M1 W14

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Worksheet 14


Syllabus reference 9.2.4

1 Classify each of the following statements as true (T) or false (F). For those statements that
are false, rewrite the statement so it is correct.
a A displacement reaction involves the transfer of protons between a metal and a metal

b Reduction is the gain of electrons by a substance.


c When copper loses two electrons to form Cu2+ it is reduced.


d An oxidation reaction is always accompanied by a reduction reaction.


e A more active metal will displace a less active metal from a solution of its ions.

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia CONQUERINGCHEMISTRY HSC Module 1 WS 14


f For positive monatomic ions the oxidation state is always +1.


Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia CONQUERINGCHEMISTRY HSC Module 1 WS 14

g The oxidation number of manganese in MnO2 is +1.


h For any redox reaction the number of electrons lost must be equal
to the number of electrons gained.


i In the reaction CuO(s) + H2(g) Cu(s) + H2O(l) copper goes from an

oxidation state of +1 to 0.


j For any neutral compound the sum of the oxidation numbers of the atoms
in the molecule must equal zero.


2 By referring to the Activity Series select four metals which will displace:
a zinc from a solution of zinc nitrate



b copper from a solution of copper sulfate



3 a In which direction (left to right) will the following reactions occur? If no reaction
occurs write no reaction.
i Ag+ + Mg Ag + Mg2+ _____________________________

ii Fe + Al3+ Fe2+ + Al __________________________

iii Fe + Cu2+ Fe2+ + Cu __________________________

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia CONQUERINGCHEMISTRY HSC Module 1 WS 14

b Write the correct balanced equation for each of the reactions above.




4 a Which is the strongest reductant out of Pb, Al, Fe and Cu, and which is the weakest?



b Which is the strongest oxidant out of K+, Ag+, Al3+ and Sn2+, and which is the weakest?



5 Write balanced ionic equations for the following.

a zinc is placed in a copper sulfate solution



b lead is added to a solution containing Ag+ ions



c iron is placed in a solution containing Na+ and Pb2+ ions



6 Give the oxidation number of each of the following elements in the compounds list

a potassium bromide _______________________________________

Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia CONQUERINGCHEMISTRY HSC Module 1 WS 14

b magnesium _______________________________________

c aluminium oxide _______________________________________

d iron(II) chloride _______________________________________

e iodine _______________________________________

f iron(III) chloride _______________________________________

7 Identify the species that is oxidised and the species that is reduced in each of the
following reactions. Name the oxidant and reductant.

a Cl2 + 2HBr 2HCl + Br2



b I2O5 + 3CO I2 + 3CO2



c 6Mn3+ + I- + 6OH- 6Mn2+ + IO3- + 3H2O



Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia CONQUERINGCHEMISTRY HSC Module 1 WS 14

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