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B.TECH/CE/3RD SEM/CIVL 2101/2016 B.

TECH/CE/3RD SEM/CIVL 2101/2016

(vii) The distance formula for finding distances using a theodolite, for a Find the local attraction at the affected stations and also the
horizontal line of sight, is corrected bearings.
(a) Ks+C (b) K+Cs (c) K/s+C (d) K+C/s. 4 + 8 = 12
(viii) A transition curve is essentially used to
(a) generate more frictional forces for stability. Group - C
(b) allow vehicles to have increased speed while driving. 4. (a) The following consecutive readings were taken with a level on
(c) neglect the effect of centrifugal forces. continuously sloping ground at a common interval of 15 m. The
(d) avoid abrupt change in radius from a straight line to a finite readings are 0.320, 1.125, 2.265, 2.950, 3.615, 0.535, 1.460, 2.815,
radius curve. 3.105, 3.445, 0.605, 1.925, and 2.885. The last station has an
(ix) A total station can measure elevation of 100.000 m. Rule out a page of level book and enter the
(a) distances electronically readings. Calculate the reduced levels of the points by Rise and Fall
(b) horizontal angles accurately method.
(c) vertical angles and distances (b) Write down the characteristics of contour lines. What is meant by
(d) horizontal and vertical angles and distances. topographic map?
(x) The zero graduation in a prismatic compass is marked in which 6 + (4 + 2) = 12
position of the circle?
(a) North end (b) South end 5. (a) Write a brief note on method of repetition.
(c) East end (d) West end. (b) What is meant by fixed hair stadia method and movable hair stadia
method in tacheometry?
Group - B
(c) To determine the elevation of station P in a tacheometric survey, the
2. (a) Define surveying. State the basic differences between Plane and following observations were made with the staff held vertical. The
Geodetic Surveying. instrument was fitted with an anallactic lens and its multiplying and
(b) A 20 m chain was tested before the commencement of the days additive constant were 100 and 0 respectively. If R.L. of B.M. is 250
work and found to be 10cm too short. After chaining 910 m, the m, calculate R.L. of station P. Calculate the horizontal distance
chain was found to be 20cm too long. At the end of days work, after between B.M. and station P.
chaining a total distance of 1526 m, the chain was found to be 25cm Instrument H.I. Staff Vertical
Staff readings (m)
too long. What was the true distance chained? station (m) Station angle
4 + 8 = 12 O 2.45 B.M. -500 1.335,1.895,3.460
O 2.45 C.P. +930 0.780,1.265,2.745
3. (a) Briefly describe the Radiation method of Plane Table with the help of P 2.40 C.P. -630 1.155,1.615,2.075
a neat sketch.
2 + 2 + 8 = 12
(b) The following bearings were observed while traversing an area with
a compass: Group - D
Line FB BB
PQ S3615E N3615W 6. (a) A chain line was divided into seven sections of 30m each and offsets
were taken from the chain line to a hedge. The lengths of the offsets
QR S4430W N4530E
were (in m): 0, 2.65, 3.80, 3.75, 4.65, 3.60, 5.00and 5.80. Find the
RS N7145W S7100E
area between the chain line, the first and last offsets, and the
ST N1400E S1430W
boundary by (i) trapezoidal rule and (ii) Simpsons rule.
TP N6115E S6100W
CIVL 2101 2 CIVL 2101 3
B.TECH/CE/3RD SEM/CIVL 2101/2016
(b) A single-level section has a formation width of 7.5 m and side slopes B.TECH/CE/3RD SEM/CIVL 2101/2016
2:1. The depth of cutting at the centre at 30 m intervals are 1.8 m ,
2.175 m, 2.55m, 2.925m and 3m. Find the volume of earthwork in
(CIVL 2101)
the length of 120 m by both prismoidal formula and trapezoidal
Time Allotted : 3 hrs Full Marks : 70
4 + 8 = 12
Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.
7. (a) A curve has a radius of 400 m and a deflection angle of 40. The
chainage of T1 is 1208.25 m. Compute and tabulate the angles and Candidates are required to answer Group A and
theodolite readings to set out the curve by Rankines Method. any 5 (five) from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.

(b) Explain the following with necessary figures: Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as
(i) Back tangent (ii) Deflection angle (iii) Long chord (iv) Tangent practicable.
length. Group A
8 + 4 = 12 (Multiple Choice Type Questions)
Group - E 1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 1 = 10
8. (a) Describe basic concept of Triangulation. What are the objectives of (i) Length of a Gunters chain is
Hydrographic surveying? (a) 33ft (b) 22ft (c) 66ft (d) 100ft.
(b) Mention the various equipment used for sounding and describe (ii) A chain was used to mark a distance of 150 metres. The designated
them in brief. length of the chain was 30 meters. On testing, the chain was found to
(2 + 2) + 8 = 12 be 30.01 m long. The actual length measured is
(a) 149.95 m (b) 150.00 m
9. (a) Describe with a neat sketch Location of a sounding point by (c) 150.05 m (d) 151.00 m.
(iii) A 2 curve of chord length 20 m has radius of
(b) A sounding was located by one angle from boat and one angle from (a) 573 m (b) 286.5 m (c) 143 m (d) 72.5 m.
the shore. P and Q were shore signals 934 m apart. The angle
measured were <SPQ =76 42 and <PSQ =32 56 . Find the (iv) Which of the following accessories is not used in plane table
coordinates of S with respect to P. surveying?
4 + 8 = 12 (a) Alidade (b) Trough compass
(c) Prismatic compass (d) Plumbing fork.
(v) Whole Circle Bearing of a line is 12015. Its Reduced Bearing is
(a) S5945E (b) N3015E
(c) S3015E (d) S12015E.
(vi) Bearing of line AB is 1853420 and BC is 2354640. The included
angle between them is
(a) 501220 (b) 613000
(c) 1241320 (d) 1294740.

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