2017 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ligamentous Injuries in Ankle Sprain
2017 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ligamentous Injuries in Ankle Sprain
2017 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ligamentous Injuries in Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprains are common. Injury to the ankle ligaments is increasingly diagnosed by magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). In this review, 3-dimensional MRI sequence is discussed, the normal and injured MRI
appearance of various components of the ankle ligaments is illustrated, and associated complications of ankle
sprain are briefly presented.
Correspondence: Dr PY Chu, Department of Radiology and Organ Imaging, United Christian Hospital, 130 Hip Wo Street, Kwun
Tong, Hong Kong.
Email: [email protected]
by experienced radiologists using a 1.5-T magnetic sequences use parallel imaging, long-echo trains,
resonance scanner (MAGNETOM Aera; Siemens and large turbo factors to reduce imaging time.8 The
Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). Axial, coronal, contrast characteristics in FSE 3D pulse sequence
and sagittal planes are obtained. The ankle is imaged images are similar to those of FSE sequences and
in the oblique axial plane parallel to the talar dome, are a more attractive option than gradient-echo 3D
the oblique coronal plane perpendicular to the long pulse sequences. 7 Such 3D FSE pulse sequences
axis of the calcaneus, and the oblique sagittal plane include sampling perfection with application-
parallel to bilateral malleoli and perpendicular to optimised contrasts with different flip-angle evolutions
the talar dome. The patient is positioned supine with (SPACE) by Siemens Healthcare9 and extended echo-
the foot in slight plantar flexion. Plantar flexion can train acquisition and FSE-Cube acquisition by GE
decrease the magic angle effect, accentuate the fat plane Healthcare.10,11
between the peroneal tendons, and better visualise the
calcaneofibular ligament (CFL).4 A dedicated extremity At our institution, 3D MRI pulse sequences are
surface coil (Foot/Ankle 16-Channel Coil; Siemens incorporated into ankle MRI protocols. We use FSE
Medical Solution) is used to enhance spatial resolution. proton density (PD)-weighted 3D pulse sequence
The standard MRI protocol for evaluation of ankle SPACE. It is particularly important in the evaluation of
ligamentous injury is summarised in the Table. ankle ligaments as they are often obliquely oriented to
the standard anatomic orthogonal imaging planes. 3D
Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance isotropic pulse sequences enable generation of multiple
Imaging Pulse Sequences high-quality post-processing reformatted images from
Three-dimensional (3D) MRI sequences have the an original isotropic data acquisition along any user-
advantage of acquiring thin continuous slices that defined imaging plane (Figure 1) using picture archiving
reduce the effects of partial volume averaging.5 3D MRI and communication system station (IMPAX; Agfa
sequences with isotropic resolution enable high-quality Healthcare, NV, Belgium).
multiplanar reformat images to be obtained following a
single acquisition.5 Preliminary results for the diagnostic ANATOMY OF ANKLE LIGAMENTS
performance of 3D isotropic resolution sequences are The ankle joint is supported by three groups of
encouraging. 3D MRI sequences have been reported ligaments: lateral collateral ligaments, medial collateral
to have 94% accuracy in detecting anterior talofibular ligaments, and the syndesmotic ligament complex.
ligament (ATFL) and CFL tears, and 92% sensitivity and Ligaments that generally appear homogeneously
100% specificity in diagnosing ATFL and CFL rupture.6 hypointense on all imaging sequences may include
the ATFL, CFL, and superficial deltoid ligament. 12
A variety of 3D MRI pulse sequences have been used Other ankle ligaments may show a mixed or striated
to detect internal derangement of joints. These include signal intensity pattern; these include the posterior
gradient-echo and fast spin-echo (FSE) 3D acquisition talofibular ligament (PTFL), posterior tibiofibular
sequences. 7 Potential disadvantages of gradient- ligament, and deep deltoid ligament.4 Nonetheless, there
echo 3D MRI techniques include the relatively long are exceptions to typical appearances. Awareness of
acquisition time and inherent sensitivity to intravoxel the normal and atypical MRI characteristics of ankle
dephasing and susceptibility artefacts.7 FSE 3D pulse ligaments may improve diagnostic accuracy.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The lateral collateral ligament complex includes the extending from the fibular fossa of the distal fibula,
ATFL, PTFL, and CFL. The ATFL extends from the running horizontally and attaching to the posterior
anterior aspect of the lateral malleolus and courses talar process (Figure 2). It is the strongest component
anteromedially downward to attach onto the talar neck of the lateral collateral ligament complex. It is best
(Figure 2). It is best demonstrated on axial T1-wighted demonstrated on axial and coronal images, appearing
or high-resolution PD-weighted MRI. It usually appears striated due to the presence of interspersed fat. It often
as a thin, flat, and straight low-signal-intensity band has marked heterogeneity and thickening, with high-
in a single axial image. In most cases, ATFL actually signal elements on fat-suppressed sequences, which
consists of two separate fascicles, and occasionally is normal and should not be interpreted as a tear. 4
of one or more fascicles.13,14 The fascicles may not The PTFL and the posterior intermalleolar ligament
be differentiated in the axial plane, although may be course transversely behind the tibiotalar joint and are
depicted with high-resolution images (Figure 2).14 The typically seen as punctate low-signal-intensity structures
ATFL may also appear striated with mildly increased posteriorly in the sagittal plane, potentially mimicking
intra-ligamentous signal intensity on T2-weighted and intraarticular bodies in the posterior ankle. 16 It is
PD-weighted images.15 important to track each of these ligaments from their
origin to their insertion on orthogonal imaging planes to
The PTFL has a broad, fan-shaped appearance avoid misdiagnosis. In addition, the pseudodefect of the
(a) (b)
talus represents a normal groove containing the PTFL.17 posteroinferiorly to attach to a small tubercle on the
lateral aspect of the calcaneus. It is best demonstrated
The ATFL and PTFL can be distinguished from the on coronal and axial images. It appears as a thin low-
anterior and posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament signal-intensity band deep to the peroneal tendons
(AiTFL and PiTFL) by the morphological appearance and is often incompletely visualised due to its oblique
of the talus and the distal fibula on axial MRI.18 The orientation (Figure 3).12 The complete course of the CFL
ATFL and PTFL are located inferior to the AiTFL and can usually be depicted using multiplanar reconstruction
PiTFL, respectively, where the talus is oblong and the from thin-section 3D MRI sequences (Figure 3).
fibula demonstrates a medial indentation representing
the malleolar fossa (Figures 1 and 2). AiTFL and PiTFL The medial collateral ligament complex, also known
are detected in the talar dome that is somewhat square. as the deltoid ligament, consists of deep and superficial
In addition, these ligaments insert onto the fibula above layers (Figure 4). The deep ligaments have talar
the malleolar fossa, where the fibula is round with a flat attachment and cross one joint, and consist of anterior
medial border. and posterior tibiotalar ligaments. The superficial
ligaments have variable attachments and cross two
The CFL extends from the tip of the lateral malleolus joints. The three components of the superficial layer are
(a) (b)
the tibiocalcaneal ligament, tibionavicular ligament, and to the presence of intervening fat between its fibres. It
tibiospring ligament. These components are variably should not be confused with injury.19
present.19 On standard MRI, the tibionavicular ligament
and anterior tibiotalar ligament may not always be The syndesmotic ligaments consist of the AiTFL,
visible.20 The mostly present components include the PiTFL, inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament, and
tibiocalcaneal ligament and tibiospring ligament in the inferior interosseous ligament or membrane. These
superficial layer, and the posterior tibiotalar ligament in ligaments are best demonstrated on axial and coronal
the deep layer.20 The various components of the deltoid MRI with low-to-intermediate signal intensity.4 The
ligament are usually best demonstrated on axial and AiTFL and PiTFL are usually seen on two or more
coronal images. The posterior tibiotalar component is sequential axial and coronal MR images at the level of
the strongest and the most readily visualised component. the tibial plafond and talar dome (Figure 5). The AiTFL
It extends between the tip of the medial malleolus to the is the weakest and the most commonly torn syndesmotic
medial talar surface. It is a thick structure comprising ligament. 21 The AiTFL often appears striated and
multiple fascicles and has a striated appearance due discontinuous due to interposition of fat between
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Normal deltoid ligament:
(a) coronal turbo spin-echo proton
density-weighted 3D SPACE image
showing a normal anterior tibiotalar
ligament (arrow), tibiospring
ligament (thin arrow), and tibialis
posterior tendon (curved arrow).
Coronal SPACE images showing (b)
a normal posterior tibiotalar ligament
(arrow), with a striated appearance,
and the flexor retinaculum (curved
arrow), (c) a normal tibiocalcaneal
ligament (arrow), and (d) a normal
tibionavicular ligament (arrow).
Abbreviation: SPACE = sampling
perfection with application-optimised
contrasts using different flip angle
(a) (b)
fascicles and the downward oblique course of the intensity on fluid-sensitive MRI sequences, which
ligaments from the anterior tubercle of the distal tibia to indicate intra-ligamentous oedema or haemorrhage.
the anterior tubercle of the distal fibula. It can result in Other associated features include obliteration of the fat
depiction of a partly interrupted ligament, leading to a planes around the ligament, extravasation of joint fluid
false-positive diagnosis of a rupture.16 into the adjacent spaces, and bone marrow oedema or
contusion. Acute ligamentous injuries are rarely treated
ANKLE LIGAMENTOUS INJURIES surgically. Concomitant injuries such as fracture,
The MRI characteristics of acute injuries to the ankle osteochondral injury, or tendon injury are common
ligaments include morphological and signal intensity (Figures 6 to 8). These concomitant injuries are often
alterations within and around the ligaments. 4,22 more crucial in determining treatment and prognosis
Morphological alterations may include abnormal than the ligamentous injuries themselves.4,18,19 The MRI
thinning, thickening, irregularity, discontinuity, manifestations of chronic ligamentous tear of ankle
or detachment. Signal intensity alterations can be ligaments may be similar to acute injuries, which could
heterogeneous with increased intra-ligamentous signal be thickening, thinning, or irregular appearance of the
(a) (b)
ligaments.4 Nonetheless, there is usually no residual soft not infrequent and can be seen in up to 26% of severe
tissue oedema or haemorrhage. Scarring or synovial inversion injuries.24 A three-point MRI grading system
proliferation may be encountered surrounding the is used to describe acute ankle ligament injuries.25 Grade
ligaments with decreased signal intensity in all pulse I injury is defined as mild sprain with superficial soft
sequences. tissue oedema around the ligament. Grade II injury is a
partial thickness tear and is seen as thickening / oedema
Lateral ankle sprains represent 16% to 21% of all sports- and internal signal alteration within the substance of the
related traumatic lesions,4 and typically occur during ligament on MRI. Grade III injury is a complete tear,
forced plantar flexion and inversion.18 The ATFL is and MRI shows complete disruption or avulsion of the
the weakest ligament and therefore the most frequently ligament. In chronic injuries of the ATFL, granulation
torn (Figure 6). The lateral collateral ligamentous and scar tissue may form within the anterolateral gutter,
complex usually demonstrates a predictable pattern of leading to impingement from entrapment of the synovial
injury depending on the severity of ankle inversion. membrane between the anterior talus and the adjacent
The ATFL is injured first, followed by the CFL and tibia or fibula.4 This has been described as a meniscoid
then the PTFL (Figure 6).22 The ATFL is injured in lesion due to its similar morphology to a meniscus in
83% of cases, the CFL in 67%, and the PTFL in 34%.23 the knee. This anterolateral impingement is the most
Avulsion fractures of the lateral ankle ligaments are common form of ankle impingement, and patients often
(a) (b)
present with persistent lateral ankle pain and instability. It is a common complication of ankle sprains;
70% of cases have a trauma history, and 30% have
Deltoid ligament complex injuries account for about miscellaneous causes such as ganglion cysts, gout
5% of ankle sprains.26 Pronation-eversion and extreme or pigmented villonodular synovitis. 33 Sinus tarsi
rotation are known to be the mechanism that leads to syndrome is a clinical diagnosis and should not be
deltoid ligament injuries.19 Recent studies show deltoid established solely on MRI findings alone. The sinus
ligament injuries may be more frequent than previously tarsi is best evaluated on T1- and T2-weighted sagittal
thought. 27 Isolated deltoid ligament injuries are images. In MRI, the normal sinus tarsi is T1-weighted
infrequent and often associated with lateral ligamentous hyperintense due to abundant fat, and the ligamentous
injuries, syndesmotic injuries, or malleolar fractures structures are clearly outlined by the bright fat signal.
particularly in Weber type B fracture (Figures 6 to 8).19 In sinus tarsi syndrome, the T1-weighted hyperintense
The deep layer is more commonly injured than the fat signal is replaced with a low signal on T1-weighted
superficial layer, and partial tears are more common images due to fluid or scar tissue, and a bright signal
than full-thickness tears.18,19 Sprains of the deep layer on T2-weighed images, with disruption of or indistinct
of the deltoid ligament are frequently noted on MRI in cervical and interosseous ligaments. 4,18 Associated
patients after inversion injuries (Figure 6).18 MRI findings include osteoarthritis of the subtalar
joint with subchondral oedema or cysts of the talus or
Syndesmotic ligament injury or high ankle sprain calcaneus, or contrast enhancement of the hypertrophied
accounts for approximately 7% of ankle sprains.26 The synovium.4,18
mechanism of injury is thought to be forced external
rotation with ankle dorsiflexion and pronation.28 The TREATMENT
AiTFL is the most commonly torn ligament, and Non-operative management remains the gold standard
is almost always torn before the other syndesmotic for ankle sprains. 34 In acute injuries, conservative
ligaments (Figure 8). 29 The injuries can be either treatment in the form of RICE (rest, ice, compression,
ligamentous tear, avulsion fracture, or both. They can elevation) is recommended.34,35 Functional rehabilitation
be isolated or may occur in conjunction with other (e.g. motion restoration and strengthening exercises)
ankle ligamentous groups, or associated with Weber remains the cornerstone of conservative treatment and is
B or C ankle fractures.30 It is associated with a greater preferred over immobilisation in low-grade sprains.35 In
risk of chronic ankle dysfunction and persistent pain severe ankle sprain, treatment is controversial. Several
and usually requires a longer time to recover previous prospective level I studies have compared non-operative
level of function, compared with other ankle sprains of treatment and operative treatment for grade III sprains
similar severity that do not involve the syndesmosis.31 and shown no significant difference in outcome.36,37
Surgical repair may be considered in patients with
POST-TRAUMATIC SINUS TARSI persistent symptoms and instability who are recalcitrant
SYNDROME to conservative measures.18,34
The sinus tarsi is a cone-shaped cavity in the lateral
aspect of the midfoot between the anterosuperior aspect CONCLUSION
of the calcaneus and the inferior aspect of the talar neck. It is important for the radiologist to recognise the
It opens laterally anterior to the lateral malleolus and complex ligamentous structures in the ankle, including
terminates posteromedially behind the sustentaculum the normal anatomic variants and imaging pitfalls.
tali. The contents of the sinus tarsi include abundant Better understanding of the MRI appearance of various
fat surrounding vessels, nerves, and a ligamentous ligamentous injuries and the associated pathological
complex that comprises the medial, intermediate, and conditions may help guide clinical decision making for
lateral roots of the inferior extensor retinaculum, lateral early and appropriate intervention, and thus prevent
cervical ligament, and medial talocalcaneal interosseous long-term morbidity.
ligament. The sinus tarsi ligaments, nerves, and
vessels play an important role in the stabilisation and REFERENCES
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