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MSE 332 Inspection and Testing of Materials

(Jan. 19, 2015)

Abdul Wadood (PhD), Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Room# 211 (MSE)
Visiting Hours: 9:00 11:00
Quizes: 5 (15%)
Presentation: 1 (5%)
3 OHTs: 30%
Final: 50%
Attendance: 80% as per Institute policy
Quiz 1 = Nov. 17, 2014
Quiz 2 = Dec. 5, 2014
Quiz 3 = Dec. 19, 2014
Quiz 4 = Jan. 19, 2015
Quiz 5 = Jan. 26, 2015

Corrosion Fatigue
Combined action of cyclic stress and chemical attack = corrosion

Corrosion attack without superimposed stress often produces pitting

acts as notches, fatigue life decrease.

Combined action: very pronounced reduction in fatigue properties,

greater than that produced by prior corrosion.

When corrosion and fatigue occur together, chemical attack greatly

accelerates the rate at which fatigue cracks propagate.

Materials which show a definite fatigue limit, no indication of fatigue

limit when tested in corrosive environment.

Corrosion Fatigue
Fatigue +corrosion: depends on testing speed.

Corrosion: time dependent process, higher the testing speed,

small damage due to corrosion.

Specimen is continuously subjected to combined influence of

corrosion and cyclic stress until failure occurs.

Cyclic stress: localized removal of the surface oxide film,

corrosion pits can be formed.

Corrosion Fatigue
Many more small pits occur in corrosion fatigue than in
corrosive attack only in the absence of stress.

Cyclic stress: may remove any corrosion product.

Bottom of pits: more anodic than rest of metal.

Crack will occur when the pit becomes enough to

produce a high stress concentration.

Humidity also affects the fatigue.

Corrosion Fatigue
Methods to Minimize Corrosion Fatigue damage:

Choice of materialcorrosion resistant properties.

Protection of metal from environment: metallic or non-metallic

coatings; should not rupture during cyclic stresses.

Shot peening and nitriding also useful.

In closed systems, use of corrosion inhibitors.

Elimination of stress concentration.

Effect of Temperature
Fatigue strength decreases with increase of Temp.

At high temp. creep becomes important.

Fine grain size results in better fatigue properties at low temp. when creep
predominates, coarse grain material: high strength (grain boundary area
decrease with increase of grain size).

Thermal stresses due to change in dimensions with temp

For simple case of a bar with fixed end supports, thermal stress
developed by a temp. change T: = ET
= linear thermal expansion coefficient
E = Elastic modulus

Thermal Fatigue
If failure by one application of thermal stress , condition =
thermal shock.

If failure occurs after repeated applications of thermal

stresses, it is called thermal fatigue.

Austenitic stainless: sensitive to thermal fatigue due its low

thermal conductivity, high thermal expansion.

Effect of stress raiser: generally studied by using
notched specimens. Presence of notch three

(a) increase/concentration of stress at root of

(b) stress gradient is set up
(c) triaxial state of stress is produced.

Effect of notches on fatigue strength is determined

by comparing S-N curves of notched and un-
notched specimens.

Effect of Stress Concentration
Effect of notches on decreasing fatigue limit is expressed by
fatigue-strength reduction factor or fatigue-notch factor, Kf

Kf = fatigue limit of un-notched specimen/fatigue limit of

notched specimen

If no fatigue limit; fatigue notch factor: fatigue strength at

specified no. of cycles.

Kf depends on type of notch, material, type of loading, stress


Surface Effects
Fatigue failures start at surface. Fatigue properties are very
sensitive to surface conditions.

3 categories of surface effects:

(a) surface roughness or stress raiser at the surface
smooth surfaces: high fatigue life
Different surface finishes produed by different machining
procedures can affect fatigue performance.

3 categories of surface effects:
(b) changes in the fatigue strength of surface
metal (surface treatments, interface, failure
starts at interface, residual stresses due to
surface treatments, porosity).

(c ) changes in residual stress condition of
surface (plastic deformation not uniform ---
cross section, when external tensile force is
removed, plastically deformed region prevent
adjacent elastic region from elastic recovery to
unstrained conditionresidual tension
plastically deformed region residual
compression to balance.


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