Dvertise: Stillwater Valley
Dvertise: Stillwater Valley
Dvertise: Stillwater Valley
Postal Customer
Secure Retirement Solutions
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Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 25, 2017 www.arenspub.com
DREAM Quarter Auction Slated Nov. 2 Election Day Dinner
Pleasant Hill Leaf Pick-Up Set for Nov. 1 - Dec. 1 A Quarter Auction will be held Thursday, Nov. 2, at Zion
The Pleasant Hill Street Dept. will be picking up leaves Monday thru Friday November 1 through Lutheran Church, located on Walnut St. in Tipp City. The doors will Offered November 7
December 1. Please place bagged leaves in the lawn side of the curb for pick-up. Do not rake your leaves open at 6 p.m., with the auction held from 7-9 p.m.
or lawn waste into the curb gutter or the street. This is a violation of Ordinance No. 1074. There will be approximately 100 items for bids, starting at a quar- At Hoffman UMC
All leaves must be bagged in regular trash bags no larger than 50 gallon size. ter. Entry fee is $3 per person, and includes one bidding paddle.
On Tuesday, Nov. 7,
Please do not place trash, pine needles, sticks, or flowers in the bag! Additional paddles will be available at $1 each.
Hoffman United Methodist
If you have any questions, call 937-676-3241 and leave a message. There will be a 50/50 Cash Raffle held during this event.
Church, 201 S. Main St., West
Limited menu items from the kitchen will be available.
Milton (one block west of St.
Proceeds from this Quarter Auction will benefit the rescue, reha-
Rt. 48) will be serving their
bilitation, and re-homing of pets adopted by DREAM from Ohio
Election Day Dinner. The
shelters. Visit Dream4pets.org and LIKE them on facebook!
church has been doing this for
Questions: Email: [email protected].
" $ ! !
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$ ! ! ! $ $ !
!" "
Oburn Retirement
Celebration to be Held Celebrating
Nov. 5 at Local Church
On Sunday, Nov. 5, Gene Our 8 Year
and DeAnn Oburn will be rec-
ognized for their many years of
service in Brethren pastoral
Please plan to join us at
Pleasant Hill First Brethren
Church as we honor and thank
them with memories, cards, let-
ters, and other creative ways of
expressing our love. Nine
The day will begin with a
special 10:30 a.m. Worship
Celebration Service, followed
by a carry-in dinner. Friends
and family are all invited to
share in this joyous event. " " # $ ! !
The church is located at 210
N. Church St. (one block west " "$ # #! "" $
of Indians Pizza), Pleasant
Hill. " " !! $
For more information or
questions, please call 937-676- $ $
2802 or go to first-
[email protected]. "# $
# $ !
All-Conference Volleyball
All-Conference First
Team: Legend Patty,
Covington; Kacie Tackett, !
All-Conference Second
Team: Lindsey Kimmel,
Covington; Madison
Hildebrand, Newton.
Special Mention Team:
Hannah Fout, Bradford;
Breanna Kimmel, Covington;
Mallory Dunlevy, Newton.
Milton Librarys Haunted Halloween Room a Must-See On Beggars Night! Ft. Rowdy Museum Invites Members
Stop by the Haunted Library at the Milton-Union Public Library on Beggars Night, Tuesday, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m. Wear a And the Community to Important Meeting
costume and check out the decorations. The library will be handing out candy as well as non-food items for children who cant have Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat
candy. The library is located at 560 S. Main St., West Milton. For more information, visit www.mupubliclibrary.org or call 937-698- it. Almost everyone has heard this before; that does not make it any
5515. less true. The importance of history here and everywhere cannot be
underestimated. History is a way to learn and grow.
The Ft. Rowdy Museum in Covington will meet to discuss the fu-
ture of the museum on Monday, Nov. 13. The meeting will start at 7
p.m. at the museum. Input from all members, past members, and
prospective members will be considered as a new path is created for
the museum, re-inventing its place and function in the community.
Bulk & Nostalgic Candy,
Please watch for more information in future issues!
Childrens Novelties, Nuts & Much More
~ Southeastern Mills
Gravy Mixes '& - ,!* (% +' (%
~ Gluten Free Noodles )$ - + % +' (%
~ Melting Chocolate ! * #,)* ,& % (%
(!& "') ,& # ! * +#), + %#* ' ! %( # $% #$
~ Holiday Bigelow Teas # *!& !! !# # % ! ( % # % " !"
Seasonal Candies ( ,# !! !# *!& & % "
& Homemade Hard Tack
Coming Soon! !' %! %! % $% $! %( # !# $&#
! " $ *!& ' !# &$ $$
% !& % !# #
!( !# ) ( , ' *!& %
(,)* %# *!&
(' ,"* )% (,+" & % *!&# #+$& + %
+ &(*"! ,'! - ) !#()! $%(
1/2 mile west of Gettysburg, on north side of U.S. Rt. 36
!" ! $ " $
( & " $! %*
%$ ) %$ " $ , - ' - %+ '
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Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 25, 2017 www.arenspub.com
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Furry Friends Orme Hardware " %
Grooming Salon of Arcanum $# & '& &
*+-$ %) -
'! , )- %'' $%*
! & &&)% '$
Wreath & Blanket
Orders Now
Being Taken
Memorialize your loved one in our solid
! " granite Heavenly Columbarium. Quality
construction. Ideally located in cemetery.
! " Purchase cash at discount or pay on
monthly payment plan. % & #'
$( # '$#
*For cremated remains of loved one.
" "$% ! % $%
Page 8 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 25, 2017 !'% www.arenspub.com
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1 /!$&-/$ 5
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!1 1- "!
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" One Big Heartfelt "!
! "
to All Our Valued Customers, Friends
& the Community for 25 Good Years!
We joyfully anticipate more good years with you.
www.arenspub.com Page 9 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 25, 2017
Valley Echoes
have a few accountability problems. I was so lax that a for Newton boys basketball will go on sale Thursday, Nov. 2, at 6
few items went way out of control. So, like any good p.m. Holders of 2016-17 reserve seat tickets will have the opportuni-
owner would do, I decided to get the place back on the ty to purchase seats on a first come, first serve basis. They will also
right track. So far, Ive managed to find the problems and have the opportunity to purchase extra seats at this time if they were
its just a matter of time until we will be back to normal ... not reserved last year.
by Gary Godfrey which is running a business in the black instead of the These seats may be purchased in the high school office Thursday,
Nov. 2, from 6-7 p.m. From 7-7:30 p.m., Big Chief and Indian Pride
Club members and adults who have already purchased family passes
Telling It Like It Is. Everything is under control. Weve been a successful pub- this year, who did not have reserve seats last year, can select reserve
Ginger scolds me when I put our entire life in ink. lishing company since 1954, and I plan to add another 63 seats.
years. Beginning November 3, unsold reserve seats may be purchased in
Shes usually right, and in this case she was spot on!
the high school office during normal school hours.
Just like your business or household, things get out of
Several weeks back, I wrote about our business and I was
control and by the time you catch them, the damage is
honest enough to tell the truth; that we were having some
done. This doesnt mean youre going to quit, it simply
financial difficulties. Since then, we have had several calls
means your going to fix it the only way you know how.
and direct contact with customers who come in the office
to place ads, pay bills, or to just say, Hello.
Thats by rolling up your sleeves and getting back to work. CLASSIFIED AD
Everyone asks the same thing. Are you going out of busi-
I hope this explains our little dilemma, and all of you con-
tinue to read this column and use this little paper like it
Ive been here since 1963. I was a smiling 17 years of age,
was your own. Stillwater Valley Advertiser
This weeks bottom line: I read this recently and want to & Penny Saver
had to wait one year before I was old enough to get a real
share it with you. What makes a good boss, grandfather,
job at NCR, General Motors, or Frigidaire. With the
exception of three years at NCR, my entire life has been
and great grandfather? Be present. Be interested. Be flexi-
ble. Be accepting. Be playful. Be supportive. Be helpful. Be
with Arens Corporation. 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020
a storyteller. Be a listener and reader of stories. And bonus
Heres the thing. We are in a financial bubble. But listen points if you hug and kiss your wife everyday. FAX: 937-473-2500
to me very carefully. Were not going under! We just E-MAIL: [email protected]
Page 10 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 25, 2017 www.arenspub.com
Valley Classifieds
WANTED: Old motorcycles, sale & Red Rome in later Oct.
mini-bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, Granny Smith, Black Twig.
8'0.( 8(7.32 or 4-wheelers. Running or not.
Covington 937-473-2705
Youll invite 20,000+
ASE certified. 35+ years
" ! !
to your auction To Place
experience. GM engine,
transmission, & differential
! # $ $
16,0*510 1'8 +12 (36,&( (25 9 72,3(4
or garage sale when An Ad,
repair. Call
Dennis at
you advertise it in our Call 937-473-2028 BRAND NEW 14 Lazer Sport 5 1))
Moped: Made by SSR Motor
classified pages. or 937-473-2020 Sports. Zero miles! $1,000 OBO.
937-597-3010 or 937-676-5400 " ! !
$" !
#! $
! !
# $ $
16,0*510 1'8 +12 16,0*510 1'8 +12 16,0*510 1'8 +12
(36,&( (25 (36,&( (25 (36,&( (25
72,3(4 72,3(4 72,3(4
Would Your
House of WorsHip
like To Be included
on our cHurcH page?
The Stillwater Valley Advertiser is pleased to publish a church page for
our readers. Our next regular monthly church page is scheduled to run
### ! This is a great way to publicize revivals, guest speakers, musical pro-
grams, and other special events, as well as welcoming newcomers to the area
who are seeking a house of worship.
! Individual church ads will be two columns wide by two inches and offered
at a very nominal cost of just $20 pER MONth.
Contact our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 and our office
personnel will be happy to assist you.
$ % % "
You can also email our sales representative, Yvonne Welbaum, at ywel-
[email protected].
www.arenspub.com Page 11 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - OCTOBER 25, 2017
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Page 12 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - ocTobER 25, 2017 www.arenspub.com
Bob Evans Links or Patties
$ 89 $ 792
Per Lb.
Per Lb.
Bone In Pork Shoulder Per Gallon - Fresh 2 Liter Coke
3 Lb. Bag - Midwest
$ 69
2/$ 5 $ 992 $ 49
Tomato Juice
Shoulder English 1 Lb. - IGA Saltine
Roast Crackers
$ 19 4/$ 5 2/$ 3
6 Pack - Half Liter 24 Pack - IGA
2/$ 5 2/$ 5 Crackers 2/$ 5
24 Pack Cans 30 Pack Cans 18 Pack Cans 12 Pack
18 Pack Reg. or Light Reg. or Light Reg. or Light Bottles
106 E. Main St., Bradford 448-2710