Szamuely - Galois Theory After Galois
Szamuely - Galois Theory After Galois
Szamuely - Galois Theory After Galois
previous section that L is the union of all the nite Galois extensions it
contains. However, giving a precise formulation requires a sophisticated
algebraic tool called the inverse limit: one says that Gal(L|K) is the
inverse limit of its nite quotients. A group that arises as an inverse
limit of nite groups is called a pronite group. We shall not give the
detailed denition of inverse limits and pronite groups here. What is
important to bear in mind is that pronite groups are determined by
their nite quotients.
Pronite groups carry an important additional structure: they are
topological groups. It is possible to introduce this topology by a gen-
eral method that starts by putting the discrete topology on nite
quotients. However, in the case of Galois groups there is a more di-
rect approach introduced by Krull in his groundbreaking paper [4] on
innite Galois theory. Consider the kernels of the homomorphisms
Gal(L|K) Gal(M |K) considered above for all nite Galois exten-
sions M |K contained in L, and declare these to be a system of open
neighbourhoods of the identity in Gal(L|K). For a general element
Gal(L|K) a system of open neighborhoods is given by the cosets
U , where U is an open neighbourhood of the identity. One checks that
these open sets form the basis of a topology on Gal(L|K). In honour
of its father it is called the Krull topology. It can be shown that with
the Krull topology Gal(L|K) becomes a compact Hausdor topological
Any open subgroup in Gal(L|K) is also closed because its comple-
ment is a union of cosets which must be open as well. Hence any,
possibly innite, intersection of open subgroups is a closed subgroup.
On the other hand, it is not hard to show that every closed subgroup
is the intersection of the open subgroups containing it. This gives a
hint at how one should develop the Galois correspondence for innite
extensions: since open normal subgroups correspond to nite Galois
extensions, closed subgroups should correspond to arbitrary Galois ex-
tensions, again because the latter are unions of nite Galois extensions.
Indeed, Krull proved the following generalized Galois correspondence:
At this point the natural question arises whether there exist non-
closed subgroups in the Galois group or, in other words, whether there
exist subgroups that do not arise as the subgroup of elements of G
xing some eld extension. In fact, this question had been solved by
Dedekind [2] well before Krull set up his theory. He argued as follows:
4. Grothendiecks Reformulation
Alexander Grothendieck, whose inuence on mathematics in the lat-
ter half of the 20th century was comparable to that of Galois in the
19th, found a very useful reformulation of the main theorem of Galois
theory which can be generalized to many other settings as well. In
his seminar [3] he gave a general categorical formulation encompassing
several situations. We stick here to the already explored case of eld
extensions. From Grothendiecks viewpoint the aim of Galois theory
is to classify nite separable extensions of a given eld by means of
permutation representations.
To explain his idea, let K be a base eld and L|K a nite separable
extension. Fix a separable closure Ks of K. As we know from the
work of Galois himself, L is generated over K by a single element .
Let f be the minimal polynomial of over K, and 1 , . . . , n the
roots of f in Ks . The absolute Galois group := Gal(Ks |K) acts on
the nite set 1 , . . . , n via permutations: for each the n-tuple
(1 ), . . . , (n ) is just the system of the i listed in a possibly dierent
order. There are two important properties of this action. Firstly, it is
transitive, which means that for given i , j we may nd a with
5. Monodromy Representations
Another situation where equations can be classied by means of
group representations that was already abundantly studied in the 19th
century is the monodromy theory of dierential equations. Consider a
linear dierential equation
(1) y (n) + a1 y (n1) + + an1 y + an y = 0
in the complex plane C, where the coecients ai are complex functions
that are holomorphic except in nitely many points x1 , . . . , xr where
they extend meromorphically. By a basic existence theorem of Cauchy
each point x = xi has an open neighbourhood U not containing any of
the xi where the equation has n local holomorphic solutions y1 , . . . , yn
that are linearly independent over C and moreover every local solution
over U is a linear combination of these. In other words, locally around
x the solutions of the equation form an n-dimensional C-vector space.
The trouble is that when we move the point x the solution space
may not remain the same. To see this, consider the simplest example
where r = 1 and the equation is of the form
y = f y
see e.g. my book [7] where the concepts surveyed in this article are also
explained in more detail. But the ties between these branches of math-
ematics are stronger. In recent decades dierential equations, and even
more the topological considerations arising from their theory, have been
successfully applied to the construction of interesting Galois extensions
of elds like C(t) and even Q. On the other hand, methods imported
from Galois theory have proven to be fundamental for analyzing dif-
ferential equations. We can thus happily observe that two centuries
after Galois his ideas are not only more alive than ever but have also
invaded a large part of present-day mathematical research.
[1] A. Beauville, Monodromie des systemes dierentielles lineaires a poles simples
sur la sphere de Riemann [dapres A. Bolibruch], Seminaire Bourbaki, expose
765, Asterisque 216 (1993), 103119.
[2] R. Dedekind, Uber die Permutationen des Korpers aller algebraischen Zahlen,
Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, 1901.
[3] A. Grothendieck, Revetements etales et groupe fondamental (SGA 1), Lecture
Notes in Mathematics, vol. 224, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1971. New
annotated edition: Societe Mathematique de France, Paris, 2003.
[4] W. Krull, Galoissche Theorie der unendlichen algebraischen Erweiterungen,
Math. Ann. 100 (1928), 687698.
[5] J. Plemelj, Riemannsche Funktionenscharen mit gegebener Monodromie-
gruppe, Monatshefte Math. Phys. 19 (1908), 211246.
[6] E. Steinitz, Algebraische Theorie der Korper, J. reine angew. Math. 137 (1908),
[7] T. Szamuely, Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups, Cambridge Studies in
Advanced Mathematics, vol. 117, Cambridge University Press, 2009.