Assessment of Man's Thermal Comfort - Fanger 1973
Assessment of Man's Thermal Comfort - Fanger 1973
Assessment of Man's Thermal Comfort - Fanger 1973
Laboratory of Heating and Air Conditioning, Technical University of Denmark, Building 402,
DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Fanger, P. 0. (1973). British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 30, 313-324. Assessment of man's
thermal comfort in practice. A review is given of existing knowledge regarding the condi-
tions for thermal comfort. Both physiological and environmental comfort conditions
are discussed. Comfort criteria are shown diagrammatically, and their application is illustrated
by numerous practical examples. Furthermore, the effect on the comfort conditions of age,
adaptation, sex, seasonal and circadian rhythm, and unilateral heating or cooling of the body
is discussed. The term 'climate monotony' is considered. A method is recommended for
the evaluation of the quality of thermal environments in practice.
In its Constitution, the World Health Organization he is most inclined to complain about the indoor
(WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete climate of his workplace (offices, industrial premises,
physical, mental and social well-being and not shops, schools, etc.) where he is compelled to spend
merely the absence of disease or infirmity'. The inclu-
his time in environments which he himself can
sion of man's well-being in the definition of health control only to a very limited degree.
reflects the increasing interest which public health Field studies indicate that in practice many of
officers, hygienists, and many physicians have shown these complaints can be traced to an unsatisfactory
in man's comfort. thermal environment.
In this connection the indoor climate warrants In this article the conditions for man's thermal
special attention because in a modern industrial comfort will be discussed, as well as the thermal
society man spends the greater part of his life environments which should be aimed at and the
indoors. A large proportion of the population spends methods which should be employed in practice to
23 out of 24 hours in an artificial climate-in dwel- evaluate the quality of a given thermal environment.
lings, at the workplace, at hobby, amusement, and Only thermal environments which cause moderate
cultural centres, or during transport by car, train, degrees of discomfort will be dealt with. It is these
ship or aeroplane. cases that bring forth by far the greatest number of
This has resulted in a growing understanding and complaints met by physicians and engineers. Over
interest in studying the influence of the indoor recent years research has led to the establishment of
climate on man, thus enabling suitable requirements rational methods for the assessment of such thermal
to be established, which should be aimed at in environments.
practice. Methods for determining the risk of thermal
At the same time an increasing number of com- disorders when man is exposed to extreme thermal
plaints about unsatisfactory indoor climate suggest stress (i.e., during hard physical work in mines or in
that man has become more critical regarding the hot industry) will not be discussed here. Well-
environment to which he is subjected. It seems that established and reliable methods have long been
314 P. 0. Fanger
Maintenance of heat balance is, however, far from ness of the skin can occur if the sweat secretion or
being a sufficient condition for thermal comfort. the vapour diffusion resistance of the clothing are
Within the wide limits of the environmental variables high. Gagge (1937), who introduced the 'skin wet-
for which heat balance can be maintained there is ness' concept, recommends that it should be lower
only a narrow interval which will create thermal than 25% (Gagge, Stolwijk, and Nishi, 1969a).
comfort. It must be emphasized that the physiological
It has long been known that man's thermal sensa- comfort conditions given in equations (1) and (2)
tion is related to the state of his thermoregulatory apply only under reasonably steady-state conditions.
system, the degree of discomfort being greater the It has not been possible as yet to establish physio-
heavier the load on the effector mechanisms. logical comfort conditions during thermal transients
Experiments by Yaglou (1927) in the 1920s indicated but important studies on transients have been
a correlation between the skin temperature and the performed at the Pierce Foundation Laboratory,
sensation of thermal comfort; later and more Yale University, by Gagge, Stolwijk and Hardy
complete studies by Gagge, Herrington, and (1967), Gagge, Stolwijk, and Saltin (1969b), Hardy
Winslow (1937), Gagge et al. (1941), Winslow, and Stolwijk (1966), and Stolwijk and Hardy (1966).
Herrington, and Gagge (1937), DuBois, Ebaugh, In one series of experiments nude subjects were
and Hardy (1952), and Nielsen (1947) showed a exposed alternately to cold and neutral and to hot
correlation between thermal sensation and skin and neutral environments. When proceeding from
temperature, independent of whether the subjects neutral to cold or warm environments, the changing
were nude or clothed. Therefore it was generally thermal sensation was found to be correlated with
accepted for a long time that the physiological the actual skin temperature and sweat rate in the
conditions for comfort were that a person had a same way as under steady-state conditions. But
mean skin temperature of 33-34C and that sweating when these transients were reversed, i.e., proceeding
(or shivering) did not occur. This was later confirmed from a cold or hot to a neutral environment, they
in experiments by Fanger (1967) but only for seden- felt almost immediately comfortable, even though
tary subjects. At higher activities than sedentaryones their skin temperature had not yet reached the steady-
he showed that man prefers a lower mean skin state level considered comfortable. Gagge explains
temperature and prefers to sweat. Based on experi- this by the rate of change of skin temperature which
mental results for 20 subjects each participating in might cause a sensation that compensates for and
four tests at different activity levels, and based on predominates over the sensation of discomfort
data by McNall et al. (1967), the following values caused by the skin temperature itself. The thermal
of skin temperature and sweat secretion were found sensation 'leads' the body temperature changes in
to provide comfort during steady-state conditions this case and is thus 'anticipatory'.
(Fanger, 1967): Other transient experiments by Cabanac (1969,
Mean skin temperature during comfort: 1971) and by Hardy (1970) with subjects immersed
ts= 35-7-0-0276M (OC) (1) in a waterbath indicate that an interactionof internal
Sweat secretion during comfort: and skin temperature might be important in evoking
Esw = 0-42 (M -58) (W/m2) (2) discomfort. The possible influence of internal tem-
where M is the metabolic rate per unit body surface perature has also been suggested by Missenard
area (W/m2). (1957).
It is apparent from equation (1) that during The relationship between man's thermal sensation
sedentary activity (M = 58 W/m2) man prefers a and his physiological reactions during sudden
skin temperature of approximately 34C, while the environmental changes is certainly complicated, and
preferred skin temperature is, for example, only further research is necessary before it will be possible
approximately 31C at an activity three times that to establish quantitative physiological comfort con-
of the sedentary level. ditions for thermal transients.
From equation (2) it can be seen that man prefers
a sweat secretion of zero during sedentary activity Environmental comfort conditions
(M = 58 W/m2), whereas at higher activities he
prefers a sweat secretion involving a latent heat loss When, in practice, artificial climates are to be
of 42 % of the increased heat production of the body. created which will provide thermal comfort for man,
Ambient temperatures which were so low that no it is of course insufficient merely to know the physio-
sweating occurred were felt to be much too cold. logical comfort conditions. What is necessary is a
It should be noted that a certain wetness of the detailed quantitative knowledge of those combina-
skin in itself can produce a non-thermal discomfort tions of the environmental variables which will result
due to tactile sensations associated with dripping wet in optimal thermal comfort.
clothing, sticky skin, and skin irritation. A high wet- Two research methods which differ in principle
316 P. 0. Fanger
have been used to establish environmental comfort not provide sufficient information for an overall
conditions, but both require a large number of assessment and calculation of the relative and
subjects in order that the optimal condition can be absolute influence of all the individual variables on
stated with reasonable statistical certainty. man's thermal comfort.
In one of the methods the subjects are asked to The other method for establishing environmental
vote on their thermal sensation on suitable psycho- comfort conditions was employed by Fanger (1967)
physical scales, and at the same time measurements in the derivation of his comfort equation.
are taken of the ambient thermal climate to which An underlying idea, later experimentally supported
they are exposed. Subsequently the results are by Olesen, Bassing, and Fanger (1972a), is that it
treated statistically and the optimal thermal environ- is the combined thermal effect of all the physical
ment can be determined. factors which is of importance for man's thermal
This method is relatively simple and has therefore state and comfort. It is therefore impossible to
been used in a large number of field studies in all consider the effect of any of the physical factors
parts of the world. The best known study of this influencing thermal comfort independently, as the
nature is Bedford's (1936) classical study on factory effect of each of them depends on the level of the
workers, but recent investigations by Wyon, Lidwell, other factors.
and Williams (1968), and Humphreys and Nicol The equation was derived by setting up a heat
(1970) have used the same method. balance equation for the human body and inserting
In many field studies activity level, and especially in it the physiological comfort conditions for skin
clothing, have not been specified, and in some temperature and sweat secretion given in equations
cases it has not been possible to measure all the (1) and (2). In this way, the comfort equation estab-
environmental variables. Even though the results lishes those combinations of activity, clothing, and
of such field studies have often been of value in the four environmental variables which will provide
the actual conditions under which they were mea- thermal comfort. It has been known for a long time
sured, it is difficult to make generalisations from the that these six variables influence the state of comfort.
results and to apply them to other conditions. But the combined quantitative influence of all the
The same method has been used in recent years parameters on man's comfort was not known until
in extensive experimental studies under carefully the equation was introduced.
controlled laboratory conditions at Kansas State
University by Nevins, Rohles, Springer, and Feyer- Practical application of comfort diagrams
herm (1966), McNall et al. (1967), McNall, Ryan, and
Jaax (1968), McNall and Schlegel (1968), Rohles and The comfort equation is comprehensive and complex
Nevins (1971), Rohles and Johnson (1972), and and therefore unsuitable for manual calculation, but
Rohles, Woods, and Nevins (1973). These experi- it has been solved by the use of electronic data
ments have involved many hundreds of subjects, processing and has been plotted in 28 comfort
who, clothed in a standard clothing ensemble, have diagrams (Fanger, 1970); these diagrams are intended
been exposed to different combinations of two for use in practice. In Figs. 1 to 4, examples are shown
environmental variables (e.g., air temperature and of four of the comfort diagrams. In each diagram
relative humidity) while keeping constant, in so far as comfort lines have been drawn, i.e., curves through
it is practically possible, all other factors which various combinations of two variables which will
influence thermal comfort. Large numbers of create comfort providing the values of the other
subjects have been asked to vote upon their thermal variables are kept constant.
sensation according to special scales. From a For practical application of the comfort diagrams,
statistical analysis combinations of the two variables it is necessary to estimate the activity level and the
which give optimal thermal comfort have then been clothing first, taking into account the use of the room
determined. (see Tables 1 and 2). From the comfort diagrams,
Because of the large number of subjects and the combinations can then be found of the four environ-
carefully controlled experimental conditions this mental parameters which will provide thermal
method has given valuable results; however, these comfort.
results are valid only for the constant values of the Beneath Figs. 1 to 4 nine characteristic examples
other four parameters prevailing when the experi- are given of the use of the comfort diagrams in
ments were performed. Since the effect of any of the practice.
six main parameters on man's thermal comfort
depends on the level of the other parameters this Individual differences
empirical method requires an enormous number of Everyone is not alike. How then is it possible, from
experiments to cover the range adequately. The an equation, to specify one particular temperature
method is thus slow, and existing data therefore do which will provide comfort? The answer is that the
Assessment of man's thermal comfort in practice 317
40 50 60 70 80 90 100F
,,' 100 I 05 4
35 Sedentary1 0 /1 90
30 Medium clothin' t V
25 Icl=1.oclo \ Relative
80 15 20 25 30 35C
Air temperature=mean radiant temperature
humidity 70
|- 20- FIG. 2. Comfort diagram showing the combined influence
of humidity and ambient temperature. The comfort lines
60 corresponding to four different velocities are curves
ac, 1 5- _77 I through different combinations of ambient temperature
a 10 . 50 and humidity which will provide optimal thermal
comfort. The diagram applies for nude, sedentarypersons.
: // I~~~x
5 40 Example 4 At swimming baths with rest places it is
desired to establish the necessary air temperature which
O'- . . .
will maintain thermal comfort for sedentary nude persons.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 440C Relative air humidity is 80%, relative air velocity
Air temperature < 0-1 m/s, and air temperature = mean radiant tempera-
ture. From Fig. 2, ta = 28 0C is found.
FIG. 1. Comfort diagram showing the combined influence
of mean radiant temperature and air temperature. The It has been found from experiments involving 1 300
comfort lines corresponding to five different velocities are subjects that the best result attainable is 5% dis-
curves through different combinations of mean radiant
temperature and air temperature which will provide satisfied (Fanger, 1970). Any deviation from the
optimal thermal comfort. The diagram applies for seden- thermal conditions specified by the comfort equation
tary persons in medium clothing (01 clo). Relative will result in an increase in the percentage of dis-
humidity 50 %. The slope of the lines has been reasonably satisfied.
well confirmed by recent British studies (Griffiths and
McIntyre, 1972a). Comfort zones or comfort points
Example 1 In an office, the employees are clothed at Earlier it was quite common to recommend so-called
1 clo (normal business suit) and occupied with sedentary 'comfort zones'. How can it then be that for set
work (1 met). Relative humidity 50 %, relative air values of the parameters the comfort equation
velocity < 01 m/s. It is desired to determine the optimal establishes only one comfort temperature and not a
air temperature, presuming that the mean radiant comfort zone? It is true that for every person there
temperature = the air temperature. From Fig. 1,
ta = tmrt = 23 0C is found. exists an interval of ambient temperatures within
Example 2 In a warehouse an air temperature of 140C which he will feel reasonably comfortable. Thus for
and a relative humidity of 50% should be maintained each individual there exists a comfort zone. But as
owing to the nature of the goods. Air velocity is 0-2 m/s. the comfort zone varies from person to person there
In the warehouse, a person is occupied with sedentary will be no common interval of temperatures for a
work, clothed at 1 clo. It is desired to maintain the person large group of persons which will satisfy them all.
in comfort by means of high-intensity infrared heaters There will not even be one common temperature
placed above his workplace. The mean radiant tempera- which will provide comfort for all. But, as mentioned
ture necessary for comfort is to be calculated. From
Fig. 1, tmrt = 380C is found. earlier, there will be one ambient temperature at
Example 3 Under winter conditions the mean radiant which the least possible number of persons will be
temperature in a long-distance bus is calculated to be dissatisfied (5 %). This 'comfort point' is established
50 lower than the air temperature. It is desired to deter- by the comfort equation.
mine the air temperature necessary for comfort, the
passengers being presumed to be seated without top Variability in man's comfort conditions
clothes (1 0 clo) and the velocity being 0-2 m/s (relative from day to day
humidity 50%). From Fig. 1: ta = 25 50C and tmrt =
20-50C. How reproducible are the comfort conditions for the
318 P. 0. Fanger
Preferred Mean skin Evaporative
Study ambient temp. at weight loss Number
Mean age temp. conmfort during comfort of subjects
(yr) (OC) (OC) (g/m'/hr)
Nevins et al. 21 25-6 720
Fanger .. 23 25-7 19-2 128
Fanger .. 68 25-7 15-3 128
Rohles and Johnson 74 24 5 228
Technical University of
Denmark (1972)1 .. 24 25-4 33 5 19-2 32
Technical University of
Denmark (1972)1 .. 84 25-4 33-2 12-4 16
Comfort equation, Fanger.. 25 6
FIG. 5. Subjects wearing a standard uniform (0-6 do) during thermal studies
in the environmental test chamber at the Technical University of Denmark.
During the studies, physical and physiological measurements are correlated
with the subjective evaluations of the subjects.
320 P. 0. Fanger
of the world, depending on the outdoor climate at In all the experiments mentioned in Tables 3 and 4,
the relevant place. In Table 4 the results are shown an equal number of male and female subjects partici-
of experiments (identical experimental conditions)
involving subjects from the United States of America, pated, and it is therefore possible to compare the
Denmark, and tropical countries. The latter group comfort conditions for the two sexes (Table 5). It is
was tested in Copenhagen immediately after their
shown that men and women seem to prefer almost
arrival by plane from the tropics where they had the same thermal environments. Women's skin
lived all their lives. temperature and evaporative loss are slightly lower
Moreover, Table 4 gives experimental results for than those for men, and this balances the somewhat
two groups of persons exposed daily to cold. One lower metabolism of women.
group comprises persons who for eight hours daily
for at least one year have been doing sedentary work Seasonal and circadian rhythm
in cold surroundings in the meat packing industry.
The other group consists of winter swimmers who As it has been ascertained above that man cannot
bathe daily in the sea. become adapted to prefer warmer or colder environ-
It is apparent from the Table that there are only ments, it follows that there is no difference between
slight differences between the various groups as comfort conditions in winter and in summer. This
regards both the preferred ambient temperature and is confirmed by an investigation undertaken at
the physiological parameters in the comfort con- Kansas State University where results of winter and
dition. The results indicate that man cannot become summer experiments showed no difference (McNall
adapted to prefer warmer or colder environments. et al., 1968).
It is therefore likely that the same comfort con- On the other hand, it is reasonable to expect the
ditions can be applied throughout the world. How- comfort conditions to alter during the day as the
ever, in determining the preferred ambient tempera- internal body temperature has a daily rhythm, a
ture from the comfort diagrams, a clo-value should maximum occurring late in the afternoon and a
be used which corresponds to the local clothing minimum early in the morning.
habits. A comparison of field comfort studies from We have recently studied this by determining
different parts of the world (Nicol and Humphreys, experimentally the preferred ambient temperature
1972) shows, as might be expected, significant for each of 16 subjects both in the morning and in
differences in clothing habits depending, among the evening. No difference was observed (Ostberg
other things, on the outdoor climate. and Nicholl, 1973). We have furthermore studied
Preferred Mean skin Evaporative Number
ambient temp. weight loss of
Group Study temp. at comfort during comfort subjects
(OC) (OC) (g/m3/hr)
Americans .. .. .. Nevins et al 25-6 720
Danes .. .. .. Fanger 25-7 256
Danes .. .. .. Technical University of 25-4 33-5 19-2 32
Denmark (1972)1
People from the tropics .. Technical University of 26-2 33-5 17-1 16
Denmark (1972)1
Danes working in the cold Olesen and Fanger 24-7 33-6 17-1 16
meat-packing industry .. (1971)
Danish winter swimmers .. Technical University of 25 0 33-3 16-6 16
Denmark (1972)1
Comfort equation .. .. Fanger 25-6
Preferred Mean skin Evaporative Number
ambient temp. weight loss of
Study Sex temp. at comfort during comfort subjects
(OC) (OC) (glmllhr)
Nevins et al. (1966) and Males 25 4 488
Fanger (1970) Femalcs 25 8 488
(both studies combined)
Technical University of Males 25-5 33 6 21 3 16
Denmark (1972)1 Females 25-3 33-4 171 16
Comfort equation
Fanger (1967) .. 25-6
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