List of Antidotes in CGH: No. List of Antidotes Drug Overdose/ Toxicity and Other Conditions Availability of Antidotes

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List of Antidotes in CGH

No. List of Antidotes Drug Overdose/ Toxicity and Availability of Antidotes

other Conditions
1. Acetylcysteine Inj 5g/25ml Paracetamol overdose A&E Pharmacy, Ward
Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
2. Alcohol, Dehydrated Inj 5ml (E) Ethylene glycol, methanol A&E Pharmacy, Ward
toxicity Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
3. Amyl Nitrite Inhalant 0.3ml* Cyanide toxicity A&E Pharmacy, AE Dept
4. Atropen Auto Injector (Atropine 2mg)* Treatment of poisoning by AE Dept
susceptible organophosphorous
nerve agents having
cholinesterase activity as well as
organophosphorous or
carbamate insecticides.
5. Atropine sulphate Inj 600mcg/ml* Reversal of A&E Pharmacy, Outpatient
parasympathomimetic drug; Pharmacy, Ward Pharmacy,
Antidote for anticholinesterase Pharmacy Store, AE Dept, E-
inhibitor poisoning (carbamate kits
insecticides, nerve agents,
organophosphate insecticides);
Mushroom poisoning
6. Ca-DTPA IV 200mg/ml Injection (5ml)* Treatment of individuals with AE Dept
known or suspected internal
contamination with plutonium,
americium, or curium to increase
the rates of elimination
7. Calcium gluconate Gel 2.5% (15g) Hydrofluoric acid dermal burns A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
8. Calcium gluconate Inj 10% (10ml) Lead, magnesium, black widow A&E Pharmacy, Ward
spider bite. Pharmacy, Outpatient
Hydrofluoric acid skin exposure Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store,
or poisoning; hypocalcemia E-Kits
induced by various agents.
9. Charcoal activated oral 200mg/ml (250ml) Emergency treatment in A&E Pharmacy, Ward
poisoning of certain agents e.g. Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
carbamazepine, dapsone,
phenobarbital, quinine, or
10. Combivir Tablet Post-exposure prophylaxis of Ward Pharmacy, Outpatient
(Lamivudine 150mg/Zidovudine 300mg) HIV infection: occupational/ non- Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
occupational exposure, perinatal
11. Dantrolene Sodium Inj 20mg (E) Malignant hyperthermia; A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Store
12. Deferoxamine (Desferrioxamine B) Inj 500mg Iron overdose/toxicity A&E Pharmacy, Ward
Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
13. Diazepam Auto Injector (Diazepam 10mg)* Management of anxiety AE Dept
Acute alcohol withdrawal: useful
in the symptomatic relief of acute
agitation, tremor, impending or
acute delirium tremens and
Adjunct for the relief of skeletal
muscle spasm due to reflex
spasm to local pathology,
spasticity caused by upper motor
neuron disorders, athetosis, stiff
man syndrome, and tetanus.
Adjunct in status epilepticus and
severe recurrent convulsive
14. Diazepam Inj 10mg/2ml* Same as Diazepam Auto Injector A&E Pharmacy, Ward
Pharmacy, Outpatient
Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store,
15. Digitalis Antidote Inj 40mg (Digifab) (E) Digoxin and other cardiac A&E Pharmacy
glycoside overdose/toxicity
16. Dimercaprol 5% Inj (100mg/2ml) (E)* Arsenic, gold, lead, mercury A&E Pharmacy, AE Dept
17. Diphenhydramine Inj 50mg/ml (1ml) (E) Anaphylaxis A&E Pharmacy, Ward
Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store

18. DuoDote (atropine and pralidoxime chloride Treatment of poisoning by AE Dept
injection) Auto-Injector Kit* organophosphorous nerve
agents as well as
organophosphorous insecticides.
19. Edetate disodium eyedrops 0.38% Caustic burn of eye (to remove A&E Pharmacy
lime from eye); Calcium
hydroxide burns or zinc chloride
injury to eye
20. Edetate disodium eyedrops 3% Caustic burn of eye (to remove A&E Pharmacy
lime from eye); Calcium
hydroxide burns or zinc chloride
injury to eye
21. Flumazenil Inj 0.5mg/5ml (Anexate) Benzodiazepine A&E Pharmacy, Ward
overdose/toxicity Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store,
22. Folinic acid (Leucovorin) Inj 50mg/5ml Folic acid antagonist, A&E Pharmacy, Ward
methotrexate overdose/toxicity Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
23. Glucagon Inj 1mg Hypoglycaemia A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Store, Ward Pharmacy,
Outpatient Pharmacy
24. Hepatitis B Immune Globulin 0.5ml (Paed) Hepatitis B prophylaxis (post- A&E Pharmacy
exposure, liver transplantation)
25. Hepatitis B Immune Globulin 5ml (Adult) Hepatitis B prophylaxis (post- A&E Pharmacy
exposure, liver transplantation
26. Kaletra Tablet Post-exposure prophylaxis of Ward Pharmacy, Outpatient
(Lopinavir 200mg/Ritonavir 50mg) HIV infection: occupational/ non- Pharmacy, Inpatient
occupational exposure, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
perinatal/postnatal transmission
27. Land snake venom Anti-sera Inj 10ml (E) Land snake venom A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
28. Levothyroxine Inj 500mcg Myxedema coma A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Store, Ward Pharmacy
29. Magnesium Sulphate 1g Barium toxicity A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
30. Methionine Powder 2.5g Paracetamol overdose/toxicity A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
31. Methylthioninium Cl (Methylene Blue) Inj 1% (5ml) Drug-induced A&E Pharmacy, Ward
(E) methemoglobinemia Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
32. Naloxone Inj 0.4mg/ml Opioid overdose A&E Pharmacy, Ward
Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store,
AE Dept
33. Nitroprusside Sodium Inj 50mg/2ml Ergot alkaloid overdose A&E Pharmacy, Ward
Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
34. Norepinephrine (Levophed) Inj 1mg/ml (4ml) (for Acute hypotensive state A&E Pharmacy, Inpatient
Hypotension) Pharmacy, Ward Pharmacy,
Pharmacy Store
35. Oseltamivir Capsule 75mg (Tamiflu)* Post-exposure prevention in Outpatient Pharmacy, A&E
individuals one year of age or Pharmacy, Ward Pharmacy,
older following contact with a Pharmacy Store, Inpatient
clinically diagnosed influenza Pharmacy
case when influenza virus is
circulating in the community.
36. Penicillamine Cap 250mg Copper, arsenic, gold, mercury, Outpatient Pharmacy, Ward
lead poisoning Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
37. Physostigmine salicylate Inj 2mg/2ml (E) Anticholinergic agent (e.g. A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
atropine, diphenhydramine, Store
dimenhydrinate, Atropa
belladonna, jimson weed)
38. Potassium Iodide 130mg Tablet/Anti- Radiation Used to protect the thyroid gland AE Dept
Tablets KI03 170mg Tabs* from possible radiation injury
caused by radioactive iodine
39. Pralidoxime Inj 500mg/20ml* Used together with atropine to A&E Pharmacy, Ward
treat poisoning caused by Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store,
organic phosphorus pesticides AE Dept
and by organophosphate
chemicals (nerve gases).
Used for anticholinesterase
overdose e.g., neostigmine,
40. Protamine sulphate Inj 50mg/5ml Heparin (unfractionated, low A&E Pharmacy, Ward
molecular weight) overdose. Pharmacy, Pharmacy Store
41. Prussian Blue 500mg Capsule* Used to remove radioactive AE Dept
cesium and thallium from
people's bodies.
42. Pyridoxine HCl Inj 50mg/ml (E) Treatment of seizures from A&E Pharmacy
acute Gyromitrin-containing
mushroom toxicity
43. Quinine Di-HCl Inj 600mg/2ml (E) Treatment of Malaria, Babesiosis A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
44. Rabies Immune Gobulin 300units/2ml Rabies, post-exposure A&E Pharmacy
45. Rabies Vaccine 1ml (Rabipur) Rabies, pre/post-exposure A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
prophylaxis Store
46. Sodium Bicarbonate 500mg Tablet* Management of metabolic AE Dept
acidosis; gastric hyperacidity; as
an alkalinization agent for the
urine; treatment of hyperkalemia;
management of overdose of
certain drugs, including tricyclic
antidepressants and aspirin
47. Sodium Bicarbonate Inj 8.4% (20ml)* Same as Sodium Bicarbonate Outpatient Pharmacy,
500mg Tablet Pharmacy Store, Ward
Pharmacy, E-kits
48. Sodium Calcium Edetate Inj 500mg/10ml (E) Lead poisoning A&E Pharmacy
49. Sodium Iodide Inj 10% w/v vial 10ml Thyrotoxicosis A&E Pharmacy, Ward
50. Sodium Nitrite Inj 3% (300mg/10ml) (E)* Cyanide poisoning A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Store, AE Dept
51. Sodium Thiosulfate Inj 25% 50ml (E)* Cyanide poisoning, A&E Pharmacy, AE Dept,
extravasation management Pharmacy Store
52. Tetanus Immune Globulin 250units/ml Tetanus, tetanus prophylaxis A&E Pharmacy, Pharmacy
53. Zn-DTPA IV 1055mg/5ml Injection* Zn-DTPA is indicated for AE Dept
treatment of individuals with
known or suspected internal
contamination with plutonium,
americium, or curium to increase
the rates of elimination.

*MOH Antidote
E = Exemption drug (item is not registered in Singapore, stock availability subjected to changes)
A&E Pharmacy: SOC Block Level 1
AE Dept: A&E Department Level 1
E-kits: Emergency kits
Inpatient Pharmacy: Inpatient Block Level 1
Pharmacy Store: Inpatient Block Basement 1
Ward Pharmacy: Inpatient Block Basement 1
Updated on: 11 February 2014

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