Parametric Optimization of Hydraulic Modular Trailer Frame Using ANSYS (APDL)
Parametric Optimization of Hydraulic Modular Trailer Frame Using ANSYS (APDL)
Parametric Optimization of Hydraulic Modular Trailer Frame Using ANSYS (APDL)
Objective function
2) Analysis 3
Volume ( mm ) - - 500000
First modal analysis is carried out in free-free boundary
condition. There is not any rotating part like engine on frame,
and road excitation is the main disturbance to the trailer State Variable
frame. Maximum vehicle speed is 15 km/hr. From modal Von-Mises stress
2 10 100 0.9
analysis, natural frequencies are found in the range of 41Hz to (N/ mm )
92Hz which is far away from actual working condition. So, Deflection ( mm ) 0.1 1 0.009
only linear static stress analysis is carried out considering
dynamic load factor. The load is assumed as a uniform Design Variable (in mm )
pressure obtained from gross laden weight divided by the B 100 430 4.3
total upper flange area of frame [15]. Detail loading of model tf 6 63 0.57
is shown in Figure 4. The load intensity is determined by: MCM
D 80 130 0.5
F 18000 6 1.2 9.81 N tw 6 63 0.57
p= = = 0.079 (1) B 100 480 4.8
A 16398000 mm 2
Where, SLM
tf 6 63 0.57
F = (Load /axle) (No. of axle) (Dynamic load factor) g D 80 130 0.3
A = Total loading area of frame (mm3) tw 6 63 0.57
p = Load intensity (N/mm2) B 100 200 1
Fixed boundary conditions are applied on rectangular area ECM
tf 6 63 0.57
at bottom of side long members, where axle and suspension D 80 130 0.3
systems are attached with bearing. The meshed trailer frame tw 6 63 0.57
has 9800 elements and 9588 nodes. B 100 330 3.3
tf 6 63 0.57
D 400 740 3.4
tw 6 63 0.57
Fig.10 Von-Mises stress v/s Number of optimization iterations Fig.13 Different flange and web thicknesses v/s Number of
graph optimization iterations graph
Fig.11 Deflection v/s Number of optimization iterations graph Fig.14 Width and height of different members v/s Number of
optimization iterations graph
Fig.12 Main long web height v/s Number of optimization iterations Fig.15 Von-Mises stress in Tretec frame (After
graph optimization)
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(In mm) of Tretec frame
Initial Standardized
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