Physicochemical Properties, Contamination and Suitability of Canal Water For Irrigation, Lahore Branch Pakistan
Physicochemical Properties, Contamination and Suitability of Canal Water For Irrigation, Lahore Branch Pakistan
Physicochemical Properties, Contamination and Suitability of Canal Water For Irrigation, Lahore Branch Pakistan
Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 12, No. 1 & 2 (2011) 88-94
Keywords: Water; Contamination; Physico chemical parameters and Lahore branch canal.
Pakistans economy is largely depended on evaluate irrigation water guidelines [2]. In 1978, a
irrigation because of its arid and semi arid climate. study was conducted on the lined Bhambhanwala
The irrigation system is of the largest in world, Ravi Badian Depalpur (BRBD) link canal. The
consists of major reservoirs, barrages, main canals causes of deterioration of water quality and
and water forces over about millions of hectors of remedial measures were discussed in detail [3].
land. The available water does not need the The sediment increase in the canal due to heavy
irrigation requirement, to augment in adequate burden of population growth in turn increases the
supplies of good quality water; poor quality leaching effect to the ground water [4]. The
ground/drainage water is used [1]. Irrigation water impacts of pollution activities become widespread
is consumed by livestock and thus affects its and they affect the public health, the economy and
health. There is possibility of uptake of the environment [5]. The pollution load in Phulali
contaminants for irrigation water by crops thus canal, which passes through the Hyderabad city,
affecting human health. Many studies have been was high [6]. Sewage and industrial effluents are
conducted on the quality of canal water used for continuously flowing into the canal water, which is
irrigation. Extensive work has been done in used for agriculture purposes. The results of the
Pakistan regarding the evaluation of irrigation canal water quality were compared with FAO,
water quality. In this regard, work by irrigation WAPDA and PCRWR and National
department Punjab, Water and Power Development Environmental Quality Standards NEQS.
Authority (WAPDA), Pakistan Council of
Research on Water Resources (PCRWR) is The hazardous effect of metals on
notable. At the International level of FAO, United environment had seen in Faisalabad city, Pakistan.
Nation Guidelines has been extensively used to The chemical composition of soil and vegetation,
*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]
Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 12, No. 1 & 2 (2011) 89
when irrigated with sewer mix canal water was total of 45 inlets were counted in 50-km stretch
loaded with potassium, phosphorous, iron, copper, during survey and collection of the samples.
zinc, manganese, nickel and lead [7]. The Untreated wastewater reduces the suitability of
evaluation of irrigation water for heavy metals canal water for irrigation, livestock consumption
contamination was studied in Akbarpura District and aesthetics use.
Noshera. Comparative study on irrigation canal
and Bara river water on heavy metals contents The Lahore branch canal receives
revealed that irrigation canal was less polluted as domestic, industrial wastewater through
compared to Bara river water [8]. The heavy overflowing gutters and wastewater drain. Large
metals contents were accumulated and distributed variation in physicochemical characteristics was
in agricultural soil when irrigated by canal water observed at different sampling site from L-1 to
mix with sewer and industrial wastewater [9]. The L-12.
present study was aimed at collection and
physicochemical analysis of water samples from Sampling technique
Lahore branch canal, so as to determine the extent
of pollution, the impact of activities by residents of At all sampling sites, the water depth was
surrounding areas that is a continuous threat to between 3-4 meters. Three samples were collected
canal water resources its ecosystem and suitability each month at each site for one year according to
for required use. standard procedures. Flow proportionate samples
were collected and pooled to obtain one composite
Experimental sample at that site. (Table 1) shows the detail of all
Study area twelve sampling sites. Large non-homogenous
matter as leaves, rags, twigs and other floating
Lahore branch canal is a beautiful material in the sample was avoided. A plastic cup
waterway passing through the second larger city of with long handle was use to collect the samples in
Pakistan, Lahore. The Lahore branch Niaz Baig labeled polyethylene 1 liter screw cap container
distributory serves the districts of Lahore and which were cleaned sequentially with detergent,
Kasur with 4,00,000 acres of fertile agriculture tap water and many distilled water rinses [10].
land with population of about 2.0 million Each container was filled to the brim with the
inhabitants. All the area is being irrigated by sample water to avoid any space. Each collected
gravity flow. The ground water of the area is partly sample was recorded and identified with a unique
sweet and saline with water table at 55 feet. The sample number, date, collection hours, exact
water in the canal is used publicly for swimming, location and description of surroundings. It was
washing, boating, fishing, drinking, recreational brought to the laboratory within two hours of
activities and irrigation. With the passage of time, collection and processed accordingly for the
regular, un- checked and discriminate disposal of analysis of different parameters [11]. All the
domestic, municipal sewage, industrial and chemicals used were of analytical grade and
agriculture wastes accumulated organic and double distill water was used in the study.
inorganic pollutants, heat (weather conditions)
solid and semi solid refuses (human, animal Physical parameters
excretes, fruit and vegetable wastes, plastic
material, wood and glass) into the canal has Irrigation water is the class of water
become very common. Many small and medium applies to surface water that is primarily used for
size workshops and industries located in the areas irrigation and live stock watering and industrial
of Jallo village, Mughalpura, Harbanspura, cooling waters. Irrigation water quality parameters
Baghbanpura, Dharampura, Fateh Garh, Taj pura, are commonly selected considering their
Lalpul, Muslim Town, Mehdi Pur are continuously importance on crop production, Live stock health
throwing domestic wastewater from human and human health. The physical parameters of pH,
settlement, sewer/ laundry effluent, agricultural total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids
waste and wastewater from unauthorized factories TSS, conductivity, temperature, turbidity,
into the canal without any check and balance. A
90 Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 12, No. 1 & 2 (2011)
settleable solids and dissolved oxygen DO were (COD) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
determined by standard methods [12]. nitrate, nitrite and metal contents, i-e., zinc,
chromium, cadmium, copper, manganese, nickel
Chemical / Inorganic parameters and iron were determined by atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (Varian) according to standard
Inorganic constituents of chloride, methods [12].
sulphate, hardness, chemical oxygen demand
L-3 Harbanspura A / B before and after bridge Residential area, sewer /wastewater disposal pipe, sludge
L-10 PRCHS Industrial area (Dressor Masco, Energy Services, Shahkam industries etc)
wastewater /effluent.
Ammonia is produced by the hydrolysis of urea, range was 16.5 to 42.5 mg/L. The variation of
biological degradation of organic compounds, use BOD at all sampling sites was between 10.3-18.8
of nitrate in agriculture and chemical effluent mg/L indicating the presence of some organic
being discharged by the industries. Variation of pollution. The environmentally acceptable level of
COD at all twelve sites is shown in (Table 3). Its BOD5 prevails in canal i.e. < 50 mg/L.
L-2 30.21.56 16.21.16 22.01.51 8.51.50 1.31.11 1.01 .08 68.0 1.2 10.21.18
L-3 42.51.59 18.81.12 18.81.7 10.01.60 1.0 .13 4.151.05 62.0 1.09 18.91.15
L-4 41.91.36 18.51.17 29.51.19 4.51.7 1.5 .15 3.03 .66 62.01.27 9.801.14
L-5 29.21.50 14.81.26 19.21.11 11.61.08 1.91.11 3.16 .34 70.0 1.36 11.71.41
L-6 22.21.26 10.31.44 23.91.13 13.91.23 1.71.33 3.521.43 72.0 1.41 10.01.88
L-7 17.01.17 10.61.35 21.81.53 5.81.88 2.01.34 3.221.12 74.0 1.15 10.21.36
L-8 16.51.37 11.01.17 16.61.14 9.91.24 2.1 1.12 3.411.40 72.0 1.46 9.91.70
L-9 20.01.58 12.61.08 23.01.26 8.81.46 1.81.42 3.501.13 73.0 1.17 14.71.36
L-10 28.51.97 13.71.45 17.51.35 7.2 1.08 1.6 1.15 4.191.19 65.01.09 11.01.8
L-11 34.21.12 18.51.20 22.01.19 7.8 1.40 1.2 1.21 4.861.20 73.0 1.21 12.21.57
L-12 34.01.16 18.31.07 26.21.12 8.1 1.50 1.5 1.12 4.821.22 70.0 1.23 10 .51.32
canal water varies between 0.2 -0.5 mg/L level The city district government must consider
throughout the year. Chromium is not generally and prohibited the people living around not to
recognized as an essential growth element but it throw wastes, rubbish, sewer and solid waste
was above the limit. Cadmium is toxic to beans, directly into the canal in order to sustain the
beets and turnips at concentration as low as 0.1 beauty, recreational activity the irrigation water
mg/L in nutrient solutions [2]. In all canal water standards because it is a good source of irrigation
samples, cadmium was above the FAO limit. The and gardening in district of Lahore and Kasur.
maximum level of cadmium was 3.13 mg/L in
sample L-5 while the lower value was 0.26 in Acknowledgement
sample L-11. Manganese was under limit in all
canal water samples. The authors thank Pakistan Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR)
Conclusion laboratories Lahore for providing services for this
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