Ireland Annual Report 1997
Ireland Annual Report 1997
Ireland Annual Report 1997
Boards Address
Chapter 3. Compliance
To the Minister for Finance
We have the honour to submit our seventy-fifth annual report, for the year ended 31
December 1997.
1997 was a successful year for Revenue in very many respects. Tax receipts have
continued to grow, and at 13,963 million net, were considerably ahead of forecast.
Revenues Customer Service and Compliance Programmes have together improved the
timeliness of return filing and of payments, and our debt management programmes
have made significant inroads into the Revenue debt, especially in the elimination of
old uncollectible arrears. Revenues Euro Changeover Plan - focused at this stage
mainly on the business sector - is on target. We have also made very satisfactory
progress in preparing our systems for the Year 2000 - eliminating the so-called
millennium bug - which remains nonetheless a major challenge and priority.
Among the highlights of 1997 was the enactment of the Taxes Consolidation Act, the
product of a novel joint venture arrangement with the private sector. The preparation
and subsequent enactment of this legislation was a very significant achievement by any
standard and has been widely welcomed. 1997 can also be singled out as the year in
which our integrated strategy to bring illegal tobacco sales under control, involving
legislation, intelligence-gathering, enforcement activities and co-operation with our EU
partners, was extremely successful.
1997 was the first year of Revenues Statement of Strategy 1997-1999, our second
Corporate Plan and the strategies we adopted are showing results. In our Plan,
published in November 1996, we foresaw the need to adopt a tougher stance on tax
evasion, Black Economy activity and avoidance, and we put appropriate strategies in
place. As events have unfolded, we have prioritised these strategies even further, and
reallocated resources to ensure that they are progressed as a matter of urgency.
Revenue is actively pursuing all aspects of tax evasion arising from the McCracken
Tribunal Report, as well as more recent disclosures, and is co-operating fully with the
Moriarty Tribunal. We are also participating with the Department of Finance in a
review of Revenue powers to consider whether they are adequate in the light of
practical experience and emerging developments.
During the year, Revenue continued to play its part in the Governments Strategic
Management Initiative, both in terms of implementing SMI initiatives in the Office and
in contributing to the work of the SMI at central level. We are appreciative of the fact
that you, Minister, have approved the continuing application of our Corporate Plan as
Revenues Strategy Statement in accordance with the Public Service Management Act
1997. It was laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas on 30 April 1998. You also
agreed that Revenues Annual Report will be the formal reporting vehicle under the
Act. The first such formal report will be required in respect of 1998. However, even
this year, we have already begun to adapt our Report to fulfil this role and this Annual
Report therefore begins the process of reporting on our Strategy Statement. The
strategies we have adopted are underpinned by a process of detailed business planning
which has been in place throughout Revenue for some years.
Revenue is now 75 Years old. To mark the occasion we have recently had the honour
of a visit from Uachtaran na hEireann, Mrs. Mary McAleese. The President graciously
accepted the first copy of a book which we have published to mark 75 years of
achievement by the Revenue organisation and by Revenue staff in serving the Irish
people. The achievements of those 75 years, comes down ultimately to the
commitment, diligence and hard work of thousands of staff who have worked in
Revenue over the years and who work in Revenue now. We wish to pay tribute to the
service which Revenue staff have delivered in the past , and continue to deliver to-day.
30 June 1998
Chapter 1
Review of Performance
Analysis of Yield
1997 was another good year for Revenue with overall receipts exceeding
Budget estimates by some 998 million. As the table below shows, gross
receipts reached record levels in excess of 18 billion.
1997 saw an increase in yield in virtually all taxes and duties over the 1996
figures. Net receipts, having taken repayments into account, amounted to
13,963 million, or some 1,868 million higher than the corresponding
amount collected in 1996. Net receipts exceeded expectations across most
individual taxheads, with an increase of 531 million in overall Direct Taxes,
308 million in Indirect Taxes and 152 million in Capital Taxes over the
Budget estimates.
This reflects the even more buoyant than expected economic conditions
prevalent during 1997 but is also continuing evidence of the fruits of
Revenues policies for promoting voluntary compliance and streamlining
collection and enforcement procedures.
1997 1996
Duties, Taxes and Levies m m
Table 2 Total Revenue / Net
Income Tax:
PAYE 4,356.5 3,894.4 +462.1
The VAT receipts in 1997 are composed of 4,382.6 million on internal VAT, 439.5
million collected on imports, less refunds of 1,115.3 million.
Income Tax from the Self-Employed: The net yield from Income Tax under this
heading takes into account tax repayments made to non-liable individuals, charities
and pension funds for tax deducted at source under covenant arrangements or tax
credits attaching to company distributions. Such tax repayments are not related to
the tax paid directly by the self-employed but they have the effect of reducing the net
yield from that sector. Some of the tax thus repaid was initially collected under PAYE
or as Advance Corporation Tax and the gross figures for direct payments included in
the table provide a more complete picture of the direct yield from the self-employed.
Tax repayments in respect of BES and other investment incentives have already been
taken into account in the direct payments figure. The direct payments figure includes
tax payments made in respect of back-duty settlements.
Deposit Interest Retention Tax: This represents tax deducted from interest arising on
bank and building society deposits.
Withholding Tax: This is tax deducted under the provisions of Chapter I, Part 18,
Taxes Consolidation Act 1997.
Customs Duties and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) import charges are collected
on a wide range of goods imported from most non-European Union countries, 90%
of the amount collected being paid to the EU as part of the Irish contribution to the
EU Budget known as Own Resources. The remaining 10% is retained by the
State as collection expenses.
In 1997 the amount collected on Customs Duties and CAP import charges came to
179.7 million as compared to 162.0 million in 1996.
Once again Motor Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) receipts in 1997 exceeded
forecast, this time by 21.9 million or 5.8%. Gross receipts for VRT amounted to
454.3 million, while repayments under the various repayment schemes amounted
to 58.5 million. These figures reflect a record year for new car registrations which
numbered almost 137,000.
The temporary 1,000 VRT scrappage repayment scheme accounted for 27.1
million of the 1997 repayment but contributed to the overall buoyancy of revenue.
Since the commencement of the scrappage scheme on I July 1995, more than
60,000 cars have been scrapped.
The scrappage scheme was initially due to end on 31 December 1996 but was
extended by the Minister for Finance for a further year to 31 December 1997. It is
widely acknowledged to have been an outstanding success, with the level of take-
up exceeding even the most optimistic forecasts. The scheme has been very
beneficial in several ways - for the Exchequer, the environment, the motor trade
and the consumer.
VAT receipts for 1997 amounted to 3,706.8 million. This figure was substantially
up on the 1996 yield by 597.5 million or 19.2%, reflecting continuing consumption
buoyancy and strong underlying growth in the economy.
Capital Acquisitions Tax
Capital Acquisitions Tax comprising inheritance tax, gift tax, discretionary trust tax
and probate tax produced an overall yield for 1997 of 88.7 million. This compares
with 81.7 million in 1996, representing an increase of around 9%. The
improvement is mainly attributable to the general rise in asset values experienced
during the period.
The yield of 132.4 million from Capital Gains Tax in 1997 was up by 49 million on
the 1996 outturn. Some 32 million of the excess can be attributed to the once-off
effect of a number of large settlements and the balance to increased activity.
Stamp Duties
In 1997 the yield from Stamp Duties was 424.3 million, an increase of 92 million
on 1996. The yield from property transfers increased by some 30% to around 253
million and the yield from share transfers increased by some 80% to nearly 74
million. These increases reflect the improvement in the property market in 1997 and
the positive general economic conditions that prevailed.
The yield from Residential Property Tax, which was abolished with effect from 5
April 1997, amounted to 3.1 million. This compares with 14.3 million in 1996, the
last full year the tax was in operation.
Corporation Tax
The yield from Corporation Tax in 1997 was up by almost 269 million or almost
19% on the 1996 performance. The growth is attributable mainly to a general
increase in the taxable profits of companies.
Income Tax
The net receipts from Income Tax (including Income Levy) in 1997 were
up some 629 million or 13.7% on the 1996 figure. An ongoing sizeable increase in
numbers at work, increased employee remuneration, an increase in tax payments
by self-employed taxpayers and an increase in DIRT receipts were the main factors
which influenced the outcome.
Monitoring our performance
Internal Audit
The Branch is also involved in the auditing of EU Own Resources (Customs duty) in
association with European Commission auditors.
External monitoring of our performance
The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) conducts ongoing examinations and
audits of receipts and expenditure, and of Revenues systems, procedures and
practices, as well as value for money audits of particular operations. In December
1997, the Comptroller and Auditor General reported the results of a value-for -
money examination of the collection and control of Value Added Tax. The principal
findings of the report were:
Collection procedures for VAT are efficient, with an overall compliance level of
90% for all traders, and almost 100% in the case of businesses with large VAT
VAT audit activity is well planned and is good value-for-money.
As part of the audit, the C&AG sought the views of business representatives and
their positive comments are particularly gratifying.
Revenues Corporate Plan 1997-1999
A key benchmark for Revenue each year is collecting the taxes and duties set
out by the Minister for Finance under the national Budget targets. The 1997
Budget target was exceeded by 7.6%.
Revenue devised and adopted its strategy on Economic and Monetary Union
(EMU) and announced a strongly pro-business stance in relation to the
changeover to the Euro.
Action to make our computer systems handle the Year 2000 and the Euro
commenced and is on target.
The Customs National Drugs Team seized drugs with an estimated street value
of over 7 million.
Legislation to tackle the problem of the illegal trafficking and selling of tobacco
was incorporated into the Finance Act, 1997, with an intensification of on-street
measures and a new initiative to secure European cooperation.
A new Tax Treaty with the United States was signed, as well as four other new
The Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 was enacted. This was the first consolidation
of tax statutes for over 30 years and brought within one Act all Income Tax,
Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax legislation.
Measures were introduced to tackle VAT avoidance, particularly on property
Automatic tax clearance was introduced for those who have previously applied
and whose affairs are in order.
Revenue introduced a simpler and more user friendly Form P35 (Employers).
Cost of Administration as a percentage of Gross Receipts
Chart 3
Cost of Administration
Cost of Administration
* This figure does not include PRSI, Health Contribution and Employment and Training Levy
This percentage is just one very broad indicator of performance and is influenced by
buoyant tax receipts as well as improvements in the efficiency of the Office.
Notwithstanding this qualification, it is a concrete indicator of the cost of running the
Office relative to the taxes and duties collected by it on behalf of the Exchequer.
The volumes of business handled by Revenue have increased dramatically in
recent years. Revenues ability to handle this expanded business, with lower staff
numbers, is a reflection of our successful exploitation of information technology and
of the steps taken to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Volume of Business
Income Tax
Returns 273,000
Repayments 143,000
Corporation Tax
Returns 67,000
Repayments 14,000
Activity New registrations for VAT
46% Telephone
Chart 5
P 200,000
E 150,000
I 100,000
S 50,000
Items processed
1997 = 2,058,529 ) an increase
1996 = 1,839,510 ) of 12%
The largest amount of payments in a single day to the Collector-General was 592 million
The highest number of items processed in a single day by the Collector-General
was 42,969.
Chapter 2
Customer Service
The opening of new offices in Tallaght to cater for customers in
Tallaght and the surrounding areas.
Development of the Revenue Internet site -
Revenue information is now available on Teletext - page 651 RTE 1.
Result Achieved
Comments and Complaints
Revenue welcomes feedback - good and bad- on its performance. Our complaints
procedure was formalised in 1997 with the addition of a new element - the facility to
complain to a central area in Revenue when attempts to resolve complaints locally
are unsuccessful.
Since May 1997, comment cards are available in all our local offices. An analysis of
the 142 comment cards received up to 31 December 1997 shows that the vast
majority of those who completed cards were very pleased with the quality of service
provided, as can be seen from the following tables.
Yes No
Was your complaint / enquiry 96% 4%
New Revenue Offices in Tallaght
In line with our customer service approach and to make Revenue services more
convenient for the taxpayer a decision was taken to open two public offices in
Tallaght, which covers not only Tallaght itself but a large catchment area of South
Dublin, West Wicklow and Kildare.
The Vehicle Registration Office handles the registration of vehicles and deals with
all aspects of Vehicle Registration Tax including providing a dedicated central
Telephone Enquiry Office for VRT. In a new development for Revenue the Tallaght
Vehicle Registration Office provides Internet E-mail access for customers. This
facility removes the problem of distance for customers who may have a query and
are not able to call to the office in person.
The new office enables Revenue to service the growth in customer demand which,
since 1993, has been showing strong growth. For example, new vehicle
registrations in Dublin increased from 36,034 in 1993 to 62,256 in 1997 and used
vehicle registrations increased from 11,325 to 16,628 during the same period.
Virtual Revenue one-stop-shop
Revenue has established a web site on the Internet ( For now, the
site is being used as a communications tool. The most frequently sought Revenue
leaflets and tax forms are now on the site and can be downloaded by users.
Revenue has plans to put the INTRASTAT software on the site so that traders will
be able to download INTRASTAT return forms as required. Traders can then send
the completed returns on disk to Revenue. While full Internet interactivity is not yet
possible on the site, customers can now e-mail queries to relevant addresses which
are listed in Appendix 3 of this Report.
Revenue and the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs jointly issued
notices to 120,000 employers in March 1997 setting out the various tax and PRSI
rates which were to be applied for the tax year commencing on 6 April 1997. This
was the first such joint initiative and was aimed at reducing the volume of official
correspondence issuing to businesses.
Revenue has had very successful electronic filing facilities in place for importers and
exporters since 1991. We have now commenced a detailed study of electronic
filing arrangements for other tax returns and payments which will involve using the
Internet as well as other technology. The study will include consultation with
business and other representative bodies.
The Customs Automated Entry Processing (AEP) system enables Irish importers
and exporters to clear their goods within minutes through the submission of
electronic Customs declarations. The lodgement of hard copy documentation has
been eliminated.
The use of this Direct Trader Input (DTI) has shown further growth in 1997 as
1997 1996
Declarations Processed 740,691 617,485
DTI Take Up Import 92% 90%
Export 63% 60%
We also have disk exchange arrangements in place in the INTRASTAT and P35
(see Table 7) operations. Most INTRASTAT information is provided in electronic
format. A further 200 traders changed to this method in 1997. A software package,
IDEP (INTRASTAT Data Entry Package ), developed by Eurostat to produce an
electronic INTRASTAT declaration on diskette, is available from the VIMA Office,
Electronic exchange of PAYE data has been in place for a number of years. Further
enhancements to promote electronic exchange of PAYE data have now been put in
place in 1997. On a trial basis, we provided accountants with diskettes containing
specially written software to assist them to make electronic P35 returns for clients
with manual payrolls.
1997 also saw the full introduction of an automated scanning system which is
capable of reading hand-written P35 returns. This innovative technology makes an
important contribution to our ability to process returns speedily and efficiently.
VAT Repayments
Consulting Our Customers
Customer Panels
A Small BusinessUser Panel was set up by Government during 1997. The Panel
consists of representatives from Revenue, Chambers of Commerce of Ireland,
Construction Industry Federation, Department of Social, Community and Family
Affairs, Irish Coalition of Service Industries, Irish Small and Medium Enterprise
Association (ISME) and the Small Firms Association (SFA). The objective of the
Panel is to explore with the representatives of the Business Groups how the
administration of PAYE and Social Welfare by small businesses can be simplified.
A panel of employers was set up at the end of 1997 to facilitate the introduction of a
computerised P45. New stationery has been designed and issued to a number of
employers for evaluation.
Revenue has an ongoing series of meetings with representatives of ISME and SFA
on the particular needs and concerns with the tax system generally. The
introduction of automatic tax clearance and the simplification of procedures for
claiming subsistence expenses were announced by Revenue Commissioner Dermot
Quigley in his address to the Annual Conference of the SFA in June 1997.
The Tax Administration Liaison Committee
The Tax Administration Liaison Committee (TALC) continued its ongoing role in 1997 as a
liaison forum for Revenue and practitioners in relation to tax administration issues. TALCs
plenary committee had eight general liaison meetings in 1997 and its various sub-groups
also met throughout the year in relation to more specific areas of the tax system. TALCs
work programme was particularly focused on the proposed implementation by Revenue of
the Freedom of Information legislation and aspects of the Self-Assessment system.
Following an initiative by TALC a revised and simplified form in relation to stamp duty on the
transfer or sale of unquoted shares was introduced.
In order to ascertain the level of satisfaction with the new system a survey was
conducted in September 1997 on the 118 traders already audited - 78% of these
Chapter 3
Target To achieve the Government Budget target.
Returns Compliance Campaigns
7,602 cases were identified as not trading or were considered to have no liability.
Tax districts throughout the country targeted the worst defaulters first i.e. those with
returns outstanding for 5 years. These cases are potentially more difficult to finalise.
Some 10,000 Income Tax cases were actually finalised in 1997. This included the
receipt of 19,608 returns for old years.
Activity Processing of Income Tax returns submitted late.
As illustrated in the table below, P35 compliance continued to improve with 96.5%
of employers filing their returns by 31 December. These accounted for 99.8% of all
disposals on or after 27/3/98]. If the vendor does not produce a clearance cert the purchaser
must deduct 15% from the payment and remit to Revenue.
Result Achieved
50% processed within 20 days; 100% within 40 days.
C2 authorises a principal contractor to pay a sub-contractor without deduction of tax.
RCT47 is an application for a relevant payments card for a principal contractor to record
payments made to a sub-contractor without deduction of tax.
During 1997 we continued to target our activities on cases where the risk to
Exchequer receipts from non or late payers was greatest. That approach played a
vital part in achieving the record collection receipts in 1997 and the significant
improvement in payment compliance. Timely payment compliance from our larger
paying customers increased by some 6% overall in 1997.
Debt Management
Revenue is fully committed to ensuring that our debt management strategies bring
about an increase in timely payment compliance leading to an ongoing decrease in
the rate of accumulation of new debt, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of
gross collection each year. At the same time older nominal debt, which is based on
unrealistic estimates and where there is little prospect of collection, must be
eliminated from the record so as to ensure that resources are not wasted in its
pursuit at the expense of current collection. Progress on the debt management
programme is reflected in the fact that the overall Revenue debt continues to
decrease and now represents 10 per cent of net annual tax collection as against 57
per cent in 1988. This reduction is being achieved by a focused debt management
approach which includes maximising collection, and arrears review programmes
with discharge of unreliable estimates and write off of uncollectible tax, the latter in
accordance with general policy and procedures agreed with the Comptroller and
Auditor General in the early part of 1997. This strategy has involved, inter alia, the
deployment of additional resources into the task of reviewing doubtful debt and
ensuring collection where this is possible.
The amount of debt written off in 1997 under the new procedures was 281 million
reflecting the build-up of old uncollectible debt under the earlier write-off criteria.
Table 9:
The annual Revenue debt for the years 1995 to 1997
( at end of each calendar year updated as at 31 May following)
Case-working through technology
The case-working approach allows for the swift identification and targeting of cases
for the most appropriate enforcement action. In phasing in the new procedures
Revenue initially give customers every reasonable assistance to regularise their
affairs. However, where this approach is not successful, the full rigours of the
available enforcement provisions are applied.
Tax Clearance
Result Achieved.
1997 saw the phasing in of the automatic renewal of tax clearance certificates for
compliant taxpayers by Revenue. This important customer services initiative means
that taxpayers who hold a current tax clearance certificate for the purpose of a
public sector contract and whose tax affairs remain in order are not required to
apply for renewal, but instead will obtain automatic tax clearance prior to expiry of
the current certificate. It is proposed to extend this initiative to other categories
requiring tax clearance during 1998.
Chapter 4
The key outputs of our Audit, Prosecution and Enforcement Programmes are:
illegal importation and sale of tobacco products resulting in record
levels of seizures by Customs officers of smuggled tobacco
Revenue is actively pursuing all aspects of evasion arising from the McCracken
Tribunal report, as well as more recent disclosures. These investigations are
proceeding as a matter of priority. Revenue is also participating with the
Department of Finance in a review of Revenue powers to consider whether they are
adequate in the light of practical experience and emerging developments. Revenue
is co-operating fully with the Moriarty Tribunal.
During 1997, a review was undertaken which focused on a sample, some chosen at
random, of the top tier of high net worth individuals. The project examined the
profile of the sample by reference to income, residence and effective rate of tax (i.e.
tax paid as a percentage of income), to identify the likely tax risks. The review will
assist in the identification of cases for audit and the audit approach to be adopted.
The study also showed that this sector received disproportionate advantages from
tax incentives. This resulted in important changes being introduced by the Minister
for Finance in the December 1997 Budget, including the placing of restrictions on
the amount of capital allowances on buildings which an individual investor can claim
against non-rental income.
1997 1996
Audit Type No. Yield m No. Yield m
Comprehensive 3,635 55.4 3,969 60.3
VAT 7,764 38.9 8,424 33.0
PAYE Employers 5,095 14.1 5,358 19.5
Relevant Contracts 1,856 8.1 1,582 8.0
Investigation Branch 77 3.7 90 6.0
Anti-Avoidance 20 2.4 29 2.4
Capital Acquisitions 315 3.3 315 2.6
Residential Property 2,024 1.2 1,590 0.9
While the total number of audits was slightly down in 1997 the total receipts
increased as compared with 1996. The reduction in numbers largely reflected
greater concentration on bigger cases (which take longer to audit) as well as
temporary re-assignment of auditors to important compliance work.
During the year to 31 December 1997, 20 cases involving tax avoidance were
resolved yielding a return to the Exchequer of 2.4m.
The general anti-avoidance provision, Section 811 Taxes Consolidation Act 1997,
the aim of which is to defeat the effects of transactions which have little or no
commercial reality but are intended primarily to avoid liability to tax, was invoked in a
number of cases during the year. Revenue is being challenged in the High Court in
each of these cases.
Revenues 1996 Annual Report announced the establishment of the Customs Audit
programme to ensure continued compliance with Customs legislation following the
introduction of paperlesselectronic import/export declarations. The Customs Audit
Units became fully operational in 1997 and the results for the year are shown below.
52% resulted in additional yield of Customs duty which amounted to 4.5 million.
The FEOGA Audit Unit audited the commercial records of 54 companies which had
received export refund payments of 480 million in respect of agricultural exports
during the period audited. This amount represented approximately 90% of total
export refunds paid by the Department of Agriculture and Food.
Target Use cross functional team working
between Taxes and Customs and Excise
staff in appropriate operations.
Result Achieved.
Following consultation with the DPP and extensive training for the staff concerned
new arrangements are now in place in Revenue to pursue prosecution of serious
cases of tax evasion. As part of this, early in 1997 Revenues Tax Investigation
Branch was reorganised, resulting in a more focused approach towards the
identification and prosecution of serious tax offenders. Three of the five operational
units in Investigation Branch are now concentrated almost exclusively on advancing
possible cases for prosecution on indictment (as distinct from summary prosecution
which has traditionally been used e.g. for failure to file returns).
The implications of the new prosecution policy have been the subject of consultation
with tax practitioners and written guidelines are being finalised.
Arrangements with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)
A senior officer from the Office of the DPP is now available to Revenue for the
purpose of case referral and for consultation. Officers from Revenues Prosecution
Policy Unit and Investigation Branch have regular meetings with him to discuss
individual cases and to discuss evidential and other issues which have arisen or are
likely to arise. Under the new arrangement, in order to speed up the process, cases
are investigated by Revenue officers, referred to the Revenue Solicitor where
suitable and passed direct to the DPP, rather than being routed through the Gardai.
Three earlier cases, two of which were investigated by the Garda, progressed to
Circuit Court stage during the year. One of these resulted in a conviction after a
plea of guilty; in another, the taxpayer pleaded guilty and was awaiting sentence;
and the third was sent forward for trial. Another case had reached District Court
level. By the end of the year the Director of Public Prosecutions had given directions
to prosecute in a further 3 cases and some 17 others were actively being
progressed towards the Courts.
Monetary settlements
Because of the burden of proof involved and the resource-intensive nature of the
work only a small number of criminal prosecutions are likely to arise each year. The
bulk of cases arising from investigation or audit will continue to be the subject of
monetary settlements with continuation of arrangements for voluntary disclosure.
Result Achieved.
Prosecutions for Customs and Excise Offences
In 1997, 297 people were prosecuted for various Customs and Excise offences
compared to 267 in 1996, an increase of over 11%. This is due in the main to
increased convictions for cigarette smuggling and illegal selling of cigarettes. The
number of charges for smuggling was up 94% on the previous year while
convictions for illegal selling offences increased by 655%.
Smuggling 17 6,275 33 44,865 NIL 5
Selling of
Cigarettes 11 6,850 72 53,050 - -
124 people were convicted in court, with fines imposed totalling 82,650, for the
illegal use of duty-rebated Marked Gas Oil (MGO), commonly referred to as
agriculturalor green diesel. This includes convictions for related offences such
as obstructing Revenue personnel and giving false information. In a further 645
cases, compromise sums amounting to 159,725 were accepted in lieu of legal
proceedings. A further amount of 12,100 was accepted for the release of a
number of vehicles which had been seized in connection with marked gas oil
7 people were convicted and fines amounting to 20,300 were imposed for betting
offences. Compromise sums totalling 1,500 were paid in 4 other cases. At
Mullingar District Court on 11th July, 1997, a bookmaker and her assistants pleaded
guilty to approximately 30 counts of suppression and evasion of Betting Duty. A fine
of 30,200 mitigated to 15,100 was imposed.
Convictions were also obtained in three cases involving the smuggling of oil and
alcohol products. Penalties of 2,500 were imposed.
Prosecutions for Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) offences
Number of convictions 28
Fines imposed 22,850
Failure to file returns
Sanctions against those who do not comply are of varying severity. These include
surcharges, interest, penalties and publication of the taxpayers name. In addition
prosecution for failure to file a return may be initiated through the Court. Details of
the prosecution cases taken for failure to file returns are set out below.
P35 returns
Result Achieved
In tackling non-compliance in relation to the P35 return, Revenue targeted for early
action those employers who had been identified as non-compliant in previous years.
Amongst the sanctions used were individual statutory penalties of 1,200. These
were imposed in 544 cases where employers failed to submit fully completed
returns before the April 30 deadline. In cases where penalties were imposed by the
Courts, defaulters also had their names published.
During 1997 legal proceedings were initiated in cases where there was persistent
failure to file INTRASTAT returns.
Black Economy
Revenue participated fully in the Black Economy Monitoring Group. During the
year the Group was strengthened by the participation of the Small Firms
Association, to reflect the concerns of this segment of the economy. The Group,
which meets regularly, monitors trends in Black Economy activity, with a
particular focus on distortions in competition which are of concern to the Social
Offsets of VAT liabilities against Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT) repayment claims
from non-resident sub-contractors amounted to 1 million during the year. This
represents a 64% increase over amounts offset in 1996.
Joint Inspection Units (JIUs) are operated in conjunction with the Department of
Social, Community and Family Affairs. The JIUs carry out joint inspections at
employerspremises, mainly with a view to targeting cases where there is
evidence of non-operation of PAYE/PRSI on the part of the employer and
working and signingon the part of employees.
Specific action to detect unregistered traders.
During 1997 the Special Enquiry Branch, together with Local Enquiry Units,
continued to detect unregistered cases and previously undeclared sources of
income in the programme to counter Black Economy activity, details of which are
contained in Table 16. The Customer Service approach adopted by Revenue in
recent years in relation to the registration of new businesses together with the effect
of Tax Clearance requirements has resulted in greater registration compliance.
1997 1996
Number of cases detected not previously on record 1,000 1,353
Number of persons already on record with unreturned 2,169 2,280
Total number of detections 3,169 3,633
Result Achieved.
Following a review of the Customs & Excise Mobile Task Units, a new restructured
Revenue Mobile Service (RMS) was established. The new service which consists of
120 officials based in 14 strategic locations throughout the State was set up in
October 1997.
Target Take effective action against phoenix syndrome
companies including closer monitoring of successor
companies, the possibility of a relevant form of
security and, in appropriate cases, initiation of legal
action against directors.
Enforcement Action
Collection Enforcement
Sheriff and Solicitor enforcement are the most commonly and effectively used
enforcement options to collect taxes due. A new computerised system, whereby all
outstanding tax liabilities in a particular case are consolidated, was commenced in
the second half of 1997 for solicitor and sheriff referrals. This contributed to a 23%
reduction in the number of individual referral items. Additionally, the number of
taxpayers who responded to contact from the Sheriff by paying tax to the Collector-
General directly continued to increase. Use of the power of attachment continued to
be an important enforcement tool used by Revenue. Other forms of enforcement
are considered as appropriate in individual cases.
Number of cases where 172 148
attachment was used
Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) Enforcement
The street value of drugs seized by the Customs National Drugs Team (CNDT)
during 1997 amounted to 7 million, some 1.32 million of which was seized as a
result of joint operations with the Gardai. Co-operation with both domestic and
foreign enforcement agencies contributed significantly to seizures at home and
abroad during the year and to the quality of intelligence gathered on international
drug trafficking. In the course of the year, the CNDT participated in a number of
joint exercises with foreign agencies related to targeting and intelligence gathering.
During 1997, 5,800 calls were received on the Customs Confidential Freefone.
Several of the calls proved useful and facilitated the gathering of further intelligence
on drug trafficking activities.
Customs Officers discovered 600 Kgs of Cocaine concealed on board MV SEAMIST
in Cork Harbour on 29 September 1996. The drugs and the vessel were seized and
five people were arrested and charged with offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act.
At the trial in Cork in 1997 the skipper pleaded guilty and was given a 17 year jail
sentence. The other accused were not convicted. The street value of the drugs was
estimated at 47m.
Fines were increased and the option to impose custodial sentences was
introduced both for illegal importation and for street selling offences.
The relevant powers of Revenue Officers and the Garda were strengthened.
At the level of the European Union, Revenue was successful in persuading the
European Commission and the other Member States to agree to set up a High Level
Group to examine the problem. The remit of the group was extended to include
fraud in the alcohol sector. Its objectives were to:
Examine the nature, extent and impact of fraud in the two sectors.
Identify factors which contribute to or facilitate this fraud.
Recommend improvements/solutions aimed at reducing and preventing fraud.
The Group was charged with reporting to the EU Directors General of Indirect
Taxation early in 1998 leading to a package of measures being endorsed by the
Council of Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) in 1998.
Cigarette Seizures
The programme, which has been designed to facilitate mutually beneficial standards
of service and information flows between Customs and the trade, was initiated in
1993. A further 4 agreements were concluded during 1997, bringing the total
agreements concluded to date to 38, covering a wide range of business interests.
An MOU signed with the Irish Road Haulage Association in 1997 was significant in
that it encompasses the prevention of smuggling of all contraband, whereas all
previous agreements were directed exclusively at drugs smuggling.
Joint Surveillance Exercises
In 1997 the Member States of the European Union, including Ireland, carried out
three successful Customs joint surveillance exercises.
Tangible results of the operations, in terms of seized drugs and goods liable to
Excise Duty, were impressive. In total 541 kilos of cocaine, 2,949 kilos of cannabis,
163 million cigarettes and 67,000 litres of alcohol were seized.
General Smuggling
1,871 cases of attempted smuggling were detected in 1997. Certain of these cases
were dealt with by means of compromise settlements, the total proceeds from which
came to 271,801.
Type Quantity
Spirits 5,181 (Litres)
Beer 7,592 (Litres)
Wine 7,683 (Litres)
Hydrocarbon Oil 9,517 (Litres)
Yachts 2
Steroids 2,732 (Items)
Computer Parts 500 (Items)
Counterfeit Clothing 221 (Items)
Pornography : Videos 5,163
: Other (books, 20,850
magazines, etc.)
Chapter 5
Information which minimises the uncertainty about the impact of tax and
customs law on business decisions.
Fair, efficient and streamlined procedures which help to minimise
compliance costs and which provide taxpayers and their representatives
with a clear understanding of their obligations under tax and customs law,
and which result in maximum voluntary compliance and revenue yield.
The Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 was enacted into law on 30 November 1997.
The Act, which is the largest single enactment in the history of the State comprising
1104 sections and 32 Schedules, consolidates the law relating to income tax,
corporation tax and capital gains tax. The Consolidation project commenced in
June 1995 and was carried out by way of a joint venture between Revenue, the
Office of the Parliamentary Draftsman and private sector consultants. The
Consolidation Act was widely welcomed by the Oireachtas and the various tax and
accountancy bodies. The goal of having the legislation enacted before the
December Budget was achieved, thus facilitating the drafting of the 1998 Finance
Bill by reference to the Consolidation Act.
Consolidation of legislation is consistent with the principles of good quality
regulation, in particular the need to reduce the quantity and improve the quality of
legislation, to which Revenue is committed under our Statement of Strategy. One of
the main benefits of this consolidation is the reduction of the volume of direct tax
legislation by almost one-half. Other benefits are that:
All future changes to the taxes involved should be capable of being slotted into
the Consolidated Act by amendment.
Our tax legislation is now more coherent to foreign investors and their advisors.
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is one of the most important developments
for the Irish economy since we joined the European Union in 1973. The introduction
of the Euro will present a significant challenge for businesses, which will have to
deal with the practical complexities of switching their financial and accounting
systems to the new currency, while also addressing the strategic business issues
presented by the creation of a more integrated and competitive Euro zone.
Following extensive consultations with private sector bodies Revenue formulated a
changeover plan which is designed to offer business the maximum flexibility
possible as to how and when they may make the switch. We announced this plan
in April 1997, when we published our booklet Preparing for the Euro - a guide for
business on the taxation and customs aspects of the changeover to the Euro.
This changeover plan is strongly pro - business in that it offers businesses the
facility to conduct their tax, customs and statistical affairs in Euro if they so wish
from 1 January 1999. This will ensure no additional compliance costs for businesses
which make an early switch to the Euro for whatever reasons.
Tax competition
Globalisation is creating new challenges in the field of tax policy. Although it has
had a positive effect on the development of tax systems, being one of the driving
forces behind tax reform, there has been concern internationally that it can also lead
to countries adopting tax strategies which may have harmful spillover effects for
other countries.
Revenue was centrally involved throughout 1997 in one of the most important
recent studies undertaken by the Committee of Fiscal Affairs (CFA) of the OECD.
The study concerns harmful tax competition as an emerging global issue and
Revenue has participated as a member of the small co-ordinating Bureau along with
three other countries, the United States, Japan and France. The Bureau is
responsible for managing the study and writing the report.
Given that Ireland offers generous tax incentives for manufacturing and financial
services activities, the project has important implications for future Irish economic
and business policies. As a Bureau member, Revenue has been able to play a key
role in shaping the outcome of the project and reflecting vital Irish interests. Work
on the project will continue in 1998.
Electronic Commerce
At EU level, where the main focus is on VAT and Customs implications, Revenue
has taken a leading role in the debate, and hosted a meeting of an EU Working
Group in December 1997 at which representatives of the private sector provided an
insight into the technical environment of the internet and electronic commerce. The
tax implications are also being examined in detail by the OECD where, again,
Revenue has been playing a leading role. The OECD discussions are expected to
result in a set of principles, or framework conditions, concerning the taxation of
electronic commerce.
One major recent initiative of the WCO has been the development of a vision
statement, which has been drawn up in consultation with the organisations
membership. The vision statementattempts to create a model of the environment
in which Customs will operate during the next decade or so and to anticipate the
nature of the response which the new trading circumstances of the future will
require of the WCO. Irish Customs co-ordinated the views of the Members of the
European region in the preparation of the draft Statement.
Tax treaties
New double taxation treaties with the United States, South Africa and the three
Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) were negotiated by Revenue and
signed by the Government in 1997. This brings Irelands treaty base to 33
Revenue was also involved in negotiations with Belgium, India, Mexico, Romania
and the United Kingdom in relation to existing and new treaties during 1997.
The US tax treaty is Irelands most important. The US has for many years been
Irelands largest single source of inward investment. There are over 450 companies
established by US investors in Ireland employing over 65,000 people. US
companies account for a quarter of the workforce employed in manufacturing
activities. There is also significant investment into the US from Ireland.
Unlike its predecessor, the new treaty covers Irish Capital Gains Tax, has
provisions for settling disputes concerning its interpretation and allows for
corresponding transfer pricing adjustments. It also has enhanced provisions in
relation to the exchange of information between the tax authorities of both
Arising from the OECD examination, the EU Commission sponsored pilot studies on
the practical application of the cash-flowapproach. The Commission decided that
before any firm conclusions could be reached, their studies should be extended to
other businesses in the financial services sector throughout the EU, including one
major institution in Ireland. These studies are due to end in mid 1998 and the
Commission intends to issue a report on the outcome in the latter half of that year.
Chapter 6
Information Technology.
Human Resource Management.
Corporate support services.
To provide responsive, efficient and effective support for the Office, with
responsibility and control devolved as far as practicable to line managers,
within agreed service standards.
Quality computer operations services twenty four hours a day, seven days
a week.
Enhanced services and support structures for IT in remote offices, and for
effective end-user computing.
Completing a restructuring agreement under the PCW in respect of
Inspectors of Taxes.
Result Achieved
Ensure the strategies set out in the Corporate Plan are progressed.
Prosecution Policy.
Electronic Filing.
Organisation Review
Information Technology
Revenue operates one of the largest computer installations in the country. The
table below gives an indication of the scale of our computer network in over 130
offices countrywide, and the extent of ongoing development and upgrading
undertaken in 1997.
Businesses must continually align their IT goals with their business objectives.
Revenue has now consolidated various internal fora into a single high level group
chaired at Commissioner level to decide on IT priorities in the context of a dynamic
external environment.
Target Establish a high-level User Computing Group with a non-
IT Chairperson with terms of reference to include
recommendations on allocation of IT resources.
Result Achieved.
Year 2000
Revenue is critically reliant on its IT systems to meet its core business objectives of
collecting taxes and duties and delivering them to the Exchequer. Not surprisingly,
ensuring that all of our computer systems are Year 2000 compliant is a priority for
the Office.
Table 18: Year 2000 compliance
Percentage of
centrally-maintained 21% 66% 13%
programs requiring
modification for Year
Percentage of user- 42% 53% 5%
maintained programs
modification for Year
The Matthus programme has become a key vehicle for fostering co-operation
between the Customs Services of the EU and more recently has included partner
countries from Central and Eastern Europe. The focus of this co-operation was
turned towards the Information Technology (IT) field when Ireland hosted a seminar
on the theme of Information Technology and the Customs Missionin Dublin Castle
in December 1997.
Opening the seminar, Revenue Commissioner Frank Daly spoke of the landmark
achievements of Customs services in the field of electronic administration, and
described how IT assists in maintaining the balance between providing a fast
efficient service to our customers while at the same time effectively protecting
society from illicit activity.
practices in IT and a clear vision of future directions. A valuable contribution to the
seminar was made by Ms Josephine Eviston, IT Director of Irish Express Cargo, a
representative from the freight forwarding industry, who described the benefits to
trade of Irelands on-line Customs declaration processing system (AEP).
Document Imaging
A document imaging system was installed at the Central Vehicle Office, Rosslare, in
December, 1997. The new system was introduced to tackle ongoing problems over
the filing and retrieval of VRT declarations which make up the Register of Vehicles
maintained by Revenue under VRT legislation. Since 1993 some 900,000
declarations and accompanying documents have been lodged with Revenue. The
new system enables Revenue to scan and store on compact disc the original
declaration - a reproduced copy of which is admissible as evidence in any court
The purpose of the Transit regime is to facilitate the movement of goods within the
EU and the Common Transit area (the EFTA and Visegrad countries) under a
system of customs control which safeguards the duties and taxes at risk. In Ireland,
60,000 outward (departure) and 35,000 inward (destination) transit movements are
registered annually. The primary function of the Central Transit office (CTO) is to
manage and coordinate enquiries into the discharge of those transit movements
initiated in Ireland and to assist the authorities in other contracting States in relation
to the movements initiated in those States.
Prior to April 1997, this work was performed manually. However, the increasing
volume of transactions together with the need to improve inquiry and response
times put the manual systems under severe pressure. In April 1997, with financial
assistance from the European Union, a computerised transit system went live which
Human Resource Management
With over 6,000 staff in a multiplicity of grades spread throughout the country, the
effective management of human resources is of central strategic importance to
Training is vital to the achievement of the objectives of the Corporate Plan and, in
1997, we maintained our commitment to invest at least 3% of payroll costs in
training and development of our staff. Our training programmes and activities
covered a wide range of areas including technical training, customer service skills,
management training and information technology skills.
For the first time ever, Revenues training policy was articulated in a document
which was issued to all staff. A single Training Branch was established with
organisation-wide responsibility for the design, delivery and implementation of
training policies and programmes. As well as giving our training programme a more
cohesive corporate focus, the benefits include cost effective training, rationalisation
of facilities, and wider selection of training available to all staff.
A significant feature this year was the delivery of training courses based on needs
identified by auditorsexperiences. For example, a VAT on property course was
designed to highlight the tax risks associated with the high volume of transactions in
property, and Capital Gains Tax and Corporation Tax courses dealt with commercial
transactions which can give rise to significant liabilities under the provisions of the
As part of the training support for the development of Revenues prosecution policy,
more than 80 key staff were given intensive training in enforcement, legal and
prosecution matters, which included practical sessions in a
purpose-built replica courtroom in our Training Branch.
Our HRM systems operate within the framework of the overall civil service personnel
environment. In the context of the Strategic Management Initiative, the Government
has identified the need for significant change in the existing systems and structures
for human resource management in the civil service to support the programme of
change set out in Delivering Better Government. During 1997 Revenue participated
in a high level Working Group, comprising public and private sector experts, to
formulate and recommend new approaches for the civil service across a range of
HRM activities. We also participated in project groups, working with consultants, to
devise a new performance management framework for the civil service as a whole.
This work has continued into 1998.
In the light of this work, Revenue decided to defer a number of our strategies, to
avoid duplication and ensure that our approach would remain consistent with the
civil service framework.
Internally, review teams were set up to develop HR policies for Revenue. This work
is ongoing in 1998. Its purpose is to identify and analyse the specific HR needs of
Revenue and, drawing on the policy directions of the SMI, to design a
comprehensive HR policy and implementation plan appropriate to Revenues
On the industrial relations front, a restructuring agreement was concluded under the
local bargaining clause of the Programme for Competitiveness and Work (PCW)
covering the grades of Inspector of Taxes, Inspector of Taxes Higher Grade and
Senior Inspector of Taxes. Negotiations on a similar agreement in respect of Tax
Officers and Higher Tax Officers ended without agreement. Following referral to an
Adjudication Board, this agreement was subsequently successfully concluded in
early 1998.
Table 20
The total number of staff on career break and job-sharing at the end of 1997 was
188 and 670 respectively.
Freedom of Information
approach reflects our commitment to openness and our drive to provide a better
service to our customers. Our aim is to ensure that information can be accessed
with the greatest ease possible.
Corporate Identity
In recent years, Revenue has put very significant emphasis on the entire Revenue
organisation having a corporate focus and common purpose. This has been
reflected in the development of a single corporate mission, for example, and was
brought forward by means of corporate planning and corporate objective setting.
Almost as a natural evolution of the process the need for a common identity, which
would reflect the single organisation focus, had become evident.
A re-defined logo based on the gates of Dublin Castle, Revenues Head Office.
The incorporation of the Government Harp in Revenues corporate identity,
reflecting our role as part of Government and the civil service.
New corporate stationery.
Common corporate colours and naming system for stationery across Revenue.
The new identity was rolled out during 1997 and work will continue during 1998 and
beyond on signage, buildings, information leaflets and other publications.
Appendix 1
Main Legislative Changes in 1997
re-enactment of the provisions granting Capital Acquisitions Tax and Probate Tax
exemptions on the transfer of property between former spouses following the granting
of a divorce.
Stamp Duty
Changes to legislation contained in the Finance Act, 1997, included:
re-enactment of the provisions granting exemption from Stamp Duty on the transfer of
property between former spouses following the granting of a divorce.
Capital allowances were denied to certain packaged schemes in the case of a hotel investment
involving a room ownership scheme.
Capital allowances for buildings used for third level education purposes
Capital allowances were granted in respect of capital expenditure incurred on certain buildings used
for the purposes of third level education. The expenditure must be approved by the Minister for
Education and Science and covers both construction expenditure and expenditure on the provision of
machinery or plant for projects undertaken in the 3 year period from 1 July 1997.
An increased capital value threshold of 15,000 by reference to which capital allowances are granted
for new cars provided on or after 23 January 1997, was introduced.
A new scheme of capital allowances for capital expenditure by farmers on buildings or structures
necessary for the control of pollution was put in place. The scheme applies for 3 years from 6 April
The standard rate of corporation tax was reduced from 38% to 36%. Tax credits on distributions
(other than dividends out of manufacturing income of companies) were reduced in line with the rate
reduction. The reduced rate of corporation tax, first introduced in 1996, which applies to the first
50,000 of a companys income in an accounting year, was reduced from 30% to 28%.
The Finance Act 1997 sought to end the abuse of the double rent deduction whereby parties became
connected after the lease was drawn up.
Arising from the Partnership 2000 commitment, a number of tax reliefs were introduced for a new
form of employee share ownership trusts (ESOTS) which have been approved by the Revenue
Commissioners. ESOTS are a more flexible vehicle compared to Approved Profit Sharing Scheme
(APSS) for the acquisition of shares by employees in that, in particular, the trust may borrow to
purchase shares rather than relying solely on company contributions. The reliefs are as follows:
(i) The company establishing an ESOT may claim a corporation tax deduction for:
(ii) dividend income accruing to the trustees of an approved ESOT will be exempt
from the income tax surcharge in respect of the undistributed income of
discretionary trusts
(iii) the trustees of an approved ESOT will be exempt from capital gains tax on any gain arising on
the disposal of securities where those securities are transferred to the trustees of an (APSS).
Employerspension contributions
The law was clarified to ensure that only pension contributions actually paid by employers to
occupational pension schemes would qualify for tax relief but not those contributions for which
provision had only been made.
Evidence of authorisation
Provision was made to enable the Revenue Commissioners introduce a more efficient administrative
system for the identification of officers who have been authorised by the Revenue Commissioners to
exercise functions (including powers and duties) under certain statutory provisions. Each officer
involved will be issued with an identity card detailing the provisions under which he/she has been
authorised and the I.D. card will be taken to be evidence of the officers authorisation for the purposes
of those provisions.
The income of the regulatory body under the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997 known as the Irish
Takeover Panel was exempted from corporation tax.
Disability benefit payable for 3 weeks in the tax year 1997-98 and for 6 weeks in subsequent years was
exempted from tax.
Prior to the Finance Act, 1997, harbour authorities were exempt from tax in respect of income from
the normal provision of harbour facilities. The port companies which replace these harbour
authorities and other companies controlling harbours will now be exempt from corporation tax for the
calendar years 1997 and 1998 and will subsequently be brought within the charge to tax on a phased
basis. The phasing-in arrangements will involve a 2/3 reduction in taxable income in the year 1999
and a 1/3 reduction in the year 2000. For the years 2001 onwards, these companies will be fully
within the charge to corporation tax. Harbour authorities which are not replaced by port companies
will remain exempt.
Exit charge
Provisions were introduced to counter a capital gains tax avoidance scheme involving a company
disposing of assets after ceasing to be resident in the State. The scheme provides that, subject to
certain exceptions, when a company ceases to be resident in the State, it will be treated as having
disposed of its assets at that time thus giving rise to a charge to capital gains tax.
The relief was extended to cover expenditure on approved contents, burglar alarm systems and public
liability insurance. In addition, provision was made for the carry forward of unrelieved expenditure
for up to 2 years.
Film Relief
Amendments were made to the scheme of relief generally known as section 35 relief which allows
a deduction for investment in the share capital of certain Irish film production companies. The
principal amendments are:
an increase in the levels of finance which can be raised in respect of a particular film
Income Tax Exemption
persons aged 65 years or over but under 75 to 4,600 (single) and 9,200 (married),
The standard rate of income tax was reduced from 27% to 26%. The band of taxable income charged
to tax at the standard rate was widened from 18,800 to 19,800 for married couples and from 9,400
to 9,900 for single or widowed persons.
The rules relating to industrial buildings allowances (i.e. where a building is disposed of for less than
its tax written-down value) were clarified to remove any doubt that (a) a lease made at a small
premium is not an event which triggers a balancing allowance and (b) where a balancing allowance is
made, the written down value is reduced by the amount of the allowance.
Personal Allowances
age allowance was doubled to 400 for a single person and 800 for a
married couple.
The PAYE registration threshold for employers was raised from 6 to 30 per week
where a person is employed to work in the employers residence. The provision applies only where
he/she has one domestic employee in his/her employment.
Pre-trading expenses
Pre-trading expenses incurred in the 3 year period prior to commencement and which are revenue in
nature will be deductible in calculating profits or gains of a trade but will not be available for offset
against other income.
A number of improvements were made to the provisions relating to Approved Profits Sharing
Schemes (APSS). This results from the commitment by the Government and the social partners in
Partnership 2000 to support a more favourable tax treatment of employees share schemes and profit
sharing as a means of deepening partnership and securing commitment to competitiveness at the level
of enterprise.
Changes were made in the compilation and publication arrangements, under Section 1086 of the
Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 which require the Revenue Commissioners to compile and publish in
their Annual Report, lists of certain tax defaulters. The Commissioners will now compile these lists
on a quarterly basis and publish each list in Iris Oifigiil within 3 months from the end of the quarter.
The Commissioners may also publicise the lists in any other manner they consider appropriate.
A new income exemption was introduced for certain lump sum payments paid to employees under
agreed pay restructuring schemes which are certified by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and
Employment. The restructuring must involve pay reductions of at least 10% of basic pay which
remain in force for at least 5 years. The maximum tax-free lump sum per employee is 10,000.
A new income tax relief was introduced for tuition fees paid by individuals for approved training
courses of less that 2 years duration in the areas of information technology and foreign languages.
Tax relief, which is standard rated, is subject to the fees exceeding a de minimis of 250 and is
available up to a maximum of 1,000.
A new tax relief was introduced for gifts of money made to certain third level institutions which are
used for the purposes of projects approved by the Minister for Education and Science. The relief
applies to both personal and corporate donations with a minimum qualifying donation of 1,000.
Stock Relief
The existing 25% scheme of stock relief for farmers was extended for a further two years to 5 April
1999, while the special temporary regime of 100% stock relief for certain young, trained farmers was
also renewed.
The tax clearance system was extended to cover a moneylenders licence or a credit or mortgage
intermediarys authorisation.
an extension of the definition of forestry activities
an extension from 6 months to 10 years in the time limit for taking summary
proceedings in respect of offences under the scheme
the application of civil penalties for non-compliance with requirements of the scheme.
This will enable the names of those not complying with these requirements to be included
in the published list of tax defaulters.
Provision was made for a tax regime for a form of financial instrument known as a strip of a security.
Strips of an interest bearing security are created when the right to receive each interest payment as
well as the redemption of capital can be traded separately. The section removes tax barriers to dealing
in strips of such securities while ensuring against avoidance of tax in relation to such dealing.
The profits and gains of the Dublin Docklands Development Authority were exempted from both
corporation tax and capital gains tax. This Authority is the successor body to the Custom House
Docks Development Authority.
the deadline was extended for 1 year, subject to conditions, in connection with the general
urban renewal scheme to 31 July 1998, excluding the Temple Bar and Custom House
Docks areas
provision was made for the designation by the Minister for Finance after consultation
with the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications of areas immediately
adjacent to 7 regional airports.
A scheme of tax reliefs was provided to encourage the renewal and redevelopment of the Dublin
Docklands Area. Provision is made:
for the designation of areas of the Dublin Docklands Area by order. This can be for the
purposes of some or all of the tax incentives on the basis of specified criteria
for a double rent allowance for industrial buildings, commercial premises, and hotels
which are leased. However, in the case of hotels, the double rent allowance is only
available where the capital allowances on the hotel are disclaimed, and
Temple Bar Area
A scheme of tax reliefs to encourage the renewal and redevelopment of the Temple Bar Area of
Dublin was introduced in the Finance Act, 1991. That legislation was particularly complex in format.
With a view to its inclusion in a consolidated body of legislation later in 1997, the scheme of reliefs
was rewritten on a stand alone basis, in so far as this was feasible.
Excise Duty
The following changes were made in the Finance Act 1997:
the rates of duty on petrols and auto-diesel were increased by amounts ranging from 1p
to 2p per litre, inclusive of VAT
the rates of duty on leaded and superunleaded petrol were increased by 4p per litre,
inclusive of VAT
the rate of duty on cigarettes was increased by 7p per packet of 20, inclusive of VAT, with
pro rata increases for other tobacco products
a package of measures designed to combat, in particular, the illegal importation and sale
of tobacco products was introduced. It includes increased fines, the possibility of
imprisonment, measures to facilitate legal proceedings and increased powers for Garda
and Revenue officers.
Value-Added Tax
Important changes were made to VAT law in the 1997 Finance Act, to tackle VAT avoidance
schemes in property transactions. These schemes were based on commercial leases taken out by
VAT-exempt companies. The effect of the changes was to:
treat assignment and surrenders of leases in the same way as the creation of a lease is
treated for VAT
close avoidance schemes based on artificially low rents agreed at less than arms length.
There were also important changes in the 1997 Finance Act concerning the way these charges are
treated for VAT purposes. Technological progress in this sector had not been matched by changes in
the VAT rules. As a result, all EU Member States agreed that the rules need to be changed. The
amendments to the Act were the result of an agreement of all EU governments to seek the same
derogation from the EU Sixth VAT Directive. Prior to the rule changes, these services were provided
from outside the EU to customers inside the EU without payment of VAT. The main rule changes
a user, other than a private individual, buying telecommunications services from outside
the EU must now self-account for and pay VAT on those services
the same now applies where a user, other than a private individual, buys the service from
another Member State
where a non-EU service provider supplies a service to private individuals in the State, the
service provider must register here.
new registration requirements and a reduced VAT rate for retail sales by farmers of
horticultural products
confirmation that exemption from VAT applied to certain pre school and child care
confirmation of the Budget increase in the rate of VAT on the supply of livestock, live
greyhounds and the hire of horses from 2.8% to 3.3% and a corresponding increase in the
farmers flat-rate addition.
a new provision was inserted to enable the Revenue Commissioners to scan and store
electronically (or otherwise) images of VRT documentation and to allow the
authenticated copy records that have been retrieved from the storage medium to be
admissible as evidence in court proceedings.
Donations of Heritage Items (with valuations) which were donated to the national collections in 1997
under Section 1003, Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997:
Archival material including deeds, maps, drawings and memorabilia relating to the
Fitzwilliam & Pembroke Estates in Dublin & Wicklow (13th - 20th centuries) - 320,000
Collection of 5 modern Irish paintings by of Jack B. Yeats, William John Leech and
James Humbert Craig - 125,000
Appendix 2
Statutory Instruments in 1997
313 Finance Act, 1997 Provides for the operative date of Sections
(Commencement of 101 and 113 of the Finance Act, 1997.
Sections 101 and 113) Order, 1997. Section 101 amended section 8(3) of the
VAT Act to provide that farmers selling
agricultural produce by retail will be treated
as taxable persons subject to registration
limits. Section 113 amends the Sixth
Schedule to the VAT Act to provide for
application of the 12.5 % rate of VAT to
certain horticultural products.
Appendix 3
Revenue Publications
Numbrer Title
IT 1 Allowances, Reliefs & Tax Rates
IT 5 Refund of DIRT
IT 7 Covenants to Individuals
IT 29 Tax Reliefs for Renewal and Improvement of Certain Resort Areas
RES 1 Explanatory leaflet on the legislative provisions relating to the residence in Ireland
of individuals for tax purposes
CAT 1 Gift Tax
SD 1 Stamp Duty
CG 4 Change of Address
C&E 6 Appeals Procedures relating to Payment of Excise Duty
VRT 4 Vehicle Registration Tax Tax Relief on Transfer of Residence (Duty Free Cars)
CHY 1 Applying for Relief from Tax on Income and Property of Charities
CHY 2 Applying for Relief from Income Tax and Corporation Tax for Certain Sporting
CHY 3 Tax Relief for Covenantors (for teaching the Natural Sciences)
CHY 4 Tax Relief for Covenantees (for teaching the Natural Sciences)
CS 1 Code of Practice For the delivery of service to the customers of the Revenue
Euro Business Link Planning for the Euro
VAT on Property
Finance Act 1997 Changes A Revenue Guide
Statements of Practice
Number Title
SP-CAT/1/97 Capital Acquisitions Tax - Indexation
Public Notices
Number Title
Notice No. 1095 Importation of Tourist Publicity Material
Notice No. 1179 Relief from Customs Duty and VAT on Gift Consignments and
consignments of negligible value imported from outside the European
Notice No. 1851B Reliefs from Vehicle Registration Tax and Value-Added Tax on
(Passenger) Vehicles, and Excise Duty on fuel, used by severely and permanently
disabled persons as passengers.
Notice No. 1875 Relief from import charges when transferring residence from outside the
European Union.
Revenue E-Mail Addresses -
Collector-General, Limerick
E-mail [email protected]
Collector-General, Dublin
E-mail [email protected]