can help in case of fraud. it replicates your information and 6. Avoid using public computers
6. Do not use the same password distributes it. or Internet caf computers for ac-
for all accounts. A trojan can also be categorised cessing bank accounts. If you need
7. Avoid installing third-party as virus but it does not replicate to do so, use the onscreen keyboard
software shown on pop-up advertise- itself and does not need any par- for typing out the username and
ments while using apps. ticular program to attack. It is a password, check for unnecessary
8. Double-check the details while destructive program that acts as a background programs, clear his-
transferring money. Even if the wal- harmless application, such as as tory and cache after logging out,
let has a possibility of threat, it is helpful software claiming to get and hide the password while typing
still safer than using a credit/debit rid of unwanted software or virus. it out.
card for online transactions. Instead, it attacks your information 7. Do not click on unwanted ads
and makes it vulnerable. on emails or other websites.
Threats in Internet banking Key-loggers log all user activities
Even though banks provide a lot of on the computer by capturing every Mobile security
security measures, online banking keystroke. The sensitive information A lot of us use phone banking these
services (NEFT/RTGS) are not free is then captured and accessed by days, but most of us do not check
from the menace. Security threats in- fraudsters to attack users. the permissions we give while
clude phishing, spyware and adware, Some security measures that you installing apps on our mobiles. Our
viruses, trojans and key-loggers, can take while using Internet bank- mobile phones contain very sensi-
among others. ing are: tive information, and giving permis-
Phishing and spam emails look 1. Always access the registered sion to access these means making
like these have been sent from website of the bank. Do not follow it easier for criminals to hack our
the bank itself, and ask for per- any links sent in emails. systems. Always be careful while
sonal details such as usernames 2. Beware of phishing attacks. Do accessing bank or financial data
and passwords. not reply or disclose any sensitive through mobile phones.
Spyware and adware are a information like username and pass- 1. Do not use the same password
special type of software created by word in response to emails claiming for wallets and bank accounts.
hackers to collect sensitive infor- to be from your bank. Banks never 2. Use dynamic password-gen-
mation. These track your Internet ask for sensitive details. eration apps for creating passwords
habits and interests, and provide the 3. Protect your password, and do for bank accounts.
same to marketing companies. This not write it down. Always use strong 3. Check while granting permis-
is how you end up with spam in passwords that are difficult to hack. sions when installing apps.
your inboxes. Change your password regularlyat 4. Avoid third-party software that
A virus attaches itself to a least once a month. pop up while using other apps.
program by clubbing with another 4. Install a good antivirus on 5. Always log out after accessing
program in the computer by using your system for protection from virus your account.
different resources of the computer. and spyware. 6. Do not save usernames and
An email virus is a special type 5. Check for https:// instead of passwords on the app.
ohn McCarthy explains artificial
intelligence (AI) as the science
Interesting facts about AI
and engineering of making intel- AI started in 1950. Let us discuss some AI facts
ligent machines, particularly intellectual that are crucial in todays era.
computer programs. AI can repair itself. A recently-developed robot
AI is a method to turn a computer can rebuild itself even after trailing two of its six
legs. The robot does not know what is broken,
into a computer-controlled robot or a
but it can notice the performance being dropped.
software-controlled machine that thinks Therefore using an algorithm, it can determine
wisely, in a manner similar to the way what is wrong and how to amend it.
Meghraj Singh
Beniwal is B.Tech intelligent human beings think. It is done AI can write. Data that is captured from
in electronics and by studying humanshow they think,
communication, seismographs is used by a computer to write an
currently working as study, choose and work while trying to article, which then turns it into figures and plugs
automation engineer resolve a problemand then by means those figures into a beautiful story. It takes the
at Infosys, Pune. He
is a freelance writer of the outcomes of this study, developing graphs and compiles these into well-written reports.
and an Android app appropriate software and systems.
AI combines the characteristics Intelligence. This means injecting
of computer science, physiology and intelligence into a machine so that it can
philosophy. It creates a machine that easily carry out the work that would oth-
is unnaturally bright by following such erwise need a human brain. The machine
programs and equipment that are able to can make its own decisions, according to
take decisions on their own. Researchers the situation.
are making systems that can emulate the
thoughts of human beings, identify their How AI originated
speech and interact with them. The growth of AI started with the desire
AI is made up of two words: artificial of introducing intelligence in machines
and intelligence. that was similar to the intelligence in
Artificial. It is something that is human beings. AI has the following two
not ordinary, but is made using human basic goals:
skills. It implies creating a replica or Creating expert systems. Systems that
simulation of a human brain. Though exhibit intelligent behaviour and can study,
you can make a machine unnaturally reveal, describe and advise its users.
Fig. 1: Evolution related to human beings, it lacks natural- Implementing human intelligence in
of artificial ness and spontaneity. machines. To make systems that compre-
hend, think, study and act like human
British mathematician Alan Mathison
Turing, known as the father of AI, pre-
dicted in the early 1950s that, going ahead
machines would perform human acts that
even human beings would fail to achieve.
He devised Turing Test to test a machines
ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour
equivalent to, or indistinguishable from,
that of a human being.
Real-life applications of AI
AI has an enormous effect on our daily
life, and its power is likely to rise in the
Machine Vision
38 February
June 20172017 | electronics
| electronics For you
For You www.eFymag.com
tech focus
ArtificiAl intelligence
Getting Real, Local
rtificial intelligence (AI) is undoubt- The moment the word smart is used, it
edly one of the hottest verticals to means some amount of intelligence (obvi-
watch in 2017. An integral part of ously artificial) is involved. This intelli-
gaming and robotics, now it has also deeply gence is usually implemented using large
penetrated aspects of the real world that servers with built-in AI models based on
influence everybody. As the core driv- neural networks.
ing force of analytics, AI is at the heart of In general, the operation of neural
every vertical from industrial operations networks can be understood in two stages.
and banking to security and the network of The first stage involves training the AI
Gopalakrishnan devices. It has also become part and parcel system to perform a given task. The second
Vikram is a of consumer electronics, as was evident stage is the inference stage, which involves
freelance writer, from this years CES 2017, and an insepa- execution of AI models against live data.
editor and hands- rable part of social media as we can see The training stage involves crunch-
on mom based in
Chennai from the new features being launched by ing immensely large data sets, to help the
Facebook, Google and other Internet majors. system identify and learn from patterns in
The increased usage of AI technologies fuels the data. Data collected by the device flies
further growth in the spacenot just in the across the Internet to data centres packed
form of research but also new products such with servers, where this is done. On serv-
as chips for artificial intelligence. The arena ers, central processing units (CPUs) are
is also teeming with start-ups that are bring- usually supplemented with other types
ing fresh new ideas to life. of processors like graphical processing
Some see AI as a threat to their jobs, units (GPUs).
while others see it as an opportunity to do Nvidia is one of the most well-known
better. Either way, it is not something you GPU makers, who has been powering
can ignore. So, well, we try to give you a many data centres for years. Last year, it
glimpse of what is happening here... launched Tesla P100a GPU with an ar-
chitecture focused on accelerating AI and
AI shakes up the chip market deep learning. Apparently, Nvidia spent
The word smart has become like a com- more than $2 billion on R&D to produce
pulsory prefix for most object names, from the new chip, which has a total of 15 bil-
pens to phones and musical instruments. lion transistorsaround thrice as many as
the companys previous chips. According
Deep learningthe most obvious trend in AI today to a press release, an artificial neural net-
Deep learning is basically a nature-inspired technology that uses neural networks work powered by this chip can learn from
modelled after the human brain, to help a system learn by itself, just like a human incoming data twelve times faster than
child does. It is made of multi-layered deep neural networks that mimic the activity Nvidias previous best chip.
of the layers of neurons in the neocortex. Each layer tries to understand something To show that machine learning
more than the previous layer, thereby developing a deeper understanding of things. requires a special architecture, Google
The resulting system is self-learning, which means that it is not restricted by what
also developed its own processor called
it has been taught to do. It can react according to the situation and even make
decisions by itself. the tensor processing unit (TPU). On the
Deep learning usually requires large memory banks and runs on huge other hand, Microsoft went with field-pro-
servers powered by advanced graphics processing units. However, recent grammable gate arrays (FPGAs) for its AI
innovations have opened up the possibility of implementing deep learning at the needs. Not to be left out of the race, Intel
network edge. acquired Alteraa company that sells FP-
Find out more about deep learning: Deep Learning Makes Conventional GAs to Microsoft. Together with Nervana
Machine Learning Look Dumb (EFY Jan. 2017) Systems, a company it acquired last year,
the flexibility needed to achieve different implementations of that Carnegie Mellon University profes-
high performance for convolution machine that can be used in serv- sor of robotics Stephen Smith said
computation. Myriad also comes ers, cloud, or at the edge of the net- that traffic congestion costs the
with a development kit that in- work. That would be the ultimate U.S. economy $121 billion a year,
cludes dedicated software libraries thing to wish for! mostly due to lost productivity,
to support sustained performance and produces about 25 billion
on matrix multiplication and AI seems so real kilograms of carbon dioxide emis-
multidimensional convolution. At one time, the term AI was associ- sions. The AI-based smart traffic
Start-up Graphcore proposes to ated only with robots, but now it is management system piloted in the
handle deep learning with a so- everywherefrom security cameras city has reduced travel time by 25
called intelligent processing unit to cars and enterprise applications. per cent, idling time by over 40
(IPU)a graph processor that can In Pittsburg, USA, AI is helping per cent and emissions by 21 per
manage both training and inference solve traffic woes. Speaking at a cent. Unlike conventional traffic
on the same architecture, and even- White House Frontiers Conference, lights that have pre-programmed
tually across multiple form factors
(server and device) too. The chip is
expected to get ready for early usage
by year-end.
According to the company, This
same architecture can be designed
to suit both training and inference.
In some cases, you can design a
piece of hardware that can be used
for training, then segment that up
or virtualise it in a way to support
many different users for inference
or even different machine learning
model deployments. There will be
cases when everything is embedded,
for instance, and you need a slightly
different implementation, but its
the same hardware architecture.
Thats our thesisone architecture,
the IPU, for training, inference, and Surtrac is an intelligent approach to traffic management, implemented in Pittsburgh, USA
timings, the Surtrac system applies uses AI to spot and remove of- In April this year, Mark Zucker-
AI algorithms to data collected fensive content. It is also plan- berg unveiled a platform that trans-
by the radar sensors and cameras ning to integrate AI-based suicide forms users smartphone camera
of computerised traffic lights to prevention tools into Facebook into an engine for augmented reality
dynamically build a timing plan. Live and Messenger, in order to (AR). The solution relies on imple-
The system is decentralised and recognise and help people with menting AI on the network edge.
each signal makes its own timing suicidal tendencies. The platform lets users to layer digi-
decision. It also sends the data to tal effects atop images and videos
traffic intersections downstream so captured by the camera. One of the
they can plan ahead. fun demos showed digital sharks
There are 50 such smart swimming around a bowl of cereal.
intersections now, with plans for Facebook has more real-world
expansion citywide. Following that, plans for the future. For example,
Smiths group wants to improve the you can pin a virtual note on your
system to enable signals to talk to fridge and your roommates will be
cars! According to an IEEE news able to see it when they view the
report, they have already installed fridge through their cameras.
short-range radios at 24 intersec- Neural networks help to identify
tions. Such systems are expected people and track their movement
to begin being built into some cars and activities within the cameras
this year. Traffic signals can then FOV, in order to apply appropri-
let drivers know of upcoming traf- ate digital effects. Facebooks deep
fic conditions or change in lights, neural networks run on the phone
increasing safety and relieving itself because getting across the
congestion. The vehicle-to-infra- Internet and back will be too slow
structure communication system to effectively implement such
could also prioritise certain vehicles digital effects.
like public transport buses. While Facebook has optimised
AI is helpful on social me- Bosch-backed robot Kuri (Courtesy: Mayfield
its deep learning technology to
dia too. Facebook, for instance, Robotics) run on current-day mobile phones,
It is certifiably golden
A small sub-set of EDA tools, which stands a class apart, are
classified as golden. Also known as sign-off quality, these tools
are highly accurate and ease the end-to-end process from RTL
to GDS in case of ASIC development and timing closure for field-
programmable gate arrays. Several semiconductor foundries
provide pre-evaluated reference methodologies, also called RM
flows, consisting of suitable tools, versions and scripts in order
to automate the entire design process.
Ruchir Dixit, technical director, Mentor Graphics, explains
some of these golden features as, We have a more accurate
implementation, and we check for those implementations.
The tools provide an indication for problems, which can then
be handled. With added features, support for how to fix those
problems and how quickly can you fix it can be taken care of. He
adds, The system also supports systems with multiple PCBs
and provide a larger design environment.
Anuj Deshpande, Chris Allsup, Marco-Casale Neel Desai, Ruchir Dixit, Sreekanth Tom Ferry,
founder, Makerville technical marketing Rossi, product marketing technical director, Tamanna, vice president -
Solutions manager, senior staff, product marketing manager, Lynx, Mentor Graphics country manager marketing, silicon
RTL synthesis and manager, design group, strategic alliances for India, Pakistan, engineering group,
test automation, Synopsys Inc. and GTS marketing, Bangladesh and Sri Synopsys Inc.
Synopsys Inc. Synopsys Inc. Lanka, Altium Ltd
has been working in this direction as mask creation is for semiconductor intent description in IEEE 1801
well. Deepak says, In the last year, manufacturers to continue scaling UPF format, and logic synthesis
we have focused on making our tools at and below 16nm/14nm using has been upgraded to understand
more user-friendly. 193nm ArFi lithography equipment. power and ground, and to perform
With the large number of availa- Until next-generation lithography optimisations, taking into account
ble components and minute changes equipment is available for produc- increasingly-complex concepts such
from one component to the next, tion, manufacturers must find tech- as power/voltage/shutdown islands.
accurate documentation is a neces- niques to print smaller and smaller Database issues. Compatibility
sity. Hence, Efficient documenta- geometries with existing equip- among EDA tools is another param-
tion tools are becoming a necessity, ment, says Tom Ferry, vice presi- eter to be considered. While files
says Tamanna. Updated tools have dent - marketing, silicon engineering from one tool should be able to
automatic schematic and PCB gen- group, Synopsys Inc. work with other systems for design-
eration, which reduces errors due to He adds, Computational ers to have maximum ease of transi-
human intervention. techniques modify the design tion, the tools have to be lightweight
layout to create mask designs that in order to work efficiently. Rossi
Taking on the challenges enable lithography equipment to puts to rest the database debate
Certain challenges can occur dur- produce patterns on masks that with, There are no simple databas-
ing designing of the circuit, mask accurately represent the layout es in EDA, but rather efficient binary
preparation, testing the circuit and (designer intent). dumps on disks of in-memory data
so on. For circuit designing, Rossi Verification and synthesis. For representation/infrastructure of dif-
explains, Once the objective is many years, designers exclusively ferent classes of tools.
within reach, we hold placement relied on stuck-at automatic test pat-
and routing, and systematically tern generation to test ICs. Because Where the evolution is going
change the gatessame footprint, delay faults caused by opens and Today, there is no solution for con-
different timing, power, temperature shorts occur more frequently than tinuity between our logic synthesis
inversion point. stuck-at faults, they gradually began and our place-and-route tools,
Routing the circuits. Nowa- to employ transition delay automatic adds Rossi. Moving forward, the
days, it is practically impossible to test pattern generation to improve border between logic synthesis
do custom/manual routing and, defect coverage and lower defective and place-and-route will blur, and
hence, designers use EDA tools to parts per million. possibly disappear.
do auto-routing. According to Ca- According to Chris Allsup, Chip design is a constant battle
dence design team, routing can take technical marketing manager, senior against rising process and functional
anywhere from a few hours to days, staff, RTL synthesis and test auto- complexity on the one hand, and re-
depending on the complexity of the mation, Synopsys Inc., At advanced ducing time to market, on the other.
circuit. For such complex SoCs that nodes, process variations give rise to Additions like the 5G library for
have billions of transistors, extract- increasingly-subtle physical defects system design, according to Deepak,
ing resistance and capacitance is a that require additional patterns that helps innovation in technology, as
Herculean task. Commercially-avail- target more complex failure mecha- well. We can hopefully look for-
able field solvers do things automat- nisms such as partial shorts and ward to a design environment that
ically once placement and routing is partial opens. includes validation of IPs, libraries
done during design phase. The RTL netlist in Verilog format and foundry technology data at the
Masking. Primary challenge in is now accompanied by a power beginning of the process.
Part 2 of 2
Self-Driving CarS
Platform And Their Trends
n the first part of this article we covered driverless connected vehicles to prepare
SENSORIS innovation platform, and the for changing conditions and hazards well
steps needed to make a self-driving car before the vehicle, be it a truck or car, can
possible. In this part we shall cover lidar see these. In addition to the various sensors
and the rest. such as lidar systems, cameras and ultra-
Lidar, which stands for light detection and sonics required in driverless vehicles, the
ranging, consists of a cone- or puck-shaped map is a virtual sensor that provides vital
device that projects lasers that bounce off information to the vehicle about the road
objects to create a high-resolution map of the and terrain ahead and what it is likely to
V.P. Sampath is a
senior member of environment in real time. In addition to help- encounter over the hill or around the corner
IEEE and a member ing driverless cars to see, lidar is used to cre- where the sensors cannot currently see.
of Institution of
Engineers India. He ate fast and accurate 3D scans of landscapes, But driverless vehicles need more than
is currently working buildings, cultural heritage sites and foliage. just these sensors to provide a smooth
as technical architect
at AdeptChips, It is also used to help create Radioheads and safe driving experience. These need to
Bengaluru. He is a House of Cards music video. communicate with all other vehicles on the
regular contributor to
national newspapers, When positioned on top of a vehicle, it road by sending, receiving, interpreting and
IEEE-MAS section, can scan up to 60 metres in all directions, responding to live route conditions in real
and has published
international papers generating precise 3D maps of the cars sur- time. Sharing of data can apply to all modes
on VLSI and networks roundings and ensuring the vehicle can avoid of transport including bikes, buses, trams
obstacles and collisions. It is expensive, but it and trains; and not just cars or trucks.
provides visibility where other sensors might To get this right, there is simply insuf-
fail. Lidar is the best of both the worldsit ficient information available from one car
sits between cameras and the radar, and can brand or model, and to enjoy the huge bene-
detect both distance and objects, and can fits of the new innovation and its reduction in
make out the shape of those objects. emissions and congestion, we have to think
Radars, on the other hand, are good at both on a new scale and collaboratively.
detecting objects and how far away these are, First of all, a lidar sensor is typically
but do not offer any information about the installed on self-driving vehicles that emit
shape or size of the object. The radar in Tesla eye-safe laser light as the sensor head
Model S likely did detect the truck it collided rotates. Unlike streetlight cameras, these
into, but the system is designed to tune out systems do not read licence plates, and laser
objects that might look like overhead road light scatters/reflects off the windshield and
signs to prevent it from events. surrounding objects.
The integration Richard Wallace of Tesla Mobile active and passive sensors. This
referred to is the algorithms and intelligence approach can place very inexpensive smart
that control the way different sensors work RF transceiver systems in millions of new
together. Lidar and vehicle-to-vehicle com- and existing cars that communicate with a
munication, where each car communicates stationary light-pole-mounted lidar system.
its location to others nearby, will both play a The easy-to-integrate embedded sensor
key role in building safer self-driving fleets. exchanges RF signals and display in-dash
Lidar units that Google uses in its self- and audible warnings to drivers, while the
driving cars cost up to US$ 70,000 per unit, lidar system maps the local area. Like radar
though there are now units that cost as little detectors, it could have a huge potential
as US$ 250. This could make it more acces- market and also allow for faster technology
sible for the mass market. disruption on a wider scale. It could also
SENSORIS data standard will enable help accumulate millions of hours of actual
Fig. 6 (a): Radar system overview of AD8283, a six-channel radar receive path AFE
Data sampling
Fig. 1: Data packet With standard USB, every data packet
transferred from
host to device begins with a sync pattern to allow
Fig. 4: Connect sequence from idle and suspend to connecting and resuming signalling
HSIC does not support a discon- never cycle power or soft reset. If
nect protocol because it is intended this issue is encountered, it must be
to be a hard-wired, always-on dealt with in an application-specific
connection. However, it is still pos- manner at either the link or soft-
sible to have a situation where a ware-stack level. This can be done
downstream device may appear to by programming the software stack
have disconnected, and care must or designing the link in a way that
be taken to ensure the host does prevents the condition from occur-
not permanently lose its connection ring in the first place.
with the device. Alternatively, the system(s)-
This apparent disconnection on-chip (SoC) can attempt to deal
or standoff can occur because the with a downstream device after it
host always maintains an idle state disconnects by resetting HSIC hub.
while the bus is unused, and the The device discovery sequence will
idle state is identical to the suspend occur, and the connection will be
state from a signal perspective. re-established.
The host has no way of knowing On Microchips USB254x,
if or when a downstream device USB3613, USB3813, USB4604 and
has been powered down or discon- USB4624 devices, the SoC can use
nected. Since the suspend signalling VBUS_- DET pin to re-establish the
is identical to the idle signalling, it connection. Pulling the pin low
is possible to reach a state where a suspends the hub, while pulling the
downstream device believes it has pin high wakes it up.
been suspended while the upstream
host thinks there is no device down- Conclusion
stream and waits indefinitely for a HSIC standard has advantages over
connect signal to arrive. A similar USB in hard-wired applications
standoff condition could occur if as long as the correct connection
the upstream host disables the port and disconnection procedures are
while the device believes it has observed. These procedures are
been suspended. particularly important when trou-
This condition is not likely to oc- bleshooting some issues involving
cur between hosts and devices that HSIC connectivity.
esigners struggle to find the frame is created, which is followed spreadsheet format, just like in CA-
right mechanical and elec- by simulation (Fig. 1). TIA. Called Expression Support, this
tronic design and simulation Consider the case when a design- helps designers to get the precise
software. Innumerable meetings and er is making metallic housing for an location of coordinates. FreeCAD
brainstorming over alternatives eat LED street-light. The designer needs works on the concept of workbench.
into their time and energy. Worse, to understand areas that would be Sketcher Solver upgrade. Sketch-
they end up buying the software, under more mechanical stress or er Solver was introduced in the previ-
paying a hefty amount for it. require more strength. He also needs ous version (0.15), but in the new
Thankfully, a saviour has to understand thermal management version (0.16) it makes sketch editing
emerged. FreeCAD is an open source in the housing. Also, there will be
mechanical CAD freeware that is calculations related to mechanical
as good as its paid counterparts. Its functions. The FreeCAD software
latest version, VER 0.16, is out in the comes handy here: It would first
market and ready to ease the work of work on the design workbench,
designers. then mesh for strengthening the
design, and finally simulation.
A no-cost, easy-to-use tool
FreeCAD is a user-friendly tool with How it helps
features of design, simulation and The latest version of FreeCAD, 0.16,
strength calculations for the product. has some additional features:
Users need no prior training to be Expression Support. FreeCAD Fig. 2: Sketcher Solver (Image courtesy:
able to use it. After design, a mesh helps make models using Excel www.opennet.ru)
Fig. 3: Aluminium capacitor and its mechanical view (Image courtesy: raw.githubusercontent.com)
even faster and more stable than the New tools for connect, embed Edit in real time. You can see
previous version (Fig. 2). and cutout have been introduced in the 3D view in real time. This helps
Touchscreen 3D navigation. the latest version. Tools for shapes you visualise the actual dimension
This makes it easy to navigate. The such as round, trunc, ceil and floor values of a shape. The new Finite
designer can move the design in have also been included; version 0.15 Element Method (FEM) workbench
any direction with a single finger featured shapes like parabola and hy- allows cleanups, while Path work-
drag. So FreeCAD can be used perbola. Besides, new features have bench adds editing and import. So
without a mouse on a convertible been introduced for toggle mode, you can change the values in real
laptop with touchscreen and pen, continuous creation mode, speed up, time too. Edits made are saved im-
away from a desk. duplication and mirroring (Fig. 3). mediately, helping you to conceptu-
New tools to reduce work stress. Rectangles, wires and lines can now alise in a better way.
Mechanical parts can have a regular be subdivided, allowing all kinds of
or a discrete shape. Older versions new shape combinations. FEM workbench GUI
of FreeCAD software did not take A new spreadsheet view tool al- FreeCAD workbench consists of
various shapes into consideration, lows users to place a range of cells pre-processing, solving and post-
making it a constraint for designers from a spreadsheet on a Drawing processing.
to work freely on any dimension. page (Fig. 4). Initially, geometry is modelled,
Follow us on Twitter@LinuxForYou
Pad2Pad: Manufacturer
At Your Service!
Vertica asthana
esigners portray ideas
as reality using a base.
Electronic design software
serves as the base, or the plat-
form. What if a free design and
simulation software gives access
to customised PCBs as well? The
outcome would be wonderful as
designers will have a smooth sail
from design to prototyping and
production. Thats exactly what
Pad2Pad freeware does.
The basics
Pad2Pad is a computer-aided
design (CAD) software that was
first released in 2007. It runs on
Windows 98, XP, 2000, ME, Vista
Home Premium, Vista Business
and Vista Home Basic versions.
You can either create in Pad2Pad,
or test your designs in SWPICE
program and import the net list
into Pad2Pad. What is really excit- Fig. 1: Footprints and component manager (Image courtesy: www.pad2pad.com)
ing about Pad2Pad is that you
can order even small quantities of wherein you can add or remove mechanical data export helps
boards and still get silk screen and components as desired. save designers precious time.
solder masking. Also, components Pad2Pad supports up to 16 lay- Above all, this freeware lets you
can be placed directly. ers. You can also build customised select the number of layers for
Pad2Pad freeware is updated footprints as per component sizes. your PCBs.
on a regular basis, and every new The tool supports both metric and Design and order together.
version comes with some added US customary units. After deciding on components
advantages. Mechanical data export. To and their pads, designers can set
explain, lets take the example an electrical net. This net helps
How it saves time and money of an LED light. It takes a driver realise connections between
A well-equipped freeware. Begin- PCB as well as mechanical hous- components, reducing the chances
ners and hobbyists prefer design ing, heat-sink, screws and wash- of errors.
software that are free of extra cost ers to make a complete lighting Pad2Pad developers suggest
and available without license, module. If a design engineer does customers to only place small or-
whereas professionals look out for not have the facility of electron- ders initially. Once the test trial is
comprehensive and well-arranged ics and mechanical data export successful, they can place a big-
design tools. Pad2Pad is a well- at once, there would be delay in ger order. This helps them avoid
structured freeware tool that each processadding costs while losses due to a defective design.
lets you access bill of materials, creating clutter. The feature of During the trial lot, the customer
here are a lot many PCB de-
sign and simulation software
available today. What if you
get a software to make schemat-
ics, layouts and Gerber files free of
cost? If the software is also easy to
use with an easy user interface, it
is definitely worth a try. Here we
present such a software for elec-
tronics design, called ZenitPCB.
Why ZenitPCB
ZenitPCB is a freeware compara-
ble with other electronic design
automation (EDA) software in
terms of professional-level accu-
racy of designs. Users can import
a mechanical drawing with a Fig. 1: PCB layout designed using ZenitPCB software (Image courtesy: www.zenitpcb.com)
PCB and build their own board
outline, thereby saving time
while getting a concise layout.
This can be done using Import
DXF command.
Users find this software easy to
use even without any documenta-
tion. Still, for further assistance,
there is a help window F1.
To sum up
ZenitPCB is an easy-to-use tool
that does not require any spe-
cial training for use. Moreover, it
works on Windows platform sup-
porting 3D modelling and CAD.
However, it still requires use of a
mouse to design a circuit.
Fig. 5: The design output form is also redesigned Vertica Asthana is a technical journalist at EFY
pen-paper combo that mobile app lets parents watch what their kids learn, and understand patterns
about their likes and dislikes. They get to know their childs curiosity towards a
saves notes digitally particular subject like new places, planets or biology. These patterns also help
Neil to share apt information related to the childs interests, so the interactions
Even in todays digital world, there are are more engaging.
many who prefer a pen and paper to jot Press a button at any time and it will
things down, whether it is a shopping share a factoid (wiki as they call it) in a
list or the minutes of a meeting. The very conversational way. Simple button
controls let Neil know if the child loved
Livescribe 3 smartpen ensures that
it or wants to move to the next one,
these hurriedly noted down texts do not
revisit the previous one or get a wiki
get lost. The Bluetooth Smart enabled
related to the current location. While the
pen digitises notes written on a special
conversation is in English by default,
dotted paper and saves these in your you can buy additional language pack-
mobile device with appropriate tags, ages if you wish.
using an associated app. Neil, the Little Explorer, chats with your kids Created by the Another Circus De-
At first look, the smartpen appears and shares factoids on various subjects
sign Agency, Neil levitates a bit once in
to be a stylish, premium ballpoint pen a while to remind the child of its presence. It has a pleasant LED light that lights
with a Swiss-made tungsten-carbide up the childs room at night. Charging is as simple as placing Neil on its planet
ballpoint ink cartridge. Inside however or base station.
is a whole lot of technologyfrom an Company: Another Circus Design Agency; Country: Greece; Website: http://www.
infrared camera and ARM processor neilthelittleexplorer.com/, https://www.anothercircus.com/
to a Bluetooth Smart chipset, flash
memory and lithium-ion battery. An
integrated stylus cap conceals the ili: Wearable,
micro-USB port to charge the device.
The pen works with Livescribe+
instant translator
mobile app, which instantly syncs Not being understood in a foreign
everything users write on paper to land can be both fun and danger-
their mobile devices. The notes can ous, whichever way you see it! The
be viewed in either Page View or Feed problem only gets worse when you
View, where they are sorted into smaller travel to places where the locals do ili is a wearable translator that lets you
snippets. You can search, tag and not understand English, and you are communicate in English, Japanese and Chinese
convert them into text. The app also lets also unable to connect to the Internet instantly without Internet or Wi-Fi connection
you add audio to the notes. Reminders, to use an online translator. (Courtesy: Logbar)
appointments and lists that you have ili is a wearable translator that can
Likewise, replies are also translated, so the
jotted down by hand can be used to solve this problem for you. A compact
conversation is completely understand-
automatically set up calendar events device with an in-built processor and able to both parties. Currently, ili works in
and add new contacts. The content can memory, it can translate conversations English, Japanese and Chinese but there
also be converted into shareable PDF instantly without requiring an Internet are plans to include more languages, too.
files. So that wonderful start-up idea, connection. It translates using an What makes ili so innovative is that
sketched on a paper napkin at a coffee in-device database, and can do its job it is a standalone device that does not
shop, can be shared instantly with in just 0.2 seconds! ilis dynamic dual require a mobile app, Internet or Wi-Fi.
those who matter! microphone enables noise cancella- It is truly a hassle-free and easy-to-use
Company: Livescribe (part of the Ano- tion, and smart amplifiers and speaker translator!
to Group AB); Country: United States ensure clear sound output. The sound Company: Logbar; Country: Japan;
of America; Website: https://www. is captured clearly, translated and Website: http://logbar.jp/en/index.html,
livescribe.com/en-gb/smartpen/ls3/ instantly output in the other language. http://iamili.com/
86 June 2017 | electronics For You www.eFYmag.com
Q. what are the benefits of using of them with two of our robots. The the most competitive country in
robotics in manufacturing? manufacturer achieved a 23 per the world. Hyundai came into the
A. The biggest intention of auto- cent increase in productivity after industry much later than other au-
mation is to use robots in the dull, the replacement. tomobile companies and today, it is
dirty and dangerous areas of work rubbing shoulders with all of them.
alongside multiplying the productiv- Q. isnt robotics an expensive The Europeans too have more than
ity and quality of yield. It is natural proposition? 300 robots per 10,000 workers. Peo-
for human concentration and effort A. Robots made in India cost ple may say that Korea and Europe
to fluctuate during strenuous, repeti- lower than their imported counter- have less population and shortage
tive and risky work. Moreover, for parts. For instance, our robots are 40 of labour. But China does not have
human labour, you have sickness, per cent cheaper than those pro- shortage of labour, and still it is
marriage and other kinds of leaves cured from overseas, as we manu- going tremendously strong with the
of absence that might affect your facture every component, except use of robots.
delivery deadline, quantity of yield the motor, domestically. Thus, our There is a mindset that robots
and quality of product. products can be serviced quickly, will take away jobs. The truth is that
It is important to understand that too. Today, our robots cost between if you are not competitive, you wont
robots are a better proposition to ` 400,000 and ` 700,000 and target be able to get a job anyhow. Robots
take up tasks that require continu- the SME sector. are making people competitive.
ous precision and consistency, espe-
cially in hazardous environments. Q. whats the impact of robotics Q. coming to your recently
The aim is to assign robots to rou- adoption on employment world- launched robot BRaBo, what all it
tine jobs while humans take up the wide? can do?
high-level work. Till now, we have A. Lets take the example of A. We have provided functions
60 robots in the industry and all of China. China has a large population of dispensing, pick-and-place, ma-
our customers have reported at least but they do not have the problem of chine tending, press tending, opti-
a 25 per cent jump in productivity unemployment. They use 49 robots cal inspection and so on in BRABO.
coupled with improved quality. for every 10,000 workers. Compared We are also able to integrate the
to that, India has a record of only product with anything. The things
Q. could you please explain with two robots for every 10,000 work- BRABO cant do right now are
some example? ers. Despite having more robots and painting and welding. While we
A. There is an auto components a large population, China has no have no plans of any upgrade in
manufacturer in Satara, Pune, which problem with jobs. BRABO as far as painting is con-
supplies parts to motorcycle manu- We can also look at countries cerned, it will be continually up-
facturers. Its plant had three foreign- like Korea, which uses 600 robots graded in other areas. The upgrades
made robots. We replaced all three for every 10,000 workers. Korea is will all be customer driven.
Industrial Automation
Collaborative robots
Help Create Jobs, Not Steal Them
At EFY Conferences in March this year, there was a talk about integration of a
new generation of robot workers in the labour workforce in order to increase
PradeeP david productivity and efficiency. Known as Cobots, short for Collaborative Robots,
general manager,
india & Sri lanka, these robots are a combination of industrial robotics and automation. Pradeep
UniverSal robotS David, general manager, India & Sri Lanka, Universal Robots, speaks to Dilin
Anand from EFY about the role of cobots in production floors and the impact on
human workforce
Q. Unmanned manufacturingdoes easy-to-use touchscreen tablet. The robots are meant to safely leave
it really make sense now that cobot arms come with an average the cage while doing tasks for
robots have arrived? payback time of 195 days. Thats humans. Collaborative robots, on
A. The idea is for humans and the fastest in the industryquite the other hand, are force limited
robots to be inter-dependent and simply because they are void of all robotstheir built-in technology
achieve what each of them does the added costs traditionally as- allows them to work safely along-
best, safely. There are a few things sociated with automation, such as side humans (subject to safety
requiring human ingenuity that external programming resources and assessments of the application).
are best done manually, whereas shielded work cells. So automation So these work more as a workers
accuracy, precision and repetitive can no longer be considered out of assistant in the form of a portable
mass production at higher efficiency reach now. tool, unlike traditional industrial
are best taken care of by robots. robots. Collaborative robots come
Cobots provide an added incen- Q. Which applications stand to in all sizes and shapes, and have
tive to the workforce as consistent benefit most? integrated sensors and soft and
quality production is possible with A. Production setups today rounded surface to ensure safety
human supervision. often need to be flexible and agile of human workforce and reduce
in order to meet changing market the risk of damage due to impact,
Q. What sets cobots apart? demands and stay competitive. The pinching and crushing.
A. Collaborative robots are lightweight cobot arms can be eas-
lightweight, cost-effective, safe and ily moved and re-deployed to new Q. there are fears that robots
easy to operate. The human-robot processes, enabling users to auto- will take away human jobs. With
collaboration is different from that mate virtually any manual task, the rise of cobots, what is the
between traditional robots. With including those with small batches future like?
cobots, the days of hiring an expen- or fast changeovers. They can work A. Instead of replacing human
sive external consulting team every right next to humans without any workforce and causing job losses,
time a robot has to be programmed safety guard, thus making robotics collaborative robots help compa-
are over. The new reality is that technology accessible to all levels nies expand operations, thereby
even operators with no program- of the industry. Cobots are ideally creating jobs and many more op-
ming experience can quickly suited for jobs that human opera- portunities at supervision level. A
program the cobot arms (using tors find repetitive and dull. human-machine study conducted by
intuitive, 3D visualisation). MIT researchers at a BMW factory
Q. What differentiates them has found that teams comprising
Q. How easy are they to operate? from conventional industrial and humans and robots collaborating
A. All the user has to do is move robotic arms? efficiently can be around 85 per cent
the robot arm to the desired way- A. Industrial robots are caged more productive than teams having
points or touch arrow keys on an to keep humans protected. Service either humans or robots alone.
BharatQR Code:
Not Just For Payments
BharatQR Code was launched
earlier this year (Image
courtesy: thetechportal.com)
BharatQR code is a transformative step towards easing and encouraging cashless payments
BharatQR is multi-purpose and can be applied in various facets of a business
nterprises in India are finally the near future that will make digital laid down, companies can generate
waking up to the QR code transactions even more intuitive, their code on BharatQR and display
technology. Taking a leaf from easy and accessible for every seg- it on their online store. When
other countries, the Indian govern- ment of Indian citizens. BharatQR customers visit their online sites
ment has launched a common QR code is a big step towards this direc- to see what is available in their
code, BharatQR, with the aim to tion, Biyani adds. stores, they can order and use the
reform the payment systems in While the government might have QR code to scan the payment. This
the country. wanted to only change the payment allows companies to sell the stocks
BharatQR code is a transforma- mechanisms in the country, this available in their brick-and-mortar
tive step towards easing and encour- revolutionary technology is actually stores, thus substantially increasing
aging cashless payments. It makes multi-purpose and can be applied in their sales.
digital payments far cheaper, and its various facets of a business. Back in 2011, Verizon achieved
key benefits like interoperability and a 200 per cent increase in its sales
seamless transactions make it ex- Increase sales using QR codes. The company
tremely attractive for both merchants No retailer can ignore the fact simply displayed QR codes in-
and customers, shares Kishore that most customers today first stores that enabled customers to
Biyani, CEO of Future Group. go online to do their research (for enter a competition. Customers
At Future Group, we are experi- reviews, best price and quality of were required to share the brands
menting with the technology with products) before buying a product. advertisements on social media,
the objective to roll it out in our And not all are willing to come to and if their friend bought a prod-
stores in the near future. However, the physical store to shop what uct, they would get a smartphone.
we believe there will be even more they want. With the infrastructure According to reports, the company
innovation in the payments area in for a common QR Code already clocked in an additional $35,000
cent of the transaction value. For ack in the 1950s, commu-
a transaction value above ` 2000, Effective marketing nication as a concept was
the MDR is one per cent of the total American fast-food restaurant Taco not much popular across
bill amount. Bell managed to garner over 200,000 the globe. The regular TV, radio
While PoS machines may not scans using QR codes in its promo- and print were probably the only
use WhatsApp for internal commu- nterprises are often scouting to monitor an entire area, which
nications. The company has separate for the next best technology makes them more susceptible to
WhatsApp groups of each business for their businesses. After all, mechanical failures. Also, these
unit as well as the management, managers want their companies to cameras have a higher chance of
wherein important information and become profitablebe it by cost- missing out a critical activity as
updates are shared with everyone. cutting or implementing systems they cannot capture an all-round
ed Roof Inn, a budget hotel structured data such as weather reports becomes imperative to run a business.
chain in the U.S., could have for each of its locations. Since then,
never imagined that it would the company has been using analytical Enhanced customer
be able to clock in a 10 per cent software to optimise its efficiency. engagement
increase in its business when it used Similarly, another hotel major Companies have to constantly inno-
big data analytics to attract its poten- Marriott uses big data to enhance vate in order to expand their consum-
tial customers in the winters of 2014. yield management of its rooms, thus er base. And this can only happen
The hotel chain realised that most of maximising revenues. The company when they have a clear understanding
its customers in bad-weather-affected uses predictive analytics to predict of their consumers needs.
locations would be using mobile de- the demand and accordingly make Industries such as banking and
vices to search for hotels. Hence the pricing decisions. tourism can also turn to big data ana-
brand created targeted campaigns for Experts project that predictive lytics to deliver customised products
such customers, which resulted in a analytics could really be a game to their customers.
surge in its footfall. changer if used wisely. Implementing
The key for any company that big data analytics while using exist- Way forward
wants to successfully use big data ing resources is a smart way to up The biggest challenge that continues
is gaining the right information that your revenues without much hassle. to haunt companies when it comes
delivers knowledge and gives busi- to big data analytics is the quantum
nesses the power to gain a competi- Reduced operational costs of investment required to implement
tive edge. And this can only be done Every business strives to be efficient the technology. And while it is true
by identifying and selecting from when it comes to operational costs. that this technology is pricier than
different types of big data analytics, And companies in the West have traditional ways of data analysis,
says Naveen Joshi, director at Allerin been adopting big data analytics the benefits of implementing it far
Tech, in his LinkedIn post. for this purpose. They implement outweigh the cost. To summarise, big
Big data analytics offers much big data analytics in their internal data analyticsbe it descriptive, pre-
more than just target marketing. If processes to gather data about their dictive or prescriptiveis inevitable
implemented wisely, it can help a operational costs and use this data to for a business. The sooner India Inc
business grow by leaps and bounds. downsize unnecessary expenses. understands it, the better!
For instance, since 2012, Intel Purba Das
Revenues maximised has been using big data to launch its
using existing resources chips in the market faster. According If you want to share with EFY readers case
studies of technology being applied to reduce
Imagine knowing where the demand to reports, the company uses pre- costs, increase revenue, go green, please
for your product or service is coming dictive analytics to understand and contact us at [email protected]
Tata Power, Dell build Indias largest vertical solar farm Solar park costs on the rise
Tata Power Solar, Indias largest integrated solar company, and Dell International in India
Services India, have together built Indias largest vertical solar farm of 120kW
Solar parks in India are aimed at
capacity. The 45-metre-long structure built at Dells Bengaluru campus provides
dual benefits of producing sustainable green energy and insulation of the building reducing the hurdles and providing
by blocking the south sun, thus helping to reduce power consumption. The solar a level-playing field to developers,
farm, envisaged by Dell, produces enough energy to light-up its entire cafeteria and whether domestic or foreign. While
basement parking. these parks have spurred record low
Hartek Group separates rooftop solar business tariffs in the recent times, market
The Hartek Group, a power sector player, has set up Hartek Solar as a separate intelligence firm Mercom has found
rooftop business vertical with industry veteran Ravinder Shan at its helm as chief that solar park costs are actually
executive officer (CEO). Having commissioned 13.75MW rooftop solar plants across increasing. Incomplete solar park
the country, the Hartek Group rooftop solar business division has a two per cent infrastructure, exorbitant upfront fees
market share. Shan revealed that the immediate focus of Hartek Solar would be on
and not-so-transparent yearly charges
commercial spaces and industries.
are all adding to project costs, with
Anritsu LTE-Advanced RF conformance test system wins GCF certification some developers calling for auctions
Anritsus LTE-Advanced RF conformance test system ME7873LA has won the first outside of solar parks as they think it
GCF certification for the Cat-M1 RF conformance test as part of the Internet of Things could be cheaper in some instances.
(IoT) communications technology. Large domestic and international communications
carriers are planning the 2017 introduction of Cat-M1 and NB-IoT technologies for
Even though all solar parks come
use by mobile networks, supporting the growth of the so-called IoT Society. With under the same policy, each solar
GCF certification, the ME7873LA has more than 70 test cases for frequency bands in park has a different fee structure,
Japan, N. America and Europe. which is leading to variation in tariffs
and project costs. In fact, two solar
Continued from previous page... parks in the same state can have dif-
ferent fees. According to Mercoms
Calendar of Forthcoming Electronics data, the solar park fee in India varies
Fairs/Exhibitions/Seminars/Events from ` 3.73 million per megawatt
Name, Date and Venue Topics Contact address for details
ELCERAMA Flagship showcase of the Indian electrical IEEMA
in Karnataka to ` 10.58 million per
March 10-14, 2018 industry ecosystem and the largest congregation Website: http://elecrama.com, megawatt in Gujarat.
India Expo Mart, Greater Noida, of power sector ecosystem in the geography; http://ieema.org
Uttar Pradesh brings together the complete spectrum of Land application fees (non-refund-
solutions that powers the planet
able one-time), upfront development
Hong Kong Electronics Fair Worlds leading electronics marketplace Hong Kong Trade Development Council
(Autumn Edition) Website: www.hkelectronicsfairae.com charges (one-time), annual leases of
October 13-16, 2017
Hong Kong Convention and
land, and annual operation and main-
Exhibition Centre tenance charges are the most com-
Since this information is subject to change, all those interested are advised mon park fees or charges. However,
to ascertain the details from the organisers before making any commitment.
developers are faced with differing
In December, it launched an AI sive growth and positive impact stamp duties in each state and service
fund to focus solely on investing on society. taxes on all components. Hidden
in AI companies focused on inclu- With the most AI patents among charges end up inflating project costs.
Market Survey
Strategic electronicS
Set For Revamp
arge-scale modernisation of the Indian in the next decade, as the country rapidly
defence forces is on the anvil, making modernises its military by embracing new
strategic electronics (mainly comprising technologies. Electronics acquired as part of
aerospace and defence electronics) a vibrant platforms (at Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels) will be
industry. India needs to modernise its aero- worth $53-54 billion. Demand for electronics
space and defence capital equipment base by worth $17-18 billion is expected from projects
addressing obsolescence as well as building that are traditionally called system-of-systems
additional capabilities through new capital ac- (non-platform based) applications.
quisition. The new Defence Procurement Policy Another growth opportunity is the potential
Sudeshna Das is
senior executive (DPP) and offset policies announced by the to integrate into global value chains of original
editor at EFY Indian government are a big step in that direc- equipment manufacturers (initially leveraging
tion. The government has also made budgetary the offset route and subsequently based on
allocations for paramilitary and state police product quality, service delivery advantages
force requirements. All these developments and cost arbitrage).
have made India quite attractive for aerospace
and defence electronics manufacturers. Market demand
In spite of huge opportunities, there is a de-
Market opportunities mand-supply gap for indigenous components,
As many as 80 per cent (Fig. 1) of the survey products and solutions, most of which are still
participants feel that the industry will see a imported. Indian companies are not able to ca-
slow but steady growth in the coming decade. ter to requirements that involve low volumes,
There will be an exponential growth in both high technology and high investments.
standalone systems (as part of platforms) as Areas that require electronic products and
well as other systems at sub-system level. solutions in large volumes include:
According to a report by consultancy firm 1. Electronics manufacturing services, build
Roland Berger, in partnership with the National to print (which, in the context of defence
Association of Software & Services Compa- production, includes firmware updates, test-jig
nies (NASSCOM) and India Electronics and development, manufacturing software devel-
Semiconductor Association (IESA), Indias opment, component procurement, systems
aerospace and defence industry is expected integration, software upgrades/enhancement,
to consume electronics worth $70-72 billion verification and validation, system deployment,
hardware qualification, environmental stress
screening, maintenance support, etc), line re-
placeable units for Indian programmes like Light
This report is based on inputs from 24 senior professionals involved in the Combat Aircraft (LCA) and Light Combat Heli-
strategic electronics ecosystem. Responses were taken either directly or from their copter (LCH), drones, Kamov helicopters, etc
speeches at Defcon conference conducted by the Electronic Industries Association
of India (ELCINA) in April this year. This sample group is a microcosmic 2. Rugged displays, PDAs and laptops for
representation of Indias strategic electronics ecosystem. battlefield management system project
Survey participants shared their insights on: 3. Electronic components, products and
1. Growth of the Indian defence electronics industry solutions used in vehicles for projects like the
2. Demand-generating applications Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicle and self-
3. Possibility of public-private partnership (PPP) or industry-academia partnership propelled guns
4. Impact of policy amendments Most of the recent upgrades in military
5. Challenges systems have a huge scope for electronics, as
A trend analysis was done on the basis of inputs. Results of the analysis are in the case of Jaguar, Ilyushin aircrafts, MIG
presented here.
29 and T-90 tanks. In addition, new ventures
iBall Slide Brace-X1 4G runs Android based Perfect for both gaming and home theatre
operating system Remix OS from Jide Technol-
Daiwa has launched its newest LED TV81cm (32-inch)
ogy, offering you a fusion of mobile and desktop
D32C3GL with toughened glass protection while maintaining
experience. Unlike Android OS devices, which
clear and vivid quality of high-definition TV. The TV sports
are optimised for consuming content rather than
HRDP technology for fine details and consistent colour, and
creating/editing it, the new tablet PC supports
A+ grade Samsung display panel for a wide viewing angle of
multi-tasking, working on multiple windows,
178/178 degrees. The advanced Cinema Zoom mode pre-in-
taskbar functionalities that let you do a lot more,
stalled in the TV lets you enjoy a movie exactly how the maker
keyboard and mouse optimisation, and advanced
wanted it to be. The TV can also play fast-moving games by
file management.
achieving a low input lag time of just 6.5ms.
iBall Slide Brace-X1 4G comes with a 25.6cm
The TV sports Bluetooth connectivity and powerful
(10.1-inch) screen with flexible kickstand. Powered
audio (10W+10W speakers) are paired with a powerful
by a 1.3GHz octa-core processor, it packs 2GB RAM
remote. The remote supports not just the TV but also media
and 16GB internal storage that can be expanded up
players and wireless headphones connected to your home
to 64GB via a microSD card. It sports an 8MP rear
entertainment system.
camera and a 5MP front shooter for selfies. The
The TV comes with two USB and three HDMI ports, along
tablet PC is powered by a 7800mAh battery.
with the convenient on-screen browser and USB ports for easy
data transfer from one USB to another. An in-built energy
saving function supports ultra-low power consumption of less
Zopo Speed X than 38 watts.
A dual-camera smartphone with LED light
on the front Alcatel launches Entry-Level Phablet
Chinese smartphone brand ZOPO is expanding its
Speed product line-up with the launch of a high- A 15.2cm (6-inch) phablet with
4G VoLTE connectivity
end smartphone, the Speed X. The new smart-
phone comes with a 13MP primary camera, which Alcatel has launched a 15.2cm (6-inch)
works with a 2MP secondary camera that allows phablet with a comprehensive user experi-
you to take stunning ence in audio and camera. The new PIXI 4
Price pictures with bokeh ef- offers clear, sharp shots for selfies, along with
announced fect, face beauty mode, Polaroid filters, a powerful music experience
time lapse mode, and with sound backed by Arkamys, and a super
much more. The soft slim design.
light LED flash on the Continuing its 12.7cm (5-inch) PIXI 4
13MP front camera can legacy that had features like Android 5.0
be always on to keep Marshmallow, Quad Core 1.0GHz pro-
you in the spotlight. Its cessor, G sensors and proximity sensor,
like holding a lamp on the new phablet promises to deliver an
the front, giving your even better smartphone experience at an
face a soft radiant com- affordable price through its technologi-
plexion. So good-look- cal brilliance. Just 8.3mm thick, it is said
ing selfies can be taken to be among the slimmest models in
anytime anywhere. entry-level segment. ` 9100
The stylish Speed X The phablet comes in metallic silver and
weighs only 131gm. metallic gold colours.
A lightweight and compact Dolby surround sound at the push Google AutoDraw turns
speaker with playback for of a button scribbles to art
up to seven hours Googles AutoDraw web-based tool pairs
HyperX, a division of Kingston Technolo-
machine learning with drawings created by
Ambrane India has introduced gy Company, has introduced its most ad- talented artists to help you draw. Pretty
a compact Bluetooth speaker, vanced gaming headset to date, the Cloud similar to what a handwriting recognition
BT 8000. The speaker combines Revolver S with plug-and-play Dolby 7.1 software does, AutoDraw can identify what
high-quality sound with an inte- you wish to draw from a simple scribble and
surround sound. The Dolby Headphone
place an appropriate drawing on the screen.
technology added into the USB dongle It also asks whether you meant something
delivers high-end immersive audio at different, similar to what an autocorrect
the touch of a button. HyperX signature algorithm does on a smartphone keyboard.
` 3199 memory foam and a new wide headband
design enhance comfort for endless hours
Piano by Gismart adjudged the
of game play. The headset also features
best music app
Piano by Gismart, a music app that lets
multi-platform support, 50mm drivers
grated, music-synced light show, music lovers play their favourite songs on
and a noise-cancelling microphone de- piano without having any musical skills,
bringing the energy and fun of signed for use by professional gamers and has won MediaPosts 2017 Appy Award
club experience to anyone on the eSports teams globally. in the Best Music App category. The app
go. With conventional speakers, allows users to play popular songs on piano
The Cloud Revolver S sound stage
and create music in a fun way. The gaming
stereo sound can be heard in only features unique design driver technology aspect makes learning fun. To mix things up,
a few sweet spots. However, that allows gamers to visualise sounds Piano allows users to make the piano sound
the BT 8000 speaker includes placed around them at different angles like an electric guitar or organ, among
precisely positioned drivers to other musical instruments.
and distances. With three preset
provide a large, consistent sound equaliser settings that
field for outdoor listening. Microsoft announces new features
separate boost, flat
Oval shaped, the speaker is for OneDrive mobile apps
and vocals, they can
claimed to provide the power and Microsoft has added offline folders to
choose their favou- OneDrive mobile apps, so users can save
sound fidelity of speakers three rite setting. folders to their mobile device and open
to five times its size. Powered by them when they dont have an Internet
a 3600mAh rechargeable battery, connection. Changes made by other
Price users to the files while youre offline will
it lets users play music for as
` 12,999 automatically be updated when you have
long as seven hours straight. The an Internet connection again, wrote Jeff
inbuilt amplifier delivers minimal Teper, corporate vice president for the
distortion with low frequencies. Office, OneDrive and SharePoint teams, in
a blog post. The company has also unveiled
The speaker sports wireless
an iMessage app that lets users easily share
and Bluetooth connectivity. documents saved on OneDrive.
The prices, features and specifications are based on information provided to us, or as available on various websites and portals. EFY cannot vouch for their accuracy.
t India Electronics Week 2017 integration to let you
held recently, we ended up comparison of different walkie-talkie apps connect with your
using walkie-talkies a lot. features Voxer Zello Heytell tttalk Bluetooth friends or colleagues
Managing two handheld devicesmo- on Facebook and
Wi-Fi Yes Yes Yes Yes No
bile phone and walkie-talkieproved Twitter. An optional
to be quite a challenge. Mobile data (2G, 3G Yes Yes Yes Yes No support for voice
or 4G)
Can we get rid of walkie-talkies changer takes the
Bluetooth No No No No Yes
and use our mobile phones to do the voice messaging ex-
Easy access No No No No Yes
same things?, asked a colleague. I perience way beyond
without any signup
volunteered to find an answer to that usual PTT apps.
Android Yes Yes Yes Yes No
question, and came up with a couple
of possibilities. There are apps that
iOS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TTtalk
can make your mobile phone act like This free app for
a walkie-talkie. Many of them are free. It supports channels that can have up Android and iOS provides you with
I reviewed many such (free) apps and to 2500 members. instant messaging alongside PTT
here are the best five I found Similar to other modern walkie- functionality. You can use emoticons,
talkie apps, Zello provides you with stickers and audiocons to chat with
Voxer voice history and real-time call alerts. your team. The app also lets you
Voxer is a renowned walkie-talkie app The app uses Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G and 4G play any of the previously received
for Android and iOS devices that lets to enable wireless connectivity. voice messages.
you communicate through text, photos The Zello app even enhances the Unlike HeyTell, the TTtalk app
and videos alongside live voice support. experience by supporting Android requires a genuine phone number
It is touted to be the only walkie-talkie Wear-based smartwatches and with data connectivity, but it has
messenger with end-to-end encryption. watchOS-powered Apple Watch. been optimised for low-bandwidth
The app provides you an option to even However, the additional assistance is networks.
choose between the handsets earpiece limited to push notifications.
and loudspeaker. Bluetooth Walkie-Talkie
You can start communicating using HeyTell Opt for Bluetooth Walkie-Talkie if
the Voxer app after enabling an active HeyTell is among the most popular you do not want to spend your entire
3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connection. You can walkie-talkie apps with over a billion data pack on conversations. The
listen and respond to Voxer messages users. The app has cross-platform app works the moment you pair two
even from a Web browser. Likewise, support for Android, iOS and Windows devices using Bluetooth. Once paired,
you can broadcast your messages to phone and is designed to offer instant you just need to press the on-screen
up to 500 people at once. A private talk at the press of a single button. Push to Talk button to record your
chat option exchanges messages just The HeyTell app uses an active message. Releasing this button trans-
between the intended parties. Internet connectivity on your smart- mits the message to the other party.
phone to enable two-way communica- The main drawback of the
Zello tion. It also uses geolocation services Bluetooth Walkie-Talkie app is that
If you want to create your own pri- to offer international coverage without its only available on iOS running
vate channel to talk with your group using traditional PTT technologies iPhone and iPad devices. However,
privately or join a public channel to such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. it is the best suited and the easiest
spread your word, you can pick Zello. You need to register with a user- walkie-talkie alternative if you own
The app uses a proprietary low- name and password on the HeyTell Apple hardware.
latency, push-to-talk (PTT) protocol to app to begin your walkie-talkie op-
enable conversations while on the go. erations. There is also social network Jagmeet Singh is assistant editor at EFY
C motors are tions. Speed control is
widely used in dif- also required for slow or
ferent machines, fast operation, accord-
mechanisms and motion ingly.
controls in manufacturing There are many more
and processing industries. examples and applica-
In these machines, it is tions where it is required
often required to control to control speed, direc-
speed, direction and the tion and rotations of a
number of rotations of DC motor.
the motor. Some ap- This project is a dem-
plications require only onstration of controlling
speed control, some only all three parameters. It
rotation control and some is an auto-reversible DC
only direction control. motor that automatically
Many applications require reverses when it com-
control of two or all three pletes the desired num-
parameters. Some exam- Fig. 1: Authors prototype with motor-sensor arrangement ber of rotations. It is an
ples are: example of a closed-loop
1. To release the thread (or Parts List control system that utilises feedback
wire) of desired length from a Semiconductors:
loop. It counts the actual number of
bobbin, it is required to rotate the IC1 - MOC7811 opto-interrupter motor rotations and gives feedback
bobbin for a specific number of IC2 - ATmega16 microcontroller to the system. The system compares
IC3 - L293D motor driver
rotations. Also, there is a need for T1 - 2N2222 npn transistor
a set of rotations with actual motor
controlling the speed at which the LED1, LED2 - 5mm LED rotations, and when these match, it
thread is released. Resistors (all 1/4-watt, 5% carbon): reverses the motor.
R1 - 330-ohm
2. In a coil-winding machine, R2, R4-R6 - 1-kilo-ohm
It can repeat this operation in
it is required to make a specific R3 - 470-ohm a continuous loop if repeat mode
number of coil turns. This is done R7-R11 - 10-kilo-ohm is selected. It also controls the
R12 - 100-ohm
by rotating the motor for a spe- VR1 - 1-kilo-ohm preset speed of motor from 10 to 100 per
cific number of rotations. Also, it is Capacitors: cent. The motor starts with 10 per
required to vary the motor speed to C1 - 10F, 16V electrolytic cent speed and gradually attains
speed up/down the operation. Miscellaneous: the selected speed as it completes
CON1, CON2 - 2-pin terminal connector
3. In a conveyor belt applica- LCD1 - 162 LCD module three to six rotations. Also, when
tion, to move the object to an exact M1 - 12V DC motor the motor reaches the last six to
S1-S4, S6 - Tactile switch
distance, it is required to rotate S5 - SPDT switch
ten revolutions, the speed gradu-
the motor for a desired number - 5V DC and 12V DC ally decreases, and for the last two
of rotations. regulated power supply rotations it becomes 10 per cent.
- 40-pin IC base
4. In an automatic storage and - Metal strip for attaching on
This speed control is used to pre-
retrieval system, it is required to motor shaft cisely stop the motor at the desired
rotate the motor clockwise and anti- number of rotations point and for
clockwise to move up and down, or 5. In a robotic arm, to pick and smooth operation.
left and right. Also, the motor has to place an item, it is required to rotate The project utilises an ATmega16
be rotated for a desired number of the motor clockwise and anticlock- microcontroller to control the DC
rotations to reach a specific position. wise for a desired number of rota- motor, an LCD display to show
troller (IC2), 162 LCD (LCD1), motor
driver L293D (IC3), 12V DC motor
(M1) and a few other components.
Four push-to-on button/tactile
switches (S1 through S4) are con-
DC motor.
R7 R10 = 10K
ATmega16 is the main building block of this project
because it performs the following tasks:
1. Takes user input from pushbutton switches to set
speed, rotations, run motor and so on.
2. Rotates the motor at the desired speed using
PWM technique.
3. Displays motor speed, rotations and various mes-
sages on the LCD.
4. Counts actual motor rotations.
5. Automatically reverses the motor when it com-
pletes the desired number of rotations.
6. Rotates the motor clockwise or anticlockwise in
repeat mode.
To implement all the above functionalities, the soft-
ware program is loaded into the internal ROM (flash) of
the microcontroller. The program (DCMotor_speed.c) is
written in C language and is compiled using AVR Simu-
lator 2 available with AVR Studio IDE software. The hex
code generated is used to burn into ATmega16 using a
suitable programmer. (ProgISP programmer was used at
EFY Lab for programming the hex code.)
resented here is an ATmega328P the receiver unit is a 2.4GHz trans- module are unused. A 470F capaci-
microcontroller-based ultra- ceiver suitable for ultra-low-power tor acts as the stabiliser, while the
low-power sensor hub using wireless applications. It is designed sensor (radio) module draws power
nRF24L01+ radio frequency (RF) for operation in ISM band (indus- on burst.
transceiver modules having transmit- trial, scientific and medical radio Parameters for radios in both the
ter and receiver units. band) of 2.400-2.4835GHz. transmitter and receiver modules are
The transmitter sends humidity The nRF24L01+PA and LNA set as follows:
and temperature values of a place to module used in the transmitter unit Data Rate = 250kBps
the receiver kept at a remote location is similar to nRF24L01+ but has RF_CH = 0x6c [108]
for display on an OLED module. built-in power amplifier (PA) and Model = nRF24L01+
The nRF24L01+ module used in low-noise amplifier (LNA) circuits, CRC Length = 16 bits
which help transmit the signal to a PA Power = PA_MAX
longer distance and achieve more RF_CH = 0x6c is the 108th
stable performance for industry- channel. Normally, the 2.4GHz band
standard applications. is divided into a variety of channels
The search for a low-power as shown in the table.
system started when some EFY The 108th channel is at around
readers questioned a DIY of mine, 2.508GHz, which is well above
saying that ATmega328P processor Wi-Fi LAN frequency and legal
would not sustain 3.3/5 volts. But it to use. You can set the module to
Fig. 1: nRF24L01+PA LNA module worked well because of the extreme operate on 250kBps data rate and
low power capability of at different channels. Chances of
Different Channels for 2.4Ghz BanD the ATmega processor. dissemination are fairly high at
More detail is provided 250kBps data rate. Interestingly,
Channel frequency (Mhz) Description
under extreme low almost all microwave ovens operate
0 to 82 2400 to 2482 Legal but noisy (conflicts with
power sub-head of at 2.4GHz. Therefore channels 0-82
Wi-Fi LAN, Bluetooth, etc)
this article. are very noisy. The script for this
83 to 99 2483 to 2499 Not legal
project is designed such that first all
100 2500 Licensed channel Circuit and working the radio details are printed on the
101 to 119 2501 to 2519 Legal, clear and above the Wi-Fi
The heart of the sensor serial terminal and then the data
hub is the low-power starts appearing.
120 to 125 2520 to 2525 Used in defense
ATmega328P, which Principle of operation. The AT-
runs at internal 4MHz mega328P processor is a low-power
ATmega328P: Active Supply Current vs Frequency (1-20MHz) speed. A DHT22 sen- version of ATmega328 chip. Its sup-
sor is used to pick up ply current vs frequency graph, as
14 5.5V
the relative humidity per the datasheet, is shown in Fig.
12 5.0V
and temperature of the 2. As can be seen, the processor is
area. Low-power radio quite tolerant from 1.8 volts up to
ICC (mA)
GND 10 19
11 18
current will be more than 30A but
PD6 PB3/MOSI 17 the operation will be periodic on
GND C3 13 PB2 16 its own. The WDT clock is not very
R1 PD7
470u 14 15
10K 16V
precise as compared to other meth-
3V 3.7V
ods of time keeping. However, at
low power, the WDT clock does not
differ much from real-time clocks.
Fig. 3: Transmitter circuit The entire operation is accom-
plished with the help of a library file
CON3 called lowpower.h, which can be
FOR NRF24L01+ S4 downloaded from the following link:
Vcc AVcc 20 http://www.rocketscream.com/
CSN CE 1 21
PC6/RESET AVREF blog/2011/07/04/lightweight-low-
2 PC5/SCL 28
3 PD1/TXD PC4/SDA 27 power-arduino-library/
Transmitter unit
4 PD2 PC3 26
C5 5
10u,16V R3 PD3 ATMEGA328P PC2 25
C4 6 24
10K PD4 PC1
Fig. 3 shows the transmitter cir-
470u S3 9 23
10 PB7/XTAL2 PB5/SCK 19 cuit. It can be powered by a 3.7V
D2 SCL 11
PD5 PB4/MISO 18 Li-ion cell or two 1.5V pencil cells.
1N4007 12 17
SDA PD6 PB3/MOSI Theoretically, the devices used here
GND 13
PD7 PB2 16
14 15
are capable of running at up to 1.8
BATT.2 8 GND AGND 22 volts, but at less than 2 volts the
3V 3.7V nRF24L01+PA&LNA radio stops
working and at less than 2.8 volts
the DHT22 sensor will not function.
Fig. 4: Receiver circuit Small capacitors are added to the
supply bus of the DHT22 and the
is tricky. At the same time, getting tion, we divide the 8MHz frequency nRF24L01 for stability. Vcc supply for
around 1A in deep-sleep mode internally by commands. At 3.3V the DHT22 is taken from port PD4
is easy, with the help of the chips operation, power consumption goes (pin 6) of ATmega328P, whereas the
watchdog timer (WDT) and brown- down as follows: nRF24L01+ is directly connected
out detection fuse. clock_div_1-3.1 mA clock_div_2 - 1.8 mA with 3.7V supply. To reduce power
First, turn off the brown-out clock_div_4-1.1 mA clock_div_8 - 750 A consumption by the radio in idle
detection fuse so that low-voltage clock_div_16-550 A cock_div_32 - 393 A state, we use powerDown( ) com-
operation becomes possible without clock_div_64-351 A clock_div_128 - 296 A mand of the radio in the code.
resetting. As the voltage goes down, clock_div_256 - 288 A Before burning the code
so does the current (refer the graph To reduce the frequency of (nrf24l01_tx6.ino) into a fresh AT-
in Fig. 2). operation, heres a very simple com- mega328P chip, burn the bootloader
Interestingly, as the frequency mand to use inside setup( ): code for the inbuilt internal 8MHz
goes down, so does the power // slow clock to divide by 256 clock. For details, see under AVR
consumption. That means if the clock_prescale_set (clock_div_256); programmer sub-head.
chip is designed to work on a lower As per Fig. 2, at 4MHz, the chip
resonating frequency, the power will continue to work off 1.8V supply. Receiver unit
consumption will further reduce. If the WDT is turned off, the chip Fig. 4 shows the receiver circuit.
To reduce the frequency of opera- will get sleep current to the tune The nRF24L01+ radio is designed
Fig. 6: Actual-size PCB layout of the transmitter Fig. 7: Components layout for the PCB in Fig. 6
and testing
An actual-size
PCB layout for
the transmitter
circuit is shown
in Fig. 6 and
its components
Fig. 8: Actual-size PCB layout of the receiver layout in Fig.
7. PCB layout
for the receiver
circuit is shown
in Fig. 8 and
its components
layout in Fig. 9.
After assembling
the circuits on
respective PCBs,
enclose these in
suitable cabinets
and place them
some distance
Fig. 9: Components layout for the PCB in Fig. 8 Connect the
battery to the
will last for 150/8.68571 = 17 days transmitter unit and measure the
Current consumption (receiver) current. The current withdrawn is
is {(1032)+(328.0)}/42 = 6-7 mA while transmitting for two
13.714mA seconds seconds and 30A for the remaining
=(13.714606024)/3600 40 seconds. For periodicity, we used
=329.143mAh the WDT of the MCU, which is not
On a 3.7-volt, 150mAh button very precise. It provides five incre-
cell, it will last for about 150/329= mental steps of 250ms, 500ms, 2, 4
27 minutes. and 8 seconds. That means, it will
Display consumes more current. transmit once every 58+2=42
Note that nRF24L01 radios seconds. The DHT22 sensor requires
operate off at maximum 3.6 volts. a minimum of 2.8 volts to operate.
Sometimes, when the Li-ion battery Therefore put a fairly big capacitor
is fully charged, the voltage may go (100-470F) across its Vcc and GND
as high as 4.01 volts, so the radio pins. Else, you will get temperature
may not work. Put a diode in series and relative humidity values as
with the battery connection so that zero. The sensor takes two seconds
between readings.
his is a simple audio-frequency 6V battery or a
(AF) amplifier using the 2.2u,16V
S1 6V DC adaptor.
popular audio amplifier IC 0.1u 5 Use of a suitable
TDA2003. The IC comes in a 5-pin 1
IC1 470u,16V
BATT.1 heatsink is recom-
TO-220B package. 10K TDA2003
4 6V
mended for IC1.
Circuit and working CONTROL
220E 0.1u Construction
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram
and testing
C3 R4 6W
of the 3W/6W AF amplifier built AUDIO 220u R3 An actual-size,
around IC TDA2003 (IC1), an 8-ohm, 16V single-side PCB
6-watt speaker (LS1) and a few for 3W/6W audio
other components. amplifier us-
The amplifier IC delivers 3W out- Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of 3W to 6W audio amplifier using TDA2003 ing TDA2003 is
put power using a 6V, 500mA power shown in Fig. 2
supply, and 6W output power using and its components layout in
a 12V, 500mA power supply, with an Fig. 3. After assembling the
8-ohm, 6-watt speaker. circuit on the PCB, enclose it
Pin 1 of TDA2003 is the input in a suitable box.
terminal, which is connected to Solder TDA2003 and other
ground through a 100-kilo-ohm resis- components using a 25W
tor. The audio frequency (or audio soldering iron. Use a 2-pin
signal) is fed to pin 1 of IC1 through connector for input and out-
the combination of a 10-kilo-ohm put connectors, to make your
potmeter (VR1) and capacitors C1 and Fig. 2: Actual-size PCB layout of 3W to 6W audio
prototype safe and clean.
C2. Potmeter VR1 is used as volume amplifier using TDA2003 For testing the circuit,
control. Pin 3 of IC1 is connected to connect a 6V battery to the
ground. Pin 4 is the output terminal, circuit. Also, connect an
8-ohm, 6-watt speaker to LS1.
Parts List
If a 12V DC supply is
IC1 - TDA2003 audio amplifier used, voltage ratings of C1,
Resistors (all 1/4-watt, 5% carbon): C3 and C5 should be 25V or
R1 - 100-kilo-ohm
R2 - 220-ohm
R3 - 2.2-ohm Take a metal screwdriver
R4 - 1-ohm
VR1 - 10-kilo-ohm potmeter
and gently touch at input
Capacitors: pin 1 of IC1. If your circuit is
C1 - 2.2F, 16V electrolytic wired properly, you will hear
C2, C4 - 0.1F ceramic disk
C3 - 220F, 16V electrolytic
Fig. 3: Components layout for the PCB a humming sound from the
C5 - 470F, 16V electrolytic speaker. Else, vary potmeter
Miscellaneous: which is connected to one terminal VR1 to increase the volume until hum-
CON1 - 2-pin connector
LS1 - 8-ohm, 6-watt loudspeaker of the speaker through a 470F, 16V ming sound is heard from the speaker.
S1 - On/off switch capacitor (C5). It is also connected Now your circuit is ready to use.
Batt.1 - 6V battery
- 2-pin terminal connector for to ground through a 0.1F capacitor
battery (C4) and a 1-ohm resistor (R4). Raj K. Gorkhali is a regular
- Heat-sink for TDA2003
- Audio signal source
Pin 5 of IC1 is connected to +6V contributor to EFY and has
a keen interest in designing
- 6V/12V, 500mA DC power power supply via switch S1. Power electronic circuits
supply (optional)
supply can be provided through a
Active Ac AnAlogue Probe
Petre tzv Petrov
resented here is a low-cost,
dual-channel, active AC ana- VR1
C3 R5 C6
logue probe. It is suitable for 100u
10K 10K C4 C5 220u
oscilloscopes, multimeters and other 25V VR2 0.1u 0.33u
analogue measurement equipment. 10K
t would be cool to build an tiple tones with the help of Arduino Tone key switches (S1 through S7)
electronic tone generator system software programming. are connected using a resistor lad-
yourself. Described here is a You can see how the device works, der. The resistors (R1 through R6) are
small tone generator based on pulse- including the menu of preset musical placed in a sequential order, connecting
width modulation (PWM) concept in tones, in the authors prototype shown each switch to 5V power supply. Resis-
which a piezo buzzer generates mul- in Fig. 1. There are five musical tones tor values (in ohms) used are 100k,
already programmed in this project. 10k, 4.7k, 1k, 470-ohm and 220-ohm.
Technically, tones four and five in this S1 is directly connected to 5V power
project are the same, which are left to supply. One terminal of switch S2 is
readers to create better ones. connected to 5V supply through R1 and
Writing a musical code was not the other terminal to pin A0 of Board1.
the goal of the project. Basic coding Switches S3 through S7 are also con-
for main loops and individual tone nected to analogue pin A0 of Arduino
loops is easy to adapt to your own Uno board in a similar manner.
ideas, so feel free to change the code The Arduino program (tone_
as per your requirement. generator.ino) defines the musical
notes and frequencies associated with
Circuit and working each tone key. Change the frequency
Circuit diagram of the electronic tone values or add additional switches to
generator is shown in Fig. 2. It is based fully customise your project.
on Arduino Uno board (BOARD1), LCD screen. Connect the LCD1
liquid crystal display (LCD1), transistor pins according to the circuit diagram
BC547 (T1), a buzzer (PZ1) and a few shown in Fig. 2. Resistor R11 con-
Fig. 1: Authors prototype other components. nected at pin 3 of LCD1 is used as the
contrast control of the screen. Pin 15
of LCD1 is connected to 5V power sup-
ply and pin 16 is connected to ground
for backlight on the LCD screen. LCD1
BUZZER VDD A/VEE is configured in 4-bit mode. Its pins
2 15
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 EN R/W RS
D4, D5, D6 and D7, register select (RS)
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
R10 and enable (EN) are connected to pins
9V S8 10K
T1 5, 4, 3, 2, 12 and 11, respectively, of
BC547 10K the Arduino Uno R3 board. Read/write
S1 R8
(R/W) pin is connected to ground.
100E Connect one terminal of menu
R1 220E
switch S8 to 5V and the other termi-
TX 1
RX 0
R3 1K S4 Glowing of LED1 indicates that you
are in Menu mode and the tone keys
R4 4.7K
PC-Based OsCillOsCOPe
Using Arduino
Ramalingam Balaji
scilloscopes are an essential
tool for electronics hobbyists
and professionals to verify
TX 1
RX 0
that their designs would work as ex- ARDUINO DIGITAL
pected. PC-based oscilloscopes score
their compact size, low cost and abil-
ity to do offline analysis.
Here we describe how you can BOARD1
make your own oscilloscope at a LAPTOP
very low cost using your PC and an D2
Arduino board as the hardware for 1N4148 R1 1N4148
signal acquisition. You can use this
oscilloscope to capture frequency sig- CON1
nals up to 5kHz. The Arduino board, INPUT
the heart of the oscilloscope, reads Fig. 1: Circuit of the PC-based oscilloscope using Arduino
the values from its inbuilt analogue-
to-digital converter (ADC) and
pushes these to the PC via USB port.
We have provided here an Arduino
sketch, which you can compile and
load directly to the Arduino. You also
need to install an executable file or
application in your Windows PC. This
application works as the front-end to
plot input signals as waveforms on
your computer screen.
The Arduino board consists of
Atmels AVR microcontroller, which
can be 8-, 16- or 32-bit based on the
type of the board. For this project you
can use any variant of the Arduino as
hardware. The AVR microcontroller Fig. 2: Message on the screen when the PC-based scope is run for the first time
has an inbuilt ADC. In the project we
use pin A0 to capture the input signal. loscope is limited by the baud rate Fig. 1. The Arduino board connects
The captured input signal is fed to of the UART. The Arduino sketch is to your laptop or PC via the USB
UART via UART-USB converter in the coded to read the ADC using ISR, cable. Any external power supply
Arduino to the PC. A virtual COM and the UART baud rate is config- for the board is not required as the
port is created by Windows whenever ured at 115200, which sends data at board is powered by the USB only.
the Arduino connects to the PC. A 85s intervals. This gives an effec- Connect switching diodes (D1 and
Windows-based application developed tive sampling rate of 12kSa/s. D2) as input protection circuit to
using NI LabWindows opens up the pin A0 of the Arduinos ADC. You
virtual COM port and starts plotting Construction need Arduino sketch (pcscope.ino)
signals visually using Graph libraries. The PC scope set-up is quite simple and PC software or executable file
The sampling speed of the oscil- and straightforward as shown in (PCScope.exe) in order to use this
resented here is a MATLAB- to take place. The software performs are zero with very few non-zero co-
based program for image com- this process automatically as you efficients. Typically used techniques
pression using discrete cosine send the file to one of your friends. for transforming the spatial domain
transform technique. It works for However, this process is visible only to sparse domain include wavelet,
both coloured and grayscale images. when the file to be transmitted is curvelet, singular value decompo-
Over the last few years, messaging large in size, such as the 5MB video sition (SVD) and discrete cosine
apps like WhatsApp, Viber and Skype in this example.
have become increasingly popular. Image compression is the task of
These applications let users send and representing an image with mini-
receive text messages and videos. mum number of coefficients so that
All of us make extensive use of these the total memory occupied by the
applications without knowing what compressed image is much less than
actually goes behind the scene in the original image. With this reduc-
transmitting high-quality images and tion of memory requirement for high-
text. This article dwells on the image/ definition image, the transmission
video compression concept that is of these images onto the transmit-
being used by nearly all the Internet- ting medium is much easier than
based messaging applications. without compression.
Fig. 1 shows screenshots of the In order to achieve the task of
authors mobile as it compresses the image compression, it has to be rep-
video using WhatsApp software. The resented in a domain where high-def-
application performs compression in inition images/videos are sparse. The
two steps: (a) preparing mode and two existing domains widely used in
(b) sending mode. The sending mode digital signal processing are spatial
basically deals with transmission of domain and frequency domain.
data stream onto the communica- The third domain widely used
tion channel. So here we will restrict nowadays in the field of image
ourselves to discussing the typical processing is sparse domain. In this
image/video compression algorithm domain, mostly the coefficients are
that runs behind the preparing mode. sparse in nature, i.e., most of them
The main job of the (b)
image/video compres-
sion algorithm is to
reduce the size of the
file to be transmitted.
For example, in the case
of a 5MB video file, the
image/video compres-
sion software running
behind the preparing
mode in WhatsApp
software makes the video
smaller by up to 1MB, (c)
thus saving the memory Fig. 1: Compression process in mobile using WhatsApp software: Fig. 2: (a) Original image, (b) Spatial domain
space for transmission (a) Application in preparing mode, (b) Application in sending mode (histogram) and (c) Sparse representation
Testing procedure
The program (code.m) can be used
for colour and grayscale images both.
Tulip.jpeg colour image and camera-
man.jpeg grayscale images were used
during the testing of this program.
You need to select one image (either
(a) (b) (c) (d)
colour or grayscale) at a time.
Fig. 4: (a) Original image and (b)-(d) compressed images 1. Install MATLAB R2013a or later
version in your system. Open the
transform (DCT). ing concept behind the operation dis- code.m file
The concept of sparse domain is cussed in Fig. 1. Figure 3(a) shows a 2. If colour image is to be com-
illustrated in Fig. 2 in a simple way. flower image that occupies 2.3MB of pressed, line number 11 of the
Fig. 2(a) shows a high-definition storage space. Using the DCT-based code.m file has to be uncommented.
original image that occupies 2.3MB image compression algorithm, we It is already uncommented for the
of space. obtained compressed images of sizes given program
In spatial domain, this image is 392kB, 274kB and 223kB as shown 3. If grayscale image is to be
represented as a matrix of numbers, in Figs 3(b)-(d), respectively. It can compressed, line number 14 of the
which are basically image-intensity be seen, as the size of an image is code.m file has to be uncommented.
levels. The plot of intensity levels, compressed, artifacts tend to occur 4. Once you have selected either
known as histogram of the image, near the edges of the image. This step 2 or step 3, select Run command
is shown in Fig. 2(b). It can be is clearly visible in Fig. 3(d) where button. Then the program prompts
observed from Fig. 2(b) that these significant artifacts are visible. you to enter the threshold value.
intensity levels vary across a large The compression ratio is defined After entering this value followed by
range from 0 to 255. However, if as: pressing Enter key, you need to wait
you transform the same image using K=Uncompressed size of an im- for some time till the compressed im-
wavelet, curvelet, DCT or SVD do- age/Compressed size of an image age pops up on the screen.
main, you get the plot of respective For the images in Figs. 3(b)-(d), 5. For a coloured image, choose
coefficients as shown in Fig. 2(c). the value of K is obtained as 5, 8 and any one threshold value (e.g., 5, 50
It can be observed that the same 10, respectively. or 500) for generating images shown
image can be represented using It can be observed from Fig. 3 in Figs 3(b)-(d), respectively.
fewer coefficients as most of the that the images obtained after com- 6. For grayscale images, choose
coefficients in these domains are pression occupied less space and yet one threshold value (e.g., 10, 60 or
nearly zero. Hence, discarding these were good enough for visual inspec- 100) for generating images shown in
nearly-zero coefficients and retaining tion. Similar analysis is performed on Figs 4(b)-(d), respectively.
only non-zero coefficients reduces grayscale image of a cameraman and
the memory space required to store the results are shown in Fig. 4.
these coefficients, which, in turn, Dr Ahlad Kumar is currently doing research
helps in compressing the image. in Concordia University, Montreal Canada in
the field of image processing.
Here, we use DCT for image com- His area of interest is in the
pression. Please note, it is not known efy Note field of image restoration. He
The source code of received his PhD degree from
what algorithm WhatsApp software University of Malaya, Malaysia
is utilising for compressing its im- this project is in 2016. He is gold medalist
ages and videos. Our intention in included in this for his M.Tech from ABV-IIITM
months EFY DVD and in 2007
this article is to present the underly-
is also available for free
download at source.
130 June 2017 | electronics for you
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February Smart Fabrics Improving Wireless Signal Performance Electronics Manufacturing Services
March Exciting Technologies Powering Building More Reliable Printed Circuit Boards Industry Outlook for 2017-18
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April Virtual and Augmented Reality Developer Boards: DIY and Hobbyist Applications Printed Circuit Boards
May Smart Robotics Fight of the Processors: Ultra-Low-Voltage Computing The Internet of Things
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June Artificial Intelligence How to Get the Best Design for Manufacturing Strategic Electronics
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September Industrial IoT Which Input Technologies Should You Use Solar
October The Brains of Mobile Devices Ruggedising Hardware Electronics Manufacturing Equipment
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November Security of the IoT Fight of the Processors: High-Performance Computing Test and Measurement
December Implantable and Edible Electronics Which Output Technologies Should You Use Materials and Chemicals