The Use of GPS Disciplined Oscillators As Primary Frequency Standards For Calibration and Metrology Laboratories
The Use of GPS Disciplined Oscillators As Primary Frequency Standards For Calibration and Metrology Laboratories
The Use of GPS Disciplined Oscillators As Primary Frequency Standards For Calibration and Metrology Laboratories
there was clearly some compensation for
Modified Julian Dates (09/05/2007 to 11/23/2007, 80 days) the aging rate. The frequency accuracy
during this segment was about 150 10-15.
Figure 9. Phase comparison of two GPSDOs to UTC(NIST).
During the second 40 days, the slope of
the phase changed at least once every few
days, and the average frequency offset
was just a few parts in 1015. This is
somewhat misleading, however, because
the level of phase noise was much higher
than that of Device A.
Figure 10 shows the long-term fre-
1.0E-12 quency stability of both devices as esti-
Allan Deviation
Allan Deviation
lator, and Device A was chosen because
of its excellent all-around performance.
These examples are simply intended to
show that two different GPSDOs can
produce very different results, even when
connected to the same antenna and Device B
applying for accreditation and an auditor were told that the dard can achieve frequency calibration and measurement capa-
uncertainty assigned to a GPSDO was obtained by a cali- bilities near 1 10-13 after one day of averaging, but must estab-
bration from five years ago, they would likely agree that the lish a procedure that verifies that the GPSDO is working
traceability chain was no longer valid. Therefore, calibra- properly and that the traceability chain is intact.
tion laboratories that rely solely on this approach will have
to periodically schedule and pay for repeat calibrations. 8. Acknowledgements
This is not an attractive option, because it negates one of The author thanks Tom Parker, Richard Fox, and David Smith
the chief advantages of owning a self-calibrating stan- of NIST for several helpful comments and corrections regarding
dard. this manuscript, and Andrew Novick of NIST for his contribu-
2. Assign an uncertainty, and then continuously verify that tions to the GPSDO measurements.
both the GPSDO and the GPS satellites are working prop- This paper is a contribution of the United States government
erly. A reasonable strategy for many calibration laboratories and is not subject to copyright.
is to assign a measurement uncertainty to their GPSDO
obtained from a previous calibration (see above), or from 9. References
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