Music DLL
Music DLL
Music DLL
Session 1 and 2
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of the concept of timbre through recognizing musical instruments aurally and visually
B. Performance Standards aurally determines the sound of a single instrument in any section of the orchestra
C. Learning Competencies
and Objectives
(With LC Codes) identifies visually and aurally the instrumental sections of the
Western orchestra MU6TB-IIId-1
distinguishes aurally the sound of each section of the Western MU6TB-IIId- e-2
describes the distinct sound quality of the different instruments of MU6TB-IIId- e-4
the orchestra
II. Content Introduction of Musical Instruments
IV. Procedures
a. Reviewing Previous The Teacher will asked the students to draw the following musical signs
Lesson or Presenting 1. Repeat mark
the New Lesson 2. Dal Segno
3. Da Capo
4. Coda
Teacher III