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COIL Tubing

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Coiled tubing

coiled tubing refers to a very long metal pipe, normally 1 to 3.25 in (25 to 83 mm) in diameter. It
is used for interventions in oil and gas wells and sometimes as production tubing in depleted gas
wells. Common coiled tubing steels have yield strengths ranging from 55,000 PSI to 120,000 PSI
so it can also be used to fracture the reservoir,

The most typical use for coiled tubing is circulation or deliquification. A hydrostatic head (a
column of fluid in the well bore) may be inhibiting flow of formation fluids because of its weight
(the well is said to have been killed). The safest (though not the cheapest) solution would be to
attempt to circulate out the fluid, using a gas, frequently nitrogen (Often called a 'Nitrogen Kick').
By running coiled tubing into the bottom of the hole and pumping in the gas, the kill fluid can be
forced out to production. Circulating can also be used to clean out light debris, which may have
accumulated in the hole. Coiled tubing umbilicals can convey hydraulic submersible pumps and
jet pumps into wells. These pumps allow for inexpensive and noninvasive well cleanouts on low-
pressure CBM (coal bed methane) gas wells. These umbilicals can also be run into deviated
wells and horizontal laterals.

Pumping through coiled tubing can also be used for dispersing fluids to a specific location in the
well such as for cementing perforations or performing chemical washes of downhole components
such as sandscreens. In the former case, coiled tubing is particularly advantageous compared to
simply pumping the cement from surface as allowing it to flow through the entire completion
could potentially damage important components, such as the downhole safety valve. Coiled
tubing umbilical technologies enable the deployment of complex pumps which require multiple
fluid strings on coiled tubing. In many cases, the use of coiled tubing to deploy a complex pump
can greatly reduce the cost of deployment by eliminating the number of units on site during the

Coiled Tubing Drilling[edit]

A relatively modern drilling technique involves using coiled tubing instead of conventional drill
pipe. This has the advantage of requiring less effort to trip in and out of the well (the coil can
simply be run in and pulled out while drill pipe must be assembled and dismantled joint by joint
while tripping in and out).
An additional advantage is that the coiled tubing enters the hole via a stripper, mounted on the
injector, which provides a hydraulic seal around the coil. This offers well control capabilities
beyond those normally possible with drill pipe, and gives the ability to drill underbalanced.
Instead of rotating the drill bit by using a rotary table or top drive at the surface, it is turned by a
downhole MUD MOTOR, powered by the motion of drilling fluid pumped from surface. Drilling
which is powered by a mud motor instead of a rotating pipe is generally called slide drilling. [2]
Typically the mud motor will be one component of a Coiled Tubing Drilling bottom hole assembly.
The BHA also provides directional survey, gamma, pressure, temperature, and in some cases,
petrophysical logs as drilling progresses. The latest generation of advanced Coiled tubing
drilling BHAs offer the ability to steer the bit,[3] enabling the wells trajectory to be corrected in
response to the measurements taken by the sensors.

Logging and perforating[edit]

These tasks are by default the realm of wireline. Because coiled tubing is rigid, it can be pushed
into the well from the surface. This is an advantage over wireline, which depends on the weight
of the toolstring to be lowered into the well. For highly deviated and horizontal wells, gravity may
be insufficient for wireline logging. Roller stem and tractors can often overcome this
disadvantage at greatly reduced cost, particularly on small platforms and subsea wells where
coiled tubing would require mobilizing an expensive mobile drilling rig. The use of coiled tubing
for these tasks is usually confined to occasions where it is already on site for another purpose,
for example a logging run following a chemical wash.

Coiled tubing is often used as a production string in shallow gas wells that produce some water.
The narrow internal diameter results in a much higher velocity than would occur inside
conventional tubing or inside the casing. This higher velocity assists in lifting liquids to surface,
liquids which might otherwise accumulate in the wellbore and eventually "kill" the well. The coiled
tubing may be run inside the casing instead or inside conventional tubing. When coiled tubing is
run inside of conventional tubing it is often referred to as a "velocity string" and the space
between the outside of the coiled tubing and the inside of the conventional tubing is referred to
as the "micro annulus". In some cases gas is produced up into the micro annulus. Coiled tubing
umbilicals can convey hydraulic submersible pumps, electric submersible pumps and jet pumps
into wells for both permanent deliquification schemes and service applications.

Coiled tubing rigup[edit]

The main engine of a coiled tubing intervention is the injector head. This component contains the
mechanism to push and pull the coil in and out of the hole. An injector head has a curved guide
beam on top called a gooseneck which threads the coil into the injector body. Below the injector
is the stripper, which contains rubber pack off elements providing a seal around the tubing to
isolate the well's pressure.
Below the stripper is the preventer, which provides the ability to cut the coiled tubing pipe and
seal the well bore (shear-blind) and hold and seal around the pipe (pipe-slip). Older quad-BOPs
have a different ram for each of these functions (blind, shear, pipe, slip). Newer dual-BOPs
combine some of these functions together to need just two distinct rams (shear-blind, pipe-slip).
The BOP sits below the riser, which provides the pressurized tunnel down to the top of
the Christmas tree. Between the Christmas tree and the riser is the final pressure barrier, the
shear-seal BOP, which can cut and seal the pipe.
Worldwide the coiled tubing unit count has increased year on year in the past decade especially
in the USA.[4]

Onshore light coiled tubing unit[edit]

A Coil Tubing Unit (CTU) is a self-contained multi-use machine that can do almost anything that
a conventional service rig does - with the exception of tripping jointed pipe. There are generally
two types in shallow service - Arch and Picker. One uses a vertical elevator with a horsehead on
top, and an injector hanging by winch line off it. The Picker units have a picker, and a horsehead
bolted directly to the injector.
These type of coil tubing units have a semi-permanent drum mounted amidships (They are
generally tandem drive Class 3 trucks, 40 feet (12 m) long or so)

Coil Tubing Parts[edit]

Custom/Generic Coil tubing gripper blocks, Skate Rollers, Arch Rollers

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