History of Abu Jahl
History of Abu Jahl
History of Abu Jahl
Amr bin Hisham, mostly known as Abu Jahl, a disbeliever who was one of the noble people of
Qureysh. Abu Jahl belonged from tribe Banu Makhzum. He was one of the worst enemies of
Islam. He attempted to do harm to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions. He was
cousin of Holy Prophets father. He attempted to harm the Holy Prophet on many occasions. He
died in the Battle of Badr.
The people who admired Abu Jahl called him Abul Hakam which means father of wisdom. Holy
Prophet (PBUH) disliked that a good title should be given to a wicked person and an evil title
should be given to a righteous person.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said He who calls Abu Jahl (father of ignorance) Abul
Hakam (father of wisdom), then he has made a serious mistake. He should seek forgiveness
from Allah for this .
He persecuted the Muslims. When a Muslim converted to Islam, Abu Jahl would humiliate him
in front of his fellows so that he would lose their respect. He would put as many barriers in the
path of Muslims as he could. Whenever, a trader who had converted to Islam was discovered,
he gave orders that no one should trade with this person. As a result, that person would suffer
losses and would not be able to sell his wares.
Convert slaves belonging to the polytheist Quraysh received the harshest punishment. Abu
Jahal beat Harithah bint al-Muammil (may Allah be pleased with her), one such slave, for her
conversion to such an extent that she lost her eyesight. He attacked Sumayyah bint Khayya,
the mother of Ammar (may Allah be pleased with him) and inflicted on her mortal wounds by
stabbing her with a spear in her private parts. This blessed lady was the first to meet
martyrdom in the cause of Islam
When Hazrat Umer(RA) converted to Islam, he was determined to announce his new Faith to
Holy Prophets (PBUH) enemies. So, he went to house of Abu Jahl. Abu Jahl greeted him
Welcome! What brings you here?. Hazrat Umer (RA) calmly stated that I have come to tell
you that I have embraced the religion of Allah and his messenger, Muhammad. Abu Jahl said
May God ruin you and what have you brought.
Once Abu Jahl said to the prophet, By Allah, Muhammad, you will either stop cursing our gods,
or we will curse the God you serve. So Allah revealed concerning that, Curse not those to
whom they pray other than God lest they curse God wrongfully through lack of knowledge.
(6:108) Sura Anam.
When Holy Prophet (PBUH) came back from Miraj, Abu Jahl went to him, he was sitting next to
Kabah. Abu Jahl asked the Holy Prophet ,Anything new today?. Holy Prophet replied, Yes,
last night I went to Jerusalem and came back. Abu Jahl asked him if he would repeat this in
front of his people. Holy Prophet said ,Yes, I would. When Holy Prophet told everyone about
this Holy Journey everyone laughed. Abu Jahl did not waste any chance to ridicule Holy
When Holy Prohpet (PBUH) was about to migrate to Medina, Abu Jahl made a plan to
assassinate Holy Prophet. One member from each tribe would become a part of this
assassination. But Allah protected his Messenger.
Abu Jahl was a true enemy of Holy Prophet and Islam. But even he did not doubt the honesty of
the Holy Prophet.
Before the battle of Badr, a message was received from Abu Sufyan that their caravan has been
stopped before Medina. Abu Jahl gathered other leaders and was headed to fight the Muslims.
Even though the caravan managed to make their way Abu Jahl still planned to fight with
Muslims. He wanted to prove that he was superior in everything. He wanted to punish the
Abu Jahl and his army were defeated in the Battle of Badr and Abu Jahl was killed by Abdullah
Bin Masood (RA).
We conclude that Abu Jahl was a true enemy of Islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH). He never
missed a chance to ridicule Muslims. Even after seeing many evidences, he did not accept Islam.
He knew that Holy Prophet(PBUH) was an honest person. Holy Prophet, in spite of all these
difficulties had faith in Allah. Even the strongest armies could not stop Holy Prophet. Holy
Prophet did everything to spread Islam.