Sahai - 2016 - Transition Geochemistry To Biogeochemistry
Sahai - 2016 - Transition Geochemistry To Biogeochemistry
Sahai - 2016 - Transition Geochemistry To Biogeochemistry
Geochemistry to
Nita Sahai1, 2, 3 Hussein Kaddour1 and Punam Dalai1
1811-5209/16/0012-0389$2.50DOI: 10.2113/gselements.12.6.389
aradigm-changing discoveries about stellar and planetary evolution, Hills, Western Australia (Bell et
the survival of organic molecules and microorganisms under extreme al. 2015). Stromatolite-like struc-
tures discovered very recently in
conditions, and geochemical environments on early Earth and other Isua have been dated to ~3.7 Ga
planets are sparking a synergistic dialogue between geoscientists, chemists, (Nutman et al. 2016), and bacte-
and biologists to understand how life originated. To achieve this goal, we rial microfossil-like structures
have been dated at ~3.43 Ga in the
must (i) explain the non enzymatic synthesis of biologically relevant organic Strelly Pool Sandstone Formation,
molecules under geologically plausible conditions; (ii) overcome the rigid concep- Western Australia (Brasier et al.
tual dichotomy of the RNA world versus the metabolism-first hypotheses; 2015). Isotopic evidence for metha-
notrophy and sulfate appear at the
and (iii) develop high-throughput analytical systems to sample the myriad
much younger ages of ~2.8Ga to
possible combinations of environmental conditions to find those that could ~2.7 Ga.
initiate life. This issue of Elements highlight the roles of minerals and geochem-
ical environments in the emergence of protocells, the cell-like entities that Defining Life
and the Protocell
might have preceded the Last Universal Common Ancestor.
The evidence to date suggests
Keywords : Mineral interfaces, RNA world, ironsulfur world, RNApeptide that even the most primitive life,
world, origin of life, protocells, metabolism at least as preserved in the rock
record, was remarkably complex
and similar to modern bacteria.
INTRODUCTION Yet, there must have been some precursor cell-like entities
The Earth formed ~4.56 Ga and was initially a hot planet. in the pathway from simple inorganic molecules containing
But oceans, and perhaps even continental crust, may have C, H, O, N, P, and S to bacterial cells. Discovering this
existed as early as ~4.34.4 Ga (Wilde et al. 2001). During transitional process is at the heart of the origin of life field.
this period, Earth was dominated by intense komatiitic In order to simulate this process experimentally, one needs
volcanism. The first gases released would have been highly to define the characteristics of a living cell. The search for
reducing and contained H 2 , CH4 (methane), and NH3 extraterrestrial life also hinges on defining what exactly
(ammonia). Once the Earths core had formed, CO2, N2, life is and what biosignatures one should be looking for.
and H 2O then became the major volcanic outgases that But defining life has proven to be surprisingly difficult.
subsequently formed the Earths atmosphere, with practi- Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that all forms of extant
cally no CH4 and NH3 (Kasting et al. 1993). Earths water life are characterized by three fundamental features (Fig.1).
inventory may have come from volcanic outgassing and/ First, all cells should possess a lipid bilayer membrane that
or been delivered by comets, meteorites, and microme- defines cell boundaries, allows mass- and energy-fluxes
teorites. Similarly, organic compounds would have been across the membrane, facilitates signaling between the
synthesized within the early atmosphere (endogenously) cell and its environment, and serves many other essential
and delivered from space (exogenously). The ~3.8 Ga green- functions. Second, a universal DNARNA-based apparatus
stones in Isua (Greenland) indicate that permanent oceans acts to transmit genetic information from one generation to
existed by that time. Primitive oceans are estimated to the next. This apparatus also has the potential to mutate,
have been about twice as salty as modern oceans and were thereby allowing evolution by natural selection. Third, all
slightly acidic (pH ~56.5) during the Hadean. The date for cells need to possess metabolism, which may be described
the emergence of life is still highly debated. The scarcity as cycles of enzyme-catalyzed electron-transfer reaction
of rocks from the Hadean Eon and Eoarchean Era, plus networks to synthesize (anabolize) and to break-down
problems associated with post depositional alteration, make (catabolize) complex molecules (Fig. 2). These processes
it difficult to pin down a precise date. A very early date provide the necessary molecules and energy by which the
of ~4.1 Ga for the origin of life is based on light carbon cell can sustain itself and reproduce. Related to these three
isotope signatures from carbon inclusions in zircons of Jack characteristic features of life are the corresponding molec-
ular building blocks of life, namely, membrane-building
phospholipids, DNA/RNA and proteins, and a variety of
1 Department of Polymer Science critical small molecules such as the adenosine phosphates.
2 Department of Geology Although it is difficult to define life, it is widely assumed
3 Integrated Bioscience Program that self-replicating, cell-like entities called protocells
170 University Avenue, University of Akron possessed all the main characteristics of cells and preceded
Akron, OH 44325-3909 the Last Universal Common Ancestor (aka LUCA the
E-mail: [email protected]
1 2
3 4
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