Parametric Optimization of Hydraulic Modular Trailer Frame Using ANSYS (APDL)

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Parametric Optimization of Hydraulic Modular

Trailer Frame using ANSYS (APDL)
A. D. M. Chauhan, B. Prof. S. B. Soni and C. Prof. A. M. Gohil3
A. M.Tech Student, Mechanical Engg. Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University,
B. Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engg. Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University,
C. Professor, Mechanical Engg. Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
the chassis [4].
Abstract-- Hydraulic Modular Trailer (HMT) is one of the safest S. Tiwari has carried out his dissertation work to obtain
way to transport heavy and over dimensional objects on road. relationship between high level design variables having
Gross laden weight of HMT is fixed based on permitted load per dominating effect and performance criteria of a ladder type
axle as per standards. To have higher pay load capacity, un-
laden weight of the HMT should be optimum. Major load (un-
chassis frame. Lumped Parameter Model (Mathematical
laden) of the HMT is shared by the frame hence weight Model) was used to perform weight optimization of chassis
optimization can be done to increase the payload capacity of the frame within design envelope. Where time, cost and accuracy
trailer. In this paper, parametric model of the benchmarked based comparison of FE analysis using shell and beam
frame is prepared using SHELL63 4node elastic element in element is given. FE analysis using shell element gives highly
ANSYS APDL language. Frame is optimized using design accurate result, however time taken and cost are also high [5].
optimization module available in ANSYS using first order
optimization method.
A.M. Harte, J.F. McNamara, I.D. Roddy have studied the
Index TermsHydraulic Modular Trailer, First order optimization of design parameters associated with composite
optimization method, Gross laden weight, ANSYS APDL sandwich body shell walls of light rail vehicles (LRV) [6].
Zbigniew Sekulski has applied genetic algorithm (GA) to
I. INTRODUCTION solve the problem of weight minimization of a high speed
vehicle-passenger catamaran structure with several design
I n India, the over dimensional cargos (ODC) market is
poised to have a good market potential with renewed
interest on the infrastructure and industrial development
variables such as dimensions of the plate thickness, spacing
between longitudinal and transversal members [7].
projects. Although there is huge growth potential, there is still The integration of computer aided design and engineering
need to have suitable transportation methodology and software codes (Pro/Engineering, ADAMS, and ANSYS) to
technology compared to developed countries. Further, there is simulate the effect of design changes to the truck frame has
a growing need for providing efficient and safe transportation been studied by C. Cosme et al. In this paper, shell element is
used for analysis in ANSYS [5]. V. Bhasker, R. Babu and V.
and for that one of the vehicle types is Hydraulic modular
Shekhar have presented an integration and automation
trailer (HMT).
process solution for design and development of automotive
Many researchers carried out study on truck frame. C.
frame structures, driven by CAE. Traditionally shell element
Karaoglu and N. S. Kuralay investigated stress analysis of is used for design and development of automotive frame, here
truck chassis with riveted joints using FEM. Numerical results attempt is made to use simplified 1-D FE model using
showed that stresses on the side member can be reduced by Hypermesh at early design stage to reduce development
increasing the side member thickness locally. If the thickness process time [8].
change is not possible, increasing the connection plate length However authors have not optimized the frame using 2-D
may be a good alternative [1]. S. Prabhu has also worked on a FE model. Here an attempt is made to optimize hydraulic
stress analysis of a truck chassis through FEA [2]. T.H.Fui, modular trailer frame using ANSYS APDL language.
R.Abd.Rahman presented the study of the vibration
characteristics of the truck chassis that include the natural II. HYDRAULIC MODULAR TRAILER
frequencies and mode shapes. The results shows that the road 1) General
excitation is the main disturbance to the truck chassis as the HMT is essentially a robust platform carrying series of
chassis natural frequencies lie within the road excitation wheels with hydraulic suspensions and capable of being
frequency range [3]. A. Dubey and V. Dwivedi have worked steered hydro-mechanically as shown in Figure 1. It is mostly
on different load cases and boundary conditions for the stress used to transport and handle oversize and overweight
analysis of chassis using FEA in ANSYS. Shell element has structure. Main features of the trailer are steerable wheels
been used for the longitudinal members and cross members of (all) by hydro-mechanical steering system, adjustable

platform height by hydraulic suspension system and modular Main cross

in nature so it can connect n number of trailers side by side 430 20 90 12
and end by end as per load type. As per the Automotive Side long
Industry Standard, AIS-53[9], HMT is a full trailer [10] and 480 15 90 10
comes under T5 - category (Towed vehicle) End cross
200 15 90 10
Main long
330 50 740 30


Whole modeling, analysis and optimization are done using
ANSYS APDL [13], which stands for ANSYS Parametric
Design Language, a scripting language that can use to
automate common tasks or even build model in terms of
parameters (variables).
1) Modeling
All necessary member properties are defined as a
parameter. Co-ordinates of key points are defined using
Fig.1 Schematic view of Hydraulic modular trailer model parameters and areas are created by connecting those key
with transparent frame points. Thus surface model is created of the frame by defining
parameter. If we change the value of one parameter, whole
2) General Specification model changes accordingly. Then members flange and web
1. Permissible axle loadings: As per IRC-3:1983 [11], axle thicknesses are defined as a real constant. Meshing is done
loading should not exceed 18 tones per axle. using SHELL63 4node elastic element. As per IS 2062 [14],
2. Overall width (w) and length (l): As per Central motor the material of frame is E 250(Fe 410 W) C with 250
vehicles rules, 1989 [12], overall width should not exceed 3 2 2
N/ mm of yield strength and 410 N/ mm of ultimate tensile
m and length of tractor trailer combination should not exceed strength. By considering safety factor 2.5, permissible yield
18 m. From survey of different manufacturer, length of six 2
axle trailer is taken as 9 m. So overall dimensions of the strength for the frame is 100 N/ mm . Other properties of
frame is 9 m 3 m. frame material are as shown in Table II.
3. Axle spacing (b): As per IRC-3:1983 [11], axle spacing is
not less than 1.2 m but not more than 2.5 m apart. From Table II. Material properties of Tretec frame
2 5
survey of different manufacturer, axle spacing is taken as 1.5 Modulus of Elasticity E (N/ mm ) 2 10
4. Overall wheelbase (t): From survey of different Density (Kg/ mm )
3 7850
manufacturer, wheel base is taken as 1.8 m.
Poisson Ratio 0.3
Yield Strength (N/ mm )
2 250
Tensile Strength (N/ mm )
2 410

Fig. 2 General specification of Hydraulic modular trailer


From the survey of different manufacturers, Tretec frame

(Six axles) is benchmarked for study. It consists of built up
box sections for all the frame members, i.e. main long
member, main cross members, end cross members, side long
members as shown in Figure 3. Here general members
properties (in mm) of Tretec frame are as shown in Table I.

Table I. Sectional properties (in mm) of different members of

Tretec frame
Flange Flange Web Web
Member width thickness depth thickness
(B) ( tf ) (D) ( tw ) Fig.3 Surface model of Tratec frame in ANSYS

Objective function
2) Analysis 3
Volume ( mm ) - - 500000
First modal analysis is carried out in free-free boundary
condition. There is not any rotating part like engine on frame,
and road excitation is the main disturbance to the trailer State Variable
frame. Maximum vehicle speed is 15 km/hr. From modal Von-Mises stress
2 10 100 0.9
analysis, natural frequencies are found in the range of 41Hz to (N/ mm )
92Hz which is far away from actual working condition. So, Deflection ( mm ) 0.1 1 0.009
only linear static stress analysis is carried out considering
dynamic load factor. The load is assumed as a uniform Design Variable (in mm )
pressure obtained from gross laden weight divided by the B 100 430 4.3
total upper flange area of frame [15]. Detail loading of model tf 6 63 0.57
is shown in Figure 4. The load intensity is determined by: MCM
D 80 130 0.5
F 18000 6 1.2 9.81 N tw 6 63 0.57
p= = = 0.079 (1) B 100 480 4.8
A 16398000 mm 2
Where, SLM
tf 6 63 0.57
F = (Load /axle) (No. of axle) (Dynamic load factor) g D 80 130 0.3
A = Total loading area of frame (mm3) tw 6 63 0.57
p = Load intensity (N/mm2) B 100 200 1
Fixed boundary conditions are applied on rectangular area ECM
tf 6 63 0.57
at bottom of side long members, where axle and suspension D 80 130 0.3
systems are attached with bearing. The meshed trailer frame tw 6 63 0.57
has 9800 elements and 9588 nodes. B 100 330 3.3
tf 6 63 0.57
D 400 740 3.4
tw 6 63 0.57


First linear static stress analysis is carried out of a
benchmarked Tretec frame which is to be optimized. After
carrying the analysis, Von-Mises stress of the frame is 114.27
N/ mm which is higher than the permissible yield strength
and deflection value is 0.9098 mm as shown in Figures 5 and
6 respectively.
In the optimization of the above frame, the solution has
converged to the optimum in 81 iterations. Initial parameter
and result of optimization is as shown in Table IV. Variation
Fig.4 loading and boundary condition in Tretec frame
of different parameters against the iteration number are as per
the graph as shown in Figures from 7 to14. As the optimized
parameter shows non standard value, the parameters are
Here attempt is made to size optimization of trailer frame. standardized taking the nearest higher value available in IS
Reduction in volume is taken as objective function. Von- 1730:1995 [16]. Finally linear static stress analysis of
Mises stress and deflection are taken as constrains. Based on optimized standard frame and the Von-Mises stress and
functional requirements, members width, height, and plate deflection for frame are shown in Figures 15 and 16
thickness are taken as design variables and their minimum respectively. Here, value of Von-Mises stress is less than
and maximum limits are given. Optimization is done using permissible yield stress.
first order method available in ANSYS with following inputs:
1. Maximum iterations = 100
2. Percent step size = 50
3. Percent forward difference = 0.2
Optimization variables and their convergence tolerance
criteria are as per Table III.

Table III. Optimization variables (in mm) and their

convergence tolerance for Tretec frame.
Minimum Maximum Tolerance

Fig.5 Von-Mises stress in Tretec frame (Before optimization)

Fig.7 Top surface area v/s Number of optimization iterations grap

Fig.6 Deflection in Tretec frame (Before optimization)

Table IV. Section parameter (in mm) of Tretec

frame before and after optimization.
Member Property Initial Optimized Standardized Fig.8 Pressure acting on frame v/s Number of optimization iterations
MCM B 430 382.78 400 graph
tf 20 8.4683 10
D 90 112.34 120
tw 12 14.363 10
SLM B 480 480 480
tf 15 9.5802 10
D 90 112.34 120
tw 10 24.74 25
ECM B 200 198.30 200
tf 15 8.4602 10
D 90 112.34 120
tw 10 8.2219 10
MLM B 330 254.20 300
tf 50 12.396 14
D 740 685.33 690
tw 30 6.12 8 Fig.9 Total volume v/s Number of optimization iterations graph

Von-Mises Stress 132.7 98.331 94.192

(N/ mm )
Deflection ( mm ) 0.909 0.99781 0.83358
Volume( mm ) 10
3 9 1.203 0.4905 0.577
Mass ( Kg ) 9447 3850.27 4529.42

Fig.10 Von-Mises stress v/s Number of optimization iterations Fig.13 Different flange and web thicknesses v/s Number of
graph optimization iterations graph

Fig.11 Deflection v/s Number of optimization iterations graph Fig.14 Width and height of different members v/s Number of
optimization iterations graph

Fig.12 Main long web height v/s Number of optimization iterations Fig.15 Von-Mises stress in Tretec frame (After
graph optimization)

[1] C. Karaoglu and N. S. Kuralay, Stress analysis of a truck
chassis with riveted joints. Finite element in analysis and
design, Elsever, pages 1115-1130, 2002.
[2] S. Prabhu, Stress analysis on truck chassis using finite
element analysis. Intenational Journal of mechanical
Engineers (India), Volume 1, issue 1, pages 55-61, January-
June 2008.
[3] T. H. Fui and R. Abd. Rahman, Static and dynamics
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Mekanikal, No. 24, pages 56-67, 2007.
[4] A. Dubey and V. Dwivedi, Vehicle chassis analysis: load
cases and boundary conditions for stress analysis. In 11th
Fig.16 Deflection in Tretec frame (After optimization)
National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms. IIT,
Delhi, India, December 2003.
VII. CONCLUSION [5] S. Tiwari, Evolution of empirical relationship between
high level design parameters with performance criteria of a
Tretec frame is optimized and feasible design was obtained ladder type chassis frame. Master's thesis, Institute of
with 52 % reduction in mass as shown in Table V. This Technology, Nirma University, May 2007.
reduction in mass of the frame increases the payload capacity [6] A.M. Harte, J.F. McNamara, I.D. Roddy, A multilevel
by 4.900 tones approximately. approach to the optimisation of a composite light rail vehicle
bodyshell., Composite Structures, Elsever, pages 447453,
Table V. Percentage change in Tretec frame parameter due 2004.
to optimization [7] Zbigniew Sekulski, Least-weight topology and size
Initial standardized % change optimization of high speed vehicle-passenger catamaran
Volume( mm ) 10
9 1.2034 0.577 52 structure by genetic algorithm. , Marine Structures, Elsever,
Mass ( Kg ) 9447 4529.42 52 pages 691711, 2009.
[8] V. Bhasker, R. Babu and V. Shekhar, Process integration
Von-Mises Stress 132.75 94.192 29.045
and automation solutions for rapid designing of automotive
(N/ mm ) frame structures using altair hyperworks. In Hyperworks
Deflection ( mm ) 0.9098 0.8336 8.38 Technology Conference. Altair Hyper works, 2008.
[9] Automotive Industry Standard. AIS-053: Automotive
During optimization of Tretec frame, it is found that the Vehicles-Types - Terminology.
value of flange thickness is decreased and value of web [10] Automotive Industry Standard. AIS-93: Code of
thickness is increased in two members namely side long practice for construction and approval of truck cabs, truck
member and main cross member as shown in Table VI. So, bodies and trailers.
web thicknesses value should be kept more than the flange [11] The Indian Road Congress, New Delhi. IRC 3: 1083,
thicknesses value for those respective members. Dimensions and weights of road design vehicle, first revision
Table VI. Change in flange and web thickness (In mm) of [12] The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
Tretec frame members due to optimization [13] ANSYS help.
Initial Standardized [14] Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. IS 2062:1999,
Main cross flange thickness 20 10 Steel for general structural purposes-specification, fifth
Main cross web thickness 12 16 revision edition.
Side long flange thickness 15 10 [15] O. Kurdi, R. Abd. Rahman and M. N. Tamin. Stress
Side long web thickness 10 25 analysis of heavy duty truck chassis using finite element
method. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti
There is a greater reduction in main long member Teknologi Malaysia.
properties of the frame as shown in Table VII. [16] Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. IS 1730:1995,
steel plates, sheets, strips and flats for structural and general
Table VII. Change in main long member properties engineering purposes-dimensions, second revision edition.
(In mm) of Tretec frame
Initial Standardized
Main long flange thickness 50 14
Main long web thickness 30 8

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