737ngx Groundwork Secondary Controls Handout
737ngx Groundwork Secondary Controls Handout
737ngx Groundwork Secondary Controls Handout
Flight Controls
The material covered in this document is based off information obtained from
the original manufacturers Pilot and Maintenance manuals. It is to be used
for simulation purposes only.
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Table of Contents Table of Illustrations
Flaps, Slats & Spoilers Overview 3 Figure 12-1. Flaps and Slats Locations 5
Flaps & Slats System 4 Figure 12-2. Alternate Flaps Armed 10
Flap & Slat Protection Mechanisms 8 Figure 12-3. Flight Control Hydraulics 14
Flap Load Relief Mechanism 8
Leading Edge AUTOSLAT Function 8
Asymmetry and Skew Detection 9
Uncommanded Motion (UCM) Detection 9
Alternate Flaps and Slat Extension 9
Flight & Ground Spoilers 11
Spoilers: Protection Mechanisms 13
Spoilers Load Alleviation Mechanism: 13
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Flaps, Slats & Spoilers Overview
Flaps are movable devices in an aircrafts wing that Spoilers have a contrary effect to Flaps and Slats. They are
modify the wing shape to achieve extra lift and reduce panels on the upper surface of a wing that extend upward
the aircrafts stalling speed during low airspeed operation, to disrupt the smooth airflow over the wing. As their name
such as while taking off or landing. Flaps may come in states it, they spoil lift generation. When they are extended,
various forms and shapes, but they commonly extend AFT of immediately behind them a controlled stall is induced thus
the trailing edge of the wing. Like this, the total wing area creating enormous amounts of drag.
increases and there is higher room for generation of lift.
During flight, they may be used in one of two ways:
Slats also are movable devices, however on the aircrafts To aid roll control by providing significantly higher roll
leading edge of the wing that change the wing shape rates through uneven extension of all spoilers.
to achieve extra lift. They commonly extend FWD of the To allow for steeper rates of descent without a significant
wings leading edge. Slats are also available to reduce increase in airspeed. It is not uncommon to find airliners
the aircrafts stalling speed during low airspeed and high using flight spoilers to increase their descent rate
angle of attack operation. This is done by smoothening
airflow in the upper surface of the wing during high angles When the aircraft is on ground, the spoilers have the
of attack, therefore generating more lift. following function.
Angle of attack is defined as the acute angle between the As a rule of thumb, the speed at which an aircraft touches
wing chord line and the relative wind. down during landing is a few knots higher than the speed
at which it would have taken off. This means that when the
QUICK TIP: Slats have a higher field of action in the aircraft touches down, there is still a little bit of available
inboard part of the leading edge, because when an lift in the wings. For this reason, spoilers deploy upon
aircraft stalls, this is the part of the wing that stalls first. This touchdown in order to completely destroy the excess lift
occurs so that in the initial phases of a stall, the ailerons and allow for the landing gear to have better adherence
are still able to provide roll control. to the runway and reduce the stopping distance.
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Flaps & Slats System
Flaps and Slats in the 737NGX can be grouped into two 25
categories: 30
Leading edge Flaps and Slats 40
Trailing edge Flaps
When the flap lever is placed in the UP position, all trailing
In the leading edge, there are two flaps inboard of each edge flaps, leading edge flaps and leading edge slats
engine and four slats outboard of each engine. This are retracted to their normal UP position. When the lever
configuration is repeated on both wings. is moved from its UP detent into any of the other detents,
the trailing edge flaps are commanded to the respective
In the trailing edge, there are a series of flaps both position.
inboard and outboard of each engine. These flaps are
double slotted which basically means that from the trailing QUICK TIP: It takes approximately 38 seconds for the
edge, one flap extends and from this flap, another flap trailing edge flaps to fully extend during normal operation.
The leading edge flaps and slats are sequenced to
There is a flap lever in the cockpit next to the throttles that extend and retract as a function of the trailing edge flaps
can be moved to command either retraction or extension position. This occurs in two stages.
of the trailing edge flaps. The lever has detents in the
following positions: When the flap lever is moved from its UP detent into the
UP 1,2 or 5 position, the trailing edge flaps move to their
1 respective position. Along with this, the leading edge flaps
extend completely and the leading edge slats extend only
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Trailing Edge Flaps Leading Edge Flaps and Slats
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Flaps & Slats System (Cont.)
When the flap lever is moved to any other detent after 5, two ways:
the trailing edge flaps move to their respective position. Hydraulically
Along with this, the leading edge slats extend completely. Electrically
The leading edge flaps are already fully extended.
During normal operation, the hydraulic system B powers
Trailing edge flaps may be controlled by one of two ways: all leading edge flaps and slats. These move with respect
Hydraulically to trailing edge flaps in the way we described previously.
Electrically When the flap lever is moved, the trailing edge system
sends input to the leading edge flap and slat control
During normal operation, the hydraulic system B powers all valve.
trailing edge flaps. System redundancy is provided in a
way by which if there is a hydraulic system B failure, trailing During alternate operation, the standby hydraulic system
edge flaps may still be operated electrically through the powers the leading edge flaps and slats and operates
alternate flap extension mechanism. them electrically in order to fully extend them.
When the flap lever is moved, commands are given to QUICK TIP: During alternate operation, the leading edge
a flap control unit that uses hydraulic system B pressure flaps and slats can not be retracted in flight. The only
to move the trailing edge flaps through a power drive way to do so is by authorized maintenance engineers on
unit (PDU). The PDU converts hydraulic pressure into ground.
mechanical force to operate the trailing edge flaps. The
PDU also has a valve by which flap extension may be Leading edge flaps and slats have two indicator lights in
bypassed. the cockpit, located below the trailing edge flap position
Leading edge flaps and slats may be controlled by one of LE FLAPS EXT: This light comes on when all of the leading
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Flaps & Slats System (Cont.)
edge flaps and slats are either partially or fully extended. Notes
LE FLAPS TRANSIT: This light comes on when a leading
edge flap or slat is not in its commanded position.
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Flap & Slat Protection Mechanisms
Flaps and slats have several protection mechanisms. It is indicated knots.
important to understand a few of these in particular:
Flap load relief mechanism When the trailing edge flap load relief function is active,
Leading edge AUTOSLAT function the FLAP LOAD RELIEF light illuminates.
Asymmetry and skew detection
Leading Edge AUTOSLAT Function
Un-commanded motion (UCM) detection The autoslat function moves leading edge flaps to the fully
Trailing edge alternate flap extension extended position when the system senses that the aircraft
is approaching a stall condition. Autoslat operation is
Flap Load Relief Mechanism powered by the hydraulic system B, but an alternate
Provides the trailing edge flaps with a load relief function source of power is also provided through the hydraulic
that protects the flaps from excessive aerodynamic Power Transfer Unit (PTU).
loads. Flap position is changed when airspeed exceed
certain limits, however, the flap lever does not move. This This feature is only available when the flap lever is in the
mechanism operates only when the flap lever is set at 1,2 or 5 detent, however, there is an optional package
either the 30 or 40 detent. for short field operation that activates this system when the
flap lever is in any of the previously mentioned positions, or
If the trailing edge flaps are set to 40, they retract to 30 if the 10,15 or 25 detents.
airspeed exceeds 163 indicated knots and they re-extend
to 40 when airspeed decreases below 158 indicated The leading edge slats return to their normal extended
knots. position when the stall condition has been prevented by
decreasing the nose up attitude.
If the trailing edge flaps are set to 30, they retract to 25
if the airspeed exceeds 176 indicated knots and they In spite of the fact that the autoslat function moves
re-extend to 30 when airspeed decreases below 171 the leading edge devices for protection, the LE FLAPS
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Flap & Slat Protection Mechanisms
TRANSIT does not come on indicating an uncommanded commanded position, they are bypassed and hydraulic
transit, because after all, the flaps and slat extension during power is stopped, however, if only one trailing edge
autoslat operation is a controlled process. device moves from its commanded position then the
same effect occurs. This feature is inhibited at indicated
Asymmetry and Skew Detection airspeeds below 60 knots.
This feature measures if flaps are aligned during their
extension or retraction. QUICK TIP: The mechanisms for Flap Load Relief, Asymmetry
and Skew Detection and Uncommanded Motion detection
QUICK TIP: The first sign of flaps not being aligned is an are NOT available during alternate flaps extension
inadvertent aircraft rolling tendency. operation.
When nonalignment occurs, the asymmetry and skew Alternate Flaps and Slat Extension
detection mechanism stops hydraulic pressure B from We mentioned previously that the Hydraulic system B
powering the flaps system. Flaps extension is also bypassed powers flaps and slats in the 737NGX. When there is a
in the Power Drive Unit we mentioned earlier. system B failure, alternate extension allows for flaps and
slats to be operated with an electric motor.
It is important to know that during skew, the flap position
indicator may not necessarily point the true flap position. The STBY hydraulic system supplies STBY hydraulic power
to operate flaps and slats during alternate extension. It is
Uncommanded Motion (UCM) Detection important to know the following:
This feature stops hydraulic system pressure extend flaps
or slats when these move from their commanded position. During alternate extension, trailing edge flaps may be
If there is uncommanded motion, flaps extension is also extended and retracted, however leading edge flaps and
bypassed in the Power Drive Unit. slats may only be extended.
If two or more leading edge devices more from their The only way to retract leading edge flaps and slats
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Flap & Slat Prot. Mech. (Cont.)
when alternate extension is in operation, is by returning to
normal operation provided hydraulic system B pressure is
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Flight & Ground Spoilers
Flight spoilers are panels on the upper surface of each ground spoilers, which means when hydraulic system A fails,
wing that disrupt smooth airflow. They are used in flight for ground spoilers will not deploy.
two purposes:
To aid roll control, Flight spoilers are controlled with the speed brake lever on
To allow for steeper rates of descent without a significant the control stand. This lever has four positions:
increase in airspeed. DOWN: All flight and ground spoilers are down and
Ground spoilers are used on ground to destroy all excess Armed: Arms the auto spoilers operation
lift when the aircraft lands so that the wheels have better Flight Detent: Flight spoilers reach their maximum safe
adherence to the runway and braking action is improved. extension in flight, ground spoilers commence to extend
In other words, the weight is swifted from the wings to the upwards only if the aircraft is on ground
wheels. UP: All flight and ground spoilers are in their fully extended
UP position
In the 737NGX, there are four flight spoilers on each
wing. Two of these on each wing are powered by the It is not recommended to use the flight spoilers past the
hydraulic system B and the other two are powered by the flight detent position during flight, as this may produce
hydraulic system A. This arrangement allows for symmetrical significant vibration and may impose high loads on the
deployment in case one of the hydraulic systems fails. spoilers and wing.
There are also two ground spoilers on each wing, making The auto spoiler operation automatically extends flight
four in total. All four of these are powered by hydraulic spoilers when the speed brake lever is placed in the Armed
system A. position, and when all of the following are taking place:
QUICK TIP: There is no manual reversion available for Aircrafts radio altitude is lesser than 10ft
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Flight & Ground Spoilers (Cont.)
Thrust levers are in the IDLE position Notes
Landing gear strut is compressed
Main landing gear wheels spin faster than 60 knots
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Spoilers: Protection Mechanisms
Spoilers Load Alleviation Mechanism: Notes
This feature is designed to reduce the aerodynamic load
on the spoilers by limiting their extension past a defined
amount when certain high gross weight and airspeed
conditions are met.
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