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Type 1 JKT Upending Padeye CHK

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1.Input- Force
Sling load Ft = 11772 KN 1200 MT
Dynamic Factor DAF = 1
Additional out of plane force = 5%
Sling angle - inplane = 22 deg
Sling angle - out of plane = 2 deg
Yield strength y = 33.50 KN/cm2

Component b (cm) t (cm) x (cm) y (cm)
1 70 5 35 2.5
2 290 6.3 35 150
3 31.85 2.5 15.925 124
4 31.75 3.2 54.025 124
5 56 5 35 297.5
6 31.75 2.5 15.975 247
7 31.85 2.5 54.075 247
8 0 0 31.85 0
9 0 0 38.15 0

L2 = 57.50 cm
Lengths L3 = 40.00 cm

4. Allowable stress values

Bearing br-all = 0.90 y = 30.15 KN/cm2
Shear s-all = 0.40 y = 13.40 KN/cm2
Axial a-all = 0.60 y = 20.10 KN/cm2
Tension for padeye t-all = 0.45 y = 15.08 KN/cm2
Bending b-all = 0.66 y = 22.11 KN/cm2
Max. width of c/s at left corner = 35.00 cm
Max. width of c/s at right corner = 35.00 cm

Area of cross section Acs = 2797.23 cm2

Centroid distance along-X xbar = 35.15 cm
Centroid distance along-Y ybar = 150.14 cm
M.I about centroidal X- axis IXC = 28130671.78 cm4
M.I about centroidal Y- axis IYC = 374181.98 cm4
M.I about centroidal Z- axis IZC = 30265.14 cm4

Force components
Total Force along X Fx = 742.50 KN
Force along Y Fy = 10914.81 KN
Force along Z Fz = 4407.18 KN

Eccenricity in x direction ex = 2.01 cm

Eccenricity in y direction ey = 110.14 cm
Eccenricity in z direction ez = 57.46 cm
Moment about x-x Mxx = 141820.69 KN-cm
Moment about y-y Myy = 33823.88 KN-cm
Moment about z-z Mzz = -37971.79 KN-cm

a. Axial Tension Check
Tensile stress t-cs = 1.58 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.08

b. Bending Check
Bending stress x-x bx-cs = 0.76 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.03
Bending stress y-y by-cs = 3.16 KN/cm 2
OK UC = 0.14
Resultant bending stress b-res = 3.25 KN/cm 2
OK UC = 0.15

c. Shear check
Shear area along x-axis As-x = 970.23 cm2
Shear area along y-axis As-y = 1827.00 cm2

Shear stress along x-axis s-cs-x = 0.765 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.06

Shear stress along y-axis s-cs-y = 5.974 KN/cm 2
OK UC = 0.45

d.Torsion check
Minimum thickness along x-axis tmin-x = 2.50 cm
Minimum thickness along y-axis tmin-y = 6.30 cm

Torsional shear stress along x-axis Js-x = -3.14 KN/cm2

Torsional shear stress along y-axis Js-y = -7.90 KN/cm2

Total shear stress along x s-cs-t-x = -2.37 KN/cm2

Total shear stress along y s-cs-t-y = -1.93 KN/cm2

Resultant shear stress-(incl.torsion) s-cs-res = 3.06 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.23

e. Combined stress check cs-com = 0.256 OK UC = 0.26

f. Von-mises stress vm-cs = 7.167 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.21

1.Input- Force
Sling load Ft = 4000 KN 408 MT
Dynamic Factor DAF = 1
Additional out of plane force = 5%
Sling angle - inplane = 60 deg
Sling angle - out of plane = 5 deg
Yield strength y = 33.50 KN/cm2

Component b (cm) t (cm) x (cm) y (cm)
1 62.5 3.2 31.25 1.6
2 127.2 5 31.25 66.8
3 28.75 3.2 14.375 88.6
4 28.75 3.2 48.125 88.6
5 62.5 3.2 31.25 132
6 0 0 28.75 0
7 0 0 33.75 0
8 0 0 28.75 0
9 0 0 33.75 0

L2 = 45.00 cm
Lengths L3 = 45.00 cm

4. Allowable stress values

Bearing br-all = 0.90 y = 30.15 KN/cm2
Shear s-all = 0.40 y = 13.40 KN/cm2
Axial a-all = 0.60 y = 20.10 KN/cm2
Tension for padeye t-all = 0.45 y = 15.08 KN/cm2
Bending b-all = 0.66 y = 22.11 KN/cm2
Max. width of c/s at left corner = 31.25 cm
Max. width of c/s at right corner = 31.25 cm

Area of cross section Acs = 1220.00 cm2

Centroid distance along-X xbar = 31.25 cm
Centroid distance along-Y ybar = 70.09 cm
M.I about centroidal X- axis IXC = 2632701.73 cm4
M.I about centroidal Y- axis IYC = 196604.17 cm4
M.I about centroidal Z- axis IZC = 7293.39 cm4

Force components
Total Force along X Fx = 501.92 KN
Force along Y Fy = 2000.00 KN
Force along Z Fz = 3450.92 KN

Eccenricity in x direction ex = 3.92 cm

Eccenricity in y direction ey = 25.09 cm
Eccenricity in z direction ez = 44.83 cm
Moment about x-x Mxx = 3081.30 KN-cm
Moment about y-y Myy = 8965.75 KN-cm
Moment about z-z Mzz = 4747.99 KN-cm

a. Axial Tension Check
Tensile stress t-cs = 2.83 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.14

b. Bending Check
Bending stress x-x bx-cs = 0.08 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.00
Bending stress y-y by-cs = 1.43 KN/cm 2
OK UC = 0.06
Resultant bending stress b-res = 1.43 KN/cm 2
OK UC = 0.06

c. Shear check
Shear area along x-axis As-x = 584.00 cm2
Shear area along y-axis As-y = 636.00 cm2

Shear stress along x-axis s-cs-x = 0.859 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.06

Shear stress along y-axis s-cs-y = 3.145 KN/cm 2
OK UC = 0.23

d.Torsion check
Minimum thickness along x-axis tmin-x = 3.20 cm
Minimum thickness along y-axis tmin-y = 5.00 cm

Torsional shear stress along x-axis Js-x = 2.08 KN/cm2

Torsional shear stress along y-axis Js-y = 3.25 KN/cm2

Total shear stress along x s-cs-t-x = 2.94 KN/cm2

Total shear stress along y s-cs-t-y = 6.40 KN/cm2

Resultant shear stress-(incl.torsion) s-cs-res = 7.04 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.53

e. Combined stress check cs-com = 0.209 OK UC = 0.21

f. Von-mises stress vm-cs = 12.921 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.39


1.Input- Force
Sling load Ft = 6278.4 KN 640 MT
Dynamic Factor DAF = 1

2.Shackle Data
Pin diameter D = 20.00 cm
Jaw width A = 27.50 cm
Inside distance C = 70.00 cm
Safe working load SWLsh = 700 MT

3.Sling selection
Sling diameter = 10 cm
Safe working load SWLsl = 700 MT

4.Padeye selection
Pin hole diameter P = 20.60 cm
Main plate radius Rm = 40 cm
Main plate thickness tm = 6.3 cm
Cheek plate pair-1 radius Rc1 = 33 cm
Cheek plate pair-1 thickness tc1 = 6.3 cm
Cheek plate pair-2 radius Rc2 = 28 cm
Cheek plate pair-2 thickness tc2 = 3.8 cm
Spacer plates pair thickness tsp = 0 cm
Weld b/w chk pl 1 & 2 wsc = 2.5 cm
Weld b/w chk pl 1 & main pl wsm = 4.5 cm
Additional shear length Ladd = 45.21 cm
Yield strength y = 33.50 KN/cm2
Ultimate strength in weld ult = 41.30 KN/cm2
Modulus of Elasticity E = 20000 KN/cm2

5. Allowable stress values

Bearing br-all = 0.90 y = 30.15 KN/cm2
Shear s-all = 0.40 y = 13.40 KN/cm2
Axial a-all = 0.60 y = 20.10 KN/cm2
Tension for padeye t-all = 0.45 y = 15.08 KN/cm2
Bending b-all = 0.66 y = 22.11 KN/cm2
Weld wld-all = 0.30 ult = 12.39 KN/cm2
Hertz HZ-all = 2.50 y = 83.75 KN/cm2
6: Stress Checks
a.Bearing stress at hole br = 11.85 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.39

b. Hertz check
Parameter KD = (P x D)/ (P-D) KD = 686.67
t = 26.50
Hertz stress HZ = 49.09 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.59

c. Shear check at hole

Area of section in shear Ashear = 1215.30 cm2
Shear stress s = 5.17 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.39

d. Tension check at hole

Tensile/shear stress t = 5.17 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.34
e. Tearing/Pullout check
Area of section in tearing Atear = 937.96 cm2
Tearing stress tear = 6.69 KN/cm2 OK UC = 0.50

f. Weld check
Force on cheek plate-2 Fchk-2 = 900.30 KN
Weld size required wsc-req = 1.2 cm OK UC = 0.47

Force on cheek plate-1 Fchk-1 = 1492.60 KN

Weld size required wsm-req = 2.63 cm OK UC = 0.59

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