FYP Generation Electricity Piezoelectric Crystal
FYP Generation Electricity Piezoelectric Crystal
FYP Generation Electricity Piezoelectric Crystal
Chapter 1
The increasing desire for completely self-powered electronics has caused the amount of research
into power harvesting devices to become progressively larger over the last decade. With the
advances being made in wireless technology and low power electronics, sensor are being
developed that can be placed almost anywhere. However, because these sensors are wireless,
they require their own power supply which in most cases is the conventional electrochemical
battery. Once these finite power supplies are extinguished of their power, the sensor must be
obtained and the battery replaced. The task of replacing the battery is tedious and can become
very expensive when the sensor is placed in a remote location. These issues can be potentially
alleviated through the use of power harvesting devices. The goal of a power harvesting device is
to capture the normally lost energy surrounding a system and convert it into usable energy for the
electrical device to consume. By utilizing these untapped energy sources electronics that do not
depend on finite power supplies, such as the battery, can be developed. One source of typically
lost energy is the ambient vibrations present around most machines and biological systems. This
source of energy is ideal for the use of piezoelectric materials, which have the ability to convert
mechanical strain energy into electrical energy and vice versa. As compact, low power
electronics become more prevalent in everyday use and as their increasing portability requires
reliable power sources, ambient energy harvesting devices show much potential over batteries.
Indeed, by relying on energy scavenged from the environment, such electronics are no longer
restricted by the periodic maintenance that batteries demand. In particular, energy harvested
parasitically from human movements has garnered much discussion. Perhaps the most energy
abundant and readily utilized form of ambient human power is walking. One of the methods of
harnessing this energy is from footfalls. This paper is to describe a new, efficient design of a
wearable energy supplier. As already discussed foot fall or heel strike is one of the significant
methods of harvesting energy. The project aims at developing a shoe embedded with
piezoelectric material (PVDF) into a noble wearable energy supplier.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
A great way to gather power is via kinetic energy. Energy can be recollected while we are
already moving. Piezinggenerates its own power using only the natural movement of the
human body. The fabric around the joints is woven with piezoelectric film fibers which convert
mechanical strain (created by the fabrics movement) into electrical voltage while the wearer
moves around. Voltage can then be stored in coin batteries disguised as buttons. The electrical
potential is then stored as voltage in a centralized small battery and can be disc charged into a
With a positive charge on one side and a negative charge on the other, the piezoelectric material
creates a voltage when it is deformed like bent or twisted. An integrated extending the growing
rectifier circuit connects the strips to capacitors which store electrical charge and feed the
electrical power to the coin batteries disguised as buttons. The Piezing design concept is list of
wearable power concepts. Although the electricity generated in this way might not be able to
power an MP3 player or cell phone, it will be sufficient for sensors monitoring heart rate or other
biometric parameters interesting for fitness and sport enthusiasts. While the necessary clothing
movement to make the Piezing concept work might not be sufficient in street wear it will work
fine in sports clothing where movement is an essential part. A brilliant idea using piezoelectric
material to power future clothing which will be populated with electronic functions to form a
second skin extending our senses beyond the passive clothing we wear today. The energy
generated is in mill watts. The project aims at increasing electromechanical energy.
Piezoelectric generators work due to the piezoelectric effect. This is the ability of certain
materials to create electrical potential when responding to mechanical changes. To put it more
simply, when compressed or expanded or otherwise changing shape a piezoelectric material will
output some voltage. This effect is also possible in reverse in the sense that putting a charge
through the material will result in it changing shape or undergoing some mechanical stress.
These materials are useful in a variety of ways. Certain piezoelectric materials can handle high
voltage extremely well and are useful in transformers and other electrical components. It is also
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
used to make motors, reduce vibrations in sensitive environments, and relevant to our interests it
can be used as an energy collector. Lets examine some of the ways it can be used for energy.
Some of the most obvious applications of piezoelectric materials for energy collection are
personal energy generators that are enough to power phones, MP3 players, etc. The sole of your
shoe could be constructed of piezoelectric materials and every step you took would begin to
generate electricity. The amount of charges produced is proportional to the pressure applied and
these charges were diminished when the pressure is withdrawn. This could then be stored in a
battery or used immediately in personal electronics devices.
One new idea that is gaining traction is to use the vibrations created by sound reverberating
through piezoelectric materials to generate electricity. When an electric field is applied to the
poled piezoelectric ceramic through electrodes on its surfaces, the piezoelectric material gets
strained (converse effect). This means that while youre driving your car listening to the radio,
sitting outside in a park, or doing anything you could be converting sound to
electricity.Piezoelectricity is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials (notably
crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins) in
response to applied mechanical strain. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from
pressure. It is derived from the Greek piezo or piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and
electric or electron, which stands for amber an ancient source of electric charge.
Piezoelectricity is the direct result of the piezoelectric effect.
The piezoelectric effect is understood as the linear electromechanical interaction between the
mechanical and the electrical state in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry. The
piezoelectric effect is a reversible process in that materials exhibiting the direct piezoelectric
effect (the internal generation of electrical charge resulting from an applied mechanical force)
also exhibit the reverse piezoelectric effect (the internal generation of a mechanical force
resulting from an applied electrical field). For example, lead zirconate titanate crystals will
generate measurable piezoelectricity when their static structure is deformed to about 0.1% of the
original dimension. Conversely, lead zirconate titanate crystals will change about 0.1% of their
static dimension when an external electric field is applied to the material.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
Piezoelectricity is found in useful applications such as the production and detection of sound,
generation of high voltages, electronic frequency generation, microbalances, and ultra fine
focusing of optical assemblies. It is also the basis of a number of scientific instrumental
techniques with atomic resolution, the scanning probe microscopies such as STM, AFM, MTA,
SNOM, etc., and everyday uses such as acting as the ignition source for cigarette lighters and
push-start propane barbecues.
In the year 1880 Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie discovered that some crystals when compressed
in particular directions show positive and negative charges on certain positions of their surfaces.
The amount of charges produced is proportional to the pressure applied and these charges were
diminished when the pressure is withdrawn. They observed this phenomenon in the following
crystals: zinc blende, sodium chlorate, boracites, tourmaline, quartz, calamine, topaz, tartaric
acid, cane sugar, and Rochelle salt. Hankel proposed the name piezoelectricity. The word
piezo is a Greek word which means to press, therefore piezoelectricity means electricity
generated form pressure. The direct piezoelectric effect is defined as electric polarization
produced by mechanical strain in crystals belonging to certain classes. In the converse
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
The first demonstration of the direct piezoelectric effect was in 1880 by the brothers Pierre Curie
and Jacques Curie. They combined their knowledge of pyroelectricity with their understanding
of the underlying crystal structures that gave rise to pyroelectricity to predict crystal behavior,
and demonstrated the effect using crystals of tourmaline, quartz, topaz, cane sugar, and Rochelle
salt (sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate). Quartz and Rochelle salt exhibited the most
A piezoelectric disk generates a voltage when deformed (change in shape is greatly exaggerated).
The Curies, however, did not predict the converse piezoelectric effect. The converse effect was
mathematically deduced from fundamental thermodynamic principles by Gabriel Lippmann in
1881. The Curies immediately confirmed the existence of the converse effect, and went on to
obtain quantitative proof of the complete reversibility of electro-elasto-mechanical deformations
in piezoelectric crystals.
The first practical application for piezoelectric devices was sonar, first developed during World
War I. In France in 1917, Paul Langevin and his coworkers developed an ultrasonic submarine
detector. The detector consisted of a transducer, made of thin quartz crystals carefully glued
between two steel plates, and a hydrophone to detect the returned echo. By emitting a high-
frequency chirpfrom the transducer, and measuring the amount of time it takes to hear an echo
from the sound waves bouncing off an object, one can calculate the distance to that object.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
The use of piezoelectricity in sonar, and the success of that project, created intense development
interest in piezoelectric devices. Over the next few decades, new piezoelectric materials and new
applications for those materials were explored and developed.
Piezoelectric devices found homes in many fields. Ceramic phonograph cartridges simplified
player design, were cheap and accurate, and made record players cheaper to maintain and easier
to build. The development of the ultrasonic transducer allowed for easy measurement of
viscosity and elasticity in fluids and solids, resulting in huge advances in materials research.
Ultrasonic time-domain reflectometers (which send an ultrasonic pulse through a material and
measure reflections from discontinuities) could find flaws inside cast metal and stone objects,
improving structural safety.
During World War II, independent research groups in the United States, Russia, and Japan
discovered a new class of man-made materials, called ferroelectrics, which exhibited
piezoelectric constants many times higher than natural materials. This led to intense research to
develop barium titanate and later lead zirconate titanate materials with specific properties for
particular applications.
One significant example of the use of piezoelectric crystals was developed by Bell Telephone
Laboratories. Following World War I, Frederick R. Lack, working in radio telephony in the
engineering department, developed the AT cut crystal, a crystal that operated through a wide
range of temperatures. Lack's crystal didn't need the heavy accessories previous crystal used,
facilitating its use on aircraft. This development allowed Allied air forces to engage in
coordinated mass attacks through the use of aviation radio.
Development of piezoelectric devices and materials in the United States was kept within the
companies doing the development, mostly due to the wartime beginnings of the field, and in the
interests of securing profitable patents. New materials were the first to be developed- quartz
crystals were the first commercially exploited piezoelectric material, but scientists searched for
higher-performance materials. Despite the advances in materials and the maturation of
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
manufacturing processes, the United States market had not grown as quickly. Without many new
applications, the growth of the United States' piezoelectric industry suffered.
In contrast, Japanese manufacturers shared their information, quickly overcoming technical and
manufacturing challenges and creating new markets. Japanese efforts in materials research
created piezoceramic materials competitive to the U.S. materials, but free of expensive patent
restrictions. Major Japanese piezoelectric developments include new designs of piezoceramic
filters for radios and televisions, piezo buzzers and audio transducers that can connect directly to
electronic circuits, and the piezoelectric igniter, which generates sparks for small engine ignition
systems (and gas-grill lighters) by compressing a ceramic disc. Ultrasonic transducers that
transmit sound waves through air had existed for quite some time, but first saw major
commercial use in early television remote controls. These transducers now are mounted on
several car models as an echolocation device, helping the driver determine the distance from the
rear of the car to any objects that may be in its path.
Electricity is a basic need for everyone. But electricity reaches only 65% of the entire population
and rest live still in darkness in India. That 65% also doesnt gets power supply and we still face
power cut. To satisfy all the needs we need to produce 81,08,76,150Mwh/yr. whereas the
production is only 60,06,49,000 Mwh/yr. So we need 210227150 to reach demand. We need to
think of alternative to solve this crisis. Presently there are many alternatives like solar,wind, tidal
etc. All these we have ignored a better alternative which is right under our feeti.e., the
piezoelectric stairs.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
2.1 Konka, H. P. (2010)Describes The smart joint can be designed to have the piezoelectric
materials embedded in them, the piezoelectric materials can detect the various loads that act on
the composite joint and could provide the required counter-balancing force to the excitation
forces acting on the joint; and thereby could reduce or even eliminate the effects of stress
concentrations at the composite joint. A high stress concentration is one of the principal causes
of structural failures for an adhesive bonded joint system.
2.2 Kumar, A. (2011) explains the usefulness of most high technology devices such as cell
phones, computers, and sensors is limited by the storage capacity of batteries. In the future, these
limitations will become more pronounced as the demand for wireless power outpaces battery
development which is already nearly optimized. Thus, new power generation techniques are
required for the next generation of wearable computers, wirelesssensors, and autonomous
systems to be feasible. Piezoelectric materials are excellent power generation devices because of
their ability to couple mechanical and electrical properties. For example, when an electric field is
applied to piezoelectric a strain is generated and the material is deformed. Consequently, when a
piezoelectric is strained it produces an electric field; therefore, piezoelectric materials can
convert ambient vibration into electrical power. Piezoelectric materials have long been used as
sensors and actuators; however their use as electrical generator is less established. A
piezoelectric power generator has great potential for some remote applications such as in vivo
sensors, embedded MEMS devices, and distributed networking. Developing piezoelectric
generators is challenging because of their poor source characteristics (high voltage, low current,
high impedance) and relatively low power output. This paper presents a theoretical analysis to
increase the piezoelectric power generation that is verified with experimental results.
2.3 Henry A. et. al. 2004.describe the recent advances in wireless and microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS) technology, the demand forportable electronics and wireless sensors is
growing rapidly. Because these devices are portable, it becomes necessary that they carry their
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
own power supply. In most cases this power supply is the conventional battery; however,
problems can occur when using batteries because of their finite lifespan. For portable electronics,
replacing the battery isproblematic because the electronics could die at any time.
2.4 Parkes, A. et. al. 2009.PiezingA Garment Harvesting Energy from the Natural Motion of the
Human Body.Piezing is a garment which harnesses energy from thenatural gestures of the human
body in motion. Around the joints of the elbows and hips, the garment is embedded with
piezoelectric material elements which generate an electric potential in response to applied
mechanical stress. The electric potential is then stored as voltage in a centralized small battery
and later can be discharged into a device. As a concept, Piezing explores a decentralized and
self-reliant energy model for embedded interaction, pushing forward possibilities for mobility.
2.5Ronald Cohen, Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. USA. Piezoelectrics have long
been studied using parameterized models fit to experimental data, starting with the work of
Devonshire in 1954. First-principles theory laid the framework for a basic understanding of the
origins of ferroelectric behavior and piezo-electric properties. The range of properties accessible
to theory continues to expand as does the accuracy of the predictions. We are moving towards
the ability to design materials of desired properties computationally. Here we review some of the
fundamental developments of our understanding of piezoelectric material behavior and ability to
predict a wide range of proper-ties using theoretical methods. This is not meant as a review of
the literature. Comprehensive re-views of the literature of theoretical studies of ferroelectrics are
given by Resta and Rabe and Ghosez.
The energy for any configurations of atoms is computed by solving a set of effective Schrdinger
equations with an effective potential that includes many-body contributions like those of a
uniform electron gas at each point in space. Forces, phonon frequencies (via the dynamical
matrix), effective charges, dielectric constants, elastic constants, piezoelectric constants, and
polarization are all directly computable for the static lattice (zero temperature) for ordered
To obtain properties for finite temperatures, it is necessary to use the primary first-principles
results to parameterize an effective Hamiltonian or potential model, which can then be used
study the effects of temperature and simulate disordered materials.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
A number of major advances in our understanding of piezoelectric materials are due to first-
principles studies. The first is the importance of hybridization. First-principles studies showed
that Ferro electricity is due to the competition between long-range forces, which favor off-
centering and short-range forces that favor the high symmetry centric phase. This concept is now
widely used in experiments and development of new piezoelectric materials. Secondly is the
concept of polarization rotation, which is responsible for the giant electromechanically coupling
seen in relaxor ferroelectrics such as Pb(Mg1/3,Nb2/3)O6 (PMN)-PbTiO3. Thirdly is the
relationship between cation ordering and polar Nano regions in relaxors. Fourth is the prediction
of a morphotropic phase boundary in pure PT at high pressures with huge electromechanical
coupling in the transition region, indicating that the main effect of the relaxer PMN or PZN, for
example, is to tune the transition to zero pressure, rather than something intrinsic to relaxor
behavior. Fifth is the discovery of reentrant Ferro electricity, with Ferro electricity reappearing at
very high pressures, indicating the possibility of whole new classes of ferroelectric material.
First-principles studies of ferroelectrics have also given rise to major advances in theo-retical
methods. The development of the modern theory of polarization was motivated entirely to
understand piezoelectrics, and has other broader implications as well. The theory of insulators
under applied electric fields was also developed in order to understand piezo-electric materials.
The goal of computational research on piezoelectrics is three-fold: to help understand
experiments, to help guide experiments, and to make predictions for new materials.
An example of piezoelectric materials by design is exemplified by the predictions of interesting
and tunable properties of ferroelectric superlattices.
2.6 J. G. Rocha, L. M. Goncalves, P. F. Rocha, M. P. Silva, S. Lanceros-Mendez.In the last
few years it has been an increasingdemand of low power and portable energy sources due to the
development and mass consumption of portable electronic devices. Further, the portable energy
sources must be associated with environmental issues and imposed regulations. These demands
support the research in the areas of portable energy generation methods. In this scope,
piezoelectric materials become a strong candidate for energy generation and storage in future
applications. This article describes the use of piezoelectric polymers in order to harvest energy
from people walking and the fabrication of a shoe capable of generating and accumulating the
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
energy. In this scope, electroactive PVDF used as energyharvesting element was introduced
into a bicolor sole prepared by injection, together with the electronic needed to increase energy
transfer and storage efficiency. An electrostatic generator was also included in order to increase
energy harvesting.
Another interesting application is a posture monitoring systemof the human body. The posture
monitor system is composed of five sensing modules; two located on upper-members, two on
lower member and one on the spine, as shown in Fig 1. The detection algorithm uses the
gravitational force to detect inclination, and the earth magnetic field to measure the rotation of
the body about the axis perpendicular to the gravity field. The total energy consumption of the
suit is near 20 J per operating hour. The delivery of power to different points of the human body
can be performed by batteries and wires, which incentivizes the development of more efficient,
light and long lasting batteries.
Devices Energy
Heart rate meter 3J
Respiratory rate meter 3J
MP3 Player 350 J
Mobile phone (conversation) 2800 J
Mobile phone (standby) 150 J
Table 1.1 Approximated energy consumption for one hour of operation of some
portable devices
It can also stimulate the research in the field of energy generation, in order to produce energy
close to the point in which it will be used. In this case, energy storage might not be necessary at
all. As power requirements of most modern electronic portable devices are decreasing, it
becomes possible to use the energyharvesting from human body activity, in order to power
2.7 S Adhikari, M I Friswelland D J Inman.Energy harvesting for the purpose of powering
low power electronic sensor systems has received explosive attention in the last few years. Most
works using deterministic approaches focusing on using the piezoelectric effect to harvest
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
ambient vibration energy have concentrated on cantilever beams at resonance using harmonic
The harvesting of ambient vibration energy for use in powering low energy electronic devices
has formed the focus of much recent research. Of the published results that focus on the
piezoelectric effect as the transduction method, almost all have focused on harvesting using
cantilever beams and on single-frequency ambient energy, i.e. resonance-based energy
harvesting. The design of an energy harvesting device must be tailored to the ambient energy
available. In some applications the ambient excitation will be at a single frequency, and most
studies have designed resonant harvesting devices based on this. Such devices have to be tuned
to the excitation and may not be robust to variations in the excitation frequency. In many
applications the ambient energy is random and broadband and the design of the harvester must
account for this form of excitation.
Energy harvesting of ambient vibration has become important and new electronic devices are
being developed that require very low power. Completely wireless sensor systems are desirable
and this can only be accomplished by using batteries and/or harvested energy. Harvesting is
attractive because harvested energy can be used directly or used to recharge batteries or other
storage devices, which enhances battery life. Several authors have proposed methods to optimize
the parameters of the system to maximize the harvested energy. Most of the works reported
above consider that the (base) excitation has some known form. Typically harmonic excitation is
considered. However, it is easy to envisage situations where energy harvesting devices are
operating under unknown or random excitations. In such situations the ambient vibration should
be described using the theory of random processes and the analysis of harvested power should be
performed using the framework of probability theory.
2.8 Henry A. Sodano, Daniel J. Inman and Gyuhae Park.The process of acquiring the energy
surroundinga system and converting it into usable electrical energy is termed power harvesting.
In the last few years, there hasbeen a surge of research in the area of power harvesting.This
increase in research has been brought on by the modernadvances in wireless technology and low-
power electronics such as microelectromechanical systems. The advances have allowed
numerous doors to open for power harvesting systems in practical real-world applications. The
use of piezoelectric materials to capitalize on the ambient vibrations surrounding a system is one
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
method that has seen a dramatic rise in use for power harvesting. Piezoelectric materials have a
crystalline structure that provides them with the ability to transform mechanical strain energy
into electrical charge and, vice versa, to convert an applied electrical potential into mechanical
strain. This property provides these materials with the ability to absorb mechanical energy from
their surroundings, usually ambient vibration, and transform it into electrical energy that can be
used to power other devices. While piezoelectric materials are the major method of harvesting
energy, other methods do exist; for example, one of the conventional methods is the use of
electromagnetic devices. In this paper we discuss the research that has been performed in the
area of power harvesting and the future goals that must be achieved for power harvesting
systems to find their way into everyday use.
The piezoelectric effect exists in two domains: the first isthe direct piezoelectric effect that
describes the materials ability to transform mechanical strain into electrical charge; the second
form is the converse effect, which is the ability to convert an applied electrical potential into
mechanical strain energy. The direct piezoelectric effect is responsible for the materials ability
to function as a sensor and the converse piezoelectric effect is accountable for its ability to
function as an actuator. A material is deemed piezoelectric when it has this ability to transform
electrical energy into mechanical strain energy, and likewise to transform mechanical strain
energy into electrical charge. Piezoelectric materials belong to a larger class of materials called
ferroelectrics. One of the defining traits of a ferroelectric material is that the molecular structure
is oriented such that the material exhibits a local charge separation, knowas an electric dipole.
Throughout the material composition the electric dipoles are orientated randomly, but when the
material is heated above a certain point, the Curie temperature, and a very strong electric field is
applied, the electric dipoles reorient themselves relative to the electric field; this processis termed
poling. Once the material is cooled, the dipolesmaintain their orientation and the material is then
said to bepoled. After the poling process is completed the materialwill exhibit the piezoelectric
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
Any spatially separated charge will result in an electric field, and therefore an electric potential.
Shown here is a standard dielectric in a capacitor. In a piezoelectric device, mechanical stress,
instead of an externally applied voltage, causes the charge separation in the individual atoms of
the material.
Of the thirty-two crystal classes, twenty-one are non-centrosymmetric (not having a centre of
symmetry), and of these, twenty exhibit direct piezoelectricity. Ten of these represent the polar
crystal classes, which show a spontaneous polarization without mechanical stress due to a non-
vanishing electric dipole moment associated with their unit cell, and which exhibit
pyroelectricity. If the dipole moment can be reversed by the application of an electric field, the
material is said to be ferroelectric.
For polar crystals, for which P 0 holds without applying a mechanical load, the piezoelectric
effect manifests itself by changing the magnitude or the direction of P or both. For the non-polar,
but piezoelectric crystals, on the other hand, a polarization P different from zero is only elicited
by applying a mechanical load. For them the stress can be imagined to transform the material
from a non-polar crystal class (P =0) to a polar one, having P 0.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
The piezoelectric effect occurs when the charge balance within the crystal lattice of a material is
disturbed. When there is no applied stress on the material, the positive and negative charges are
evenly distributed so there is no potential difference. When the lattice is changed slightly, the
charge imbalance creates a potential difference, often as high as several thousand volts.
However, the current is extremely small and only causes a small electric shock. The converse
piezoelectric effect occurs when the electrostatic field created by an electrical current cause the
atoms in the material to move slightly.
The nature of the piezoelectric effect is closely related to the occurrence of electric dipole
moments in solids. The latter may either be induced for ions on crystal lattice sites with
asymmetric charge surroundings (as in BaTiO3 and PZTs) or may directly be carried by
molecular groups (as in cane sugar). The dipole density or polarization (dimensionality [Cm/m3])
may easily be calculated for crystals by summing up the dipole moments per volume of the
crystallographic unit cell. As every dipole is a vector, the dipole density P is also a vector or a
directed quantity. Dipoles near each other tend to be aligned in regions called Weiss domains.
The domains are usually randomly oriented, but can be aligned during poling (not the same as
magnetic poling), a process by which a strong electric field is applied across the material, usually
at elevated temperatures.
Of decisive importance for the piezoelectric effect is the change of polarization P when applying
a mechanical stress. This might either be caused by a re-configuration of the dipole-inducing
surrounding or by re-orientation of molecular dipole moments under the influence of the external
stress. Piezoelectricity may then manifest in a variation of the polarization strength, its direction
or both, with the details depending on
2. Crystal symmetry
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
The change in P appears as a variation of surface charge density upon the crystal faces, i.e. as a
variation of the electrical field extending between the faces, since the units of surface charge
density and polarization are the same, C/m2] = [Cm/m3]. However, piezoelectricity is not caused
by a change in charge density on the surface, but by dipole density in the bulk. For example, a
1 cm3 cube of quartz with 2KN (500 lbf) of correctly applied force can produce a voltage of
Nominal Voltage 6V
Nominal capacity 4.5Ah, 4500mAh
Max. Charging Current 1.35A
Max. Discharging Current 67.5A Max.
Weight 910g
Application Electronic Toy- Cars, Emergency Lights, Fans.
Inverters are used to convert energy stored in DC power supplies, such as batteries, into AC
power. Inverters can be small and portable devices that plug into the accessory outlet of a car or
boat. They can also be large, permanent components of a battery-powered electrical system used
for converting electricity between AC and DC power sources.
An inverter can be used to convert any DC power source to AC power. Small converters can
power computers, small appliances, pumps, power tools or other personal electronics.
When the power supply is working, the inverter passes power through while charging the
connected batteries as well. During power interruptions, the inverter automatically switches from
utility power to battery backup power.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
3.5.1 Diode
The most common function of a diode is to allow an electric current to pass in one direction
(called the diode's forward direction), while blocking current in the opposite direction (the
reverse direction). Thus, the diode can be viewed as an electronic version of a check valve. This
unidirectional behavior is calledrectification, and is used to convert alternating current to direct
current, including extraction of modulation from radio signals in radio receiversthese diodes
are forms of rectifiers.
However, diodes can have more complicated behavior than this simple onoff action.
Semiconductor diodes begin conducting electricity only if a certain threshold voltage or cut-in
voltage is present in the forward direction (a state in which the diode is said to be forward-
biased). The voltage drop across a forward-biased diode varies only a little with the current, and
is a function of temperature; this effect can be used as a temperature sensor or voltage reference.
Semiconductor diodes nonlinear currentvoltage characteristic can be tailored by varying the
semiconductor materials and doping, introducing impurities into the materials.
Diodes were the first semiconductor electronic devices. The discovery of crystals' rectifying
abilities was made by German physicist Ferdinand Braun in 1874. The first semiconductor
diodes, called cat's whisker diodes, developed around 1906, were made of mineral crystals such
as galena. Today most diodes are made of silicon, but other semiconductors such as germanium
are sometimes used.
2. Cane sugar
3. Quartz
4. Rochelle salt
5. Topaz
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
6. Tourmaline-group minerals
1. Barium titanate (BaTiO3)- Barium titanate was the first piezoelectric ceramic discovered.
3. Lead zirconate titanate (Pb[ZrxTi1x]O3 0<x<1) more commonly known as PZTlead zirconate
titanate is the most common piezoelectric ceramic in use today.
8. Ba2NaNb5O5
9. Pb2KNb5O15
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
More recently, there is growing concern regarding the toxicity in lead-containing devices driven
by the result of restriction of hazardous substances directive regulations. To address this concern,
there has been a resurgence in the compositional development of lead-free piezoelectric
2. Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) is also a promising candidate for the replacement of lead-based
ceramics. Sodium niobate NaNbO3
3. So far, neither the environmental impact nor the stability of supplying these substances has
been confirmed.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
The piezoelectric crystals are used in many modes. Modes relate to the direction of the force
applied and the direction of corresponding charge produced. Knowledge of modes is important
for optimization of the shoe model for voltage production. These modes are
1. Thickness shear
2. Face shear
3. Thickness expansion
4. Transverse expansion
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
1. Thickness shear
Force - along thickness.
Charge production - along y axis.
2. Face shear
Force - along the surface.
Charge production - along the surface.
3. Thickness expansion
Force - along y axis
Charge production - along y axis.
4. Transverse expansion
Force - along y axis
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
By cementing two crystals together so that their electrical axes are perpendicular, benders or
twisters can be produced. This means that a bending produces an output voltage. Similarly a
twisting motion applied to a twister produces an output.
Piezoelectric crystals can be used in another mode for force measurement. A crystal controlled
electronic oscillator uses a thin plate of quartz. The natural frequency of mechanical oscillation
of the plate determines the frequency of electrical oscillation
We connect the piezoelectric crystal in series through wires. After then the generated voltage is
stored in the battery. The generated voltage which is generated by piezoelectric crystal is D.C.
which is change into A.C by inverter. The load is connected to the inverter, which is glow when
A.C is given by the inverter.
Piezoelectric measuring devices are widely used today in the laboratory, on the production
floorand as original equipment. They are used in almost every conceivable application requiring
accurate measurement and recording of dynamic changes in mechanical variable such as
pressure, force and acceleration. The list of applications continues to grow and now includes
1. Aerospace: Modal testing, wind tunnel and shock tube instrumentation, landing gear
hydraulics, rocketry, structures, ejection systems and cutting force research.
4. Engine Testing: Combustion, gas exchange and injection, indicator diagrams and dynamic
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
6. Industrial/Factory: Machining systems, metal cutting, press and crimp force, automation of
force based assembly operations and machine health monitoring.
7. The best-known application is the electric cigarette lighter: pressing the button causes a
spring-loaded hammer to hit a piezoelectric crystal, producing a sufficiently high voltage electric
current that flows across a small spark gap, thus heating and igniting the gas. The portable
sparkers used to light gas grills or stoves work the same way, and many types of gas burners now
have built-in piezo-based ignition systems.
9. Military purpose
12. Small piezoelectric crystals can produce enough voltage to create a spark large enough to
ignite gas. These igniters are used in many gas-powered appliances like ovens, grillers, room
heaters, and hot water heaters. They are even small enough to fit inside lighters, although most
lighters still use flint because it costs less, and only the more expensive lighters use piezo
igniters. While there have been many attempts at generating electricity from the effect, it has
proven impractical on a large scale.
13. Piezoelectric crystals are used in electronic clocks and watch to maintain the time and
provide the alarm noise. They are also called quartz clocks because the crystal they use is often
made from quartz. It has a natural frequency that is ideal for creating the oscillations needed to
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
maintain exact time. Quartz clocks are also used to organize the flow of data in computers. Discs
of piezoelectric material are also used to create thin speakers that fit inside wristwatches.
14. Sonar transducers apply an electrical pulse to a piezoelectric crystal to create a pressure
wave, and then produce a current when the reflected wave deforms the crystal. The time gap
between the two currents is used to work out how far away an object it. Industrial inkjet printers
use the converse piezoelectric effect to move ink through the hundreds of nozzles in their print
heads. An electric current makes a tiny crystal in each nozzle bend, creating a pressure pulse that
forces the ink out. Ink is drawn into the nozzle when the current stops and the crystal relax.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
As our final year project is to generate electricity from piezoelectric crystals. After making the
connection we stored the voltage in a 6V battery which is connected to the load.
We tested the generated voltage by each piezoelectric crystal with multi-meter. The maximum
generated voltage by each piezoelectric crystal is 1.1V. However, generated voltage depends on
the force applied at each piezoelectric crystal. The resulted power developed is of 6 Watt.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
In this project we are generating electricity through piezoelectric crystal by connecting wire with
piezoelectric generator and then the results of these experiments confirm that the voltage signals
generated from these materials are proportional to the amplitudes of mechanical movement, with
good response to high frequencies.
This is an excellent alternative to reach the increasing elements for electricity. We conclude that
it should be implemented in INDIA also to accelerate the development. As we all know that
INDIA is facing the problem in the loss of electricity.So to remove this problem piezoelectric
materialembedded which can generate free electricity. This element is cheap and easy to generate
electricity. The piezoelectric materials have been extensively used in the aerospace devices,
structural health monitoring, vibration control, and energy harvesting applications.Therefore we
are generating free electricity and storing this in the battery.
Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
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Generation Of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Crystal
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